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Date: 8/28/23

Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 50 minutes

For the seminar today, we focused on the research process and the introduction of the course.
We made paper cranes and learned how the class would work throughout the year. This
information provided us with knowledge that we can use later in the year as I develop a
research question and go through the cyclical process of research.

Date: 8/29/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 1 hour and 40 minutes

For the seminar today, we continued our introduction of the course and the research process
and reviewed the expectations of the class that we will need to follow as the year progresses.
Here, explain with detail how you are pursuing your research investigation. This applies to the
research process as it includes information we would need to access and guidelines to follow
during our research in the year.

Date: 8/30/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Aggregate: 3 hours and 50 minutes

In the seminar today, we started analyzing our research question and focused on writing “five
beautiful questions”. This could be used later when developing our research question and
figuring out what topics to research in depth. In my HCC Psychology class, we focused on the
research process found in the field of psychology and learned about the importance of empirical
research without bias. We learned about how research in the field of psychology is typically
collected through quantitative data, and while its research process is similar to that of other
science fields, the social sciences are a little different due to the fact that people have
exceptions and follow theories not rules. This is important to keep in mind when researching for
my mentorship as my research is in the field of psychology.
Date: 8/31/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 4 hours

In the seminar today, we reviewed our annotated bibliographies and the importance of finding
articles that are credible with authority, are current, have good coverage, are accurate, and are
unbiased. This knowledge will be important when finding articles for my research.

Date: 9/1/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 4 hours and 50 minutes

Today in seminar, we continued reviewing annotated bibliographies, and we focused on writing

good summaries that are detailed and specific of the articles read. This knowledge will be
helpful when writing annotated bibliographies on the articles read for our topics.

Date: 9/5/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 5 hours and 40 minutes

Today, in the seminar, we learned about paradigm shifts and started writing one we’ve
experienced in our lives. This helped us identify the importance of different perspectives of a
situation and to acknowledge that humans have bias. This information is helpful as we research
and find articles in order to avoid biases and to make sure that we aren’t bias while searching
for our sources.

Date: 9/6/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Aggregate: 7 hours and 50 minutes

In the seminar today, we focused on the importance of writing a specific research that is not
easily answered. While I was unable to create a question yet as I plan on talking with my mentor
first, I was able to gather information that would later be helpful when actually writing my
question and narrowing down my topic. Furthermore, during my HCC Psychology class, we
continued looking into research in the field of psychology, especially including parts considering
the ethics of the field. These ethical guidelines must be followed in order to make sure that the
data can be used and collected, and through this knowledge, I am able to ensure that the data I
find does in fact have this information and is credible.

Date: 9/7/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 8 hours and 40 minutes

Today, in the seminar, we focused on writing our research questions. While I have not yet had a
chance to meet with my mentor, and thus, am unable to decide on my question yet, I have
started narrowing down the topics by looking at my “Five Beautiful Questions” assignment and
the “Stasis Theory” assignment. Furthermore, I was able to contact Mrs. Freitag today in order
to set up our first meeting.

Date: 9/8/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 9 hours and 30 minutes

Today, in the seminar, we reviewed the workplace expectations and the requirements of the
course as we attend our internships as well as the importance of appearing professional. This is
useful when I meet with Mrs. Freitag as it provides a guideline for the first time I meet with her.

Date: 9/11/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 10 hours and 20 minutes

In seminar today, we reviewed the importance of finding credible sources with authority,
accuracy, currency, coverage, and a lack of bias. We especially looked into coverage as we
started differentiating the difference between deep and broad coverage. Both of these are highly
important as later, when looking for sources, these are all things that must be taken into account
and searched for in order to make sure our sources are reliable.
Date: 9/12/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 11 hours and 10 minutes

Today, like yesterday, we continued to search for sources and looked into the reliability and
coverage of sources. Like yesterday, these things must be taken into account when making sure
our sources are reliable.

Date: 9/13/23
Timeframe: 1:10pm-1:55pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours and 5 minutes
Aggregate: 13 hours and 15 minutes

Similar to yesterday, during the seminar we continued to search for sources that were reliable
with good coverage, which will be used to ensure our sources had authority. Furthermore,
during my Psychology class, we focused on the neural system and biological aspects of the
body and its impacts on a person’s psychological responses. While this was not necessarily the
topic I wanted, it helped narrow down my choice as it helped eliminate an area that I did not feel
strongly towards.

