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1)Sales of goods – chapter 2

Contract of sales (basic foundation)

Seller and Buyer

- Price, setting of prices

- Classification of goods

Implied term into contract, terms is according to sales contract

Terms is according on contract of sales

Terms under The Sale of Goods Act 1979

Final exam focus on frustration, no need sales of goods

Frustration (slide 55)

- The contract is elimated due to unforsing sourses

- The contract must be prove that that company cannot make it

Three elements: impossible to perform the contract, no fault of the parties, by the circumstances
extraordinary and usually unforeseeable by the parties

Effect of frustration:

i) Common law

According to common low, the common low does not allow the parties to clam anything

ii) Law Reform Act (frustrated contract) 1943

Explain the frustration in details, give me 3 elements of frustration including: impossible to perform the
contract, no fault of the parties, by the circumstances extraordinary and usually unforeseeable by the
parties. Talk about the effect of frustration, base on common low and Law Reform Act(frustrated
contract) 1943.

Give me the answer in detail explanation with example.

2)CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) Chapter 3
Definition – Jucitial (slide 5)

Seller duties is more important

Implied Duties of seller and buyers


The duties of CIF seller (slide 10), tutorial question (slide 66 )

i) To ship goods according to the contract (description)


- Packaging
- Time of the shipment
- A notice of appropriation

ii) To prepare and procure document(slide 23)

5 documents
- Invoice
- Bill of lading
- Delivery order
- Insurance
- Licenses

Remedies- seller’s right

The duties of CIF buyers (slide 47)

Can you explain the seller duties, implied duties of seller and buyers, talk about the duties of CIF seller,
give me the description base on packaging, time of the shipment, a notice of appropriation. Talk about
the 5 document need to prepare and produce base on invoice, bill of lading, delivery order, insurance,
licenses. Also talk about the remedies base on seller’s right.

Give me the answer in detail explanation and example

3) Charterparty (individual assignment) Chapter 4
Ignore hague visby rules

Focus on common low, sames code

Duty on ship

Charterparty – Implied duties of parties in charterparty under the common low (slide 16)

i) Shipowner/carries
- To provide a seaworthy ship
a) Physical condition of the ship (slide 22)
b) Competent of sufficient (slide 28)
c) Adequate document (slide 29)
d) Cargo worthy ship (slide 31)

Work on question (slide 89)

ii) Charterer/shipper (no need)

Explain the charterparty in detail focus on common law, implied duties of parties in charterparty under
the common law, talk about the shipowner/carries, talk about how to provide a seaworthy ship base on
i)physical condition of the ship, ii)competent of sufficient, iii)adequate document, iv)cargo worthy ship.

Give me the answer in detail explanation and example.

4) Bill of lading - chapter 5

Functions of bill of lading

i) Receipt for goods shipped

ii) Evidence of the contract of carriage
iii) A document of title

Explain the bill of lading, talk about the 3 functions of bill of lading base on 1) receipt for goods shipped,
2) Evidence of the contract of carriage, 3) A document of title.

Give me the answer in detail explanation and example.

5) Marine Insurance – chapter 8

4 principles (slide 44)– governing marine insurance

i) A contract of utmost good faith

ii) Insurance interest
iii) Subrogation
iv) Double insurance

Explain the marine insurance, talk about the 4 principle of governing marine insurance, base on 1) a
contract of utmost good faith, 2) insurance interest, 3) subrogation, 4) double insurance.

Give me the answer in detail explanation and example.

Doctrine of procimate caudations

Tutorial question – slide 96

6) Letter of credit – chapter 9

2 principle governing letter of credit

i) Autonomy of letter of credit (slide 28)_

ii) Doctrine of strict compliance (slide 37)

Explain the letter of credit, talk about the 2 principle governing letter of credit, base on 1) autonomy of
letter of credit, 2) doctrine of strict compliance. Also talk about the opening of letter of credit.

Give me the answer in detail explanation and example.

Opening of letter of credit (slide 65)

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