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start in the morning answered no Good morning Mr.

Mother [Music] yes we will start our worship

again this morning Let's prepare ourselves to stop all our activities and direct our hearts to God Let
us pray All Praise Respect and gratitude we raise this morning O Lord because of the goodness of
your gracious faithfulness to us especially God for the salvation that God bestows upon us in the Lord
Jesus Christ and also daily safety on the way to and from this campus and especially this morning
both from far and near we may arrive at this place and be grateful for the opportunity to worship
together like this because there will always come a time when we are not together therefore we
always direct our minds and hearts to worship together at fairly short times and may give blessings
to all of us this morning will pray for your grace for all of us so that your blessings through praise
through the Word of God we may continue to be edified and strengthened in the course of our lives
as believers and We pray that God will bless your servants your children who are part of the morning
ministry pray for mr. Hendra Thamrin who will preach the word and Mr. Elijah also who translates it
neatly bless your servant so that it may be used by God and also brothers we Arthur together with
the music team and also the Singers who have prepared themselves so that God blessings them may
be a channel of blessing for all of us also for our brothers who early in the morning have been
present in this place to operate all the equipment that we use God bless and God bestow
concentration on us so that We can worship solemnly and earnestly we are truly grateful and leave
these times ahead into god's hand of mercy For the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we have been
praying amen brother so far the seat in the middle is often a bit empty yes we hope If any of the
brothers who are not in their position the area will still return to their respective areas yes it is the
hope of us as a committee from the next Now we will listen to the announcement from Fik we invite
Mr. Yugo together with the team to give an announcement please please show the slides I want to
announce about the achievements obtained from the faculty of computer science and also UPH is
the National Team the writing is not read Okay so in this National Team there is an achievement that
only this time Fik can succeed and appear on this stage we follow the name of the National Student
scientific week and with participants who were originally 37 thousand Then from UPH there were 49
who followed then there was a selection process and there were 37 who were accepted and there
were 40 how many of the UPH then after that we get [Music] champion so the championship is still
the favorite champion but seeing from so many participants that exist I think it is worth being proud
that the person involved is from UPH Medan so here because they cannot attend it will be
represented and appear on the screen it is the colleagues involved we are grateful for it then this is a
photo of those who have received in the 2022 National Team okay second is the award of dikti ristek
where here we are involved in the ISS so the implementation of the best issn BKM and pkkm 2022 in
League 2 and we managed to get the gold Winner and these are the people involved in it So actually
this ISS does not belong to him Fik but is actually his/her UPH and I happen to be the chairman and
then you Mr. Riyanto there is Mrs. Nuri as a member and also supported from ipd also there is Mr.
Riki and Mrs. Nobel then there is Mrs. Monica also from lp2mp so there are so many involved and I
thank you for the cooperation that exists for that maybe I ask Mrs. Christy to give a plaque and also
later give a little welcome this first is [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] Good morning, one
UPH big family now we are entering the middle of January in the new year, hopefully the hopes and
resolutions that have been made in the new year continue to flare up Maybe someone hopes to get
a life partner soon or maybe also a thesis for students and a dissertation for lecturers to finish soon
or maybe the hope is simpler so that I can slim down simple but not easy also yes okay whatever it is
we want to do it by continuing to Remember that God is with us Therefore Let's greet and bless each
other by saying God is your beloved people [Music] and accompanied by God Let's we can now
arrange our hearts and minds to meet the Lord we want to realize that he is present in our midst we
want to enter in a shady moment [Music] Let my brother invite all to stand up and exalt the name of
the Lord the owner of heaven and earth the name of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Music] How power is pasted in the world you [Music] full color Let's pray Papa in heaven only You
who deserves to be glorified thou art the Father of kings and the god who created us and sustained
all that is you are the source of our life But we realize often we refuse to live in the guidance of your
power and love often we actually long to grasp the power and love of the world until our souls
Restless without direction at this moment we want to ask for your forgiveness for all our sins and
transgressions O Lord even We want to give up all our existence to be led by your spirit, O god, may
in this worship we may indeed exalt your name and be regretted by your presence in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ we pray Amen Please sit down brothers hymn song which Soon we will sing titled
whatever my God ordin is right whatever my God ordains is true and good This hymn which may
rarely be sung was written by Samuel in 1676 he used to be a lecturer in philosophy and for the
Rector of a university in Berlin Germany and he wrote this song to provide comfort of strength for
his friend who is chronically ill and about to die This beautiful Hymn not only declares that God is
sovereign in his decisions but God is also good and true in everything he decides Therefore Let us
sing this hymn song while making offerings and of course giving our whole lives into his hands
Wherever my God ordin is right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] next singer
only Where my god order [Music] I know you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to Mr.
Chandra Joko is welcome to deliver the offering prayer Let's enter in God's good prayer God the
source of your inexhaustible blessings in our lives Thank God all the good blessings of the temporal
want spiritual blessings constantly flowing in our lives and you also teach us How to be a blessing to
everyone today Our Lord that the offering which is also a blessing from our Lord that in the future
you sanctify it in order to be a blessing to others also thank God thank you we Alaskan this prayer is
only in the name of the Lord Jesus our savior amen today the word of God will be delivered by Mr.