Date: 9/14/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:50pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 14 hours and 5 minutes

Similar to previous days, during the seminar, we continued learning about coverage and the
reliability of sources, which is knowledge that is helpful when completing research through
sources on my topic.
Date: 9/18/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 15 hours and 25 minutes

In my HCC Psychology class, we continued to learn about the biological aspects of psychology.
This time, we focused much more on the structure of the brain and the chemicals that were a
part of it, which I found more interesting. While this is not necessarily my topic yet, the study of
chemicals and how they can drastically affect a person’s mental well-being is a topic that I plan
on looking into a little bit more in order to see if this is something I want to pursue.

Date: 9/20/23
Timeframe: 1:30pm-2:00pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 50 minutes
Aggregate: 17 hours and 15 minutes

I met with my mentor towards the end of fifth period and a little into the beginning of sixth period
today. We mostly focused on introductions and planning out a schedule in which we would
meet. We’ve agreed that Mrs. Freitag would send me some articles and resources that I could
read and look into in order to find topics of interest that I would later be able to narrow down my
research to. In my HCC Psychology class, we learned about the Cognitive and Developmental
Domains of Psychology and focused on learning. We heard about studies in which stimuli,
especially through the process of Classical Conditioning, which is when a stimuli that is
associated with a response is paired with a neutral stimuli in order to cause a response to that
neutral stimuli as well, could be used to teach people to behave in certain ways. For example, if
a person is typically hungry around 5:00pm each day, the stimuli would be the time of the day
and the response would be hunger, and if a friend were to play a bell around that time each day,
the person would grow to associate that bell with hunger, so if it were run even at a different
time, the person would still have the response of hunger. While this topic is not yet one I’ve
decided on, it is one that provides great interest to me, and I plan on further looking into it to see
if I can use this in a way to help people.
Date: 9/25/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 18 hours and 35 minutes

Today, we further continued learning about the Cognitive and Developmental Domains of
Psychology in learning. We focused on Operant Conditioning this time, which focuses on
reinforcement and punishment in order to cause voluntary responses from people. We also
learned about systematic desensitization, which is when psychologists use classical
conditioning in order to remove phobias that have been learned and developed through a
person’s life. These topics, especially systematic desensitization, are topics that intrigue me and
that I will continue to look into as I consider what I specifically plan on researching throughout
the course of the year.

Date: 9/27/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:45pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours and 5 minutes
Aggregate: 20 hours and 40 minutes

Today, in the seminar, we discussed the importance of how we dressed and behaved while at
our mentorship. While it was decided that due to the fact that my mentorship was at Glenelg
High School, I would not need to dress up, it still provided information that I could use for
presentations or similar professional situations. We also started planning for our thesis defense,
which made me realize that I needed to further narrow down my topic by then. Furthermore, in
my HCC class, we continued discussing memory in ways that involved social learning, in which
people can learn through observing others, modeling what others do, and vicarious learning,
which is when someone observes the consequences or rewards of someone’s actions and
changes their behavior based on that. While this topic did not intrigue me as much, it still
provided interest that I want to further research.
Date: 9/29/23
Timeframe: 1:40pm-2:40pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour
Aggregate: 21 hours and 40 minutes

I met with my mentor for a second time, and she gave me further articles as I mentioned interest
in some of the other articles given from my HCC class. We discussed topics that are commonly
studied in psychology and that Mrs. Freitag would be able to help me find information on the
most. For example, we started discussing topics of suicide prevention, depression, and ADHD.
While I did not yet pick a topic, this discussion helped to narrow down the wide topic of
psychology a bit more.

Date: 10/2/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 23 hours

In my HCC class, we discussed memories and the processing that goes into memorization as it
is sorted into three categories, sensory storage, short-term storage, and long-term storage. We
mostly focused on the more temporary forms of memory, such as sensory and short-term
memory, which both were fairly interesting; however, I did not choose to research these two
further. My professor briefly mentioned the topic of repression, however, which interested me a
bit as I planned to further look into that.

