Thin-Layer Drying of Flax Fiber: I. Analysis of Modeling Using Fick's Second Law of Diffusion

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Thin-Layer Drying of Flax Fiber: I. Analysis of Modeling Using Fick's Second

Law of Diffusion

Article in Drying Technology · December 2006

DOI: 10.1080/07373930601031430


38 922

4 authors:

Ahmad Ghazanfari Shahram Emami

Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman POS Bio-Sciences


Lope G Tabil Satyanarayan Panigrahi

University of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Polytechnic


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Drying Technology
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Thin-Layer Drying of Flax Fiber: I. Analysis of Modeling Using Fick's Second

Law of Diffusion
A. Ghazanfari a; S. Emami b; L. G. Tabil b; S. Panigrahi b
Department of Agricultural Machinery, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran b Department of Agricultural
and Bioresource Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Online Publication Date: 01 January 2006

To cite this Article Ghazanfari, A., Emami, S., Tabil, L. G. and Panigrahi, S.(2006)'Thin-Layer Drying of Flax Fiber: I. Analysis of
Modeling Using Fick's Second Law of Diffusion',Drying Technology,24:12,1631 — 1635
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07373930601031430


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Drying Technology, 24: 1631–1635, 2006
Copyright # 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930601031430

Thin-Layer Drying of Flax Fiber: I. Analysis of Modeling

Using Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion
A. Ghazanfari,1 S. Emami,2 L. G. Tabil,2 and S. Panigrahi2
Department of Agricultural Machinery, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

surface; the second is the falling drying rate period, which

Thin-layer drying of moist flax fiber was performed at four tem- initiates when the rate of moisture migration to the surface
peratures of 30, 50, 70, and 100C with a constant absolute humidity is less than the rate of evaporation from the surface.[6,7] The
Downloaded By: [University of Saskatchewan] At: 19:52 6 May 2009

of 0.0065 kg water per kg dry air. The coefficients of diffusion of the constant rate period compared to the whole drying dur-
fiber at different drying conditions were estimated by modeling the ation is very short and for most products it does not even
drying process using the one- to five-term solutions of the second
Fick’s law of diffusion. The models underestimated the drying occur.[7] Thus, in most practical drying simulations, model-
process during the initial stages of drying and overestimated this ing of the drying process is done only for the falling rate
process during the final stages. The estimated coefficient of diffu- period.
sions ranged from 5.11 3 10 9 to 1.92 3 10 8 m2/s and linearly Mathematical modeling of any drying process is impor-
increased with the drying air temperature. tant for optimum management of operating parameters
and predicting the performance of the drying system.
Keywords Coefficient of diffusion; Drying; Flax fiber; Thin- Due to their complexity, drying of agricultural products
or materials cannot be precisely described by mathematical
formulations.[7] In analyzing the drying process of these
materials, often a combination of theoretical and empirical
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) fibers have been proven models are used. Empirical equations in drying simulation
to be a suitable reinforcement material for composites. are easy to apply and have been widely used. The main jus-
These fibers have good mechanical properties and numer- tification for the empirical approach is the satisfactory fit
ous environmental advantages.[1] Composite applications to the experimental data.
of natural fiber are increasing, but still limited due to their Thin-layer drying has been considered a suitable process
low bonding with their polymer matrix, and due to non- for drying of numerous agricultural products. Numerous
uniform physical and mechanical behaviors.[2] Flax fibers mathematical models describing thin-layer drying by con-
are usually treated with various chemical agents to enhance vection have been published in the literature for agricul-
their physio-mechanical properties.[3,4] For further proces- tural crops.[8–10] Investigators have tried to explain the
sing, i.e., mixing with polymers or grinding, the fiber must drying behavior of various agricultural products by model-
be washed to remove the chemical residues and dried. ing their drying process.[11,12] Thin-layer solar drying has
Flax fibers, like most other agricultural products, are been considered for many agricultural products.[13–15]
heterogonous in nature; thus, their drying involves com- Drying of flax fiber, like drying of other agricultural
plex heat and mass transfer between the surrounding products, is an energy-consuming process. Currently, flax
air and the fiber and within the fiber.[5] In drying of fibers are dried by tray or rotary dryers, but no infor-
high moisture content material, two distinct periods are mation on enhancing the flax fiber drying process is avail-
observed: First, the constant rate period, which may occur able. The efficiency of a drying system can be improved by
during the initial stages of drying when there is excess analysis of the drying process. Thin-layer drying models for
moisture on the surface of the drying material and the dry- drying flax fiber at different temperatures are needed to
ing rate is controlled by amount of evaporation from the enhance the flax drying process. Simulating flax fiber dry-
ing provides a valuable tool for the prediction and optimi-
Correspondence: Dr. Ahmad Ghazanfari, College of Agricul- zation of the performance of the drying process and
ture, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran; E-mail: subsequently reducing time and energy consumption.


