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The Value of Long-Term Assessment of Restoration:

Support from a Seagrass Investigation
Susan S. Bell,1,2 Michael L. Middlebrooks,1 and Margaret O. Hall3

Abstract levels of seagrass cover initially remained poor perform-

ers, 4–7 years post-planting. By 2008, substantial seagrass
The importance of judging success of restoration studies
spillover, contiguous with over 75% of plots, was recorded.
over extended time periods has been repeatedly voiced
When both within-plot coverage and spillover were consid-
but convincing information to justify increased monitor-
ered, seagrass restoration success was attained 6 years after
ing is generally unavailable. Building on Bell et al. (2008),
initiation. Our findings provide an example of compara-
we investigated the development of areal coverage of the
tively longer-term monitoring of a restoration effort lead-
seagrass, Halodule wrightii , as a metric for assessing the
ing to reversal of an earlier evaluation of project success.
outcome of a restoration effort conducted near Tampa
Moreover, unique information on H. wrightii temporal
Bay, Florida, U.S.A., over 7 years, thereby expanding the
dynamics emerged from the 7 year study, further illus-
timescale over which a subtropical seagrass restoration
trating the value of long-term assessment of restoration.
project was evaluated for success. In each of 12 plots,
Extending the duration of post-planting surveys of sea-
500 planting units of H. wrightii were introduced in 2002,
grass coverage may address multiple needs as it advances
and the seagrass cover level documented annually through
the field of seagrass restoration.
2009. Although only low-moderate levels of H. wrightii
cover were recorded after 3 years, a rapid increase to Key words: dynamics, Florida, Halodule wrightii , monitor-
high coverage levels was evident in many plots after 2006 ing, physiological integration, recruitment, rhizome, sub-
and sustained through 2009. Plots that supported only low tropical.

Introduction and persistence after restoration in temperate settings is not

Studies to assess the effectiveness of seagrass restoration commonly available.
Seagrass restoration efforts in subtropical settings have
have largely been based on efforts conducted in temperate
embraced many of the approaches utilized in temperate studies,
coastal settings and focused upon species within the genera
although much less attention has been directed to subtropical,
of Zostera or Posidonia. Numerous examples of establishing
compared to temperate, investigations. As in many temperate
new seagrass beds are available (Paling et al. 2003; Fishman
studies, seagrass restoration in subtropical/tropical areas has
et al. 2004; Li et al. 2010) but questions still remain about
relied mainly on introduction of planting units to initiate sea-
wide-scale restoration as a management strategy (Thom et al.
grass bed development (Fonseca et al. 1996; Bell et al. 2008)
2012). Typically, most of these seagrass restoration efforts
sometimes in conjunction with re-engineering of blowout areas
have been monitored over a short duration (2–3 years) (Li
from boating activities (Fonseca et al. 2004). Monitoring sea-
et al. 2010) although a few studies have examined the fate of
grass development in subtropical/tropical sites has revealed
restoration plots over longer time (Thom et al. 2012). Among
low to moderate levels of shoot cover early after initiation of
the longer-term studies, some discuss plantings that were
restoration (Sheridan et al. 1998), with bioturbation (Townsend
not continuously monitored over most years post-introduction & Fonseca 1998) and/or high turbidity (Kaldy et al. 2004)
(McGlathery et al. 2012) or consider data only from plots suggested as possible factors curtailing cover establishment.
within which seagrass cover successfully developed (Evans & Yet, while subtropical and temperate seagrass studies may
Short 2005). Currently, an extended view of seagrass dynamics share similar challenges associated with establishing vegeta-
tion in coastal waters, some marked differences between the
1 Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler two regions with respect to seagrass bed development after
Avenue, Tampa, FL 33620-5200, U.S.A.
2 Address correspondence to S. S. Bell, email introducing vegetation may be expected. Specifically, seagrass
3 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Fish and Wildlife in subtropical waters may display temporal dynamics distinct
Research Institute, 100 Eighth Avenue S.E., St. Petersburg, FL 33701, U.S.A. from those in temperate sites given that both seagrass species
© 2014 Society for Ecological Restoration
composition and environmental conditions (sediments, water
doi: 10.1111/rec.12087 quality, and temperature range) differ. But, as for temperate

