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RICE IN Viet Nam
BSA301202 - GROUP 6

Phạm Thị Thu Trang 20070368

Nguyễn Đăng Hưng 20070204
Nguyễn Thị Phương Linh 20070232
Đinh Hương Trà 20070353
Lê Thị Phương Thanh 20070323
Trịnh Thị Thùy Trang 21070640

Hanoi, June 16th, 2023

Table of contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................ 5

1.1. Background and Necessity of the Research ...................................................... 5

1.2. Research Objective............................................................................................ 6

1.3. Research Question ............................................................................................. 7

1.4. Research Scope ................................................................................................. 7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................... 8

2.1. Review of Related Studies ................................................................................ 8

2.2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 8

2.2.1. Concern about Health ................................................................................. 8

2.2.2. Product Quality ........................................................................................... 9

2.2.3. Price Perception .......................................................................................... 9

2.2.4. Subjective Norms...................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 11

3.1. Sampling and Data Collection ........................................................................ 11

3.2. Designing Questionnaires ............................................................................... 11

3.3. Analyzing the Data Plan ................................................................................. 13

3.3.1. Encoding terms for data testing ................................................................ 13

3.3.2. Descriptive statistics analysis ................................................................... 15

3.3.3. Reliability analysis by Cronbach’s Alpha ................................................ 15

3.3.4. Exploratory factor analysis ....................................................................... 17

3.3.5. Regression analysis ................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATIONS AND FINDINGS .................................. 20

4.1. Data Description.............................................................................................. 20

4.1.1. Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................ 22

4.1.2. Frequencies Analysis ................................................................................ 25

4.2. Case Processing Summary .............................................................................. 32

4.3. Cronbach’s Alpha............................................................................................ 33

4.2.1. Reliability Statistics of the CH Scale ....................................................... 33

4.2.2. Reliability Statistics of the PQ Scale ........................................................ 34

4.2.3. Reliability Statistics of the PP Scale ......................................................... 35

4.2.4. Reliability Statistics of the SN Scale ........................................................ 36

4.2.5. Reliability Statistics of the IBR Scale ...................................................... 37

4.4. Exploratory factor analysis ............................................................................. 38

4.4.1. KMO and Bartlett's Test for the independent variable (Subject Norms
variable) .............................................................................................................. 38

4.4.2. KMO and Bartlett's Test for the dependent variable (Intention to buy rice)
............................................................................................................................ 40

4.5. Regression Analysis ........................................................................................ 42

4.5.1 Correlation Analysis .................................................................................. 42

4.5.2. Regression analysis ................................................................................... 43

CHAPTER 5: RESEARCH CONCLUSION ............................................................ 46

5.1. Recommendation............................................................................................. 46

5.2. Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 46

References ................................................................................................................. 47

Contribution ............................................................................................................... 49

Appendix ................................................................................................................... 49

List of Figures
Figure 1: Factors affecting consumer decision .................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Research Question ............................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Table of Questionnaires ..................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Encoding terms .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 6: Profile of Respondents ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 7: Descriptive Statistics .......................................................................................... 22
Figure 8: Frequencies Analysis ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 9: Case Processing Summary ................................................................................. 33
Figure 10: Reliability Statistics of CH Scale ..................................................................... 33
Figure 11: Reliability Statistics of the PQ Scale ............................................................... 34
Figure 12: Reliability Statistics of the PP Scale ................................................................ 35
Figure 13: Reliability Statistics of the SN Scale ............................................................... 36
Figure 14: Reliability Statistics of the IBR Scale.............................................................. 37
Figure 15: KMO and Bartlett's Test for SN variable ......................................................... 38
Figure 16: KMO and Bartlett's Test for IBR variable ....................................................... 40
Figure 17: Correlations Analysis ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 18: Regression Analysis ......................................................................................... 43

The study aims to determine the factors affecting the intention to buy organic rice
for consumers in Ha Noi. Today, as health concerns become more increased, people
are more likely to purchase organic items such as organic rice. Therefore, this
research is to examine the influence of the following factors: attitude toward organic
rice, health concerns, subjective standards, knowledge about organic rice, perceived
price, perception of quality, and concern for the environment on their purchasing
behavior for organic rice. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of these elements
towards Organic Rice Brands, and Organic Rice Purchase Intention. The survey was
conducted in 2023 with a sample of 150 consumers in Ha Noi and analyzed using a
multivariable regression model, thereby assessing the influence of independent
variables on dependent variables, evaluating the scale's reliability, and testing the
theoretical model. These are people who care about their health and are interested in
organic products such as workers and young people.

The research was using a different method. The main source of primary data is the
questionnaire, which is also Personal data from surveyors such as age, and income.
The participants were asked to comment on what motivated them to buy organic
rice-like (1) Concern about health, (2) Product quality, (3) Price, and (4) Subject
norms. Besides the questionnaire, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) software version 20 was also used for data analysis.

In conclusion, some factors directly influence the purchase intention of organic rice.
The organic rice sector can have adequate knowledge about customers' behavior in
buying rice. From there, we would like to recommend some ways to enhance the
quality of the company's rice products and figure out a way to increase its customer
and sales base.

1.1. Background and Necessity of the Research

Vietnam is an agricultural nation with a reputation for its rice production,

however, the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and stimulants in the current
agricultural cultivation environment process, as well as improper storage has
reduced the number of nutrients, significantly affecting humans, the school, … At
the same time, the trend of using organic goods is becoming booming in demand
worldwide. Vietnam is also among these, and organic rice is a sample because it
is good for health and does not harm the environment.