Date: 10/3/23
Timeframe: 3:10pm-3:50pm *exact times are not accurate, I squished the times into one
timeframe to make it easier to calculate*
Total hours for the day: 40 minutes
Aggregate: 23 hours and 40 minutes

I read some of the articles provided to me by my mentor, and these were the ones I used on my
annotated bibliographies. Most of these provided information on counseling and a therapist’s
response to several mental health topics, which helped me try to narrow down my topic. By this
day, I had a bit of an idea I wanted to focus on, which involved depression and suicide rates of
teens as I realized that Mrs. Freitag would most likely be able to help me from a perspective
involving adolescents.

Date: 10/4/23
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:40pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Aggregate: 25 hours and 50 minutes

I met with Mrs. Freitag today, and through articles provided to me, I’ve narrowed down my topic
to being related to the impact of schools on the mental health of students; however, I did not get
too much further than that. We started discussing the accessibility of mental health resources in
the school and the difficulties of students being able to reach out for help. I also found out that
lots of students would only get help if a teacher or parent reached out first. This information
piqued my interest and provided a possible topic that I would be able to research and study
throughout the course of a year; however, I wanted to look into a bit more information before
deciding on this. Furthermore, during my HCC class, we further discussed memory, this time
focusing on the long-term aspects of it. We also discussed emotional memories and repression
further, which made me interested as it described how emotional states and traumatic events
can highly affect a person’s memory, even to the point where they start to block it out. While this
does not exactly go along with my topic, it is an interesting piece of information that could be
further looked into as a subsection of my topic.

Date: 10/6/23
Timeframe: 1:35pm-1:45pm
Total hours for the day: 10 minutes
Aggregate: 26

Today was my thesis defense. I narrowed down my topic to being about decreasing suicides as
a cause of depression; however, I was not completely sure with how I wanted to address it as I
knew I wanted there to be school involvement and possible government involvement but was
not completely decided on the specifics. I was able to get feedback today, and through that
feedback, I am able to adjust my thesis statement as I look into my topic further.
Date: 10/9/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 27 hours and 20 minutes

In my HCC class today, we focused on concepts of intelligence and how that is measured and
used in tasks of problem solving. I connected this to my topic of finding resources through the
school in helping preventing suicides by targetting depression as my professor described
problem-solving and how people use knowledge they previously had in order to connect to
current issues. I realized that due to the fact that many people are unaware of the mental health
resources provided through the school, people are unable to make the connection that they are
able to reach out for help in school environments.

Date: 10/10/23
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:40pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 28 hours and 10 minutes

Today, in the seminar, we focused on the oral presentation in preparation for Turf Valley as well
as the December presentation. We were shown ways to present and what would be needed.
Through this information, we would then be able to create our own presentations on our
research plans for the school year.

Date: 10/11/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 29 hours and 30 minutes

In my HCC class today, we continued learning about intelligence, and we started looking into
how certain standards for intelligence, such as predetermined ideas that women would be “less
intelligent” in fields, such as science, than men, will cause women to feel pressure that would
decrease their abilities in that field. This is connected with how due to pressures that certain
groups may feel, they may be less likely to reach out for help or they may feel extra
overwhelmed due to societal pressures placed upon them, which would further impact their
mental health.
Date: 10/13/23
Timeframe: 7:50am-8:20am
Total hours for the day: 30 minutes
Aggregate: 30 hours

I met with Mrs. Freitag today, and we discussed the accessibility of mental health resources at
Glenelg High School again. Mrs. Freitag offered to reach out to other psychiatrists throughout
the school district in order to determine ways that they felt were most beneficial in reaching out
to students and providing accessibility and knowledge. Furthermore, I agreed to ask friends
about their opinions on the accessibility of resources at the school.

