Lexico and Grammar p1

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1. The boy craned his _______ to see what was happening on the other side of the wall.
A. eyes B. shoulder C. neck D. feet
2. When they were a _______ breadth apart, he kicked suddenly at the ground and flew upward. What an
incredible leap!
A. hair’s B. stone’s C. thread’s D. arm’s
3. I had an ________ of my graduation photo done for my grandparents.
A. increase B. enlargement C. expansion D. extension
4. We had a housewarming party and invited all the neighbors to _________ when we moved here.
A. get along B. break up C. get out and about D. break the ice
5. Why are you always wasting your time on such _______ talks with those gossipy girls?
A. humbles B. tiny C. small D. trivial
6. The report ________ that thousands of people had seen UFOs.
A. warned B. suggested C. claimed D. blamed
7. Only in the last few years ________ to use laptops in place of bulky desktops.
A. have begun people B. have people begun
C. when people begun D. people have begun
8. To get a passport, you must send in your birth _________ and two recent photos.
A. certificate B. license C. paper D. card
9. Tom: “___________”
Peter: “Never mind.”
A. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
C. Congratulations! How wonderful!
D. Thank you for being so honest with me.
10. What a _________ car!
A. electric new small nice B. new electric nice small
C. nice new electric small D. nice small new electric
11. The exam ________ when Jimmy finally found the right room.
A. has already started B. already started
C. had already started D. already starts
12. If she hadn’t been determined to succeed when she was younger, she ________ successful today.

A. wouldn’t be B. won’t be C. wouldn’t have been D. is not
13. Julie wondered ________ to tell her.
A. what he wants B. what he wanted C. what did he want D. what he want
14. I have three brothers, ________ are businessmen.
A. all of whom B. all of them C. that all of them D. who they all
15. I suggest ________ English in class more often to improve our speaking skills.
A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke
16. The water supply _______ by the fertilizers and the pesticides used on many farms.
A. is polluted B. is polluting C. pollutes D. will pollute
17. This is really difficult to understand. Why don’t we _______ it a little?
A. simple B. simplicity C. simplify D. simply
18. My mother doesn’t _______ eye to eye with my father sometimes.
A. see B. glance C. look D. agree
19. Many foreigners found the Ao dai very special and impressive. Actually, it is the _______ dress of
Vietnamese women.
A. comfortable B. unique C. casual D. modern
20. The problems of the past few months have _______ their toll on her health and there are shadows
under her eyes.
A. taken B. affected C. had D. changed
21. I’m sorry. I don’t pay close attention ________ what you have said.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
22. In the early years of the 20 century, several rebellions ________ in the northern parts of the country.
A. turned B. rose up C. broke out D. came up
23. Never put ________ till tomorrow what you can do today.
A. off B. over C. back D. away
24. The world of work is developing very quickly. If you don’t self-learn consciously, you will not
________ social development.
A. put up with B. keep up with C. get on with D. deal with
25. The British and the American share the same language, but in other aspects of life they are as different
as _________.
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. here and there
26. I’ll never forget ________ my driving test for the first time. It was awful!
A. to take B. took C. take D. taking
27. You ______ up with excuses for not having done your homework. It’s so annoying!

A. are always come B. always come C. have always come D. are always coming
28. She had changed so much that _______ anyone recognized her.
A. almost B. hardly C. never D. no
29. It is essential that Alice _______ Tom of the meeting tomorrow.
A. will remind B. reminds C. reminded D. remind
30. We have bought some _______ glasses as a present for my son.
A. German lovely old B. German old lovely C. lovely old German D. old lovely German
31. The scientists ________ on this project try to find the solutions to air pollution.
A. are working B. who working C. worked D. working
32. The water supply of our home city has failed to _______ average purity requirements.
A. see B. meet C. own D. hold
33. Without your help, I _______ able to finish the last project.
A. would not have been B. would not be

C. had been D. will not be

34. _______ about his change of schedule earlier, I arrived at the meeting late.
A. Not having been informed B. Not having informed
C. Not been informed D. Not to have informed
35. _______ in most Asian countries is different from that of Western countries.
A. The concept of love and marriage B. As the concept of love and marriage
C. The concept of love and marriage that D. Because the concept of love and marriage
36. I’d rather you _______ anything about the garden until the weather improves.
A. hadn’t gone B. wouldn’t have gone C. won’t do D. didn’t do
37. They have arranged special insurance to cover medical _______ in the event of an accident.
A. numbers B. expenses C. money D. amounts
38. I really object ______ being charged for parking.
A. on B. for C. to D. against
39. Now, don’t tell anyone else what I’ve just told you. Remember, it is ________.
A. confident B. confidence C. confiding D. confidential
40. Most people had moved to safe areas when the storm broke. Only _______ minor injuries were
A. a little B. little C. few D. a few
41. It will be more effective if we all _______ and present a united front when we ask the coach to change
his training techniques.

A. speak out against B. speak with one voice
C. tell the difference D. lower our voice
42. Phone me before ten; ______ I’ll be too busy to talk to you.
A. unless B. whether C. if D. otherwise
43. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. having been robbed
C. to have been robbed D. robbed
44. He _________ have watered the plants. If he had, they wouldn’t have died.
A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. wouldn’t D. can’t
45. The brochure says that the hotel has a great ______ of the sea.
A. appearance B. look C. sight D. view
46. The harder you try, _______ you will get.
A. better results B. the better results C. more better results D. the best results
47. The webmaster will decide whether to ________ the web page or make the required changes.
A. write down B. move down C. pull down D. take down
48. Carl was injured last week, and the doctor recommended that he _______ in the next match.
A. can’t play B. not play C. won’t play D. might not play
49. ______ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. That was the woman
C. The woman was D. How was the woman
50. We regret __________ passengers that all flights have been cancelled due to bad weather.
A. informing B. being informed C. to inform D. to be informed
51. Our form teacher requires that we ________ willing to help each other to make progress in learning.
A. are B. will be C. be D. were
52. I remember you have ever dreamt of becoming a pilot to see the world from above, _______?
A. don’t I B. haven’t you C. don’t you D. have you
53. Duong’s parents were really worried about his sudden disappearance; he ________ them of his
business trip before his departure.
A. must inform B. should inform
C. must have informed D. should have informed
54. Each of us should be allowed to pursue our own interests ______ what our sex is.
A. regardless of B. although C. because of D. since
55. Physically, I ______ my mother, but my sister does not look anything like her.
A. run into B. let down C. take after D. hold up

56. Jack and Rose are on a cruise ship.
- Jack: “Would you prefer to watch action films or romantic ones?”
- Rose: “_______”
A. To be honest, it sounds great
B. Honestly, romantic films aren’t my cup of tea.
C. As a matter of fact, I’d rather like them
D. Why don’t we go for a movie tonight?
47. Joni and Jimmy are preparing for their presentation on education.
- Joni: “Robot teachers will be widely used in the near future.”
- Jimmy: “_________. They will perform certain tasks to assist human teachers.”
A. I could agree more B. You can say that again
C. That’s not always the case D. I don’t see your point
48. That poor student went to great ________ to win a place at one of the most prestigious universities in
Viet Nam.
A. pains B. efforts C. hurts D. hardship
49. Nam Cao is a _______ author whose works are highly thought of by millions of readers.
A. respective B. respectable C. respectful D. respecting
50. It is going to rain. You’d better _______ an umbrella.
A. take B. taking C. took D. taken
51. It’s high time she _______ behaving like a child.
A. stops B. to stop C. stopped D. stop
52. The bad weather caused seriously to their crop. They wish the weather ________ goodmuch.
A. had been B. were C. would be D. will be
53. I had my teeth _______ some days ago.
A. checked B. checking C. to check D. check
54. Do you remember Ha Long Bay, _______ has many beautiful caves?
A. where B. that C. which D. who
55. He is always busy, so he has _______ time to relax.
A. much B. little C. few D. plenty of
56. Lucy has studied English for 4 years, _______?
A. isn’t she B. doesn’t she C. hasn’t she D. wasn’t she
57. She quickly became accustomed ________ his messy ways.
A. for B. to C. on D. at
58. House prices in our city have ________, so it is quite hard for low income people to buy one.

A. taken on B. gone up C. called for D. filled in
59. Studenets are encouraged to raise questions ________ accepting opinions without questioning.
A. in addition B. for instance C. instead of D. because of
60. The little boy is asked to ________ goodbye to his grandparents before going to school.
A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak
61. We tried to make a ________ of our situation, but it wasn’t really funny.
A. joke B. fun C. tease D. humor
62. We are trying to get the baby into a ________ for feeding and sleeping.
A. way B. network C. routine D. path
63. The economy is regarded as the key ________ of a country.
A. ingredient B. component C. feature D. factor
64. I’m not sure what flavor I want – I’m still ________ up my mind.
A. turning B. making C. staying D. taking
65. ________ candidates there were, the more competitive the exam was.
A. The most B. The less C. The fewest D. The more
66. – “Shall I help you with your suitcase?” – “___________”
A. Not a chance B. That’s very kind of you
C. I can’t agree more D. What a pity!
67. – “Guess what? My first novel has just been published.” – “__________”
A. It’s my pleasure B. Congratulations!
C. Better luck next time! D. It’s very kind of you.
68. There is a _________ bag at the corner of the room.
A. small black plastic B. black small plastic C. plastic small black D. plastic black small
69. He couldn’t perform well in his recent test ________ his anxiety.
A. though B. due to C. because D. in spite of
70. Look! There’s no point in trying to overturn the decision. It’s all ________.
A. cut and dried B. head and shoulder C. tooth and nail D. chop and change
71. Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ________?
A. don’t you B. have you C. do you D. will you
72. Mary gave me a ________ box on my last birthday.
A. jewelry metal small square B. metal small jewlry square

C. small square metal jewlry D. square small jewlry metal

73. I was disappointed when I saw the film. It was a real _______.

A. lay-by B. setback C. let-down D. knockout
74. In the early 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions. Often failed because the
blood type of recipient was not compatible _______ the doctor.
A. to that of B. with that of C. to those of D. with those of
75. She could sleep well _______ the loud music the neighbor played last night.
A. although B. despite C. regardless D. but
76. Our prices are _______ of all flights and accommodation, and represent excellent value.
A. self-catering B. economical C. inclusive D. packed
77. If the level of VAT is _______ this year, small businesses will be affected.
A. raised B. arisen C. risen D. raising
78. They managed to _______ doing the work by pretending to the busy.
A. get out of B. get away with C. make up to D. make off with
79. It was extremely extravagant of us to stay in a luxurious hotel, but we wanted to _______ ourselves.
A. pride B. pledge C. justify D. treat
80. By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a _______ name.
A. housewife B. housekeeper C. house D. household
81. I wish I hadn’t _______ him for his brother.
A. thought B. considered C. confused D. mistaken
82. Make sure that the memo is sent to ________.
A. all the involved people B. all who are involved people
C. all the people involved D. all of people involved
83. The guest tasted the dessert _________.
A. appreciatively B. appreciative C. appreciated D. appreciation
84. It’s true that older people are a bit ________ when it comes to things like technology, but on the
whole I think they’ve probably more open-minded than they used to be.
A. out of work B. out of touch C. out of control D. out of order
85. If only he _______ me a chance, I could have told him the truth.
A. could give B. has given C. gave D. had given
86. She insisted that the report ________ as his source of information.
A. not to mention B. not mentioning C. not be mentioned D. not mention
87. Hardly _________ can find the answer to this complex situation.
A. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone
88. Stop fighting you two, shake hands and ________ your peace with each other!
A. set B. do C. bring D. make

