Jacob DORE Cluster 1

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Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Cluster 1 Learning on the Job

Units of Competency to be assessed:
FSKLRG010 Use routine strategies for career planning
FSKLRG011 Use routine strategies for work related learning
FSKWTG009 Write routine workplace texts
BSBPEF302 Develop self-awareness

Trainers/Assessor Guide

Student Name: Jacob Dore Start Date: …………..

End Date: ……………

Trainer/Assessor name: …………………………………………………………………….

Trainer/Assessor signature: ………………………………………….Date ………………

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Title: FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
CLUSTER 1 – Goal Setting
Unit of FSKLRG010 Use routine strategies for career planning
competency: FSKLRG011 Use routine strategies for work related learning
FSKWTG009 Write routine workplace texts
BSBPEF302 Develop self-awareness

Start Date: End Date:

Resources Resources required will be provided by your teacher.

I declare:
Student • The work submitted is my own work and has not been written for me by any other
Declaration: person
• The work submitted contains no plagiarised material and has not been obtained from any other
source, except where due acknowledgment has been made.

Learner Signature: Date:

Assessment There are three tasks to be completed for cluster 1
Conditions/ All items must be completed to a satisfactory standard to achieve competency for each unit in
Instructions this cluster
NOTE: The Third Party Report provides additional evidence in this cluster but is not required
summary :
as evidence of competence
Assessment task Date received Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

1 Student Folio

2 Observation of
Task 1 - EMAIL

3 Third Party Report

OVERALL ASSESSMENT RESULT:: Competent Not Yet Competent

Assessor Signature: Date:

Feedback to

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Where can you access Information, Support and Advice on work
and training options?
Career related support services and information resources assist in helping you choose the
industry you may wish to work in and the occupations you may like to pursue.
There are several career related support services available for you to access. These support
services will provide you with information on industry areas and/or individual jobs.

Instructions: Part A. Some examples of the career websites available are listed in the
table below. Choose three sites to explore and have your search viewed by your

Conditions and Requirements: Students require the use of a computer or tablet and
access to the internet to search career websites.

Website URL Trainer/Assessor What information

Int. and Date does this website
provide? Use dot
My Future http://www.myfuture.edu.au/ 13/11/23 KVR it is used to
explore career
paths to find the
right one for you
Your https://www.yourcareer.gov.au/ 13/11/23 KVR Search Industries
Career and Occupations
to find a career
that's right for you
and what you can
do to get there.
The Good https://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/careers-
Careers guide
Australian http://www.jobsearch.gov.au/ 13/11/23 KVR Free service to
Job Search find jobs.

Instructions: Part B: There are many opportunities at school to access support with career
planning. You must participate in at least one of the following and have this verified by your
Event Date Attended Verification by Trainer/Assessor

15/8/2023 Completed on OneSchool with Bianca

SET Plan meeting Sommerville (GO)
Careers Expo, career talks or
guest speaker (Provide details)

Guidance Officer appointment

Industry visit or Industry

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Create a brochure to advertise yourself as a potential employee or to
promote yourself for career advancement OR create a resume.
Instructions: Create a brochure to advertise yourself as a potential employee or to promote
yourself for career advancement.

In your brochure you are required to include information about your personal attributes
from the employability skills glossary (located at the back of this folio)
You will also include details regarding your employability skills such as the use of digital
technologies, customer service skills, eagerness to learn, ability to follow instructions, good
communication skills or the ability to work in a team.

Remember to include details of:

 Previous work experience which can include cleaning around your home, gardening,
babysitting, being part of the technical team at school etc.
 Your skills and interests which may be related to hobbies or sports
 Your career goals

N.B. You are required to use the terms from the employability skills glossary and the
websites that you researched in Activity 1 and to follow a number of steps in order to
complete this task. It may be useful to check off the item when you have completed each
You will need to identify your:
• Personal employment preferences
• Employability skills
• Skills and abilities
• Experience and achievements
 Present the information in the form of a brochure which is informative and
eye catching.
 Remember! You are trying to sell yourself as a great employee
When Completed:
• Name and store the document in a folder named FSK20119 Cluster 1
or print the brochure in colour and attach to your student folio.

Conditions and Requirements: You will require the use of a computer (laptop or
desktop), colour printing and internet access. If you cannot access Microsoft Publisher you
may use Microsoft Word and create a poster in place of a brochure.

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Career Investigation and Comparison

Instructions: Investigate two careers of your choice. Complete the table below and then
use it to help you order your preferences from 1st, 2nd and 3rd .

