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Logo Lease Agreement

This Lease Agreement is made and entered into on


Landlord Tenant
Name: Name:
Address: Address:

Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:

1. Property
The Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant the residential property located at:

2. Term
The term of this lease shall commence on the and shall continue until the
date date
3. Rent
The Tenant agrees to pay the Landlord monthly rent of due on the
amount date

Payments shall be made to the Landlord at the address specified above (or another address designated by the Landlord).

4. Security Deposit
The Tenant shall pay a security deposit of $ upon signing this Agreement.
The deposit will be held to cover any damages to the Property beyond normal wear and tear and will be refunded after the
lease ends, less any deductions for damages.

5. Utilities
Water Natural Gas Garbage Collection Refrigerator
Cable Sewage Disposal Recycling Services Dishwasher
Electricity Snow Removal In unit Laundry Stove and Oven
Internet Storage Refrigerator Parking
Heat Recreational Facilities Dishwasher Others

6. Use of Property
The Property is to be used as a residential dwelling only and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of the

7. Maintenance and Repairs

The Tenant shall maintain the Property in good condition and promptly notify the Landlord of any damage or needed
repairs. The Landlord is responsible for major repairs unless caused by the Tenant's negligence.

8. Pets
Pets are not allowed.
Pets are allowed under the following conditions:
9. Pets
Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing 60 days' written notice. Upon termination, the Tenant shall vacate
the Property and return all keys to the Landlord.

10. Termination
Upon termination of this Agreement, the Tenant shall vacate the Property and return all keys to the Landlord. The
Property shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. Any personal property left behind by the Tenant after termination
shall be considered abandoned and may be disposed of by the Landlord.

11. Entire Agreement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor erat non posuere lobortis. Nam leo orci,
posuere et efficitur a, euismod malesuada ipsum. Curabitur quis massa eget velit faucibus ultricies. Suspendisse potenti.
Sed id metus nec nisl gravida dignissim sed nec urna. Nulla porta lorem nec est condimentum, nec lacinia urna auctor.
Aenean commodo magna ac ornare malesuada. Vestibulum at velit ipsum.

Morbi aliquet euismod neque, in condimentum risus volutpat non. Etiam at purus at tellus sollicitudin pulvinar. Cras
bibendum pharetra lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Nunc efficitur est vel eros egestas ultricies. Phasellus a viverra risus. Ut mollis
nisi sapien, ac cursus ligula interdum sit amet. Nullam non gravida leo, sit amet vulputate lectus. Vivamus egestas
fermentum dui eget pulvinar. Donec libero diam, vehicula nec pharetra eu, efficitur id leo. Sed porta interdum nisi nec
pharetra. Nulla ac ultrices diam. Quisque sed tristique mi, nec dapibus est. Morbi tincidunt magna quis lorem bibendum
fringilla. Morbi pharetra tincidunt scelerisque. Nunc aliquet euismod ex et pretium.

Landlord’s Signature Over Printed Name Date

Tenant’s Signature Over Printed Name Date

Personal Training

I undersigned understand and agree to the following terms and conditions

1. Fees

Payment of fees for personal training sessions

will be due prior to the beginning of sessions unless payment options are

1. Scheduling

Sessions are to be made by appointment only. Appointments can be

made in person or by phone but only with assigned trainer.

1. Cancellation

Cancellations must be made at least 1 hour prior to the training session.

Early morning training sessions must be cancelled the evening prior to the

Client Name Date

Amount Paid Amount Due

Client Signature Trainer Signature

Rimberio Inc 123-456-7890
123 Anywhere St., Any City
Customer Review Larana, Inc.




Do you use skincare products? Is having good skin important to you?

Yes No Yes No

Which, if any, of the following statements applies to you?

I have oily skin I have dry & dull skin I have suffered redness and sensitivity
I have acne I have wrinkles I have an uneven skin tone
I have pigmentation I have brown spots Other:

What are your current skincare products? How frequently do you purchase
skincare products?
Makeup remover Toner
Cleansing Lotion Often
Anti-aging cream Cleanser Sometimes
Eye cream Serum Rarely
Moisturizer Other: Never

How much do you spend on skincare products on average per month?

Less than $100 $101-$250 More than $250

Where do you buy our skincare products?

Official Website Offline Stores Catalogues E-Commerce

Would you suggest our product to your friends? Yes No Maybe

Would you repurchase in the near future? Yes No Maybe

Our product were reasonably priced. Yes No Maybe

Our product exceed your expectations. Yes No Maybe

Our product is appropriate for your skin condition. Yes No Maybe

The packaging is clean and luxurious. Yes No Maybe

What did you enjoy best about our product? Give us feedback

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