89. She seems to be angry with the whole world. She’s got a chip _________.
A. on her shoulder B. in her bonnet C. under her hat D. between the ears
90. __________ little we may like it, old age comes to most of us.
A. In spite of B. So C. As D. However
91. A number of films were not shown to the public because of government _________.
A. inhibition B. censorship C. omission D. compensation
92. Is this _________ difficult exercise of the two that the teacher assigned yesterday?
A. more B. the more C. most D. the most
93. John and Mary are talking about the burning trash.
- John: “Burning trash may have negative effects on the environment.”
- Mary: “___________. It causes air pollution.”
A. Thanks, that’s fine B. You’re wrong
C. There’s no doubt about it D. I don’t quite agree
94. She is so absent-minded that she _______ her cellphone three times.
A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost
95. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by ________ vase.
A. an old European beautiful B. a beautiful old European
C. an old beautiful European D. a European old beautiful
96. To be the eldest child, you have to ________ a lot of responsibility.
A. get B. make C. bear D. convey
97. We should participate in the movements _______ the natural environment.
A. organizing to conserve B. organized conserving
C. which organize to conserve D. organized to conserve
98. I can’t believe how cheap this T-shirt was. It was a real _________.
A. bargain B. offer C. discount D. sale
99. An ________ child is forever asking questions. He’s incredibly curious.
A. acquisitive B. acquitted C. inquisitive D. exquisite
100. The project was a dead _______ from the start due to a lack of funding.
A. chicken B. duck C. cow D. cat
101. Tom: “What is your greatest phobia?” – Julia: “_________”
A. I’m afraid not B. Worms, definitely!
C. I love puppies. D. Exactly what I think!
102. This school needs ________. It looks so old.
A. repainted B. to repaint C. repainting D. to be repainting

103. It’s not a pleasant feeling to discover you’ve been taken for a ________ by a close friend.
A. cheat B. trick C. lift D. ride
104. A good way of _________ food is keeping it in a fridge.
A. preserving B. extending C. enduring D. prolonging
105. Peter and Marry are talking about social networks.
- Peter: “Using social networks may have negative effects on students.”
- Mary: “________. It distracts them from their studies.”
A. I’m not sure about that B. I don’t quite agree
C. I don’t share your opinion D. I couldn’t agree with you more.
106. Ken and Tom are high-school students. They are discussing where their study group will meet.
- Ken: “Where is our geography group going to meet next weekend?"
- Tom: " _________.”
A. Studying in a group is great fun. B. We are too busy on weekdays.
C. Why don't you look at the atlas? D. The library would be best.
107. Adam and Janet are at the school canteen.
- Adam: “__________.”
- Janet: "Yes, please."
A. Do you mind if I sit here? B. Can you pass me the salt, please?
C. It's a bit hot in here, isn't it? D. Would you like a cup of coffee?
108. - Ron: "Your speech this morning was just beyond my expectation."
- Harry: “____________.”
A. It's OK. Thanks for your nice words. B. Not at all. It was just OK.
C. It was my pleasure. D. Thanks. Without your help, I couldn't
109. - Nick: "Could you show me how this machine works, please?"
- Dayid: "____________.”
A. Let's begin by reading its manual together. B. Yes. The show is terrific!
C. Well, it read quite well. D. It's good except that it takes hours to
get there.
110. This kind of hot and spicy food is very typical _______ the food in the south of the country.
A. of B. in C. about D. at
111. He admits that quite ________ very experienced climbers have died on the West Ridge route.
A. a little B. a few C. some D. few

112. She ________ for her parents' support during her university education, but she preferred to work
part-time and support herself.
A. could have asked B. should have asked C. ought to ask D. must have asked
113. Your sister has lost a lot of weight. She must have been on a diet, _________?
A. musn’t she B. needn’t she C. haven’t she D. hasn’t she
114. ________ was expected, these discussions raised temperatures in the chapter hall.
A. Such B. So C. As D. That
115. Mary has been expelled from school. She maintains _________.
A. to have been treated unfairly B. to be treating unfairly

C. she was treated unfairly D. to treat unfairly

116. Nowadays children would prefer history ________ in more practical ways.
A. be taught B. teach C. to be taught D. to be teaching
117. A quick look would reveal that France has twice _______ computers.
A. more televisions than B. many as televisions as
C. as many televisions as D. as many as televisions
118. _______ anyone call, please ask them to call back later.
A. If B. Should C. When D. Unless
119. If you book in advance, you will ________ certainly have a better table at our restaurant.
A. almost B. mostly C. the most D. most
120. Ancient civilizations were not aware that the earth _______ a sphere.
A. is B. was C. had been D. has been
121. Jake, the boy who sat beside me in class, used to wear ______ shirt to school.
A. an old cotton white B. an old white cotton
C. a white old cotton D. a cotton old white
122. ________, no one was absent from the farewell party last night.
A. Heavily as it rained B. As it rained heavily
C. Though it rains heavily D. In spite of the heavily rain
123. _______ that she burnt to ears.
A. Such was angry girl B. So angry she was

C. She was angry so D. Her anger was such

124. On being told about her sack, __________.

A. her boss felt sorry for Mary B. Mary was shocked

C. Mary’s face turned pale D. her boss changed his attitude.

125. I’d rather you ________ the completed form back as soon as possible.
A. send B. sent C. had sent D. have sent
126. She missed a ________ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
127. People should _______ green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
A. adopt B. adapt C. adjoin D. adjust
128. ________ on barren slopes can help prevent erosion.
A. Trees to be planted B. Planting tree
C. Trees being planted D. That trees are planted
129. People under a lot of stress may _______ headaches, minor pains, sleeping difficulties.
A. undertake B. experience C. assume D. shoulder
130. Agatha became jealous when Jack’s career started _______.
A. dropping off B. going on C. taking off D. coming on
131. They reported a sudden _______ of the disease in the south of the country.
A. breakthrough B. outbreak C. breakdown D. outcome
132. Studies suggest that regular _______ of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.
A. intake B. ingest C. swallow D. eating
133. He’s going to have to pull his ________ up if he wants to stay in the team.
A. shoes B. socks C. sandals D. sleeves
134. Our government has taken various _______ against the new coronavirus, including requesting school
closures and event cancellations.
A. efforts B. measures C. attempts D. methods
135. He had butterflies in his ________ while waiting for the results of his exam.
A. belly B. stomach C. throat D. lung
136. Please help yourself to the food at the buffet. You _______ be starving after your long journey.
A. could B. would C. might D. must
137. Luckily, I ______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag.
A. needn’t have bought B. mustn’t have bought
C. didn’t need to buy D. can’t have bought
138. On the stairs ______ a small dark-haired girl.
A. was sitting B. were sitting C. sitting D. having sat

139. ______ visit the British Museum while you’re in London, you mustn’t forget to look at the famous
Rosetta Stone.
A. In case you B. For fear that you C. If you should D. When you might
140. I'm _______ for Jeff at tomorrow's meeting as he has to go to a conference in Manchester.
A. copying in B. filling in C. picking up D. taking up
141. I do take my hat _______ to the new director for having pulled the company back from bankruptcy.
A. by B. on C. to D. off
142. Since he's left the army, he misses the excitement and danger and still wants to live life in the fast
A. track B. path C. street D. lane
143. My parents had to see the headmaster because of my bad _______ in class.
A. manner B. behaviour C. mood D. attitude
144. The winner of the marathon had to _______ his breath before speaking to the journalist.
A. run B. hold C. catch D. keep
145. The poor grasshopper _______ he had spent the whole summer enjoying himself singing and
A. confused B. confessed C. continued D. contented
146. He's so nervous. I wish for once he'd stop being such a ________.
A. fish B. rabbit C. chicken D. mouse
147. Before Tom headed into the forest, he made sure he had packed his bow and _______.
A. shotgun B. weapons C. backpack D. arrows
148. Pesticides can be _______ harmful to any creature living in the vicinity of where they are used.
A. highly B. extremely C. completely D. absolutely
149. Sylvia had been dieting for a long time, so I didn't _______ to tell her that she didn't appear to have
lost any weight.
A. cross my heart B. have the heart
C. keep a straight face D. slip of the tongue
150. Frank and Mike are talking in the office.
- Frank: "What are your thoughts on yesterday's meeting?"
- Mike: “_______.”
A. I think the president will be there.
B. I'm glad we covered the human resources' issue.
C. We should bring up the workers' concerns.
D. You are warmly welcome.

151. Katie and Jimmy are in a restaurant.
- Katie: “Waiter, we’re not happy with the taste of the soup.”
- Jimmy: “________, Katie. There’s nothing wrong with the soup.”
A. Speak up B. Talk about it
C. Talk nonsense D. Speak up for yourself
152. Tung and Hoa are talking about time management skills.
- Tung: "I reckon that time management skill is very essential to our study."
- Hoa: “_______. We should spend our time wisely to study well."
A. It's time to go B. I couldn't agree with you more
C. That's wrong D. I can't think about it
153. Your rental agreement ______ states that no pets are allowed in the building.
A. credibly B. explicitly C. mildly D. decently
154. All of my friends are using TikTok, so I decided to jump on the ______ and join it, too.
A. media B. platform C. bandwagon D. departure
155. The thick fog ______ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
156. There are ________ words in English having more than one meaning. Pay close attention to this fact.
A. a large many B. many a C. quite a lot D. a great many
157. The _______ prices of property in big cities may deter people on low incomes from owning a house
A. competitive B. forbidding C. prohibitive D. inflatable
158. Only a few companies were found to be in _______ with the new law.
A. submission B. obedience C. compliance D. fulfilment
159. The mass media are ________ of communication, such as books, newspapers, recordings, radio,
movies, television, mobile phones and the Internet.
A. models B. means C. parts D. types
160. This course ________ no previous knowledge of the subject.
A. assumes B. assigns C. assures D. assembles
161. Spain has little good farmland and lacks many _________ raw materials.
A. important industry B. industrious and important
C. important industrial D. important industries
162. By the end of April, Jennifer _______ in Spain for two years.
A. will have been B. will be being C. is going to D. will be
163. Each of the guests ______ a bunch of flowers.

A. are given B. were given C. is given D. give
164. ______ for being unkind to you, would you forgive him?
A. Were Matt be apologetic B. Were Matt to apologize
C. If Matt would have apologized D. If Matt was apologizing
165. We will _______ by the Pizza Company in about thirty minutes.
A. have delivered our pizza B. have our pizza delivered
C. get our pizza to deliver D. get delivered our pizza
166. He has been riding ________ scooter for the last 15 years.
A. an Italian old expensive red B. an old expensive red Italian
C. an expensive old red Italian D. an expensive red old Italian
167. The new zoo has proved to be a huge success, _______ over 2 million visitors in its first year.
A. to attract B. attracts C. attracting D. attracted
168. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by ________ it a lot.
A. practicing B. training C. experimenting D. doing
169. Jenny and her sister are so _______ that they could almost be twins.
A. likeness B. alike C. same D. the same
170. _______ his toy truck, the little boy walked into the garden.
A. Picking up B. He picked up C. Being picked up D. Picked up
171. On the first day of class, many professors try to ________ with a fun task.
A. cut the mustard B. take a rain check C. spill the beans D. break the ice
172. She wasn't aware the notes she was paid with are _______.
A. inauthentic B. valueless C. false D. counterfeit
173. Our team has won nine _______ games since the start of the season.
A. successive B. progressive C. extensive D. conclusive
174. Growing ________ are something many businesses experience when competition heats up.
A. failures B. pains C. barriers D. troubles
175. Ashley enjoyed the dessert so much that she accepted a second _______ when it was offered.
A. pile B. load C. sharing D. helping
176. If the number of berries on the holly tree is anything to _______,we are likely to have a hard winter.
A. look at B. go by C. point on D. think about
177. The elaborate bridal costumes of the coastal Indians are _______ from mother to daughter.
A. taken after B. handed down C. parted with D. put by
178. Doctors advise people who are deficient ______ Vitamin C to eat more fruits and vegetable.
A. from B. of C. in D. for

179. Three hundred people were made _______ when the factory closed.
A. abundant B. dispensable C. redundant D. expendable
180. A major concern among archaeologists today is the preservation of archaeological sites, ________
are threatened by development.
A. which many B. many of them C. many of which D. of which many
181. _______ with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor run smoothly.
A. It is mixed B. To mix it C. When mixed D. Only when mixed
182. The upper levels of the Sun's atmosphere are of very low _______ heats the gases there to very high
A. density, but solar activity B. density and activity of the Sun is
C. density, solar activity D. dense and solar
183. There are some ________ pictures in this newspaper.
A. interesting white computer-generated new
B. computer-generated white interesting new
C. interesting new white computer-generated
D. new interesting computer-generated white
184. They were left with egg _______ when none of the people invited showed up at the opening
A. on their head B. on their face C. on their shirts D. on their back
185. Today, more traffic and faster vehicles mean that ________ a car may be, its driver has to have much
greater driving skill than before.
A. how safe and reliable B. however safely and reliably
C. however safe and reliable D. how safely and reliably
186. Reports back from the first astronauts helped dispel the dangerous _________ that the world had no
boundaries and had limitless resources.
A. judgement B. notion C. reflection D. concept
187. Susan, a secretary, is talking to a man in the office.
Susan: "I'm sorry, sir. The manager's gone on business."
Man: "Oh, what a pity! _________”
A. Can I take a message then? B. Can I leave a message then?
C. Would you like to get a message? D. Why don't you leave a message?
188. Two friends, John and Bob, met on the first day at school.
Bob: "Hey John. I didn't know you were coming to this school."
John: “_________ It's good to see you."

