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1. Lead Capture and Acquisition :

● Seamless integration with multiple lead sources including websites, landing
pages, social media platforms.
● Customizable lead capture forms with intelligent field validation to ensure
accurate data collection.

2. Lead Scoring and Prioritization :

● Robust lead scoring algorithms to evaluate lead quality and prioritize based on
predefined criteria and engagement levels.
● Customizable scoring models that adapt to changing business
requirements and sales objectives.

3. Lead Qualification and Routing :

● Flexible lead qualification workflows to assess readiness for sales engagement

and qualification status updates.
● Intelligent lead routing rules to assign leads to the most appropriate sales
representatives or teams based on territory, expertise, and availability.
● Real-time lead assignment notifications and escalation mechanisms for timely
follow-up and action.

4. Lead Tracking and Activity Monitoring :

● Comprehensive lead activity tracking to monitor interactions, engagements, and

touch points across all channels.
● Real-time lead status updates with detailed activity logs and audit trails for
complete visibility and accountability.
● Performance dashboards and reports to analyze lead movement through the sales
funnel and identify conversion bottlenecks.

5. Lead Collaboration and Communication :

● Collaborative features for internal team communication, lead sharing, and
collaboration on lead nurturing strategies.
● Integration with communication channels such as email clients, calendars, and
collaboration tools for streamlined coordination and follow-up.
● Mobile accessibility and real-time notifications to facilitate responsive lead
management on the go.

6. Login Credentials Management :

● Username: The unique identifier for each user or team member accessing the
leads management system.
● Password: Secure authentication mechanism to protect user accounts from
unauthorized access.
● Forgot Password- User will get the link in the register email id to reset password.
● Admin dashboard for user management, password policies, and audit logs of login

7. Column details for Lead Management :

1. Name:
● First Name , Last Name : Captures the name of the lead for personalized
communication and identification purposes.
2. Contact Information :
● Email Address , Phone Number : Essential contact details for reaching out to
and communicating with the lead through email, phone calls, or SMS.
3. Company Details :
● Company Name : Records the name of the lead’s organization or company.
● Industry : Specifies the industry or sector in which the lead's company
operates, providing context for tailored messaging and targeting.
● Company Size : Indicates the size of the lead's company, whether it's a small
business, medium-sized enterprise, or large corporation.
4. Lead Source :
● Source Type : Identifies the type of lead source, such as website form, social
media, email campaign, networking event, etc.
● Campaign Name : Records the name of the marketing campaign or initiative that
generated the lead.
● Referral Source: Notes any referrals or recommendations that led to the
acquisition of the lead, facilitating relationship tracking and acknowledgment.

5. Lead Status:
● Current stage of the lead in the sales pipeline (e.g., New, Contacted, Qualified,
Lost, Won).
6. Lead Assignment:
● Feature to assign leads to specific sales reps or teams based on predefined rules or
round-robin allocation.
7. Lead Created Date:
● The date and time when the lead was first captured or entered into the system.
● Helps in understanding lead acquisition trends and performance over time.
8. Last Contacted:
● The date and time of the most recent interaction or outreach with the lead.
9. Next Follow-up Date:
● The scheduled date for the next follow-up action with the lead. And the
notification should be sent to the assigned person on that date.
10. Lead Notes/Comments:
● Free-text field for recording additional information about the lead, such as
preferences, interests, or specific interactions.
11. Lead Tags/Labels:
● Categorization labels assigned to the lead for easier segmentation and filtering.
12. Lead Conversion Details:
● If the lead has converted into a customer, this section may include details such as
the conversion date, product/service purchased, and deal value.

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