Decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity Systemat

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10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Decentralized and Self-Sovereign

Identity: Systematic Mapping Study
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Corresponding author: Špela Čučko (e-mail:
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Core Funding) under Grant P2-00577, and by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 870635 (DE4A).

ABSTRACT Self-Sovereign Identity is an emerging, user-centric, decentralized identity approach utilizing

some form of decentralized technology. It provides a means for digital identification without reliance on
any external authority, enabling entities to control their identity and data flow during digital interactions
while enhancing security and privacy. With the rise of blockchain technology, Self-Sovereign Identity is
gathering momentum in academia and industry while the number of research papers increases rapidly.
Yet Self-Sovereign Identity is still in a young unstructured field in its early stages of research. Thus,
a systematic mapping methodology was adopted to provide a coarse-grained overview of decentralized
and Self-Sovereign Identity and structure the research area by identifying, analyzing, and classifying the
research papers according to predefined parameters, precisely according to their contribution, application
domain, IT field, research type, research method, and place of publication. Furthermore, the nature and
scope of the research are determined, meanwhile existing research topics, gained insights into trends,
demographics, challenges, gaps, and opportunities for future research are also presented.

INDEX TERMS blockchain, decentralized, identifier, identity, self-sovereign, self-sovereign identity, SSI.

I. INTRODUCTION Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [4][5] and Decentralized

Identity Foundation (DIF) [6], striving to establish a new de-
There is a growing interest in decentralized technology, es-
centralized identity ecosystem. Another important initiative
pecially blockchain, and its application in different domains,
worth mentioning is the European Commission’s framework
including identity management [1][2], as underlying infras-
proposal for trusted, secure, and widely usable European
tructure can facilitate an exchange of assets and enable trust
Digital Identity, which will enable all Europeans to digitally
in relationships between entities without the need for an
prove their identity and provide certain personal attributes,
intermediary. Unlike centralized systems, where control and
to access digital services across the Union. Meanwhile,
power are in the hands of central authority, decentralization
empowering users to be in control of their data through
entails the distribution of control among the participants in
identity wallets [7].
the system, thus, represents a shift of power from central
authorities to entities, e.g., users/identity holders, enabling As the field is gaining momentum and becoming popular
user-centric systems. The latter is crucial, especially in the in academia and industry, the number of research articles,
field of identity management, where currently sensitive, initiatives, and solution proposals, increasing rapidly. Yet,
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is stored in central- there is still some ambiguity, misunderstanding, and dis-
ized repositories, posing a threat to privacy and security. agreement about key principles and concepts’ definitions.
Due to personal data misuse and data breaches that had The core of the decentralized identity, precisely the Self-
lead to countless concerns, such as PII leaks and identity Sovereign Identity concept, lies behind the objectives to pro-
thefts, the decentralized identity approach, more narrowly vide a means for digital identification, with minimizing or
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), is gathering momentum and even eliminating reliance on a central authority, eliminating
interest in academia and industry. In addition, it is being a single point of failure. Allowing entities to create iden-
considered by many organizations and governments around tifiers independently of any external party, gather identity
the world [3]. Moreover, is being standardized by World claims from various sources, securely and autonomously

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

store, manage and distribute/share them while remaining hances decentralization, transparency, and user control [11]
in full control of identifiers and associated identity data. in transactions involving identity information. And usually
Furthermore, with the use of decentralized technologies and relies on some form of decentralized ledger technology
cryptographic primitives, security and privacy are enhanced, (DLT), blockchain, distributed file system, or another de-
and transparency and data minimization can be achieved. centralized system, such as Hashgraphes and Tangle [12].
However, SSI is still a young unstructured field in its early Open-source Hyperledger projects can also be used, as Hy-
stages of research, with many research opportunities and perledger Indy was specifically built for the implementation
challenges that need to be tackled. Thus, this study aims to of decentralized identity. Thus can be used standalone or
gain a broad insight into existing knowledge by conduct- with other blockchains [13][14]. The use of blockchain is
ing a Systematic Mapping Study, classifying research pa- the most popular, however not mandatory for the implemen-
pers into pre-defined categories, providing a coarse-grained tation of decentralized identity as it can also be achieved
overview, and structuring the research area. Furthermore, with mentioned alternatives [12]. Nevertheless, blockchain
we aim to identify research trends, demographics, and po- may facilitate the implementation of decentralized identity,
tential research gaps, that can serve as a starting point for and it coincides with some desirable properties of Self-
further research. Sovereign Identity [15].
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
In section II, the general concepts of decentralized and A. SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY
Self-Sovereign Identity are outlined. Section III presents
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is an emerging, decentralized
related work regarding secondary studies and highlights the
identity approach that enables entities (e.g. individuals, or-
differences to our work. Research methodology is described
ganizations, and objects) to fully control their digital iden-
in Section IV, and respective results are presented in Section
tity without reliance on any external authority, eliminating a
V. Section VI discusses the results of the systematic map-
single point of failure. SSI presents a paradigm shift, a shift
ping study concerning the research question. Last but not
in power and control, from identity and service providers to
least, Section VII presents conclusions and future work.
users, who must be central to the administration of identity
and information flow during digital interactions [16][17].
Therefore SSI is user-centric [18], allowing users to gen-
The decentralized identity model is enabled by the emer-
erate and manage unique decentralized identifiers (DID)
gence of decentralized technologies, providing the ability to
independent of any third party [19] and acquire identity
eliminate intermediaries. Therefore, the goal of decentral-
attributes from third-party issuers. Moreover, identifiers and
ization is to minimize or even fully eliminate a single point
associated personal data can be securely stored by them
of compromise or failure by minimizing or even removing
and presented freely when proof of identity is required.
central authority [8] that serves as an identity provider
That way, personal data is no longer kept in third-party
(IdP) and is responsible for identity administration and
databases, enhancing security and privacy, and reducing
management. In traditional identity management systems,
risk, connected to data leakage and other identity-related
personal data, i.e., identity attributes are centrally stored
cybercrimes [20].
under the control and management of IdP. Influenced by
its internal privacy and security policies, greatly affecting This can be enabled by an ecosystem (i) facilitating the
data usage and its safety. Meanwhile, requesting parties as acquisition and storage of verifiable claims and credentials
well as entities themselves must trust the IdP regarding the containing identity attributes, (ii) facilitating sharing of
availability, integrity, and confidentiality of attributes. Alter- verifiable presentations, including zero-knowledge proofs
natives to maintaining centralized storage are decentralized and data minimization, (iii) allowing verification of claims
approaches [9]. Some are similar to traditional identity so- and identities, and (iv) establishing trust among entities (i. e.
lutions, where existing trusted credentials from third parties trust triangle), i. e. issuers, identity holders, and verifiers that
are used for identity verification or authentication. However, interact with each other and can encompass various roles,
the central IdP is accompanied by decentralized storage, depending on the situation.
where validated attestations are stored on a distributed
ledger for later validation, presenting main differentiation The paradigm is still in its infancy, and there is no con-
[10]. sensus on an exact definition of SSI. However, initiatives to
On the other hand, decentralized approaches not relying describe [19] and formally define the concept [21], essential
on any centralized IdP. In contrast with traditional, cen- architectural components [18], and principles [22] important
tralized, and federated approaches that are account-based for its implementation exist.
or digital certificate-based and require entities, e.g., users The position paper presented by Wagner et al. [19] in-
to trust and rely on identity providers, the latter is based volves cooperation between experts from different institu-
on peer-to-peer relationships between interacting parties. tions and companies, addressing SSI and showing agree-
Hence, the ecosystem consists of various entities that enact ment on the future directions regarding standardization,
roles formerly performed by central authority [8]. It en- interoperability, regulation, privacy, and security.
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