A. Oh, how do you do. B. Yeah, what a coincidence!
C. That's life. D. Every now and then.
189. Mary and Sam are having a chat in the classroom.
Mary: "What kind of job would you like in the future?"
Sam: "________”
A. Well, I'm optimistic about the future. B. Is there a good chance of promotion?
C. Well, anything to do with tourism. D. I heard it would be good.
190. Two students are talking about the school curriculum.
Student A: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum.”
Student B: “________ It is an essential life skill.”
A. I don't think it's a good idea. B. I can't agree with you more.
C. You must be kidding. D. What an absurd idea!
191. A waiter in a restaurant is talking to a customer who has just finished his meal.
Waiter: "Here's your bill, sir."
Customer: “________”
A. Don't mention it B. You're welcome.
C. What do you have? D. Can I pay by credit card?
192. _______ will be carried in the next space payload has not yet been announced to the public.
A. It B. What C. When D. That
193. Sue would suffer obesity if she couldn't control her _________ overeating.
A. compulsive B. disastrous C. exhaustive D. meager
194. Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, ________?
A. didn't they B. do they C. did they D. don't they
195. "Can I help you, sir?" - "I'm looking for a ______ table."
A. wooden round fashionable B. round wooden fashionable
C. wooden fashionable round D. fashionable round wooden
196. Analysts suggested the country ________ its infrastructure to get foreign investment.
A. improve B. to improve C. improved D. improving
197. I wish you _______ to the theatre last night, but you didn't.
A. came B. was coming C. would come D. had come
198. Under no circumstances _______ in public places.
A. should we allow to be smoked B. should smoking be allowed
C. we should allow smoking D. smoking should be allowed
199. “Was Mary any help with your assignment?" - "Actually, _______ me extra reference

material was very useful."
A. that she gave B. as her giving C. she was giving D. she giving
200. Don't just _______ the summer. Set a goal for yourself and do something constructive.
A. while away B. make up C. wear off D. break down
201. After nine months of massive losses the company finally went to the ________.
A. bar B. wall C. brick D. fence
202. ______ will Mr. Dennis be able to regain control of the company.
A. With very hard work B. Despite his hard work
C. Only if he works hardly D. Only by working hard
203. I read the contract again and again _______ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. with a view to B. by means of C. in comparison to D. in terms of
204. Major spending is required to bring _______ substantial improvements in housing.
A. in B. about C. up D. off
205. ______ had we arrived at the hotel when there was a power cut.
A. Not only B. Hardly C. Not until D. Immediately
206. Jack had no choice _______ new design software when he changed jobs.
A. but learning B. to learn C. but to learn D. but also learn
207. The amateur actor was ______ his brain trying to remember the lines of the script.
A. racking B. picking C. stretching D. bashing
208. The garden is _______ of any sunlight so plants don't grow there.
A. deserted B. deciduous C. withered D. deprived
209. It is vital that products _______ carefully before they are sold to the public.
A. be tested B. being tested C. to be tested D. were tested
210. We would rather Helen _______ us all the information we needed. We should have been
well informed.
A sent B. send C. had sent D. have sent
211. Having produced numerous albums, they are considered to be one of the most _______ bands of the
past decade.
A. highlighted B. accentuated C. prolific D. bountiful
212. ______ Manh Dung shot and scored a spectacular goal at the last minute of the second half.
A. Just as the midfielder passed the ball to the striker and
B. The midfielder hardly had passed the ball to the striker when
C. Scarcely had the midfielder passed the ball to the striker before
D. No sooner the midfielder had passed the ball to the striker than

213. Jack may have stayed up late last night, but our teacher would sooner he ______ in our class now.
A. is not sleeping B. doesn't sleep C. not sleep D. didn't sleep
214. Let him have his say before you can judge, ______?
A. shall we B. will you C. may he D. don't you
215. Although _______ at first, his explanation was finally clearer.
A. convoluted B. convoluting C. being convoluting D. having convoluted
216. ______ a bear approaching you, what would you do?
A. Did you notice B. If you had noticed C. Were you noticed D. Were you to notice
217. If he fails, it won't be through _______ of effort because he has certainly tried hard.
A. shortage B. absence C. lack D. insufficiency
218. When the factory closed, over a hundred people were ________ redundant.
A. taken B. given C. made D. done
219. She told a joke which Josh and Silver couldn't help laughing at, but it didn't make ______ to me.
A. laugh B. sense C. meaning D. reason
220. The existence of many stars in the sky leads us _______.
A. to suspecting that there may be life on another planet
B. to suspect that there might be life elsewhere in the universe
C. to that there might suspect to be life elsewhere in the universe
D. suspecting that there may be life on another planet
221. Mr. Tuan is certainly a _______ writer; he has written quite a few books this year.
A. prolific B. fruitful C. fertile D. successful
222. Everyone ______ voted to go on strike.
A. present B. have C. actual D. current
223. ______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.
A. Compare them B. If you compare C. When compared D. A comparison

224. I much preferred it when we _______ to Wales every summer on holiday.

A. got used to go B. were used to going C. had gone D. have been going
225. High-level sport people must maintain a high level of fitness _______ run the risk of suffering
injuries that cause permanent damage.
A. or else B. besides C. unless D. on account of
226. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he _______ to the occasion
A. raised B. rose C. fell D. faced

227. The press thought the sale manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he just _______.
A. turned it down B. called it off C. spoke it out D. laughed it off
228. Many students prefer _______ assessment as an alternative to exams.
A. continuing B. continued C. continual D. continuous
229. You and your big mouth! It was supposed to be a secret. You ______ her!
A. shouldn't have told B. mightn't have told C. mustn't have told D. couldn't have told
230. New York, _______ population reached 10 million by 1930, was the world's first megacity.
A. which B. who C. where D. whose
231. I bought my wife a(n) _______ hat when I went abroad on a business trip.
A. beautiful large copper Italian B. beautiful large Italian copper
C. beautiful copper large Italian D. Italian beautiful large copper
232. Mr. Thanh hoped ________ to join the club. He could make important business contacts there.
A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite D. to be invited
233. Ann studied very hard last year, but she couldn't gain ______ to any university.
A. acceptance B. admission C. adoption D. entrance
234. Our outstanding players made ________ work of Thailand to earn their first AFF U23 Youth
Championship title.
A. short B. large C. long D. wide
235. There's hardly anything that can be done to reduce pollution, _______?
A. is there B. isn't there C. can it D. can't it
236. If you had taken my advice, you _______ in such difficulties now.
A. wouldn't have been B. won't be
C. wouldn't be D. hadn't been
237. Phong always gets up early every morning _______ he's not late for his work.
A. so that B. even though C. because D. as soon as
238. I will have your car ________ by the end of the day.
A. to repair B. repair C. repaired D. repairing
239. Dick is thanking Michelle for giving him the gift on his birthday.
- Dick: "Thanks for the nice gift you brought to me!" - Michelle: “______”
A. Not at all.
B. Welcome! I'm glad you like it.
C. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it.
D. All right! Do you know how much it costs?
240. Prawns can be risky to eat if they ______ at the right temperature.

A. aren't being kept B. won't be kept C. haven't been kept D. hadn't been kept
241. Visitors are asked to _____ to the rules of the park to prevent damage to its fragile ecosystem.
A. bond B. adhere C. affix D. cling
242. ______ about the course until Sandra told him.
A. Little did he know B. Little knew he C. He did little know D. He knew a little
243. I really can't bear ______ that.
A. you did B. you doing C. you do D. you to do
244. It is rather ______ to believe buying these clothes will make you look like the models in the adverts.
A. tasteless B. trustworthy C. helpless D. naive
245. Tom: "_________”
Jim: "Well, if you do, you may end up in debt."
A. Do you know how the mortgage system work?
B. When will you pay me back?
C. What do you think about my taking out a loan to buy that car?
D. How much do you think a flat like that costs?
246. Your grades are coming down. You should try to _______ the other students in your class.
A. keep up with B. come up with C. get along with D. get in touch with
247. Kathy: "________”
Susan: "No, nobody has. She's really antisocial these days, it seems."
A. How has Oyku been doing?
B. Have you talked to Doris lately?
C. How much overtime has Cathy worked so far this week?
D. Where is Edna going to have the party?
248. Jessica returned her smartphone to the shop, as it was still under ______ and had stopped working.
A. assurance B. pledge C. agreement D. guarantee
249. I'm afraid you have tonsillitis but don't worry, I'll _______ some antibiotics for you.
A. inscribe B. subscribe C. prescribe D. transcribe
250. It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible _______.
A. in order for a successful cure to assure B. in order to assure a successful cure
C. in order to assuring a successful cure D. in order that assured a successful
251. The amateur actor was ______ his brain trying to remember the lines of the script.
A. racking B. stretching C. picking D. bashing
252. Previous teaching experience is a necessary ______ for this job.
A. demand B. need C. qualification D. request

253. If you are _______ to other people; the chances are that they won't be respectful or kind to you
A. inconsiderate B. inconsiderable C. considerable D. considerate
254. She ______ by credit card but she preferred cash.
A. would have paid B. should pay C. could have paid D. can pay
255. Michael has promised he will be on his best ______ during his grandparents' visit.
A. action B. approach C. behaviour D. style
256. ______ you doubt my story, I have brought documents to attest to its truth.
A. In case B. Unless C. Provided D. While
257. The new trade agreement should _______ more rapid economic growth.
A. alleviate B. probe C. strengthen D. facilitate
258. Sleep is ______ to our health, and lack of it can lead to many illnesses.
A. desirable B. needed C. required D. essential
259. "Don't look so worried! You should take the leader's comment with ______.”
A. a teaspoon of salt B. a dose of salt C. a pinch of salt D. a cup of salt
260. I would advise you to do this as well and in that way you will kill two birds with one stone.
A. get things done twice B. get something done two times
C. get two things done at the same time D. get two things done twice
261. Please send the file to ______ is in charge of marketing.
A. whomever B. whoever C. whatever D. whichever
262. The level of air pollution announced by the government is often _______ by ecological groups.
A. managed B. contradicted C. overseen D. disputed
263. These technological developments were hardly ______ 30 years ago.
A. imaginative B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imagining
264. ______ to stay inside for months on end, many children felt the lack of communication with their
A. Making B. Being made C. Having made D. Having been made
265. The tournament's regulations requested that he ______ energy drinks before the game.
A. didn't use B. not use C. don't use D. won't use
266. She ran in a marathon last week but ______ after ten kilometers.
A. broke up B. made up C. dropped out D. closed down
267. Going to a concert is a good way to let off ______ and relax.
A. steam B. smoke C. moisture D. temper
268. Scientists all over the world are working to ______ a cure for the acute hepatitis.

