PAT Bhs Inggris IV

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Nama : ………………………..
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : ……………………….
Kelas/Semester : IV/Genap

1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D di bawah ini!
1. What do you like ... ? 8. A: Do you like cooking ?
A. Doing C. late B: Yes,I ...
B. Really D. name A. does C. do
B. is D. am
2. Apakah hobimu?
The English sentence is ... 9. A place where we live is called a ...
A. What is their hobby? A. Hospital C. Home
B. What is his hobby? B. Church D. Shop
C. What is him hobby?
D. What is your hobby? 10. Today is Sunday tomorrow is ...
A. Saturday C. Thursday
3. Rina : “Do you like swimming?” B. Monday D. Wednesday
Bayu : ”No, ... “
A. I do not C. I do 11. After January is ...
B. I does D. I does not A. March C. December
B. August D. February
4. Rani goes to swimming pool every sunday. Her
hobbies is ... 12. 2 month before September is ...
A. Badminton C. Swimming A. June C. May
B. Basket Ball D. Climbing B. July D. January

5. Pay attention to the following picture! 13. Where are you sleeping ...
A. In the bedroom C. In the living room
B. In the kitchen D. In bathroom

I like ... with my brother 14. It is ... (waktu) ...

A. playing basketball A. Nine o'clock C. Ten o'clock
B. playing badminton B. Five o'clock D. Three o'clock
C. playing football
D. playing kite 15. Faliq : ..., Tia?
Tia : It is two o’clock ...
6. Pay attention to the following picture! A. What time is it C. Hello
B. Thank you D. It is Time for nap

16. Yuli : What time is it?

Tika : It is seven o’clock in the evening.
Do you like ...? It is time for ...
A. playing guitar C. listening music A. School C. Lunch
B. singing D. dancing B. Breakfast D. Dinner

7. Murni likes the kitchen 17. Second memiliki arti ...
A. cooking C. sweeping A. Kedua C. Ketiga
B. gardening D. dancing B. Pertama D. Terakhir

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18. Yesterday was Monday, what day is today? A. may C. do
A. Tuesday C. Sunday B. what D. am
B. Wednesday D. Friday
31. Lugas : Can I borrow the crayons, please?
19. Before Wednesday is ... Danang : Sure.
A. Sunday C. Tuesday Lugas : Thank you.
B. Monday D. Thursday Danang : ...
A. yes iam C. yes I do
20. We celebrate ... On the second of May B. You're welcome D. you no
A. Mother's Day
B. Heroes' Day 32. I want to borrow some books, I must go to the ...
C. Batik Day A. parking lot C. laboratory
D. National Education Day B. library D. room 2

21. I am big and fat. My color is gray. I have a big 33. Apakah hobimu?
nose. It is called a trunk. The English sentence is ...
A. cow C. elephant A. What is their hobby?
B. lion D. tiger B. What is his hobby?
C. What is him hobby?
22. I am black and orange. I like to eat meat. I love to D. What is your hobby?
run and hunt animals.
A. tiger C. kangaroo 34. Pay attention to the following picture!
B. elephant D. cow

23. I am the king of the jungle. I like to eat meat.

A. giraffe C. wolf
B. cat D. lion A : What is it? its a ...
A. post office C. railway station
24. I live in the sea. I swim all day long. I am small. B. hospital D. Market
A. fish C. dolphin
B. whale D. cat 35. A place where you study Maths, English, Science,
etc. It is ....
25. I am brown. I have a long neck. I eat leaves from A. hospital C. airport
trees. B. school D. hotel
A. lion C. giraffe
B. tiger D. cheetah 36. A board that teacher writes on with marker ...
A. black board C. cup board
26. A : "... Do you want to drink?" B. white board D. book
B :"I want to drink a cup of tea."
A. what C. when 37. Which one is fruit?
B. where D. why A. guava C. bean
B. carrot D. potato
27. Below are the activities in the evening, except ...
A. Have dinner C. do homework 38. Which one is vegetables?
B. go to school D. watch television A. spinach C. guava
B. pineapple D. avocado
28. When we sleep better ...
A. turn on the light C. turn off the light 39. We can see many kinds of animals in the ...
B. turn on tv D. listening radio A. zoo C. park
B. cave D. temple
29. Singing in Indonesian is ...
A. Menari C. Berenang 40. There are ... Hours in a day.
B. Menyayi D. Memancing A. 6 C. 18
B. 12 D. 24
30. ______ I borrow these book,please?

Copyright © 2023 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal

JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √ √

JAWABAN 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √ √


Copyright © 2023 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal

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