Muhle et al. [18] provided a high-level overview of SSI isting third-party trusted credentials, such as passports,
architecture and key components of the SSI system, mainly driving licenses, etc. After verifying, validated identity
identification, authentication, verifiable claims, and attribute attestations are recorded on a distributed ledger for
storage. Ferdous et al. [21] have mathematically formalized later verification by third parties [17][25][10]. On the
the concept of SSI, using mathematical notions and proper- other hand, SSI is not relying on any existing doc-
ties, and have presented various envisioned flows. uments. Each entity can create an unlimited number
Allen [22] proposed ten guiding principles of SSI lay- of identities without relying on documents, as identity
ing out the requirements for SSI system. Highlighting the information can be self-attested or preferably obtained
importance of independent existence, user control, data later by gathering credentials from different issuers.
access, transparency, persistence, portability, interoperabil- 2) In some decentralized proposals [26][27], a single
ity, consent, data minimization, and protection. Sovereign identity is allocated for every entity and stored in the
Foundation grouped Allen’s principles into three categories blockchain for authentication purposes. Otherwise, SSI
security, controllability, and portability [18], while Toth and allows the generation of an unlimited number of iden-
Anderson-Priddy [23] validated them and suggested five ad- tifiers depending on the situation and requirements.
ditional principles, namely usability, counterfeit prevention, These solutions are common, especially for IoT imple-
identity verification, identity assurance, and secure trans- mentations, where devices can authenticate each other
actions. Furthermore, Ferdous et al. [21] analyzed existing without a central authority.
definitions, extracted properties and classified them into five 3) The decentralized identity system does not meet the re-
categories, foundational, security, controllability, flexibility, quirements of SSI regarding control, or other important
and sustainability. criteria relating to controllability, portability, security,
The aforementioned principles can be viewed as a set of or other principles addressed above.
objectives that SSI systems should achieve. Thus, SSI is
not dependent on a specific technology and implementation III. RELATED WORKS
but can be realized in various ways. However, it can be Several secondary studies dealing with aspects of decentral-
best achieved by utilizing decentralized ledger technology ized and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) have been published
(DLT), usually blockchain technology [16], decentralized over the years.
identifiers (DID) [4], and verifiable credentials (VC) [5] Rouhani and Deters [28] have presented a review of five
standardized by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). studies related to the application of smart contracts in the
DLT provides a cryptographic root of trust [20] and serves field of decentralized identity, and categorized them into
as trustless, decentralized public-key infrastructure (DPKI) seven groups: (i) healthcare, (ii) IoT, (iii) identity manage-
[24]. It acts as a replacement for centralized registration ment, (iv) record keeping, (v) supply chain, (vi) BPM, and
authority in traditional identity management systems, where (ii) voting.
the pairing of identifier and authentication method is main- Maesa and Mori [2] have surveyed six applications of
tained [18]. blockchain, specifically (i) electronic voting, (ii) healthcare
DIDs are globally unique decentralized identifiers, pro- records, (iii) identity management, (iv) access control, (v)
viding a means for authentication using cryptographic decentralized notary, and (vi) supply chain. For each, they
proofs. Allowing entities to prove control over them, with- have analyzed the problem, provided blockchain-based pro-
out requiring permission from any third party [4][12]. VCs posals, and presented existing solutions from the literature.
are digital credentials issued by the issuer to a holder, As for identity management, a SSI system was brought
whereby issuers attests to certain attributes, containing in- to the forefront, and its properties were discussed in the
formation related to identity subject, issuing authority, type context of blockchain-based implementation. While the for-
of credential, asserted attributes or properties, constraints of mer explored a broader field of blockchain applicability
identity, and evidence related to its derivation [5]. DIDs and and have argued that desired SSI properties can be satisfied
VCs are directly managed and controlled by the identity by the blockchain-based implementation, [29] [30] focused
holder. They are stored in the user-controlled off-chain on the domain of healthcare, also recognizing blockchain’s
storage and can be presented to any relying party when potential for implementing identity system.
needed [18]. Both have conducted a survey on blockchain-based SSI
solutions. Houtan et al. [30] collected solutions from
Several distinctions between decentralized and Self- academia and industry and classified them into five cate-
Sovereign Identity can be drawn from the literature and gories, namely (i) data control and protection, (ii) digital
existing implementations. Usually, differ in the method of identity, (iii) social insurance, (iv) social data governance,
registration, precisely identifier registration, and identity (i) healthcare and patient data. They have investigated the
attribute aggregation. potential of blockchain technology and concluded that its
1) Decentralized identity can be derived from existing characteristics are suitable even beneficial for realizing a
government-issued identity documents and is provided standardized, interoperable healthcare ecosystem that sup-
by services performing identity proofing based on ex- ports SSI and allows patients to regain control over their data
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

