FGNZ Reply

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American Economic Association

Productivity Growth, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries:

Author(s): Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf and Mary Norris
Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 87, No. 5 (Dec., 1997), pp. 1040-1044
Published by: American Economic Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2951341 .
Accessed: 17/07/2014 05:55

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ProductivityGrowth,Technical Progress, and EfficiencyChange
in IndustrializedCountries:Reply

In their comment, Subhash C. Ray and technologies.' By construction,these technolo-

Evangelia Desli (1997) (hereafter RD) point gies are nested:the CRS technology "contains"
out that the specification of the decomposition the VRS technology, as in Figure 1 in RD. This
of the Malmquist productivity index used by nestednessprovidesthe logical basis for our de-
Fare et al. (1994) (hereafter FGNZ) is not composition.At a very intuitivelevel, we would
unique, and propose and compute an alter- arguethat these two benchmarkscan be used to
native specification of that decomposition. provide bounds on the underlying true-but
We will discuss additional decompositions at unknown-technology.2 Intuitively we see the
the end of this note, but proceed here by com- VRS technology providing a type of convex
paring the RD decomposition with FGNZ "inner approximation,"whereasthe CRS tech-
based on both conceptual and computational nology providesa type of convex "outerapprox-
grounds. imation." Thus these two technologies provide
RD provide a discussion of the overall alternativebenchmarks;they do not requirethat
Malmquist productivity index, including the the datasatisfyeitherCRS or VRS. Anotherpos-
important issue of when this index is equiva- sible intuitiveinterpretation
is thatthe CRS cap-
lent to the traditionalnotion of total factor pro- tures a (perhapshypothetical) "long run" and
ductivity (TFP) -namely underthe condition the VRS approximatesthe shortrun.
that the reference technology be consistent As a reference technology, the CRS tech-
with constant returnsto scale (CRS). As they nology has some very useful features; for ex-
point out, this will yield a measure of TFP ample, it captures the notion of maximal
even if the "true" underlying technology is
not CRS, for example. Both RD and FGNZ
use the CRS reference technology to compute 'The two reference technologies may be written for
overall Malmquist productivity. computationalpurposes as
One of the key issues raised is the role of
the underlying scale properties of the bench- S'(CRS)
mark technologies used to define and compute K
both productivity and its components. In par- (X Zkykm Ym 1 M,
k= I
ticular, two "reference" technologies are em-
ployed in both RD and FGNZ: what we refer K

to as CRS and variable returnsto scale (VRS) .ztx xt, n = 1, N,

Zk _=0 k =1, ..,K.

S'(VRS) is defined identically with the additional con-

* Fare and Grosskopf: Department of Economics, straint on the intensity variables that they sum to unity,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901; i.e., y K= l Zt = 1, where the observed inputs and outputs
Norris: USAID Madagascar, Department of State, are denoted by x' = (xt I, x.N) and yk = (yI .
Washington, DC 20521. While working on this reply, YkM), k = 1,. K, respectively. In the CRS model,
Grosskopf was holding the Kerstin Hesselgren Visiting S'(CRS) the intensity variables z4, k = 1,. K are re-
Professorship,which is funded throughthe Swedish Coun- stricted to be nonnegative, while in the VRS model, they
cil for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. are also requiredto sum to one, providing the "tighter fit"
Gothenburg University graciously hosted Fare and and nested propertymentioned above.
Grosskopf during this time. We are grateful for their 2 RD apparentlytake the view that the VRS technology
support. is the "true" technology.

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average product (consistent with the minimum Perhaps the most controversial component
point on a long-run, U-shaped average cost (due perhaps to our exposition) in the FGNZ
curve) which provides a very nice benchmark decomposition is the scale change component.
for identifying both optimal scale in the one The discussion of identification and compu-
period case (also pointed out by RD), and tation of scale efficiency in the single-period
technical change in the multiperiod case (as case in RD is useful here. They provide an
we discuss below). intuitive discussion of the role of the CRS
Turning to the decomposition in RD versus technology as a benchmarkin identifying what
FGNZ, we note that the VRS efficiency Rajiv D. Banker (1984) calls the most pro-
change term is identical in the two decompo- ductive scale size (MPSS), and how that may
sitions, so we turn to the remaining two com- be used to identify deviations from that opti-
ponents: technical change and scale change. mal size in a given period; for example, from
The technical change term used in both RD equation (8) in RD, scale efficiency would be
and FGNZ can be summarized as computed in period "0" as

