3.Bhs Inggris

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Bahasa Inggris C.

8. We have two … to walk.
A. Cross (X) a, b, and c for the correct answear!
A. Hands B. Eyes C. Legs
1. After Monday is ….
9. Robich chews food using her …
A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday
2. Today is Thrusday.
A. Lips B. Mouth C. Teeth
It means yesterday was ….
10. Silfa always … in the morning.
A. Friday B. Saturday C. Wednesday
A. Sleeps
3. Indonesia commemorates the independence day in ….
B. Breakfast
A. August B. September C. October
C. Plays
4. Richo : Is this a shirt?
11. What does the girl always do?
Sasa : ….
A. She swims
A. Yes, it is
B. She sweeps
B. Yes, of course
C. She mopps
C. No, it is not
12. The English of berkebun is ….
A. Gardening B. Swimming C. Studying
5. What do women wear?
13. Fakih : How many weeks are there in a month?
A. B. C.
Yusril : There are … weeks.
A. Four B. Seven C. Twelve

6. These are my ….
A. Trousers
B. Skirt
C. Short
7. This is an ….
A. Eye
B. Ear
4. Mention three parts of the body!
B. Match each picture with the correct information!
Jawab: ….
1. ….
5. Mention three daily activities!

Jawab: ….
a. Finger
2. ….
6. Translate into English …
b. Friday
c. Raincoat Papan tulis =

d. Studying Kursi =
3. ….
e. May Meja =

Kotak pensil =
4. ….

5. ….

C. Answear each question below!

1. Mention three days of the week!

Jawab: ….

2. Mention three months of the year!

Jawab: ….

3. What do we wear to swim?

Jawab: ….

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