Expose Judicial Misconduct For Charles Dyer

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My name is deborah kay swan. This document serves as my of affidavit of truth to be put in the public record. These listed public servants along with innumerable others have not followed their fiduciary duties nor have they upheld their oath of office. They have abused their positions and put lives in danger. We the People have granted these public servants the privilege to be placed in these important positions within our communities to make sure our justice system is run within its rightful authority. A public servant is not authorized by the position they serve to over step their powers within their positions, or ignore the oath they took. When a violation occurs it is up to We the People to make a public record of these violations and hold these public servants accountable. The power is within the People, Delegated and transferred to you the recipient and all holding a position of Public Trust to read and acknowledge and accept thereby giving full faith and credit unless rebutted by affidavit, evidence and truth. Your obligations under your oath to hold fully accountable those that have acted outside of their authorized special powers of agency for and of The People. To take proper action to halt, stop, stand down any and all unlawful actions ongoing and/or resulting from the unauthorized actions, documents, or other causing the chain of events inscribe herein.

On August 19, 2011 around 4:00 AM, I was deep in sleep when I was suddenly awoken to bright lights in my eyes and then yanked out of the top bunk to the floor. When my feet hit the floor I was able to see armed men with weapons that appeared to be AR15's and immediately I was told to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I then felt this gestapo man, who just pulled me off my bunk from a dead sleep, put handcuffs on my wrists. I said to Jim who was asleep in the lower bunk, that I was being arrested. I was then told to turn back around and stay close as this armed man grabbed my cuffed wrists and pushed me through all the commotion down the hallway and out the front door. Along the way I saw about 15 more of these armed men in full gear with lights attached to their helmets. They all were taking other guests from their sleeping spaces to outside in the front yard of the vacation home in Destine Florida.. As it turned out I was the only one restrained with handcuffs. I was taken to an unmarked car that had about 6 men dressed in street cloths, with side arms all standing waiting to speak with me. Two of these men came directly to me and the first thing they did was hold a picture of a living man known to me to be called Charles Dyer in my face and asked me if I knew where he was. I was never read any rights, Miranda or otherwise. I was not taken to a magistrate and I asked if they had a warrant, they did not respond. I was told I was not under arrest, but I was being "detained". I automatically believed they had some type of warrant or authorization only because of how many officers and SWAT that were inside the house on the property and how they handcuffed me. However, no warrant or other authorization was ever shown, referenced or expressed. They proceeded to question me while under threat, duress and coercion after being assaulted, unlawfully detained and forced to go and do against my free will, clear violations of life liberty and pursuit of happiness. One of the first questions that I was asked was, who the family is that left at three (3) I was immediately worried when they mentioned this and I explained that it was my boyfriend Jim's brother Jake and his family going back to Texas early. I asked about them and was assured that they were fine. I learned later what had happened. Though under threat, duress and coercion still I answered their questions the best I could being in fear for everyone safety. I told them that to my knowledge "Charles Dyer" was not in Florida State and I had no idea where he was or how to get in contact with him, which is all true. The men accosting me and intimidating me persisted in their intimidation requiring me to tell what I did not know, the whereabouts of the living man known as Charles Dyer. These two (2) unidentified men, one that was very tall with brown hair and large build and played "bad cop" routine, and the other is about 5'10" white or blond hair who played "good cop" routine, and the only one that would give me his name and number later was, James Stewart 850-432-3476 of the FBI. Both appeared to me to be in their late 40s or early fifties. They kept firing questions at me over and over again of the whereabouts of Charles Dyer and finally asked me to prove I did not know where he

was. I said How can I prove something that is not true? They asked if I had a cell phone and requested to look at my cell phone record. They took me by the arm causing me to walk where they pleased over to my SUV that was parked outside the home. These unidentified men then took the restraints off so I could retrieve my phone from the SUV. They then proceeded to have me pull up my recent call records from my cell phone, which they wrote down. I was relieved by them removing the restraints. Being that they were armed and that I had already been assaulted, forced against my will at the point of guns and armed men, along with having my hands restrained and brought into public in my pajamas, I did my best to satisfy their demands. Feeling a bit more secure without restraints, I asked them to identify themselves but only one man wrote the information on a piece of paper and

handed it to me. Feeling a bit bolder I asked for identification but was only able to get one name out of all of these men. Special Agent James Stewart out of Pensacola Florida. I asked him why all this excessive use of force? I explained to him that Charles Dyer had not been found guilty of any crime. I asked him when did the FEDS get involved when it is a state issue? Special agent James said that they received a call from Agent Western with the Lawton FBI, and that Charles Dyer was armed with explosives and he was out to kill people. I have not seen nor heard of any affidavit declaring this to have personal knowledge that the man known as Charles Dyer was armed and intended to kill people. Having personal knowledge of this man I am assured that it is not his personality to hurt or harm anyone, not his child or anyone at all. The fact that ten days later when he was taken into custody, was found cold, tired and hungry and unarmed, validates this and refutes the fraudulent claim by the domestic terrorists disguised as federal agents. Getting my head back a little I asked how they entered the house without a warrant and James Stewart said they were "invited inside". After approximately an hour of being imposed upon they left. My boyfriend Jim came over while I was sitting in the car and I asked him, how on earth they got in the house without a warrant. Jim told me that his father Ned Bade who rented the vacation home received a call from his other son Jake. Jake told his father that he was on the side of the road with a flat tire and to please come