(1) TECHCH(j) (2) SE?(xo,yO) =D?(xo,yo)/D?(xo,yo),

[DJ(xo, yo)D(xl, yl ) 112 where the c and v subscriptsrepresentCRS and

LD((x,y yo)D (xi, yi) VRS technologies, respectively. Similarly,fol-
lowing Banker, one could compute the single-
period scale efficiency in period " 1 " as5
where = CRS in FGNZ andj = VRS in RD.
In FGNZ we think of technical change as (3) SE'(x,,yI)=D'(xI,yI)/D'(xI,yI).
change in maximal average product between
period t and t + 1, and we exploit the fact that Using RD notation, we can write the FGNZ
CRS technology captures maximal average scale change term as
product to specify and compute technical
change.3Otherthan the nice intuition the max- (4) SCHFGNZ = SE' (xl, y,) / SE0(xo, yo).
imal average product notion provides, we note
that this is also consistent with the notion of Thus FGNZ scale change is simply the ratio
technical change as defined by Robert A. of deviations from optimal size in period 0
Solow (1957). RD define technical change us- compared to period 1; it is the ratio of the (re-
ing the VRS technology as a reference; they ciprocal) of the Banker definition of scale ef-
capturethe shift in VRS technology evaluated ficiency in those two periods.6 The intuitive
at the two different observed input levels, but
that shift is not the change in maximal average where in FGNZ, j = CRS and in RD, j = VRS. Under
product.Computationallythe RD method may VRS (1) may not have a finite solution, even when all
pose some difficulties (as in the case of observed inputs and outputs are strictly positive, making
Ireland, for which an "infeasible solution" is it impossible to evaluate RD technical change for thatob-
reported in Table 1 ) since their technical servation k'. In contrast, under CRS, (1) has a solution
and an associated feasible value for technical change, as
change component includes mixed-period dis- seen, for example, in the case of Ireland in the FGNZ
tance functions computed under VRS.4 decomposition in Table 2 of RD.
5 We note that RD define the period " 1" scale effi-
ciency relative to period "0" technology. The Bankerno-
tion of scale efficiency is, however, a cross-sectional or
one-period notion, and thus would not have technology
' This interpretationholds even if the "true" technol-
from a period different than the observation being
ogy were VRS, for example. evaluated.
4 Specifically, computing technical change requires 6 This provides a link between the decomposition of
computing "mixed-period" distance functions like productivity over time and the decomposition of technical
efficiency in one period. Fare et al. (1983) derive a de-
D (xk' +, y' + 1j) composition of DC(x, y) into scale efficiency and D,(x,
y), which is the cross-sectional counterpartof our effi-
ciency change and scale change components.

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interpretationof the scale change component tical in RD and FGNZ; in that sense, both are
is whether an observation got closer to or far- "internally consistent." Both RD and FGNZ
ther from most productive scale size between rely on both CRS and VRS technologies to
the two periods, where MPSS may differ from identify their components of productivity
period to period. In contrast, RD define scale change, although the specification and inter-
change as pretation of the technical change and scale
change components are different, as are, of
(5) SCHRD course, the empirical values of these compo-
nents. Computationally, the RD scale and
= SE1(xl, yl) SE0(xl, yl) 11/2 technical change terms may not always be
computable; the corresponding FGNZ terms
[SEo(xo, yo) SEl(x0,y0) J
are computable.
One of the messages of RD is that there is
The first ratio in the squarebracketsis iden- more than one way to decompose an index.
tical to the FGNZ scale component, and the We would like to point out two other varia-
second ratio includes what look like scale ef- tions for the interested reader.Based on an al-
ficiency terms defined across periods. The sec- ternative distance function definition of
ond ratio thus requires the computation of productivity which W. Erwin Diewert ( 1992)
distance functions like D?(xj, Yl), in which dubbed the "Hicks-Moorsteen" index, Hans
data from one period ( " 1") are evaluated rel- Bjurek (1994) derives a decomposition into
ative to a VRS benchmark from the previous technical change and efficiency change. Like
period. Again, as seen in the case of Ireland, the FGNZ decomposition, the components of
this can cause computationalproblems. These this index are not susceptible to nonexistence
problems do not arise in the FGNZ decom- of solutions to the individual distance func-
position precisely because it contains no tion problems.8C. A. Knox Lovell and Emili
mixed-period terms computed under VRS. Grifell-Tatje ( 1994) propose a similar form of
Finally, the RD scale term may incorrectly productivity index using distance functions,
identify the scale properties of the underlying with a slightly different decomposition.
technology.7 Perhaps the main contribution of RD is to
To sum up, RD provide an alternative spec- raise the issue of the interpretationof the role
ification of the FGNZ decomposition of the of the reference technology in computing pro-
Malmquist productivity measure. The result- ductivity. Perhapsmost importantly,they have
ing overall measure of productivity is iden- confirmed that the correct benchmarkin com-
puting overall Malmquist productivity (if it is
to be a measure of TFP) is a CRS benchmark,
a source of much confusion in the literature.
7 As the following example shows, the RD scale com- In pointing out how to interpretthe use of CRS
ponent may reportvalues that do not reflect the scale prop-
erties of the data. Suppose we have two firms, A and B, and VRS technologies in the computation of
which use one input to produce a single output. scale efficiency, for example, they are, in ef-
fect, saying that we are using these technolo-
Firm (xo, yo) (xI, y1) gies as benchmarks rather than arguing, for
A (6,3) (5,5) example, that the true technology is CRS. In
fact we agree with this general viewpoint-
B (4,2) (3, 3) the "true" technology is unknown; however,
thanks to the techniques we use, we can con-
Based on this sample, both firms are producing at a point
of CRS in each period, t = 0, 1. Since both firms were at struct useful benchmarks based on observed
MPSS in both periods, the FGNZ scale component reg- data to use in identifying productivity growth
isters a value of one, reflecting no change in scale effi- and its sources.
ciency, as it should. The RD decomposition gives a scale
change value for firm A of (2/1.66667)/2, which is ap-
proximately 1.095, suggesting an improvement in scale
efficiency, which did not occur. For firm B in the RD
decomposition, there is no solution. 8 For a more detailed discussion, see Fare et al. ( 1996).

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