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COMPREHENSIVELY REVISED ’ For Federal & KPK Boards ENCLISH GRAMMAR & COMPOSITION With Complete Coverage of Text a REVIEWED BY CE ul $B scHOLar PUBLICATIONS Aamar Khurshid WRITTEN BY M. Quraishi SUPPLEMENT pu foflessonsand poems Sova yansation oer with urdu transation Paraphrasing of poems -janation of poems with reference Jrausranslation of lessons and poems Zrammar explained for solving grammar portion of exercises For Facieral & KPK Boards FNCLISHil GRAMMAR & COMPOSITION With Complete Coverage of Text WRITTEN BY M. M. Quraishi M.A English GOVT. COLLEGE LAHORE Prof. Shazia Noor Thaheem (M. Phil English Literature) KHANPUR Prof. Younus Shukeeb (Department of English) I. M. C. B. H-9 ISLAMABAD REVIEWED BY Prof. Muhammad Azam Prof. Aamar Khurshid Former Assistant Professor FG SIR SYED COLLEGE RAWALPINDI (Assistant Professor & Head of English Department) ARMY BURN HALL COLLEGE FOR BOYS ABBOTTABAD Prof. Amira Emmanuel , a (Lecturer in English) / cies ARMY BURN HALL COLLEGE FOR BOYS / fl > ABBOTTABAD j SCHOLAR nt htc Ep J “Preface rand Composition with suppleme ideral Ioard) has been published. Thanks to + buok fort to provide stlentathe best to get my Aris book, ly inthe English, Wehave tried ourlevelbest ple and tucid language. All that is necessary bas inthiny; less and nothing else, The answers of thé & this book, to all hose Professors, students, frienclsand well- Aructive suggestions and appreciations. The tions, sincere proposals, and fair jevoted, ten not only meet the students! requirements to attempt succe examination hall buts pana taasirae eee © talmprove thelr compet tw be precise the material by using teen inehacost in the book hing, more questions up-to-date papers haveatea ty Weeepresso wishers, who ha seul us took has little cain to perfection criticism for the improvemen students) and would beduly incorporated inthe next edition Published by: Scholar Publications Urdu Bazar, Lahore. Ph: 042-37231595 042-37241133 Secon or oerwae,wtnout oe aeorveson ot sel PuBlatares Autos ore ede Mens — FEDERAL ENGLISH (Subjective) om cl Composed By: Tau or Hussain Design by: Shakeel Sadiq Printed at: ara Punjab Printers, | Edition? | Grtenore . 2020 - 2021 e Enlorged & wv Comprehensive Edition WY ® SCHOLAR PUBLICATIONS Qazafi market, | Al- Karim Market, ® Urdu Bazar, Lahore | Urdu bazar, Lahore aS PH; 042-37231595 | PH: 042-37355555 EX 37241133 ki @scholarpublications.ok Email: )2 + 03317231595 ___ Section -1__ UNIT DESCRIPTION OF NO. TOPICS Unit. 1 | Responsibilitie His First Flight Unit. 3. | Good Timber (Poem) From Mother With Love Pronouns Adjective Verbs Exercises of correct form of verb Its Country for Me Mother to Son (Poem) Choice of Career Wasteland The White Lamb The World is To Much With Us ‘Adverb Unit. 41 | The importance of Family Unit. 12 | The Blanket I Ozymandias Synthesis of Sentences ‘A Long Walk Home +— Active and Passive Voice Unit. 15 | Universty Days Direct and Indirect | Unit. 16 | Schoo! Vs Education What You Do is W, mls S Unit. 21 | The Road Not Taken The Progress Section - II GRAMMAR & COMPOSITION [ cH | Description of Topics [4 [Sentence 287 Urdu to English Passages Phrasel Verbs irate APPLICATION WRITING ‘An application to the Inspector- General of Police complaining against the ever-deteriorating condition of law and order in the city Write an application to the Postmaster complaining against the irregular delivery of your letters. ‘Write an application to the Distt, Health Officer about absence as well as the maltreatment of doctors of the about the of roads of the of you~ college him/” her for. re- o-re-admit the name | application. to. the Is -of» your college application to the, cipal of your college Write a letter to the 9 Newspaper on rising prices of things or inflation Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about Internet Addiction: Write a letter to the Edjonof a Newspaper about among students Write a letter to’ against one, Letter to the SDO (Electricity) of your area suggesting certain steps to be taken to reduce power loa Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper. about the traffic mess on city roads. Write-a letter:to friend regarding choosing a profession. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the lack of medical facilities in government hospitals Write a letter to your mother, telling her that you dislike living in the college hostel. Ney aan acd FEDERAL ye ENGLISH ‘RB LOR\ LOS ____ (Excerpts from the speech of Quaid-e-Azam delivered at the Dhaka University Convocation on 24th March, 1948) Ubi Susizd ww By the end of the unit, the students will be able to: * Have general idea of the text. + Infer theme / main idea. * Apply critical thinking to interact with text, use intens reading) to: ‘* Scan to answer short questions. iding strategies (while- C * Read silently with comprehension and, detail Use critical thinking to gee in writing to the text (post-reading) to iar |@FPxCt the main idea and supporting give a personal opinion and jystistance related to viewpoints/ideas and issues in the text read. x * Explore the causes and conseqyeheds of a problem or an issue and propose various solutions. © Evaluate the material read. ~\ Incorporate evidence Quotations, etc.), examples (analogies, anecdotes, etc.) or a different point of view {elaborating an idea/gpiNVon) to support each key idea, Use appropriate 4€qpional devices to connect ideas within and between paragraphs. Demonstrate heightened awareness of conventions and dynamics of group discussion and interaction to present and ‘explain one’s point of view clearly * Recognize silent letters in words and pronounce them with development accuracy. * Recognize pronounce and represent primary and secondary stress in words with the help of a dictionary. * Demonstrate the use of collective, countable, and uncountable material and abstract nouns. Vigilant and watch out fot subversive agents who attempt to }true, honest, and unselfish servants of the state. ‘doing B.A. or M.A., everyone wanted to enter govern have changed. A goverment servant ears less than commerce, law, trade, ete. The state n services because new industries, new banks, ney Reed technically qualified people. There is no, fields rather than working in government. T CAA Gon | Saw hi hip AOI SINE Belin a i85K/SgA Lt Late Nea) Ciushig DNA LAI ttad ned sired Segui he J AE Nap tphae eeen >Siihl fern asin LIME indy “hte, Chancellor, Ladies and Gentlemen, When | was ppc by the Vice-Chancellor with a request to deliver fhe Convocation Address, | made it clear to him that there vere so many calls on me that | could not possibly prepare @ jamal Convocation Address cn an academic level with regard tp ne great subjects with which University deals, such as arts, history philosophy, science, law and so on. | did, however, to say a few words to the students on this occasion, rd it isin fulfilment of that promise that | will address you ti eS ALP Arico ki