Conditions and Requirements: Use the Job Guide (online, see Activity 1, or paper copy)
to investigate three (3) occupations.

Plumber Carpenter / cabinet Electrician

Job Title
A plumber maintains the flow and drainage The cabinet maker/joiner installs They design, assemble, install, test,
of water by installing pipes and drainage pre-fabricated and assembled commission, diagnose, maintain and repair
systems. They also fix toilets, sinks and cabinets, bench tops, doors, electrical networks, systems, circuits,
Job Description faucets in bathrooms and kitchens. You drawers, furniture, wall paneling equipment, components, appliances and
also repair and solve plumbing and water
sewerage problems as a plumber. and other fittings. facilities. Electricians are called to a job and
perform their work on-site.

 Enjoy practical work  Enjoy practical and manual Personal requirements for an Electrician
 Good hand-eye coordination Enjoy mathematical and technical activities
 Able to work independently  Able to follow written
 Able to work at heights and in instructions Good hand-eye coordination
various weather conditions
 Able to work to a high level of Good eyesight (may be corrected) and normal
 Able to cope with the physical
accuracy colour vision
demands of the job  Able to make mathematical
 Good interpersonal skills calculations Logical thinking and diagnostic ability
Personal  Good mobility  Good communication skills
 Good hand-eye coordination Aptitude for mechanics and electronics
Requirements  Able to work independently or as
part of a team Able to do precise and detailed work
 Free from allergies to dust
Able to work independently or as part of a

Able to cope with the physical demands of the


Good communication skills

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
To legally Most Cabinet Makers hold a trade To become an Electrician you
work as a qualification, often completed as
plumber in part of an apprenticeship. Complete need to complete an
Queenslan a Certificate III in Cabinet Making apprenticeship and apply for an
d, you (MSF31113), which offers
must get electrical licence to work
specialised pathways in furniture, or
qualified by
completing kitchens and bathrooms. These unsupervised.
a pathways will give you the
Certificate specialised skills you need to Consider completing a Certificate
III in undertake the requisite work. II in Electrotechnology (Career
course Start) (UEE22020). ...
Education through
& Training TAFE Complete a Certificate III in
Required QLD. While
you Electrotechnology Electrician
complete (UEE30820) as part of an
the course,
you can apprenticeship.
complete a
ship of 4
Most plumbers work full-time for You can get a job You can work any wear
building contractors or plumbing
supply companies. Their
any wear
schedules vary depending on
their employers' needs. Some
even travel to perform
Employment maintenance at remote facilities.
Opportunities Others are self-employed
professionals who contract out
their services to building
contractors or private consumers.

Disadvantage Plumbing Advantage a much Advantages It's a Well-

work can be physically greater degree of Respected Profession, Job
demanding PLUMBERS movement than other Security. Disadvantages
OFTEN WORK UNDER lines of work. You are Electrician Apprenticeships
PRESSURE advantages your own boss. Take Years, Electrical Work
Advantages &
little or no educational debt Disadvantage you are Can Be Dangerous.
of this and job security, typically self-employed
and responsible for
finding your own
insurance, which can be
quite costly and time-
Gaps in my Complete a Certificate high school diploma or
Complete a Certificate III in Plumbing
education / (CPC32420) as part of an III in Cabinet Making equivalent, electrician training
training – what apprenticeship. (MSF31113)
do I need to do
in order to follow
this pathway?

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Is this the job for me?

• Choose one of the occupations you researched in Activity 3
• Complete the table below by answering all questions.
• Consider how this job matches your skills, attributes and abilities.

Conditions and requirements: Use the career related support services that you have
accessed and your research from activities 1-3

Name of Job

A plumber keeps the drift and drainage of water through

putting in pipes and drainage systems. They additionally
restore toilets, sinks and taps in toilets and kitchens. You
additionally restore and clear up plumbing and water
sewerage troubles as a plumber.
Job Description

Plumbers may work in residential, commercial or industrial

buildings, depending on their specialisation. Plumbing is
Where you might work? Give an
often physically challenging, with work environments in
example of a business.
different climatic conditions. Plumbing technicians may also
be available on-call for any emergencies

Do you work with others or by I do better by myself

Do you prefer to do individual tasks or
I would be better doing individual tasks
work with others?