gathered from various sources while remaining in the center uPort, and ShoCard, and compare them based on Cameron’s
of the ecosystem. The authors also highlighted some chal- law of identity. They also provide a comprehensive review
lenges regarding security and privacy, lack of standardized of 50 existing blockchain-based identity management pa-
implementation methods, and the fact that existing solutions pers and patents published between May 2017 and January
are mostly in beta or test stages, not ready for real-world 2020 on the various academic databases (e.g. ACM Digital
use. Shuaib et al. [29] have also stated several requirements Library, IEEE Explore, ScienceDirect, and Springer Link)
for adopting SSI in healthcare and have presented some and Google Scholar. Study focuses on classifying research
advantages and a use case involving different stakeholders. papers into three main categories authentication, privacy,
Mundhe et al. [31] conducted a survey, studying and trust. Throughout analysis, they identify research gaps
various authentication and privacy-preserving techniques and opportunities and highlight few identity related chal-
in VANETS, including decentralized blockchain-based lenges that include identity wallet leakage and identity
schemes, and providing scheme classification, strengths, changes.
and weaknesses. The study revealed that most of the existing Rathee and Singh [39] carried out extensive system-
schemes require centralized entities, e.g., trusted authorities atic literature mapping of identity management using
who assign identity or certificates to vehicles and store them Blockchain technology. They have identified and analyzed
in the blockchain. 30 primary studies published between 2009 and 2020 with
Zhu and Badr [32] conducted a survey on traditional and the objective to (i) find out research trends (ii) and chal-
blockchain-based identity management systems focusing on lenges, (iii) scrutinize identity management frameworks,
IoT, identifying solutions and challenges including access (iv) identify initiatives and (v) research projects that use
control, privacy, trust, and performance. Bartolomeu et al. blockchain in the field of identity management, and (v)
[33] have also focus on the IoT and provided a review determine popular consensus algorithms. Once again, they
of use-cases, technology, and challenges of SSI, including have concluded that the integration of blockchain has the
discussion regarding technical challenges, best practices, potential to overcome the limitations of conventional iden-
and standardization. tity management. Hence, some privacy and interoperability
Gilani et al. [34] and Kaneriya et al. [35] described and challenges remain.
analyzed existing blockchain-based identity management In contrast to the aforementioned studies, our research in-
solutions that claim to fulfill the self-sovereignty. Gilani cludes a larger set of papers, provides more extensive classi-
et al. [34] recognized a lack of evaluation criteria, e.g., a fication and data visualization. It includes both blockchain-
scale for solution assessment. While many solutions have based and no-blockchain-based implementations while ex-
been compared and evaluated based on the law of identity cludes papers that rely on a central authority for identity
[17][24][36] or SSI taxonomy [21][37], they performed a registration.
technical evaluation, disclosing differences in design and
Although all the secondary studies presented above are
implementation, e.g., network i.e., blockchain type and data
connected to our research to some extent, the studies
storage, key management, selective disclosure, smart con-
[24][39] are the most related. However, they do not: (i)
tracts, and GDPR compliance. They have also discussed
include non-blockchain based implementations, (ii) distin-
the key concepts and architecture of SSI and pointed out
guish between decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity,
the research gaps and challenges. Challenges and future
(iii) classify papers based on their contributions, domain, IT
research directions were also discussed by Bernabe et al.
field, and research type.
[20], who surveyed the current state of the art on privacy-
preserving solutions, providing an overview of privacy and
blockchain concepts in general. The authors have also pre- IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
sented identity management systems, precisely SSI on the Most studies presented in the previous section performed a
blockchain. They have analyzed and compared existing so- Survey or Systematic Literature Review (SLR), the aim of
lutions, their features, and privacy aspects with emphasis on which is to analyze primary studies on a given research topic
GDPR. Providing a comparison of compliance with GDPR in detail and provide an overview of specific research area.
principles, such as lawfulness, fairness, transparency, data Unlike SLR, in order to get a coarse-grained overview and
minimization, integrity, and confidentiality. gain insights into the trends and demographic of existing
Kuperberg [38] has conducted a systematic survey of studies on a broader research topic, a Systematic Mapping
existing blockchain-based identity and access management Study (SMS) can be performed [40][41].
solutions and provided an evaluation framework consist- Its objective is to (i) structure a field of interest and
ing of 75 criteria for the evaluation of decentralized and research type of identified studies, (ii) build a classification
SSI management systems. The criteria were applied to 43 scheme, (iii) categorize existing studies within the field,
offerings which were analyzed in detail and evaluated in (iv) display frequencies of publications for classification
terms of end-user functionality, mobility, overhead aspects, categories and (v) provide result visualization with classi-
compliance, regulations, standardization, and integration. fication maps. Thus the main result of the SMS process
Liu et al. [24] review three solutions, namely Sovrin, is classification maps that map identified studies according
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