Peper ed DRE ety bot MEAL EIS et Ses tie Lope nyt tid CaS Ae BELL Lite eranbreere Lore prLuP suai Fe ib eS Ag elt LF Cem gait ia Lhe Or Sie Shwe [dent | Meanings/Synonyms contact, communicate, ta give, present, impart, produce proper, ceremonial, prescribed 3 = Visit, appointment, official visit or a First of all, let. me thank the Vice-Chancellor for the referred to me. Mr. Vice~ flattering terms in which he (Chancellor, whatever | am, and whatever | have been able to Gera dove atl a8 = ease of iy when 5 Oye yin incumbent upon every Mussaiman to serve his peogfey ener Sond a. PO tt here ~ 3 : Eten tL Set haan eed gh eth g are ge LEGG) uv honestly and seifiessly. oO wae flattering | 7 Lr complimentary, gratifying refer to | war meni@hidlk about, state, allude to [merey Pee yt a plainly Sonal incumbent Gah) obligatory, binding, compulsory, unavoidable In addressing you | a ere speaking to you as Head of the State, but as a fr ind as one who has always held You in affection. Man\NBF you have today got your diplomas and degrees and | congratulate you. Just as you have won the laurels in your University and qualified yourselves, so | ‘wish you all success in the wider and larger world that you will enter. Many of you have come to the end of your ‘Scholastic career and stand at the threshold of life. Unlike ‘Your predecessors, you fortunately leave this University to nter life under @ govereian, Independent State of your own. It ls necessary that you and your other fellow students fully understand the implications of the revolutionary change that 00k place on the birth of Pakistan. We have broken the a Hib oak Gee Late te tend Sst elon UMS hala oA ine STL Se othe Pag og ra Vigt seh AL Runpfopece SP ei fiken Shea beh Kees LIVIA eee A tat APU ELL I WMA E St ag Se SUS ZOF ASS EE GAL ALO ep Leet bles eee Ste FF gc L (UP in eat E Bored rte P tls oF Let wD tiyline 4 ei” Liha geod nge Soph re pnbrg lag See is necessary for us to work as a uni | and disciplined nation. What is now required of us ds constructive spirit and not the militant spirit of the a run a Govemment. Let me tell y "difficulties that we have overcome fd of the dangers that lesire to prevent the "establishment of Pakistan o ies turned their attention | fo finding ways and means(foyweaken and destroy us. Thus, hardly had the new me into being when came the ~ Punjab and Delhi Thousands of men, women and - children were mercilessly butchered and millions were | uprooted from their homes, Over fifty lakhs of these arrived in | the Punjab within @ matter of weeks. The care and | Hehablltation of these unfortunate refugees, stricken in body and ‘in soul, presented Problems, which might well have Gestroyed many a well-established State. But those of our _Gnemies who had hoped to kil Pakistan at its very inception nS were disappointed. Not only has Pakistan Strived the shock ofthat uoheaval, but aso it has emerged WareSioch CPN Pat S ee ete Sp oka? iP A Seba pele ABST SREP Soba Piel ted elbee LAL eb ong cap UP Ligue Rite Leto te ote EubSailiy Pe Bob PASE A A itl 2 oeime husk feta Serribi PLES aE die ait death (ebro of tarred Kidtene Wheat view Se thin£ LI abi ohibapiliae bib Lie tur ainnic He tod | UPROAR RT omen dahabel sachet Pfoh a biotetpiurtyicit Zee Sib ySoibe eue Ls sph bt ob OMT Alesana Testoration, recovery, re-establishment, resittion start, commencement, initiation, establishment "There followed in rapid succession other cificultes, ‘ i soract fr ‘such 2s withholding by India of our cash balances, of our ia = share of military equipment and lately, the institution of an Ux My Ge? ate Suche SNL ead most complete economic blockade of your Province. 1 OY 5 yup Se keghhe pelea have no doubt that all rghtthiking men in the Indign’SS i a fear Dominion deplore these happenings and 1 am sur ‘attitude of the mind that has been responsible for allance on our part... Your main 1B gist nL ANAL An? olden SIL gay faimess to yourselves, in faimess to " Infoimess to the State, to devote i lipid Lb Whine Se US tp ee thal gap uip yourselves for the ys, 4, tren pone pines eae rae Se A igaitamce” tm A nO A NS) BIEVER LAL and of pride to your State, LAU SU Seu seer tin ng Arise Lum Pane LEELA LA Jy tp edie Mpc tot SS problems thet confront it and enable it fo reach its goal among the most progressive and strongest sequence, arrangement, system refusing, denying, keep back, refuse to give obstruct, impede, deter, deny access, hinder, thwart [amen rere be sory be disappointed, grieve over a gainst and weed out selfish people who ‘exploit you so that they may swim. Thirdly, to judge who are really true and really honest and ‘Servants of the State who wish to serve the people n heart and soul and support them... b get rid of eliminate, discard Make Use of ake advantage ot oN There is another maiter that | would like to refer to. My 7U5 young friends, hitherto, you have been following the rut. You Pols a get your degrees and when you are thrown out of this a n University in thousands, all that you think and hanker for is gaa ir gle hos tae Government service. As your Vice-Chancellor has right) 7 i Stated the main object of the old system of education a A. Set jubeMyAultMoces the system of Government existing, hitherto, was re@iyyo tel Sate vb Pet hBia Li have well-trained, well-equipped clerks. Of course, foyhe of them went higher and found their level, but th Yale idea SE SA F118 ei Hit LE Lichen 4 was to get well-qualified clerks. Civil Serv is mainly ‘staffed by the Britons and the In: lement was Introduced later on and it went up ively. Wel, the s whole principle was to create a mere psychology, and ie ” SC ei 2 state of mind that an monmpant S when he passed his AGIA nT LSA cif eesti Se BA. or y to Ic or MA. was Bea [eb hn Goverment. te roe 2 ed Peayp dai EA He jed his height. | know and ally the result of this, ER a : 1 ot gradually, with tin ite by ite, step by ¢ h time, ite by title, step by ep ° ; Car mer som aires m ae pes nen ae Pe iS? Li (Up leeilh Sqtndbenehi Miserable manner than many menial MH SsikinaBionseobiie rd ebeose re employed by well to do people. Now | J tba ni an tr matty ed Sa Aig Sant tee Sarin A > sian oo] take up, attract, take in, assimilate 7 =o Bae Sere opera one an Iac0pa in technical education for Qe Pb Lesa ientod Cc ‘qualified people very badly. You can g, commerce, trade, law, etc., which provide so 4 Merl RE Lr dri eM dF Shaet ow. Already you find that new " aoe ‘ate being started, new banks, new insurance YX’ BESO PLE SG PLA ‘new commercial firms are opening and they wil ee oof them and divert your attention to th rare A sbol aie 5) Sabi aler ten Ly you will there benefit yourselves mals by x 6) alerted Lon ee gin for Government service aining I should say, a circle of claftwnip, working It dingy and Sameer neers cnt gens accon BO I rsctctnn voy, tans oes : al cS redirect, switch, shift, change diy, unclean, foul, fithy ‘more happy and far more prosperous LMAE ant Fon fia eet aane, 27 Unde é, i Had Sees rae ‘be helping not only yourselves but you one instance. | know a young LEAL hn tinr OT TANASE wpa Re MSe eeu) kill (a person or people) indiscriminately or brutally have a restraining or moderating effect on. a large formal assembly of people. gloomy and drab. ‘angry or dissatisfied make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). ; f 7a 2 fifth column is any group of people who undermine afitger group from within, usually in favour of ‘enemy group or nation, — exploit ‘fifth columnists = EET Necessary for (someone) as a dut in example or single bestow an award or praise jecognition of an achievement passage of the wheels of vehicles. ogether by a chain, used to fasten a prisoner's wrists or ankles together. prevent (someop® hom acc z ASR las nar a frre renova cating mia O READING COMPREHENSION the following questions. 