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Natal Chart Report

I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Yo u r
Birth Chart Report

What follows is your personal natal

chart information, as well as
interpretations of the positions and
aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the

positions of the planets in your natal
chart by sign. The most personal of
these are the Sun sign, Moon sign,
Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars
sign. Most people already know their
Sun sign.

If your time of birth is known, you

will also find out your Ascendant, or
rising sign, as well as the positions of
the planets in the houses of your
chart. Additionally, aspects between
the planets are listed and interpreted.

If the birth time is unknown, we

cannot know the Ascendant or house
positions. The natal chart shown here
is an Aries chart in that case.
Additionally, you may not know the
Moon sign for certain. This is because
the Moon changes signs
approximately every 2-1/2 days. Less
probable but still possible is a change
of signs for the other planets and
luminaries, depending on the planet
itself (for example, the Sun changes
signs every 30 days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation

refers to an individual position in your
chart. All of these positions and
aspects are some of the "parts" that
make up a "whole"--you! Some of
these interpretations will be
contradictory, just as people are
contradictory. A person can be timid
in love and aggressive in business,
for example. As well, we evolve and
grow throughout our lives, facing
challenges that help us to handle our
positions and aspects in a different
way. We all have choices, and one of
the major benefits of astrology is the
chance to understand ourselves so
that we can work with our natal
charts and improve ourselves. Any
computerized report that interprets
the individual placements in a natal
chart is somewhat disjointed, simply
because the different parts that make
up the whole are not synthesized.

Some of the interpretations are more

detailed than others. You can use this
as a starting point and do some
further reading about different
positions (such as Moon in Libra,
Saturn in the 10th house, Moon
conjunct Mercury) in your chart by
exploring our own site, other
astrology sites, and by reading
astrology books.

The tables show the technical details

of your natal chart, personalized
based on your birth data. Below the
tables, you'll find your free birth chart
interpretive report, and a chart wheel
appears at the end of the report.

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Vlore, Albania 01/01/2000 12:00

Planet Positions,
Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position

of the planets in your chart, by sign
and degree. You will also find the sign
of your Ascendant and the signs on
the cusp of each house in your natal
chart only if the birth time is known.
The Roman Numerals refer to the
houses, where the Ascendant is also
the first house and the Midheaven is
also the tenth house. For example, if
the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you
know your Mars is in Taurus. If the
sign Libra is next to Venus, you know
your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is
next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer
Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II,
Leo is on your 2nd house.

Zodiac : Tropical

Sun Capricorn 10°20'

Moon Scorpio 12°49'

Mercury Capricorn 1°50'

Venus Sagittarius 1°32'

Mars Aquarius 27°57'

Jupiter Aries 25°16'

Saturn Taurus 10°24' R

Uranus Aquarius 14°49'

Neptune Aquarius 3°13'

Pluto Sagittarius 11°29' R

Lilith Sagittarius 23°21'

N Node Leo 3°54'


I ASC Aries 25°11'

II Taurus 29°10'

III Gemini 22°43'

IV Cancer 13°43'

V Leo 6°56'

VI Virgo 8°24'

VII Libra 25°11'

VIII Scorpio 29°10'

IX Sagittarius 22°43'

X MC Capricorn 13°43'

XI Aquarius 6°56'

XII Pisces 8°24'

Sun in IX

Moon in VII

Mercury in IX

Venus in VIII

Mars in XI

Jupiter in I ASC

Saturn in I ASC

Uranus in XI

Neptune in X MC

Pluto in VIII

Lilith in IX

N Node in IV

masculine 6 fire 3

feminine 4 earth 3

cardinal 3 air 3

fixed 5 water 1

mutable 2


The following table shows the

planetary aspects in your natal chart.
Interpretations of these factors are
found below. The numbers listed
under the column "Value" serve as a
relative rating system for each aspect
and are determined based on the
planets involved, the aspect type, and
the orb of influence. Negative values
suggest more stressful or challenging
influences while positive numbers
show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require

you to scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full natal chart wheel

graphic depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet

Sun Sextile Moon

Sun Conjunction Mercury

Sun Trine Saturn

Sun Conjunction X MC

Moon Opposition Saturn

Moon Square Uranus

Moon Sextile X MC

Mercury Sextile Mars

Mercury Trine Jupiter

Mercury Conjunction Lilith

Mercury Trine I ASC

Venus Square Mars

Venus Sextile Neptune

Venus Conjunction Pluto

Venus Trine N Node

Mars Sextile Jupiter

Mars Sextile Lilith

Mars Sextile I ASC

Jupiter Trine Lilith

Jupiter Conjunction I ASC

Saturn Square Uranus

Saturn Trine X MC

Uranus Sextile Pluto

Neptune Opposition N Node

Pluto Trine N Node

Lilith Trine I ASC


Part of Fortune & South


The following table shows the

positions of the Part of Fortune
(using the classic formula) and the
South Node of the Moon (the True

Fortune Aquarius 27°40'

Aquarius 3°54'

Natal Chart Report


This birth chart report shows the

positions of the planets for .