Hendra Thamrin Dinata with the theme of the danger of uncontrol Freedom an important theme For
Us to Ponder in the midst of an age that increasingly ignores the disregard of God's woes Let's we
prepare our hearts by remembering that only in Christ are we able to live a life in holiness because
He is the rock that Steadfastly My hope on nothing last [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
to His servants are welcome Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, yes this morning who should
convey the word of God Is Sir only he is somewhat unable to attend to Indonesia so he conveyed and
we prepared so that we can continue to listening to god's words well before we deliver Before we
learn to ponder God's words Let us pray together fathers in heaven we put today's worship into
God's hands And the preaching of God's words and Please God be with us so that we can obtain
blessings through Your words this morning forgive us of our sins and iniquities and beg you to purify
our hearts and minds helping us so that we can direct our hearts and minds to the truth of your
word and the two of us in this pulpit Both conveying and translating so that we can coordinate well
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen Okay Father Mother we will resume our
exposition we open together the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians 1 Corinthians we will
continue from first Article 10 verses 1 to 13 chapter 10 Okay I will read chapter 1 verses 1 to 11 in the
language After that Mr. Eli will read verses 12 verses 12 to 13 yes verses 1 to 5 and pailia will read
from up to 6 files will read from 7 to 13 in English I read in Indonesian Father Mother yes I want you
to know brothers that our ancestors were all under the protection of the clouds and that they had all
crossed the sea to become followers of Moses they had all been baptized in clouds and in the sea
they all ate the same spiritual food and they all drank the same spiritual drinks For they drank of the
spiritual rock that followed them and the rock was Christ but indeed for the sake of such a thing God
was not pleased with the greatest part of them because they were killed in the wilderness all this has
happened as an example for us to warn us lest we desire evil things as those that are they have done
[Music] Ladies and gentlemen, this passage of God's word is not easy to interpret not and easy part
of descripture to be in yes because this part of God's word gains position or assumes an
understanding of many things e.g. an understanding of the background of the Old Testament then
the background of the development of judaism thought in the inter-covenant period and then How is
the rabbinic educational tradition of Paul parties particulators on the standing about descripture
about the writing and ourse about the state of people because there are some of the statements
that Paul quotes here Which sometimes if we for example do not understand well the background
we tend to get confused easily how come this is so perfect but the first Yes I will do is remind us that
in fact this part is an integral part of chapter 8 chapter 9 and chapter 10 so on the series from
chapter 88 and this section again talks about the problem of eating food offered to idols and this for
this actually speaking about this eh can swimming this kind of food that should be like giving to Idols
but the real topic Paul is trying to go to is how we as Christians use our freedom as Christians
Freedom How do we actually user free damage in the section that we have previously seen how Paul
is in chapter eee 8 begins the issue of eating food offered to idols where Paul asserts that as
Christians we have freedom but lest our freedom become a limitation of relationships for our fellow
brothers and sisters we make about food Overtunes we have Freedom expression about producers
sisters there is a difference between those who feel themselves to have knowledge and those who
are still weak in their faith there Paul wants to distinguish that you who feel yourself to have
knowledge should learn lest that knowledge then make you use freedom by not paying attention to
your brothers and sisters of faith who are weak in faith so here you can see that In This Chapter it is
the princess you have no Lights adoser we can fake and all actually address that you may not miss
you that Freedom and actually comes company as a pa statement about how we see our
independence or our freedom by way of asserting its meaning in what we should not do when we
use our freedom but in chapter 9 Paul then still discusses the issue of food here Paul raises the
theme of himself That is to take the example of himself as an apostle who although he has freedom
but does not use his freedom in an improper way how to use in sales aesthetically Freedom and her
actually used Freedom for Which is for the truth so that freedom or Freedom it should be used in a
proper way and here Paul asserts that the popular way it is how to use limiting our discussion or use
our freedom to be able to preach the gospel we have Freedom and weatherly and what is that you
will Freedom and you seed for the Said of the cost and here I say that Paul again conveys to us how
the perspective of the use of freedom or freedom positively perspective about how to use that
Freedom in a post and then if we read in chapter 9 verse 27 Paul says there but I train my body and
master it entirely so that after preaching the gospel to others Do not I myself be rejected which
makes the from chat and first on pricing to others I'm myself should be this quality there is one word
in English that is important there is disqualified right and in here Paul says in the Indonesian
translation is Don't let me be rejected Indonesian translation I'm not going to be sesame And this is
what will then bring Paul into the exposition of Article 10 verses 1 to 13 entesis Action In note first
120 he already talks about how we use our freedom in such a way that it does not become hundreds
with Sohi has address that we shipnot user Freedom in succerway that we become stampling Vlog he
already talked about how to use our freedom so that we can preach the gospel of being Jewish for
Jews to be Gentiles to Gentiles and being weak to weak people Sohi also address How to use to play
how to be like the choose for the choose for the Chains like for the channel and here he talks about
how to use our freedom so that we don't get rejected or don't until disqualification so here now How
is continue addressing that How do we actually user Freedom so we may not be this and the link
between article 9 verse 27 and Article 10 paragraph 1 is the word well in Indonesian invisible in
Indonesian invisible but in Greek and English is for or therefore or Gar in Greek in the Indonesian
translation that It's started with for i do not so therefore referring to verse 27 earlier because of the
previous stated in first and specifically Article 10 verses 1 to 13 this Paul dresses those who feel