1y does the Quaid stress orryouth to’be-continuously vigila The Quaid-e-Azam has stressed on the youth to be continuously vigilant of the enemies of Pakistan because they have “unsuccessful in their effort to prevent the establishment of Pakistan. Now they have tured their focus to weaken and sn this quest, they have killed thousands of men, women, and children and uprooted millions from their homes. The Q ‘also advised students to look out for subversive agents who attempt to undermine the nation’s solidarity. He plishing something to the Quaid, the prime responsibility of the youth is to devote their attention to their studies. It the bese ori. Fethermor, uw oake them a asta a toute of sng nd pif the Castes Fadvises the youth that they should not look for only Government jobs as the government me living in comparison to persons in other jobs. Therefore, young people uch as banking, commerce, law, trade, etc. Furthermore, he has stressed the fact { people. Therefore, they should look forward to joining other avenues and fields. es, and commercial firms were being established in the newly born country, By joining these fields, they would become more prosperous. se technical fields. as described In his speech. "speech delivered at Dhaka University Convocation, the Quaid expresse@gafe/qualities he wanted to see in the youth. He wanted the youth to guard the interests of other people and the state, bgyre of the enemies of the nation, and weed out fish people so that they would not exploit them. They should als¢MYwh to judge who are true, honest, and unselfish “servants of the state. They must not look for Government jobs online, they should pay attention to technical education [serve the state in the fields of banking, commerce, law, trad p the youth of today is far away from the ideal fF the Quaid. The youth still prefer Government jobs and to the affairs of the state. They are oited on the bases of their ethnic, linguistic, religious, or ‘affiliations. Hence, they have been unable to juffghatho are true, honest, and unselfish servants of the state, That is ountry has not been able to become a progreGiye Wind strong nation. ead the text of ‘Responsibilities of fudh,’ what, in your view, could be the possible role of youth in crisis management of the country? 12) Crow by the state at its birth, such as the rehabilitation of thousands of refugees, ving the due share of military equipment, and economic blockade, States usually "s and for their management, the youth should devote their attention solely to their to lea how to manage such calamities and succeed in the battle of life. Only ible to solve such social and economic crises. Also, necessary for them to work as a 2 should also work with a constructive spirit. faid is talking about the acts of violence that happened at the creation of kistan, such as the Punjab ‘Thousands of men, women, and children were mercilessly killed and millions were uprooted from their “As a result, over fifty lakh refugees arrived in the Punjab. The care and rehabilitation of these refugees was a huge r anenet, Se sunsy wend o weaken snd dsr Paki tts cree However, Peo aig d =e matic exchange of information, views and opinions al ome common objectives. & ion shows your confidence and ability to lead fin the righ direction Ii imp While initiating the discussion, you could, following phrases: keep in mind that the object tat younsk your pon eh & ; deed, “disagreeing, if not done appropriately could sound almost rude and impol gree politely. 20 aft ie already mentioned phrases, here are a few more to be used in specifi lity: “In today's world...” - ts: “As a matter of fact...” " ne, before making your point: “Thank you for asking my opinion...” ce to someone: “What do you think about this, X?” one popular: “As X had once said...” , it is a healthy discussion and coming to a well cooperated 'endit €, well structured as well as logical points using your time & ely. {nto groups of seven students each and hold a group @{peadsion, keeping in view the conventions and which syllable is to stress in the following words. ¢ 2 syllable x = 1" syllable cer PW EY3 Abstract nouns ae the nouns tat express ideas, concepts, or uals that cannot ba seen or expeyonaa We cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell these concepts. s include liberty, anger, freedom, love, generosity, charity, and democracy Examples of abstract noun: A. Circle the abstract noun in each sentence below. Abstract nouns are in bold and italics. 4. Irespected the honesty my friend showed. 2 Can you believe that woman's brilliance? 3 To my delight, everyone arrived on time. 4 ‘She was in great despair when she lost her phone. 5. We have a lot of hope for the future. 8. They showed extreme Joy when they helped others, 7 The men had much bravery on the bettifield 8 My mother always shows great compassion for her children We have a ton of pride in our school 1 love Allis fair in love and war. 2 pleasure Every pleasure has a pain 3. calm ‘The government has appegtetor calm. 4. despair He gave up the strug, spalr. 5 _truth Wisdom is only fo: S truth, . Tell whether the followingfouns are countable or not. Tick the correct option and use Gene __nouns in sentences: K Confusion uncot ‘countable 1 2 roof une ble/countable 3 trafic ntable/countable A Pain countable/countable | & Behaviour” uncountable/countable 6 knife uncountable/countable 7. Cutlery ‘uncountable/countable & freedom ‘uncountable/countable 9. ‘mouth Uncountable/countable | Peace 10. uncountable/ countable $$ | DE i ‘ach of these sentences contains 2 collective noun. Identify and then use these collective | nouns in your own Sentences. van one atoning Bil ron nate has 102 members, ‘and administrators held a meeting in the faculty. ' is abstract because there are so many words that can jn svar cute ad ota nei called uncountable nouns) are things that cannot be eG ve eS 'distinet singular and plural forms. If we have one apple, it wil in the plural form. d by @ number or the determiners “a’ or re are some example XO some water in our glass, it wll be in the singular ibe preceded by the determine & “an.” Paired with