The Sun

The Sun represents vitality, a sense

of individuality, and outward-shining
creative energy.

The Sun is in Capricorn

Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground,
eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with
Sun in Capricorn have a realistic,
grounded approach to life that is
apparent no matter how dreamy the
rest of the birth chart suggests they
can be. These people know how to do
things--and to get things done.

Some Capricorns naturally turn their

backs on what they deem too
frivolous. They are very much
concerned with what's worthwhile--
Capricorns want to do and be
something worthwhile. Like their
Earth signs relatives, Taurus and
Virgo, they need to feel useful and
effective in the real world to be
satisfied with their lives. But the
Capricorn spin on the earth signs is
that Capricorn possesses a stronger
need for recognition in a worldly
sense. They have a strong sense of
society and its framework, and they
feel most secure when they feel
they're doing their part within that

Capricorns like to pare things down,

and they take pleasure in the simple
things in life. However, many are
attracted to status symbols, and
these ones will wear the best clothes
(tasteful ones!) and drive quietly
impressive cars. Comparing
Capricorns to their symbol, the goat,
brings up some interesting analogies.
Solar Capricorns can see into the
future and plan for it. They don't
mind taking things slowly, but they
absolutely aim to get to the top of the
mountain in life! They make their way
steadily and sure-footedly, and their
strength and singleness of purpose
are admirable.

Capricorns can sometimes be lonely,

although they rarely let it show. They
are often a little reserved--even
standoffish. This is generally because
they value all things practical, and
they'll seldom wear their emotions on
their sleeves unless they have a
particularly flamboyant Moon sign.
This is a sign that is surely the most
resourceful of the zodiac. To some,
Capricorns come across as
unimaginative, but they can be
enormously creative when it comes to
the material world. They are
generally very capable people with a
strong sense of tradition and

Many Capricorns have mastered the

art of making people laugh. Their
sense of humor can be of the
deadpan variety--they're generally
excellent at keeping a straight face.
They can be bitingly sarcastic, too.
Capricorns are not known for taking
too many risks in life. They value the
beaten track and things "tried and
true." This is not to say they are
stick-in-the-muds -- they simply
value the hard work laid down by
those who've been around before

Turn to your Capricorn friends for

help when you need to really get
things done. They'll have practical
advice, and they'll help you organize
and manage your life a little better.
Capricorns are generally good with
their "word," dependable, and rather
loyal people.

Short description:

She is honest, reserved, circumspect,

honorable, and strong-willed. Quietly
ambitious within the realms of the
possible, she likes and takes on
responsibility. She can work in the
social domain.

Possible issues: a sometimes bitter

and mistrustful mind.

Capricorn with ascendant Aries

Sun in IX: The Sun is in the

ninth house

You have a deep need to understand

the world around you. You have high
ideals and your eye on what's on the
horizon. As you so frequently look
ahead, you can seem quite restless.
You're proud of your knowledge,
mind, and morals. Advice: Avoid self-
righteousness in your enthusiasm to
share your knowledge. At your best,
you are a tolerant, adventurous, and
curious person, and you want to see
the best in people--and in life itself.

Key points:

She takes an interest in different

cultures or has a spiritual side. She is
enthusiastic and excellent at
promotion or marketing. She believes
that things will work out and in
spiritual protection.

96 Sextile between the Sun and Moon

Your emotions and your will are at

peace with one another, suggesting a
rather balanced personality. The
"messages" you received in childhood
were not contradictory overall, and
you have a stronger sense of purpose
and appreciation of harmony than
most people.

You are likely personally popular,

mainly because you expect harmony
in your relationships. You are
attractive to most people, and your
self-confidence and security make
you easy to deal with on many levels.

Your relaxed, easygoing disposition

puts others at ease. Your "default
setting" can be unprepared for
conflict, and you often avoid "rocking
the boat." You may acquiesce to
others a little too often, if only to
maintain balance and harmony, as
you prefer to avoid conflict.

This influence brings a tendency

toward too much acceptance--of the
self and others. You may need
prompts and encouragement to
question life, or you risk taking things
for granted.

Your vitality is usually good and quite

constant. You are not necessarily
hard-driving, unless other indications
in the chart point to it, but your
constitution is generally strong. At
any rate, you are not as prone to the
ups and downs that often plague
those with challenging aspects
between the Sun and Moon. This is
because even though your life goals
and emotional needs differ, they are
largely in harmony.

