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Podcast name ______________

Announcer 1 - Yun
Announcer 2-Jaz
Guest 1 -Yes
Guest 2 -Diego

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Curtain Program presentation cover

Welcome words:

“Good morning everyone: my name is _____And my

Announcer 1 guests____. We welcome you to a new installment of...
In today's podcast we will talk about gastronomy, as a
cultural identity, which creates a sense of religious
identity and symbolizes the power of a society”

It is a pleasure for me to be here talking with you and I

Announcer 2 am pleased to have ______ (names) gastronomy
students from the Isima campus.

Guests 1,2,3 Good afternoon

It's a pleasure to be here on this podcast, thank you for

Guest 2 inviting us

Announcer 1 Well, talking about this topic, which is gastronomy,

which is a heritage of humidity.
How has this experience of studying gastronomy
Guest 1 It is a creative career that allows you to experiment and
grow on a personal and professional level, without a
doubt, in a balance that can fill you with satisfaction.

Guest 2 As my partner says it can be a personal experience for

many, because many times the creative process is
more efficient if no one interrupts the preparation of a
dish, the reality is that Gastronomy It is a huge industry
that requires at all stages teamwork

Guest 1 To complete what they say, it is very true, the truth is

that it is a Huge industry that requires teamwork but
more than that from my point of view is the desire to
learn something new every day.

Announcer 1 Without a doubt, this experience will allow you to gain

valuable knowledge for your professional growth.

Announcer 2 Tell us guys what led you to study gastronomy?

The truth is that the decision to study gastronomy was

Guest 2 more out of passion for cooking since I helped my
mother since I was little and I liked it over the years
and experimenting with new flavors.

Well, on my part, it was because I liked creating

Guest 1 desserts since I was a child, and I made the decision
because I like to learn more than just making a dish,
but rather the experience that it gives you different
areas of opportunity

In my case it is more because I want to help my family

Guest 2 with the family business which has been dedicated to
selling food since my childhood.

Announcer 2 Let's talk a little more about your experience and what
recommendations you give to people who want to
study this career..

Guest 1 From my point of view it is a very good career since it

helps you create skills in the kitchen through the
various existing culinary techniques such as the
current molecular cuisine where there are various
branches such as chemistry where you can see The
reaction when combining these compounds creates
unique experiences and dishes.

It is a very good career since it has a very wide variety

Guest 2 where you can work as a professional, on cruise ships,
in companies, and you can also specialize in various
cuisines. And for the kids who want to study this
career, I wish you the best and recommend that you
always pay attention to each cooking class since, for
example, cuts or backgrounds are the basis of
cooking.Gastronomy is an art that not everyone can
master or learn easily, we should not think that it is a
profession of only cooking, but that it also has theory
and each dish is a story told by its shapes,

Guest 1 Gastronomy is an art that not everyone can master or

learn easily, we should not think that it is a profession
of only cooking, but that it also has theory and each
dish is a story told by its shapes, colors, aromas and

Announcer 2 With the time they have been studying Did you like
gastronomy as a career?

Guest 1 Yes we do

Announcer 1 To finish this episode of the podcast, what do you think

is important to study this career?

Guest 1 I think it is important to take into account that we must

learn different languages, as well as history, since
through the dish you can describe certain cultures.
Announcer 1 Thank you for being here and taking a little of your

Guest 2 Thanks to you for inviting us, we had a very good time.

Announcer 2 Thank you, well this would be for today, see you in the
next episode of this podcast, goodbye, nice afternoon

Curtain .

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