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Science, Technology, and Society Memory Aid

Third Term AY 2023-2024/ Prof. Romeo D. Erese III Week 1

Introduction to Science, Technology and Society

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history
2. Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society and the
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history

Sustainable Development Goals:

Concept Notes:

What is Science?

Science refers to systematic and methodological activity of building and organizing knowledge
about how the universe behaves through observation, experimentation or both.

Etymology of the word Technology

It came from the Latin word scientia which meant knowledge, a knowing, expertness, or

“Modern science is a discovery as well as an invention”

-John Heilbron, 2003
Science, Technology, and Society Memory Aid
Third Term AY 2023-2024/ Prof. Romeo D. Erese III Week 1

What is Technology?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce services,
materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems.

Etymology of the word Technology

“Techne” meaning ‘art, skill or cunning of hand’


As problems in science and technology continue to rise, the need to pay attention to their
various interactions with various aspects of life that also shapes the society, led to a new
academic discipline called Science, Technology and Society.

STS applies methods drawn from history, philosophy, and sociology to study the nature of
science and technology and ultimately judge their value and place in society.

Ten (10) Life Changing Discoveries

1. The Copernican System (Nicholas Copernicus,1543)

2. Gravity ( Isaac Newton,1664)
3. Electricity (Michael Faraday,1821)
4. Evolution (Charles Darwin, 1859)
5. Sterilization and Pasteurization ( Louis Pasteur, 1860)
6. Theory of Relativity ( Albert Einstein, 1905)
7. Big Bang Theory ( Georges Lamaitre,1927)
8. Penicillin (Alexander Fleming, 1928)
9. DNA (James Watson and Francis Crick ,1962)
10. HIV/ AIDS ( Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo 1984)

Greatest Inventions

1. Printing Press (Johannes Gutenberg, 1440)

2. Light Bulb ( Thomas Alba Edison, 1879)
3. Camera (Alexander Walcott, 1840)
4. Airplane, Automobiles with combustion engine (Henry Ford,1901)
5. Calculator, Telephone and smartphones (Blaise Pascal, abacus)
6. Radio, Television, Internet (20th Century inventions)
7. Robots, Artificial Intelligence
8. Banking, Credit Cards
Science, Technology, and Society Memory Aid
Third Term AY 2023-2024/ Prof. Romeo D. Erese III Week 1

10 Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Issues in Science and Technology

1. Helix/ DNA Tests - a digital app store designed to read genomes

2. BlessU-2 and Pepper - first robot priest and monk
3. Emotion Sensing and Facial Recognition - a software being developed to assess your
reactions to anything such as shopping and playing games
4. Ransom ware - a way of holding data hostage through hacking and requiring a ransom
to be paid
5. Textalyzer - a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or her phone during an
6. Social Credit system - a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them
under constant surveillance
7. Google clips - a hands-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly
8. Sentencing software - a mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts in sentencing
9. Friendbot - an app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one can still "chat" with
10. Citizen app - an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific

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