to research questions and determine coverage in a certain RQ1.1: Which contributions have been introduced in the
category. field of decentralized identity? In which categories
Since decentralized identity, precisely Self-Sovereign can be research on decentralized identity classified
Identity, is still in its infancy, the research field is not based on its contribution?
structured yet. A lot of research has to be done in the future RQ1.2: From the pool of decentralized identity solu-
before its wide acceptance can be considered. At this point, tions, how many employees the principles of Self-
we believe SMS is desirable and useful to identify gaps and Sovereign Identity? (Ratio between SSI and decen-
opportunities for further research. Moreover, it can serve as tralized identity).
a starting point for further research. Therefore, we decided RQ1.3: What type of research has been conducted in rele-
to follow the guidelines provided by Pettersen et al. [40][41] vant research papers?
and conducted an SMS process, performing the following RQ1.4: In which domains were decentralized identity solu-
steps: tions studies/applied?
1) defining research questions (section IV-A and IV-B), RQ1.5: In which categories can be decentralized identity
2) determining the search strategy and conducting a solutions classified based on the IT field?
search (section IV-C and IV-D), RQ2: What are the trends and literature demographics in the
3) paper screening (section IV-D), field of decentralized identity?
4) keywording and constructing classification scheme RQ2.1: How many scientific papers were published in the
(section IV-E), field of decentralized identity each year?
5) data extraction, classification, and mapping of the stud- RQ2.2: Where have the studies in the field of decentralized
ies (section V). identity been published (according to the number of
Each step results in an outcome, displayed in Fig. 1, and is published papers)?
described in detail in the following sections. RQ2.3: From the perspective of the organizational affiliation
of the researchers, what countries have contributed
A. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES the most in the field of decentralized identity?
This SMS aims to gain a broad insight into existing knowl- In the following section, the research strategy is pre-
edge/studies in the field of decentralized and Self-Sovereign sented. It includes a selection of scientific databases, iden-
Identity. The goal is to provide a coarse-grained overview of tification of keywords, and construction of search strings.
research papers and classify them according to predefined Afterward, a search for relevant papers was conducted.
parameters. Furthermore, determine the nature and scope
of the research, and get insights into trends, demographics, C. SEARCH STRATEGY
challenges, and gaps in the field of decentralized and Self- After defining the research questions, we identified the key-
Sovereign Identity. The main research objectives that should words and formed a search string. The latter was structured
be achieved at the end of the study are: in a way that allows a broad overview of the entire research
(i) identify research subject of interest regarding decen- space.
tralized and Self-Sovereign Identity.
(ii) identify types of contributions of existing primary and Keywords: The identified keywords are Self-Sovereign
secondary papers. Identity, Self Sovereign Identity, decentralized identity, de-
(iii) identify the number of decentralized identity solutions centralised identity, blockchain identity, block-chain iden-
that employ the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity. tity, blockchain based identity, block-chain based identity,
(iv) identify types of research conducted and research decentralized identifier.
methodology used in relevant research papers.
(v) identify domains and IT fields addressed in relevant The final search string used is:
(vi) identify literature demographics and research trends CENTRALI*ED" OR "BLOCKCHAIN" OR "BLOCK-CHAIN")
The latter is reflected in the formulated research questions
and sub-questions (RQs) in subsection IV-B. We have limited our search to two of the biggest and
most important scientific databases in the field of computer
B. RESEARCH QUESTIONS science, IEEE Xplore and the Science Direct. The decision
Based on the literature review, and previously defined re- on limitation is based on sole interest in (peer-reviewed)
search objectives, we have defined the research questions scientific papers, trying to distance ourselves from expert
listed below. and common/popular papers. Furthermore, Scopus includes
RQ1: What is the subject of interest in research papers deal- papers from IEEE Xplore and Science Direct.
ing with decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity? Another thing worth noting regarding search strategy is
What does the research encompass? search string adjustment. Since Science Direct does not
VOLUME 4, 2016 5

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

FIGURE 1. Systematic mapping process [40].

allow wildcards, we had to switch DECENTRALI*ED to

DECENTRALIZED. However, other aspects of the string
remain the same in both databases.

The search string was then used in selected databases.

Taking into account the results (i) in the field of computer
science, (ii) and the period between 2012 and 2021. The
second can be justified with the fact that decentralized and
Self-Sovereign Identity is a general topic of discussion only
since 2015. Due to the growing interest in decentralized
technology, especially blockchain, Internet Identity Work-
shop (IIW) started a discussion about blockchain identity in
the spring of 2015. Recognizing its potential in the field of
identity management [42] as blockchain can facilitate some
desired features of digital identity, solving some problems
that traditional IdM systems entail. Therefore we decided
to consider papers published after 2012, taking a two year
FIGURE 2. Gradual reduction of the number of papers through the
buffer time. screening process.

Limitations: The study is limited to (i) two databases, (ii)

English papers (iii) published between January 2013 and tative categories, namely: (i) contribution, (ii) domain, (ii)
January 2021. IT field, (iv) place of publication, (v) type of research, and
(vi) research methods used. Categories and subcategories
D. INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA were then used as a basis for paper classification and result
To filter out relevant papers, obtained from the previous step, visualization (systematic maps) and can be seen in Table
a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria have been defined 2. Each identified paper was classified into one or more
(Table 1). categories, respectively.
The screening process was carried out gradually, as pre- Research papers included can introduce several contri-
sented in Fig. 2. Firstly papers were obtained based on (i) butions in the field of decentralized identity (e.g. novel
the search string application in defined databases. Then, system/solution, architecture, model, scheme, framework,
eliminated based on (ii) year and publication type, (iii) title, method, etc.) and can focus on different IT fields (e.g. IoT,
abstract, and keywords, and finally, based on (iv) full-text security, privacy, and trust, usability, user experience, etc.)
screening. in various domains (e.g. education, healthcare, transport,
Following the application of the criteria, 120 studies were supply chain, banking, and finance, etc.).
collected in the final phase and are listed in appendix . Based on identified research activities, precisely re-
searched methods used (e.g. analysis and synthesis, proto-
E. CLASSIFICATION SCHEME typing, experiment, survey, etc.), papers can be categorized
While screening research papers, a classification scheme according to the classification proposed by Wieringa et al.
was defined based on key concepts extracted from the titles, [43], which have proposed classification of research papers
keywords, and abstracts. Screening allowed us to determine with evaluation criteria extension. They have identified six
the context of individual research and gain a broader insight types of research papers: Solution proposal, Validation re-
into the research field. We focused on several aspects that search, Evaluation research, Philosophical/conceptual pa-
reflect pre-defined research questions and serve as represen- pers and Experience/experiential papers.
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