Date: 10/16/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 31 hours and 20 minutes

At HCC, we reviewed and took our midterms. While this class did not necessarily add anything,
as I reviewed the study guide, I found further information on topics that had previously
interested me, such as intelligence, and it started to allow me to connect that information with
topics, such as the different parts of the brain, in order to realize how there are also
psychological aspects influencing the motivation of a student to reach out for mental health help.
For example, with intelligence, there are theories that involve the emotional understanding of
oneself, and due to societal expectations of certain groups, people may feel that they must feel
a certain way and may feel afraid to reach out for help and admit that they actually do not feel
that expected way. Also, this is further impacted as people may have a chemical imbalance that
could greatly impact their daily lives, and due to that impact of societal expectations of
intelligence, they may feel disheartened due to the failure to meet those expectations that they
cannot control.

Date: 10/18/23
Timeframe: 2:15pm-2:30pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 35 minutes
Aggregate: 32 hours and 55 minutes

Today, I met with Mrs. Freitag, and we discussed the mentor evaluation sheet and the image
that we would need to take together. We also discussed some of the articles, and I told her
about my research question in order to ask if she had more articles that would apply to those
topics. Furthermore, during my HCC class, we learned about motivation and why people do the
things they do, which is greatly associated with my topic as there may be reasons people may
not feel motivated to ask for mental health help when they need it.
Date: 10/23/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 34 hours and 15 minutes

Today, in my HCC class, we continued to learn about motivation, especially with how emotions
impact motivation, which similar to the last class, applies to my topic as there may be reasons
that people may feel uncomfortable about reaching out for mental health assistance.

Date: 10/25/23
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:20pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 40 minutes
Aggregate: 35 hours and 55 minutes

I met with my mentor today, and we discussed our findings on the accessibility of resources in
Howard County Schools. We found different ways that other psychiatrists spread their
information, and I shared information that friends had given me on the accessibility they felt was
available from Glenelg High School. In my HCC class, we focused on stress, which greatly
applies to my topic as we discussed how stress affects a person’s physical and mental

Date: 10/26/23
Timeframe: 12:55pm-1:05pm
Total hours for the day: 10 minutes
Aggregate: 36 hours and 5 minutes

Today, I did my oral presentation, which allowed me to gain knowledge and information on how
to improve my presentation for the Turf Valley Field Trip. This applies to my topic because it
involves my research plans for the future.
Date: 10/30/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 37 hours and 25 minutes

Today, in my HCC class, we focused on personality and especially on Freud’s Psychoanalytic

theory as well as self-esteem. This class had a major focus on how self-esteem can drastically
affect a person’s well-being and how low or defensive self-esteem can cause major issues in a
person’s mental health, including results like depression or anxiety. Furthermore, we learned
about how there are several defense mechanisms, such as repression or projection, in a
person’s subconscious that allows them to protect themselves. These lessons apply to my topic
as they involve me learning about aspects of mental health that apply to my research topic of
decreasing suicides as a result of depression. This lesson also provided insight on ways a
person will cope and protect themselves from situations that can greatly affect their

Date: 11/1/23
Timeframe: 2:00pm-2:10pm
Total hours for the day: 10 minutes
Aggregate: 37 hours and 35 minutes

I met with Mrs. Freitag, and we discussed the accessibility of resources at Glenelg further. I
brought up information that friends have shared and given me permission to share about their
difficulties in reaching out for mental health help. With this information, we plan on further
researching how resources can be made more accessible in order to help encourage students
to reach out for help with poor mental health.

Date: 11/3/23
Timeframe: 8:00pm-1:00pm
Total hours for the day: 5 hours
Aggregate: 42 hours and 35 minutes

Today, we had our Turf Valley Presentations. In this, we watched the presentations from other
students as well as gave our own presentations. From this experience, I now know I need to
spend more time practicing in front of larger audiences as presenting in front of an entire room
of people is very different from practicing in front of just one or two friends. With this knowledge,
I will be able to adjust and make sure that I am prepared for the December presentation.
Date: 11/6/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 43 hours and 55 minutes

In my HCC Psychology class, we focused on the second half of the lesson on self and
personality. We discussed the different trait theories and how to determine a person’s
personality through their tests. For example, Raymond Cattel describes how everyone has
sixteen personality factors. In those factors are surface traits, which are characteristics that can
be observed, and source traits, which are traits that cannot be observed. We also discussed
how personality can be learned through social situations. Furthermore, discussed how people
need to feel loved and accepted, and when those needs are not reached, people will struggle in
reaching their full potential and may even suffer from self-discrepancies that may cause
sadness and depression. This is relevant to my research as it allows me to see different aspects
that may affect how a person responds to something as well as some possible factors for

