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Belén Oro


- Activity: to build a mind or concept map (draw it in such a way, you leave space for further
concepts as we progress in the field)
- Objective: to represent relationships of different concepts related to Anglophone Literature I,


- Activity: answer the following questions, briefly. You might resort to academic data. If you do so,
mention the source.
- Objective: to get some insight into the great sweep of literature.
1. What is Literature?
Literature is the total of preserved writings belonging to a given language or people. It is the class or the
total of writings, of a given country or period, which are notable for literary form or expression, as
distinguished from works merely technical or erudite, or from journalistic or other ephemeral writings.
2. Why does an author write?
I think there is no universal answer that could describe every writer’s opinion on why they chose the
literary path, but we could say that writing is a liberating force and an instrument to allow them to be all
they can be. For others writing may also be therapeutic and this offers them the chance to say what they
3. Why do we speak of historical periods?

We speak of historical periods to focus on specific characteristic of a particular time. It also helps us to
understand the transition or change of one time to another.

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