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Enneagram Questionnaire:

1. What motivates you the most in life? Do you think you have a reasoning to your course of
actions in your life? As in something you wish to gain or benefit from your actions.

im motivated by maintaining my comfort in the world as in being in a calm inner

state being happy with simple life matters like having a comforting routine. good
food a show to watch some friend to hang out with. everyday walks maybe baking or
crocheting i love small things sm and i think as long im free to these things im
motivated to go on my everyday life (i love routine sm)

2. What do you think is something you fundamentally lack/is bad at? something you how it
affects aspects of your life?

i lack motivation passion and the inner drive to start or do anything. im very passive
and laid back i try my best to do things but i slack off almost everything

3. How do you deal with authority? Authority can mean anyone in a position of power,
regardless of the place. Do you push against them, adhere to them, fear them, or do you
think they are crucial for order to be established?

i dont really care abt authority as in i try to respect rules to not get in trouble but i
dont have a strong opinion on how it should operate i dont really care about the logic
behind rules i just do as im told

4. How important is your image in regards to how others perceive you? Do you want to be
perceived in a certain way? Does it bother you if you are perceived in some other way than
the one you wish to be perceived with?

i like to be perceived in a good light as a good/neutral person i dislike being

noticeable whether its positive or negative i try to be as hidden as i can but when im
noticed i want it to be for something good

5. How important is financials, security, and survival to you? This includes having sufficient
resources, avoiding danger and maintaining a fundamental sense of structure and wellbeing.
Do you seek to protect and retain mentioned themes?

i care sm abt being financially very secure i think that most my needs would be met
with enough wealth i try my best to save and not overspend but im an individual who
overindulge in times of stress (i can even overindulge so much to the extent of
forgetting abt taking care of my body and health)
6. What is your reaction and thoughts to others' rejection, criticism and disapproval of you?

i get really ashamed embarrassed and irritated when people reject me thats why i
rarely open myself up to others im mostly hidden in myself and i very little speak abt
my opinions/issues because i believe if i get declined or if none listens to me i will
get extremely defensive and i hate to meet any side of me thats vulnerablei like to
stay put and chill all time even if it means not ever evolving or improving as a person

7. What sort of events/situations in life that causes you anger? Anger is an emotion
characterized by antagonism towards someone or something you feel has deliberately done
you or others wrong. If there is any, elaborate on them.

my anger stems from little irritations that built up over time i try to always ignore my
anger bc it makes me react in a way i dislike; i think of anger as a "wrong" feeling so i
always try to suppress it but it builds up as resentment for the person who angered
me later

8. Following the last question, do you think anger is necessary in life? How do you express
your anger, or do you choose not to? Why and why not?

i dont think anger is necessay at all shouting and yelling scare me and all ppl who
solve issues w anger are strange to me

9. What is the importance of the concepts, ideas and meaning behind things to you? Are you
trying to make sense of your everyday life?

i dont really care abt the meanings as much as actions like as long someone is nice
to me for example idc if they re faking it
i try mostly to live in the moment in the simple little moments that bring me comfort alone

10. What situations in life bring you the most guilt? Guilt is described as a feeling that you
have committed a fault, which may be internal guilt towards yourself, or guilt towards your
actions regarding another person. Do you frequently experience feelings of guilt?

yes!! i frequenty feel guilty if i made someone sad with my tone or if i did some
mistake i really reflect on it specially if i hurt someone
11. What makes you feel ashamed the most? Shame signifies a self-conscious emotion
arising out of feeling that something is fundamentally wrong about oneself. Are you prone to
such feelings often?

i feel ashamed with my ability to understand things with my ability to argue with people i think
im not up for that

i try my best to suppress these feelings

12. What makes you feel fearful the most? Fear is described as an emotion which warns us
of the presence of danger or threat of harm, whether physical or psychological. May be
internally ingrained feelings, or externally because of other people/situations.

im fearful of anger of distrubtion of feeling something that will hurt me and makes
me realize how miserable i am instead of letting me continue live happy and
delusional in my fantasy

13. Is it important for you to have a high social status, to be socially connected, to
integrate/fit in and belong to a group? Is it something you work towards achieving?

its important for me to have an enough income that will help me live comfortably
without really needing anyone and to be able to enjoy myself i dont really care about
social status

14. To what extent do you value issues related to the quality and status of relationships with
specific individuals, and maintaining relationships and connections?

minimally. i try to be a good and reliable friend with EVERYONE in my life n i let ppl
know always im here for them but i will always give space to everyone so they dont
feel suffocated by me :3 i try to balance my relationships but sometimes this ability
to just leave ppl to their own devices may come off as me distancing myself so i
dont really maintain a lot of relationships i d say (i try my best tho)

15. Would you consider yourself a self-sacrificing individual? How much time or resources
are you willing to sacrifice to assist others or make things easier for others? Or are you
simply seeking your own good and well-being?

50-50// i try to be there for others but i try not to betray myself for others as ik most
people are actually alone we all are so i try to keep most of my time/ressources for
myself but i would sacrifice some things for people in need (for example my time to
listen to someone who’s going through a hardship. my ressources for someone who
needs them more than me. my food for someone who's hungrier than me. if theres
only one bed and there's me and someone who can't sleep at the floor i would give
up the bed for them etc etc just the minimum tho im not very a people pleaser

16. What are your thoughts on expressing your vulnerability? Vulnerability is a willingness to
express emotion or to allow its weaknesses to be visible or known. What makes you think or
feel you are vulnerable?

i avoid most my issues and i avoid people with whom i feel intense feelings because
i believe in a short life we should all live a lighthearted life have fun and forget about
all stuff that may get us down in dump life is not really that serious

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