modifiers like some, ‘or much, fi juncountable nouns, “countable nouns: d used in the speech. Find out abstract and uncountable n Baris, asset, atiainment, attention, attitude, avenues, balances, ci Wren, circle, civil-service, clerks, clerkship, commerce, jr rporation, course, dangers, days, degrees, Delhi, desire, developments, i education, element, end, enemies, equipment, @&tablishment, have general idea ofthe text infer theme/ main idea. ‘= sean to answer short questions. ‘= make simple inferences using context6 of the text and, ‘analyze paragraphs to identify sentences that support the {use critical thinking to respond orally and in writing tot + give a persona opinion and justly stance Qed fo viewpoints! ideas and issues in the text read. Felate what is read to his or her ov feelings apesberiences, Fecognize author purpose and point of vie er effect on the text. use summary skils to extract salient hd develop @ mind map to summarize a text write an extended narrative inci ding action, spoken words, observation, thoughts and feelings. demonstrate use of collective, day Mable and uncountable material and abstract nouns. ty nies rae chat vn use various refereneg @byrtes 10 refine vocabulary for interpersonal academic workplace situation including idiomatic and tect abulary Use in speech phriting all the appropriate transitional devices. recogni insitional devices are used for coherence and coherence at oral and written discourse. ABOUT THE AUTHOR UMMARY bout learning new things in life. The main characte Sa ing of birds for granted. We do not think of the pain toa ribes ths situation. {e6¢ 64). The parents are teaching their babies how to fly. Their three b; 2). One, however, als to have the courage (i#tut 4) to take his est ighe best fo encourage (¢Uij1 +r) him to fy. They fly around him, upbrata (i '¥4) unless he flies. Because of his cowardice (J), he is left all alone or teaching his brothers and sister in the art of ight } becomes hungry. Hunger makes him uneasy (c¥ —). He makes is (t/ <1) to attain his 5 one pays any attention, He feels that he will starve to death, Sudd sees his mother flying towards inher beak (6.4). The sight of food maddens (1, {) him. Sei Setnes near the ledge and fies away. H rbehavior, But she shows no emotions («) towards him. Maddened by hunger, he jumps over, Jood. He finds himself faling down and out of terror seizes him for a while. Then he feels that his }$ are supporting him. He starts usir his wings dat his new experience. He has made his f " of ae WA Lehane Lik see WE LES Kooi Staite Ahr eid. SA eth tts £L innate Sion, Bile er AS SLi Loh eben Aud Wit Es ete gh tigre Stag IISA SAD AME ng Tet gh fe ane AWW ge IZLE IE sere alg Bk fit Haband Ay BLN AALS Bw i a, the ledge and attempted to flap his wah SP MLIZ ALY afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched nat his wings would never support him, so he bent fan away back to the little hole under the ledge tat night. a ad eh ttgLruct n his own, ran asia bactalecicl Fab fingertip A agai nd Lis be wtl t plunge which appeared to Suhel y la Sonate 64Fn, rand mother had come around 2 ee Prcidenelerhelen PLL Seiko c Aotn SEL Spe hineten- ean ‘ascending the sky, blazing warmly on ed soul, He felt the heat because he had the previous nightfall. Then he had found a Mmackerel’s tail at the far end of his ledg: there Was not a single scrap of food left. He ed every inch, rooting among the rough, dirt-cz est where he and his brothers and sister had, He even gnawed at the dried pieces of éap'ed gshell Itwas like eating part of himself Oo 8 4 on 2S ee Oe ge who iSO LE breed, give birth, produce chew, bite, nibble then back and forth from one end of the other, his grey body ~ they colour of the ang gray legs stepping dainty, trying to find of reaching his parents without having to fly, im the ledge ended in a sheer fall of ea beneath, And between him and his wide chasm, abs Mather was looking at hin. She was standirg on a 1 hump on the plateau, her white breast thrust forward. id again she tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet, ‘each side of her beak on the rock. The sight food maddened him. How he loved to tear food that way, his beak now and again to whet it! He uttered a low kle. His mother cackled too, and looked over at him. bump, projection, bulge ‘tq “Ga, ga, ga, he cried, begging N&O Gawi-ool-ah, she scream bring him over some mockingly. But he kept fe of so he uttered a joyful up a piece of fish and was Jeaned out eagerly, tapping the get nearer to her as she flew Just opposite to him, abreast of the ‘she halted, her legs hanging limp, her wings ensAsuds ben Iigarrsat einer Kel deat Lup iaeaty fad vise Legh ol Linpthe dnph Avs Adivtites adisASiSL rb gc ft wSul Ln LNL nb Dig leehe fei lt SAS SuSE LIL oe, FRSA F wr eb LAF Lake rnothing, But it only lasted a “he felt his Soe d against his breast a, EP re f ee ie wings, He coud Fo LE oie : s cutting through the air. He was not DESI nt Shing L, soaring gradually downwards ee piger ata. He just feta bit AA. is wings once and he soared | So fen: arg XS Yn I : Oo 7 atin joyous scream and flapped yi s LOLA GAS Sith Sine eA A ale ¥ higher. He raised his breast and 9 an pier . Ga, ga, ga. Ga, ga, ga. Gal HEM AFL iT TI SOE tree EI past him, her wings maki d her with another scream a Moh eu Ind SA Motes ee bs tudes lean, tit, bend, slope & dive, descend, pounce, plunge, pitch, nosedive i 2 ‘he completely forgot that he had not always been able Commenced himself to dive and soar, shrieking pete a out fying straight over it, facing out WE MLigeL Via AgiCuiBalbeed wan vast green sea beneath him, with litle _»,j », bite Se fi ‘th and he turned his beak sideways, and clebe a eee a flatter, adulate, fawn ‘a small fish with a jong tail (eeu in the same direction (also up to datesgBp conversant with) abreast of (Ad) Alongside each other, fa ‘Amusealy (Adv) With amusement: enterainingly ee Beneath (Ad) Below esp. covered, protected or obspured by: undemes rink () The edge, border or verge of a steep place, such as ce Cackle (n) To squawk in shrill, broken notes (of a hen after an fh eg9) Chasm (n) ‘A deep cleft in the ground, abyss, gorge, ra Dainty (Adv) Elegantly < Derisively (Adv) Mockingly, scomfully Desperate (Adi) Careless of danger (such as troro®eepbir) reckless Dirt-caked (Adi) Covered with @ hard layer obit Bardened with dirt Dizzy (Aa) ‘Affected with a whiing ig sensation, giddy Eagerly (adv) Impatiently, anwiousy Expanse (n) ‘An uninterrupted 2¥g% of something that spreads or extends over a wide area For the life of him (idiom) sperately Headiong (adv). (adj) Herring (n) Hump (n) Through try mi vine sof-finned fish with an elongated body covered in sivery scales: an important food e northern sea jownward, foremost; headfirst rounded projection of earth or sand: a bulge or mound Ledge (n) ’A narrow shelf like rock projection on a cif or mountain Limo (ad) ‘Not frm: not stif: weak: loose: feeble: slack Mackerel (0) A spiny-finned