themselves to have knowledge and feel themselves to have the freedom to be able to eat in the idol
cakes eating the food of idols in the Festival of idols and in the presence of idols that you are the
freedom to go and enter at the festivals of the cold and Join over the gods in the festivals so here
Paul is again ngedress people like this and Paul started and Paul started this eee drive by using the
example of using the example of taking in from the out hussement as a Learned in the tradition and
as a person who already knew Christ Paul had a unique understanding of how using the Old
Testament was not seen as something that not related to the new testament or to Revelation in
christusment but for Paul the Old Testament is a promise and the new testament is fulfillment is The
promise and the new customer is the full film so that the events that happened the old one can be a
paradigm or in technical language is a typology for the promises for the events that will happen in
the new testament about TV actually happening in the past in the world customan or type
phallology for What is happening in the news The Old Testament is connected with the new
testament as an organic whole in the history of salvation That is why when Paul uses the Old
Testament as an example for the new testament it is not just an example but it is a typology or an
example that then shows us today that there is a similarity or there is a parallel paralysis between
what happened The Old Testament that happened of the simulator is of What is actually happening
in the Post and what is now happening in the news and this is very interesting because Paul says that
if we read in the 10th verse of chapter 1 he says that our ancestors even though the Jews of the
Corinthians were composed mostly of their gentiles by saying our ancestors and for Paul it means we
are the saved in Christ with Jews who come from Old Testament backgrounds We are actually
together in one body i.e. the body of Christ that has been redeemed by Christ so that we with them
are in the same faith i.e. Faith Abraham from the sentence of and That is why then here we can see
the use of the word our ancestors for both the Jews and the Jews this shows the organic unity of the
Old Testament with the new testament in Paul's thinking as a Kabi but also as a Christian who has
been won over by Christ I made fathers to include of that institution and all the easy that there is in
me but what is my point There is actually also what we read together here is how with this
background of thought or this presupposition Paul then compares or exemplifies the life of
generations in the desert in the Old Testament with the life of the Corinthian Church that is in the
city of Corinth and we can see lay will that many experts today confirm that what happened to the
generation on the desert that came out of Egypt and walked towards the promised land was their life
and the events that befell them it became a kind of paradigm for our Christian life today brother
happening Generation where actually like it and when I will this all the events all that become a third
Time of Creation today and here Paul mentions three events in their lives that are related also to the
three events in our lives today as Christians 3 events and says Let's see verse 1 I want you to know
brethren that our ancestors were all under the protection of the clouds and that they had all crossed
the sea The First thing that for i do not to the sea is the beginning of the life of the Israelites and
those that have been released from Egypt and also the beginning of our life as Christians i.e. uniting
in one theme of liberation or delivers So this is the beginning eee of life for the nation and is the
same team that we have Creation as we left Innovation Life the time is deliverage the nation of Israel
in the Old Testament has already experienced liberation and here Paul explains that liberation by
How God released them from Egyptian labor and passed through the dry land of time of association
which was split in half and passed through the sea safely Walking to the pray line Break where to
Seed in the stage 2 and this is what is called the exodus event that is the liberation of the Israelites
and slavery in the land of Egypt so it is called an exodus like the rest of Event the man event that
were they were actually Job and cold Exodus and Paul Mau said to the old man and also to us that
we have also experienced the same thing which is that we have experienced an exodus or exodus
from sin to the miraculous light of God because of the work of Christ saying To The Corn at people of
current and all to all about that Yes we all to Experience The Same Thing The leverance this so this
from the Simple Run at the simple thing that we do in post to the light paradigm or comparison
between when Israel came out of Egypt was seen as an exodus and Christianity when liberated by
Christ was seen as oxydus this was affirmed by the Lord Jesus himself very interesting Father Mother
that When the Lord Jesus spoke to Moses and Elijah in the transfiguration event in the Gospel of
Luke there they again talked about one theme which is about the exodus or exodus to be carried out
by the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem it is very interesting if you look at this the moment of Reason where
Jesus recorded the event even though the three Gospels of Matthew Mark and Lucas also record the
transfiguration event but in Luke it is specifically discussed What Lucas explained What was discussed
by Moses John eh Moses Elijah with the Lord Jesus at that time was about the exodus event that
would occur in Jerusalem the forecastle actually had a breaker so about what it talked about is about
Exodus That is why here we can see that the Lord Jesus saw what was done on the cross it was a
typology that was already titologized before by the deliverance of Israel in the wilderness so make Si
that World Jesus eee don't before pie or deliverest of this but here Actually Paul wants to affirm that
you who feel yourself have knowledge remember that you were once delivered from the bondage of
sin just as Israel was delivered from physical slavery in the land remember this that you are like this
the leverage out from your simple life and you are the leaven out and in verse 2 we see the second
phase of events that occurred after liberation i.e. to become followers of Moses they have all been
baptized in the clouds and in the sea I am second Versace on over that toys into nouses in the Cloud
and the sea here Actually it's quite long if you want to explain the Mother of this Arab tradition but I
just want to explain that Paul when mentioning that here what Paul wants to actually affirm is that
the Israelites after they were liberated now they have been baptized or they are incorpored into the
people of God or relieved as the people of God the channel so Paul sees that when they passed
