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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
(The Book of Jeremiah)

1. read and understand the ministry and prophecy of Jeremiah;
2. discover how Jeremiah responded to God’s call; and
3. apply and live by the examples of Jeremiah.

The life of Jeremiah, often referred to as the "Weeping Prophet," is an

intriguing and influential story in the Bible. Here is an overview of his life
and ministry:

Jeremiah was born around 650 BCE in the small town of Anathoth, near
Jerusalem. He came from a priestly family and received his calling from
God at a young age. God told Jeremiah that he had been set apart from
birth to be a prophet to the nations. Initially, Jeremiah protested, feeling
inadequate and too young for the task, but God assured him of His
presence and equipped him for the work.

Jeremiah's ministry spanned over four decades, during which he pronounced messages of
judgment, warning, and hope to the people of Judah. He faithfully delivered God's words,
even in the face of strong opposition, persecution, and personal suffering. Jeremiah tackled
social injustice, idol worship, and the false assurances of peace from false prophets. His
prophecies contained warnings of impending destruction for Judah because of their blatant
disobedience to God's commands.

Jeremiah frequently employed symbolic actions to illustrate his messages. Examples include
wearing a yoke, smashing a potter's jar, or hiding his undergarment in a crevice. These
actions were intended to capture the attention and provoke thought among the people, as
well as provide tangible illustrations of the spiritual condition of the nation.
Jeremiah faced intense opposition and rejection throughout his ministry. His messages of
impending destruction and calls for repentance were deeply unpopular, leading to ridicule,
imprisonment, and physical abuse. Many people, including false prophets, priests, and even
members of his family, sought to silence him and discredit his prophecies. Despite the
personal cost, Jeremiah remained faithful and resolute in his calling, refusing to compromise
his message.

Jeremiah's prophecies of impending destruction came to pass in 586 BCE when the
Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, besieged and destroyed Jerusalem. The city's walls were
breached, the Temple was destroyed, and thousands were killed or taken into captivity.
Jeremiah witnessed these devastating events and his prophecies were fulfilled, confirming
his credibility as a true prophet.

Following the fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations, a collection of
poetic laments mourning the destruction and expressing deep sorrow for the suffering of his
people. It serves as a powerful reflection on the consequences of sin and the faithfulness of
God, even in the midst of tragedy.
Jeremiah's ministry and writings have had a lasting impact on Israelite history and the
broader spiritual tradition. His insights into the nature of God, sin, repentance, and hope
continue to resonate with believers today. Jeremiah's unwavering commitment to his
prophetic calling despite adversity serves as a powerful example of faithfulness and
perseverance in challenging times.

Jeremiah's life was marked by a deep sense of calling, faithfulness to God's message, and
personal suffering. His prophecies of judgment and calls for repentance were largely
rejected, yet his ministry remains a significant part of biblical history and his writings
continue to inspire and challenge readers with their depth and relevance.
Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 7

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level __________

Email Address ___________________________ Date _____________ Time ___________

1. What was God’s plan to Jeremiah?


2. What did Jeremiah do in his lifetime? How did he respond to oppositions and rejections
while teaching about the word of God?

3. How did Jeremiah’ illustrate his messages to the people?


4. What were Jeremiah’s prophecies? What happened to his prophecies?


5. What was the book written by Jeremiah? What was it all about?

6. What is the highlight and legacy of the life of Jeremiah?


7. Do an online research about why Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet?


8. What can you learn from the Life of Jeremiah which we can use in this age and time?

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