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Name: ___________________________

A. Future progressive / Future Continous with Definitely / probably


Definitely (Very sure) Probably (not sure)

I will definitely be living in another city I will probably be talking to my friends
I definitely won’t be living in another city. I probably won’t be talking to my friends

What will you be doing five years from now? I’ll definitely be studying at High School.

Where will you be living ten years from now? I probably won’t be living in Tangerang anymore.

Exercise: write what will you or won’t you be doing 20 years from now, use definitely or probably!

1. (live in another city) _______________________________________________________

2. (run my own business) _______________________________________________________

3. (buy your first house) _______________________________________________________

4. (go to Europe) _______________________________________________________

5. (meet someone famous) _______________________________________________________

B. Formal Letter
Formal letters must use very formal and simple language.
It is also necessary to keep it short and respectful.

1. Tuliskan nama dan alamat pengirim (Addresser)

2. Cantumkan tanggal dibuatnya surat (Date)

3. Sertakan nama dan alamat penerima (Addressee)

4. Jangan lupa Salutation and Name, ex:

- Dear, Mr. /Mrs. /Sir / Madam / Mr. Budi/ etc

5. Jelaskan maksud dan tujuan penulisan surat

pada bagian Body

Ex: I would appreciate if you could …

I would be most grateful if you would …
We apologize for any inconvenience caused …

6. Tambahkan bagian penutup (Closing)

7. Jangan lupa sertakan Complimentary Close

8. Terakhir, beri Signature

Make your own Formal Letter!

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