304 Restoration Ecology Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 304–310 MAY 2014
Long-Term Seagrass Restoration

locations, most studies in subtropical/tropical locales which have not been recorded in over 1,200 sediment cores from
document planting success often encompass 2–3 years post- H. wrightii beds from 1985 to 2011 (S. Bell, unpublished
planting (Bell et al. 1993; Fonseca et al. 1996; Sheridan et al. data). Thus, a longer-term evaluation of bed development of
1998; Kaldy et al. 2004). this particular restoration effort offers a unique opportunity to
The importance of judging success of marine restoration not only evaluate dynamics of seagrass coverage through 7
over extended time periods has been repeatedly voiced across years post-planting, in comparison to predictions based upon
numerous coastal habitats (Lirman & Miller 2003; Cunha et al. earlier results, but also determine if any of the three scenarios
2012). In fact, upon review of rhizome elongation rates, some of spatial change/pattern outlined above (i.e. delayed increase,
investigations have noted that the time required for seagrass decrease, and spillover) can be discerned.
beds to achieve coverage to “natural” levels likely surpasses Herein, building upon Bell et al. (2008), we ask:
the duration of typical restoration monitoring (Fonseca et al.
(1) What are the magnitude and direction of change in
2004; Irving et al. 2010). If monitoring of restoration efforts
seagrass coverage during years 4–7 of the seagrass
were lengthened, then empirical data gathered from sequential
surveys of seagrass cover might offer an increasing possibility
(2) Do plots that performed comparatively poorly or well
of detecting successful establishment. A comparatively longer
with respect to post-planting coverage in years 1–3, do
time course over which restoration success is evaluated may
also allow detection of potential scenarios of seagrass dynam- so through later stages (4–7 years).
ics not gleaned from shorter-term studies. For example, if (3) Does seagrass growth extend beyond the areas of orig-
conditions which limit development of seagrass coverage were inally planted plots and, if so, does this spillover effect
of restricted duration, then the probability of detecting delayed, modify the evaluation of restoration success?
but increasing, levels of seagrass cover would increase as mon-
itoring time is extended. Additionally, increasing monitoring
time may allow opportunities to observe not only increases, Methods
but also possible declines, of seagrass coverage. Lengthened
Study Site
surveys may also inform models of spatial patterns of expan-
sion, generating greater confidence in model predictions of We conducted our study at Shell Key (27◦ 40 09 N, Lat;
longer-term growth patterns (Renton et al. 2011). Finally, over 82.23◦ 44 14 W, Long) near St. Petersburg, Florida, from 2006
expanded time intervals, seagrass coverage may extend beyond to 2009 using the same restoration plots included in Bell et al.
initial plot demarcations especially if rhizome growth under- (2008). Details of the restoration protocol are included in Bell
lies space occupation (Jensen & Bell 2001). If spillover of et al. (2008) but briefly, 15 plots were established in June
seagrass footprints beyond plot dimensions represents produc- 2002 spanning approximately −0.2 to −0.4 m (MLW) water
tion of new seagrass from the restoration effort (Fonseca et al. depths at time of planting (Fig. 1). A natural bed of Halodule
1996; Uhrin et al. 2008), it thereby merits inclusion in met- wrightii , the taxon planted at the start of the study, was
rics of newly created habitat. Thus, information documenting located approximately 50–75 m from the experimental plots
any of the aforementioned scenarios contributes to improved (# 1 and 10) (Fig. 1) and at a greater distance parallel to the
assessment of restoration success. row containing plots # 11 and 12. Sediments were well-sorted
We followed development of the seagrass, Halodule sands, and often rippled. Over the study duration salinity and
wrightii , in a restoration effort, by documenting coverage water temperature ranged from 31 to 34◦ C and 15 to 30◦ C,
of aboveground shoots over 7 years, thereby expanding respectively.
the timescale over which a subtropical seagrass restoration A total of 6,000 planting units consisting of intact shoots,
is evaluated for success. Success is operationally defined meristem, rhizomes and roots were collected from H. wrightii
as attaining seagrass coverage similar to that of existing beds adjacent to the restoration area. All planting units were
“reference” conditions and at greater than or equal to 70% introduced into plots in 2002. Additionally, a set of three
of plot areas. Previously, Bell et al. (2008) followed devel- “control” (unplanted) plots were erected to detect any evidence
opment of H. wrightii seagrass near Tampa Bay, Florida, of seagrass recruitment, although not as a result of planting
U.S.A. and, while finding some evidence for establishment efforts.
of seagrass at the plot level, seagrass cover scores were As in Bell et al. (2008), we documented the presence and
low-moderate over 3 years post-planting. Additionally some level of seagrass cover at each of 500 points uniformly dis-
plots performed poorly. Using data from restoration plots and tributed within each plot (per date total = 6,000 points in
literature values of seagrass extension rates Bell et al. (2008) experimental plots; 1,500 points in control plots). Visual sur-
predicted that experimental plots would require 8–30 years veys were conducted using the Braun-Blanquet (BB) tech-
to attain coverage approximating that of reference sites. This nique (Braun-Blanquet 1972) to estimate cover categories (0,
suggestion was aligned with previous reports that development no seagrass; 1, <5%; 2, 5–25%; 3, 26–50%; 4, 51–75%;
of seagrass cover over areas of 10–100 s m2 may require 5, 76–100%). Previous work established that seagrass shoot
decades (Fonseca et al. 2004) given that new shoots arise number, aboveground biomass and belowground biomass were
largely from rhizome elongation for H. wrightii in Tampa all well-estimated by BB scores (Bell et al. 2008). Plots
Bay, Florida, U.S.A. Flowering is rare in this region and seeds were surveyed yearly in summer months from 2006 to 2009;