and help. When Ned opened the door to go help his son and family on the side of the road, the two men pretending to be FBI agents with SWAT behind them held up a paper with images in the likeness of DEBORAH SWAN and CHARLES DYER and asked him if he knew either or both of them. Ned said he knew Deborah Swan and she was in the house asleep but did not know Charles Dyer. The men said they needed to come into the house and insure that Charles Dyer was not in the house and Ned stepped aside. What else could he do with 15 armed men pointing guns and not wanting any trouble. During my conversation, Jim told me that a small group of SWAT had Jake and family held at gunpoint on the side of the highway for almost an hour on their way back to Texas. Jake and family left Florida around 3 am and apparently the domestic terrorists in uniform followed them out of town. The SWAT (domestic terrorists) pulled the family over and had them all out of the car with weapons pointed at them. This was 2 adults 3 small children. The entire time the domestic terrorists going by the name SWAT never lowered their weapons until the order came across that they were clear to let this family go. Once again having no warrant or any lawful authorization. They finally left after coercing Jake to call his father, wake Ned up and lie to him about having a flat tire and needing help, so that the door would be opened and entry made under false pretense, threat duress and imposition. When his dad was leaving the Destine house to go meet his son to help change a flat tire, he opened the front door and was greeted with AR15's and lights shoved in his face. This is how they got their so called invitation to come inside. Everyone had their lives put in danger. I then realized that this was a staged event and they were trying to provoke and instigate a scenario that would result in his death and remove Charles Dyer and put a stop to exposing the corruption of government, and promoting the Constitution and the oath of office of all public servants. I also told agent James Stewart that this is crazy and never before had I ever heard of a "nation wide man hunt for a man who has not even been convicted of any crime. About 10 minutes after they left and learning from Jim of these details, I received a phone call from Agent Ken Western out of Lawton FBI in Oklahoma. I asked him what this was all about and why does he feel like this is all necessary? We had a 45 min conversation and I recorded it. By this time I was boiling mad at the imposition, danger, embarrassment, defamation, reckless endangerment, intimidation by those sworn to protect against this very thing happening,During this conversation Agent Western tells me that Charles needs to be found and he needs to show up for his court date, I explained to him how he did not get a fair trial, the States own DNA evidence that clearly exonerated him was not allowed to be presented to the Jury at the first hearing. His life is under threat evidenced by his home being burnt to the ground, and that this mans life is in danger. I told him I am in fear for the safety for all people who even know Charles evidenced by this early morning raid without probable cause, affidavit and warrant. I asked Agent Ken Western what was his jurisdiction, and he ignored my direct

question. How is it possible to have a nationwide manhunt for a man that is not convicted of anything and there is no warrant. Charles only needed to show up for a future court date is the question that reveals that there is definitely an unlawful witch hunt being perpetrated by those Terrorists posing as public servants. Jim kept interrupting this conversation, telling me to hurry up and come inside so I could answer questions and explain to the terrorized family, what the hell just happened. I was so humiliated.I was asked to pack my bags and leave the vacation home. Ned Bade was very disturbed with what all had happened. Jim's sister Julie was terrified of what was told to her by a man posing as a deputy about Charles Dyer. I say "posing as" because it is self evident that a person sworn to protect the Life Liberty and pursuit of Happiness would and could not by the bounds of the position itself , do these acts I am attesting to. Therefore they must be imposters and these imposters were imposing. While I was being questioned, Julie had her baby in her arms, 8 month old, had asked one of the deputies what did Charles Dyer do? Julie was told that Charles Dyer was armed with explosives and on his way to kill people. This story they told created a false impression about who Charles Dyer was, and everyone was in fear for their safety if I was around. I apologized and left the vacation home. I went ahead and still stayed in Florida with Jim for a few more days. The rest of my vacation in Destine I was followed everywhere. I had unmarked cars stalking me and this went on the entire trip back to Spring Texas. When I pulled into my neighborhood in Spring, I noticed immediately that I was being watched by a white car that was parked in my neighborhood. As soon as I pulled out I was followed. I flipped a u turn and got right behind the car so I could get a plate number. The tags on the car are 633 NWH.

I played the follow game until I thought I had lost him. I drove all the way to the other

side of Houston. As I went through a parking lot and got in the M.C. Donalds drive thru, I looked over and saw the same car on the other end of the parking lot just sitting there. I cut out of line and drove right up to verify it was the same car. The license plate was a 633 NWH. I then rolled my window down and he actually rolled his down. This man was around mid-50s salt and pepper hair, appeared to be overweight, I shouted at him, Why are you following me? He then said "fuck you bitch" and rolled his window up and sped off out of the parking lot. I then grabbed my cell camera off the passenger seat and followed him up the road. I took photos of his car. This man was driving erratic and made a sharp turn into a residential area. I then went back to the McDonalds and called the police. I made a police report and gave the officer my information. I then started to drive back home and now I noticed 3 different cars following me. So the entire drive I was playing the slowdown, speed up, off the highway , back on the highway , u turns here and a u turn there, and I figured out that without a doubt I am being stalked and followed now by 3 vehicles. I now was in fear for my safety so I called "my friend bud" who drives a tow truck. He came and picked me up and I stayed with him for the rest of the evening. While I was in his truck my friend bud is noticing the same cars following him in his tow truck. We were able to corner one of the vehicles in a parking lot to find out who was stalking us and who they were working for.