TABLE 1. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

• papers addressing decentralized or Self-Sovereign Identity, • papers addressing centralized or/and federated identity,
• papers published after 2012, • papers addressing decentralized identity but relying on the cer-
• papers written in English, tificate or trusted authority for identity registration,
• papers accessible electronically (in IEEE Xplore or Science • studies published in a book,
Direct database), • papers published in the form of summary, Poster, or PowerPoint
• papers published in journals, magazines, conferences (proceed- presentations.
ings), workshops, symposiums, congresses, forums, and sum-
• papers from the computer science research area,
• primary and secondary studies.

TABLE 2. Classification scheme with representative categories.

Contribution Domain IT field Research type Research method Place of

Architecture Education IoT Validation research Analysis and Synthesis Journal
Pattern Government Security Evaluation research Comparison Conference
Model/Scheme Healthcare Privacy Solution proposal Descriptive method Symposium
Framework Retail and eCommerce Trust Conceptual paper Mathematical method Congress
Protocol Banking and financial DPKI Opinion paper Survey Forum
System/solution Industry Authentication Experiential paper (Literature review) Summit
Specifications Supply chain IT architecture SLR Magazine
Method/Methodology Transport Patterns SMS Workshop
Existing solutions General UX and Usability Questionnaire
Use of decentralized Other Experiment
identity Prototyping
Definition/Concepts Case study
Challenges and Simulation
Internet of Things (IoT)
Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI)
Information Technology architecture (IT architecture)
UX (User Experience)

1) Solution proposal contains a proposal for a novel gory.

or significantly improved solution, e.g., architecture, 5) Opinion papers contain the author’s personal viewpoint
model, framework, etc., without full-blown validation on a given subject, either positive or negative.
or implementation of the proposed solution. 6) Experience/experiential papers consist of lessons
2) Validation research contains validation of the proposed learned and a description of the author’s personal ex-
solution, either by prototyping, conducting an experi- perience in using, for instance, a framework, a tool, a
ment, simulation, mathematical analysis, mathematical system, or other solutions.
proof of properties, etc., but has not been used in real- By analyzing papers, we were able to classify them accord-
world scenarios. ingly.
3) Evaluation research, unlike validation research, con-
tains the proposed solution that solves a problem and
has been implemented and tested in real-world scenar-
After obtaining papers that meet the inclusion criteria and
after classification scheme definition, we have begun with
4) Philosophical/conceptual papers focus on concepts and
information extraction and categorization of papers accord-
enclose a new way of looking and thinking. They
ing to their contribution type, domain, IT field, research
usually contain proposals for new perspectives on a
type, research method, and place of publication. We also
theoretical level. Unlike Wieringa et al., we slightly
recorded whether the article addresses SSI or whether
modified evaluation criteria. Since primary and sec-
merely a decentralized identity and noted if it mentioned the
ondary papers were included in our research, surveys,
term Self-Sovereign Identity, decentralized identifier, and
SLRs, and SMS were mainly classified into this cate-
verifiable credentials.
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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A. CONTRIBUTION Based on the analysis, 82 publications were identi-

