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Understanding Junk Food

Junk food a term used to refer to food that has little or even no significant nutritional value, often
high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. These foods tend to be low in essential nutrients such as
vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Types of Junk Food in Magetan

In Magetan, you can find various types of junk food available in restaurants, stalls, or fast food

Advantages and Disadvantages of Junk Food

Advantages of Junk Food:
- It often tastes very delicious and satisfies one’s cravings.

- It is highly convenient and quick to serve.

- It is often more affordable than healthier food options.

Disadvantages of Junk Food:

- Low in nutrition and often high in empty calories.

- Excessive consumption can lead to health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

- The pleasant taste is often attributed to excessive use of sugar, salt, and fat.

Junk food is a type of food that is low in nutrition and high in fat, sugar, and salt. In Magetan, various
types of junk food are available. The advantages are its great taste and convenience, but the
disadvantages include its negative impact on health when consumed excessively. It is advisable to
consume junk food in moderation and consider it an occasional part of one’s daily diet to maintain
good health.

Nama: Rudy Rizky Dwi Handika

No: 17

Kelas: XI TKJ C

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