Short description: Well-rounded and

harmony-oriented. She has lots of
vitality and more potential than she
may realize. She likes public life; she
is popular, and others appreciate her
company. She is balanced, at ease
with herself and usually gets on very
well with her parents or guardians.
She makes a good guide or mediator.

108 Conjunction between the Sun

and Mercury

Because your ego and mind are

usually on the same page, you
possess abundant mental energy. You
are always in a position to think
about what you want, and in many
ways, this is an interruption of the
will. You are highly intelligent with a
great drive to communicate with
others. You invest a lot of pride in
your intellectual capacities. You may
not always listen as well as you
speak, however, because you're too
busy thinking about what to say next!
But you are very curious, and
although you enjoy expressing
yourself, you usually don't dominate
conversations completely.

Regarding studying or learning, you

are better off reading the material
than listening to a teacher. These
traits come from a strong need to
actively participate in
communications. It is tough for you
to listen passively and absorb

Your opinions are usually strong, and

you are an independent thinker. You
tend to be proud of your ideas and
thoughts and might easily get a
bruised ego if you are not "heard" or
if your opinions are pushed aside,
ignored, or criticized. You are
expressive and possibly a very
animated speaker. You are also very
witty; others enjoy your playful and
sometimes mischievous sense of

Key traits: She is verbal, intelligent,

observant, and sometimes nervous or

139 Trine between the Sun and


It's natural for you to accept

responsibilities, lead a rather ordered
life, and apply caution in your
financial and business dealings. This
aspect helps stabilize and ground
you, giving you a realistic side. You
rarely jump to conclusions or take
uneducated risks. You have a certain
amount of patience and enough self-
discipline to slowly but surely achieve
what you set out to do.

Although somewhat undemonstrative,

you are generally loyal and
responsible to those you care about.
You take your time in many of your
endeavors and generally use a step-
by-step approach to most projects--
but you steadily reach your goals.

This aspect gives you some

seriousness. You are naturally
trustworthy, and you have little
patience for people who don't show
respect for others, who take foolish
risks, and who lead chaotic lives.

Key traits: She is grounded,

reasonable, level-headed,
fundamentally responsible, and
deliberate. She benefits from a solid
and realistic sense of self and
understanding of her capabilities.

265 Conjunction between the Sun

and Midheaven

She knows what she wants on a

professional level; is aware of her
objectives and will do everything to
achieve them; she'll usually carry out
plans to the very end. She has a good
job as well as a good reputation.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional

responses, unconscious pre-
destination, and the self-image. The
Moon represents the emotions, and
the Moon sign shows how a person
expresses themselves when at home,
at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Scorpio

While others may find security and

comfort in material things, Moon in
Scorpio people seek out emotional
intensity. No matter what, there is
something very intense about Lunar
Scorpios. They are diggers in the
world of emotion--they can see
beyond facades and cut right to a
person's core. This ability to "see"
what isn't apparent to the rest of the
world can be intimidating to others or
wildly attractive, depending on the

Their deep-seated need for

transformation and rebirth can
manifest itself in the lives of Lunar
Scorpios in different ways. Most have
powerful, emotionally intense lives.
Some feel like it is beyond their
control -- these natives seem to
attract emotional upheaval, and their
lives appear to consist of plenty of
dramatic ups and downs.

However, when accepted as an

emotional need, rebirth and change
don't need to be so dramatic and
overwhelming. In some way or the
other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek
out intense experiences. If their lives
are regular, there can be an
unconscious need to test their
strength and stir up emotional
excitement. Self-awareness and
acceptance is probably the best way
to handle this deep need for
emotional drama.

Doing things halfway or having

meaningless relationships simply
doesn't fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios
want all or nothing. Moon in Scorpio
people often have a strong fear of
betrayal. They seek commitment and
feel the need for a partner to give up
something for them. Some will put
the people they love through a series
of tests, and these are not always
conscious. Their apparent suspicion
can be trying for the people who love

However, once committed, Moon in

Scorpio people can be the most loyal
and protective partners around. Even
the shy ones have enormous
presence. Their lives are emotion-
driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio
natives spend a lot of time controlling
and mastering their emotions. Their
intuition is considerable, although it is
sometimes self-serving.

Moon in Scorpio people radiate

strength. Even in the absence of
experience, they seem to "just know"
things. It would be difficult to shock
or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the
face of emotional honesty and power.
Some people instinctively want to
lean on them, and other less brave
folks run a little scared.

Lunar Scorpios have exceptional

"radar" that allows them to size up a
situation--and a person--quickly and
expertly. This ability to understand
human motivation and nature can be
too close for comfort for some and
enormously comforting for others.

Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent

and astute. Those who use their
enormous powers for intimacy and
honesty are the happiest and make
the most interesting and rewarding
friends and lovers.

Short description:

Courageous, brave, independent, not

a fearful nature. A very sensual and
progressive person.

