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Name: ___________________________

Listening Test – Missing Lyrics


Summer's been boring without you Mom and dad out for a movie
E___________________ talk and I'm S__________ at home watching reruns
E___________________. Don't really feel like going out in the city
Been yawning every minute or so Or on the net where everyone's tryna look
Waiting for the phone to ring P_________________

What's gotten into me? 'Cause I ain't got no T________ to impress

Can anybody see? To try and live up to anyone's stupid
Oh, L____________'s a crazy game i_________________.
I don't know how to play See, I ain't got no time to look back
To make you wanna stay To wonder how it might have been if I had
I'm too S_________________ to say tried

That I want you (Back to Reff)

Pizza sucks without you
'Cause I want you
Everyday it's a bore without you
I want you bad
Pizza sucks without you
'Cause pizza sucks without you Everyday it's a bore without you
It's not a Q________________ of appetite Pizza sucks without you
Pizza sucks without you anyway Everyday it's a bore without you
Pizza sucks without you
Everyday it's a bore without you

1. Why does the girl say “pizza sucks without you”? what’s your opinion?


2. Write the definition for these words:

Yawning - ________________________________________________

Appetite - ________________________________________________

Reruns - ________________________________________________

Impress - ________________________________________________

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