Date: 11/8/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 45 hours and 15 minutes

In my HCC Psychology class, we discussed psychological disorders. In this class, we focused

on the different causes for psychological disorders, such as stress as defined through the
diathesis stress model. In the diathesis stress model, stress, when combined with a
predisposition for a psychological disorder, will cause the formation of a psychological disorder.
Furthermore, we discussed cultural differences, such as how psychological disorders may be
defined differently in different cultures and how some psychological disorders only appear in
some cultures. For example, the eating disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, only really shows up in the
US and the UK, and Hikikomori, which is when someone experiences severe social withdrawal
and isolation where they may not leave their home for several months to years, only really
shows up in Japan. We also started discussing anxiety and mood disorders, such as anxiety
and depression as well as comorbidity, which is when more than one disorder appears in an
individual. We learned how the most common form of comorbidity is between anxiety and
depression. This is relevant to my research as it provides information on depression and
psychological disorders, which directly aligns with my topic of preventing suicides as a cause of
Date: 11/9/23
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:40pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 46 hours and 5 minutes

Today, we had a seminar about qualitative versus quantitative data. In this class, we took notes
on the different data collection methods as well as what methods would be most effective in
collecting our data. This applies to my research as this provided information on the data
collection method, questionnaire, I was planning on using.

Date: 11/13/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 47 hours and 25 minutes

Today, in my HCC class, we analyzed the film, Ordinary People, as we focused on the forms of
therapy used in order to treat the psychological disorders prevalent through the characters,
especially Conrad. Through this, we were able to study symptoms of disorders and how they
would show up in a realistic situation as well as how a therapist may respond to a person
showing up with them. Because the main character, Conrad, is a high school boy who
attempted suicide due to his disorders, which included depression, this class directly applies to
my topic of preventing suicides as a cause of depression.

Date: 11/15/23
Timeframe: 2pm-2:30pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 50 minutes
Aggregate: 49 hours and 15 minutes

Today, I met with Ms. Freitag and we discussed a possible survey in order to question the
availability of school-provided resources for students’ mental health. We also discussed different
methods that may help to improve the accessibility of those resources as results from
discussions with friends had shown that not much information is out there on the school
psychologist. Furthermore, in my HCC class, we continued to analyze the film, Ordinary People,
in order to determine the psychological treatments used to treat Conrad’s psychological
disorders. These apply to my research as the class provided information on psychological
disorders and treatments in a realistic scenario, and my meeting with Ms. Freitag provided
information that I could use later on when collecting data for my research.
Date: 11/20/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 50 hours and 35 minutes

In my HCC class, we started discussing forms of therapy. We focused on cognitive therapy,

which focuses on changing harmful thoughts, behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing
harmful behaviors, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is a combination of the two. We also
learned about the different approaches to therapy. For example, in the client-centered approach,
the client decides what to talk about, and the therapist listens to their concerns. We also started
discussing medicine’s role in treating psychological disorders. This is relevant to my research
because it describes the main methods of treating psychological disorders, such as depression.

Date: 12/4/23
Timeframe: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Aggregate: 51 hours and 55 minutes

Today, we discussed social psychology in my HCC class. In this, we learned about how social
groups can both harm or help individuals. For example, social facilitation is when the presence
of others is enough to increase productivity and enhance behavior, while deindividuation is
when people lose their sense of self and end up falling into a mob mentality due to the presence
of others. Furthermore, people will often change their behavior to fit into a group as there is an
evolutionary connection to people being safer in groups. This fits with my topic as it falls under
psychology and explains how social groups can greatly benefit those who may be suffering from
a psychological disorder.