Organic rice is a food made from plants that possess all the qualities of organic
food. To ensure cleanliness, organic rice is grown in a controlled process without
the use of genetically modified organisms, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or
other growth-stimulating agents. Meanwhile, regular rice contains a fair amount
of sugar and may not be good for people with diabetes or obesity. Therefore,
using organic rice will provide consumers with better health benefits.

This research focuses on determining the factors that attract consumers in the
VIETNAM market to choose organic rice as their daily food and the main subject
of this study is consumers.

1.2. Research Objective
This study examines the factors influencing consumers' purchase decisions
regarding organic rice in the Vietnamese market. Previous research on similar topics
suggests that several key factors may play a role in customer considerations,
including price, quality, and health benefits…. Conducting further research is
necessary to gain a deeper understanding of these factors and their impact on
consumer decision-making.

Figure 1: Factors affecting consumer decision

1.3. Research Question
This research will answer the following question: “What are the main
Figure 2: Research Question

1.4. Research Scope

Research data were collected from 150 consumers in Vietnam, through online
surveys on different channels. The time range was from 04/25/2023 to

2.1. Review of Related Studies
Consumer attitudes concerning agricultural goods containing pesticides have been
studied going back to the 1960s. This prior research revealed that a variety of factors
affect customers' decisions to purchase organic food. The decision-making process
known as "intention to buy" examines why a buyer decides to pay for a specific
brand (Shah et al., 2012). Purchase intention was defined as a consumer's propensity
towards buying a specific product in a particular circumstance by Martinez et al.

Consumer behavior, perceptions, and attitudes frequently correspond to purchase

intention. Generally, consumers visit and rate a product based on their purchasing
habits. According to Ghosh (1990), purchase intent is an accurate gauge of the
buying process. The packaging design, cost, quality, or location will influence
whether someone decides to make a purchase. The purchasing process of consumers
is influenced by an extensive array of variables. These elements are categorized and
organized in various ways across the literature. Magnusson et al. (2001) assert that
price is often a barrier to consumers buying safe food, whereas Philip Kotler et al.
(2001) counter that customers tend to believe that high costs are a sign of good
quality. The study by Cavite et al also reveals that customers’ concern about their
health affects purchasing organic food.

2.2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

2.2.1. Concern about Health

Health consciousness strongly influences the purchase of safe food, including

organic rice (Chong & Nahid, 2013; Katt & Meixner, 2020). Health concerns
positively affect the intention to buy organic food (Dickieson & Arkus, 2009).
Human health is affected by many factors such as diseases, environmental factors,
food, etc., so it is necessary to be smart with food choices, and since rice is a food

used regularly, it is necessary to ensure safety. safe, not latent or causing the
accumulation of toxic substances affecting the body. Thus, in the process of forming
and influencing consumers' purchasing intentions, health is an important factor.
=> Hypothesis H1: Health care has a positive (+) effect on the intention to buy
organic rice.

2.2.2. Product Quality

Many previous studies have seen the influence of perceived quality on and intention
to purchase safe food in general (Magnusson et al., 2001; Nguyen, 2011; Trinh
Phuoc Nguyen, 2020). Research by Jay Dickieson and Victoria Arkus (Dickieson &
Arkus, 2009) also concludes that concern about the quality of safe food is the
strongest factor influencing the intention to buy safe food. Perception of the quality
of organic rice is the consumer's understanding of the good qualities of rice such as
grain shape, color, size, taste... and external manifestations such as price, source
origin, place of business, and product brand... (Olson, 1977).

=> Hypothesis H2: Perceived quality of organic rice has a positive effect (+) on the
intention to buy organic rice.

2.2.3. Price Perception

Consumers often have the perception that the price of safe food is higher than the
price of normal food (Magnusson et al., 2001). Perceived price is the customer's
assessment of the level of sacrifice and its value relative to what they receive
(Olson, 1977). In a study conducted in Thailand (Kantamaturapoj & Marshall,
2020), retailers did not promote or try to reduce prices because they believed that
consumers are savvy enough to be willing to pay high prices for organic food. The
price may be high, but if the product is of good quality and suitable for budget
spending, more consumers will choose it, and vice versa.

=> Hypothesis H3: Perceived price has a positive (+) effect on the intention to buy
organic rice.

2.2.4. Subjective Norms

Subjective norms are social pressures that affect individuals' perceptions of whether
they should perform a behavior, which is determined by the belief that influencers
think that individuals this individual should perform the behavior (that group of
people can be family, friends, and other influencers) (Ajzen, 2002; Teng & Wang,
2015). Thus, the subjective norm is the social determinant of reflecting social
pressure on behavior (Wang & Gong, 2019). Previously published studies (Nguyen,
2011; Le Thuy Huong, 2014; Trinh Phuoc Nguyen et al., 2020) intention to buy
organic rice have also confirmed the positive influence between subjective norm and
intention. intend to buy. These subjective normative influences can be social factors
or intercultural influences, with beliefs about the opinions of others in choosing to
buy organic rice.

=> Hypothesis H4: Subjective norm has a positive effect (+) on the intention to buy
organic rice.