Usual starting and finishing hours over between 8-10 hours of work time.
a week

Day /Shift / Night It would be day

Education Yes you need a to Complete a Certificate III in Plumbing

(CPC32420) as part of an apprenticeship.
Are there any specific subjects you
need to pass or subjects that would
help in this job?
My skills and attributes - the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and
What skills or attributes do you have,
Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
or need to develop, to do this job? - knowledge of building and construction.
How would your personal interests - to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
help you to do a good job?

Transferable Employability Skills good communication is one of the employability skills.

List 1 employability skill you need to
develop or improve upon to do this
What are some things you could do to Who you are talking to matters. Body language matters. Check
improve this skill? your message before you hit send. Be brief, yet specific. Write
Would you be using your strengths things down.
when working in this industry?
List 1 or 2 of your strongest It is patience and emotional control.
employability skills (strengths)?

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Identify work related learning goals and strategies to achieve career

Part A: Create a Career Plan
• Use the information from Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 to identify a career goal.
• Present the results of your search in the form of a flowchart to demonstrate the pathway or
range of pathways to a career goal.
• Title the flowchart with your career goal.eg. builder, nurse or manager
• Include the training, education, knowledge or experience required to achieve your learning
and career goals including names of Training Organisations such as Southbank TAFE, QUT
or Ken’s Landscape Academy.
• Flowcharts should include possible barriers to achieving goals.
• Students should save their flowchart in the folder entitled “FSK20119 cluster 1”
Conditions and requirements:
The student will require the use of a computer (laptop or desktop) and internet access.
Students will be required to work in teams/pairs for part B of the activity.

Example Flowchart
Career Goal: Hairdresser

Marking Guide

Flow chart should include: Career goals, a plan for learning pathways, educational and training
requirements for learning pathways, strategies to achieve identified work goals, barriers and
possible solutions.

Activity 5 (Cont)
Part B: Evaluate and Review Flowchart

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Instructions: Students work in pairs/teams to evaluate each other’s flowcharts and provide
feedback using the peer feedback checklist. Students use the feedback checklist to
modify/change flowchart, if necessary, based on feedback and suggestions.
Peer Feedback Checklist (this may occur a minimum of 1 time after the
completion of section A)

Did the student identify a career goal /
Was the flowchart easy to read? /
Did the flowchart identify a learning /
pathway to achieve a career goal?
Were all the facts correct? /
Did the student identify possible barriers to achieving learning and/or /
career goals ?
Did the student identify solutions to /

*List possible changes or suggestions required to improve the flowchart in the space below.

Responses may vary depending on student input

Personal Career Goal Changes to Goal Initial by

reviewer and date relevant persons

N.B Relevant persons may include trainer/assessor/guidance officer/career advisor

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Rights and Responsibilities in the Workplace

Employees’ rights are the minimum terms and conditions of employment that they are legally
entitled to. Employees’ responsibilities are what they are legally required to do in the
workplace to receive those rights.
Employers’ rights are what they can legally and reasonably expect from their employees in
terms of work performance, behaviour and attitude. Employers’ responsibilities are their legal
obligations to their employees.

Instructions: Review the table and answer the questions that follow.

Employee Employer
Rights Responsibilities Rights Responsibilities
Receive an appropriate Follow all lawful instructions Lawful instructions are Pay an appropriate rate of
rate of pay followed pay
Receive a pay slip with Perform work to a high Work is performed to
each pay standard a high standard
Work reasonable hours Be punctual (arrive on time Punctuality of Ensure hours of work are
and finish on time employees in
with meal/rest breaks • take rest and meal breaks in observing starting and reasonable and contain
included. the allocated time and finishing times, taking meal/rest breaks.
resume work promptly meal and rest breaks
following breaks) at the right time and
returning to work

Have leave Meet attendance Attendance Provide leave entitlements

entitlements requirements requirements are met.

Receive Comply with workplace Workplace health and Pay

health and safety safety instructions are superannuation
superannuation instructions complied with benefits

Have a safe and Treat all people in the All people Provide a safe and
healthy workplace workplace (management, co- (management, co- healthy workplace
workers, clients and workers and clients/
customers) in a non- customers) are treated
discriminatory manner in a non-discriminatory

Be insured against Give appropriate notice to Appropriate notice Insure workers against
work- related injury employer when resigning received from work-related accidents and
or illness (ie. be employee when illness
covered by Workers’ resigning

Have a discrimination- Behave in an ethical manner to Ethical standards of Ensure workplace

free workplace protect the employer’s/ behaviour are is discrimination
business’s reputation, viability practised to protect free
and profitability employer’s/
reputation, viability
and profitability
Receive Provide
redundancy redundancy
provisions provisions

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Be protected against Ensure dismissal
unfair procedures are fair and
or unlawful dismissal

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Rights and Responsibilities in the Workplace cont .