MAY 2014 Restoration Ecology 305

Long-Term Seagrass Restoration

extension could sometimes exceed this threshold. Any sea-

grass extension into the interior areas between longest sides
of plots was determined from the edges of only one of the
 plots. Area of seagrass extension was approximated
as [ (linear distance (m) seagrass extension from plot mar-
gin at point of measurement) × (distance (m) between adjacent
measurement points)].

Statistical Analyses
The total number of points with seagrass covers assigned BB
Figure 1. Approximate arrangement and position of the 12 experimental
restoration and unplanted “control” (U1-3) plots. Not to scale. scores = 1–5 and BB ≥ 3 were determined for each plot by
year. To determine if the percentage of plot locations with
seagrass cover across the 12 plots differed by year after
however, because of logistical limitations, only three of the
planting, a Friedman Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
planted plots and controls were examined in 2006.
(ANOVA) on Rank was conducted; plots were considered
Spatial patterns of seagrass cover within each plot were
replicates (n = 12 per year). Both new data from 2007 to
determined from annual surveys of the planted and control
2009 and data from 2002 to 2005 (Bell et al. 2008) were
plots. For each plot, spatial representations of cover were
included in this set of comparisons. The Friedman Repeated
prepared using two different protocols. The first protocol
Measures ANOVA was conducted separately for each of the
utilized the BB score for the presence of seagrass exhibiting
two BB scoring protocols. If differences in percent cover
any cover level (BB: 1–5) while the second utilized only those
between years were detected, then a Tukey post hoc test was
BB scores ≥ 3. A BB score of 3 represents the mean cover
used to conduct pairwise tests to identify which years were
score for H. wrightii in natural beds across many sites in
significantly different from each other. Coverage values from
the Tampa Bay region including natural seagrass beds near
2006 were excluded from this analysis because data were not
the planting area (Bell et al. 2008). For each plot and date,
available for all plots.
percent seagrass cover was tabulated as either: (1) number of
points with BB (1–5)/500 points or (2) number of points with
BB ≥3/500 points. Accordingly, a plot with 100% cover at the
plot level would reflect the presence of seagrass at each of 500 Results
points examined, although the cover value at any point could Seagrass cover generally increased over the 4–7 years post-
range from 1 to 5. Using the second, more restrictive criterion, planting interval (Tables 1 & 2; Fig. S1, Supporting Informa-
a plot would be considered to have 100% cover only when all tion) and this was visually evident for many of experimental
cover scores were equal to, or exceeded, the mean value of plots (Fig. S2). Friedman Repeated Measures ANOVA on
natural sites (i.e. BB ≥ 3) at each of 500 points. Ranks indicated significant differences between median val-
In 2008, area of seagrass cover that extended beyond the ues of percent seagrass cover among years for both scoring
original plot dimensions (Fig. 1) was recorded. At selected protocols (BB scores = 1–5: χ 2 = 41.764, p = <0.001; BB
locations along each plot perimeter, we quantified the spatial scores ≥ 3: χ 2 = 50.359, p = <0.001). When seagrass cover
extension of seagrass perpendicular to an original plot bound- reflecting BB scores = 1–5 was further examined, Tukey post
ary. Measurement locations were at: (1) every plot corner; (2) hoc analysis of pairwise multiple comparisons indicated signif-
1.8 m intervals along the short sides of a plot; and (3) 4.6 m icantly lower cover in plots from 2003 to 2005 than in plots
intervals along the longer side of plots. Only seagrass that in either 2007, 2008, or 2009; cover values for 2004 were
continued across, or was located within 1 m of the plot edge, lower but not significantly different than those in 2007–2009
was included. Measurements were performed to an arbitrary (Table S1). When Tukey post hoc tests were repeated for the
maximum of 8 m from the outside plot edge, although seagrass protocol using BB scores ≥ 3, seagrass cover in plots from