food fish Monstrous (ad}) Enormous s, great, immense Piaintively (adv) Expressing sadness, melancholy: mournfully Awide mainly leveled area of an elevated land To throw or thrust: to leap or dive into, A small piece of something: fragment ‘A sea bird with long pointed wings, short legs, and white plumage | To swallow or eat up greedily or voraciously ) S| Toetena forward asiftoreachoutto someting SN pup (Wj | Tosummon, gather, assemble or call up x {Of birds) to maintain feathers in healthy conditiong To burrow, to rummage for something such ag Wad 7 To take h old of quickly to grab eee im Toglide smoothly orlighty overs sugges SS te, hi) _| To drawout or extend. such ahomm [re provoke or sent SD ft O- a Borel) | To scold or ha ang. to take to ash READING COMPREHENSION SE ig hungry, and his parents refused to bring him fo wand search for food. Therefore, he had to take the initiative to join his family for his ‘They want him to be confident and independent. They know the significance of | Ot want him to be fearful of flying. They want hit ees if iyng They want hin to hunt fox his prey They oem ere bold step and go 1s rewards as well. His n wD significant for children. Some sentences from the [ Aho lo YIU WN 3g } ot 3 ; er through a fine meshinet sie ge with hands knead ‘over there, Sir. in our classroom is/are uncomfortable, @ a very nice country. es is/are on the table. is/are boring, ‘on the table is/are mine. word | Sentence as a singular ae Sentence as a Lott noun x _| The oxis eating grass “The oxen are eal feat [is ous ns aetaont RY [alte houses have ato | Baio Ste pokes up aroun arg Se pein | Se pute potatoes ne ovento bate So ovosananegt in anscstein— ee eect — seri oom is scheduled. ‘Two series of lectures are scheduled: one for | experts and one for students. walle? Pe PRksan owe fother-in-law We has only one brother-in-law. He has two brothers-in-law, 2 _ | Life is nota bed of roses. Dozens of lives were lostin the fre. y___| He has a large family to support Families used to be larger in t go 7 [ These boys are naught i el oe ‘small house. SS I all nice but those green jeans ts (be) horrible. ‘natural world, on the TV is (be) bad. It's so depressing. 19 (investigate) a break-in at the National Bank last night. likely to tel lies to protect themselves. You spend that amount of money. A thousand pounds is (be) a lot! 4 @ $0 far just to find an open supermarket! Three miles tires Cae Out s0 quickly rated a litle with that new swimming pool. Did you see the eQRiatue of the water? Fony high! _ ‘TRANSITIONAL DEV, sis evices are used to link ideas within sentence: ‘sentences within paragraphs. Use 'witing easier to understand and more mata on transitional devices that can be exe cue readers in a given way. jain, and then, besides, equally important, OF irrer, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's dition, first (second, etc.) a Pesiaeine other hand, howsy@-)nevertneless, on the contrary, by comparison, where, co Balanced against vis a veSbpt, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, a pee obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in neeggshs, in spite of, despite, of course, once ina while, sometimes 1 afer a few Hours, rally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, ¢ Ihave noted, as has been noted really lke to see you again, when will you join me one afternoon for lu togoto the movies, but the tickets were already sold out. Heft, there yesterday. eee brings her dog to work with he Mother went shopping, me You can use any two col My car broke down es _TIME ORDER/PROCESS TRANSIT oy “First, second, later, next, as soon, during, when, after, then, finally, meanwhile, last, by the time, overtime. =i making a paper airplane. 'em as a paragraph, choosing appropriate transitions from the list above, Do and a good topic sentence, "persc with justification. 9 _ Personal response with jus « ° oC literary techniques such as vorsongefdn and alliteration. oW a writer! poet uses language SO Douglas Malloch (May 5, 1877 ~ July 2, 1938) was an American poet, short-story writer, and Associate Editor of n Lumberman, a trade paper in Chicago. He was known as a ‘Lumberman’s post’ both locally and nationally. He {S noted for writing "Round River Drive” and "Be the Best of Whatever You Are’ in addition to many other creations BEM E SD) LI prcers Lot AE pone Lud ® poh pIAG38 (ud - 1877 CALE \y "Be the Best of Whatever You Are" s"Round River Drive"nu Lesh -msenSr ee pl vgrl poles, Ao SI nSton ' \ sie een > we le good timber and strong "Good Timber" is 2 poem by Douglas Malloch, It describes that hardship and struggle: men. In the beginning, the poet describes that there are two types of trees and m Rit type of men and trees are eadily given everything they need to live. These types of persons or trees og worry about their food and water. Gn the other hand, some men and trees must ight to live and survive. ThGepYoken branches and scars are evidence of their struggle to survive, The first type of trees and men live and die ordinary life. The secon fod stand out and reach to their full potential ce Ors ype CaF E IR AVEC erica LEX Yt Pr Baad nL stares S Loh Flu fal bees - Le iPad niflaicsndi te 79 Seipetpunssnk This poem isan extendadigtbaphor. It compares tees to human beings. Its most important theme is that struggle is Necessary to lve a fullife. C Save Liat Sain AL lt? Clee bSlpl aden INL nb oe ade Al alle POEM WITH URDU TRANSLATION ‘The tree that never had to fight phe sel etm For sun and sky and air and light, Le nanan tol But stood out in the open plain Paoete And always got its share of rain, Never became a forest king ‘But lived and died a scrubby thing A manly man is a is usually stoic, hardworking, and self-disciplined. He ly neh \ Complete the tasks ¢ip%e given and would only rarely give up when the odds are S faults and admits that he is not a perfect being, just like e that never had to fight ‘and sky and air and light, yer does not grow easily and without effort. It has to face ds and storms. Stronger winds make it healthy. It has to ‘to face severe conditions of heat and cold. It also has, ‘ain, and snow. Only those become ‘good timber’ and s Maken from the poem ‘Good Timber writen b fas Malloch oO 0 typis Wf trees and men. Some trees and men eat tolive, On the other hand, some tecs axe poe os FS are evidence of their struggle to aes se have to fight for their rights to survive, Their Who struggle in life and overcome difficulties b ns, some res and men have to ght or the ng gale to survive. Those who G0 2trw * poet hen compares good ibe o good men who also face cificties nif he a \9@8 in fe boldly. This makes them men who have manly qualities. They achieve greatness ‘Where thickest lies the forest growth ‘We find the patriarchs of both ‘And they hold counsel with the stars ~~ Whose broken branches show the scars Of many winds and much of strife. ‘This is the common law of lite Reference This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘Good