Key Points On Meioses

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Key points on Meiosis

Importance of meiosis
Production of gametes (four daughter cells are formed).
Halving of the chromosome number (diploid to haploid) so that the
chromosome number remains constant from generation to generation within a
Mechanism to introduce genetic variation through:
Crossing over during Prophase I.
The random arrangement of chromosomes at the equator during
Metaphase I and II

Abnormal meiosis (chromosome mutation)

This can happen in Anaphase I where homologous chromosome pairs fail to
separate into chromosomes.
It can also happen in Anaphase II when there chromosomes fail to separate into
single-stranded daughter chromosomes (chromatids).
If chromosome pair 21 fail to seperated in humans, it leads to the
formation of an abnormal gamete with an extra copy of chromosome on
chromosome pair 21.
If there is fusion between a normal gamete (with 23 chromosomes) and an
abnormal gamete (with an extra copy of chromosome 21) it leads to Down
Syndrome (47 chromosomes in the zygote).

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