through Berau it not only symbolized their deliverance but also there symbolizes How the Lord then
ordained them or appointed them or adopted them as his children and as members of this covenant
community of a family of Heaven and here Paul uses the word baptism because baptism is not just
not just that we are poured out with water and so on but baptism is the Seal of the covenant or
minister of the covenant about you they have been baptized in Moses now us and also the
Corinthian Church already baptized in Christ and we the people of current and all of today out that
time in cruise we become God's people because of our baptism in Christ and we are visited by the
Holy Spirit then Israel was also baptized into God's people in Moses so we are now the people code
where sentence threet we are part 7 price and the same thing happened to the user live in Mouse
that Paul want to emphasize is you both those of you who feel yourself ee have knowledge and who
are not you together are members of his working community because of the work of Christ but not
only liberation not only in the incorporation of being the people of God Paul also mentions in the
third verse here that they all eat the same spiritual food to be the people Of Truth first eating the
same spiritual food and there is a place to say too and they all drink same spiritual Because they
drink from the spiritual rock that follows them and the rock is Christ that follows time and The Rock
wash and here Paul wants to affirm that they also got God's providence for their food and drink while
they were walking in the wilderness so that they were actually many people who saw also here that
this symbolizes the Lords' Supper and indeed if we look at in the so-called holy communion it is how
Christ nourishes our spiritual life through his body and blood about how a price actually provides
nutrition for a forever but the real point if we look here is Paul mentions the three phases in the life
of Israel as a comparison of us in the three phases of our lives sorting three faces of the is real life
with three faces saying with this typology to the Church Corinth Remember you were delivered from
sin because of the work of Christ Remember you have been included as a member of the covenant
community through baptism Remember How God has taken care of your life spiritually through the
processed food and drink that God gives you regularly but remember that you happine in corprite
pyt a holy spare remember is provided for you ass people all of that is God's blessing in your life
imagine you from darkness Now it has been brought to the light And it's all Good plating for you
That Got have taken you out of the darkness and the left to into the life but Paul is also here using
the 5th verse as a set back or as something that needs to make the Corinthians feel shocked and how
use first five to essence Paul says there but even so God is not pleased with the lion's share of them
because they were hatched in the wilderness never the last with Mouse note please for the fire and
there would assert to us that although this generation of wilderness enjoys the blessing of God being
lifted up as God's people and also baptized by what by God and also they enjoy God's providence But
they also experience the judgment of God So this is what happened to the Post Of Generation
therefore for those of you who feel yourself have knowledge then feel free to follow the worship and
eat the food of idols in the temples lest you also bring judgment to yourself So do not that
Judgement and that is what Paul wants to affirm to them that God gives blessings to his people but
God will also not tolerate if his people sin and God will pass judgment on them imagine here Paul
uses the term the largest part of them and also Paul uses the term here displeased it is not just a Sin
in the sense of violation of the law as we are also an emotional dislike well That is why then Paul says
God will not punish you solely because you break the law but God also It is true that you do not like
it when you break the law because the law is a reflection of the self and holiness of God So what is
the thing that should not be notification That is why the Lord Jesus said the summary of the ten laws
is not just every clause of the law but the Lord Jesus said directly what is at the core of the law which
is the love of the Lord your god with all the heart of the soul the power of reason and love Hila your
fellow man as yourself the point is love something very effective not only normative So it's about
love Jesus and That is why then continue Then continue in the sixth verse i will finish in the 6th verse
of the father of his mother because we have not much time but this directly summarizes what has
been discussed before this has happened as an example for us to warn us not to want evil things as
they have done later samples Frost but mind not the started here Paul asserts very emphatically that
Lest we want evil things Father Mother we know how generations of deserts it likes to be earnest to
God even when 12 scouts break the news about ee signs that 10 refuse and only Joshua with Khalid
wants to believe in God something that for underlined there is strong nih Do not desert and we can
we know what happened to this Generation to go to the States How to Rumble can cold out there
repel Can't Help Even when when in the story defend of space where cannot time activity Indonesia
is not very clear i.e. want evil thing English clearer it Desire or craving Fox in Evil Indonesian translate
and this is where we see on this day god reminds us we must learn from the wilderness generation
we are not immune from God's judgment never assume that we are God's house we have immunity
from judgment the lessons from the other Generation The Generation in the Builder and therefore
then we must learn to keep looking to god's blessings that have happened in our lives he frees us he
has lifted us up as his people and he has cared for our lives to this day therefore never desire or
craving for evil things that are not pleasing to God as they are so that they are subject to judgment
Do not arrogant us but we need to learn to humble ourselves and learn to depend on that God May
God bless us we pray then in heaven we give thanks to you for the Word we have heard this morning
beg you to bless this Word in our hearts so that we can learn to be more submissive and also more
obedient to you and above all things We pray that God will enable us to live and serve God earnestly
we may both have grace from God peace from Christ Our Lord and also the communion of the Holy
Spirit are always with us in our lives and in our activities on this day and beyond until the week of the
immigrants We may reunite in this place this is our prayer we blame our next life into the hands of
God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen please students wait yes because we are very
full today so lecturers and staff first come down from back here can come out if students want to be