A. disallow B. discern C. discard D. discover
269. ______ in the diet is especially important for vegetarians.
A. That they obtain enough protein B. Enough protein is obtained
C. They obtain enough protein D. By obtaining enough protein
270. I suppose it was a special occasion, ________?
A. was it B. wasn't it C. don't I D. do I
271. We have an intention ____of____ studying abroad.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
272. I saw a ______ scarf in a shop near my house.
A. sweet little green silk B. little green silk sweet
C. sweet green little silk D. green little sweet silk
273. An eyewitness described how ten people _____ in the fire.
A. had been killed B. have been killed
C. are killed D. will have been killed
274. All the passengers were made ______ their seat belts during the turbulence.
A. buckle B. to buckle C. buckling D. for buckling
275. This cake is delicious! Can I have _______ slice, please?
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
276. I went to Tom's house last night and rang the doorbell. There was no answer. He _____ out.
A. need have gone B. must have gone C. may have gone D. should have gone
277. The garden _______ to harmonize with the natural landscape looks very beautiful.
A. designing B. to design C. having designed D. designed
278. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of _______ dead were taken away.
A. an B. a C. the D. No article
279. It is necessary that he ______ English because it is useful for his work
A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. has learned
280. Many elderly people have to live on the money they _____ when they were working.
A. laid up B. put back C. set up D. put aside
281. In Asia, children are taught to ______ their teachers.
A. come up with B. look up to C. think back on D. make up for
282. The passage ______ that the first settlers were Spanish.
A. refers B. instills C. implies D. infers
283. After congratulating his team, the coach allowed the players to let their ______ down for a while.
A. heart B. head C. soul D. hair

284. I caught the last bus by the skin of my _______.
A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth
285. Our neighbors look down on us; they are a bit _______.
A. advertent B. unpretentious C. snobbish D. humble
286. She likes spoiling people's fun. She is really a _______.
A. couch potato B. wet blanket C. hard nut D. cold fish
287. She will have to ______ if she wants to pass the final exam.
A. pull her socks up B. work miracles
C. take the credit D. keep up her appearances
288. Tom: "Is it alright if I use your bike?" Paul:"________”
A. Please accept it with my best wishes B. Sorry, no. I won't do it
C. I don't want to use your bike D. Sure, go ahead
289. Mai: "Passing a university entrance exam is not difficult." - Lan:"_______”
A. I couldn't agree more. It's not easy at all B. You must be kidding me. It's not easy
C. But I don't. I failed it last year D. I do, too. I passed it last year
290. He is decorating the house ______ selling it, and will buy another large house.
A. with a view to ving B. by means of
C. in so far as D. in view of
291. The man was ______ with burglary at the police station.
A. accused B. charged C. investigated D. arrested
292. Susie fell ______ with her best friend last week.
A. for B. out C. apart D. through
293. I requested that first year students _______ to change their courses in the first two weeks.
A. are permitted B. be permitted C. were permitted D. would be permitted
294. In no _______ could such a discreet man betray our secret.
A. account B. condition C. circumstance D. way
295. He is rumored to _______ on the way home last week.
A. attacked B. be attacked C. have attacked D. have been attacked
296. Jill went to ______ university to see her friend.
A. the B. no article C. a D. an
297. Peter was the last applicant ______ by that interviewer.
A. to interview B. to be interviewing C. interviewing D. to be interviewed
298. ____ my car broke down, I came home late yesterday.
A. Since. B. While C. For D. When

299. It was ______ day that I went to the lake.
A. such nice a B. so a nice C. so nice a D. a very nice
300. William is asking Dr. Keith to spend some minutes helping him with his project.
- William: "Do you have a minute, Dr. Keith?" - Dr. Keith:"_______”
A. Well, I haven't got it here. B. Good. I hope so.
C. Sure. What's the problem? D. I'm not sure when.
301. People ______ actions to stop the blaze spreading. However, they didn't do that.
A. must have taken B. had to take C. needn't have taken D. should have taken
302. Kids have to walk fast if they want to ______ their parents on a stroll through the park.
A. keep with B. keep up with C. keep on to D. keep over with
303. We would rather Helen ______ us all the information we needed. We should have been well
A. sent B. send C. had sent D. have sent
304. Lucy: "Are you going to buy a new computer or just continue using the old one?"
Mary: “______”
A. Yes, I am.
B. Yes, I'd like one. Thank you.
C. That's impossible. I can't afford a new one.
D. Neither. I'm going to lease one.
305. The decision I was to take was so risky that I had to think _______.
A. simultaneously B. profoundly C. comprehensively D. reluctantly
306. Reading English books helps _______ my vocabulary and understand the content where words are
A. widen B. weaken C. worsen D. narrow
307. The school was closed for a month because of a serious ______ of fever.
A. outcome B. outbreak C. outburst D. outset
308. His house looks very large and beautiful. It is ______ house.
A. a seven-room B. a seven-rooms C. seven room D. seven rooms
309. ______ in this national park has declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten years.
A. For a number of tigers B. The number of tigers
C. A number of tigers D. That the number of tigers
310. Social ______ is an essential way to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
A. space B. position C. expanse D. distancing
311. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to ______ at the desk.

A. whoever B. who C. whom D. which
312. He kept shifting awkward from one foot to _______.
A. others B. other C. the other D. the others
313. My mother _______ when she found out that I'd forgotten to do the washing-up again.
A. stood her ground B. hit the ceiling
C. felt off color D. made my blood boil
314. Buy me some apples on the way home, ______?
A. don't you B. did you C. do you D. will you
315. I came across a friend of mine in a bookstore yesterday. I hardly recognized her as she _______ a lot.
A. has changed B. had changed C. changes D. was changing
316. _______ its negative health effects, the tobacco industry remains an important part of economy of
many nations.
A. Because of B. Although C. Despite D. Because
317. He was offered a high-paying job, but he _______.
A. threw it away B put it down C. turned it down D. gave it up
318. Sunglasses protect your eyes from ______ of the sun.
A. heat B. ray C. blaze D glare
319. You can ______ a difference to your health by exercising.
A. create B. make C get D. have
320. Young people in my region used to feel cut off from other young people, but this changed with the
______ of social media.
A. design B. issue C. arrival D. result
321. Among all crimes in this region, murder makes the ______.
A. headlines B. titles C. captions D. broadcast
322. It's better to ______ clear of sensitive topics of conversation when you first meet someone.
A. run B. cast C. direct D. steer
323. We are trying to reach a conclusion without examining the evidence first. We're putting the cart
before the ______.
A. cow B. ox C. horse D. dog
324. Leftover food is a breeding ______ for bacteria, so it should be reheated thoroughly.
A. habitat B. ground C. territory D. situation
325. _____ to run into George, remind him to phone me.
A. Should you happen B. Had you happened
C. Were you to happen D. If you happened

326. It's amazing but _____ I try, I'm never able to meet my deadlines.
A. however hardly B. how hardly C. hard although D. however hard
327. Sorry, but the manager went out a minute ago. You ______ five minutes earlier.
A. should come B. would come C. should have come D. would have come
328. It's the sort of work that ______ a high level of concentration.
A. catches on B. turns back C. puts down D. calls for
329. On my mother's desk ______, which she usually sits in front of and looks at.
A. that is the photo of my family B. had stood the photo of my family
C. standing the photo of my family D. stands the photo of my family
330. The fishing grounds ______ the coasts of Norway are among some of the best managed in Europe.
A. at B. on C. off D. over
331. If you keep passing notes in class, you will get into trouble ______ the teacher.
A. with B. about C. from D. for
332. Someone ______ the audience had a heart attack during the play.
A. at B. in C. among D. inside
333. Society tries to deal with young offenders ______ a variety of ways.
A. by B. in C. from D. to
334. Brian was ______ pressure from his boss to finish the project by the deadline.
A. by B. with C. over D. under
335. The difference between a dollar bill and a counterfeit one can be difficult to detect _____ the naked
A. with B. by C. under D. beyond
336. In Turkey, most of the iron ore comes from the central Anatolia and is _____ good quality.
A. of B. about C. in D. out of
337. She has a lot of experience _____ dealing with difficult situations.
A. with B. in C. on D. from
338. _____ second thoughts, I'd rather not go out tonight.
A. Under B. In C. With D. On
339. Were there many people _____ board of the train when it derailed?
A. on B. in C. at D. off
340. The only means of ______ to the station is through a dark subway.
A. arrival B. admission C. access D. approaching
341. As a citizen, it is normal to _______ to the laws and rules made by the society.
A. conform B. resist C. hinder D. obey

342. By then I _______ my driving test. I hope.
A. have passed B. pass C. will have passed D. will be passed
343. She came back with an answer as quick as a/an ______.
A. express B. twinkling C. flash D. lightning
344. Language is so _____ woven into human experience that it is scarcely possible to imagine life
without it.
A. tightly B. stiffly C. rigidly D. tautly
345. David has not seen Linda for 15 years and has _______ of her address.
A. no thought B. nothing C. no mind D. no idea
346. Shortly after receiving her gold medal, the Olympic champion answered questions at a press
A. assembly B. seminar C. discussion D. conference
347. The temperature ______ takes place varies widely from material to material.
A. which melting B. which they melt C. at which melting D. at which they melt
348. He is ______ by many people for the money he has helped raise for charity.
A. regarded B. admired C. considered D. approved
349. If Harold ______ with his piano playing, he can eventually reach concert standard.
A. sustains B. perseveres C. maintains D. survives
350. ______ I'd like to help you out. I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.
A. Even B. Much as C. Try as D. Despite
351. My father didn't like coffee and ______ did my mother.
A. neither B. either C. none D. so
352. I ______ doubt whether he will actually carry out his threat.
A. highly B. absolutely C. deeply D. seriously
353. Is it true that this country produces more oil than _______.
A. any other country B. any countries else C. any other countries D. any country else
354. Everyone is hoping and praying that _______ peace will eventually come to the area.
A. durable B. ongoing C. irrevocable D. lasting
355. Peter and Mary had to ______ their wedding until the following year due to the outbreak of the
A. put on B. put off C. put aside D. put away
356. Having seen a sharp bend ahead, Roger pressed hand on the brake pedal in order to ______.
A. pass over B. come by C. slow down D. speed up
357. You look really tired. You should ______ a week's holiday, I think.

A. pass for B. make with C. do with D. make for
358. I ______ this old book while I was tidying my room.
A. came over B. came out C. came up D. came across
359. Ivy was really surprised when Gary ______ at her front door because she hadn't seen him for 10
A. showed up B. jumped on C. turned in D. pulled in
360. I couldn't hear what Andy was trying to tell me over the phone, so I told him to ______.
A. get up B. do up C. speak up D. call up
361. I need more time to consider the offer before I _______ my mind.
A. take up B. make up C. go up D. give up
362. I think you should ______ a rain coat in case it rains.
A. bring about B. bring along C. bring forward D. bring up
363. She was caught cheating in the race. _____, she was disqualified.
A. Explicitly B. Accordingly C. Equally D. Fundamentally
364. Grace couldn't help feeling ______ about missing the championships because of her injury.
A. dehydrated B despondent C. devoted D. disobedient
365. My father gave me ______ as a birthday present on my birthday.
A. a digital useful alarm clock B. an alarm useful digital clock
C. a useful alarm digital clock D. a useful digital alarm clock
366. There is no excuse for your late submission! You ______ the report by last Friday.
A. mightn't have finished B. should have finished
C. needn't have finished D. must have finished
367. ______, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. An antiseptic used B. When used as an antiseptic
C. An antiseptic when used D. How an antiseptic is used
368. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Spain and he ______ the opportunity with both hands.
A. grasped B. grabbed. C. held D. passed
369. A ______ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name.
A. hint B. mark C. flicker D. trace
370. He wasn't attending the lecture properly and missed most of ______.
A. what the teacher said B. which the teacher said
C. things said by the teacher D. that the teacher said
371. Minh is ______ the most successful student in my class.
A. so long B. by how C. by far D. so now

372. My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ______ regret.
A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily
373. After the theft of his car, he put in an insurance _____ for $ 3.000.
A. account B. invoice C. assessment D. claim
374. Peter is inviting Mary to his house for lunch.
- Peter: "I'm having some friends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you like to join us ?"
- Mary: "_______”
A. Can I take a rain check? B. Come on. It's your turn.
C. Thanks, but I mustn't. D. As a matter of fact, I do.
375. In the middle of the blue river _______.
A. does a tiny violet flower emerge B. did a tiny violet flower emerge
C. emerge a tiny violet flower D. emerged a tiny violet flower
376. He's such a hard man to ______ as he's always flitting from one site to another.
A. pin in B. lock in C. narrow down D. nail down
377. The management are making ______ to increase the company's efficiency.
A. measures B. steps C. moves D. deeds
378. We have to ______ the hard time hoping that things will change for the better in the future.
A. maintain B. endure C. persist D. outlive
379. The local council recommended that John ______ to the head of the department.
A. is appointed B. was appointed C. be appointed D. could be appointed
380. The room ______ and it looks a lot nicer than before.
A. has been refurbished B. had been refurbished
C. was refurbished D. is refurbished
381. I think people who spare time to help the old, sick and homeless are _____.
A. two peas in a pod B. the salt of the earth
C. sour grapes D. full of beans
382. She did six hours' _____ studying a day for her final exam.
A. solid B. heavy C. strong D. big
383. The thieves cleared _____ when they heard the guard approaching.
A. off B. away C. out D. up
384. If you catch them stealing again, there will be _____ for it but call the police.
A. no help B. no choice C. no knowing D. saying
385. ______ we not got lost along the way, it would have been a great journey.
A. Might B. Would C. Should D. Had