Timber’ written by Douglas Malloch. » Context ‘The poem ‘Good Timber’ describes that there are two types of trees and men. everything they need to live, On the other hand, some trees and men have to fight f branches and scars are evidence of their struggle to survive. Those who struggle, leaders. Explanation g In this stanza, the post describes the environment and the =o “hich good timber and good men live and trees and men easily get rights to survive. Their broken ‘and overcome difficulties become flourish. As a scrubby tree grows in a piace where everything is e jlable to it, and it does not have to struggle for Sunlight, rain, or wind. A good timber, on the other hand, grows k forest where it has to struggle for the light of sun and rainwater. Similarly, 2 good man has to face many challe ife, and he overcomes them bravely. It makes him @ trian man with all the manly qualities. The poet has used the wey for strong trees and men. The term “patriarch” fefers to a head or a leader. & patriarch has more in- ‘eae ywledge and wisdom, which gives him leadership qualities. The broken branches of the good timber and the scard‘o9 the body of real men show the difficulties that they have faced and the struggle that they have to make to overcom In the end, the poet concludes that itis the common law of life that fo be @ good timber or a good man, one has (@ Ypce difficulties in life bravely. Answer the following questi Qi, __Whatis the signific: f the title of the poom ‘Good Timber’? title ‘Good Timber’ is that it symbolizes ‘good men.’ The poet compares strong people ‘with trees that fo and reach their true potential by overcoming difficulties. It is only through struggle, like @ tree fighting S&ipugh forest growth to get the sun, that men grow and discover their true potential. What is gdod timber? How does a tree grow into good timber? ‘A good timber refers to strong wood. A tree growing in a thick forest faces many difficulties. It has to face strong ‘winds, to live through storms, and to face uncertain amounts of heat, cold, rain, and snow. It has to fight through forest growth to reach the sun and also to compete with other trees to get its share of rainwater. Only by ‘overcoming such odds, a tree becomes a “good timber.’ DR ee ee 3._What, according to Douglas Malloch, is the fate of those people who do not work hard in life? = Ans. According to Douglas Malloch, the fate of the people who do not work hard in life is that they do not ‘achieve Th a attain excellence It compares trees to human beings. It states that people, like trees, grow challenges. It is only through struggle, like a tree fighting through for BOW and discover our true potential. Thus, the central idea of the poem is th sul, fruitful, and contented life. ne is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each ver : Timber’ is ‘AA BB CC.’ ikg-hilss that continues throughout a series of v lines, and sometimes consists of an éntine Sughout the poem, the poet compares trees {9 their full potential by overcoming hardship to get the sun, that we grow and discover our true potential, The table life do not become strong. The common law of nature js SS difficulties. No one is exempt from the law of nature, © ‘some students having good voice quality and range, SF them to read aloud the poem ‘Good Timber’ with ‘ment on the message of the poem, the poet’s use of onation and stress patterns. Now invite the class By the end of the unit, the students will be able t ~ analyze story elements: Characters, events, setting, plot, theme, tone, point otvieg identity the speaker or narrator in a selection Fecoghize the author's purpose and point of view and their effects on th identity universal themes- present in literature across all cult read a text to make connections between characters, events, mat ee uses of conficts in texts across cultures identity and demonstrate use of relative pronouns. <2 Use various reference sources to refine v figurative, idiomatic and technical vocabulary Q interpersonal academic workplace situation including S FROM MOTHER, WITH LOVE es eStats slit ti 222) Be Fit PL: a Q [ Sg ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Hawley. She wants to go to bogsfidg’school, Mary Hill. She could not dito stay at home because her mother was recovgifw@rom an operation. ‘asks her to go to the beach to collect clams Oapté ‘her admission to Mary Hill wy ais her that the doctor has told him that rfroner has only less than three months to liv at want her to go to Mary Hill school this yedc aso. He tells her that not only her mother but he 's mother stays at home. Minta thinks 2s her mother collecting leaves, @ when she thinks of her mother, in to the hospital, and she te} sral of her mother. One day noe her camera and takes pictures of her mother is going to die soon. Her mother comes in and comforts \ta to take care of her father. After that, Minta never cries. int comes to collect her mother's clothes to give them to churd 1's clothes from the cl } Sees tWo Suitcases which her father had given to her mother on fhem and found that ere Christmas presents in them. On each gift, the name of the pers twas to be given, Shay€alizes that her mother knew about her death father that qither knew about her death. She reconciles with her mother's death. She go yes her father ast@pple to eat, and sits on her mother's chair. Pitan gl Went Fai F Fest Mellin. eid Fitzy ch Shara 8 SIE Se NA BB inst st So cor POLE BESS ce sinL vin Seo Hide few SALE Ms Lab Se teh Mi for Lane err SESE A ban SSS30 \ big ea bobdite MW tng FEL Ee ne SLM ASIbe fi th Petia Be Dat aaa tLe SMES new Sai when we talk about things whose — instead of his/her or their > ¥ We also sometimes use that for wholwhich. eS 4, {talked to the girl who car had broken down in front of the shop. Mr. Nizam, whois a taxi driver, lives on the corner. & 3. __ Ilive ina house in Hayatabad which is in Peshawar. “> 4 Thisis the girl who comes from Spain. oa 6 That's Abrar, the boy who has just arrived at the airport. »y 6 Thank you very much for your e-mail which was very interesting. «O 7 _Theman, whose father is a professor, forgot his umbrella. LW 8 Thechildren who shouted in the street are not from our schgQl-~ 9 The car, whose driver is a young man, is from Ireland, Oo What did you do with the money which your mother B, Underline the indefinite pronoun (or pronou Indefinite pronouns across these sentence; in the following sentences. There are a total of 10 in use these pronouns in your own tence A pronoun which does not refer to at On ‘cific person, thing or amount is called an indefinite Pronoun, It is “not definite”. Same Re NSH indefinite pronouns are anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything, few, many, ;omebody/someone Everybody enjoys cricket Does anybody have th ‘One student read others listen to him carefully. all, another, any, anybody/an hobody, none, one, several, s ‘No, the secret was known by many. Calculus is too hard