Table 1. Percentage of seagrass cover [(# locations with seagrass of BB score 1–5 × 500−1 ) × 100] by plot from 2003 to 2009.

Year Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Mean

2003 27.6 31.2 27.6 39.4 18.8 7.8 8 8.8 2.6 32 48.8 6.2 21.6
2004 76.4 82.4 58 76 54.6 5.8 24.2 4.6 5.2 85.6 96.6 18.4 48.9
2005 49.2 61.6 32.8 29 14 2.4 6.2 3.4 1 83.8 88 11 31.7
2006 79.2 89 — — — — — — — 99.6 — — —
2007 92.4 94.6 74.6 79.8 72.8 15.6 21 11.2 9.2 100 100 32.2 58.6
2008 92.2 94.8 75.6 81.6 78.2 20 16 10 3.2 100 100 36 58.9
2009 97.8 95.6 83 94.4 79.4 10.4 15 10 0 100 100 36.8 60.2
Data from 2003 to 2005 are from Bell et al. (2008) containing any seagrass cover by year. No seagrass was recorded in unplanted control plots.

306 Restoration Ecology MAY 2014

Long-Term Seagrass Restoration

Table 2. Percentage of seagrass cover [(# locations with seagrass of BB score ≥ 3 × 500−1 ) × 100] by plot from 2003 to 2009.

Year Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Mean

2003 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 1.4 0 0.2

2004 9 10.8 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 4.2 0 2.3
2005 7.2 14.6 0 2 0 0 0.4 0.2 0 15.6 27.8 0 5.7
2006 15 26.2 — — — — — — — 65.4 — —
2007 83 83.2 67.2 72.2 64.4 7.2 14.8 7.2 1.8 99.8 99.8 28.6 52.4
2008 89.2 93 62.6 76.8 70.8 6.2 15.6 6.8 0.8 98.4 98.8 29.2 54.0
2009 95.8 94.2 80.2 93.6 76.2 7.2 14.8 9.4 0 98.6 100 36.8 58.9
Data from 2003 to 2005 are from Bell et al. (2008) containing any seagrass cover by year. No seagrass was recorded in unplanted control plots.

Table 3. Area of seagrass cover (m2 ) using both BB scoring protocols inside of experimental plots (total area =5019.6 m2 ) in 2008 (see Tables 1 and 2)
and areal extension (m) of seagrass found adjacent to each experimental plot (= spillover) in summer 2008.

Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Total (m2 )

Plot area: BB = 1–5 385.7 396.5 316.2 341.3 327.1 83.7 66.9 41.8 13.4 418.3 418.3 150.6 2960
Plot area: BB ≥ 3 373.1 389.0 261.9 321.3 296.2 25.9 65.3 28.4 3.3 411.6 413.3 122.1 2711.4
Spillover (m2 ) 279.4 384.5 326.5 233.4 353.6 104.8 42.7 10.3 0.0 441.7 371.8 109.0 2657.7