Finally, we carried out a systematic mapping process which fied, while the following are only publications in which
resulted in several maps and visualizations addressing dif- three or more relevant studies have been published (Fig.
ferent research perspectives. The final classification map 9): (i) IEEE Access, (ii) Conference on Blockchain Re-
shown in Fig. 3 gives an overview of number of studies search & Applications for Innovative Networks and Ser-
regarding contribution research type, domain, and IT field. It vices (BRAINS) (iii) International Conference on Internet
shows which contributions have been introduced in the field of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Com-
of decentralized identity (RQ1.1), what type of research munications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and
has been conducted in relevant research papers (RQ1.3), in Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (Smart-
which domains were decentralized identity studied/applied Data), (iv) IEEE International Conference On Trust, Secu-
(RQ1.4) and which IT fields are the most often addressed re- rity And Privacy In Computing And Communications / In-
garding decentralized identity (RQ1.5). Therefore, the result ternational Conference On Big Data Science And Engineer-
of classification map answers first research question, except ing (TrustCom/BigDataSE), (v) International Symposium
for second sub question (RQ 1.2.) that addresses the ratio on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC),
between Self-Sovereign Identity and decentralized identity (vi) IEEE Communications Standards and (vii) Global In-
solutions proposed or validated. The later is displayed in ternet of Things Summit (GIoTS). A list of all identified
classification map in Fig. 4. publications is available in Appendix.
From the perspective of the organizational affiliation of
B. DEMOGRAPHY the researchers (RQ2.3), the country that has contributed
the most in the field of decentralized identity is the United
To answer RQ2.1, the number of papers published each year
States of America (23 studies - 19,2%). Following by China
has been counted and is displayed in Fig. 6. To address
(16 studies - 13,3%), the United Kingdom and Germany
RQ2.3., we have also recorded active countries, according
(14 studies each - 11,7%), Canada (12 studies 10,0%),
to the organizational affiliation of the authors. The results of
France (8 studies - 6,7%), India (7 studies - 5,8%), Greece
the analysis are displayed in Fig. 7.
and Saudi Arabia (5 studies each - 4,2%), United Arab
In order to answer RQ2.2, regarding relevant papers
Emirates, Portugal, Japan and Australia (4 studies each -
dissemination, we recorded the publication title for each
3,3%), Switzerland, and Malaysia (3 studies - 2,5%). The
analyzed study and categorized them as journal, maga-
states listed above contributed more than two studies, while
zine, conference, symposium, summit, forum, workshop, or
in Appendix, a list of all countries is provided.
congress. The Fig. 8 shows the share of published papers
in each category and mapping between papers contribution
As already mentioned, Fig. 3 indicates the study’s contri-
and its place of publication is presented in 5.
bution intersecting the IT field, domain, and research type.
By analyzing papers contributions to the field of de-
VI. DISCUSSION centralized identity (RQ1.1.), it can be concluded that the
By analyzing and visualizing results obtained from the largest amount of primary studies proposed system/solution
SMS, we can draw some conclusions and answer the re- (32 studies – 26,7%), architecture (22 studies – 18,3%)
search questions defined earlier. and framework (22 studies – 18,3%). On the other hand,
The number of included papers (RQ2.1.) regarding de- there is just few papers addressing methods and defining
centralized identity has increased over the years. Exponen- the concept (7 studies - 5,8%), protocols (5 studies - 4,2%),
tial growth can be observed in Fig. 6. However, note that specifications e.g., evaluation criteria (4 - 3,3%) and just one
the search has been conducted in January 2021. Therefore paper that proposed patterns (1 study – 0,8%). Secondary
there is a lower number of papers published in 2021. Con- papers mostly compare or evaluate existing solutions (22
sequently, we assume new papers have been added to the studies – 18,3%), provide an overview of the field (among
databases as we continued the SMS process. the results in the other category) ether in a systematic on the
From 2017 to 2018, the number has increased for 83,3%, non-systematic way, and present challenges, opportunities,
from 2018 to 2019 for 58,6% and from 2019 to 2020 for and future research directions.
50,0%. If we consider overall growth, from 2017 to 2021, From the pool of papers that have conducted validation
the number of papers has enlarged by 96,7%. research, evaluation research, or proposed solution, 66,7%
The distribution between databases is as follows. Overall, of papers addressing SSI while 33,3% of papers are decen-
120 papers were identified and included in this study, 108 tralized but not self-sovereign (RQ1.2). On the other hand,
papers (90%) from IEEE Xplore, and 12 papers (10%) among all papers, secondary and primary ones, 82 papers
from the Science Direct database. 68 papers (56,7%) have (68,3%) used the term "Self-Sovereign Identity", while 68
been published in conference proceedings, 29 (24,2%) in papers (56,7%) discussed the use of decentralized identifiers
journals, and 10 in Symposiums (8,3%). The rest were (DIDs) and/or verifiable credentials (VCs), indicating the
published in summits, magazines, forums, workshops, and recognition of the concept and the potential of DIDs and
congresses, respectively, as displayed in Fig. 8 (RQ2.2). VCs for the implementation of SSI.
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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FIGURE 3. Classification scheme, representing the intersection between papers contribution and IT field, domain, and research type.

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FIGURE 4. Classification scheme focusing on the demarcation between decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity, regarding contribution, domain, and IT field. As
well as representation between papers addressing decentralized versus Self-Sovereign Identity.

Beside the differentiation between decentralized and self- needed. Without strong fundamentals and good architecture,
sovereign identity, throughout research different levels of there can not be patterns and good practices.
decentralization have also been observed. For example, the Most of the included papers have studied decentralized
solution proposed by [44] uses a central server for storing identity in general (69 studies – 57,5%), not focusing on a
key-pairs, while [45] mention an approach to key backup specific domain (RQ1.4.). We believe the generalization is a
and recovery using trusted third-party repositories. Some consequence of the novelty. Within any new research field,
solutions rely on gateways that can introduce centralization it is necessary to first objectively and generally define basic
to a certain extent [46][47] and some utilize centralized principles, concepts, and architecture. Only then, the find-
servers that are responsible for mediating between involved ings can be applied to other areas and be explored further.
entities and serves as intermediaries for storing encrypted However, application in some domains is already happen-
identity attributes [17]. Moreover, solutions use different ing. There are a few studies in the field of transport and
types of blockchains and vary in the number of nodes, smart vehicles (10 studies - 8,3%), healthcare (9 studies -
therefore possess different levels of decentralization. 7,5%), banking and finance (8 studies - 6,7%), government,
As far as the IT field (RQ1.5.), a great interest around retail and ecommerce, supply chain and industry (each 7
IoT is observed (29 studies - 24,2%). Numerous papers are studies - 5,8%), and education (1 study - 0,8%).
proposing IT architectures (30 studies – 25,0%) or con- With the COVID-19 outbreak, the potential and the need
ducting studies regarding decentralized identity security (22 for decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identities was further
studies – 18,3%), trust (19 studies – 15,8%), and privacy (16 recognized [48][49][50][51][52]. Especially as it can be
studies – 13,3%). Decentralized public-key infrastructure used for the identification of individuals who have already
(DPKI) (8 studies – 6,7%) and authentication (22 studies been vaccinated or tested negatively within a stipulated time
– 18,3%) are also recognized as important research topics. and can mitigate the spread of the virus. Furthermore can
While there are hardly any studies addressing usability (0 ensure privacy and security of personal information, and
studies), user experience (1 study - 0,8%), patterns, and therefore can quickly gain trust within the society. Shuaib
good practices (2 studies – 1,7%). The results indicate that et al. [48] review the aspects of SSI application. Meanwhile,
the concept of decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity is Gans et al. [49] focus on SSI possibilities for undocumented
well known. However, the implementation independence is individuals during the pandemic. Hasan et al. [50] designed,
reflected in the absence of precisely defined architecture. implemented, and evaluated digital medical passports with
Therefore, many studies propose and present proofs-of- immunity certificates for COVID-19 test-takers, employ-
concept of different IT architectures. However, the best ing Self-Sovereign Identity. Similarly, Xin [51] introduces
implementation is still a matter of research, circumstances, GreenPass, a solution utilizing DLT, decentralized identity,
and application domain. The absence of studies addressing verifiable credentials, and distributed storage. Bandara et al.
user experience (UX) and usability in decentralized identity [52] developed Connect, an identity wallet for storing digital
systems is not surprising. Before tackling later, a strong identities and activity trace data on the blockchain utilizing
foundation with an emphasis on security and privacy is Self-Sovereign Identity proofs.
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

