[Demo-8th Grade] Handout (26.4)

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Demo class for 8th graders

DEMO LESSON (26.04.24)


Exercise 1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. We started our journey early as we thought it would take six hours to get there, .................. for
tra c delays and possible problems cropping up.
A. atoning B. accounting C. allowing D. aspiring
2. Thanks to the balmy weather, we .................. enjoyed our holiday.
A. comprehensively B. desperately C. utterly D. thoroughly
3. Not until .................. the business down.
A. we have no choice will we close B. we have no choice we will close
C. do we have no choice will we close D. do we have no choice we will close
4. There .................. thousands of rare types of herbs in this forest.
A. believe to be B. is believed to be
C. are believed to be D. believes to be
5. The family of Xin Qi, Min Hui, and Quan Quan had a .................. of a time at the theme park.
A. whale B. shark C. dolphin D. carp
6. I .................. an umbrella with me. The forecaster said that it would rain, but it did not.
A. need not have brought B. need not bring
C. could have brought D. were to bring
7. Hoa Lo Prison Relic’s promotional content really broke new .................. .
A. land B. soil C. ground D. earth
8. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined one in the following sentence.
Alan is very outgoing and gregarious. You usually find her chit-chatting with her friends.
A. amiable B. hospitable C. sociable D. admirable
9. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined ones in the following sentence.
The aim of the project was to build bridges between communities through joint events.
A. create new ties B. encourage relationships
C. strengthen the bonds D. cause conflicts
10. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete
the following exchange.
John and Jane are discussing a new subject that they have at school.
- John: “The subject is so hard. There is a lot of information to remember.”

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- Jane: “.................. The information is logically ordered and it is not that di cult to learn.”
A. I beg to di er. B. I couldn’t agree with you more.
C. I’m with you. D. Let’s drop it.

Exercise 2. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.
The Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles has a long and (1. FAME) .................................. history of (2. NORMAL)
.................................. and often tragic events, many of which are still shrouded in mystery.

Over the years since its opening, the hotel has been the site of (3. NUMBER) .................................. crimes
and tragedies, including suicides, murders, and (4. DOSE) .................................. . The hotel has been
linked to the (5. SOLVE) .................................. 1947 murder of aspiring actress Elizabeth Short. Another
incident happened in 1962 when Pauline Otton jumped from her ninth-floor window in the hotel after
an argument with her (6. STRANGE) .................................. husband and killed herself and a pedestrian.
51 years later, the case of Elisa Lam gained widespread attention. A video showed that in the hotel
elevator, she behaved erratically and (7. SEEM) .................................. talked to someone who was not
there. The cause of her death remains a riddle. These events notwithstanding, the hotel has become
a popular destination for crime (8. ENTHUSE) .................................. and ghost hunters.

The historic hotel reopened in December 2021 to provide shelter to formerly unhoused inhabitants
of Los Angeles. However, one year later, two-thirds of the Cecil remained (9. OCCUPY)
.................................. . It may have seemed (10. FATHOM) .................................. for 400 units to be sitting
empty in a building near Skid Row, the epicenter of the crisis. Perhaps the Cecil project had
struggled to overcome a system beset with a slow-moving bureaucracy and multiple failure points.

Exercise 3. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes.

1. Nordic walking is an e ective technology that uses poles to bring the upper body
2. into more use and boost the calorie-burning e ects of walking. It was originally
3. devised in Finland by elite cross-country skiers as a way to keep their fitness levels
4. down during the summer. At first sighting, Nordic walking may look like skiing
5. without the skis or the snow. Although to the untrained eye, striding around the
6. local park with a pair of poles may look silly, it actually o ers a serious work-out
7. for people for all ages and abilities. You do not necessarily have to go faster to get
8. much out of it - just put in more e ort with the poles. The poles, that can be made

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9. from aluminium or carbon fibre, are specially designed to minimise the work done
10. by the upper body. In contrast, since Nordic walking is also a weight-bearing
11. exercise, it is great for strengthening bones and joints. The best news is that
12. because the e ort is spread across the entire of the body, Nordic walking can feel
13. easier and less tired than normal walking.

Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction

1. .......... ......................... ......................... 6. .......... ......................... .........................

2. .......... ......................... ......................... 7. .......... ......................... .........................

3. .......... ......................... ......................... 8. .......... ......................... .........................

4. .......... ......................... ......................... 9. .......... ......................... .........................

5. .......... ......................... ......................... 10. .......... ......................... .........................

Exercise 4. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
High notes of the singing Neanderthals
Neanderthals have been misunderstood. The early humanoids traditionally (1) .................. as ape-like
brutes were deeply emotional beings with high-pitched voices. They may (2) .................. have sung to
each other. This new image has (3) .................. from two studies of the vocal apparatus and anatomy
of the creatures that (4) .................. Europe between 200,000 and 35,000 years ago. The research
shows that Neanderthal voices might (5) .................. have produced loud, womanly and highly melodic
sounds - not the roars and grunts previously (6) .................. by most researchers. Stephen Mithen,
Professor of Archaeology and author of one of the studies, said: 'What is emerging is a picture of
an intelligent and emotionally complex creature whose most likely (7) .................. of communication
would have been part language and part song. Mithen's work (8) .................. with the first detailed
study of a reconstructed Neanderthal skeleton. Anthropologists brought together bones and casts
from several sites to re-create the creature. The creature that emerges would have (9) ..................
markedly from humans. Neanderthals seem to have had an extremely powerful (10) .................. and
no waist.

1. A. characterized B. indicated C. detailed D. accounted

2. A. further B. just C. even D. so

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3. A. revealed B. resulted C. concluded D. happened

4. A. resided B. dwelt C. filled D. occupied

5. A. good B. well C. badly D. better

6. A. judged B. assumed C. considered D. taken

7. A. sort B. practice C. approach D. form

8. A. coincides B. occurs C. relates D. co-operates

9. A. di ered B. distinguished C. compared D. contrasted

10. A. assembly B. formation C. build D. scheme

Exercise 5. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD in each space.
Street Luging
If the traditional sports are losing their sparkle and you feel the need to risk life and (1)
.................................. then street luging might be just the sport for you! First a word of (2)
.................................. - this is not a sport for the (3) .................................. of heart but if you do feel you have
the courage to give it a whirl, it is bound to get your pulse racing.

Street luging (4) .................................. little relation to its wintry counterpart, ice luging, and will
probably never be recognised as an Olympic sport. Street luge riders lie down flat on their backs
and try to steer a streetluge board, (5) .................................. is very similar to the good old skateboard.
It doesn't sound too hazardous, does it? The real danger (6) .................................. from the steep,
winding road that they now hurtle down at speeds reaching 70 mph (115 km/h). To make it even
more risky, the use of brakes is strictly (7) ..................................! These riders are not ashamed to take
pleasure in risking everything in pursuit of an adrenalin buzz.

You might be (8) .................................. how they stop before they hit that brick wall that approaches at
speeds usually only seen on motorways? Well, it's (9) .................................. to gravity and a sturdy pair
of leather or Kevlar boots. Perhaps you've heard of Kevlar - it's the material that bullet-proof vests
are made of. This is a sport that, as long as you survive and are able to walk away with no broken
bones, will have you coming (10) .................................. for more!

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