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International Business – 2024/1

Booster Juice )
Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think that Booster Juice not achieving success in India?

Booster Juice fails to achieve success in India mainly due to lack of awareness of the

Indian industry. Although being such a populated and large country gives you more

sales possibilities, it is much more difficult to connect with the audience considering

the cultural differences that existed within the same country between the different

states. Furthermore, it is a market that is full of substitute products with different

competitors that create various barriers to entry into the market.

2. Utilizing either a PESTL, OR PORTERS FIVE FOURCES MODEL Attempt to

describe India’s business environment.

Using the PESTEL analysis model within the Indian market we can identify:

Political: 28 states, recognized as a political power

Economic: A rapidly growing economy, a lot of corruption, economic ranking position in

2015 was 142, but well recognized for its purchasing power. Its market is considered one

of the largest markets in the world. The middle class earned more than 10,000 dollars a

year. India had the potential to become the world's largest middle-class consumer market.

Social: Wave of demand for healthy snacks, prevalence of English made it easier for

companies to enter India. India was the second most populous country in the world.
Technological: (not mentioned)

Eco-friendly: (not mentioned)

Legal: a very complex legal system when doing business and ranked 186 out of 189

according to the World Bank in economies that fulfilled contracts.

3. What do you see are the market segments and consumers for the brands products

The market segments for the Booster Juice company mainly in India is for health-

conscious people who are around 18 and 35 years old, who mainly belong to the middle

and upper class.

4. What would be your marketing mix for Booster Juice in India?

Mainly take advantage of what the competition is doing, given that it is a country that

has a lot of competition within the market, with many substitutes. Booster Juice

should have understood the different Indian cultures well and tried to focus their

advertising according to the different states. Thus generating a sense of permanence in

every corner of Indian culture.

5. What would have been your suggestion entry strategy for the brand in India in


Booster Juice's entry strategy to enter the Indian market is thanks to a key ally such as

Fazle Naqvi, who knew the retail market and was key for Booster Juice to enter India.

In this way, Fazle Naqvi, who was already a big fan of Booster Juice in Canada,

becomes a Master Franchisee to enter the Indian market. Fazle Naqvi had good

connections with different shopping malls, developers and real estate agents. Working

together created the perfect opportunity for both parties.

The strategy that would have been most effective could have been to study the

different Indian cultures and begin to position the Booster Juice brand based on a

specific culture. That is, look for states in which similar cultures exist in order to

optimize Marketing resources and understand consumer behavior from that. And

based on that, we can scale the business in different states or cultures given that it is a

multicultural country with great possibilities given its large number of inhabitants.

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