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Oct 12, 2023, 8:17:12 PM

Call for Expression of Interest

General Call for Expression of Interest to partner with UNICEF

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Program for National
and International Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)


1 Timeline
Posted Mar 17, 2023
Clarification Request Deadline Apr 3, 2023
Application Deadline Apr 20, 2023
Notification of Results May 8, 2023
Start Date Jun 1, 2023
End Date Dec 31, 2026

2 Locations
A Tajikistan
a Gorno-Badakhshan

3 Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

A Cross Sectoral Areas
a Communication for development
b Youth leadership and participation
B Education
a Education - general
C Health
a Health - general
D WASH and Environment
a Basic sanitation
b Hygiene
c Natural resources, environmental pollution and climate action
d WASH in emergencies
e Water

4 Issuing Agency
5 Project Background
The purpose of this General Call for Expression of Interest is to identify eligible Civil Society Organisations (further
CSOs) for prospective partnerships supporting the delivery of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmatic
priorities part of the UNICEF Country Program of Tajikistan and for 2023-2026. Eligible and interested CSOs are invited
to submit general proposals for partnership highlighting their relevant capacities, expertise, skills, and ability to support
the delivery of sustainable results for children as outlined in the UNICEF Country Programme Document.

6 Expected Results
For the period of the Country Programme (2023-2026) signed between UNICEF and the Government of Tajikistan, and
in accordance with Joint Work Plan agreed with relevant Ministries, UNICEF will work towards the achievement of the
below results. Prospective CSO partners should demonstrate their ability to contribute to achievement of the below
outcomes and outputs. Result Area: WASH Outcome: By 2026, children, young people and their caregivers, especially
the most vulnerable, benefit from quality and equitable health, nutrition, early child development, and WASH services
and adopt appropriate care practices. This outcome will be achieved by pursuing the following objectives (outputs):
Output 1: National policies, protocols, institutional capacities and budgets are improved to provide quality, integrated,
evidence-based, fiscally sustainable WASH services to all mothers, newborns and young children and adolescents Key
interventions: - Strengthening water and sanitation sector planning and coordination - Institutionalization of regular
sector reviews leading to improved planning, progress monitoring and allocation of resources for key priorities - budget
and expenditure reviews at sector and subsector level to identify key gaps and advise on suitable resource mobilization
strategies - Improving private sector engagement in the Water and sanitation sector - Updating national standards on
WASH at different levels and strengthening the regulatory environment to implement - Review, update and
development of Policy/strategy/frameworks at national level relevant to WASH sector - Investing in research and
evidence generation with academia for informed decision making - Strengthening systems and developing institutional
capacity - Supporting localization and understanding of SDG 6. Output 2: National and sub-national service providers
have improved understanding and skills to deliver high quality integrated WASH services and programmes Key
interventions: - Infrastructural rehabilitation of WASH facilities in social institutions and in communities - Strengthening
climate resilient wash service delivery in health facilities, educational institutions (including Infection Prevention and
Control) (by contribution to national program and direct implementation through equipment and infrastructural
intervention) and in communities (through leveraging existing resources – water safety and supply, climate resilience)
both in emergencies and development settings. - Supporting business continuity models, technical solutions for
reduction of non-revenue water and - Support to the government on SDG 3, 4 and 6. - Modeling of blue-green
infrastructure to mimic natural ecosystem services through nature based and technological solutions to achieve water
sensitive environments and advocating for upscaling through partnerships - Capacity development at national and
sub-national levels, amongst regulatory bodies, operators for effective planning, budgeting and service delivery by
taking a system-oriented approach; - Capacity development of central and local authorities to respond effectively to
emergencies in terms of WASH-related approaches, modalities, technologies and response strategies. Output 3:
Children, young people and their caregivers have enhanced knowledge and skills to practice positive health-seeking
(hygiene) behaviours Key interventions: - Creating demand for the improvement of hygiene practices, water safety and
willingness to pay in institutions and community through Social behavior change communication programs and using
different approaches, such as WASHFIT in HCFs, Three Stars Approach (TSA) in schools and Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) engagements for dissemination of key messages in communities; - Implementation and upscaling of
the TSA targeting the improvement of the effectiveness of hygiene behaviour change programmes for children and
ensuring that schools meet essential WASH criteria for a healthy and safe learning environment while at the same time
promoting understanding of WASH and linkage to school attendance and learning outcomes; - Training and promotion
of positive behavours amongst targeted beneficiaries on safe water handling, waste management (including health care
waste management), handwashing, menstrual hygiene management; - Support WASH service providers on improving
community engagement and customers services to improve revenue collection efficiency. Applicant can submit only
one full application supported by a comprehensive program proposal for specific output/results areas. The application
documents should clearly outline capacities and skills of the applicant to deliver programs for result area(s).

7 Indicative Budget

8 Other Information

9 Selection Criteria
Name Description Weight
Proposal relevance, quality, and coherence (60 points) includes review of the

proposed programme: • Relevance of the proposal to achieving expected results; •

Clarity of activities and expected results; • Innovative approach; • Equity based and

gender sensitivity; • Sustainability of intervention.

Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results 60
Institutional capacity and sustainability (30 points) includes a review of the CSO: •

Expertise and experience in the sector/result area; • Local experience, presence

and community relations; • Management ability; • Experience working with

UN/UNICEF • Experience in working with government at central and local level.

Local experience and presence 30
Other [as defined by Office] (10 points) Includes a review of the CSO: • Proven

record of engagement with government agencies, especially with the Ministry of

Energy and Water Resources (MoEWR), Ministry of Education and Science

(MoES), Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSPP), Committee for

Environmental Protection (CoEP), Committee of Emergency Situation and Civil

Defence (CoES), its affiliated agencies, regional and district levels and local

authorities. An availability of MoU(s) with the above mentioned governmental

entities will be an advantage; • Replicability/scalability of proposed approach; •

Access/security considerations; • Experience in WASH sector, especially on policy

development (enabling environment) and SBC will be an advantage; • Experience

in working at sub-national level.

Other 10

10 Attachments
Description URL
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■■■■■■■■■■ Download the document here
Detailed information about General Call for Expression
of Interest to partn Download the document here

11 Concept Note Template

Download the document here

12 For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit
UN Partner Portal

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