Date: 12/6/23
Timeframe: 2:15pm-2:30pm and 6:30pm-7:50pm
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 35 minutes
Aggregate: 52 hours and 30 minutes

In my meeting with Ms. Freitag, she gave me articles that went more into specifics on
depression and suicide in adolescents. Furthermore, we continued to discuss the survey I would
create to research improving accessibility of mental health resources in school. In my HCC
class, we continued social psychology as we focused on relationships between individuals. This
applies to my research because it focuses on how relationships are important in a persons’ life
and their well-being.
Date: 12/13/23
Timeframe: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Total hours for the day: 2 hours
Aggregate: 54 hours and 30 minutes

Today was my final exam, which had me test the information in psychology that I learned
throughout the year, including psychological disorders and treatments. Some of the questions
also had me provide examples using information that I had learned. This applies to my research
as studying for it and taking the exam had me go through information and reminded me of
things that were now relevant to my topic.

Date: 12/14/23
Timeframe: 8:00pm-9:15pm (not the actual times, cumulative time added together)
Total hours for the day: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Aggregate: 55 hours and 45 minutes

This time is the cumulative time of me reading the articles given to me by my mentor on the
topic of suicide and depression in teenagers. This is relevant to my research because it directly
applies to my topic as well as was given to me by my mentor.

Date: 12/15/23
Timeframe: 1:45pm-2:30pm
Total hours for the day: 45 minutes
Aggregate: 56 hours and 30 minutes

In today’s meeting with Ms. Freitag, we discussed the articles given to me by her. We also
discussed the survey together a bit more. In today’s meeting, we also discussed a bit more
about how she helps kids in the school as well as how parents and teachers are more often the
ones to reach out rather than the kids themselves. This is relevant to my research as it allows
me to understand how people get in contact with her as well as how she could help students.
Date: 1/5/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:40pm
Total hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 57 hours and 20 minutes

Today, in seminar, we discussed the research proposal as well as how to write it. This is
important to my research because it allows me to understand how to complete the next step in
my research for this year.

Date: 1/10/24
Timeframe: 2:15pm-2:35pm
Total Hours for the day: 20 minutes
Aggregate: 57 hours and 40 minutes

I met with Ms. Freitag to discuss the survey I am working on. We discussed limits on questions
that I could ask as well as other resources that may provide extra information on mental health
resources from the perspective of school counselors and psychologists. We also completed the
Mentor Evaluation sheet.

Date: 2/1/24
Timeframe: 1:55pm-2:35pm
Total Hours for the day: 40 minutes
Aggregate: 58 hours and 20 minutes

I met with Ms. Freitag today to discuss the survey as well as go over the questions I had listed.
She helped adjust some of the phrasing as well as added suggestions for a couple more

Date: 2/14/24
Timeframe: 1:50pm-2:35pm
Total Hours for the day: 45 minutes
Aggregate: 59 hours and 5 minutes

I met with Ms. Freitag to discuss and review the survey before bringing it up with Ms. Chawkat.
She helped me figure out the wording for some last minute questions, and we went through
each question individually to make sure they would each be acceptable to send out to the
student body.
Date: 2/21/24
Timeframe: 1:00pm-1:45pm
Total Hours for the day: 45 minutes
Aggregate: 59 hours and 50 minutes

I met with Ms. Freitag to review the final copy of the survey after having reviewed it with Ms.
Chawkat. We ensured that everything could be approved for students and would not violate any
codes or regulations before it got sent out later this week.

Date: 3/1/24
Timeframe: 2:00pm-2:45pm
Total Hours for the day: 45 minutes
Aggregate: 60 hours and 35 minutes

I met with Ms. Freitag to review the results of the survey. We analyzed different trends from
students and noticed that the most common ones were that most students were aware of the
school psychologist and counselors but would not reach out either because they were unaware
of how to or just did not want to due to anxieties, the stigma around mental health, or concerns
about anonymity. We also noticed how many students wished that there was a way to create a
connection between students and counselors or psychologists in order for counselors or
psychologists to reach out about resources first or for students to feel more comfortable in
talking about their mental health.