Stalking is unlawful harassment, a clear violation of Title 18, U.S. Code, and Section 242, titled Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law, which primarily governs misconduct investigations. Clearly violating their oath of office which all public servants and/or agents are subject to. My friend bud then called the police and they had 4 deputies out of Montgomery County Sheriff Office came to the scene. We gave our information and the deputy walked over to the Tahoe along with the four other officers. Bud and I sat in the tow truck and watched these 4 officers talk with whoever was in the Tahoe, looking in the windows and appeared very interested with whatever was inside the Tahoe. This went on for about 15 minutes. Then they all just got back in the police cars and drove off. Nothing was said to me or even reported. I was in shock that this how it was handled. I felt very unsafe and I now knew I did not have any protection from the police if something was to happen with these unknown cars that were threatening my life and my safety. Clearly it is evident that the public servants, even if a business entity is

subject to the position they represent. The United States including any and all of their agencies has adopted the Constitutions in virtually the same form and manner where the performance of duty is clear. The trespasses of these men are equal in par with treason. There is clear cut evidence in all that they have done to obstruct justice, interfere with due process and committed war on the very principals they are commissioned to protect. I can think of no greater reason to insure these men are brought to justice. That night I was hearing all sorts of disinformation about Charles. The media was painting a picture of accused rapist, armed and dangerous man with explosives on the run and ready to kill people. They even said Charles Dyer is part of a Timothy McVeigh Militia group. (see EXHIBIT )It it is my belief and understanding based on inscribed and my personal experiences, that this is all due to Agent Ken Western. This is proof of Western using his authority against the people and causing everyones lives to be put in danger. He has violated our rights by disturbing peaceful inhabitants and our right to peacefully inhabit. Even under the leiber code the code book for an occupying force, this type of disturbing the peace is unacceptable and any officer that abridges its restraints is dealt with a heavy hand. So not knowing if we are an invaded country already or not, it is clear that the invaders are no respecters of law. Whether creators law or the Law God, Natural Law, the law of nature, Constitutional law, common law, corporate law, UCC, or any other rules designated to the agents and employees of all servant of their creators, man; the conclusion is the same. These men and women that do these atrocities are clearly not agents of any lawful or legal entity and must be dealt with with immediately by their supervisors and show that We the people are running the show. Not these thugs and terrorists in uniforms designed to intimidate the American people.

The next morning I heard that Charles Dyer was spotted out in the Sealy area in Texas. So I decided to head out to this area. I again was being followed by the same white car that was followed me out from my neighborhood the previous evening. I drove all the way to Round Rock Texas and stayed in this area in case Charles Dyer was apprehended. I was very worried for his life. The FBI was evacuating camp grounds and setting up command posts out in different parts of West Texas. There were stories of sighting of Dyer all over. As more time passed, Charles Dyer was being played out by the Sheriff Wayne McKinney , the Prosecutor Jason Hicks, and

Agent Ken Western to the media as a terrorist on the loose. All this is abuse of power and all departments involved were acting in fraud, constructive fraud against the oath of office required. To my knowledge Ken Western is in charge of this operation and he had no valid or verifiable authority! I got myself a hotel in Round Rock Texas and was listening to the different news reports. Then on the morning of August 24th, 2011 I was driving through a parking lot and noticed the same group of cars that were following me all were parked at Dennys restaurant so I stopped to take some photos.

I then went to my hotel at the Extended Stay. I took a shower and was about to go to the store. I walked and got into my car and as I turned my car on and was about to pull out of the parking space, I was surrounded by 2 Round Rock Police cars and then within seconds I had 4 more pulled in around me. immediately locked all my doors and rolled up the windows. They were screaming at me and telling me to get out of the car, guns drawn. They were all trying to open up my doors and walked all around my car while they were jiggling my door handles.

Screaming the whole time to get out of the car. I asked if they had a warrant and they never answered my questions. They just kept yelling at me to get out of the car. I noticed 2 of them were looking down in the back of my car I asked them what they were doing to my car. I was then told they were putting some type of tire restraints on all 4 of my tires and if I try to drive away my tires will get popped. I refused to get out of my car and I just kept asking if they had a warrant. After about 20 minutes of the police harassing me the same 2 men I saw in the Dennys parking lot that had been following me, walked up to my driver window and told me to get out of the car.

I kept refusing and they tried to tell me I was not going to get arrested and I need to talk to them. I asked who they were with and they said the FBI. I was never given a name or badge number. After about an hour of this I told them to call Ken Western and get him on the phone. I rolled down my window enough for them to hand me the cell, and Ken

Western again told me that this was not going to stop until Charles Dyer was found. I asked him again if he had a warrant and he told me again he does not need a warrant. This is a complete abuse of power. I told him I was not going to talk to anyone without some type of warrant. If he does not have a warrant then they have no jurisdiction. Before they all left I asked one of the agents if he even knows what this is all about and all he told me was he was called and a favor was asked. So he is returning a favor for Ken Western! I was then told by the agent wearing the blue shirt, You may leave now Ms. Swan. You have a real nice day. They removed the spikes out from under all my tires and then they all got in their cars and drove away. About 25 minutes later I received a call from a friend telling me that Charles Dyer was in custody out in the Fort Bend county jail. . When I arrived in Fort Bend County that evening, the news media Channel 11 was already there and tried to get me to speak, but I told then no thank you. I was given permission to see Charles and I wanted to make sure he was not hurt I visited with him for about 25 min and then left. Now that Charles Dyer is safe and in custody I can go home and get back to work. The stalking and harassment has not stopped. I went on a road trip up in to New York, and during the drive I was stalked by a white Tahoe.

