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9 Error Parcels (Kick-Outs)

Different kinds of process failures will lead to kicked-out parcels. Such cases are counted as
Failures as the general category and can be split further into more detailed subcategories. The
failure parcel is always marked with the red Guided Divert color. The Sideline packages are not
part of this category.

Technical Errors
The root cause of such failure can be found in a technical aspect of the process. The operator has
limited chance to influence the result. Although, some categories can be mitigated with a good
loading practices.

SAFETY_STOP_FLUSH Parcels driven out during the autoflush after E-Stop. Labeling skipped.

MISMATCH_FLUSH Parcels driven out during the autoflush after mismatch error. Labeling

NODATA The machine did not receive a response from the AEG within the
maximum allowed duration, as defined in the communication protocol

BAD_REQUEST The AEG determined that the machine send a bad or malformed
INDUCT message.

AEG_ERROR The machine received a response from the AEG indicating that a
general error occurred within the AEG.

MISC_ERROR_MACHINE A miscellaneous error state was detected that is attributed to an

machine or dependent equipment issue.

VERIFY_SALNOREAD No SAL label was read by the verification camera while the SLAM was
detected. Generally related to reading, printing or application issues.

Possible causes:
● Reflection on the SAL label (shiny label - not possible to read).
● SAL applied under angle/over the edge - not possible to read
● SAL blown off during the application
● SAL flipped
● Printed text shifted on the label
● Print shaded

VERIFY_SHIPNOREAD No SLAM label was read by the verification camera while the SAL was

Possible causes:
● SLAM label over labeled by SAL - no readable code left
● Damaged/bad quality SLAM label

VERIFY_SALSHIPNOREAD Both SAL and SLAM were not read by the verification camera.
Possible causes:
● Combination of the two previous cases (e.g. SAL reflection at
the same time with damaged and over labeled SLAM)
● 1122_ix_CameraTrig sensor flickering (likely being triggered by
a blown-off label)

VERIFY_SAL_MULTIREAD More than one SAL label detected by the verification camera.

Possible causes:
● SAL label stuck on the roller under the verification camera,
being read over and over again. The first time the code is read,
this error happens and the code is added in a “black list”.
Every other time the same code is ignored and SUCCESS
reported instead.

VERIFY_SAL_MISMATCH The SAL label does not match the value received from AEG. That
means the SAL label was not applied on the correct parcel. Two
mismatches in row will stop the line and alarm will show up.
Either the SAL label does not match the verification code or the SLAM
label read by the verification does not match the SHIPLABEL (received
from the AEG - based on the infeed read).

Possible causes:
● Applicator trigger missed (e.g. flat envelope not detected)
● ASL out of sequence, problems on the infeed

UNKNOWN Another error or unknown error occurred while the machine was
attempting to process the parcel.

Process Errors
The root cause of such failure can be found mostly in the loading procedure and can be influenced
by the operator (following the good practices while aligning the parcels etc.)

NOREAD No SLAM label read on infeed. Dedicated error label applied.

Possible causes:
● SLAM label not facing up
● SLAM label dirty or damaged

MULTIREAD More than 1 SLAM label read during one infeed camera reading.
Dedicated error label applied.

Possible causes:
● Parcels side by side
● Parcels over each other
● Insufficient gapping
● More than 1 SLAM label on 1 parcel
● Other code matching the ShipID or TrackID format read

SAL_CODE_AT_INFEED Parcel with SAL label already on it is loaded again on infeed,

Applied only for the SAL labels with the data matrix code.
Dedicated error label applied.
NOT_ALIGNED Profiling error as described in the chapter Profiling. Labeling
skipped Labeling skipped..

Possible causes:
● Parcel twisted
● Parcel driving only under one of the two laser sensors
● Parcel driving completely out of the laser sensors

WRONG_ORIENTATION Profiling error as described in the chapter Profiling. Labeling

skipped to avoid crash with the applicator or failed application.

Possible causes:
● Dangerous increasing parcel profile detected
● Too big step down in the front part of the parcel

OVER_LENGTH Parcel longer than the maximum specified 1100mm. Dedicated

error label applied.

MISC_ERROR_OPERATIONS A miscellaneous error state was detected that is attributed to an

operational SOP miss.

Possible causes:
● Parcel under the minimal length
● Parcel flushed due to normal stop
● Other potentially defined categories

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