1. Why is it important to know about the rights and responsibilities of both employers and
employees in the workplace?

2. Identify two employee rights that you consider most important and explain why?

entitlements to leave and public holiday pay; it is important cause people need to spend
time with and care for their family’s

b) flexible working arrangements it is so they can balance socal and work life.

3. Identify an employee responsibility that you consider to be important and explain why?

take reasonable care for your health and safety in the workplace. So you don’t put any one
in danger

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
4. Identify two employer rights and that you believe are important and explain why?
take reasonable care for the health and safety of others who may be affected by
what you do. It is to take responsibility for your actions so they don’t hurt


reporting hazards and potential problems without delay. So no one gets hurt

5. Identify an employer responsibility that you believe is important and explain why?

ensure safe use so the safety of others is met which means no one gets hurt

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Standards and Values in the Workplace

Instructions: Watch the following clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Answer the questions that follow.

Conditions and requirements: Students will require a computer or iPad and access to the internet.

World's Worst Employee, ESAFilmsltd, 2009.

1. How does this employee display a poor work ethic?

Not doing any work at all, calling his employers bad or not intelligent, not listening to

2. Explain the difference between someone’s personal attitude and value? Identify an example of

The difference is that a attitude is what they act like and a value is some thing they hold
dear like on a pedestal or a belief they follow

3. What does this employee’s work ethic show about their attitude towards work?

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
It is that they do nothing to help

4. What does this employee’s work ethic show about their values towards work?

They do not care for it

5. What may be the impact on the company that employed him?

They might have less profits since they think there a bad compony for hiring him

6. What may be the impact for the employee?

They might be fired without notice

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Formal Complaint Letter

Instructions: You are required to write a formal complaint letter addressed to your employer. Use the
information in the box below.

Conditions and Requirements:

Students must complete the following checklist.

 Identify the audience or purpose

 Identify the key features
 Use appropriate layout and organization
 Use appropriate writing conventions
 Use drafting strategies (present a draft to your trainer/assessor to receive
feedback before finalising your letter)
 Review letter
 Revise and finalise letter

Two weeks ago you started a job as part of the housekeeping staff in a nursing home.

You are often ignored by the other staff members, who do not invite you to sit with you at

lunch, often make rude comments about you behind your back and exclude you from their

conversations. The other staff members often refuse to help you with any questions you may

have and will tell you to “Work it out yourself”. As a result you are having a hard time

“learning the ropes” and are feeling unsure of your role and what is required of you in the

job. You are a male in a female dominated industry and you feel this may be the reason

that others workers ignore you or refuse to help you. You are writing a letter of complaint

to inform your employer of the discrimination that you are experiencing and to provide some

suggestions that may be useful to improving the situation. Suggestions you have

considered include: team meetings and/or a list of workplace behaviours or expectations

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
displayed prominently. Your employer’s name is Jane Ratchett and you work for Final

years Nursing Homes, 231 Grey St. Oldtown. 4065.

Formal Complaint Letter Marking Guide

Formal Complaint Letter Tick Int. and


Identify audience and purpose

Identify text features
Plan to write text
Use drafting strategies
Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary
Use appropriate writing conventions
Ask questions to clarify points and confirm with trainer that text is
appropriate to audience and purpose
Use appropriate layout and organisation
Use culturally appropriate communication skills
Review text
Revise and finalise text
Satisfactory Satisfactor

Overall Assessment Result

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Leave request form

Instructions – Use the information in the box below to complete the leave request form on the
following page.

Conditions and Requirements:

You usually work from Monday to Friday.
You will require the use a calendar to calculate working days.
The reason that leave is requested should be noted in the comments section of the form.

You work as a boilermaker at Queensland Future Industries. You are requesting three weeks annual
leave (two weeks on full pay; one week on half pay) in January. The dates you wish to request leave
are 5th January to 26th January, 2022. N.B Remember that the Australia Day holiday falls throughout
this period. You wish to go on leave so that you can participate in an international beach volleyball
tournament being held in New Zealand.

January is usually a busier time at your workplace and most of your colleagues also want to take
holidays at this time. Annual leave requests in January are granted only for especially important
events. All annual leave requests must include all dates that leave is required and the reason that
leave is requested and be addressed to Mr Jason Smith.

