5 Useful Tips To Learn English

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5 useful tips

to learn
Cruz Perez Daryam Montserrat 1-D

Read (a lot!) In English

Reading is a great way to speed up your learning, as it helps
you absorb the language and learn grammar in context. All
types of reading are valid, from children's books and comic
strips full of illustration

Watch YouTube channels and listen to

Look for as many opportunities to listen to the language you
are learning.
Listening to music in English, audiobooks or podcasts are also
a great option. You can do it in your spare time, while cleaning
at home or on the way to work. Even if you don't understand
everything, you will be exposed to English and your listening
skills will gradually develop.

Review the lesson and notes after

each English class
review the slides and vocabulary or reread the notes for
corrections. If there are words you don't know, write them
down and review them later. The next day try to review
writing what you have learned or talking to someone
about the class in English.

Learn 4 words in English every

Every morning think of four words in your language that you
don't know in English and write them down in a notebook.
These are going to be your vocabulary for the day. You have
to repeat the words all day

Are you from mornings or nights?

find your schedule
Do you work better at night or in the morning? Decide
when you are in the best position to learn English easily,
and choose the time that works best for you.


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