Potential issues: excesses of

pleasures, difficulty letting go.

Moon in VII: The Moon is in the

seventh house

Partnership is important for her, for

better or for worse. She works well in
business relationships, especially
partnerships, and can be a great
mediator, counselor, and harmonizer.
She is balanced, the voice of reason,
peace-loving, fair, and just.

You are drawn to partnerships and

prefer to have a companion for
emotional support. You are not a
person who would happily take in a
movie by yourself or dine alone, for
example. A partner awakens feelings
in you that you may have never
known you had, and you seem to
need a partner to learn about your
own needs and feelings. Emotional
fulfillment is sought through
relationships, but if the Moon is
challenged, you may have many
relationships, one after another, each
time believing that this is "the one."
Taking time between relationships is
hard for you but quite necessary, as
you tend to jump into relationships
out of fear of being alone. Or, you
draw highly emotional people into
your life as partners.

You are very adaptable to others'

needs and usually quite likable. Be
careful not to become overly
dependent on a partner or assume
that a partner will treat you the same
way you do them.

You have a strong eye for balance

and harmony and fine taste. You're a
supportive, well-liked friend and

-95 Opposition between the Moon and


When the Moon is in hard aspect to

Saturn in the natal chart, natives
need to learn to trust others more.
Fear keeps them from fully enjoying
personal relationships, and fear is
behind the occasional rigidity that
they express. When they let
themselves receive nurture or care
from others, an inner voice cautions
them that it might not be sincere,
long-lasting, or enough! There can be
some reluctance about becoming a
parent, but once taken on, these
people don't take their responsibility

Emotional reticence is the main

theme of these aspects. Many people
with this aspect had a lot of
conditions placed on the love they
received in early childhood. They tend
to expect the same later in life. With
hard Saturn aspects, individuals are
often plagued with doubts, not only
about the self but about what to
expect from life itself. The problem is
that expecting difficulties or negative
situations creates an aura around
them that perpetuates the problem.
They must work hard at positive
thinking and expecting more from
life. Ironically, many people with hard
Saturn aspects can be quite sarcastic,
skeptical, and rigid in manner. This is
essentially a defense mechanism
designed to protect themselves from
harshness in the world.

It is extremely likely that they feel

neglected because they perceive it in
the first place, and later expect it, to
be the case. There's a vicious circle
going on here that can only be
broken when the patterns created by
negative conditioning are broken.
Adjusting one's perceptions and
expectations is the key to breaking
out of these negative patterns.
Otherwise, natives of hard Moon-
Saturn aspects will live life feeling left
out--attracting circumstances that
perpetuate a feeling of deep
unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

Short description: She has

changeable moods, a reserved
character, can be stubborn and may
lack assurance. Her relationship with
a guardian may have been difficult or
a challenging early family life in some

-60 Square between the Moon and


She may at times suffer from an

almost feverish, non-constructive
restlessness. She is too susceptible.
Her life can be full of change or the
emotions are often in a state of flux.
Also, frequent changes of mind. She
is irritable and stubborn at times due
to an inner restlessness that is hard
to satisfy. She can have difficulty
concentrating on a job, although is
capable of much if allowed to move
from task to task to alleviate extreme
boredom with routine. Nervous strain.
Her friendships may be like her
professional and love life - sometimes
unstable or erratic. There is a strong
need for closeness, but when people
get too close, she can get cagey, as
she values personal freedom just as

74 Sextile between the Moon and


She has a strong sense of family,

profound feelings, and may especially
like children and animals. If there are
changes in her professional life, they
are most often for the better. There is
a sense of forward movement,
popularity with those in authority or
in the professional life.


Mercury represents communication,

Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury is in Capricorn

Her mind compartmentalizes

impressions, and she appreciates
structure and order. The mind learns
best when it can see practical uses
for information. Resourceful,
reflective, deep thinker; a fine and
vivacious mind. May undertake
lengthy studies or, if circumstances
do not allow, will teach herself. A
rational person. Can be pessimistic,
skeptical, and sarcastic, possessing a
very sharp sense of humor. Notices

Mercury in IX: Mercury is in

the ninth house

Her thirst for knowledge is never

satisfied. She is mentally active. She
may undertake exhaustive studies,
always studying for pleasure. Can
very much enjoy journeys to faraway
places, and may go to live abroad.

You are eternally curious and hunger

for knowledge. You enjoy studying
and learning, and do it not because
you have to, but because you want
to. You enjoy exchanging ideas and
personal philosophies with others.
You can be especially buoyant,
enthusiastic, and even inspiring in
your communications. While you may
not pay enough attention to details,
you are skilled at finding a quick
solution to problems. You readily see
the bigger picture and enjoy sharing
your opinions and ideas. You get off
on how information affects people's
lives, and you take great pleasure in
learning that something you have
shared or taught has inspired others
to take action, experience something
new, or make changes in their lives.
Some of you might be too quick to
offer advice, however, that might be
lacking in thoroughness and
practicality, or that you yourself don't

62 Sextile between Mercury - Mars

She likes discussions, debates,

polemic. She has good judgment and
can be very determined. She is a
worker and has lots of energy. She
has a lively intelligence and usually
goes to the heart of things. She is
enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in
thought and speech.