386. They are _____ the best employees in the company.
A. so far B. as far C. far better D. by far
387. _____ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.
A. Even B. Despite C. Try as D. Much as
388. Do not take it as _____ that anyone applying for the course would have the necessary qualifications.
A. heard B. written C. spoken D. read
389. You shouldn't accept everything politicians say at face ______ as they are often trying to win votes.
A. merit B. value C. worth D. benefit
390. If a diamond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a form of _____ that is used as a
A. carbon is so soft B. is carbon so soft C. carbon so soft D. so soft the carbon
391. It is important that you _____ there when he gets off the plane.
A. be standing B. are standing C. have stood D. will be standing
392. After years of research, scholars have finally ______ this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.
A. subscribed B. described C. ascribed D. prescribed
393. Liam and Emma want to book a table for dinner in a famous restaurant in a town.
Liam: "We'll never get a table in there at such short notice."
Emma: “______”
A. For better for worse. B. Want a bet?
C. The more the merrier. D. It's on me!
394. Increased traffic in cities these days _______ widening the roads.
A. necessitates B. facilitates C. indicates D. exemplifies
395. Nothing went wrong when the students came back to school after Covid-19 pandemic, ______?
A. didn't they B. didn't it C. did they D. did it
396. Frankly speaking, the theory they've been working on just doesn't _____.
A. see reason B. hold water C. share the burden D. face the music
397. The Parkers are going to move to a(n) ______ house in Hempstead.
A. solid brick elegant Roman-style B. brick solid elegant Roman-style
C. elegant solid Roman-style brick D. Roman-style elegant brick solid
388. People being overweight ______ the risk of having heart diseases.
A. bear B. gain C. make D. run
389. He didn't realize they had been talking at cross ______ until he asked an irrelevant question.
A. purposes B. beliefs C. intentions D. aims
390. _____ so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places they have never seen.

A. The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is
B. What makes the monarch butterflies' migration
C. The migration of the monarch butterflies is
D. That makes the monarch butterflies' migration
391. A group of soldiers was stationed near _____ Ganges river, in a small town under _____ Himalayas.
A. the-Ø B. Ø-Ø C. the-the D. Ø-the
392. ______ include climate, mineral content, and surface water, wetlands may be mossy, grassy or
A. factors depending on many B. on many factors depending
C. Many factors depending on D. Depending on many factors
393. People thought that the use of robots would ______ boring low-paid factory job.
A. break out in B. fit up for C. do away with D. put down to
394. Six novels a year, you say? He's certainly a ______ writer.
A. fruitful B. prolific C. effective D. fertile
395. I always clean the flat before my mother comes round, but she always finds at least on _______of
dust and says it's filthy.
A. gust B. speck С. scrap D. blade
396. The new speed restrictions on the highway are said to be a _____ debated issue.
A. profoundly B. heavily C. hotly D. deeply
397. ______ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideas of the period in which it was
A. To rank B. To be ranked C. Ranking D. Being ranked
398. I detest ______ but I often have to wait for the dentist for hours to have my teeth checked.
A. to be kept waiting B. to keep waiting C. being kept to wait D. being kept waiting
399. If only people in our parents' generation _____ the school facilities that we have today.
A. have had B. had had C. have D. had
400. This research is important ______ it is to look into some alternative sources of renewable energy.
A therefore B. hence C. unless D. in that
401. To let them see the clear change in the case, the presenter put them in the _____.
A situation B. picture C. interpretation D. plan
402. Nebraska has flood in some years, ______.
A. others in drought B. while others drought
C. droughts are others D. in others drought
403. A week into their camping holiday, the kids _____ in the open air.

A. used to cook B. would cook
C. used for cooking D. were used to cooking
404. Mike'd rather his classmate ______ games while he's studying. It's very distracting.
A. aren't playing B. didn't play C. wouldn't play D. hadn't played
405. ______ for her hard work and determination, she would not have been promoted to CEO.
A. If it was not B. Were it not
C. Had it not been D. Should it not have been
406. They can't possibly play in this heavy rain. I think they _____ as well cancel the match.
A. should B. can C. may D. will
407. She suggested ______ a charity performance on Sunday evening to raise money for the research.
A. us to do B. us that we do
C. to us doing D. to us that we should do
408. He decided to leave one hour early, _____ caught in the traffic jam.
A. lest he be B. less he be C. least he should be D. as he be
409. "There is nothing I would like more than to _____ this highly prestigious school," said Nam's
A. for you to be admitted B. that you are admitted
C. if you are admitted D. only you being admitted
410. He had a reason for changing his job, but precisely ______ will probably never be known.
A. what reason was it B. what that reason was
C. which was that reason D. which the reason was
411. When the second half was coming to an end, Manchester United scored their third goal, ______
Leeds gave up completely.
A. until when B. at that point C. at which point D. from then
412. In spite of her physical disability, she has always tried to lead _____ possible.
A. as normal a life as B. as normal life as
C. her life as normal as D. such normal life as
413. When his brother left home for university, Lam finally had a bedroom ______.
A. for him only B. for only himself C. all to him D. all to himself
414. Alice is such an impulsive girl that she often makes important decisions ______ without consulting
A. in the nick of time B. for the time being
C. not for a moment D. on the spur of the moment
415. When our football team won the gold medal, we were ______.

A. up in the air B. on nine cloud
C. over the moon D. in the seventh heaven
416. - Jim: I'm going to use energy efficient appliances in order to lower costs and reduce environmental
- Peter: It sounds like a great idea, Jim. You should go ______ it!
A. for B. on C. over D. with
417. Linh wanted to sound confident at the interview, but I'm afraid she came _____ as dogmatic.
A. out B. off C. through D. over
418. Through her efforts An is beginning to _____ in her career.
A. pull off B. break through C. get ahead D. blow away
419. Julia is the ______ of her mother. They look exactly alike.
A. living picture B. vivid picture C. visual image D. spitting image
420. I don't want to decide until I know all the facts. Until then, I intend to _____.
A. keep a broad mind B. keep an open mind
C. make up my mind D. be in two minds
421. - Alex: I hear they are going to build a shopping center near this public park.
- Ben: Really? ______
A. No big deal. B. It's beyond me.
C. That’s new to me. D. When it comes down to it.
422. - Tam: Do you think that the teacher would let us leave early to watch the football match?
- Minh: _____
A. Fat chance B. Not at all C. You’ll never guess D. Not on your life
423. Women no longer have to do hard work nowadays as they used to, _____?
A. are they B. aren't they C. do they D. don't they
424. Which songs do they often sing _____ Christmas?
A. on B. at C. in D. of
425. She will call you to confirm ______.
A. until she received the parcel B. when she was receiving the parcel
C. the moment she receives the parcel D. after she had received the parcel
426. I have sent you a lot of letters but you have never been ______.
A. responsive B. response C. respond D. responsively
427. He was offered the job ______ his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. whereas
428. I'm not sure if I know her, but the name _____ a bell.

A. hears B. sounds C. answers D. rings
429. The problem is easy enough, but _____ students could solve it.
A. a lot of B. few C. a few D. a great number
430. He was the last man _____ the ship.
A. who leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left
431. Many plant and animal species are now on the _____ of extinction.
A. danger B. border C. verge D. margin
432. Please help me with this math problem. I can't _____ the answer.
A. come up with B. face up to C. end up D. run into
433. Beneath the streets of a modern city ______ of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required to
satisfy the needs of its inhabitants.
A. exists the network B. the existing network
C. the network's existence D. where exists
434. I'm not going to go ice skating! I'd only fall over and ______ a fool of myself.
A. create B. show C. do D. make
435. Peter knows New York like the back of his _____. He used to be a taxi driver there for 10 years.
A. head B. mind C. hand D. life
436. The curtains have _____ because of the strong sunlight.
A. lightened B. faded C. fainted D. weakened
437. The new manager is _____ easy-going. He is always very serious about the work.
A. by no means B. by means of C. by all means D. in the mean time
438. It's a good idea to make a ______ of switching off the lights when you leave a room.
A. routine B. habit C. custom D. rule
439. Arian did not drown as they _____ because he was saved by a dolphin.
A. have expected B. expected C. had expected D. were expected
440. The escaped prisoner is still _____ large and the public are advised not to approach him.
A. in B. at C. of D. on
441. One of the boys took the cattle and buffaloes out to graze in the early morning, ______ ?
A. didn't he B. didn't they C. weren't they D. wasn't he
442. She ______ you last week, for she was not there.
A. must not have seen B. should not have seen
C. could not have seen D. hadn't seen
443. The party was awful. Jane wishes she ______ to it.

A. did not go B. had not gone
C. has not gone D. would not have gone
444. It's very important that we ______ as soon as there's any change in the patient's
A. are notified B. being notified C. were notified D. be notified
445. Such _____ of the festival that every tourist takes a chance to enjoy it.
A. attraction is it B. is the attraction C. is it the attraction D. attraction is it
446. _____, he tried to fix the machine.
A. Not being a computer expert notwithstanding
B. Despite of not being a computer expert
C. Though no computer expert
D. In spite of being no computer expert
447. - Cathy: Eddie, I've never heard you sing before. You're a really great singer.
- Eddie: ______
A. That sounds silly. B. I used to sing when I was younger.
C. Yes, that's right. D. Thanks. It's nice of you to say so.
448. - Zach: "Mr. Louis, we do appreciate your taking the time to help us."
- Kurk: "_______”
A. Allow me to offer my congratulations.
B. I'm glad to be of some service.
C. Thank you. I'm sure I don't deserve it.
D. Why don't you buy me something as a reward?
449. Never _____ until tomorrow what you can do today.
A. put off B. look for C. throw away D. turn up
450. My parents lent me the money. ______, I couldn't have afforded the trip.
A. However B. Therefore C. Only if D. Otherwise
451. - "Do you mind if I take a seat?" - “_____”
A. Yes, I don't mind B. No, do as you please
C. No, I mind D. Yes, do as you please
452. Florida _____ Georgia to the North.
A. borders B. stretches C. frontiers D. boundaries
453. The new school complex cost _____ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice much more than
C. almost twice as much as D. just twice as much as

454. I usually buy my clothes ______. It's cheaper than going to the dress maker.
A. on the house B. in public C. off the peg D. on the shelf
455. By the time you come back next year, a new stadium ______ in our province.
A. must have built B. will need being built
C. will have been building D. will have been built
456. It takes a great deal of _____ for the class to make a trip abroad.
A. arrangement B. organization C. expense D. business
457. No matter how angry he was, he would never _____ to violence.
A. resolve B. recourse C. exert D. resort
458. _____ more carefully, he wouldn't be in the hospital now.
A. Had he driven B. If he drove C. If he drives D. If he hadn't driven
459. According to a recent survey, most people are _____ their neighbours.
A. acquaintance with B. on good terms with
C. on good relationships with D. in relation to
460. Many lists of "Wonders of the World" ______ during the Middle Ages.
A. said to be existed B. are said to exist
C. said to exist D. are said to have existed
461. The road ______ is shaded with trees.
A. on which we go to school every day B. from which we go to school every day
C. at which we go to school every day D. where we go to school every day
462. You look really tired. You could _____ a week's holiday, I think.
A. do with B. make for C. pass for D. make with
463. I really must go and lie down for a while, I've got a _____ headache.
A. cutting B. splitting C. ringing D. cracking
464. His designs at the International fashion week are ______ new trends in women's fashion.
A. setting B. building C. making D. leading
465. The final examinations were hard, but most students _______.
A. pulled out B. pulled down C. pulled through D. pulled on
466. To solve this problem, it is advisable _____.
A. a drastic measure to be adopted B. that to adopt a drastic measure
C. that a drastic measure is adopted D. that a drastic measure be adopted
467. Running can make your heart work _____ harder than just walking.
A. vigorously B. significantly C. generally D. possibly
468. He said that the plane had already left and that I _____ an hour earlier.