3.1. Sampling and Data Collection

• Sampling Method

The primary data used in this study was collected through an online survey using
structured questionnaires. The structured questionnaire aimed to identify the
variables affecting consumers' perceptions of the demand for organic rice.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and descriptive analysis were used to analyze the
information collected. Besides, we compiled a list of potential clients through
website searching, forums, and online social media groups. After that, we created an
online survey with several inquiries about client understanding and desire to
purchase organic rice. This enables us to obtain information that is more precise and
effective. Then, we will approach respondents and conduct the survey. This was
done through contact, text, or send mail to the respondents with the survey. In
particular, the information will all be kept private and used exclusively for research
to enhance our offerings.

• Sample Size

The sample size is a research term used to determine the number of observations
included in an investigation. The sample size in our research is 150.

3.2. Designing Questionnaires

The following is the data for the study, including relevant questions affecting
customers’ perceptions that are based on the research framework and theory
adoption. There are four independent variables: Product Quality, Concern about
Health, Price Perception, Subjective Norm, and one dependent variable: Intention to
Buy Rice.

Figure 3: Table of Questionnaires

Factors Coding Statement
Cavite et al., (2022);
1. Concern CH1 I don't like to eat other kinds of rice since I
about health know about organic rice Kapita et al., (2022)

CH2 I choose rice based on my concern about the


CH3 I usually select green products over

conventional products when comparing the

Hao Zhou, Duo Xia

2. Product PQ1 I think branded rice will have higher quality & Yuqing He (2019)
quality than normal rice

PQ2 I realize that organic rice retains a more

natural flavor than other types of rice

PQ3 I'm hesitant to buy organic rice since there are

a lot of fake products

Lee & Hwang

3. Price PP1 I agree that cost affects my pay for organic rice (2016); Laroche el
perception at., (2001); Foster &
Padel (2015)
PP2 I am willing to spend money on organic rice

PP3 The current price of organic rice is reasonable

for such quality rice

I buy organic rice because it is popular Xia Wang; Chunling
4. Subject Norm SN1 nowadays
Yu & YujieWei
I intend to buy organic rice after listening to
SN2 information on popular channels

The impact of people around affects the

SN3 intention to buy organic rice

Kotler, P., & Keller,

5. Intention to IBR1 I believe I will continue to use organic rice in K. (2012), L. (2006)
Buy Rice the future

IBR2 Everyone should utilize organic rice

IBR3 Organic rice is the best choice for all

3.3. Analyzing the Data Plan

3.3.1. Encoding terms for data testing
The table below is the encoding term for data testing.

Figure 4: Encoding terms

No Label Items

Concern about health

1 CH1 I don't like to eat other kinds of rice since I know about organic rice

2 CH2 I choose rice based on my concern about the health

3 CH3 I usually select green products over conventional products when

comparing the two

Product Quality

1 PQ1 I think branded rice will have higher quality than normal rice

2 PQ2 I realize that organic rice retains a more natural flavor than other types
of rice

3 PQ3 I'm hesitant to buy organic rice since there are a lot of fake products

Price Perception

1 PP1 I agree that cost affects my pay for organic rice

2 PP2 I am willing to spend money on organic rice

3 PP3 The current price of organic rice is reasonable for such quality rice

Subject Norm

1 SN1 I buy organic rice because it is popular nowadays

2 SN2 I intend to buy organic rice after listening to information on popular


3 SN3 The impact of people around affects the intention to buy organic rice

Intention to Buy Rice

1 IBR1 I believe I will continue to use organic rice in the future

2 IBR2 Everyone should utilize organic rice

3 IBR3 Organic rice is the best choice for all

The following are the Linkert scale of agreement extent.
Figure 5: Linkert scale of Agreement extends

Strongly disagree —> Strongly agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

The data was cleaned and processed by the software SPSS 20 for testing the
moderation effect. The processing data method is presented below:

3.3.2. Descriptive statistics analysis

We will run Descriptive statistics to measure consumer buying behavior. From there,
assess the main factors that affect their purchase intention.

To analyze the Descriptive statistics, in SPSS:

• Click Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Descriptives…

• Transfer the variables into the Items box
• Press "Ok" to start the descriptive statistics

To analyze the Frequency, in SPSS:

• Click Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Frequencies…

• Transfer the variables into the Items box
• Click "Ok" to launch the descriptive statistics analysis.

3.3.3. Reliability analysis by Cronbach’s Alpha

Next, we will evaluate the reliability of each factor by using Cronbach’s alpha. The
Cronbach alpha scale reliability test helps to check whether the observed variables
of the independent factor are reliable or not, good, or not. When a study has multiple

Likert questions in the questionnaire, it is necessary to determine if the scale is
reliable. This test measures how closely observed variables in the same factor are
correlated. It shows which of the observed variables of a factor has contributed to
the measurement of the concept of that factor, and which has not.

According to Nunnally (1978), a good scale should have Cronbach's Alpha

reliability of 0.7 or higher. Hair et al. (2009) also suggested that a scale that ensures
unidirectionality and reliability should reach Cronbach's Alpha threshold of 0.7 or
higher, however, as a preliminary exploratory study, the threshold is Cronbach's
Alpha of 0.6 is acceptable. The higher the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, the higher
the reliability of the scale.

The Corrected Item - Total Correlation is another crucial metric. Higher values of
the Corrected Item - Total association indicate better observed variable performance
if the observed variable exhibits a larger positive correlation with other scale
variables. Cristobal et al. (2007) said that a good scale is when the observed
variables have the Corrected Item - Total Correlation value of 0.3 or more. Thus,
when performing the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test, the observed variable has the
Corrected Item - Total Correlation coefficient of less than 0.3, it is necessary to
consider removing that observed variable. The quality of the observed variable will
increase with the Corrected Item - Total Correlation coefficient.