All Praise Respect and gratitude we raise this morning O Lord because of the goodness of
your gracious faithfulness to us especially God for the salvation that God bestows upon us in the Lord
Jesus Christ. We pray that God will bless your servants your children who are part of the morning
ministry. I want to announce about the achievements obtained from the faculty of computer science
and also UPH is the National Team. [Music] champion is still the favorite champion but seeing from
so many participants that exist I think it is worth being proud that the person involved is from UPH
Medan. Let's greet and bless each other by saying God is your beloved people [Music] and
accompanied by God. Let's ask for your forgiveness for all our sins and transgressions O Lord even.
We want to give up all our existence to be led by your spirit, O god. The word of God will be
delivered by Mr. Hendra Thamrin Dinata with the theme of the danger of uncontrol Freedom an
important theme For Us to Ponder. I will read chapter 1 verses 1 to 11 in the language. After that Mr.
Eli will deliver the exposition.

Paul's message is not easy to interpret but it assumes an understanding of many things. The
real topic Paul is trying to go to is how we as Christians use our freedom as Christians. How do we
actually user free damage in the section that we have previously seen how Paul is in chapter eee 8.
Paul asserts that as Christians we have freedom but lest our freedom become a limitation of
relationships for our fellow brothers and sisters we make about food. In chapter 9 verse 27 Paul says
there but I train my body and master it entirely so that after preaching the gospel to others Do not I
myself be rejected. In note first 120 he already talks about how we use our freedom in such a way
that it does not become hundreds with Sohi has address that we shipnot user Freedom in succerway
that we become stampling Vlog. The link between article 9 verse 27 and Article 10 paragraph 1 is the
word well in Indonesian invisible in Greek and English is for or therefore or Gar in Greek in the
Indonesian translation of i do not. The Old Testament is connected with the new testament as an
organic whole in the history of salvation. There is a similarity or there is a parallel paralysis between
what happened. The Old Testament that happened of the simulator is of What is actually happening
in the Post and what is now happening on TV.