Date: 3/11/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-2:35pm
Total Hours for the day: 1 hour and 45 minutes minutes
Aggregate: 62 hours and 20 minutes

Today, Ms. Freitag and I met to discuss further sources that may benefit me. We also reviewed
the data once again to make sure that all the parts I included in my data analysis would be
correct in depicting trends as shown by the responses. We also discussed a possibility of me
interviewing another school psychologist as well in order to get another perspective on the topic
with ideas from other schools. By talking to another school psychologist, I will be able to
compare the similarities and differences in the results I’ve found and what has actually worked
in other schools.
Date: 3/19/24
Timeframe: This is a combination of the hours I spent reading and taking notes on sources Ms.
Freitag gave me this quarter, so this is not the exact date, nor are there any specific times.
Total Hours for the day: 6 hours and 10 minutes
Aggregate: 68 hours and 30 minutes

These hours are a collection of hours I have spent reading and taking notes on the sources
provided to me from Ms. Freitag. In total, there were twelve sources. Four of the sources were
based on the importance of the role of school counselors and psychologists in ensuring that
students were able to receive the mental health assistance needed. I used three of these
sources for my annotated bibliographies. Five of the sources were on the field of psychology in
school environments and how it has developed and grown over time. These provided
information on how mental health has developed to become more important and discussed in
school environments over the course of the past decades. The final three sources were from the
Therapist Aid website in which therapists have left articles describing the importance of
relationships and trust between a therapist and a client as well as the different methods used by
therapists to deal with different situations. I used one of these sources on cognitive behavioral
therapy in one of my annotated bibliographies.

Date: 3/20/24
Timeframe: 1:50pm-2:40pm
Total Hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 69 hours and 20 minutes

Today, Ms. Freitag and I reviewed my final draft for the synthesis paper, and she left comments
where she felt things could be improved. We also discussed possible dates in which I could
interview another school psychologist to compare my results to what is being done at other
schools to share accessibility and awareness of resources. Furthermore, we completed the
mentor evaluation for quarter 3.

Date: 3/22/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:40pm
Total Hours for the day: 50 minutes
Aggregate: 70 hours and 10 minutes

Today, Ms. Freitag and I reviewed my final draft for the synthesis paper with all of the last minute
changes implemented from her comments. We also discussed the possible product for after
break. She also gave me the contact information that I could use for the interview, and we spoke
about brochures I could make to help hand out information about her.
Date: 4/5/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:45pm
Total Hours for the day: 55 minutes
Aggregate: 71 hours and 5 minutes

Today, Ms. Freitag and I discussed different assignments she may need help with that would
also not violate any privacy regulations involved with her job. We discussed the brochures that I
would be working on in order to spread mental health information as well as possible ideas for
the product. We also discussed a way I could help her by figuring out a way that teachers could
more easily keep track of things that Ms. Freitag may need them to record about a student.

Date: 4/12/24
Timeframe: 7:50am-8:45am
Total Hours for the day: 55 minutes
Aggregate: 72 hours

Today, Ms. Frietag and I met to discuss possible ideas for the research project for the end of the
year. We reviewed the main ideas I had based on student responses in the surveys in order to
identify how best to reach the largest number of students. We also discussed the upcoming
interview and the Ms. Panzer that I would be reaching out to in order to compare my research to
what she had observed as trends in the school she is a psychologist at. This will help me in my
product planning as it will allow me to further narrow down how to reach out to students best.

Date: 4/29/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-12:45pm
Total Hours for the day: 55 minutes
Aggregate: 72 hours and 55 minutes

Today, I met with Mrs. Freitag to discuss the interview with Ms. Panzer. She viewed the
questions I had written and helped me edit and add to them. We also reviewed the data from the
survey in order to come up with even better questions that would allow for more specific
information. These questions will be able to help me in narrowing down my product as I hear
observations on how students would best respond to certain things regarding mental health,
such as class visits or posters about mental health.
Date: 5/6/24
Timeframe: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Total Hours for the day: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Aggregate: 74 hours and 25 minutes

Today, I completed an interview with Ms. Panzer, a school psychologist in a Howard County
middle school. I asked her questions regarding the greatest limitations that she felt existed
among her students, how she reached out to students, and how she felt would best help in
reaching out to the most students. We discussed her responses along with my research results
from the survey earlier in the year, and we realized that one of the largest issues was the stigma
behind mental health. We discussed how the school counselors and psychologists are able to
access further resources to help students reach out to get mental health assistance outside of
school, and we identified how school counselors and psychologists most help by providing
in-school assistance. This helped me identify comparisons with my research and data as well as
further solutions that I had not yet heard or thought about. This will help me in the future as I
consider the specifics of my poster design for the project, and it will help me for ideas of a future
research question based on stigma and anonymity.