23 Trine between Mercury - Jupiter

She is intelligent with big ideas: She

is tolerant and has a strong sense of
justice. She has good judgement,
good sense and has her feet on the
ground. She has the "gift of gab,"
fully enjoys literature and learning.
She is erudite and will usually be
successful socially.

48 Conjunction between Mercury -


Can be provocative in speech or

communications, persuasive,
interesting conversationalist, quick to
see the flaws of a situation.

13 Trine between Mercury -


She is intelligent, with quick and

lively reflexes. She is preoccupied
with her circle, likes to exchange
ideas with her friends, but also with
strangers. Of an open nature, often
reaching out to others.

Ve n u s

Venus represents an interest in

emotions and values, exchange, and
sharing with others.

Ve n u s i s i n S a g i t t a r i u s

When Venus in Sagittarius people are

in love, they need to feel they can
grow and expand their horizons
through their relationship. They want
to learn new things, and experience
everything together. These are
idealistic lovers who want you to
appreciate their beliefs, visions, and
ideals. They can be a confusing mix
of the lighthearted and serious. They
are roamers and seekers, and don't
commit in their relationships as easily
as others. Venus in Sagittarius people
turn others on with their big smiles
and laughs, their jokes, their grand
schemes, their dreams, and their
friendly, flirtatious behavior. They
pride themselves on their open
minds, but you may notice they can
be judgmental too. They are
threatened by inhibitions on the part
of their lover, dullness, and emotional
overkill. They are restless, and won't
put up with lovers who dwell on any
one thing. When the going gets tough
in their relationship, they have an
overwhelming need to run away.
Usually this only means getting out
and experiencing something new
before they come back, but
sometimes it can be for good. They
are attracted to people in love with
life. You don't need to be refined,
polished, or graceful to win their

Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves

allowing them lots of room in the
relationship to grow. Avoid getting
stuck in a rut, and understand their
need to move on. Learn to laugh, but
take their rants and raves seriously.
Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join
them in debates, and philosophize
along with them. When they feel the
need for more experience, join them!
Learn to look past their clumsiness
with you and your feelings, and avoid
cornering them or forcing them to

Ve n u s i n V I I I : Ve n u s i s i n t h e
eighth house

Not frightened by the unknown.

Sometimes this position means she
has a peaceful and happy or natural
end of life. Possible inheritance.

Intensity is what you seek in your

love relationships, so that casual
encounters are not necessarily your
game. You are easily bored with
mechanical interactions between
partners, and might prefer drama in
your relationships to anything
mundane or superficial. However, you
also fear being vulnerable in love,
and, in youth, you may control your
emotions in love. Fears of being
betrayed may be at the heart of your
somewhat jealous and possessive
nature in love. When you give
yourself over to love, you love
wholeheartedly and expect all-
consuming, total devotion and
attention in return. You find passion a
healing force in your life. Your charm
runs deep--just below the surface.
You are attracted to all that is taboo,
hidden, forbidden, and find beauty in
the broken, disenchanted, obsessed,
and passionate. In some cases,
people with this position might make
a business out of love, romance, and
eroticism. There is an intensity about
you that others pick up readily. Either
they run or they are completely

-52 Square between Venus - Mars

Whether it's an infatuation or a full-

blown love affair, relationships get
you out of bed in the morning. You
are passionate and seem to need an
active romantic and sexual life to
drive you. Often, this area of life is
somewhat challenging, especially in
youth. As much as you want to be
involved in a passionate affair, your
timing can be off and/or it's difficult
to find a relationship that mirrors
your strong desires and expectations.
Especially when you are young, there
can be a real awkwardness with your
social skills--this may or may not be
apparent to others.
You are highly creative and generally
are driven to express that creativity.
Your passion for romance is often
channeled into your creative output.
For example, challenges in
relationships may be a large part of
the drive behind your poetry, music,
or other art.

Love and hate are very much mixed

together for you. You are prone to
love-hate relationships with others,
likely because your passions are such
that the old saying "there's a fine line
between love and hate" rings
especially true for you. Some level of
competitiveness, anger, frustration, or
angst is present in your romantic
relationships. Although you are quick
to anger, you are generally just as
quick to forget about it.

Short description: While she is

passionate, she likes carnal desires
and voluptuousness above all. She
may go to excess and can often be
unsatisfied. Should probably learn

119 Sextile between Venus - Neptune

Her professional life can be creative

or inconstant. She has a taste for the
Arts, can be a dreamer, and may be
easily influenced and romantic. She is
emotional and very sensitive.