2003 to 2005 was significantly lower than that recorded in

years 2007 through 2009 (Table S1).
The largest increases in mean percent seagrass cover across
all experimental plots occurred between 2005 and 2007 (Tables
S2 & S3). In plots for which data in 2006 were available,
a 21–23% increase in mean seagrass cover was charted in
2006 compared to 2005 (Tables S2 & S3). Mean seagrass
cover (BB score 1–5) in 2007 reflected the establishment
of approximately 119 m2 of new seagrass × plot−1 , compared
to 2005 levels (Table 1). When cover levels in 2007 were
examined using BB scores ≥ 3, a mean of 207 m2 × plot−1
of new seagrass was established compared to 2005 levels
Figure 2. Location of seagrass spillover across the experimental plots in
(Table 2). For plots monitored in both 2005 and 2006, a rapid
2008. Diamonds indicate that location along a side of a plot at which
increase in seagrass cover was recorded within 1 year (Figs. S1 spillover was observed. Blackened areas indicate that seagrass filled the
& S2). In contrast, all plots decreased in seagrass cover by a space between plots. Magnitude of spillover is presented in Table 3.
mean 17.1% between 2004 and 2005 (Tables 1 & 2). Changes
in seagrass cover after 2007 were of relatively small magnitude
and no significant differences in mean seagrass cover per plot Discussion
were detected between 2007 and 2009 (Fig. S3). Note however Information from a limited number of studies on seagrass
that during 2007–2009 some plots were near, or at, 100% dynamics has begun to reveal the temporal scales over which
cover as determined using either of the BB scoring protocols expansion and contraction of seagrasses in natural landscapes
(Tables 1 & 2). In contrast, plots that performed very poorly in occur (Robbins & Bell 2000; Kendrick et al. 1999). Assem-
2002–2005 (plots # 7, 8, and 9) remained so 4–7 years post- bling results from restoration studies has potential to add to
planting. Plots # 6, 7, 8, and 9 never attained cover exceeding empirical information, but, to date, descriptions of seagrass
25% of plot area, with 16% the highest cover recorded in 2009. cover dynamics post-planting have generally been restricted
One plot (# 9) contained no seagrass after 7 years. Seagrass to short time intervals (≤3 years) across both temperate and
was absent from control plots from 2003 to 2009. subtropical settings. In our 7-year study, contrasting onto-
In 2008, 2657 m2 of seagrass was recorded in areas outside genetic patterns of seagrass development were noted among
of, but contiguous with, plots containing seagrass (Table 3; plots: some supported only low levels of seagrass coverage
Fig. 2). Seagrass extending from plots occupied areas both while many, after a few years of low to moderate seagrass
surrounding and between plots. Combined, seagrass coverage coverage, displayed rapid increases to high levels of cover-
established outside and within plots in 2008 for BB scores ≥ 3 age. Additionally, coincident with these high levels, seagrass
totaled 5368.4 m2 representing 106% of total planted area. spillover of substantial magnitude beyond original plot dimen-
Likewise, the combined seagrass cover within and outside of sions was detectable after 5 years Importantly, restoration
plots for BB scores = 1–5 was 5619.4 m2 or 112% of total success (defined previously) assessed using seagrass coverage
planted area. was not evident 3 years post-planting but was supported by

