Inm526 Test1, Test2 & Exam

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PJge l of 3
I. Define the foUowing tenm. 112 Marks!
a) Technolo~

b) Managenl!nt
c) Innovation

d) Technology rmnagcmcnt
c) lnnova1io11 manage111en1

2. L is t and desc ribe the four (4) components oftecboology. 18 Marks!

3 - What are the m:iin objectives of technology management at national level? 12 Marksl

4. Describe the statement: " Technology management i, lnnov11tion maru1gement"

(2 Marks!

S. S tate the four (4) technology management tools. (4 Mark.~!

6. Differentiate the incremental, radical and transfonnational innovations. (6 Mari<sl

7. Name and define lbe 8 stages of technological innovation process. 116 Mllrksl

8. Mos t technologies follow the S-shaped gro~1h model, draw a nd label the S-sbaped under
diffusion and gro~1h of teclmologies. ~ [ 10 Mllri<sl

9. With the aid ofa diagram, demonstrate the fin (S) phases of technology diffusion
process. CW-, ;1,.-i,., itovl · ~. de.. (8 Marl,:il
JO. Whal are the three (3) main sources of innovation? ~ 'l (3 Marks(
11. Am1nge the following inno,·ation lifccycle in an appropriate order.
(6 Marks(

a) Development

b) Experiment

c) Problem finding

dJ Busin,.:ss plan

Page 2 of 3
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12. T,•ch lhl I1) , , . . ~

. , -\ .... ,, 12 M:1.-kSI
g_, c hangl' occur., th rough sull!llltutmn. I rm: or l•alsc I

13. AIISwl' r thC following Stlltt' nlt' nts 0 11 tl:M' bus is of T rue or Fa lse 110 Marks)

ncon~uir~ is rhe gap bcrwccn wlu11 the firms thi11~ and whar c. ustomcrs t:xpcct. ..-
'f ~ ·
Under 111d 1L~rry a nd market change. markets and industries are in a s1J1te o f nux. I / J c,
c ) Unexpected oc urrcnccs rctcr to any chanQc in psrnulaiigr1 in terms ofavcrac, a ¢
d) Ne" Imo" ledge refers to ncxpcc rcd success. fai lure or an wicxpcctcd external event f
e) Change in J)<!rception can be identi lied by the way people identify something. I

14. Research and development needs its milestones and criti(al nssessment stages8
or ra~e? If Marki

15. State the five (5) characteristics of research and development (R&D). 11 oi\.'LarksI


Page 3 of 3
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Botswana International University of Science and Technology

Faculty ofEngineering and Technology
Test 2 2023

Course Code 1NME 526

Course Title Technology and lnnovation Management
Date 17104/2023
Time 08:00 - 09:30 hrs 190 minutes]
Venue Block 122-Room 001-002
Total Marks 60
Examiner Dr. K. Setswalo

ln1truclion1 10 C•ndidatt:J:
I. An5'\CT ~ qu<S110IIS

2. Copying is highly prohibtted.

3. Use appropnau, skc1ehes· and sho,vcnough s1eps in juS1ifying your on5wcr.
4. Draw a line lhmugl, any rougj, work to mdicote 1ha1 ii ,snot pan of 1he work 10 be mBJkcd.
S. A bbek or blue pcm musl be used for wntten answers.
6. Mobile phones an: SWllebed-off lhroughoul the ICl<L

Pase 1 of 3
I. Defin e technology foreca sting according to Marti no. 12 Mark s!

2. Tcc hnolo gy forec asting is orien ted towar ds pront abilit y. Tnic (2 J\farks l
1 or False

@st ate any three (3) roles of technology forecasting J 13 Mark s(

(v ust all the basic cleme nts oftee hnology foreca sting. 14 Mark s]

Brn-d · Draw and label 8 tcchnoloi:y forecasting model . (8 Mark s]

._ ~,.~J 6. Defin e the lwo (2) technology fore casting techniques.

(2 Mark s!

7. Name the missing techn ology foreca sting lechniques

11 to SI (S Mark s I

( , , I . ..
,e. t:>M-

·1:zJ! c::ti;I
Jf c~ 1tA-l ·Sccoario mnp,laliaa
wri1iila . S?


~ ~al are the two (2) reasons for intellect ual prope rt
y's relevance to small businesses J
12 Marks!

& o admin isters intcll cclua l prope rty legislation in Botsw

ana? 12 Marks!

~ h a t is the process of a paten t application. J IS Mark s(

I J. Stale two (2) advan tages of trade sec rets.

12 Marks!

f ® ,;s, four (4) responsibilities of a TTO/TLO . ✓ 14 Mark s(

Page 2 of 3
13. lnle llectual prope rt y (l,P) policy in BIUST aims to? 13 Ma rks I

14. W hy is crit ical milestone 2 a major rwestone? 12 Marks!

15 · What are the t wo (2) main directiom for your research at critical milestone 2?
14 Marks!

l 6. Which fo rms are signed bl'fo rc disclosing informatio n lo pote ntial pa rtners.
12 M arks!

J 13 Marks !
@ s t ate t hree (3) factors t hat extend the scale-up process.

(2 Ma
18. Define intellec tual property rights (IPRs) infringe ment ?