Romantic, creative, gentle, and

adaptable, you naturally express the
finer qualities of mysterious and
dreamy Neptune in your love
relationships. Your imagination is rich
and your fantasy world well-
developed. You are turned off by
rudeness and crudeness, and are
drawn to beauty in its many forms.
You are very giving and generous, but
may be a little on the submissive
side, or sometimes downright lazy,
failing to take the initiative when
situations call for it.

1 Conjunction between Venus - Pluto

Her emotional and sex life can be

powerful and rich. She lives out truly
passionate love affairs. Extremely
resourceful, she is also excellent at
determining the worth or value of
material things. She can help others
to discover their own worth as well.
She is naturally attracted to
relationships that transform her, that
are growing and evolving, and that
are intense. She can use her strong
intuition and understanding of others
for good or for bad, and this depends
largely on other aspects in the chart.
She can be highly devoted and
passionate to the things (and people)
she loves. She can be quite

42 Trine between Venus and the

North Node

This aspect indicates diplomacy and

attractiveness. There is a certain luck
in meeting others at the right times.
There is skill in harmonizing and
much desire to cooperate rather than


Mars represents the desire for action

and physical energy.

Mars is in Aquarius

It can be a little difficult to

understand exactly what makes a
Mars in Aquarius native tick. And
that's absolutely fine with them--they
enjoy surprising people. The tried-
and-true methods of getting things
done are far too boring for those born
with Mars in this unique and original
sign. Mars in Aquarius natives often
have a rather original view of the
world as well. These natives are
generally quite proud of their
independence. They are not easily
pushed around with Mars in this fixed
sign. Because Aquarius is progressive
and open-minded when it comes to
the world at large, it can be
surprising that on a personal level,
Mars in Aquarius natives can be quite
obstinate. If they feel boxed in, they
are quite likely to rebel. If you've
discovered a pattern to their ways,
they'll make sure they aren't so
predictable the next time around.
Being seen as "normal" simply won't

With Mars, the planet of energy and

drive, in an Air sign, these individuals
get off on mental and intellectual
pursuits. Aquarius is a somewhat
scattered sign, even though it's
persevering in the long haul. If
there's a method to their madness, it
isn't always easy to see. Projects are
taken on with a shotgun-style
approach with this position of Mars.
Mars in Air signs are generally quite
clever at getting what they want; in
Aquarius, they are particularly adept
at getting their way. While this is not
an overtly aggressive position of Mars
(Aquarius has a manner that is far
too detached to come across too
forcefully), it is very willful. Combine
willfulness with the cleverness of an
Air sign, and you have a person who
is quite creative about getting what
they want--which generally is getting
their way! Unlike with Mars in Aries or
Leo natives, for example, you won't
always know you're being dominated
by a Mars in Aquarius native!

One of the most pleasant

characteristics of Mars in Aquarius
natives is their willingness to let
others be. They place a lot of value in
freedom and individuality--theirs and
yours. They need space to be
themselves and plenty of room to
breathe. Generally not the touchy-
feely types, these natives often laugh
at sentimentality and tradition. In
personal relationships, their approach
to intimacy is definitely on the
detached side, which can be baffling
and frustrating to more personal and
affectionate personalities. Of all the
personal planets in the sign of
Aquarius, Mars placed here can show
the strongest "reformer" streak. The
Aquarian ideal of equality works big
time with this position, and the desire
to push their agenda on others
(usually in creative, rather than
aggressive, ways) runs high.
Obstinacy and a superiority complex
are this position's least desirable
traits; openness to new ways of doing
things (as long as they're not forced
upon them) is where they shine.

Mars in XI: Mars is in the

eleventh house

She achieves her ambitions. She is

impulsive and presses on sometimes
without thinking. She starts
something new without necessarily
finishing the previous job. She likes
to dominate and may lack diplomacy
at times where friends and
professional relations are concerned.

102 Sextile between Mars - Jupiter

She has a good sense of organization,

she is jovial, frank, and sincere. She
is full of dynamism and abundant
energy. She loves life, taking all it has
to offer. She likes sports and the
outdoor life. She is successful
professionally and emotionally. She
may have many children or projects
and ventures.

She is honest and forthright in her

dealings with others, and She tends
to trust others readily. She can be a
bit careless about spending money,
however, and this is probably because
she is so eternally optimistic that
there will always be plenty around.
The possibility of failure does not
enter her mind, although success
itself is not as important to her as
enjoyment and happiness are. Can be
pleasantly competitive and good-

10 Sextile between Mars - Lilith

Love affairs are passionate. There is

an instinctive understanding of
intensity, the dark side of our
natures, and passion.