A. must have arrived B. had to arrive
C. should have arrived D. were supposed to arrive
469. Vaccinating 80% of the population could _____ the of progression the contagious disease.
A. withhold B. dwindle C. waver D. retard
470. The brand became famous for its lightweight cotton polo shirts bearing the _____ of a crocodile - a
nickname given to Lacoste during his playing days.
A. motto B. logo C. slogan D. banner
471. Politicians have to be _____ at dealing with reporters’ questions.
A. adept B. adopt C. adapt D. adrift
472. A: "Could you afford new clothes?" - B: "_____”
A. No, we got hand-me-downs B. No, there was a downpour
C. Yes, there was a crackdown D. Yes, it was a real come-down
473. The facilities of the old hospital are as good _____.
A. as or better than that of the new one B. as or better that the new one
C. as or better than those of the new one D. as or better than the new one
474. The fee they are offering bears no _____ to the amount of work involved.
A. link B. relation C. association D. connection
475. ______ hope of finding _____ cure for cancer drives a lot of _____ medical research.
A. The /a/x B. A/ the/the C. A/x/the D. The/x/x
476. We've been _____ talking to people all over the country.
A. out and about B. round and round C. by and large D. pros and cons
477. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups and downs
A. aplenty B. inexhaustibly C. profusely D. superabundant
478. The exhibition focuses on 18th-century landscape painters, _____ names will be unfamiliar to the
A. all of which B. most of whose C. several of who D. both of whom
479. He told everyone that he had flu, but in fact, he had just _____ a cold.
A. got on with B. come down with C. gone in for D. made up for
480. When several companies showed interest in buying the film rights to his novel, he knew he had
A. upped the ante B. scooped the bag C. caught the fat one D. hit the jackpot
481 The school authorities ______ the child's unruly behavior on his parents' lack of discipline.
A. attribute B. accuse C. blame D. ascribe

482. He may be shy now, but he'll soon come out of his _____ when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. shell C. shed. D. hole
483. Sales of the toy ______ sharply when the TV news reported that a child had swallowed part of the
toy and almost died.
A. dropped off B. dropped over C. took away D. turned out
484. I don't think it would be wise to try to make Max change his mind about divorcing Narnara. Well, in
his place I ______ her at all.
A. would never have married B. needn't have married
C. would never marry D. must never have married

485. The new Garden City is well worth ______ if you're in the area.
A. being seen B. a visit C. to visit D. the sight
486. Her outgoing character contrasts ______ with that of her sister.
A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly
487. My father ______ when he found out that I'd damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
488. You can imagine how upset I was after the closure of the magazine. Since the first day on its staff I
______ it was my best job ever.
A. have considered B. considered C. had considered D. was considered
489. I'm afraid we haven't got a spare bed. Can you ______ with a mattress on the floor?
A. make do B. make by C. make over D. make up
490. I know him by _____ but I have no idea what his name is.
A. sight B. myself C. heart D. chance
491. Would you please leave us details of your address ______ forwarding any of your mail to come?
A. as a consequence of B. for the purpose of
C. for the sake of D. by means of
492. M.D. played much better than their opponents; they almost ______ the match.
A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated
493. If you don't repay the money, we will, as a last ______, take you to court.
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort
494. In the middle of the blue river _____.
A. does a tiny violet flower emerge B. did a tiny violet flower emerge
C. emerged a tiny violet flower D. emerge a tiny violet flower

495. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, _____ she were late?
A. but what if B. how about C. and what about D. so if
496. There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5% ______.
A. is rejected B. has been rejected C. be rejected D. rejects
497. In all _______, he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
498. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, _______ film one.
A. let alone B. not to mention C. apart from D. but for
499. Is it far to Stamford? - Not at all. It's only a _______ from here.
A. stone's throw B. bird's eye view
C. short cut D. step in the right direction
500. The genus Equue became extinct in North America during the glacial period, and it was not
reintroduced until ___________ by the Spaniniards.
A. was brought there B. brought there
C. bringing it there D. it brought there
501. I wish I ______ there to see Gabriel's face when you told him!
A. can be B. would have been C. would be D. could have been
502. Nobody, even the best doctors, expected Frank's ______ to be so quick and successful after so severe
an accident.
A. renewal B. resumption C. recuperation D. remuneration
503. My grandfather ______ this camera when he was a young man, but I'm not sure.
A. may have used B. must have used C. should have used D. need have used
504. The traffic in town was very _____ and I arrived home earlier than expected.
A. light B. weak C. little D. few
505. It could have been a lot worse _____ there.
A. when he was not B. whether or not he had been
C. for he had not been D. had he not been
506. The book says that the revolution was _____ off by the assassination of the state governor.
A. launched B. cropped C. triggered D. prompted
507. The ______ prices of property in big cities may deter people on low incomes from owning a
house there.
A. competitive B. forbidding C. prohibitive D. inflatable
508. The life ______ of individuals in developed countries has increased dramatically for decades.

A. expectation B. exception C. exertion D. expectancy
509. _____ the two sisters, Mary is ______.
A. Of/ the prettier B. Between/ the prettiest
C. Of/ more prettier D. Between/ the prettier
510. Mark and Carol are talking in the classroom.
- Mark: "You must have found reading my essay very tiring."
- Carol:" ______. I enjoyed it."
A. You are welcome B. Just in case C. Not in the least D. At all costs
511. Making mistakes is all _______ of growing up.
A. chalk and cheese B. top and bottom C. part and parcel D. odds and ends
512. Helen was ______ disappointed when she learned that she hadn’t won the beauty contest.
A. seriously B. bitterly C. strongly D. heavily
513. I cannot be denied that fireworks are a serious fire ______.
A. accident B. mishap C. danger D. hazard
514. When we got off the bus, the tour guide told us to _____ of pickpockets.
A. beware B. warn C. compete D. distinguish
515. From the ______ expression on his mother’s face, Roy realized that he wouldn’t be able to persuade
A. tall B. firm C. weak D. hasty
516. You’d better not place a bet on Stallion. In my opinion, the horse doesn’t ______ a chance of
winning the race.
A. win B. stand C. rise D. play
517. The government is to bring _____ the necessary laws to deal with the problem.
A. down B. to C. up D. in
518. Terry is a very imaginative boy. He always _____ interesting ideas.
A. keeps out of B. look downs on C. comes up with D. goes in for
519. ______, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was
520. “I didn’t see Tom at the party last night.” – “Oh, there was a chocolate fair in the mall. A chocoholic
like him _____ there.”
A. would have gone B. might be C. can have gone D. must have been
521. You’d better save some money for a rainy day. You can’t count on ______ by your parents every
time you get into financial difficulty.

A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued
522. In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses ______ do most other mammals.
A. twice energy more than B. more than twice energy
C. twice as much energy as D. much as twice energy as
523. _____ the minister will quit over the issue remains to be seen.
A. providing B. Supposing C. Whether D. If
524. In most ______ developed countries, up to 50% ______ population enters higher education at some
time in their lives.
A. the - a B. the - O C. O - the D. O – O
525. ______, the soil of the hill has been washed away.
A. Ploughed up and down for a long time B. Ploughed for a long time up and down
C. Ploughing up and down for a long time D. Ploughing for a long time up and
526. ______ appears considerably larger at the horizon it does overhead is merely an optical illusion.
A. The Moon B. That the Moon C. When the Moon D. The Moon which
527. WHO is working with the affected countries to provide guidance _____ how to manage the
A. on B. at C. for D. about
528. “I need the edited article on my desk by 2 pm, please.” – “No problem. I ______ it by then.”
A. will finish B. am finishing C. had finished D. will have finished
529. You promised to have a day off and go camping with us and you were at work until midnight this
Sunday. I would rather you ______ your word.
A. keep B. would have kept C. had kept D. kept
530. I went shopping on the last day of the sales, _____ most of the bargains had disappeared.
A. in which event B. in which case C. during which D. by which time
531. His eyes were _____ bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.
A. such B. very C. so D. too
532. Rita _____ getting up early. She finds it difficult.
A. isn’t used to B. is used to C. has a habit of D. is always
533. Skillful band-weaving techniques of the local _____ make Dinh An sedge mats a wonderful souvenir
for visitors.
A. artefacts B. artisans C. artists D. actors
534. My sister asked me _____ to use the new washing machine.
A. why B. where C. how D. what

535. The tin opener seemed _____ for left-handed people.
A. designing B. being designed C. to design D. to be designed
536. Children in large families learn how to get _____ with other people.
A. across B. through C. along D. away
537. Some of famous ____ in Southern Viet Nam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, fried rice, flour
cake, and many kinds of puddings.
A. stapes B. ingredients C. foods D. dishes
538. There’s _____ use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything about it.
A. a few B. a little C. no D. some
539. Personal _____ is very important in the kitchen – like washing hands before touching food.
A. cookery B. recipe C. ingredient D. hygiene
540. Teen Second Life is a kind of computer game where you leave your real life behind and enter the
world of _____ reality.
A. website B. virtual C. online D. interactive
541. Ho Chi Minh City is really _____ city with lots of going on at all times of the day.
A. shabby B. quaint C. bustling D. luxurious
542. He was asked to take _____ while his boss was away.
A. care B. office C. order D. charge
543. All the Earth’s trees are important as they ______ oxygen to the atmosphere.
A. give B. offer C. support D. supply
544. Everyone should know some _____ in case of an emergency.
A. first aid B. check-up C. prescription D. clinic
545. Anna has a real talent for dance and eventually _____ her ambition to dance at Lincoln Center in
New York.
A. fulfilled B. concluded C. succeeded D. convinced
546. Whenever you argue with her, she just ______.
A. turns to B. storms out C. falls out D. breaks up
547. I always enjoy visiting his house because he makes _____ lovely food.
A. so many B. such C. such a D. so a
548. ______ is essential if you want to perform well in a competition.
A. Trainer B. Trainee C. Training D. Having train
549. _____ being given tickets to the football match, we decided to watch it on TV.
A. Although B. However C. Despite D. Owing to
550. “Your jeans were split so I’ve mended them for you.” – “Oh, you ____ done that. Thank you.”