This Tahoe was everywhere I went. He was not concerned about whether I noticed him or not. I began to get frustrated so I decided to play the same game on him. I flipped around and started to follow him this made him very upset. Every time he approached a stop light, I tried to pull up next to him but he would cut me off every time. This went on for almost 20 min. After a while I got in front of him, and then as we both were crossing through a stop light I stopped my vehicle in the middle of the intersection, put my hazards on and started to honk my horn and flash my bright head lights . This made the Tahoe have to drive around me and then I started to do the same while I was behind him. I then saw all these blue lights and I was surrounded by the Little Rock Arkansas Police Department. The Tahoe slammed on his breaks and jumped out of his Tahoe and ran to the back where all the police cars were parked around my car. The officer that came up to my window was very nice and he listened to what I told him. I explained that the White Tahoe had been stalking and following me. I showed him the video and photos I took on my cell phone. This officer then realized my story was true since I have proof of what I was telling him. This police man then went back and spoke to the Man. While I was waiting I had a female officer approach my car and asked if I had a tattoo on my left ankle. I said I did. She asked to see it so I raised my leg up to the window and showed my ankle to her. They all were back having a big discussion with the Man in the Tahoe. After almost 30 minutes the same officer walked up to my window, gave my identification back and told me I needed to take care of my business quickly and to leave Arkansas first thing in the morning. I told him I will be leaving as soon as possible. After that situation, the rest of the road trip was calm. I went to New York and took care of my business. I arrived back to the Dallas area on September 8, 2011. I was not comfortable with going back to my house in Spring due to all this activity. I was in a hotel in Addison, Texas when on September 10, 2011 I get a knock at my room door, and it was the Terrorism Task Force in Dallas County. I asked what they wanted and I was told that my car has "a hit on it and is listed on Terrorist Watch List". I was told I needed to answer some of their questions. I asked if they had a warrant, and I was told they did not. But they wanted to discuss why I was on this list. I then asked if they were going to arrest me and they said they were not. I usually would not of talked but these men were actually not as threatening as the previous incidents, so I chose to walk outside my room and find out more of what this was about. I have some of this conversation on You Tube. I was informed that I was on this terrorist watch list and they were just making few rounds since it is the eve of 911, and they wanted to find out if I had any information as to why I was on this list. I began to explain that I was a target due to my support for Charles Dyer. They took notes and we answered each others questions. They ran my identification and to my surprise an active warrant came up. I was then arrested for some overdraft check back from 2003. I have already taken care of this like 8 yrs. ago. But I was arrested and taken in to Addison Jail. I had to pay $869.00 to get released.

Then that very next morning on Monday, I get another knock at my hotel door. This time it is Agent Ken Western. I looked out the window and he help up a subpoena. I opened the door and he told me I have been served. It was a subpoena for me to appear in front of the Grand Jury on September 18. 2011

As I was leaving to check out of this hotel, I was being stalked by a white van. I got a

photo of the license plate. I went to another hotel and began to learn more of this entire subpoena. During this time I was also trying to help raise donations for Charles Dyer. . I started a web page called Dollars4Dyer. I set it up for the donations to be directly deposited into Mrs. Dyers account by using her email missquilt42@yahoo.com. (SEE EXHIBIT D) But now since this man hunt has happened and Ken Western created such a big ordeal over all this and made Charles Dyer out to be the next Timothy McVeigh,

People are getting the truth in their hands and realizing this is a set up. There is a complete independent investigation that was started by The Hinky Meter. This is exactly what needed to happen for the truth to get out!. Conducting our own investigations to make sure the judicial system have not over stepped their authority and make sure the accused are getting a fair trial, due process. Anytime there is a threat to lock up someone indefinitely, we the people must get involved and pay attention to how the justice system is operating. I keep telling Charles to trust in the truth and let it get out to the public. Anyone who tried to keep all this evidence hidden is a criminal element, hijacking the office for criminal behavior and must be exposed and brought to justice. All this evidence has been kept out and hidden from the public for almost 1 yrs. until I busted

it wide open and started the momentum this past June 2011. I did this for Charles by exposing the states own DNA evidence. It shows the lab results and that the prosecutor Jason Hicks and the Assistant DA Carrie Dickson, both and lied and mislead the jury during Charles Dyer's first trial back on April 15, 2011. So these past 12 weeks Charles Dyer has been in the Stephens County jail, safe at the moment but unaware of all the activities that are still happening. The FBI did not stop with harassing me after

Charles Dyer was in custody. If their reasoning for threatening and intimidating me was for the purposes of locating Charles Dyer, then the harassment should have stopped, which it has not. Therefore it becomes clear that there is more to their unlawful agenda than first presented.

My life has been completely uprooted. There is a group of people with whom on the surface appear as if they are real support for Charles and his family But behind the screen these certain individuals are working against Charles. They are doing everything possible to discredit me and any support I try to get up off the ground. I believe these are informants/insurgents/disinformation agents aka COINTELPRO who are working with the FBI. This group has told Mrs. Dyers (Charles mother) all sorts of lies and stories about me and about my efforts that are completely not true. Rick Light aka Minuteman and Nancy Genovese have both told the Dyer family that I stole $10,000.00 and that I am using Charles Dyer to make a name for myself and to profit off of Charles situation. This is repeated over and over again until it becomes believed. Posts have been made telling the supporters to stay away from me and not to donate to the Dollars for Dyer Money Bomb. My life and freedoms are threatened by direct emails and posts. A man named Shane Shollick who is an administrator on Patriots for Justice for Charles Dyer web site, actually threatened to have my ass thrown in jail if I keep distracting him. This treatment is not the way a true Patriot would act. I have asked these people to show the proof of any of these accusations but of course they dont respond. The removal of the "Dollars for Dyer" donation was done by Nancy Genovese impersonating a family member of the Dyer's. Nancy called bbnow.org and lied to them by claiming that I was stealing donations and to have the site shut down. When I asked Nancy Genovese about this she denied having any involvement and tried

to tell me that I removed it. I have proof that she is the one who did this from the company bbnow.org. I have a letter from the owner telling me that Nancy Genovese is the one involved with requesting to have the web site removed. This clearly proves to me that Nancy is working as a disinformation plant. This is all part of COINTELPRO, through the FBI. (see EXHIBIT ) See the definition below of COINTELPRO. Counter Intelligence Program a series of covert, and often illegal,[2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination FBI uses covert operations against domestic political groups According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO: 1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents. 2. Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used a myriad of other "dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.
3. Harassment Through the Legal System: The FBI and police abused the legal

system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, "investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.[20]