54 Sextile between Mars - Ascendant

She is energetic and direct.


Jupiter represents expansion and


Jupiter is in Aries

She attracts the most good fortune

when taking the lead, initiating,
inspiring, and demonstrating
enthusiasm and courage. She
believes in the power of positivity,
that life is what you make of it. Likes
competition, doing things

Jupiter in I: Jupiter is in the

first house

She is jovial, expansive, dynamic,

kindly, altruistic. She has good
judgment, is tolerant and loves food,
good times, and pleasures. She has a
good education and a prosperous life.

38 Trine between Jupiter - Lilith

She could meet a partner much

wealthier than herself. Good sexual

199 Conjunction between Jupiter -


She likes meeting friends, enjoying a

good meal and cordial atmospheres.
She is pleasant, jovial, and engaging.


Saturn represents contraction and


S a t u r n i s i n Ta u r u s

She doesn't like to see greed or

waste in others. Must not shun
materialism and possessiveness
completely, and learn to build up a
sense of being "deserving" of some
pleasures in life.

Saturn in I: Saturn is in the

first house

She can be self-conscious in new

situations, especially when young.
Her manner is rather cautious and
guarded. First reactions to new ideas
or plans are reticent and somewhat
negative, but these are only first
reactions. Can be methodical, patient,
a bit distrustful or initially reluctant,
quite polite. She may speak little at
first and does not waste energy
unnecessarily. She has a good
memory and strong sense of
organization, preferring to do things
well. She is never slapdash and has a
strong sense of responsibility.

-28 Square between Saturn - Uranus

She does not like routine, whether at

work or in her emotional life. She
fights to keep her independence, her
freedom of action. She would gladly
re-make the world.

23 Trine between Saturn - Midheaven

She is ambitious, but in a deliberate,

calculated, well-balanced way. She is
persevering, mostly serious, and
orderly. She climbs the ladder slowly
but surely; if need be, she is willing
to change her ideas. She is wise and

U ra n u s

Uranus represents individual liberty,

egoistic liberty.

U ra n u s i n A q u a r i u s

May get over-excited at the start of a

task that interests her. At times, her
debonair personality can give others
a banal impression.

Uranus in XI: Uranus is in the

eleventh house

Her freedom is important to her, even

with regard to friends. Friends cnn be
extravagant, original, intellectual.
They are not from the same
background and often have a
different upbringing.

40 Sextile between Uranus - Pluto

She fights to improve her daily life,

she is persevering.


Neptune represents transcendental

liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Aquarius

Generosity, especially enjoying

resolving problems in order to satisfy

Neptune in X: Neptune is in
the tenth house

She is a very idealistic person,

preferring to see her ideals, hopes,
and dreams made concrete and real
in the everyday world. She is driven
to put ideals into action. She has
great ambition, which sometimes can
be taken to obsessive levels. She may
always want to check work already
done, as she is terrified of being less
than perfect.


Pluto represents transformations,

mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Sagittarius

Great aspirations: sexuality and love

are idealized.


Black Moon Lilith represents our

darker, deeper natures that may be
repressed or buried.

Lilith in Sagittarius

She may have felt uncomfortable or

even ashamed for her curiosity,
questions, restlessness, the need to
challenge and question
life/facts/beliefs, or the need to get
away, expand, and seek meaning.
She may feel uncomfortable around
people who are expressing these
Sagittarian traits, not quite trusting
them! Learning to accept and even
embrace these traits without apology
can be empowering. It can also help
end a cycle of going to extremes with
these traits.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our

overdeveloped character traits. We
are talented here but if we overdo
this area of life or hold onto these
traits to feel secure, we may
stagnate. The North Node points to
the qualities that we need to work on
and develop to achieve inner balance
and fulfillment.

Tr u e N o r t h N o d e i n L e o

She can be a friend to many but may

stumble a little when things get too
personal. Her path is to embrace her
individuality and to allow herself to be
the center of attention or to strike out
on a unique creative path. She is
learning to be more personal and less
intellectual when expressing her
feelings. Qualities to develop:
Intimacy, sharing, self-expression.

N o r t h N o d e i n I V: N o r t h N o d e
in the Fourth House

Her path is to allow herself to be

vulnerable, and from time to time,
release the need to feel in control and
on top of things. Once she does let
others in, her life improves. Fixing
her home life can enhance her career.
Qualities to develop: nurturing and
trust, tenderness, willingness to be
vulnerable or to accept support.

The Houses

House I is the area of self identity.

The ascendant is a symbol of how one
acts in life. It is the image of the
personality as seen by others, and
the attitude that one has towards life.