for some. bt ‘Surely you recognize somebody. _* Is there anything that | can do? 1 a 3 4 Noto no le I've seen. 5 ‘The secret was KROWn by few. 7 \definite pronouns. ee It’s Country For Ae By the end of the unit, the students will be able to: * analyze passages in the text to identify the theme! general subject, key idea/ ce eeaNHought (2 statement abg the general subject), and supporting details Sent end recognize the functions of transitional devices used for coheren * apply critical thinking to interact with text Use intensive reading strateg Sean to answer short questions. “> atopy ied, * make simple inference using co: * distinguish between what is * use various reference sources ine vo figurative, idiomatic and tech; © workplace situation includ h and writing Patricia Demuth and her husban: towns in lowa where they Hem team: When they decided tage a book about rural America, they fo for their story. They took bet ph sons with them and lived Farm Man, which was awarge’¢Best Children Book of 1 AA ce 7! SP Pah er ‘This story is about a thiteen years old boy named Joel. He lives on a farm with his family. He studles M8 School. He is a briliant student, After school, he helps his family in doing farm work Seis other enka hum s0 food Lamby. Lamby isa litie lamb whose mother has died, It is 11:15 at night jumps aepes bbed and goes to the barn to feed Lamby. He frequently visits the barn. He knows everything | the barn. He enjoys doing work at the farm : tee had friends who were part of a fami nd a farm in Wisconsin to serve as a settin isconsin where she wrote the book, Joel! Growing Up! 982 by the Society of Midland Authors, LIM iagtuts 6 Ly TL a Lh ies Whe Mite Fal h saghstrerne marmite i Lag OSG S1 9822 50 the doorstep 3 yi fo figs Ho tet dita enbines2 Lag taints di SLLL AV AINE At tLe Isis s WGP SH Kom & LORE Ir i ‘cold and the yard light the : ‘Soba. breaths. A dim crescent rfogyr Aung. : ape Tre night, “LLU Bo PSS? su ne ete So £upy ue tea iS po 8 O lol LA gb leet Se AL ASML gee scale; and businesspeople, man: e QHessive, enormous, gigantic, colossal, great UISferson qualified to treat diseased or injured animals take care of, care for, attend, maintain tice (/), continues, Jeaming seriously because his aiAenSee Vb ne aL Kl Le Dee He is extremely v4 £1) slot and Love mtbr re uth en SB hee wo r eas ca RP IMEI EEL Nore Ce insshtend a seed customer inthe tatu repent deat d and Betty Hollands six children. Only he , still ive at home. Two other brothers, Bill each day to eat meals with the family. Bill and | farms. Each has neighbouring farms. Each has id, but they farm their land collectively ¢, ' S.J) F wf eNE Lather children, Kevin and Kathy, do not lve at home. This year v¥-22-y , | Will Graduate from college in Chicago. He will be the w. tiuantity or amount in excess of what is required en fatigue, annoying , dull, laborious To hang ae ee Faris information that fs fact is infe is truc and can be verified. In contrast, an opinion Is @ personal belief. The events the writer are i att opr es Reon Beer ‘with opinions. For instance, talking about Joel's interest in animals, the mae eet says, “Since ~ ah ner, have-been Jodt’s threethansandth trlp 10 che barns” THE Hay 5 goes in and out of barns at ke s the writer has eo Beep oth Ticks and opinions, of barns at least ten times a day”. This is bow Ffow coherence and cohesion are achieved in the 7 a ‘essay ‘It's Country for Me’ Goference is the logical connectivity of ideas or concepts, whereas cohesion is lo with grammatical accuracy. The essay ‘It's Country for Me" starts with declarative se testy follows the same pattern. Joel and his duty, caring farm and its related th ese: Everything is written. in a straightforward and clear language with punetuations. The plot construction is simple and logically constructed < Explain the significance of the title, It's Country for Me’ and its connéetion Tollives on a farmhouse with his family. He loves his farm, animals Bing, and ral life. He t ‘on the farmhouse and says that his in village life and listens to his elders very keenly. He spend; is life farmhouse, land, and animals are the whole world to him. 7 Auld of the essay describes its theme; it explains its purpose. It shows that a 13 years old Joc! enjoys his coun and wishes to spend the rest of his life there, That is why he says “It’s Country for Me. “Lamby’, the of} gical arr and the rest of the peatedly appear in this hil sentence structure and akes ar Describe Joel's treatment of ! show? Joel is attached to animals of the farm. H “Lamby’, an orphaned lamb ‘and a small dog ‘Jessica’. ‘When his ; mother asks him to go and feed Lam| bam, he jumps up without a frown, even when it was so: late in the J ceompanies him, which shows Jessica’sattacbment to Joel. He feeds night, When he goes out, his dog 's treatment of Lamby and Jessica the litle Lamby with care, an shows his affection and loy ‘ows how to take care of the animals. Joel’ nimals on the farm, Italso shows that he can take good care of these animals. hat of Joe's. How would you rate the motivational level of Tm with his family. He works very hard. He helps his family daily routine. He is a teenager but does the work of an adult, Shool, works on the fa ‘This is his He uses his youthful ener ‘On the other hand, I live in a city. 1 also help my family in 4 work with other family members. I help my younger Jn hard-working as Joel is. This lesson is a source of in feeding eaiti and ploughing the fields. He is enthusiastic about learning farming. ier, he works eight 10 fifieen hours a dy domestic affairs. I help my father in his business an brothers and sisters in their studies. Howey, Tam not as muc! to help my family in a better way. inspiration to me and motivates ME farmer? say to lear and perform work on the farm. In ‘skills one is required to learn ra full-fledged farmer, one must Trave the skills of driving powerful vehicles, repairing machinery, have jst and food producer, have the basic knowledge of a veterinarian to ténd sick animals, Keen administrator to manage farm accounts in an organized one should be @ ful farmer, he has to acquire multiple skill five'students. Every student of the group should give oralggQSunt, imaginary oF fag hilly or rural areas. rch the following words related to spac ice and astronomy in authentic source and vr the correct word in front of its fing below. dock countdown orbit gravity lift-off manned Splashdown e rtical thinking to respond orally and in writing to the text (post-reading) to: give a personal opinion and justify stance related to viewpoints/ ideas sae issu a jes in the text read. © relate what is read to his or her own feelings and experiences ww © scan to answer short questions. da given poem and: give orally and in writing: © theme and its development. © personal response with justification. 