4. Extralegal Force and Violence: The FBI conspired with local police departments

to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations.[20][21] [22] The object was to frighten, or eliminate, dissidents and disrupt their movements. This group all have committed defamation of character against me, fraud, identity theft, malicious persecution, and bullying. This is a very big concern to me due to the fact that a few of these individuals I have already had direct problems with before the Charles Dyer situation even started. My survival group was infiltrated by a few of these insurgents back in 2009 2010. The group I founded to train for potential natural disasters or other crisiss, was targeted too. Again, Rick Light aka minuteman gave my 13yo daughter a sawed off shot gun as a gift to set her up and me too. I had no idea it was altered and once finding out disposed of it immediately. This was when I realized I was a target. My group was listed on the Southern Poverty Law Centers Intelligence Report as a domestic terrorist group and listed as an armed militia, which it is not! So this is when I realized that these people are part of a COINTELPRO network. All of this is orchestrated by the FEDS and this is the reason all this Timothy McVeigh talk was spread around the media. They have serious plans for Dyer. It is critical for people to recognize the criminal insurgents and how this game is played. This defamation against me is happening to keep any real support from the public from ever going viral, to discredit me from the Dyer family so I will be viewed as a problem, and to make sure I have no one out here to help me if they can find a way to shut me up and go away. The importance for putting this information out to the public in this affidavit is to show the connection and to expose the enemies of truth justice and the American way which is memorialized in the Declaration of Independence. These people are professional con artists protecting the corruption by any and all means necessary, the same methods used by the Nazis. My reputation and my place in Charles Dyers situation has been damaged and almost completely destroyed by these criminal insurgents. Every attempt I have made to help raise any support for Dyer gets destroyed by these same criminal insurgents. They delete links, spread rumors, lies, accuse, and threaten anyone who is real and could make an impact for Charles or reveal the truth and corruption. These criminal insurgents only do enough to appear they are helping. The only reason they are so involved with the case is to control the support group and to collect information to be twisted and reworked to malign anyone they target. These people then report to someone in the FBI or other

hidden unlawful handlers. I believe one of these is Agent Ken Western out of Oklahoma. Rick Light aka Minuteman and FBI Agent Ken Western have been connected since the beginning. Charles is in jail so he is not seeing these peoples true intentions and how they are destroying his due process by manipulating and controlling his mother, family, friends and supporters. I have been given a few warnings to let me know that they are watching me. This photo I was tagged on Face Book When I contacted the company Heads Down Products and asked who tagged me in this photo, I was told that they did not know who tagged me but they deleted it from the web page. I take this as a direct threat to my life. My life is in danger and harassment continues.

I have been physically threatened and my dog was murdered on the 17th of October. My dogs name was Thunder. I have taken Thunder everywhere with me since September of 2010. He was my best friend. He was in my car like he always was and somebody let him out of my car. I was parked in a very heavy traffic area. When I came out to my car he was missing. I was not aware he was hit by a car. I spent a whole week looking for him, put up fliers and everything I could to find him. Then finally the following Monday I received an anonymous call and was told my dog was taken to the emergency animal care on Oct. 17, 2011 around 12:40 PM, and he was DOA. So whoever let him out of my car also led him into traffic so he would get killed.

I have not been home yet since all this started when I returned from Florida. My daughter has been staying with friends and away from me in case something happens. I have been stalked and followed on a regular basis. I have so many pictures and videos to show proof. My family has been questioned. My boyfriend has been followed and harassed. The FBI even went to his job and called his parole officer. Time-line of Events... Background Starting June, 2011, I first became aware of allegations the media was putting out were fabricated and the details of his first trial were seriously distorted. I knew quite a bit of information previous to this and from other personal experiences, realized something was still seriously wrong. I went to Duncan Oklahoma on 4 different occasions this past summer. Dyer shared with me all events that have taken place with his cases. I realized that he needed someone to help be his voice. Charles Dyer was ordered by Judge Enos that he was not allowed to speak about the facts of what happened during the first trial. (see exhibit C1 - C3) The first time we got together, Charles shared with me the documented evidence that shows how this entire case is a complete set up. Dyer shared with me the evidence that proves Valley (soon to be ex-wife) has motives for why she would do such an evil act of wrongfully accusing him of molesting their daughter. I was privileged to listen to a conversation that was recorded between Valley and Dyer. I heard Valley discuss how she was unfaithful during their marriage and when she told Charles that she did not want to be his wife any more. Charles had caught Valley sleeping with other men on many occasions. Valley was unfaithful throughout their marriage. . Charles began to date Valeries best friend Amanda Monoslave and they soon became upfront with Valley about their relationship. Valley became very angry and vindictive against Charles and Amanda. This proves complete motive as to why Valley would file false allegations against Charles. But my main concern about this entire conversation, was from the first topic Valley discussed during this conversation, was Child Support. Valley was giving Charles a hard time and threatened to file charges against him for nonpayment of his monthly support. I heard Valley tell Charles that he had better find a way to come up with her monthly payment of child support. I was in shock at how this woman is accusing Charles of raping their daughter but all she is concerned about is money. I also heard Valley threaten to have Charles arrested if he did not make a payment. Valley admitted how she was wrong about making charges against Dyer for stalking her. I also heard Valley discuss when she lied to Charles officer and made false claims of Charles beating her and how he threatened to kill her. This caused Charles to be arrested for 2 weeks. Valley finally came to her senses and admitted that she lied so the charges were dropped and Charles was released. This clearly shows Vallery's ability to file false charges. I then saw the evidence of Valleys computer investigation that clearly proves the proof of Valeries research on the topic of giving false testimony. I