Date: No specific date (collection of all hours from textbook readings for HCC psychology class)
Timeframe: 15 chapters - each chapter was about 40-45 pages - about 6 hours of reading +
Total Hours for the day: 90 hours
Aggregate: 164 hours and 25 minutes

These hours are a collection of all the hours I’ve taken from my HCC psychology course. It
involves about 5-8 hours a week of reading and taking notes on 40-45 page long chapters for 15
chapters. I averaged the hours at about 6 hours a week in order to calculate 90 hours total.
These hours provided the opportunity for me to research and identify information in psychology
that I previously had not known much about, including biological psychology where we focused
on what made up the brain regarding chemicals and neurons, social psychology where we
focused on how social environments affect a person’s psychological well-being and their
decision-making, psychological treatments where we focused on the different forms of therapy
and medication in treating psychological disorders, psychological disorders where we learned
about the different types of psychological disorders and how they are diagnosed, learning where
we focused on the different types of learning and how they relate psychologically, memory
where we identified the different types of memory and how they could be affected if certain parts
of the brain were affected, health with how physical health and mental health are related,
development of how the brain changes and grows over time, personality with how that can be
defined through psychological behaviors and trends, motivation with intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation where people have different motivation levels and are motivated internally or
externally, intelligence and how different psychologists have defined different ways to measure
different areas of intelligence that are not completely correct, and consciousness with Sigmund
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory regarding the subconscious. There was also a portion regarding
sexuality that could be connected to motivation, and there was a chapter that pointed out the
different ways that psychology is applicable throughout a person’s life. This all applied as this
class was taken earlier in the year where I was still researching the broad information about my
topic, and this information helped to provide fairly brief overviews of each topic that allowed me
to figure out what I wanted to research further throughout the year.

Date: 5/10/24
Timeframe: 12:45pm-1:40pm
Total Hours for the day: 55 minutes
Aggregate: 165 hours and 20 minutes

Today, I met with Mrs. Freitag, and we reviewed the results from the interview. We identified the
similarities that showed up in our data from the survey, and we brainstormed further how this
could connect with our product. We also discussed alternatives in the case that we would be
unable to use the poster idea around the school due to the strict school regulations.

Date: 5/20/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:20pm
Total Hours for the day: 30 minutes
Aggregate: 165 hours and 50 minutes

Today, Mrs. Freitag said that we got permission to go through with the poster idea, so we started
putting the specifics of the poster together. We came up with the final ideas for the poster before
I finally put them all in one pdf to share with her and review at our next meeting. This helped us
finalize the ideas for the product.

Date: 5/29/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-2:35pm
Total Hours for the day: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Aggregate: 167 hours and 35 minutes

Today, Mrs. Freitag and I reviewed the last details of the poster. I brought her the electronic copy
of what I had put together at home, and she gave me her advice on what I should add or
change. She gave me the letters of the last names that each counselor would oversee so that I
could add them to the poster in order to help students who had never spoken with their
counselor or who had forgotten who they were supposed to meet with to understand who they
would typically go to. Furthermore, Mrs. Freitag was able to print out a couple colored copies of
the posters that I could hang up on the walls after reviewing them with Ms. Chawkat. After
hanging these, I would be able to ask for audience feedback after about a week preferably.

Date: 6/3/24
Timeframe: 12:50pm-1:20pm
Total Hours for the day: 30 minutes
Aggregate: 168 hours and 5 minutes

Mrs. Freitag and I met for our last meeting, and I told her that I had hung up the posters after
school. We discussed the portfolio that I would share along with the audience reviews once
either was completed. I confirmed that she was willing to work with me again in the following
year in order to research stigma anonymity in schools regarding mental health, and I thanked
her for how much she has helped me throughout the year. Furthermore, she gave me the final
mentor review with comments on the product to submit.

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