To calculate Cronbach’s Alpha, each question was a 5-point Likert item from
"strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Then in SPSS:

• Click Analyze > Scale > Reliability Analysis…

• Transfer the variables into the Items box and click on Statistic
• From the Descriptive, choose the Item, Scale, and Scale if the item deleted
options, and in the Inter-Item, select the Correlations option
• Click “Continue” then “Ok” to run the Reliability Analysis

3.3.4. Exploratory factor analysis

After testing the reliability of the Cronbach Alpha scale, we will conduct the
exploratory analysis (EFA) to consider the relationship between the variables in all
different groups (factors). This aims to discover the observed variables that load
more factors or observed variables are factored differently from the beginning.

Criteria in EFA analysis:

• KMO coefficient (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin): The value of KMO must be 0.5 or larger

(0.5 <= KMO <= 1). This is a sufficient condition for factor analysis to be
• Bartlett's test of sphericity: Sig Bartlett’s Test < 0.05. This shows that the
observed variables are correlated with each other in the factor.
• Eigenvalue: Eigenvalue > 1 is retained in the analytical model.
• Total Variance Explained ≥ 50% shows that the EFA model is suitable
• Factor loading: A measure that represents the correlation relationship between
the observed variable and the factor. A Multivariate Data Analysis load factor of
0.5 is a good quality observation variable, and the minimum should be 0.3,
according to Hair et al. (2010)

3.3.5. Regression analysis

After evaluating the reliability of the factors that affect customers' perceptions, and
analyzing the exploratory factor, we will test hypotheses about the relationship
between dependent and independent variables. If only one independent variable
exists, the model is called Simple Linear Regression (SLR). In case there are two or
more independent variables, the model is called Multiple Linear Regression (MLR).

• Univariate regression equation: Y = β0 + β1X + e

• Multiple regression equation: Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + … + βnXn + e

In there:

• Y: dependent variable, is the variable that is affected by another variable.

• X, X1, X2, Xn: independent variable, is the variable that affects other variables.
• β0: regression constant, which indicates what the value of Y would be without
the Xs.
• β1, β2, βn: regression coefficient. This index shows the change in Y caused by
the corresponding X.
• e: error. The larger this index, the less accurate the prediction of the regression or
more deviation from reality. The error in the population regression or the residual
in the sample regression represents two values, one is independent variables
outside the model, and the other is random errors.

We will evaluate whether the regression coefficient of each independent variable is

significant in the model or not based on the t (student) test with the hypothesis H0:
The regression coefficient of the independent variable Xi is 0. Inspection results:

• If Sig < 0.05: The regression coefficient of the variable Xi is statistically

different from zero, and the variable X1 has an impact on the dependent variable.
• If Sig > 0.05: The regression coefficient of the variable Xi is zero statistically
significant, the variable Xi has no impact on the dependent variable.

When analyzing the coefficient table, the variance exaggeration factor (VIF) needs
to be considered. VIF is an indicator of collinearity in a regression model. The
smaller the VIF, the less likely to occur multicollinearity. According to Hair et al.
(2009), a VIF threshold of 10 or higher will result in severe multicollinearity. Thus,
if the VIF coefficients of the independent variables are less than 10, the data does
not violate the multicollinearity assumption.

To run Regression Analysis, the Independent variables and dependent variables need
to be determined:

• Click Analyze > Regression > Linear…

• Transfer the independent variables into the Independent(s) box and the
dependent variables into the Dependent box

• Click on “Statistics” and select Confidence intervals in the Regression

Coefficients leaving the Level (%) option at "95"

• Click on “Continue” and then “Ok” to start the Regression Analysis


4.1. Data Description

After using SPSS to analyze the data of respondents, the table below is the summary
of the characteristics of respondents such as age, jobs, and average income status.

Figure 6: Profile of Respondents

No Respondent’s Profile Items Percent

1 Age Under 20 10.00

20 to 40 76.67

40 to 60 12.67

Over 60 0.67

Total 100

2 Jobs Student 16.00

Office workers 40.67

Homemaker 35.55

Freelancer 8.00

Total 100

3 Average Income < 7 million VND 9.33

7 - 15 million VND 32.67

Over 15 million VND 54.67

Others 3.33

Total 100


Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

under 20 15 10.0 10.0 10.0

20-40 115 76.7 76.7 86.7

Valid 40-60 19 12.7 12.7 99.3

over 60 1 .7 .7 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

student 24 16.0 16.0 16.0

61 40.7 40.7 56.7
homemaker 53 35.3 35.3 92.0

freelancer 12 8.0 8.0 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

Average income

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

under 7
14 9.3 9.3 9.3

7 mil - 15 mil 49 32.7 32.7 42.0

Valid over 15
82 54.7 54.7 96.7

others 5 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

From the analysis, respondents from the age of 20 – 40 have the greatest frequency.
In the job section, office workers are the most frequent respondent which is 40.67%,
and in the average income section, over 15 million is the most frequent respondent
which is 54.67%.
4.1.1. Descriptive Statistics
Figure 7: Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.

m m Deviation

I don't like to eat other

kinds of rice since I
150 1.00 5.00 3.2733 .96166
know about organic
I choose rice based on
my concern about the 150 1.00 5.00 3.6667 1.14497