also read the evidence of the actual DNA report which proves there is nothing to physically connect Charles to this accusations of child molestation All these facts and cover ups of his first trial astounded me. Then Judge Enos orders Dyer not to make any statements to the public about the details of this case or he would be arrested. Being an honorable man he obeyed the order, however, it was clear that he was being railroaded into a prison that would kill him. By keeping the events a secret, these criminal act would continue to take place. The completely unlawful behavior by the very ones sworn to protect due process made it clear that being silent would be the death of him. Out of desperation Charles realized the information needed to get out. Charles and I decided to use the evidence of the states to show his innocents. That is the key piece of evidence that needed to be brought forward. Judge Enos and that the prosecutor Jason Hicks, knowing this evidence would exonerate Charles Dyer, still proceeded by presenting misleading information to the jury during the first trial. Hicks and Hickson both attempted to fabricate a case against Dyer, which is a gross act of misconduct, violation of oath and public trust. This was just the beginning of finding out just how evil and wicked these people are and they have invaded our most trusted positions. As I have learned along the way, this is not an isolated incident but pervasive across America. I hear stories similar to this more and more as I connect with victims of similar terrorism. Some of these stories may seem questionable but too many are verifiable and these are good, kind, men and many have served honorably their country or what they thought was their country and being honorably discharged from any obligation to it. It is especially distressing to me as a woman and mother that the very men we rely on to protect us over seas can not be protected here on home soil. What chance do I have or my daughter in a country that harms its own people to cover up something as sacred as the oath of office to support the Constitution for the United States of America. Which was created to protect the life liberty and happiness of the people amongst all the others endowed by our creator. This oath of office is what binds these soldiers to decency and allows them to believe their families are safe from tyranny. When any man or woman, use an office of public trust to violate the very reason the position exists, then we as a people have a serious problem. Most bury their heads and make it go away and as my friends and family at the vacation house now know they can be invaded at any time under false pretenses. It usually takes something major to wake them up. I think that many, such as the cops, are "returning a favors" and even others believe they are doing their jobs because they have been trained that way and never have even studied the oath they took. If all public servants did study their oath, they would see that the training and beliefs they have about doing these things would change. They would know that it is unlawful, illegal, immoral, unjust, and actually is by law acts of treason by giving aid to the enemy of Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The first plan we came up with was to get a video made to publish on line of this DNA

report. I posted it on You Tube and let the people see this evidence and begin to research it...(see EXHIBIT B1 to B6) The next information that we thought needed to be released to the public is the fact that a family member of Valery, the soon to be ex-wife, has a record of sexual crimes with children. This man has been convicted of indecent exposure with a minor on 2 counts.

This man was never even part of the investigation or considered as a suspect. Another main fact that just does not make sense is that there has never been any real investigation into any of these allegations of this child rape. The mother claims that their daughter said that she was raped one time at Mrs Dyers (grandmother) house and another time at Charles and his girlfriends home. Mrs Dyer (grandmother) has never been asked any questions about this allegation and neither has the girlfriend. There has never been a proper investigation. Only allegations. During the summer and the time I spent with Charles in Duncan, there was no body other than myself that came forward. I expected to see a lot of active supporters with Charles, but it was quiet. In my opinion, I expected to see all the main supporters who claim to this day, to be a brothers to Charles, but I saw for my own eyes that the only real support other than his family you can count on one hand myself included.

Charles Dyer and his girlfriend both had a gun pulled on them by the father of the soon to be ex-wife. This man still has charges pending in Stephens County for assault with a deadly weapon. Charles was now beginning to feel like his life was in danger. Charles and I went to the District Attorney Jason Hicks office, to see if he would be willing to speak with me in person. Jason Hicks had his assistant tell me that he was not in the office. Charles Dyer reached out to the Governor Fallen, and tried to schedule a meeting with her to inform her of what has been happening in Duncan Oklahoma. Charles sent emails, made phone calls, but never received any response from the Governor. I also sent emails and faxes trying to get help from the governor, but I received no response.. Charles went in front of Judge to request his attorney Hammond to be fired. The district Attorney Jason Hicks then asked for Dyer's bond to be revoked. Charles was now afraid that if he fired his attorney, he would go to jail until he hired a new attorney. Charles asked Judge Enos if he fired his attorney, would he be arrested? Judge Enos refused to answer Dyer's direct question. This caused Charles to feel intimidated so he then stated he did not want to fire his attorney. August 12, 2011 Charles house was burnt to the ground. The Fire Marshall was already putting Charles as a suspect. Charles was afraid for his life. Charles was also afraid for his parents life that lives right up the road from where he lived. He went to see the Judge Enos again that afternoon, and asked for a continuance of 1 week for his court date and the judge denied it. Out of pure fear of his life and out of fear of being killed if incarcerated, Charles and I decided to get him to a safe place and out of harms way. I picked him up on August 12, 2011. We both knew that if he walked into the court room on August 15th, that he was not going to walk out. There had already been one attempt to take his life by a gun being drawn on him. Along with the police at the Stephens County Sheriff Department were planning to have Dyer killed. Janet Dyer, Charles mother had over heard a conversation between some officers at the first trial. These deputies said, if Dyer gets incarcerated, we are going to put him in general population and tell everyone he raped his little girl, and see how long he lasts. Mrs Dyer reported what she heard from these men to Sheriff McKinney. She was told by Sheriff McKinney that he was going to take care of this and not to worry. Sheriff McKinney did nothing about this threat. So at this point in Charles situation the system had failed him and it was too corrupt to get a fair trial.

