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To: Alice@hotmail.

Subject: Hi

Hi Alice!

How are things? It's great to hear from you. I really miss you!

That's an interesting project your teacher has given you. Why

don't you write about the special day we had at school a month
ago? Everyone made or gave things to sell. There were cupcakes,
bread, pizza, books, pictures and clothes. Our families came and
we had a party. It was fantastic. We made £1,600!

We gave all the money to help protect honeybees. A lot of the

natural habitat for bees has gone because people have built
houses and roads on it. We need to save the bees!

Good luck with your project. Please write back and tell me about



Subject: Save the planet

Hi Charlotte,

Great to hear from you! I'm happy to help with your project. In
my country, people are doing many things to protect the planet.

We have community clean-up events where volunteers pick up

trash in parks and beaches. Schools run recycling programs and
hold eco-awareness campaigns. Many people are switching to
reusable bags and bottles to reduce plastic waste. Some areas
have started composting food waste to create natural
fertilizers. We're also planting trees to combat deforestation.

It's inspiring to see everyone working together for a greener


Good luck with your project!

Imagine you have a friend who doesn't know much
about global warming. Write an email to her/him
explaining what global warming is, its causes, and
its effects on our planet. Also, include some ways
we can help reduce it.

Subject: Understanding Global Warming

Hi Mustafa,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some information

about global warming, a __________________(1) issue affecting our
planet. Global warming refers to the long-term rise in Earth's
average _____________________(2), mainly caused by human
activities. When we burn ___________________(3) fuels like coal, oil,
and gas for energy, we release greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat,
creating a "_______________________(4) effect" that leads to a
gradual increase in global temperatures.

The effects of global warming are significant and far-reaching.

We're witnessing more frequent and severe weather events
like hurricanes, ________________(5), and heatwaves. Ice caps and
glaciers are melting, causing sea levels to rise, which threatens
coastal communities. Additionally, changing temperatures and
weather patterns disrupt __________________(6), leading to the
loss of biodiversity and affecting food production.

To combat global warming, we can take several actions to

reduce our carbon footprint. Simple steps like using
________________(7)-efficient appliances, reducing car travel, and
supporting renewable _______________(8) sources can make a big
difference. _________________(9), conserving water, and planting
trees also help mitigate the effects. By making sustainable
choices in our daily lives, we can collectively work towards a
____________________(10) planet for future generations.

Take care,










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