I usually select green
products over
conventional products 150 1.00 5.00 3.5533 .87114
when comparing the
I think branded rice
will have higher
150 1.00 5.00 3.4600 1.04676
quality than normal
I realize that organic
rice retains a more
150 1.00 5.00 3.5600 .89353
natural flavor than
other types of rice
I’m hesitant to buy
organic rice since
150 1.00 5.00 3.2000 .96238
there are a lot of fake
I agree that cost affects
my pay for organic 150 1.00 5.00 3.4400 .99987
I am willing to spend
150 1.00 5.00 3.4333 .88550
money on organic rice
The current price of
organic rice is
150 1.00 5.00 3.4133 1.12439
reasonable for such
quality rice
I buy organic rice
because it is popular 150 1.00 5.00 3.4333 .96528
I intend to buy organic
rice after listening to
150 1.00 5.00 3.5933 .78660
information on
popular channels

The impact of people
around affects the
150 1.00 5.00 3.4200 .97120
intention to buy
organic rice
I believe I will
continue to use
150 1.00 5.00 3.4933 .84937
organic rice in the
Everyone should
150 1.00 5.00 3.6600 .94001
utilize organic rice
Organic rice is the best
150 1.00 5.00 3.5667 .86247
choice for all
Valid N (listwise) 150

The table above displays a summary of descriptive statistics. The minimum,

maximum, mean, and standard deviation are well-taken. 150 surveys were collected
online. The collected responses will be reviewed to identify unreliable responses. In
conclusion, we received all 150 legitimate responses to the 150 surveys.

As a rule of thumb, if the mean rounded to the first integer is closest to what value
of the Likert measure, we rate it at that value.

We will have the value snippets:

• 1.00 – 1.49 (rounded to 1): Strongly disagree

• 1.50 – 2.49 (rounded to 2): Disagree
• 2.50 – 3.49 (rounded to 3): Neutral
• 3.50 – 4.49 (rounded to 4): Agree
• 4.50 – 5.00 (rounded to 5): Strongly agree

We can see that most of the mean values of the answers in each question have an
average value of 3 to 4, so it can be concluded that the respondents have a neutral
opinion or agree with the points given in the survey.

4.1.2. Frequencies Analysis

The following are the summaries of the frequency analysis table of factors in
consumers’ behaviors. All the answers were validated and there is no missing value.

Figure 8: Frequencies Analysis

I don't like to eat other kinds of rice since I know about organic

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

5 3.3 3.3 3.3

Disagree 23 15.3 15.3 18.7

Valid Neutral 64 42.7 42.7 61.3

Agree 42 28.0 28.0 89.3

Strongly Agree 16 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have a neutral opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I choose rice based on my concern about the health

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

13 8.7 8.7 8.7

Disagree 7 4.7 4.7 13.3

Valid Neutral 32 21.3 21.3 34.7

Agree 63 42.0 42.0 76.7

Strongly Agree 35 23.3 23.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I usually select green products over conventional products when

comparing the two

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

4 2.7 2.7 2.7

Disagree 9 6.0 6.0 8.7

Valid Neutral 54 36.0 36.0 44.7

Agree 66 44.0 44.0 88.7

Strongly Agree 17 11.3 11.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I think branded rice will have higher quality than normal rice

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent

11 7.3 7.3 7.3

Disagree 10 6.7 6.7 14.0

Valid Neutral 48 32.0 32.0 46.0

Agree 61 40.7 40.7 86.7

Strongly Agree 20 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I realize that organic rice retains a more natural flavor than other
types of rice

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

4 2.7 2.7 2.7

Disagree 11 7.3 7.3 10.0

Valid Neutral 50 33.3 33.3 43.3

Agree 67 44.7 44.7 88.0

Strongly Agree 18 12.0 12.0 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I hesitate to buy organic rice since there are a lot of fake product

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

9 6.0 6.0 6.0

Disagree 19 12.7 12.7 18.7

Valid Neutral 66 44.0 44.0 62.7

Agree 45 30.0 30.0 92.7

Strongly Agree 11 7.3 7.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have a neutral opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I agree that cost affects my pay for organic rice

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

11 7.3 7.3 7.3

Disagree 9 6.0 6.0 13.3

Valid Neutral 47 31.3 31.3 44.7

Agree 69 46.0 46.0 90.7

Strongly Agree 14 9.3 9.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

The current price of organic rice is reasonable for such quality rice

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

11 7.3 7.3 7.3

Unreasonable 14 9.3 9.3 16.7

Valid Neutral 56 37.3 37.3 54.0

Reasonable 40 26.7 26.7 80.7

Very Reasonable 29 19.3 19.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I buy organic rice because it is popular nowadays

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

7 4.7 4.7 4.7

Disagree 13 8.7 8.7 13.3

Valid Neutral 55 36.7 36.7 50.0

Agree 58 38.7 38.7 88.7

Strongly Agree 17 11.3 11.3 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I intend to buy organic rice after listening to information on
popular channels

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

1 .7 .7 .7

Disagree 12 8.0 8.0 8.7

Valid Neutral 47 31.3 31.3 40.0

Agree 77 51.3 51.3 91.3

Strongly Agree 13 8.7 8.7 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

The impact of people around affects the intention to buy organic


Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

7 4.7 4.7 4.7

Disagree 16 10.7 10.7 15.3

Valid Neutral 49 32.7 32.7 48.0

Agree 63 42.0 42.0 90.0

Strongly Agree 15 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

I believe I will continue to use organic rice in the future

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

5 3.3 3.3 3.3

Disagree 8 5.3 5.3 8.7

Neutral 57 38.0 38.0 46.7

Agree 68 45.3 45.3 92.0

12 8.0 8.0 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

Everyone should utilize organic rice

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

6 4.0 4.0 4.0

Valid Disagree 9 6.0 6.0 10.0

Neutral 37 24.7 24.7 34.7

Agree 76 50.7 50.7 85.3

Strongly Agree 22 14.7 14.7 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

Organic rice is the best choice for all

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

5 3.3 3.3 3.3

Disagree 6 4.0 4.0 7.3

Valid Neutral 54 36.0 36.0 43.3

Agree 69 46.0 46.0 89.3

Strongly Agree 16 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 150 100.0 100.0

-> From the table, most of the respondents have an agreed opinion on the question
posed in the survey.