FIGURE 5. Classification scheme, representing the intersection between papers contribution and its place of publication.

Concerning research type (RQ1.3), the emphasis is industry, as it can solve some problems of the traditional
mainly on validation research (57 studies – 47,5%) and identity management approaches, primarily related to the
solution proposals (36 studies – 30,0%) providing new security and privacy aspect. It provides a means for digital
solutions. On the other hand, there is very little evaluation identification while enabling users to remain in control of
research (1 study – 0,8%), which could be linked to the fact their identifiers and associated identity data by minimizing
that decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity is still in its reliance on third parties.
early stages of research. Conceptual papers (22 studies – With the rise of blockchain technology and its application
18,0%) provide overviews of the research area and/or are in different domains, the identity community recognized its
describing and analyzing existing decentralized solutions potential as blockchain features coincide with some desired
while providing a list of opportunities and challenges that properties of digital identity. Thus, since the first discussions
need to be addressed in the future. in 2015, the number of research papers addressing decen-
tralized and Self-Sovereign Identity has increased rapidly,
VII. CONCLUSION accumulating knowledge and pawing the way in the new
Decentralized identity narrowly Self-Sovereign Identity era of digital identity. However, the field is still young,
(SSI) is a new, user-centric approach to digital identity on unstructured, in the early stages of research, with many
the internet that has emerged with the rise of decentralized research opportunities and challenges.
technologies. It is gathering momentum in academia and Therefore, this study presents a systematic mapping study
VOLUME 4, 2016 11

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

FIGURE 6. The number of papers published over the years. FIGURE 8. The most common places of publication.

FIGURE 9. Dissemination of papers addressing decentralized identity.

FIGURE 7. Active states, regarding authors affiliation.

followed by distribution in journals (24,2%) and sympo-

with the aim to structure the research area, identify exist- siums (8,3%). Most papers were published in the journal
ing research topics, gaps, challenges, and opportunities for IEEE Access (5,8%) and the most active state, according
future research. It provides a broader insight into the field to authors’ organizational affiliation, is the United States of
of decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity by gathering, America (19,2%).
analyzing, and classifying the research papers according Validation research (47,5%) and solution proposals
to their contribution, application domain, IT field, research (30,0%) prevail, with the prototyping method, generating
type, and method, as well as a place of publication. proofs-of-concept, predominating (40,0%). The identified
Analysis of the results suggests that the number of papers papers mainly propose systems/solutions (26,7%), archi-
is growing exponentially over the years, while distribution tectures (18,3%), and frameworks (18,3%), some compare
in conference proceedings predominates (56,7%) and is existing studies (18,3%), while just a few papers addressing
12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

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[43] R. Wieringa, N. Maiden, N. Mead, and C. Rolland, reopen by using blockchain technology,” in 2020
“Requirements engineering paper classification and IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communica-
evaluation criteria: a proposal and a discussion,” Re- tions in China (ICCC Workshops), 2020, pp. 102–
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Conference (COMPSAC), vol. 02, 2018, pp. 582– tal contact tracing platform,” Information Processing
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Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Comput-
ing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Comput-
ing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology
Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech),
VOLUME 4, 2016 15

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

ŠPELA ČUČKO received a master’s degree in

informatics and technology of communication
from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Mari-
bor, where she is currently pursuing a Ph.D.
in computer science. She is currently a Young
Researcher at the Institute of informatics and
a member of the Research and Development
Group named Blockchain Lab:UM. Her current
research interests include digital, decentralized
and self-sovereign identities.


the Head of Research and Development at
Blockchain Lab:UM, Maribor, Slovenia, an As-
sistant Professor at the Institute of Informatics,
University of Maribor (UM), Slovenia, Faculty
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Head of Operations with Digi[1]tal Innovation
Hub UM, UM’s coordinator of the H2020 project
DE4A—Digital Europe for All. He was a Man-
aging Director and a CTO of an IT Company,
from 2013 to 2016. His current research interests include advanced
database technologies, cryptography, digital identities and blockchain.

16 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access


TABLE 3. List of active states.

Active state Frequency Percentage

USA 23 19,2 %
China 16 13,3 %
Germany 14 11,7 %
United Kingdom 14 11,7 %
Canada 12 10,0 %
France 8 6,7 %
India 7 5,8 %
Saudi Arabia 5 4,2 %
Greece 5 4,2 %
Australia 4 3,3 %
Japan 4 3,3 %
Portugal 4 3,3 %
United Arab Emirates 4 3,3 %
Malaysia 3 2,5 %
Switzerland 3 2,5 %
Taiwan 2 1,7 %
Turkey 2 1,7 %
Bangladesh 2 1,7 %
Brazil 2 1,7 %
Austria 1 0,8 %
Brussels 1 0,8 %
Ecuador 1 0,8 %
Iran 1 0,8 %
Ireland 1 0,8 %
Jordan 1 0,8 %
Morocco 1 0,8 %
Myanmar 1 0,8 %
Netherlands 1 0,8 %
New Zealand 1 0,8 %
Romania 1 0,8 %
Russia 1 0,8 %
South Korea 1 0,8 %
Sri Lanka 1 0,8 %
Tunisia 1 0,8 %

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TABLE 4. List of identified places of publication.

