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F.4 Mathematics Supplementary Exercise (Ch.

8 More About Equations EX02b)

F. 4 Name : ( ) Date :

Solving Simultaneous Equations by the Graphical Method

Key Points
1. Simultaneous equations can be solved graphically by finding the coordinates of the intersection(s) of their
Note:The solutions obtained by the graphical method are approximations only.
2. For the simultaneous equations , the number of real solutions or the number of
intersections of their graphs can be determined by the discriminant of ax2  bx c  mx + n (i.e. ax2  (b  m)x (c 
n)  0).
Discriminant (Δ) of
Δ>0 Δ=0 Δ<0
ax2  (b  m)x (c  n)  0

No. of solutions of 2 distinct real

1 real solution no real solutions
No. of intersections of the 2 intersections 1 intersection no intersections
graphs of y  ax2  bx  c
and y  mx  n

The figure shows the graph of y = 2x2 – 4x + 1. Solve each of

the following simultaneous equations by adding a suitable
straight line on the graph. (1 – 3)
y = 2 – 3x

2. 3.
Solution Solution

x x
y y
F.4 Mathematics Supplementary Exercise (Ch.8 More About Equations EX02b)

4. The quadratic curve y = kx2 – 5x + 6 touches the line y = 3x – 2at one point P.
(a) Find the value of k.
(b) Find the coordinates of P.

5. Given that the graphs of y = x2 – 4x + k and x + y – 5k = 0 do not intersect, find the range of
values of k.

6. Let k be a constant. The graphs of and have at least one point of

intersection, find the range of values of k.

Ans 1. (0.5, 3.5) and (1.0, 1.0). 2. (1.5, 0.5) 3. No real solutions 4. (a) 2 (b) (2, 4)
F.4 Mathematics Supplementary Exercise (Ch.8 More About Equations EX02b)
5. 6.

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