To sum up, respondents are likely to have a neutral opinion or agree with the survey.

4.2. Case Processing Summary

The following is the summary of the basic information about the observations when
conducting the Cronbach Alpha test.

Valid: Number of valid observations accepted into the statistics, there are no invalid

Excluded: Number of invalid observations included in the statistics.

From the table, it can be concluded that 150 cases are all validated.

Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 150 100.0

Cases Excluded 0 .0

Total 150 100.0

Figure 9: Case Processing Summary

4.3. Cronbach’s Alpha

4.2.1. Reliability Statistics of the CH Scale
Figure 10: Reliability Statistics of CH Scale

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.181 3

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Cronbach's

if Item Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

I don't like to eat other

kinds of rice since I
7.2200 2.267 .074 .174
know about organic

I choose rice based on
my concern about the 6.8267 1.554 .190 -.167a
I usually select green
products over
conventional products 6.9400 2.580 .024 .267
when comparing the

The test results show that all observed variables do not have a suitable correlation
coefficient on the total variable (> = 0.3). Cronbach's Alpha coefficient = 0.181 <
0.6, so it does not meet the requirements of reliability. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the Concern about Health scale is not reliable, and all 3 items are not
accepted. These items will be removed.

4.2.2. Reliability Statistics of the PQ Scale

Figure 11: Reliability Statistics of the PQ Scale

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.597 3

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Cronbach's

if Item Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

I think branded rice
will have higher
6.7600 2.130 .477 .381
quality than normal
I realize that organic
rice retains a more
6.6600 2.723 .394 .515
natural flavor than
other types of rice
I hesitate to buy
organic rice since
7.0200 2.651 .353 .571
there are a lot of fake

The test results show that all observed variables have a suitable correlation
coefficient on the total variable (>= 0.3). However, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient =
0.597 (< 0.6), so it does not meet the requirements of reliability. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the Product Quality scale is not reliable, and all 3 items are not
accepted. These items will be removed.

4.2.3. Reliability Statistics of the PP Scale

Figure 12: Reliability Statistics of the PP Scale

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.466 3

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Cronbach's

if Item Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

I agree that cost affects
my pay for organic 6.8467 2.775 .194 .524
I am willing to spend
6.8533 2.676 .331 .308
money on organic rice
The current price of
organic rice is
6.8733 2.017 .357 .232
reasonable for such
quality rice

The test results show that most of the observed variables have a suitable correlation
coefficient on the total variable (>= 0.3). However, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient =
0.466 (< 0.6), so it does not meet the requirements of reliability. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the Price Perception scale is not reliable, and all 3 items are not
accepted. These items will be removed.

4.2.4. Reliability Statistics of the SN Scale

Figure 13: Reliability Statistics of the SN Scale

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.762 3

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Cronbach's

if Item Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

I buy organic rice
because it is popular 7.0133 2.376 .592 .685
I intend to buy organic
rice after listening to
6.8533 2.784 .634 .653
information on
popular channels
The impact of people
around affects the
7.0267 2.402 .572 .709
intention to buy
organic rice

The test results show that the observed variables all have a correlation coefficient
over the appropriate total variable (>= 0.3). Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient = 0.762
(>= 0.6) should meet reliability requirements. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
Subjective Norm scale is reliable, and all 3 items are accepted.

4.2.5. Reliability Statistics of the IBR Scale

Figure 14: Reliability Statistics of the IBR Scale

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.818 3

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean Scale Corrected Cronbach's

if Item Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

I believe I will
continue to use
7.2267 2.499 .726 .697
organic rice in the
Everyone should
7.0600 2.325 .684 .740
utilize organic rice
Organic rice is the best
7.1533 2.694 .611 .809
choice for all

The test results show that the observed variables all have a correlation coefficient
over the appropriate total variable (> = 0.3). Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient = 0.818
(>= 0.6) should meet reliability requirements. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
Intention to Buy Rice scale is reliable, and all 3 items are accepted.

In conclusion, after making a reliability analysis, the Subject Norms and Intention to
Buy Rice scales are the 2 remaining scales that have high reliability.

4.4. Exploratory factor analysis

Since SN and IBR are the only two remaining scales that are reliable, we will
conduct the KMO and Bartlett’s Tests for these two factors.