All these violations by Judge Enos by not protecting Charles rights to due process, the District attorney Jason Hicks by being allowed to create false evidence and lie to the jury during the first trial. Also FBI Agent Ken Western telling people during the last trial that Charles was guilty. The media had been painting him a rapist since this started in January 2010. All our attempts to get his supporters involved were not successful. This all created a very intimidating reality for Charles. The only option was to get out of harms way. One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offence to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance. (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910). Mexico was the focus at that time. After I picked him up we stayed a couple places along the way. I had a contact with whom I thought was trustworthy, named Martin. He lives out in Round Rock Texas. Charles and I decided to go out and see if this was a good place for Charles to hunker down until enough time had passed and his supporters had time to read and learn all about the truth that I was still working on getting out to the public. This was a big decision but it was necessary. I assured Charles to just trust in the truth and allow for the public to hear what really happened. So Charles logged into his you tube account and re posted all his videos that the judge ordered him to take off the internet. Charles wrote a letter to his family and to the court, explaining why he felt the need to leave. I promised Charles I would do all I could to raise the money to help pay for the farm and I would continue to post his evidence out to the public by making more you tube videos. After talking with Martin we both agreed this was a safe place for Charles. Martin told Charles he was more than welcome to say for 2 weeks. I drove out to Florida to get away and to keep distance between Dyer and some how my car was spotted. I was informed of this when I spoke to Mrs. Dyer on Saturday, August 13th, 2011. Mrs. Dyer told me that Rick Light aka Minuteman, had called because he had received a phone call from FBI Agent Ken Western, that Charles had left Oklahoma. My car was placed on the BOLO list. Be On Look Out BEFORE Charles was not there for his court date. This is when the this dangerous and unlawful witch hunt started. By August 15th 2011 Ken Western had a 12 state man hunt out for Charles Dyer. Now Charles got the attention he needed from the public. Martin ended up getting a bit too paranoid and cut his offer short .Charles told me he would come back later to finish dealing with this, but at that moment with this nationwide armed manhunt going on, now

his life was even in more danger. I was very concerned with Charles leaving Martins but I was all the way in Florida and my hands were tied. All I could do at this point was pray and work fast to get as much of his evidence out to the people so the public could learn about the facts to prove his innocence. Charles had Martin take him to Big Bend and drop him off. I acted within my rights and it was my duty to assist Charles and to help protect his life. A conviction will be reversed on the basis of governmental misconduct but only if the misconduct may have prejudiced substantial rights of the accused. There may be a reversal for the governments improper acquisition of defence strategy but only where there was a realistic possibility of injury to the defendant or benefit to the state. There may be a reversal, too, if the government intimidated a defence witness to induce her to flee the country, but there must be proof of such intimidation. United States v. Cross, 928 F.2d 1030 (11th Cir. 1991). Due to my public support of Sgt. Charles Allen Dyer, and my help with removing Dyer from a life threatening situation, these terrorists have continued to violate my rights and have put me in great danger. Charles is being held on a unlawful flight to avoid prosecution charge. This revoked his bond. This is a totally fabricated charge that has zero merit considering the life threatening situation that Charles was in which forced him to leave in fear for his life. Jason Hicks, Ken Western, Sheriff McKinney and Judge Enos all are in violation of the oath of office. Each of these individuals are part of a conspiracy against Charles Dyer. Once people take the time to look at all the details in this entire situation, there is no denying the fact that this is a case fowl play. Again, if you look into the FBI involvement in this from the beginning, it will show you that there is a alternate agenda. I have looked for other examples of a nationwide manhunt on a State felony charge against someone with ZERO criminal record, and can not find anything that comes close to justify this type of behaviour from the FEDS. One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offence to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance. (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910). A conviction will be reversed on the basis of governmental misconduct but only if the misconduct may have prejudiced substantial rights of the accused. There may be a reversal for the governments improper acquisition of defence strategy but only where there was a realistic possibility of injury to the defendant or benefit to the state. There may be a reversal, too, if the government intimidated a defence witness to induce her

to flee the country, but there must be proof of such intimidation. United States v. Cross, 928 F.2d 1030 (11th Cir. 1991). On October 18, 2011. I was forced to take immunity by the prosecutor Mark Yancey. I went to Oklahoma telling myself that I would plead the 5th on any question that may be used against me. I had a friend come with me as my witness in case anything might go wrong. When I arrived, I checked in and was asked by the secretary to fill out my paperwork so the gov. could send me my reimbursement for any out of pocket expenses I had for taking time off and my travel expenses. After I completed my paperwork I waited about 15 min. I then was greeted by the district attorney Mark Yancey. I introduced my friend who came with me. Mark then asked to speak with me in private so he could go over the details of how this worked. I asked if my friend could join us and he told me he did not see any problem with her sitting in on the meeting, but she was not allowed to go in during the grand jury hearing. So we all 3 sat in a private room and Mark began to tell me that I was being given immunity by the government. I asked him if I was under any sort of investigation and I was told that I was not. I asked Yancey what this hearing is about and he told me it was about Charles Dyer and some weapons he has in his possession. I was a bit shocked with this information. Yancey then told me that this immunity order will force me to answer all their questions. I was assured that nothing will ever be used against me in State or Federal Courts. I then asked if this was transactional immunity or use immunity. I was told the court has granted me use immunity . I told him I did not want this immunity and I want my rights to plead the 5th if I felt the need. Mark told me that I did not have a choice and I had to take this immunity. I asked him how can this be and he told me it was ordered. I then asked him who ordered this immunity and he told me the COURTS ordered this immunity. I then asked him who is speaking as the COURTS and he then told me the Judge ordered this immunity. Mark then proceeded to explain how this is going to work, and about 10 seconds into his explanation, we were interrupted by the door opening and FBI Agent Ken Western walked in to join our private meeting. I did not recognize Western until I heard him shake Mark Yancey's hand and and by Mark replying Hello Ken this is when I realized it was FBI Agent Ken Western. I then spoke out loud and said, Well Hello Ken Western. He shook my hand and sat down at the table we were having our meeting at. Mark then began to tell me that the court has ordered this immunity and the reason is because they did not want me to come all the way out to this hearing and just plead the 5th to every question I was asked. I told him that I wanted to speak to the grand jury and I will answer the questions I felt like I could, but I still want my right to remain silent if I felt the need. Mark then told me that this is not going to work this way. He became a bit agitated and said, No Ms. Swan, we are NOT going to go in there and have any sort of debate about constitution, jurisdiction, ect. This is NOT going to be a back and forth discussion. Mark then said, This is how it works. I ask a