Capricorn with ascendant Aries

Ascendant is in Aries

People with Aries Ascendants are

direct and quick. Their first instinct is
to do, rather than think. Planning
ahead? Forget it. Aries rising simply
charges forward without much ado.
This position does not make a person
aggressive. Forthright, yes, but
aggression is too strong a word for
these natives. They have a youthful,
direct manner that sees what it wants
and generally goes for it. At the same
time, there isn't any malice in their
intent. Some Aries rising people are
competitive, but they generally put
most of the pressure on themselves.
These people love to come out ahead
in all that they do. They get ready
quickly, walk quickly, and have little
patience for dilly-dallying. Their
temper is quick, too. It's also quick to
disappear. Rarely do you find Aries
rising people holding grudges. Their
mannerisms are rather simple and

Aries rising loves action, and is often

trying to stir up some activity. Their
strengths lie in their enterprising
ways. Finishing things they start does
not always come as easily, unless the
ruler, Mars, is placed in a more
tenacious sign, such as Taurus or
Scorpio. Aries Ascendant often gives
a rather swift walk, with the head
leaning forward slightly. This walk is
surprisingly distinctive. Headaches,
and sinus and eye problems are the
usual physical complaints of this
position. Rashes and acne on the face
and shoulders sometimes occur.
Broad shoulders and slim hips are
common. Often, Aries rising people
are quick to smile, and they possess
a youthful charm throughout life.
Probably early on in life, Aries rising
people got typecast as the
"independent" child. As adults, people
with Aries Ascendants often stick to
that role in life. People don't run to
help them out -- they appear quite
fine doing things on their own. These
people have learned to be self-reliant,
and this generally stems from their
early experiences. Despite a rather
brusque and independent manner,
these natives are usually very willing
to compromise in their relationships,
and are very attached to the people
they hold dear.

House II - the second house - is the

area of material security and values.
It rules money and personal finances,
sense of self-worth and basic values,
personal possessions.

Taurus on House II

Financially usually comfortable, but

there can be a tendency to splurge on
luxury items. However, she is unlikely
to go wanting. The house where
Venus is placed can show areas
where money can be made. May hold
on to things. Sentimental about
personal possessions.
House III - the third house - is the
area of social and intellectual

Gemini on House III

She adapts well to any kind of

change, and enthusiastically. She
doesn't like monotony. Early family
life was busy, and usually this
position suggests a number of
siblings. Work in communications or
the media is possible. Writing talent
is also probable. Can read and think a
lot, but may not be very focused. Can
have a lot of projects going at once.

House IV - the fourth house - is the

area of home, family, roots, and deep
emotions/sense of self-worth.

Cancer on House IV

She can revere family life, children

may have a large place in her heart.
She is by nature calm, affectionate,
delicate, and tender. She values
peace and calm in the home. She is
nostalgic, collecting things of
sentimental value.

House V - the fifth house - is the area

of creative self-expression, romance,
entertainment, children, and

Leo on House V

Can only love an honest, upright, and

intelligent person. She likes to admire
her partner. A sincere, stable, and
faithful love. Refined education.

House VI - the sixth house - is the

area of learning by material

Virgo on House VI

Jobs in the medical or paramedic

fields suit her the best. Weak point:
the nerves and intestines.

House VII - the seventh house - is

the area of one-to-one relationships
such as marriage and partnership,
and of social and intellectual action.

Libra on House VII

She looks for compromise in

relationships and partnership or
marriage. May get involved in a
committed relationship earlier than

House VIII - the eighth house - is the

area of emotional security and of
security of the soul.

Scorpio on House VIII

Lots of vivacity and hastiness can

even put life in danger at times.
Unafraid of tricky topics, such as sex
and death. Passionate. Intrigued by
the metaphysical.

House IX - the ninth house - is the

area of learning that shapes the

Sagittarius on House IX

Long voyages abroad are possible.

Might settle permanently in a foreign
country. Intellectual work,
mathematical mind.

House X - the tenth house - is the

area of material action. The
Midheaven represents the work one
will do in one's life, the place one will
take in the world of society. It
becomes more important as one
grows older.

Capricorn on House X

Someone who is completely trusted

at work. Respectable, irreproachable
in her work and moral qualities,
scrupulous, and praiseworthy.

House XI - the eleventh house - is

the area of search for social and
intellectual security.

Aquarius on House XI

She likes to re-make the world with

her friends. These discussions can
last the whole night and, with the
ideal world created, she is happy to
retire to bed.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the

area of education and of emotion.
This is where we meet our karma,
deal with endings, and sometimes
where we bury things.

Pisces on House XII

Contradictions, and inner torments or

harassments are possible. However,
this is a good position for psychic
awareness, helping others less

Yo u r Pe r s o n a l N a t a l

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Pronoun She


355 Albania AL

Date 01/01/2000 Saturday

Time 12:00

Julian day 2451544.96

Timezone 1.0000 1h00e

ST 18.59

Lat 40.5300 40°32'n

Long 19.4700 19°28'e

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