4.4.1. KMO and Bartlett's Test for the independent variable (Subject Norms

The following table are the KMO and Bartlett’s Test for the independent variable

Figure 15: KMO and Bartlett's Test for SN variable

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling


Approx. Chi-Square 115.386
Bartlett's Test of
df 3
Sig. .000

In the KMO and Bartlett's Test, the KMO value measuring the sampling adequacy is
0.694, which is greater than 0.5 with Sig. 0.000 % (smaller than 5%). Therefore, we
can conclude that these numbers confirm the validity of data for exploratory factor

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative

Variance % Variance %

1 2.053 68.419 68.419 2.053 68.419 68.419

2 .518 17.274 85.693
3 .429 14.307 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

In this table, the eigenvalues of the three input variables are 2.053 (greater than 1).
The total extracted variance is (68.419 %) more than 50%. Thus, it is acceptable.

Component Matrixa


I intend to buy organic

rice after listening to
information on
popular channels

I buy organic rice
because it is popular .824
The impact of people
around affects the
intention to buy
organic rice

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Analysis.

a. 1 component extracted.

In the Component matrix table, the value of loading factors is all greater than 0.5.
Thus, none of the variables are excluded.

4.4.2. KMO and Bartlett's Test for the dependent variable (Intention to buy rice)
The following is the KMO and Bartlett’s Test for dependent variable IBR.

Figure 16: KMO and Bartlett's Test for IBR variable

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling

Approx. Chi-Square 162.409
Bartlett's Test of
df 3
Sig. .000

In the KMO and Bartlett's Test, the KMO value measuring the sampling adequacy is
0.7, which is greater than 0.5. with Sig. is 0.000 (less than 0.05). Therefore, we can
conclude that these numbers confirm the validity of data for exploratory factor

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative

Variance % Variance %

1 2.206 73.545 73.545 2.206 73.545 73.545

2 .481 16.044 89.589
3 .312 10.411 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

In this table, the eigenvalues of the three input variables are 2.206 (greater than 1).
The total extracted variance is (73.545 %) more than 50%. Thus, it is acceptable.

Component Matrixa


I believe I will
continue to use
organic rice in the
Everyone should
utilize organic rice
Organic rice is the best
choice for all

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Analysis. (a. 1
component extracted)

In the Component matrix table, the value of factors loading is all greater than 0.5.
Thus, none of the variables are excluded.

4.5. Regression Analysis

4.5.1 Correlation Analysis

Figure 17: Correlations Analysis


SNaverage IBRaverage

1 .536**
SNaverage Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
.536** 1
IBRaverage Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-

b. Listwise N=150

Since the sig values of all factors are 0.000 (less than 0.05), the independent variable
SN is statistically significant in considering the correlation with the IBR factor. The
SN factor is positively correlated with the dependent factor (IBR) because the
Pearson Correlation of the independent factors is 0.536, which is greater than 0.

4.5.2. Regression analysis
Figure 18: Regression Analysis


Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square

Regression 24.587 1 24.587 59.658 .000b

1 Residual 60.995 148 .412

Total 85.582 149

a. Dependent Variable: IBRaverage

b. Predictors: (Constant), SNaverage

The ANOVA table shows the result of the F test to evaluate the regression
model’s fit hypothesis. The Sig value in this table is 0.000 < 0,05, so the
regression model is suitable.

Model Summaryb
Mode R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics Durbin-
l Square the Estimate R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
Change Change Change
1 .536a .287 .282 .64197 .287 59.658 1 148 .000 2.182

a. Predictors: (Constant), SNaverage

b. Dependent Variable: IBRaverage

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Correlations Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Zero- Partial Part Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 1.688 .250 6.763 .000
SNaverage .541 .070 .536 7.724 .000 .536 .536 .536 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: IBRaverage

The Model Summary table shows the results of R squared (R Square) and Adjusted
R Square to evaluate the goodness of fit of the model. The adjusted R-squared value
of 0.282 shows that the independent variables included in the regression analysis
affect 28.2% of the variation of the dependent variable.

The results of this table also give Durbin–Watson values to evaluate the
phenomenon of first-order series autocorrelation. The value DW = 2.182, is in the
range of 1.5 to 2.5, so the results do not violate the assumption of first-order series
autocorrelation (Yahuo Qiao, 2011).

The coefficient table shows that the independent variable SN has a Sig value of less
than 0.05, therefore, it will have statistical significance in affecting the dependent
factor. At the same time, the VIF value is less than 10. Thus, there is no

In conclusion, the SN variable influences the dependent variable IBR. Nevertheless,

the regression coefficient of the SN variable has a positive sign, so has a positive
effect on the dependent variable.

Hypothetical conclusion:

• H4: Subjective norm (SN) has a positive effect (+) on the intention to buy
organic rice.

From the regression coefficients, we can build two normalized and unnormalized
regression equations in the following order:

IBR = 0.541* SNaverage + ε

IBR = 1.688 + 0.541* SNaverage +

5.1. Recommendation

The survey and use of SPSS to analyze the quality of customers' organic rice,
thereby proposing improvement measures to improve the quality of the company's
rice products along with product development orientation. The survey work has
helped the organic rice industry to have full knowledge about the rice buying
behavior of customers and factors that affect the intention to buy organic rice and
create a direction for businesses:

The intention to buy organic rice is a factor that helps to keep and develop the
quality factor of organic rice to reach users with a safe food source, moreover, to
locate organic rice in the hearts of customers.

The Subject norm for organic rice has a positive effect on the intention to buy the
most organic rice, which is also determined by the criteria of the surrounding
subjective environment. Therefore, creating a large development marketing
environment is a benefit for the company, and it is also a way to develop.