question, and you answer it. Very simple. I did not feel comfortable with any of this but I was told again by Mark Yancey and Agent Ken Western that I do not have any choice. I asked Mark Yancey if he was aware that he took a oath of office when he first became a district attorney, and this oath he swore to, he promised to uphold and protect the rights of all people. Mark Yancey again told me that I did not have the protection of the 5th Amendment, which again is the right to remain silent. We had a open debate for about 5 minutes. Ken Western even made the comment that he was not happy that I was getting this immunity so I should be thankful for that this court is looking out for my best interest.. I finally asked to speak with the Judge about this order of forced immunity. Mark Yancey told me the Judge was not in the office at the moment and it was almost time for us to be in front of the grand jury. I felt intimidated and helpless so I signed this paper under pressure. I was then told to follow, and we all 3 went to a waiting room. While we were waiting for our turn, Ken Western made a couple of interesting comments to me. Western said, What's up with all this talk about you stealing donations from the Dyer's that is all over the internet? I then responded, Well Agent Western, why don't you do your job and help me out by telling Nancy Genovese and Rick Light, along with a few others, to stop making false allegations about me stealing. You know that this is not true, and with you being a federal agent, we all know how simple it is for you to look into this and help clear up any false allegations that are being made against me. Ken Western just laughed and shook his head. He said he doesnt have anything to do with these people. This statement is a complete lie because we all have witnessed the relationship between Rick Light, aka Minute-man and Western going all the way back to the first trial. Agent Ken Western and Rick Light, aka Minute-man were very involved with one another. Which again proves this is a operation, and this operation includes the use of informants, aka COINTELPRO plants. Ken Western also made a few sarcastic comments about my you tube videos. These videos show the real factual evidence of the Charles Dyer case. Mark Yancey changed the subject. I asked him if I was being forced to take immunity, then why not give me transactional immunity. Yancey told me that use immunity was better for my situation. I then again was told that whatever I say can not be used against me. Yancey began to explain that the courts are all ran by procedure. He told me there is a certain procedure that we must follow, which does not make since. But its how the court is set up and we must follow the procedures. After about another 15 min. I was called to testify. I walked into the courtroom, and saw about 25 people, all sitting in the audience. . I was told to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When I sat down, Mark Yancey made a brief introduction, and asked me if I understood why I was there and

how the immunity order was going to work. I responded by stating for the record that I was not comfortable with this immunity, but I was not being given any other option. I told the jury that this court has violated my rights by forcing me to take this immunity. I then made the claim for the record that I was here by special appearance for the sole purpose to help settle this matter honourably. I then asked if this courtroom was under constitutional law. Responded that it was under constitutional law. I then asked the District Attorney Mark Yancey if he had taken the oath of office, to protect and uphold the rights of all people. He responded that he had taken this oath. Then I looked out in the audience and asked all jury members if they all had taken the oath as well. Everyone nodded their head yes. I could see this was making Yancey a bit irritated. He then told me that he needed to begin with the hearing. I said one last time that I was only answering these questions out of intimidation. Mark Yancey then proceeded with the questions. I have learned that any order to grant immunity, can only be authorized by the Attorney General. There is not any signature of the Attorney General on this order. As Federal civil servants, they all take an oath of office by which they swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution not only establishes our system of government, it actually defines the work role for Federal employees - "to establish Justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty." Here is the oath: I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. May this affidavit be filed as my truth, my whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me god. All the mentioned public servants who have violated their oath of office by committing crimes against the American people, and must be held accountable.

EXHIBIT A STATEMENT by JAN DYER Threats to Charles Life by Stephen's County Sheriff Department
Court hearing for Ileana being given back to Mandy. While sitting on the bench outside the courtroom across the hall from the DAs office I heard the following conversation take place in my presence. There were 2 law enforcement officers in plain clothes and identification badges on lanyards around their necks and they were standing between the elevator and the DAs office facing toward the lobby. There were 3 Stephens County Sheriff Deputies standing with their backs to me. One of the plain clothes law enforcement officers never said anything but the conversation between one deputy and the other plain clothes law enforcement officer went as follows: SD = Sheriff Deputy LEO = unidentified law enforcement officer LEO: (Looked toward me) is he from Tennessee? SD: No, hes from here. LEO: How long has he lived here? SD: I think pretty much all his life. LEO: Are his parents from here? (Looked directly at me and made eye contact) SD: No, they are from here. LEO: How long have they lived here? SD: A long, long time as far as I know. LEO: Well, no worry. When we get him in DOC we will put him in general population, let the particulars of his case be known and see how long he lasts. At this point another SD came up and they started discussing lunch. August 17, 2010, 9:15 am. I called Sheriff McKinney and told him what I had heard and offered to come and identify the officer that had made the threat. I told him they should not say this about anyone, not just Charles. This was not the way they should conduct themselves in public and I believe that it is a direct threat to Charles life. He told me that he would take care of it and that it would not be necessary for me to come to the Department and identify anyone. He would figure out who it was. I told him that I had seen him on the first floor at the entrance where they had the metal detector up and these two LEOs were visiting with the deputies there.

Janet Dye5103 Hope Marlow, OK 73055





missing this page of DNA report










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