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Nurse team leader and nurse practitioner : patient handover

NS Hanip: Assalamualaikum WRWb Good morning all colleagues

Ns Hanip: this morning before the guard pass begins, let's open this guard pass by reciting
basmalah together. (bismillahhirrohmanirrahim). For the night team, I invite you to convey the
guard duty to the team and nurses on the morning shift.
NS. Aryani :Assalamualaikum, thank you for the opportunity. I will convey the general condition
of 5 patients today.
1. Mr. Luthfi (22) with a diagnosis of CKS Post craniotomy H1, fluid therapy given RL 30 tpm, R5
30 tpm
2. NyFian (35) with a diagnosis of CHF, Drug therapy... the infusion is not attached yet, when it
is attached, insert RL 15 tpm, Aminofusin/d10/kaen
3. Missing Mr (26) with a diagnosis of DHF but asked for APS
4. mr. dipta (30) DM type II dil medical therapy
5. mr. ipura (18) BRPN Diagnosis MEDICAL THERAPY......
Follow-up for the next shift, install an IV for Mrs. Fianganti, bandage for Mr. Dipta, other
patients, actions such as medical therapy given by doctors to Mr. Ilang tries to explain his
condition and the dangers of continuing to want to go home
Ns Aryani: sorry, there was an addition regarding Mr. ipur, the RR has increased. What if we do
chest physiotherapy to get rid of the phlegm and then we do a nebulizer
Ns Hanip: for the nebulizer medicine laten How about consulting with Dr....????
Ns Aryani: yes. I agree with the composition responsibility of Dr.
Ns hanip: based on what Ms Aryani said This means that this morning there were 5 patients with
diagnosis mentioned at the beginning of the action nursing care that will be carried out for
Ns Aryani: Yes Ns Hanip

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