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Annual leave and long service leave application form

This form is for employees to use to apply to take annual leave or long service leave.
For more information about leave entitlements and obligations, visit www.fairwork.gov.au/leave.

Employee’s details
First name: Jacob

Surname: Dore

Position: Boiler maker

Contact phone number: 0005767845

Leave type
Please tick the appropriate box(es). If you are applying for more than one type of leave, please specify the
details in the comments section provided.

Annual leave (full pay)

Annual leave (half pay)

Annual leave in advance

Note: Upon termination of employment, leave taken that has not been accrued can be withheld from wages.

Leave without pay

Long service leave


two weeks on full pay; one week on half pay

Period of leave
Last day of work: 5th January 2022

Return to work date: 26th January2022

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Total number of working days off: 14

Note: Do not include any RDOs, public holidays, or substituted days in the total.


leave so that you can participate in an international beach volleyball tournament being held in New Zealand.

Signature of employee:______________________________________________________ Date:__________/____________/ ____________

Approval of leave (to be completed by manager/supervisor)

Approved Not approved

Reason for refusal (if applicable):

Name of manager/supervisor:

Signature of manager/supervisor:_________________________________________ Date:__________/____________/ ____________

Keep a copy of this form as a record and ensure you advise your employees if you approve or do not
approve their proposed leave. You cannot unreasonably refuse an employee’s request to take paid annual

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Personal Presentation in the workplace

Part A Instructions: Write a paragraph (3 sentences) to explain why the personal presentation of
employees in the workplace is very important?
. work place health and safety

Part B Instructions: Read the following case studies and answer the questions.

Case study
Jane Smith works at the front desk of a hotel. She is the first person that
guests see when they walk in the front door. Today, Jane woke up late and
didn’t have the time to have a shower or brush her teeth before leaving for
She decided she would liberally splash on perfume to try to cover her body
odour, and started chewing some gum to clean her teeth. She grabbed
yesterday’s uniform which had been thrown on the floor. She forgot to
throw out the gum when she arrived at work, and she also realised she had
forgotten her name badge.

1. Identify areas where Jane can improve her personal presentation.

.clean her teath . set alarm . clean her uniforms .

2. What do you think is an appropriate way for her supervisor to handle her poor standard of
presentation? - Verbal warning – call a meeting agenda to this in advance

3. How do Jane’s poor presentation standards reflect on the image of the company as it is perceived
by customers? – employee has right for a support person – union rep – rules – document the
meeting lazy / unprofessional all of this makes the compony look bad.

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Case study
You are a young person working in a travel agency. You work in
the ‘back office’, controlling the supply of brochures and stationery.
Part of your work is ‘physical’, so you dress a little less formally
than is required in the front office. However, the agency owner has
just told you it is time for you to move into the main office and
start to deal with the general public. You start work in this new
capacity tomorrow.

Instructions: As this office does not have a proper uniform, discuss how you would present
yourself with respect to clothing, personal hygiene etc.
List your ideas in the table below.

personal hygiene Smell, - perfume /do, shower

or cleanliness look, - hair,
sound – no slang

clothes Nice tailored short, coloured shirt,

footwear Enclosed shoes

grooming Brush hair and teeth

deportment Act polite and calm

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Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Personal Management

Part A Instructions: Without altering you’re your daily activities note down everything that you
do over 3 days, as you do it. Best results are achieved if you include at least 2 weekdays
and 1 weekend day.

Every time you change activities, whether playing sport, watching television, making food, or
gossiping with friends, note down what the activity is, the time of the change, and how you
feel (alert, flat, tired, energetic, and so on).

Then, at a convenient time, go back through your Activity Log and write down the duration of
each activity, and whether it was a high, medium, low, or no value task. (Evaluate this based
on how far it contributes to your educational, personal or work goals.)

Date/Time 22/2/23 Duration 8 h0urs

Activity/description sleep

How I feel Ok

Value (high, medium, low, none) high

Date/Time 22/2/23 Duration 40 min

Activity/description I got dressed for school , have brickie , then walk to school

How I feel Bored

Value (high, medium, low, none) Low

Date/Time 22/2/23 Duration 10 to 20 min

Activity/description St down an waited for the bell while drawing

How I feel Calm since no school work

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Date/Time 22/2/23 Duration 60 min

Activity/description I have dinner then have a shower then watch tv or my phone.

