The Simple Present Tense

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Unit 1 The Simple Present Tense.

Exercise 1

Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple.

1. ____I______ Ann ____like______ pizza? (like)
2. He _____gooing__________to work by bus. (go)
3. Raquel _______studing________ French at school. ( study)
4. Mr. Mortimer ____teach______ Art at our school. ( teach)
5. ____It_____ he ____walk__ to school? (walk)
6. What time _________ you _start_______ school? (start)
7. They ___finish_________ work at 5:00. ( finish)
8. We ___not collecting__________ stamps.( not collect)
9. ______She______Simon and Peter __love______animals? ( love)
10. I ______cooking_____ dinner for my family. (cook)
11. Pamela __not have_________a suit for work.(not- have)
12. ________He_____ your children_____like____ (like) fast food?
13. Sue __not working__________on Sunday mornings. (not work)
14. He sometimes ___go________go to the gym.(go)
Unit 1 The Simple Present Tense.
Exercise 2

Listening (track 1)

1. Describe your Schedule.

MODEL. Read and listen.

Andy: What´s your typical week like?

Sasha: Well, on Mondays and Wednesdays I go to school.

Andy: And what about the other days?

Sasha: On Tuesday and Thursdays I work.

Andy: Sounds like you´re pretty bussy.

Sasha: Yes, I am. What about you?

Andy: I work every weekday. On the weekend I exercise and go to the movies.

Exercise 3

Pair Work. Write your typical weekly activities on the Schedule. Then discuss your weekly
schedules. Start like this.

A: What's your typical week like?

B: Well,______________

A And what about _______

B: __________________

Monday ____________________________
Tuesday ____________________________
Unit 1 The Simple Present Tense.
Exercise 4

Listening. (track 2)
Listen to the conversations about household chores.Circle the correct
1. Marie.________________
a. Cleans the apartment
b. Washes the dishes.

2. Paul ___________
a. Takes out the garbage.
b. Washes the dishes.

3. Sue´s brother.____________
a. Does the laundry.
b. Takes out the garbaje.

4. Jen´s husband______.
a. Washes the dishes.
b. Takes out the garbage
Unit 1 The Simple Present Tense

Exercise 5

Talk about how often you do things. (TRACK 3 )

1.Model. Read and listen.

BRUCE: Hi, Kevin. Long time no see.

KEVYN:Hi, Bruce.

BRUCE: Do you always take the bus?

KEVYN:No, Usually walk.

BRUCE: No wonder I never see you!

2. PAIR WORK . Role -play running into a friend. Use the pictures and the guide, or create
a new conversation

A: Hi, _______________. Long time no see.

B:Hi, _________________.

A: Do you always ___________________take the bus?

B:No, Usually _________________________.

A: No wonder I never see you!.

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