MAY 2014 Restoration Ecology 307

Long-Term Seagrass Restoration

overall coverage levels at the site 6 years after initiation of the underlying explanation for successful seagrass establishment
restoration effort. over some, but not all, experimental plots has yet to be promul-
Evidence of contrasting differences in the rate of increase gated but results suggest that conditions promoting seagrass
in areal cover in plots into which seagrass was introduced growth likely operate differentially over small spatial scales
was first detected 3–5 years post-planting, even when coverage (10 m). Other studies have suggested that even small changes
values were low. However, in many experimental plots, a syn- in water depth and light conditions might explain variable per-
chronous and large increase in seagrass cover was evident from formance of seagrass over the scale of meters (Sheridan et al.
2005 to 2007. These findings are supported by statistically sig- 1998; Kaldy et al. 2004); this may have been the case here.
nificant differences between cover levels across plots in early Horn et al. (2009) showed that exposure of seagrass (Posi-
(2002–2005) and later (2007–2009) years. Such trends match donia sinuosa) planting units to air during collection resulted
one of the possible scenarios presented earlier (i.e. a delayed, in negative effects on photosynthesis. Whether such physio-
but increasing level of seagrass cover), but only when the tem- logical stress impacted establishment of H. wrightii in plots
poral survey exceeded 3 years. Such response demonstrates our study is unknown. Clearly, environmental conditions in
the ability of Halodule wrightii to expand relatively quickly 2007–2008 supported development of seagrass in plots # 6
under favorable field conditions. The relatively rapid increase and 12 to cover levels higher than in earlier years. These
in seagrass expansion 2005–2007 in many plots suggests plots were adjacent to plots # 5 and 11 and near inter-plot
changing water column conditions might underlie the response. locations—all of which contained substantial amounts of sea-
We could not identify any noticeable variation in patterns of grass cover. The encroachment of seagrass originating from
water temperature over this time interval although marked adjacent plots may have resulted in new seagrass in plots # 6
increases in chlorophyll a concentration in late summer-early or 12. Successful expansion of seagrass into “poor performing”
fall in 2002–2004 were noticeably absent in 2005–2009 plots via spillover may be explained by physiologically inte-
across nearby stations (see grated ramets extending from well- to poor-performing areas.
bin/vb?area=TB&station=03,04,05). Of special interest was Physiological integration of ramets has been documented
the persistence of high levels of seagrass abundance inside of for other seagrasses from coastal Florida (Syringodium fili-
plots from 2007 to 2009, the last sampling date. forme: Schwarzschild & Zieman 2008; Thalassia testudinum:
Rapid occupation of bare sediments has been reported pre- Tomasko & Dawes 1989) and other tropical seagrasses (Marbà
viously for H. wrightii via rhizome extension (Jensen & Bell et al. 2002), although not currently for H . wrightii . Note that
2001; Fonseca et al. 2004), although this appeared infrequently asynchronous development of seagrass coverage across plots is
during early stages of bed development at our site. Con- likely if plots only support seagrass growth after encroachment
ditions promoting rapid expansion were likely unfavorable from adjacent locations.
for most plots during early years as evidenced by overall In contrast to earlier years, many plots not only devel-
declines in seagrass coverage between 2004 and 2005 (BB oped substantial levels of seagrass cover (>70%) after 2005,
scores 1–5) and low percent coverage (BB scores ≥ 3). When but also sustained these levels through 2009. The lack of
results from early coverage were used to predict the time seagrass recruitment into control plots from 2003 to 2009
course required for seagrass to attain even moderate cover- provides compelling evidence that development of seagrass
age across plots (Bell et al. 2008), a considerably longer time cover within experimental plots is most likely linked to the
range was forecast (8–30 years) than the time range here (i.e. fate of introduced planting units and their resultant spread.
5–7 years) over which such levels were actually observed in The lack of recruitment into control plots also supports the
many plots. This direct test of rates of predicted seagrass above suggestion that new records of seagrass in some poor-
coverage hints that development of seagrass landscapes origi- performing plots may be attributed to spillover. Fonseca et al.
nating from planting units may increase quickly after reaching (1996) reported no seagrass recruitment into planted plots in
some threshold cover level, possibly with positive feedbacks Tampa Bay after 3 years, and Sheridan et al. (1998) failed
maintaining space occupation (van der Heide et al. 2007). The to detect new seagrass in controls over two years following
long-term data from our restoration study quantifying vari- a H. wrightii restoration effort in Texas, U.S.A. In contrast,
ability in expansion rates of seagrass over a suite of temporal both of these aforementioned investigations reported that sea-
scales reveal a prevailing limitation of forecasting coverage grass appeared in previously bare areas adjacent to planted
patterns when factors generating patch expansion and contrac- plots. These findings, along with experimental data of Jensen
tion of this taxon remain understudied. and Bell (2001), agree that the primary mechanism underly-
While many of the plots displayed development of high ing the expansion of H. wrightii in this coastal system reflects
levels of seagrass cover, plots that performed comparatively seagrass growth patterns generated from rhizomes which are
poorly with respect to coverage in early stages (1–3 years) of often highly branched (Pangallo & Bell 1988). More broadly,
the restoration displayed similar below-optimal performance at our site, unassisted development of seagrass beds appears
over 7 years. For example, seagrass cover did not develop to be constrained by the lack of recruitment of the targeted
beyond low levels in plots # 7, 8, and 9 through 2009. How- seagrass.
ever, a poor-performing plot (# 12) (based upon cover in 2005), Spillover effects of expanding seagrass cover have received
displayed moderate levels of seagrass cover by 2008/2009 as little attention previously, although greater than 100% cover at
well as some evidence of seagrass spillover by 2008. The a restoration site was noted by Fonseca et al. (1996) (see also