5.2. Conclusions

From the analysis of the survey documentation on the level of customer interest in
the demand for organic rice in Vietnam, there are 5 main parts to the SPSS system:
Health concern, perceived price, product quality, consumer object, and purchase
intention. The results of the Subject Norms and Intention to Buy Rice are the other
two scales with high reliability and impact factors for the study of organic rice
products. Finally, it is the subjective standard factor that has a strong impact on
consumers’ intention to buy organic rice from organic rice brands.

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Name Contribution
Phạm Thị Thu Trang – 20070368 100%
Nguyễn Đăng Hưng – 20070204 100%
Nguyễn Thị Phương Linh – 20070232 100%
Đinh Hương Trà – 20070353 100%
Lê Thị Phương Thanh – 20070323 100%
Trịnh Thị Thùy Trang – 21070640 100%

Dear you,
We are a group of third-year students, studying International Business in the
International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. First, allow us to extend
our warmest greetings, and best wishes to everyone, and a deep thank you to
everyone who has spent their time with us.
This is a small survey to help identify the needs and interests of healthy products of
Vietnamese customers. Although organic rice is one of the products that bring many
high nutritional values to everyone's health, especially for people with diabetes and
heart disease. Organic rice is currently an uncommon product in Vietnam, but with
the level of concern for human health, in the future, it will become a preferential
product not only in the country but also in other countries around the world. world.
The document surveying the level of customer intention about the need to use
organic rice in Vietnam includes 6 main parts: Health concern, attitude towards

organic rice level, perceived price, knowledge of organic food, concern for the
environment, and awareness of the quality of organic rice.
The survey content is presented in the form of abbreviated survey sentences. We
hope people are willing to take the survey and importantly give their own opinion.
Please fill out the survey completely and pay attention to all questions. We promise
that the information given will be kept confidential and applied only for research
use, and the data will only be published after it has been interpreted by statistical
processing tools.
Finally, once again we would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate
in the survey and provide us with valuable information!
1. How old are you?
• Under 19
• 20-40
• 40-60
• Over 60
• Other:

2. What is your job?

3. How much is your average monthly income?

• Under 7 million
• 7 mil-15 million
• Over 15 million
• Other:

4. Do you have a habit of changing types of rice to suit the taste of family members?
• Sometimes
• Always

• Rarely
• Never

5. What is your reason(s) for choosing rice products?

• Health benefits (organic or non-organic, etc)
• Product Quality
• Product price
• Wanted to try something new
• Brand awareness/ knowledge
• Other:

6. What organic products are you using?

• Organic rice
• Vegetable
• Fruits
• Others

7. Is organic rice recommended for your loyalty?

• NO

8. Why do you use organic rice?

• Good for digestive
• Good for cardiovascular
• Blood sugar control
9. Before knowing organic rice, which types of rice did you use for your family?
• Golden Lotus
• Tigifood
• Bac Huong

• MT Rice
• Others:

10. Where do you usually buy organic rice?

• Market
• Supermarket
• Grocery Store
• Other 11. How long have you known the organic rice brand?
• 1 year ago
• 1 year to 5 years
• 5 years to 10 years
• Over 10 years

12. What do you need to know about the organic rice product to buy it?
• Farmer/supplier information
• Nutrition facts
• Organic certification
• Instructions for use
• Food safety certification
• Other:

13. In your opinion, does the durability or preservation of the product affect the
choice of the product?

(Strongly agree - Strongly disagree)

1 2 3 4 5

14. I choose rice based on my concern about the health

• Strongly Disagree (1)

• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

15. I think branded rice will have higher quality than normal rice.
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

17. I usually select green products over conventional products when comparing the
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

18. I buy organic rice because it was popular nowadays

• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

19. I intend to buy organic rice after listening to information on popular channels
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)

•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

20. The impact of people around affects the intention to buy organic rice
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

21. I realize that organic rice retains a more natural flavor than other types of rice
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

22. I don't like to eat other kinds of rice since I know about organic rice
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

23. I hesitate to buy organic rice since there is a lot of fake product
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

24. I know how to distinguish genuine organic rice

• Yes
• No

25. How satisfied are you when using organic rice?

• Very satisfied
• Satisfied
• Neutral
• Dissatisfied
• Very dissatisfied
26. I agree that the cost affects paying for organic rice
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

27. With such quality rice, is the current selling price of organic rice reasonable?
(Very unreasonable - Very reasonable)

1 2 3 4 5
28. I am willing to spend money on organic rice
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

29. How likely are you to buy organic rice products if they were available in the
stores that you regularly visit?
(Not very likely – Very likely)

1 2 3 4 5

30. Assuming organic rice increases in price from 5000-10000 VND, will you
continue to use it?
• Yes
• No

31. How likely are you to buy organic rice products if we offered you a discount?

(Not very likely – Very likely)

1 2 3 4 5
32. If organic rice distribution companies hold promotions, what kind of promotion
do you want?

• Present
• Coupons
• Lucky Draw
• Buy 1 get one free
• Try it for free

33. How impression is the organic rice advertisement for you?

• Very impressive
• Impressive
• No impressive

34. Arrange the order of enjoyment of the promotions according to the following
• Very satisfied
• Satisfied
• Neutral
• Unsatisfied
• Very unsatisfied

35. I believe I will continue to use organic rice in the future.

• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)(
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

36. Do you think everyone should utilize organic rice?

• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

37. Are you willing to recommend organic rice to your friends when they have a
• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)

38. Organic rice is the best choice for all

• Strongly Disagree (1)
• Disagree (2)
• Neutral (3)
•Agree (4)
• Strongly agree (5)


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