A. needn’t have B. didn’t have C. mustn’t have D. couldn’t have
551. I’d rather you two _____ next to each other today.
A. won’t sit B. hadn’t sat C. didn’t sit D. not sitting
552. Until you learn to relax more, you _____ your ability to speak English.
A. haven’t improved B. aren’t improved C. don’t improve D. won’t improve
553. The storm damaged the house where she ______ since she left school.
A. has lived B. has been living C. was living D. had been living
554. One of my least favorite things is _____ at the dentists.
A. checking my teeth B. being checked my teeth
C. getting my teeth checked D. having my teeth checking
555. You don't have to decide now, you can ________.
A. put it aside B. call it off C. tear it up D. think it over
556. I have just bought a _____ shirt for you, son. I hope you will like it.
A. blue cotton beautiful new B. beautiful new blue cotton
C. new beautiful cotton blue D. cotton beautiful blue new
557. In the hotel lobby the detective caught _______ of the man he had been hired to follow.
A. glance B. view C. vision D. sight
558. The first people to live in _______ Hawaii were the Polynesians, who sailed there in large canoes
from other Pacific Islands about 2,000 years ago.
A. now where is B. the place is now C. now this is D. what is now
559. Mr. Brown has kindly agreed to spare us some of his _____ time to answer our questions.
A. valuable B. worthy C. costly D. beneficial
560. It's hard to _______ on less than a million Vietnam dong a month.
A. make a mess B. make up your mind
C. make ends meet D. make a fuss
561. Mr. Dawson was given the award in ____ of his services to the hospital.
A. spite B. charge C. recognition D. sight
562. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will _____ that position.
A. stand for B. take over C. catch on D. hold on
563. I think I should have _______ your mother while I was passing.
A. dropped in on B. come up with C. got on with D. run into
564. She could ______ in the garden when we came around, which would explain why she didn't hear the
A. work B. be working C. have worked D. have been working

565. The chairman requested that _________.
A. the members studied the problem more carefully
B. the problem was more carefully studied
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied
D. the members study the problem more carefully
566. The boy _______ having had anything to do with the break-in.
A. refused B. denied C. objected D. rejected
567. Mr. Albert is intelligent but he ______ common sense.
A. fails B. lacks C. misses D. lacks of
568. The referee _______ the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first.
A. cast B. tossed C. threw D. caught
569. It was ________ easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player.
A. purposefully B. exceedingly C. relatively D. normally
570. Don't let a good chance _______.
A. go by B. go off C. go down D. go over
571. A lot of progress has been ______ since the country became independent.
A. created B. done C. built D. made
572. Our project was successful ________ its practicality.
A. in terms of B. with a view to C. regardless D. on behalf of
573. On the battle field _________.
A. lay the tanks B. laid the tanks C. did the tanks lie D. the tanks lay
574. I wrote to them a fortnight ago but _________ I have not had a reply.
A. as yet B. those days C. so long D. just now
575. Although he didn't actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday, he did ______ pretty strongly.
A. imply B. suggest C. mention D. hint
576. Despite all the interruptions, he ______ with hard work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. pressed on D. hung out
577. In most ______ developed countries, up to 50% of ______ population enters higher education at
some time in their lives.
A. the/a B. O/O C. the/O D. O/the
578. After feeling off ______ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. colour C. fitness D. balance
579. He is very good at _____ people singing with his guitar.
A. making B. getting C. accompanying D. having

580. Only through intensive research _____ for the virus be found.
A. a vaccine can B. does a vaccine C. can a vaccine be D. can a vaccine
581. Her outgoing character contrasts _____ with that of her sister.
A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly
582. Where did you buy that _____ handbag?
A. funny leather purple B. purple funny leather
C. funny purple leather D. leather funny purple
583. Tom: "______"
Peter: "Never mind."
A. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
C. Congratulations! How wonderful!
D. Thank you for being so honest with me.
584. ______ workers found accidentally while constructing a new subway line in London yielded new
information about previous civilizations in the area could be well-documented.
A. That relics that B. Relics that C. It was relics that D. Not until relics that
585. Closure of schools took place ______ falling numbers of students.
A. with regard to B. in the context of C. in consideration of D. with a concern for
586. When wet, ______.
A. these old papers give off a bad smell
B. we get a bad smell from these old papers
C. a bad smell comes from these old papers
D. there is a bad smell coming from these old papers
587. Why do you have such a ______ with model railways?
A. desire B. love C. fascination D. preference
588. That’s exactly what I mean, Ben. You’ve ______!
A. put your foot on it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
589. The new Arts Centre seems to have been ______ construction for quite some time.
A. in B. under C. on D. below
590. Luckily, I ______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag.
A. needn’t have bought B. needed not to buy
C. didn’t need to buy D. hadn’t to buy
591. Mrs. Davies asked me to tell you that she would like ______ by Friday at the latest.

A. sending the orders B. that you sent C. sent the orders D. the orders sent
592. The film is ______ released at the end of next year.
A. on the point of being B. about to be
C. on the verge of being D. due to be
593. Sending out e-mails that people haven’t asked for to ______ addresses is often known as
A. sufficient B. multiple C. countless D. widespread
584. Mary: “Do you want to watch this or the news?”
Linda: “Oh, ______ . It’s up to you.”
A. I agree B. I couldn’t agree more
C. Don’t mention it D. I’m easy
585. He was ______ we had expected.
A. by far much more efficient at written work than
B. efficiently working like
C. not more efficient in writing than
D. not nearly as efficient at working as a writer as
586. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather ______ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-effacing B. self-centered C. self-conscious D. self-evident
587. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened ______ a sudden loud noise.
A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there have been
588. Peter: “I love your garden!”
John: “Thanks. Yes, I suppose I’ve always ______.”
A. seen the wood for the trees B. turned over a new leaf
C. had green fingers D. let nature take its course
589. You’ll have to ______ on your general knowledge before you go on that quiz show.
A. brush up B. clear up C. take up D. smarten up
590. _____ precipitation events have produced more rain and become more common since the 1950s in
many regions of the world, including much of the United States.
A. Extreme B. Supreme C. Utmost D. Drastic
591. _____ one after another, parallel computers perform a group of operations at the same time.
A. Conventional computers, by handling tasks
B. Since tasks being handled by conventional computers
C. Whereas conventional computers handle tasks
D. While tasks handled by conventional computers

592. The storm ______ havoc on trains and highways, making it unlikely thousands of investors and
traders would arrive at work.
A. made B. executed C. wreaked D. exercised
593. He was a great athlete when he was younger. He now still ______ had it not been for that accident.
A. would have been B. had been C. will be D. would be
594. Your ______ depends on such things as your genes, behaviors, attitudes, environment, and a little bit
of luck.
A. expectancy B. longevity C. endurance D. durability
595. More and more investors are pouring _____ money into food and beverage start-ups.
A. an B. the C. no article D. a
596. Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to _____ heart disease.
A push off B. put off C. ward off D. brush off
597. Only by reducing its brightness and shutting down apps running in the background ____ in 20 hours.
A. you can prevent this iPhone from going dead
B. can you prevent this iPhone from going dead
C. you prevent this iPhone going dead
D. can you prevent this iPhone from not going dead
598. Fixed term employment, also known as contract work, is used for single projects or to replace
workers on ______.
A. permission B. leave C. break D. absence
599. Uneducated people, the kind _____ lack information about life, themselves, and the world, make otal
poor choices in their life.
A. who B. whose C. which D. whom
600. _____, they remained optimistic.
A. Though fairly unsure about the final outcome of the trial his lawyers were
B. Fairly unsure about the final outcome of the trial as his lawyers were
C. Fairly unsure about the final outcome of the trial as were his lawyers
D. Despite fairly unsure about the final outcome of the trial his lawyers were
601. Emma: "I love your gardens. The plants are well taken care of!"
Dennis: "Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always ______.”
A. had a good root round B. had green fingers
C. been up a gum tree D. taken leave of my senses
602. Some teachers have a tendency to ______ preference to students with disadvantaged backgrounds
such as poor and handicapped students.

A. lend B. give C. deliver D. send
603. The residents living in this area were warned not to be extravagant with water, _____ the low rainfall
this year.
A. in view of B. with a view to C. regardless of D. for fear that
604. I will never forget the look of ______ joy on her face at the time her boyfriend gave her his proposal.
A. deep B. steep C. high D. sheer
605. The skyscraper, ______ with multi-colored lights, looked incredible.
A. illuminating B. illuminated C. was illuminated D. illuminate
606. _______ a parent, I think that more should be done to protect our children.
A. Like B. As C. Unlike D. Alike
607. Christine is inviting Gillian to dinner.
Christine: "I'm having some friends over for dinner this Saturday. Would you like to join us?"
Gillian: "______”
A. Can I take a rain check? B. Come on. It's your turn.
C. Thanks, but I mustn't. D. As a matter of fact, I do.
608. Joyce wants to talk to Mr. Smith, but he is not in the office at the moment. She is talking to his
secretary instead.
Joyce: "May I leave a message for Mr. Smith?"
Secretary: “________”
A. Not a chance. B. That's very kind of you.
C. I can't agree more. D. Yes, I'll make sure he gets it.
609. People should not have children unless they are _______ to being responsible parents.
A. allowed B. involved C. committed D. promised
610. There are no problems with Dan. He seems ______ after in a proper way.
A. to be looking B. to have looked
C. to have been looked D. to look
611. In hot and sunny weather, man acclimatizes by eating less, drinking more liquids, and _____.
A. skin changes that darken B. experiencing a darkening of the skin
C. his skin may darken D. darkening their skin
612. Trade _____ from bad to worse and staff _____ redundant now.
A. have gone - is made B. has gone - are being made
C. went - have made D. had gone - are made
613. Nancy: "Would you mind posting this letter for me on the way to the shopping mall, Betty?"
Betty: "______”

A. No problem. Give it to me before I go. B. Yes, I post it for you.
C. Never mind. You don't have to do it now. D. It is very kind of you to say so.
614. _____ snow that covers the top of the mountain is ______ beautiful sight.
A. Ø - a B. The - a C. Ø - Ø D. The - the
615. It is a federal law ______ vaccinated before entering the first grade.
A. for children be B. that children will be
C. that children be D. requires children to be
616. The campers were asked to throw all recyclable trash into _____.
A. the green big plastic bag B. the big plastic bag green
C. the green plastic bag D. the big green plastic bag
617. There was no one downstairs, so the woman turned off the lights and decided that she _______
A. must have imagined B. can't have imagined
C. should have imagined D. needn't have imagined
618. Of the two films we watched last night, "The Avengers" is ______.
A. more interesting B. as interesting
C. the more interesting D. the most interesting
619. If you need to _____ the teacher's attention, just put your hand up.
A. pull B. obtain C. take D. attract
620. ______, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although being invisible B. Even though it invisible
C. Despite invisible D. Although invisible
621. People tend to become less ______ to new ideas as they grow older.
A. receptive B. available C. attractive D. hospitable
622. The whereabouts of the exiled president remains a(n) _____ guarded secret.
A. closely B. deeply C. highly D. entirely
623. Extensive forests, abundant wildlife, and spectacular mountain _____ are among the attractions of
Glacier National Park.
A. scene B. scenery C. sights D. views
624. The two small companies are going to _____ due to economic crisis.
A. mix B. meet C. merge D. blend
625. My sunburnt skin made me feel rather _____ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-confident B. self-centred C. self-conscious D. self-contained
626. The girl was over the _____ when she won a scholarship to study in the United States.

A. sky B. sun C. moon D. planet
627. This speech needs to be set _____ our country in the 1970s.
A. with regard to B. with a view to C. in consideration of D. in the context of
628. Daisy really liked the dress she found for her sister's wedding. However, she decided to _____ for a
better deal.
A. sell out B. shop around C. ring up D. shell out
629. The fumes were so thick that she was _____ for breath.
A. heart-to-heart B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bone
630. It's been announced that the officer will ________ trial for leaking secret data to the enemy's
A. go B. stand C. take D. Sit
631. The wedding marked the beginning of a new ________ in Catherine's life.
A. phase B. span C. stint D. duration
632. Alan is talking with Mandy after coming back from a fair.
Alan: "I met your brother at the fair.
Mandy: "You ________ my brother. I haven't got one!"
A. can't meet B. mustn't have met C. couldn't meet D. can't have met
633. A wife is talking to her husband before he leaves for work.
Wife: Will you be home late tonight?"
Husband: “________. The meeting won't start until six.”
A. No problem B. I'm afraid so C. I hope so D. No worries
634. For the last few days, I ________ in Jane's office as mine ________.
A. had worked - was being redecorated
B. have worked - is redecorated
C. have been working - is being redecorated
D. was working - was being redecorated
635. The recommendation that all people affected by the storm ________ immediately was approved.
A. be evacuated B. evacuated
C. being evacuated D. would be evacuated
636. The bank will give an immediate refund ________ an error being made.
A. as a means of B. as an account of C. in recognition of D. In the event of
637. Emily was ________ disappointed when she learnt that she hadn't won the beauty contest.
A. strongly B. seriously C. heavily D. bitterly
638. One of my favourite sayings is 'Absence makes the heart grow _______’

A. warmer B. kinder C. fonder D. keener
639. Frank is at a shoes store.
Frank: 'Can I try on these shoes?
Shop assistant: “________”
A. Just enjoy yourself B. By all means, sir
C. First come, first served D. Oh, to your liking
640. There are other factors ________ those we have discussed.
A. over and above B. out and about C. up and down D. to and fro
641. It's always difficult to know what she's thinking because she's so ________.
A. inactive B. reserved C. indecisive D. selfless
642. We had an argument last week. Now I want to have a long calm talk with her to _______.
A. clear the air B. jump down my throat
C. have a go D. keep my eyes open
643. Ted: What ________ make of car do you drive?
George: It's ________ Toyota Camry.
A. the - a B. O - O C. the - O D. O – a
644. Explorers are said ________ a primitive tribe in the Amazon not long ago.
A. finding B. to have found C. having found D. to find
645. He'd rather not have been trusted with that money, ________ he?
A. would B. hadn't C. wouldn't D. had
646. Staying in a hotel costs ________ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. twice as much as B. twice more C. more than twice as D. as much twice
647. We walked through a park, ________ had been uprooted in the storm. It was a scene of utter
A. most of whose trees B. whose most trees
C. that the most trees D. most trees of it
648. In spite of all the interruptions, Sheila ________ with her work.
A. pressed on B. tried out C. came down D. hold off
649. ________ has resulted in what is known as deforestation.
A. That excessive logging of forests in the past century
B. It is excessive logging of forests in the past century that
C. That is excessive logging of forests in the past century
D. It is that excessive logging of forests in the past century
650. I'm sorry, but the dress you want is not ______ in red.