Paul compares generations in the desert in the Old Testament with the life of the Corinthian
Church. How God released them from Egyptian labor and passed through the dry land of time of
association. The events that befell them became a kind of paradigm for our Christian life today.
Exodus is the liberation of the Israelites and slavery in the land of Egypt so it is called an exodus like
the rest of Event the man event that were they were Job and cold Exodus. Paul Mau said that we
have experienced an exodus or exodus from sin to the miraculous light of God because of the work
of Christ. In verse one Paul says that the Israelites after they were liberated now they have been
baptized or they are incorpored into the people of God. In verse two he sees that when they passed
through Berau it not only symbolized their deliverance but also there symbolizes How the Lord then
ordained them or appointed them. Paul wants to affirm that they also got God's providence for their
food and drink while they were walking in the wilderness. Many people saw also here that this
symbolizes the Lords' Supper. Paul is also using the 5th verse as a set back or as something that
needs to make the Corinthians feel shocked.
In the 6th verse of the father of his mother Paul asserts very emphatically that Lest we want
evil things Father Mother we know how generations of deserts it likes to be earnest to God even
when 12 scouts break the news about ee signs that 10 refuse and only Joshua wants to believe in
God. God reminds us that we are not immune from God's judgment. He frees us he lifts us up as his
people and he has cared for our lives to this day. We must learn to keep looking to god's blessings
that have happened in our lives.All Praise Respect and gratitude we raise this morning O Lord
because of the goodness of your gracious faithfulness to us especially God for the salvation that God
bestows upon us in the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that God will bless your servants your children
who are part of the morning ministry. I want to announce about the achievements obtained from the
faculty of computer science and also UPH is the National Team. [Music] champion is still the favorite
champion but seeing from so many participants that exist I think it is worth being proud that the
person involved is from UPH Medan. Let's greet and bless each other by saying God is your beloved
people [Music] and accompanied by God. Let's ask for your forgiveness for all our sins and
transgressions O Lord even. We want to give up all our existence to be led by your spirit, O god. The
word of God will be delivered by Mr. Hendra Thamrin Dinata with the theme of the danger of
uncontrol Freedom an important theme For Us to Ponder. I will read chapter 1 verses 1 to 11 in the
language. After that Mr. Eli will deliver the exposition.