Place of publication Frequency Percentage

IEEE Access 7 5,8 %
Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services 6 5,0 %
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and 5 4,2 %
Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and
IEEE Smart Data (SmartData)
Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS) 3 2,5 %
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 3 2,5 %
International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) 3 2,5 %
IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Com- 3 2,5 %
munications/ IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (Trust-
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2 1,7 %
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain) 2 1,7 %
IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2 1,7 %
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC) 2 1,7 %
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops) 2 1,7 %
International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) 2 1,7 %
IEEE Internet Computing 2 1,7 %
IEEE Security & Privacy 2 1,7 %
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2 1,7 %
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2 1,7 %
TEQIP III Sponsored International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and 2 1,7 %
Wireless Networks (IMICPW)
Information Processing & Management 2 1,7 %
IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) 2 1,7 %
IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 2 1,7 %
IEEE / ITU International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Good (AI4G) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Conference on Application, Information and Network Security (AINS) 1 0,8 %
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 0,8 %
IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 1 0,8 %
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet) 1 0,8 %
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 1 0,8 %
Computer Communications 1 0,8 %
Computer Law & Security Review 1 0,8 %
Computer Science Review 1 0,8 %
IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE) 1 0,8 %
Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT) 1 0,8 %
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPCON) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive 1 0,8 %
Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber
Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech)
IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) 1 0,8 %
IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 1 0,8 %
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW) 1 0,8 %
Future Generation Computer Systems 1 0,8 %
IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) 1 0,8 %

18 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

Place of publication Frequency Percentage

International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (ICAIT) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning 1 0,8 %
and Internet of Things (ICETCE)
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic- 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 1 0,8 %
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 1 0,8 %
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 1 0,8 %
IEEE Software 1 0,8 %
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) 1 0,8 %
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 1 0,8 %
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1 0,8 %
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 1 0,8 %
IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (Mobile- 1 0,8 %
International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA) 1 0,8 %
Network Security 1 0,8 %
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) 1 0,8 %
Procedia Computer Science 1 0,8 %
Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) 1 0,8 %
IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) 1 0,8 %
SoutheastCon 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) 1 0,8 %
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring) 1 0,8 %
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) 1 0,8 %
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM) 1 0,8 %

VOLUME 4, 2016 19

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

APPENDIX. INCLUDED PAPERS [19] K. C. Toth and A. Anderson-Priddy, "Self-Sovereign Digital Identity: A
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Onboarding Using Self-Sovereign Identity and Distributed Ledger," 2018 International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data
IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), 2018, pp. 1406-1412.
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pp. 20-29, July/August 2018. Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 46-51, December 2019.

20 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3117588, IEEE Access

[39] P. Dunphy, L. Garratt and F. Petitcolas, "Decentralizing Digital Identity: [59] H. Halpin, "Nym Credentials: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Identity
Open Challenges for Distributed Ledgers," 2018 IEEE European Sympo- with Blockchains," 2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Tech-
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[43] J. Xu, K. Xue, H. Tian, J. Hong, D. S. L. Wei and P. Hong, "An [63] S. Patil and L. Ragha, "Deployment and Decentralized Identity Man-
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[44] W. Xin, "Fighting COVID-19 and helping economy reopen by using [64] E. Kim et al., "Can We Create a Cross-Domain Federated Identity for the
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[45] K. Wittek, L. Lazzati, D. Bothe, A. Sinnaeve and N. Pohlmann, "An [65] N. Priya, M. Ponnavaikko and R. Aantonny, "An Efficient System Frame-
SSI Based System for Incentivized and SelfDetermined Customer-to- work for Managing Identity in Educational System based on Blockchain
Business Data Sharing in a Local Economy Context," 2020 IEEE Eu- Technology," 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in
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[46] A. S. Sani, D. Yuan, K. Meng and Z. Y. Dong, "Idenx: A Blockchain- tification with a Physically Unclonable Function," 2020 IEEE 45th
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in Smart Grids," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting [67] R. Rana, R. N. Zaeem and K. S. Barber, "An Assessment of Blockchain
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[47] M. Htet, P. T. Yee and J. R. Rajasekera, "Blockchain based Digital 2019 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
Identity Management System: A Case Study of Myanmar," 2020 Interna- (WI), 2019, pp. 26-33.
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on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPCON), 2019,
[48] D. W. Chadwick, R. Laborde, A. Oglaza, R. Venant, S. Wazan and M.
pp. 29-38.
Nijjar, "Improved Identity Management with Verifiable Credentials and
[69] Y. Zheng et al., "Blockchain-Based Privacy Protection Unified Identity
FIDO," IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4, pp.
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14-20, December 2019.
tributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC), 2019, pp. 42-
[49] M. A. R. Tonu, S. Hridoy, M. A. Ali and S. A. Azad, "Block - NID:
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[70] L. Bathen et al., "SelfIs: Self-Sovereign Biometric IDs," 2019 IEEE/CVF
System Model," 2019 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Sci-
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops
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[50] S. Ganta, R. B, G. N and M. B, "Unique Identity Management Scheme
[71] W. L. Sim, H. N. Chua and M. Tahir, "Blockchain for Identity Man-
for Distributed NFV Market Place using Ethereum," 2019 TEQIP III
agement: The Implications to Personal Data Protection," 2019 IEEE
Sponsored International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits,
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VOLUME 4, 2016 21

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22 VOLUME 4, 2016

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