The objectives of this study were (a) to study the changes content to reach an equilibrium level. The moisture content
in moisture content of flax fiber during thin-layer drying at of the flax fiber prior to the drying treatments was determ-
different drying conditions; (b) to investigate the applica- ined to be 54% (wb). For each drying treatment, a sample
bility of the series solution of Fick’s second law of diffusion of 150 g moist flax fibers was spread on perforated trays
for modeling thin-layer drying of flax fiber; and (c) to which gave an overall layer thickness of 10 mm. The
determine the coefficient of effective diffusion of flax fiber trays were placed in the dryer tunnel and exposed to drying
and its dependence on temperature. air. Each drying process was repeated two times and the
average of the two runs was used for drying analyses.

Thin-Layer Dryer Drying Procedure

The thin-layer dryer consisted of an environmental In a typical drying process, the surrounding air is heated
chamber, a controllable fan, a three-tray drying cabinet, and used as drying medium. In this heating process, the
and a circulating duct. Figure 1 presents the schematic absolute humidity remains constant. For our experiments,
drawing of the dryer. The required temperature and rela- the temperature of ambient air was 20C with 45% relative
tive humidity for a drying process were provided by the humidity (RH). These conditions correspond to an absol-
environmental chamber (Model AH-213, Bryant Manufac- ute humidity of 0.0065 kg water per kg of dry air. The sur-
turing Association, Boston, MA). The three-tray cabinet rounding air was heated in order to dry the flax fiber at 30,
50, 70, and 100C. Thus, the resulting drying conditions
Downloaded By: [University of Saskatchewan] At: 19:52 6 May 2009

was placed on an electronic scale equipped with a data log-

ger that was interfaced with a personal computer. The were (1) 30C, 24% RH; (2) 50C, 8% RH; (3) 70C,
changes in the mass of the samples were monitored using 3.5% RH; and (4) 100C, 1% RH. Prior to any experi-
the LabView software (version 6.0, National Instruments ments, the dryer was allowed to run without any fiber until
Corporation, Austin, TX) installed on the computer. The the desired drying conditions were achieved. During each
air flow rate was controlled by controlling the speed of experiment, temperature and RH of the drying air was
the fan and it was maintained at 1.0 m=s throughout the monitored and recorded. The mass of samples on the dry-
experiments. ing trays was recorded every 60 s using the data logger. All
drying processes were allowed to continue until there was
no appreciable change in the moisture content of the fiber
Material Preparation
for at least 2 h. The moisture content of the fiber at the end
The flax fiber used for these experiments was provided of each drying process was considered as the equilibrium
by Biolin Research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. moisture content (EMC) for subsequent modeling.
The flax fiber was kept at laboratory conditions (24C
and 45% RH) for 48 h. Then, the moisture content of the
fiber was determined to be 7% wet basis (wb). The fiber Modeling Procedure
was soaked in tap water for 30 min. Then it was removed A widely accepted mechanism for moisture transfer dur-
from water and placed in a top-loading commercial spin ing drying of agricultural products is Fick’s second law of
dryer and allowed to spin for 20 min to remove excess of for liquid=vapor diffusion[16] described by:
water. The spin-dried fiber was placed in a plastic bag  2 
and kept at room temperature for 6 h for its moisture @M @ M @2M @2M
¼D þ þ ð1Þ
@t @x2 @y2 @z2
where M (g) is the moisture, at location of x, y, z within the
object at the time of t (s), and D is the diffusion coefficient
(m2=s). When diffusion coefficient is known, the solution of
Eq. (1) can be used to describe the change in moisture con-
tent as a function of time. The coefficient of diffusion of a
material is not constant throughout a drying process and it
depends on the temperature, moisture content, and the
structural changes of the material. For most drying analy-
ses an average effective diffusion coefficient, De, is used.
With a suitable set of initial and boundary conditions
and considering an average effective diffusion coefficient
FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of the thin-layer dryer, A: environmental for the material throughout the drying process, the analyti-
chamber, B: fan, C: drying tunnel, D: trays, E: electronic scale, F: com- cal solution to Eq. (1) for slab geometry with a thickness of
puter, G: circulating air tunnel. L can be expressed in the form of a series of terms:[7]
1 ð2n þ 1Þ2 p2 De t
MR ¼ 2 exp  ð2Þ
p n¼0 ð2n þ 1Þ2 4L2

where MR is called moisture ratio and it is calculated by:

M  Me
MR ¼ ð3Þ
M0  Me
where Me is the equilibrium moisture content (% wb)
and Mo is the initial moisture content (% wb) of the slab.
Taking A ¼ 8=p2 and B ¼ p2=(4L2), then one-, two-, and
three- term forms of Eq. (2) are
MR1 ¼ A expðBDe1 tÞ ð4Þ
MR2 ¼ A expðBDe2 tÞ þ Að9BDe2 tÞ ð5Þ
MR3 ¼ A expðBDe3 tÞ þ A expð9BDe3 tÞ FIG. 2. The actual drying progress of flax fiber as a function of drying
9 temperature.
Downloaded By: [University of Saskatchewan] At: 19:52 6 May 2009