Paul's message is not easy to interpret but it assumes an understanding of many things. The
real topic Paul is trying to go to is how we as Christians use our freedom as Christians. How do we
actually user free damage in the section that we have previously seen how Paul is in chapter eee 8.
Paul asserts that as Christians we have freedom but lest our freedom become a limitation of
relationships for our fellow brothers and sisters we make about food. In chapter 9 verse 27 Paul says
there but I train my body and master it entirely so that after preaching the gospel to others Do not I
myself be rejected. In note first 120 he already talks about how we use our freedom in such a way
that it does not become hundreds with Sohi has address that we shipnot user Freedom in succerway
that we become stampling Vlog. The link between article 9 verse 27 and Article 10 paragraph 1 is the
word well in Indonesian invisible in Greek and English is for or therefore or Gar in Greek in the
Indonesian translation of i do not. The Old Testament is connected with the new testament as an
organic whole in the history of salvation. There is a similarity or there is a parallel paralysis between
what happened. The Old Testament that happened of the simulator is of What is actually happening
in the Post and what is now happening on TV. Paul compares generations in the desert in the Old
Testament with the life of the Corinthian Church. How God released them from Egyptian labor and
passed through the dry land of time of association. The events that befell them became a kind of
paradigm for our Christian life today. Exodus is the liberation of the Israelites and slavery in the land
of Egypt so it is called an exodus like the rest of Event the man event that were they were Job and
cold Exodus. Paul Mau said that we have experienced an exodus or exodus from sin to the miraculous
light of God because of the work of Christ.

In verse one Paul says that the Israelites after they were liberated now they have been
baptized or they are incorpored into the people of God. In verse two he sees that when they passed
through Berau it not only symbolized their deliverance but also there symbolizes How the Lord then
ordained them or appointed them. Paul wants to affirm that they also got God's providence for their
food and drink while they were walking in the wilderness. Many people saw also here that this
symbolizes the Lords' Supper. Paul is also using the 5th verse as a set back or as something that
needs to make the Corinthians feel shocked. In the 6th verse of the father of his mother Paul asserts
very emphatically that Lest we want evil things Father Mother we know how generations of deserts it
likes to be earnest to God even when 12 scouts break the news about ee signs that 10 refuse and
only Joshua wants to believe in God. God reminds us that we are not immune from God's judgment.
He frees us he lifts us up as his people and he has cared for our lives to this day. We must learn to
keep looking to god's blessings that have happened in our lives.

2. sermon

 The sermon focuses on the theme of the danger of uncontrolled freedom in the context of

 The speaker references Paul's teachings in the Bible, specifically in chapter 9 and 10, to
discuss how Christians should use their freedom in a way that does not harm others or harm
their relationship with God.

 The speaker references the story of the Israelites in the Old Testament and how their
liberation from slavery in Egypt serves as a parallel to the liberation of Christians from sin
through the work of Jesus Christ.

 The speaker mentions how the Lord provided for the Israelites in the wilderness and how
this symbolizes the Lord's Supper.

 The speaker concludes by emphasizing that Christians should be mindful of the potential for
evil in their use of freedom and that God's judgment applies to all.