How I feel Peaceful

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Date/Time21/2/23 Duration 40 min

Activity/description I got dressed for school , have brickie , then walk to school

How I feel Mediocre

Value (high, medium, low, none)


Date/Time21/2/23 Duration 1 hour and 10min

Activity/description I do maths and learn how to do it

How I feel Calm

Value (high, medium, low, none) medium

Date/Time 21/2/23 Duration 1-hour 10min

Activity/description I do art and draw

How I feel Calm and happy

Value (high, medium, low, none) high

Date/Time 21/2/23 Duration 1-hour 10min

Activity/description I do stuff for English

How I feel Calm

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Date/Time 21/2/23 Duration 40-50 min

Activity/description I go home since I have early leave

How I feel Joyful

Value (high, medium, low, none) High / medium

Date/Time 21/2/23 Duration

Activity/description I do my phone then have diner than have a shower

How I feel Calm

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Date/Time 1/03/23 Duration 10 – 20 min

Activity/description I walk up and had breakfast

How I feel Slightly tired but ok

Value (high, medium, low, none)

Medium to high

Date/Time Duration 10 min

Activity/description Get ready for school

How I feel Not happy cause I don’t like school

Value (high, medium, low, none)


Date/Time Duration 10 – 30 min

Activity/description I walk to school

How I feel Happy ish

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Date/Time Duration

Activity/description I sit and do my laptop

How I feel Happy cause not doing school stuff

Value (high, medium, low, none) Medium

Date/Time 9/11/23

Activity/description 1st break

How I feel calm

Value (high, medium, low, none) medium

Date/Time 9/11/23 Duration 30min to 1hour

Activity/description Playing D&D

How I feel happy

Value (high, medium, low, none) high

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Part B Instructions: Considering the results of your activity log, identify from the list
below the activities you participate in weekly and the length of time taken for each. These
are examples, you can add your own if required.

Activity hours/week Activity Hours/week

25 0
School Sport specify
0 4
Music Lessons Social friends time
14 2
Social Media reading
13 0
TV or Movies Work
Family Time

From this list make a pie chart to display your current activities and insert below.

1. Is there anything you would like to add/change to your current activities?

More time for reading and more family time, also less school

2. What are your three main work/school and personal priorities?

Being happy and spreading joy

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Personal Growth

Part A Time Management:

1. Use the link below to complete the quiz “How good is your time management?”
2. Answer the questions that follow.

Conditions and requirements: You will require the use of a computer or IPad and
access to the internet.

Access the quiz by going to: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_88.htm

1. What was your score and comment: Cut and paste into the space provided.

Your score
: 31-45
You're good at some things, but there's room for improvement elsewhere. Focus on the
serious issues below, and you'll most likely find that work becomes much less stressful.

2. Given your results describe the three strategies you could implement to improve
your time management.

b. Apply for more jobs

It allows me to plan ahead my day and have a good schedule

c. Update resume

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Part B Time Management:

1. Use the link below to complete the quiz “16 Personalities?”
2. Answer the questions that follow.

Conditions and requirements: You will require the use of a computer or IPad and
access to the internet.

Access the quiz by going to: https://www.16p-ersonalities.com/free-personality-test

1. What were your strengths and weaknesses: Cut and paste your results into the space

2. Complete an action plan to assist with your professional goals

Personality Professional How does your Actions required Who is your Feedback from
trait to goal personality trait affect supervisor? supervisor
develop your goal?

Introversion Not seeking I am sometimes too  Email for Mr Hurley  Student

feedback shy to speak to my feedback emailed weekly
teacher about my fortnightly  Student came
work.  Wait until end to see me at
of lesson for lunchtimes
less audience

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Glossary of Work Terms
Term Definition
Apprenticeship Combines practical work with structured training (often
at TAFE) to provide a nationally recognised qualification
and experience. Earn while you learn. Required to work
in fields such as mechanics, hairdressing, electrical
Bachelor An undergraduate award requiring 3 or more years of
study full time
Career The sum total of paid and unpaid work, learning, and
life roles you undertake throughout your life
Certificate These courses (at levels I, II, III, IV)
help prepare students for employment
in many ‘hands on’ jobs. Can be
completed by studying some subjects
here at school (e.g. Hospitality) or at
Competency Based Training Competency based on the ability to
perform tasks rather than the length of
time spent training.,
Diploma A VET or higher education award
usually requiring 2 years of full time
study (or equivalent part time).
Group Training A company which takes on apprentices then hires them
out for short or long periods to employers who do not
have the capacity to take them on full-time.

