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Thematic Analysis Presentation Evaluation

Directions: As each group presents, take notes on one of their theme statements. Use these notes to evaluate
their theme statements.

Group Members Theme Statements Evaluate Chosen Theme Statement

(Pick 1 to Analyze)

Rate out of 5: 5 out of 5

Explain: it was really cool and i like the song at the end

Teyah, lucy, Rate out of 5: 4 out of 5


Honestly I really like how they were able to a some main idea
for both the passages

Logan and them Rate out of 5: 4 out of 5

Explain: well spoken

Nice organized slides
Not enough pictures

Gunner sariah Rate out of 5: 5 out of 5

nema, lorin


Krish, jaeylen, Rate out of 5: 5 out of 5

bella grace, izzy

Good slides
Good connections 5

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