3. application

To apply the message of the sermon, it is important for Christians to consider how they use
their freedom. As Paul states in chapter 9, our freedom should not harm our relationships with
others or with God. One way to do this is to train and control our bodies, as Paul mentions in verse
27. Additionally, Christians should be mindful of the potential for evil in their use of freedom and be
aware that God's judgment applies to all. Another key aspect of the sermon is the connection
between the Old Testament and the New Testament, with Paul drawing parallels between the
Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt and Christians' liberation from sin through the work of
Jesus Christ. This liberation is symbolized in the Lord's Supper and reminds us of the providence and
guidance of God in our lives.

It is also important to reflect on the example of the Israelites in the desert, as a reminder of
the danger of disobedience and lack of faith in God. As Paul states in verse 6, we should strive to be
earnest and faithful to God, even when faced with difficult circumstances or challenges. In
conclusion, the sermon's message is a reminder that as Christians, we have been given freedom
through the work of Jesus Christ, but we must use this freedom responsibly and in a way that honors
God and respects others. It is also a reminder of the guidance and providence of God in our lives, and
the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God.
Hendra Thamrin who will preach the word and Mr. Elijah also who translates it neatly bless your
servant so that it may be used by God. Music team and Singers who have prepared themselves so
that God blessings them may be a channel of blessing for all of us. The ISS is a joint venture between
BKM and pkkm 2022 in League 2 and we managed to get the gold Winner and these are the people
involved in it. Good morning, one UPH big family now we are entering the middle of January in the
new year. Hymn was written by Samuel in 1676 for a friend who was about to die.

Hymn declares that God is sovereign in his decisions. God is good and true in everything he decides.
Let us sing this hymn song while making offerings and of course giving our whole lives into his hands.
The word of God is Sir only he is somewhat unable to attend to Indonesia so he conveyed and we
prepared so that we can continue to listen to god's words well before we deliver. Let us pray together
fathers in heaven we put today's worship into God's hands and the preaching of God's words.

The background of the development of judaism thought in the inter-covenant period. How is the
rabbinic educational tradition of Paul parties particulators on the standing about descripture about
the writing and ourse about the state of people because there are some of the statements that Paul
quotes here. In chapter 9 verse 27 Paul says there but I train my body and master it entirely so that
after preaching the gospel to others Do not I myself be rejected. In note 120 he already talks about
how we use our freedom in such a way that it does not become hundreds with. Sohi has address that
we shipnot user Freedom in succerway that we become stampling Vlog.

The Old Testament is connected with the new testament as an organic whole in the history of
salvation. There is a similarity or there is a parallel paralysis between what happened and what is
now happening in the news. The Old Testament can be a paradigm or in technical language is a
typology for the promises for the events that will happen in the New Testament. With Jews who
come from Old Testament backgrounds we are not separate from one another i.e. the body of Christ
that has been redeemed by Christ. We with them are in the same faith as those who have left the
Abrahamic religion and come under the influence of Satan.

Paul compares generations in the desert in the Old Testament with the life of the Corinthian Church.
How God released them from Egyptian labor and passed through the dry land of time of association.
The events that befell them became a kind of paradigm for our Christian life today. Exodus is the
liberation of the Israelites and slavery in the land of Egypt so it is called an exodus like the rest of
Event the man event that were they were Job and cold Exodus. Paul Mau said that we have
experienced an exodus or exodus from sin to the miraculous light of God because of the work of

In verse one Paul says that the Israelites after they were liberated now they have been baptized or
they are incorpored into the people of God. In verse two he sees that when they passed through
Berau it not only symbolized their deliverance but also there symbolizes How the Lord then ordained
them or appointed them. Paul wants to affirm that they also got God's providence for their food and
drink while they were walking in the wilderness. Many people saw also here that this symbolizes the
Lords' Supper. Paul is also using the 5th verse as a set back or as something that needs to make the
Corinthians feel shocked.

Paul: affirm to them that God gives blessings to his people but God will also not tolerate if his people
sin and God will pass judgment on them. Paul uses the term displeased it is not just a Sin in the sense
of violation of the law as we are also an emotional dislike well.

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