Interest A hobby or subject that one enjoys

Job A position in which you perform tasks for payment
Personal attributes Qualities that contribute to your overall employability
e.g. Loyalty, commitment, enthusiasm, reliability,
common sense, personal presentation, honesty and
integrity, self-esteem, motivation, adaptability, sense of
Registered Training Organisations Any training organisation registered to provide
vocational education, training and/or assessment
Resume A written summary of educational qualifications,
employment history
School based apprenticeship School based apprenticeship
Skill Expertise developed through training or practice
Strength The ability to consistently perform a specific task at a
nearly perfect level.
Structured Workplace learning Learn practical skills through structured experience in
the workplace.
TAFE Technical and Further Education institutes which
provide Vocational Educational and Training.
Talent Superior, apparently natural ability.
Traineeship Combines practical work with structured training to
Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
provide a nationally recognised qualification and
experience. Shorter than apprenticeship. Industries
such as Horticulture, Tourism and IT.
Transferable Skills Transferable skills are those versatile skills that you can
apply and make use of in a number of different roles.
VET in Schools Vocational Education and Training courses undertaken
as part of school study
Vocational Education Post compulsory education and training, excluding
degree and higher level programs, delivered by higher
education institutions (such as TAFE), which provides
people with occupational or work- related knowledge &
Work Experience Any unpaid participation in the workforce designed to
provide an experience of working life.
University Tertiary institutions you can enrol in after year 12 to
study courses which prepare you for careers areas
such as teaching, medicine, engineering etc

Personal Attributes that Contribute to Overall Employability

Positive self esteem A sense of humour

Commitment Adaptability
A balanced attitude to work and
Honesty and integrity
home life
Loyalty An ability to deal with pressure

Enthusiasm Motivation

Reliability Personal Presentation

Common sense

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Employability skills that contribute to overall employability
Skill Element
(facets of the skill that employers identified as important noting that the
mix and priority of these facets would vary from job to job)

COMMUNICATION  Listening and understanding

..that contributes • Speaking clearly and directly
to productive and • Writing to the needs of the audience
harmonious • Negotiating responsively
relations across • Reading independently
employees and • Empathising
customers • Speaking and writing in languages other than English
• Using numeracy
• Understanding the needs of internal and external customers
• Persuading effectively
• Establishing and using networks
• Being assertive
• Sharing information
TEAM WORK…that • Working across different ages and irrespective of gender, race,
contributes to religion or
productive working • political persuasion
relationships and • Working as an individual and as a member of a team
outcomes • Knowing how to define a role as part of the team
• Applying team work to a range of situations e.g. futures planning,
problem solving
• Identifying the strengths of the team members
Coaching and mentoring skills including giving feedback
PLANNING AND • Managing time and priorities– setting time lines, co-ordinating tasks
ORGANISING...that for self and with others
contributes to long • Being resourceful
and short term • Taking initiative and making decisions
strategic planning • Adapting resource allocations to cope with contingencies
• Establishing clear project goals and deliverables
• Allocating people and other resources to tasks
• Planning the use of resources including time management
• Participates in continuous improvement and planning processes
• Developing a vision and a proactive plan to accompany it
• Predicting - weighing up risk, evaluate alternatives and apply
evaluation criteria
• Collecting, analysing and organising information
• Understanding basic business systems and their relationships
TECHNOLOGY • Having a range of basic IT skills
...that contributes • Applying IT as a management tool
to effective • Using IT to organise data
execution of tasks • Being willing to learn new IT skills
• Having the OHS knowledge to apply technology
• Having the physical capacity to apply technology e.g. manual

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
PROBLEM • Developing creative, innovative solutions
SOLVING • Developing practical solutions
..that contributes to • Showing independence and initiative in identifying problems and
productive solving them
outcomes • Solving problems in teams
• Applying a range of strategies to problem solving
• Using mathematics including budgeting and financial management to
solve problems
• Applying problem solving strategies across a range of areas
Testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into
• Resolving customer concerns in relation to complex projects issues
LEARNING • Managing own learning
..that contributes to • Contributing to the learning community at the workplace
on-going • Using a range of mediums to learn – mentoring, peer support and
improvement networking, IT, courses
and expansion • Applying learning to ‘technical’ issues (e.g. learning about products)
in employee and and ‘people’ issues (e.g. interpersonal and cultural aspects of work)
company • Having enthusiasm for on-going learning
operations and • Being willing to learn in any setting – on and off the job
outcomes • Being open to new ideas and techniques
• Being prepared to invest time and effort in learning new skills
• Acknowledging the need to learn in order to accommodate change
SELF- • Having a personal vision and goals
MANAGEMENT • Evaluating and monitoring own performance
..that contributes to • Having knowledge and confidence in own ideas and visions
employee • Articulating own ideas and visions
satisfaction and • Taking responsibility
INITIATIVE AND • Adapting to new situations
ENTERPRISE • Developing a strategic, creative, long term vision
..that contribute to • Being creative
innovative • Identifying opportunities not obvious to others
outcomes • Translating ideas into action
• Generating a range of options
• Initiating innovative solutions
Extract from Employability Skills for the Future, 2002

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Assessment task Date Satisfactory
1 Where can you access Information,
Support and Advice on work and
training options?