þ A expð25BDe3 tÞ ð6Þ
achieved at 342, 155, 120, and 72 minutes after initiation
For each treatment, the instantaneous MR values were cal- of drying process, as indicated in Table 2.
culated using Eq. (3). Then each of the models (one- to The moisture ratios calculated from the drying data were
five-term solutions) was fitted to their corresponding plotted versus drying time for different drying conditions.
sequence of time and MR data and the De values were esti- The graphs and their corresponding fitted one- and three-
mated using TableCurve software (Jandel Science, CA). term models are presented in Figs. 3 to 6. In general, the
The goodness of fit for each model was evaluated by com-
paring coefficient of determination, R2, root mean square
error, RMSE,[9] obtained from the predicted and the TABLE 1
experimental MR values. The summary of the modeling results for the drying
The dependency of diffusivity on temperature was inves- treatments of flax fiber
tigated by plotting the obtained coefficient of diffusions
against drying temperatures. The trends were visually Temperature Series De
inspected and appropriate model was fitted to the data (C) terms (m2=s  10 8) R2 RMSE
using the least square method. 30 1 0.5143 0.91 0.09167
2 0.5116 0.93 0.08319
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3 0.5112 0.93 0.08190
Figure 2 shows moisture ratio changes versus drying 4 0.5112 0.93 0.08151
time for the four drying conditions and the summary of 5 0.5112 0.93 0.08133
the drying process is presented in Table 1. As it is expected, 50 1 0.8917 0.90 0.09111
the drying in the higher temperature treatments took place 2 0.8899 0.93 0.08131
faster than the cooler treatments. The figure shows the 3 0.8899 0.93 0.07922
trends of drying to follow an exponential decaying func- 4 0.8899 0.93 0.07845
tion. The times for reaching the equilibrium moisture 5 0.8899 0.93 0.07809
content, as shown in Table 2, are significantly different 70 1 1.1528 0.92 0.10942
for all treatments and they decrease as drying temperature 2 1.1450 0.95 0.08534
increases. 3 1.1437 0.96 0.08033
The drying times were significantly different and the 4 1.1430 0.96 0.07863
drying time decreased as the temperature of the drying 5 1.1425 0.96 0.07791
air was increased. The equilibrium moisture content for 100 1 1.9195 0.90 0.07337
the 30, 50, 70, and 100C treatments were 6.7, 3.1, 0.8, 2 1.9125 0.93 0.06329
and 0.1% wb, respectively. Thus, depending on the pur- 3 1.9124 0.93 0.06121
pose of drying, different drying schemes can be chosen. 4 1.9124 0.93 0.06044
The equilibrium moisture contents were respectively 5 1.9124 0.93 0.06007

Summary of drying process data for thin-layer drying
of flax fiber
Temperature Relative humidity Me Drying time
(C) (%) (% wb) (min)
30 24.0 6.7 342
50 8.0 3.1 155
70 3.5 0.8 120
100 1.0 0.1 72

FIG. 5. One- and three-term models fitted to the experimental data at

drying temperature of 70C.
Downloaded By: [University of Saskatchewan] At: 19:52 6 May 2009

one-term solution underestimates the drying process during

initial stage of drying. A close look at the graphs in Figs. 3–6
shows that the underestimation is from MR ¼ 1.0 to about
MR ¼ 0.3. This range covers about 1=3 of the drying per-
iod. Basically, the difference between using one-term or
more terms equations is more noticeable during the first
1=5 period of drying, and after this period the curves follow
exactly the same path. Even in the first 1=5 period, there was
no significant improvement in using the four- or five-term
equations over that of the three-term equation.
Table 1 summarizes the results of fitting the five equa-
FIG. 3. One- and three-term models fitted to the experimental data at tions to the drying data. By increasing the number of terms
drying temperature of 30C. in the models, the accuracy of fitting increases. This is also
indicated by the R2 values given in Table 1. Of course, the
fitted curve will not produce an exact MR equal 1, unless

FIG. 4. One- and three-term models fitted to the experimental data at FIG. 6. One- and three-term models fitted to the experimental data at
drying temperature of 50C. drying temperature of 100C.

and R2 values obtained from the experimental data and

the fitted models and also visual inspection of the fitted
curves indicated that, in general, the Fick’s diffusion model
underestimate the drying process during the initial stages
and overestimate it during the final stages of drying. The
accuracy in the estimate of the coefficient of diffusion
increased with increased number of terms in the model,
but using more than a three-term model will not markedly
improve the accuracy of the estimation. The effective dif-
fusion coefficients of the flax fiber were linearly a function
of drying air temperature.

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