Global WarmingPosterR2S

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Global Warming Poster


Causes of Global Warming

➔ Burning of fossil fuels

➔ Deforestation and land-use changes
➔ Industrial processes
➔ Agricultural practices
➔ Use of synthetic greenhouse gas
➔ Increased energy consumption and demand for goods
➔ Changes in land surface
➔ Waste management

Between 1980 and 2010, the least common events were geophysical events and the most common
events were other weather-related events. The other events; droughts, floods and storms did not
happen as much as other weather-related events. However, they happened more times as other
weather-related events except geophysical events and droughts. According to the bar chart, the
disasters will be more in the next coming years.
Future disasters of global warming
➔ Sea level rise
➔ Drought
➔ Extreme heat
➔ Melting sea ice
➔ Cyclones
➔ Deadly heat waves
➔ Pandemics
➔ Changes in Precipitation Patterns
➔ Floods
➔ Heatwave

How to prevent Global Warming in the future

The following are some ways to prevent/protect global warming.

● Make your community green

● Be more conservative with Energy Usage to avoid pollution.
● Be active to participle in global warming control activities
● Reduce,Reuse,Recycle
● Educate yourself and others
● Encourage the use of renewable energies

● Chit Hnin Aye@Tulip
● Kyal Sin Hmue@Sara
● Min Bhone Khant@Elian
● Minn Eain Mon@Aris
● Pyae Phyo Thu@Potia

Source : Internet

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