2 Create a brochure to advertise yourself as

a potential employee or to promote
yourself for career advancement

3 Career Investigation and Comparison 8/11/12 Yes

4 Is this the job for me? 8/11/12 Yes

5 Identify work related learning goals and

strategies to achieve career goals
6 Rights and Responsibilities in the
Standards and Values in the Workplace
8 Formal Complaint Letter

9 & 10 Leave request form 8/11/12 Yes

10 Personal Presentation in the workplace

11 Personal Management
Time Management


Assessor Signature: Date:

Feedback to Learner

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Observation of Task 1 - EMAIL

Evidence Toward Learning on the Jon
FSKWTG009 Write routine workplace texts




Elements and As Per Mapping Document

Performance Criteria to
be Assessed

Task As identified on following INFORMATION

Conditions The Student will require the use of a computer with email facility. All emails will
be sent to the trainer/assessor.
The student will need to follow correct workplace etiquette, use correct
formatting, grammar and punctuation. A draft email must be sent to your
supervisor for review prior to you saving the final documents in a folder entitled
‘FSK20119 Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways – cluster 1’
The occasions satisfactory requirements are met will be recorded on the
following checklist

Writing Workplace Emails
Email is fast becoming the primary means of communication, not just between individuals
on a social level, but within businesses. Within the workplace, whether sending an internal
or external email, it is important that the message is constructed in a professional manner
to give the correct impression to those receiving it.

Rules for writing emails

• Do always read, then re-read an email before sending it, to check spelling, grammar and tone. • Do ensure
that the content of the email is relevant and has an appropriate subject heading.
• Do ensure that contact details are appended to the email, so that those reading it can contact the sender if
• Do be polite in all emails.
• Do scan any attachments for viruses before sending the email.
• Do be concise, use valid points and avoid lengthy ramblings.
• Don’t reply to a message when angry, as this may be regrettable later.
• Don’t type in capitals; this is considered to be shouting.
• Don’t cc the email to anyone to whom it is not relevant.
• Don’t send unsuitable attachments, as this could provoke complaints.
• Don’t use email to discuss confidential information; it is not as secure as commonly perceived

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Sample workplace email

You are to write emails to address two different contexts within the workplace
following the correct formatting described above:
EMAIL 1 - Scenerio 1.
You currently working as a waiter and provide table service in a small café. The short order
cook has recently informed the employer that he intends to go on a working holiday in three
months and his position will need to be filled. You are interested in becoming a cook and
would like to request your employer consider you for the position and devise a plan for you
to get experience and training in the kitchen in the next three months. Your employer is very
busy and often not in the workplace. The most convenient way to contact her is via email.
Her name is Karen Jacobs.

EMAIL 2 - Scenerio 2.
You are working as a receptionist for a courier company called Faster, Safer, Better. The
courier was unable to deliver a parcel to a customer on Wednesday 18th March, 2014
because the customer’s dog barked and growled at the courier making it risky fro him to
enter the property. The parcel requires a signature and must be delivered directly to the
customer. You have rang the customer several times but have been unable to reach her.
Your employer has asked you to send an email to the customer explaining the situation and
suggesting a time that would be convenient to have the parcel delivered. In addition, you
have been asked to advise the customer that the courier must have a clear and safe
passage to the front door. The customer’s name is Mrs. Jones.

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS
Email 1 Email 2
The Student did

Identify audience and purpose

Identify text features

Plan to write text

Use drafting strategies

Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary

Use appropriate writing conventions

Ask questions to clarify points and confirm with trainer that text is appropriate to
audience and purpose
Use appropriate layout and organisation

Use culturally appropriate communication skills

Review text

Revise and finalise text


Overall Assessment Result

Learner Signature Date

Feedback to

Assessor Name

Signature Date

Version 1: 2/12/2022
Review Date:
Author: S Hanisch, Mitchelton SHS

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