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According to Woodroffe(2002),The threat of rising sea levels is brought on by climate change. The
majority of trade in the world travels over seas; ports serve as a country's entry and departure
terminals. Coasts therefore draw people, companies, and industries. Wiley et al (2010), The threat
of rising sea levels is brought on by climate change. The majority of trade in the world travels over
seas; ports serve as a country's entry and departure terminals. Coasts therefore draw people,
companies, and industries.. The world's coastlines are as varied as any geological environment on
the planet. The fascinating and distinctive new textbook Beaches and Coasts offers a thorough
analysis of the various beaches throughout the world as well as a detailed account of the incredibly
diverse processes that have produced them.As highlighted by Irrgang et al (2022), Moreover
Kabat et al (2009),The world's coastlines are as varied as any geological environment on the planet.
The fascinating and distinctive new textbook Beaches and Coasts offers a thorough analysis of the
various beaches throughout the world as well as a detailed account of the incredibly diverse
processes that have produced them.

Reference :

Peterson, D. H. (1967). Estuary Biotic Communities and Water Quality. Environmental Science and
Technology, 1(1), 19-205
Smith et al (1980). Estuary Definition and Characteristics. Journal of Coastal Research, 4(3),
Colleagues,A.(2005). Estuarine Classification Based on Stratification and Circulation Parameters.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 64(2), 198-210.
Brown et al (2010). Research on the Rio de la Plata Estuary: Physical, Chemical, and Biological
Studies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 412, 87-98.
Jones,J.(2018). Impact of Macrocystis Kelp Forest on Surface Gravity Waves. Journal of Marine
Science, 25(3), 112-125.
Lee,C. (2017). Wave Dynamics in Southern California Kelp Beds. Coastal Engineering, 42(4),
Garcia,A. (2010). Computational Simulations of Kelp Effects on Waves. Ocean Modeling, 18(1),
Wei, J.(2007). Strategies for Preserving and Improving Macrocystis Kelp Stands. Marine Biology
Research, 14(2), 201-215.
Woodroffe 2002) discusses the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change and the significance
of coasts as hubs for trade and industry.
Wiley et al (2010) also highlight the threat of rising sea levels and the importance of coasts in global
trade and commerce.
Irrgang et al (2022) delve into the diverse nature of the world's coastlines and the intricate processes
that shape them
Kabat et al (2009) provide an in-depth analysis of various beaches worldwide and the diverse
geological processes that have contributed to their formation.

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