308 Restoration Ecology MAY 2014

Long-Term Seagrass Restoration

Uhrin et al. 2008). Only by following seagrass development

over a comparatively long time were spillover effects revealed earlier evaluation of project success. Our understanding
however. While seagrass had not appeared outside of plots of the efficacy of restoration may be incomplete because
through 2005 (S. Bell, personal observation), spillover was of limited duration of monitoring programs.
• Results from long-term studies that follow temporal
commonly encountered by 2008 and maintained through 2009.
Recording spatial patterns of spillover in our study was dynamics of seagrass can improve the design of strategic
especially fortuitous as it possibly explained the appearance or efficient sampling schedules for restoration projects
of seagrass in plots # 6 and 12 on the last two sampling dates. and inform the planning of future restoration efforts.
• At restoration sites, measurement of seagrass extension
Across the site, the areal expansion of seagrass outside of plot
boundaries was equal to or exceeded the areal dimensions of beyond planted areas should be considered if taxa with
plots in which seagrass establishment was low or absent. When high rhizome extension rates are of interest.
areal coverage of seagrass in plots is combined with that from
outside plot expansion, the restoration effort achieved greater
than 100% of seagrass cover in 2008. Acknowledgments
Extending the duration of post-planting surveys of seagrass Funded by grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Founda-
coverage offers an opportunity to address multiple needs as it tion (# 2003-0092-010 and # 10024) to S.S.B. R. Thom offered
advances the field of seagrass restoration. For example, tem- insightful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.
poral sequences of patch dynamics can be gleaned from long- We acknowledge the assistance of: M. Fonseca, W. Ellis,
term restoration studies and assessment of progress toward and A. Tewfik. Numerous USF students and FWC personnel
project goals (Kendrick et al. 2005; Frederiksen et al. 2004). assisted with field/laboratory tasks.
New information on the rate of recovery of ecosystem func-
tion linked to seagrass development, a topic typically discussed LITERATURE CITED
over limited durations (Bell et al. 1993; but see Simenstad &
Bell, S. S., L. A. J. Clements, and J. Kurdziel. 1993. Production in natural
Thom 1996) can be compiled. Data collected for extended and restored seagrasses – a case-study of a macrobenthic polychaete.
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this
A. Schwarzschild. 2012. Recovery trajectories during state change from article:
bare sediment to eelgrass dominance. Marine Ecology: Progress Series
448:209–221. Figure S1. Box plot of percent cover of seagrass (# locations × 500–1) from
Paling, E. I., M. Van Keulen, K. D. Wheeler, and J. Phillips. 2003. Influence experimental restoration plots by year (except 2006) as determined using: (a) BB
of spacing on mechanically transplanted seagrass survival in a high wave score 1–5 and (b) BB score ≥ 3. The bottom of the box represents the lower quartile
energy regime. Restoration Ecology 11:56–61. (Q1), the middle line represents the median (Q2) and the top of the box represents
Pangallo, R., and S. S. Bell. 1988. Dynamics of the aboveground and below the upper quartile (Q3).
ground structure of the seagrass Halodule wrightii (Asherson) Asherson. Figure S2. Example spatial representations of seagrass cover for three experi-
Marine Ecology: Progress Series 43:297–301. mental restoration plots for 4 years between 2003 and 2009. BB score is indicated by
color scale: 5 = darkest green; 1 = lightest green; yellow areas represent bare areas
Renton, M., M. Airey, M. L. Cambridge, and G. A. Kendrick. 2011. Modeling
(BB score = 0).
seagrass growth and development to evaluate transplanting strategies for Table S1. Statistical analyses of seagrass cover between years for both cover
restoration. Annals of Botany 108:1213–1223. protocols.
Robbins, B. D., and S. S. Bell. 2000. Dynamics of a subtidal seagrass Table S2. Change in cover of seagrass (values from Table 1) from the previous
landscape: seasonal and annual change in relation to water depth. Ecology annual value.
81:1193–1205. Table S3. Change in cover of seagrass (values from Table 2) from the previous
Schwarzschild, A. C., and J. C. Zieman. 2008. Effects of physiological annual value.
integration on the survival and growth of ramets and clonal fragments

310 Restoration Ecology MAY 2014

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