19. S late a ny three (3) ~ r ta nt tasks you need to do at critical rweston e 2. 13 Marks!

Page 3 o f 3
B ~ ST

Botswana International University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Engineering Examination 2022/2023 (Semester 2)

Course Code 1NME 526

Course Title Technology and Innovation Management
Date 11/05/2023
Duration 120 minutes
Venue Block 124/00 1-002
Total Marks 100

Instnactio m to Caodldates:
I . Answer All guestlom lo section A and !DY two (2) from section 8.
2. You are allowed to bring a non-programmable scientific calcula10r.
3. Use appropriate sketches and show enough steps to justify your answer.
4. All rough work must be wri nea in the answer book(s) provided.
5. Draw a line lhrough any rough work to iooicate that it is not part of the work to be marked.
6. A black or blue pea must be used for written answers.
7. 1bis paper cont.iins S pages including the cover page.
8. Mobile phones are not allnwcd in the examination.

Page 1 of S
SECT ION I (10 Ma rks )

I . Which •n: a is i-r t of the rrM)

techno logy management \ • •·· 111 1111cro le vel ? \ 11
a. Sustainable technology
b. Technology forecasting
c. Justific ation of new technol
d. Developing approp riate tech
nology strategy for the nation
e. All of the above
- · How many sta.gesare inv olv
ed in tecbDoIogy mn
o••ation pro cess? 111
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 6
3. The inside sources of techno
logy comprise of?
a. lncongrui ties
b, Unexpected OCCWTCllCC S
c. lndlL~try and mark.ct change
d. Innovation b:lsed on proces
s needs
e. All of the above
4. What does the phrase 'wh
att hef lrm s tJ1ink a11d wh at cus tom ers exp ect ' best des

a. New knowledge Ill

b. Change in perception
C. Incongruities
d. Unexpected occurrences
e. All of the above
5. Which of t he following ma
kes a basic stmcturc of a bu<line
ss p1a ?
a. Current bus iness status n.
b. Product and benefits to custom
c. Capitali1;1tion
d. All of the above
6. Whal is the main aim of
rcs enr th ond d evelopment (R&D)?
a. Ortimizing the technology's
properties I II
b. Focusing on tl1e technology
's opponunitics
c. Proving and validating the tccl

P~ge 2 or s
d. Developing the technology's properties and functi onalities
e. All of the above
7. Which of the following statements is tnae about brainstorming technique? Ill
a. Ideas are not analyz.ed and evaluated in depth
b. Least favored ideas are analyz.ed
c. least favored ideas are rejected
d. Ten ( I 0) to fifteen ( 15) members make a group.
8. In the scenario that you cannot find a partne r then you decide to go the
entrepreneurship directloJL Which decision should you take? Pl
, a. Firstly, set up and run a company on your own without business experience
xb. If you do not have business experience, employ a less skilled business person who will
nm your company for you, as a Manager or Executive Director
,c. Not hire a legal adviser, accowitant and tax advisor
d. Maintain decision making power by becoming the company President.
9. Which of the following statements is false about the SWOT-Analysis? I 1I
a. SWOT analysis helps find the best match between environmental trends and internal
b. Strengths and weaknesses are external while opportunities and threats arc internal
c. A strength is a resource or capacity the organization can use effectively to achieve its
d. All of the above
I0. In making strategic decisions on bow to deal with innovation, various forms of
management are set up. Which forms best describe innovation as a permanent
endeavour? Ill
a. Contract research, iMovation cooperation
b. Multi project management, R&D departments, total innovation management
c. Contract research, collecti ve rcsear~h, imcll igence systems
d. Al l of the above

Page 3 ofS
SECTION D 140 Marks]

~ • State the four (4) fimdamentals of innovation management. [4 Marks]

✓2. List and briefly define the classifications of technology. (6 Mark~]

~ According to Keams, state the six (6) facets of technology management. [6 Marks]

v'4_ List and describe tlie four (4) distinct stages of technology lifecycle. I (8 Marks]

J 5_ With the aid of a diagram, demonstrate the five (5) phases in the technology diffusion

process according to UN-ESCAP, 1984. (8 Marks]

J6. State and describe the first four (4) elements of a successful research and development

(R&D) project. (8 Marks}


J I. Define llhe following terms;

[5 Marks]
a. Technology forecasting (according to Vanston)

b. Extrapolation techniquc

c. Intuitive technique

d. lnlcllectual propeny (lP)

e. Milestones

J2. State the three (3) functions of trademarks.

[3 marks]
J 3_ Draw and label the ··normal'' schematic diagram of the ·,dea, ·
invention, innovation
transformation process.
(15 Marks]
., 4. State the first three (3) steps involved in Delphi technique.
[3 Marks)
v 5. I .ist tw o (2) applications of brainstorming technique.
(2 Marks!
-'6. Under uni versity licensing offices (TLOs), describe invent· d'
n 1sc 1osure. [2 Marks]
✓7. Define intellectual propcny policy.
[2 Marks]
•/ 8. State anJ discll.!>s the elements of technology forecastins. \t --
(8 Marks]
Page 4 of s
SECTION IV (10 Marks(

I. Define the strategic technology management system (STMS). f2 Marks]

2. With the aid of a flow diagram, outline tlie structure of strategic technology management

system (STMS) showing all tl1c distinctive phases. (8 Marks]


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