2 Tecognize literary techniques such as personification ae QRen Snalyse how a writer/ poet uses language to: ‘© appeal to the senses through use of ssgeatve language including similes, metaphors an¢ imagery K o setto * develop focus for own writing by iden! demonstrate a heightened ew “interaction te xy ‘0 present and explall a point of view clearly support or modifidexone's opinion with reasons acknowledged¢nar's contribution share Inforpetion and ideas clarif rase, explain, ex! ate the Bee and all functions of mo se various reference sources to refine vocal ‘uding figurative, idiomatic and technical vocabulary: ‘audience and purpose. of conventions and dynamics of ‘grou! p discussion an pand and restate information and ideas. dal verbs. bulary for interpersonal academic workplace situat . Behone on SbOut her struggles in le. She pakoe that she had to face many dif heck erect such challenges. He mudepercome tron ‘succeed in life, her life has not been an ®asy climb up a set of fal stairs. It has not been a life of INGETOUS and challenging staircase that eh ad to climb. to climb were full of nails and splinters, + Steps of the stairs were falling apart. But shal ven when it was dark "e were no lights to guide her. She overean Gesiies. sho tells her always to keey umey is challenging. She t an easy climb up a set of : ; »P Moving forward. is him to take courage from crystal stairs. Reh tnid Ke nb a) e aitins the Pos. The poem explains the dig compares he li iho taeeofatiwves 8? 2 acu “Pe i ABS use, SnD pe gh Ladyte sake PES Ke wel hed Weegur sly we nial Seren set TF whe Unoe et fd Unseen Soct SBE Sunbird, ie smal. thin, sharp piece of wood, glass, or similar material broken off from a larger place Long, tin, fat plese of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other bulding purpooea a level area at the top of a staircase or between one flight of stairs and another, Characterized by an effort to the point of exhaustion. Non-standard form of have /I am’ Lines 1-7 Well, son, 1 tell you Life for me ain't been no crystal star. It’s had tacks in it, And splinters, ‘And boards torn up, And pieces with no carpet on the floor— Bare Ter eoe lines, the mother tells her so Wt her life was not easy. Her lfe was not like climbing a crystal stair Brinton earaigtatcase which was dangejao climb. The panels of her staresse were wae up, and it had tacks a Splinters coming of its boards. There wagon ‘arpet on the floor. But she had to climb the staircase Lines 8-13 Butall the time Ss 1'se been a-ciimbin’ on, And reachin’ landin; And turin’ corn "in the dark been no light. ‘ahead on the staircase of life Lines 14-20 ‘So boy, don't you turn back Don't you set down on the steps ‘Cause you finds it's kinder hard, Don't you fall now— For''se still goin’, honey, i I'se still climbin’, ag And life for me ain't been no crystal stair. ‘with no carpet on the floor- have been taken the poem “Mother to Son” written by Langston H) ‘explains the dignity and determination of a person when hi problems in life. The speaker, who is @ ‘compares her life to an uneven staircase and says that one sho jve up struggle in life. She says that life is challenges, difficulties, and confusions, and a person shoul ‘ont them with courage and determination. {this poem, a mother instructs her son to continue his str patience, resilience, and hope. y these lines, the poet shares the experience of a moth Fi ills her son that her life was not a crystal stair for her easy, shiny, beautiful and smooth ascent. But ’a staircase for her that was dangerous and falling apart tr lis and panels that were torn up. Tie staircase was dark for her and she had to do much struggle fo where she used to live ey ‘carpet. She tells her son that she had to work hard in her life. & re ‘ nity and determination of a person when he faces problems in life. The uneven staircase and says that one should not give up struggle in life. She ‘and confusions, and a person should confront them with courage and instructs her son to continue his struggle with patience, nana hope. ef says to her son that he should not lose heart if he fac g and keep struggling for rising on the same stalrcas@6h which she is rising, and courage. He should t till keeps ascending on the same staircase. Petes life, she faced hurdles and . She kept on climbing the stairs. She, therefor s her son never lose heart ded metaphor, the metaphor runs ie other to Son”, the mother’s life described 9s 0 staircase 1 example of an extended metaphor. The mother explains that the bstacles, but she has always kept climbing the stairs despite the difficulties in doing so. Her the importance of persistence despite the challenges of life. = poem to Son’, Hughes repeats some lines. What function does it serve in the poem? jarepetition of the line “life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” which has cré wnusical quality in the r, the poet uses these repetitions to emphasize the mother’s anxiot tations from her son. wants him to be persistent in life like she has been, Hughes puts stress on iggles of the mother. The of ‘crystal stair’ is repeated in the last line to emphasize again the iggp@Mance of perpetual hard work ssary to achieve goals in life. at type of imagery is used in the poem ‘Mother to Son’? What dégs¥f suggest? is used to make readers perceive things with their fiva Sets. The poet has used different kinds of agery in the poem. The first line, "Well, son, T'll-tell you", @}¥ example of auditory imagery because the er wants fo say something important to her son. In sper line, “Life for me ain't been no crystal stair” thetic imagery has been used because the gion phrase ‘crystal stair’ implicitly refers to her life Next in “it’s had tacks in it”, the poet gives the exgnple of tactile imagery. It describes obstacles that come nother’s life. Next, the line “places with no carfghén the floor” gives a sense of visual imagery because the see the place without a carpet on the Sigg In short, the poet has used different types of imageries in the ‘to enhance the beauty of the poem. is the tone of the poem ‘Mothes{(Son'? Support your view with instances from the poem. is defined as the author’gngpNde towards a subject that is explored in his writing. In the poem “Mother on,” Langston Hughes’ t direct, didactic, and colloquial towards the subject of life. The speaker ii tic and straightforward @bort the difficulties of life, The speaker has not sugar-coated anything and want som to be persistent agg{etcrmined as she has been in her life. Y° WRITTEN SUGGESTION v Tike the poom ‘Mother to Son’? Write your response in a short paragraph. Thspires us to not give up no matter what happens and no matter how hard life can be. It encourages ‘and be the best that we can be. It describes the hardships and oppression the poor and underclass ty have to experience. However, this piece of advice from mother to son has a universal quality. It ean | ‘from any mother to any son, anywhere in the world. “planation of a verse/verses of poetry, divide your writing into two sub-headings: =i

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