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I am and Mum make fried rice and sandwich the kitchen in the morning.

Before going to school,

I really like helping Mum cook, apart from that, I also always bring lunch to school. Today Mum
and I are making sandwiches because my sister Hana really likes sandwiches, tomorrow Mum
and I will make fried chicken because that is my favorite food. Today I made a box of apples
because my father said it was very good for brightening the skin, tomorrow I will also make a
apples juice to take to school as a lunch. Although apples have many benefits, but my sister
doesn't like apple. tomorrow I will make Carrot juice for him to make him happy. actually I also
like carrot juice because it has thee benefits are many.

in Hours 06:00 Hana I've finished preparing, to go to school. Mother always takes i am and
Hana, Hana is only in class 2 elementary school, while I'm already in class 1 senior high school
this year. We all enjoyed the fried rice with gusto, so we saw someone eating our food
deliciously is The thing that I like the most, when I graduate, I really want to work in a
restaurant, serving delicious food that many customers will like. I want to be able to become a
famous chef who inspires many people when I grow up. I will be a chef whose dishes are loved
by everyone. I hope my dreams can come true. So far I have always brought lunch to school,
besides because fact that I like cooking, bringing lunch from home also besides can save a lot.

I have a big dream of going to Korea in the future. So I save diligently. In the future I will
definitely be able to travel abroad. I Jusa will be taking a Korean language course starting next
month. now I focus on English courses. next I will really study Korean. In the future I want to
introduce Indonesian food to the world through food, so I will learn a lot to make all my dreams
come true.

I'm still young, but type start from now on I have to prepare everything for my future. When
many of my friends like to shop for clothes and buy snacks, I prefer to saving money because I
want to Beautiful according to my wishes. When I can visit Korea I will try some of the famous
Korean specialties Kimbab, Jajang myeon and Kimchi. Then I will consider visiting Jeju Island
because it is famous for its very beautiful natural views. There is a big mountain there which is
famous as Hallasan, I will see it in person when I visit Korea. There are many things I want to do
when I visit Korea.

I have some plan if I meet my favorite idol, Baekhyun. I have an idol and my idol is Baekhyun.
Baekhyun is the idol that comes from Korea. He is multitalented person that I have known. He is
professional singer, dancer, and actor. I love him very much. I want to meet him and I believe
one day I would meet with him. If I can meet him, I have some plan that I want to do with him. I
will talk with him many things. I will show him how much I liked him. I admire all of his
performance. I like the story about the struggles of his life to be a superstar. After that, I am
going to take many pictures together with him. I will take a trip with him to Jeju island. In there,
we can make a joke and laugh together all the time. All of things I want to do with him. I hope
my dream will come true. I am going to be grateful for God if I can meet Baekhyun

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