A. possible B. economical C. suitable D. available
651. ______ rare artifacts were they that the museum decided to insure them.
A. Such B. So C. Too D. Very
652. Scientists are predicting that the volcano might erupt so people have been ____ from the area.
A. evacuated B. emigrated C. escaped D. exported
653. I always take my lucky _____ with me into an exam.
A. sign B. item C. spell D. charm
654. The hotel room was _____ furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe, and an ancient armchair.
A. thinly B. sparsely C. lightly D. completely
655. It's very important that we ______ as soon as there's any change in the patient's condition.
A. are notified B. being notified C. were notified D. be notified
656. If the service isn't up to standard, I think you have _____ right to complain.
A. all B. each C. every D. much
657. ______, a bat sends out a series of signals, which bounce off any object in its path.
A. When in flying B. While it is flying
C. When they are flying D. Once flying
658. Jack has decided to _____ the time he spends watching television.
A. run out of B. cut down on C. go in for D. come up with
659. ______, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually
660. She _____ to tell them where the money was hidden.
A. objected B. rejected C. refused D. disagreed
661. _____ a scholarship, I entered the unknown territory of private education.
A. To award B. To be awarded
C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded
662. The old houses opposite are going to be _______.
A. broken down B. knocked down C. put down D. taken down
663. The coastguard boarded the ship and found ______.
A. four injured alive men B. alive four men injured
C. four injured men alive D. injured four alive men
664. There's no ______ between Gary and Mark, even though they are brothers.
A. resemblance B. appearance C. correspondence D. reflection
665. "I have passed all of my examinations!" “_____!”
A. Best wishes B. My dear C. Well done D. That's very well

666. I'm my brother is _____.
A. nowhere like so ambitious B. nothing near as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious than D. nowhere near as ambitious as
667. Jane changed her major from French to business _____.
A. hoping she can easier get a job
B. with hopes to be able easier to locate employment
C. hoping to find a job more easily
D. with the hope for being able to find better a job
668. - “_____” - "All right then, if you insist."
A. She did it right then.
B. Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us?
C. What seems to be the trouble?
D. Everything was all right at the party, wasn't it?
669. The secretary has been working here long enough to know what's ____.
A. when B. where C. what D. which
670. I don't mind _____ if you use my car while I'm away on holiday.
A. at least B. least of all C. in the least D. to say the least
671. Rosy likes to travel _____ because she enjoys locations where there are few tourists.
A. at the crack of dawn B. off the beaten track
C. around the clock D. on a shoestring
672. Mr. Brown is a tough politician; he knows how to _____ the storm.
A. ride out B. keep up C. run down D. push back
673. My friend is so _____ ; even when people are telling the truth, she never believes.
A. cynical B. crucial C. erudite D. domestic
674. As the two seminars are running ______, Peter will have to make a choice on which one to attend.
A. concurrently B. continually C. continuously D. currently
675. It was a long time before it ______ on me that Laura was your sister.
A. dawned B. broke C. struck D. flashed
676. _____ with temperate climate, our city offers a wonderful holiday destination for anyone ______ to
admire myriads of flowers.
A. Blessing - wants B. Blessed - wanting C. Blessed - wanted D. Blessing - wanting
677. Jack's parents would _____ architecture at university, but his mind was set on becoming a

A. rather have studied B. wish he had studied
C. sooner he had studied D. prefer it if he has studied
678. ______ was unacceptable. He was so sorry for that.
A. I did such a thing it B. That he did such a thing
C. That he did such thing it D. He did such a thing
679. Although it was _____ early afternoon, all _____ lights in _____ restaurant were on.
A. the-the-Ø B. Ø-the-the C. an-the-the D. Ø-Ø-the
680. Rarely have I visited ______ Paris, the capital of France.
A. as beautiful as the city B. as beautiful a city as
C. as a beautiful city as D. as a city as beautiful as
681. I don't think Mark's ever been there, ______?
A. have I B. hasn't he C. do I D. has he
682. A special award was presented to the novelist, _______ have been adapted for the theatre.
A. several of whose works B. several works by who
C. of whom several works D. of whose several works
683. It's hard to believe that by the end of this year, we ______ at this company for 15 years straight.
A. will all be working B. will all have been working
C. have all been working D. are all working
684. The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was ______.
A. liberated B. excused C. interned D. acquitted
685. The new ______ bus system will connect communities all across the country.
A. intercity B. intercontinental C. transatlantic D. transcontinental
686. Bob and Angela are talking about some health tips.
Bob: "Do you believe that drinking orange juice every day helps boost our immune system?"
Angela: “_____.”
A. Indeed, I like orange juice B. Orange juice is my favorite drink
C. I rarely drink orange juice D. I have no objection
687. We have got a(n) ______ on the mantelpiece.
A. useful yellow gold Dutch clock alarm B. yellow useful Dutch gold clock alarm
C. useful yellow Dutch gold alarm clock D. yellow useful Dutch gold alarm clock

688. There were so many people ______ me in the crowd yesterday that I couldn't hold my camera steady.
A. jostling B. jerking C. agitating D. obstructing
689. Shelves _____, the hypermarket was ready to open its doors to the public.

A. to stack B. stacked C. stacking D. having stacked
690. The new employee ______ a lot of time in familiarising himself with all the company's procedures.
A. supplied B. furnished C. participated D. invested
691. He pointed out that his wages ______ no relation to the amount of work he did.
A. yielded B. spared C. bore D. lent
692. I'm not keen on ______ holidays. I'd rather have the option of eating out if I want to, without
thinking that I've already paid to eat at the hotel.
A. over-booked B. self-catering C. low-season D. all-inclusive
693. Everything was at ______ when we arrived, as they had only moved into the house the day before.
A. fits and starts B. safe and sound C. sixes and sevens D. song and dance
694. Every parent has their own ______ on their child's use of the Internet.
A. manner B. bearing C. point D. stance
695. The boy wasn't at all hungry, and could only _____ with the food on his plate.
A. touch B. snack C. finger D. toy
696. When I advised you to change your job, I had your best ______ at heart.
A. aspects B. interests C. feelings D. thoughts
697. I'd rather Ann ______ my laptop while I was gone.
A. didn't use B. doesn't use C. hadn't used D. wouldn't use
698. The solution to this problem isn't going to be easy. I wish there was a ______ answer, but there isn't.
A. cut and dried B. now and again C. short and sweet D. free and easy
699. Mary: So did you enjoy going out to the cinema last night?
Peter: No, not really. I'd sooner ______ at home to watch TV.
A. stay B. had stayed C. stayed D. have stayed
700. The satellite photographed a ______ moon in orbit around Saturn.
A. previously undetecting B. previous undetected
C. previous undetecting D. previously undetected
701. Her responsibilities go beyond the ______ of most junior internships.
A. scope B. scale C. arena D. area
702. We wouldn't have missed the train ______ an out-of-date timetable.
A. should we not be using B. if we weren't using
C. if we were not to use D. had we not been using
703. Widely reproduced in magazines and books, _______.
A. Ansel Adam's photographs depicted the Western wilderness
B. it was through his photographs that Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness

C. the Western wilderness was depicted in the photographs of Ansel Adams
D. Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness in his photographs
704. When the fire alarm went off, our teacher stayed _____. She quietly put down her book and led us all
quickly and calmly to the emergency exit.
A. as cool as a cucumber B. as cold as ice
C. as bright as a button D. as dull as ditchwater
705. When he saw me, he _____ in the other direction.
A. took off B. headed for C. passed out D. came about
706. We've made them an offer for the furniture. Now the ball's _____. We'll just have to wait for their
A. in their court B. in their pitch C. on their turf D. on their side
707. Two for the price of one; that's certainly great _____ for money!
A. worth B. value C. price D. bargain
708. It's a common ______ to see Black Friday shoppers hanging out at the shopping mall.
A. scenery B. sight C. vision D. view
709. The science teacher _____ as a homework assignment.
A. got diagrams of the skeleton to make
B. had diagrams of the skeleton making
C. got them to make diagrams of the skeleton
D. had them made diagrams of the skeleton
710. The result of the survey will be published _____ due course.
A. with B. by C. in D. on
711. The boy became an Internet _____ when his video went viral.
A. marvel B. sensation C. miracle D. wonder
712. Jane has just got engaged to Tom. She is on nine _______.
A. level B. cloud C. planet D. heaven
713. From an investor's viewpoint, getting ______ advice is the key to making sound investment
A. unjudged B. inanimate C. unbiased D. impatient
714. Because there was a delay in our flight, by the time we got to the craft fair, all the best items ______.
A. had sold B. had been sold C. were being sold D. would be sold
715. ______ the student's had six months to work on his project, he hasn't made much progress.
A. On account of B. Given that C. As soon as D. Due to
716. It was essential that Eddie ______ the borrowed equipment to our office before the end of the month.

A. return B. returned C. had returned D. was returning
717. ______ dark chocolate causes acne is a widely held belief, but there is no scientific evidence for this.
A. Eating B. Why eating C. That eating D. Because eating
718. Vitamins are ______ are elements needed in greater quantities.
A. as important to our health as B. to our health as important
C. the most important to our health D. important to our health than
719. Some people seem to ______ a second language with relative ease, while others have a much more
difficult time.
A. come round B. break out C. turn in D. pick up
720. The shape and size of a clay teapot depend mainly on the function ______ intended.
A. which it is B. for which it is C. which it is for D. for which is
721. Beth has always _______ to become a professional actress.
A. inspired B. conspired C. expired D. aspired
720. Listed as an endangered species, ______.
A. humans have destroyed the red panda's habitat
B. the habitat of the red panda has been destroyed by humans
C. the red panda has had its habitat destroyed by humans
D. destruction has been made by humans to the red panda's habitat
721. The food Mrs. Bartley was cooking in the kitchen was giving ______ a wonderful smell.
A. up B. off C. round D. over
722. As it was a small house party, we ______ so formally.
A. will not need to dress up B. did not need to have dressed up
C. need not dress up D. did not need to dress up
723. Brian: What is your brother doing now?
Steve: He works for the BBC, doing research work for the documentary programmes.
Brian: _______
Steve: Well, yes. Most of it is.
A. Lucky him! The work must be fascinating!
B. Interesting. Doesn't he get tired of it ?
C. What's the salary like?
D. How did he get into a job like that?
724. Because John's parents always allow him to have his way, they have thoroughly _____ him.
A. ruined B. encouraged C. spoiled D. destroyed
725. Health and fitness have become big _______ these days.

A. industry B. production C. enterprise D. business
726. She is a(n) ______ scientist who has influenced many others in the field of medicine.
A. notorious B. impending C. affable D. eminent
727. While teachers at school are not particularly strict, they are never ______ with students who skip
classes or cheat on the test.
A. formal B. disciplined C. lenient D. adverse
728. The board proposes that the majority of this year's profits _______ in new product development.
A. will be invested B. be invested C. to be invested D. are investing
729. Eventually our choice of resort will ______ to how far we are willing to travel in order to get there.
A. come down B. rule out C. step up D. set back
730. I'm worried because they ______ by midnight and it's already 1.00 a.m.
A. had better be at home B. were supposed to have been home
C. have to have been home D. ought to be in the home
731. Losing my job was a _____. I never would have found this one if it hadn't happened.
A. bleeding heart B. breath of fresh air
C. blessing in disguise D. bone to pick with
732. Mathematics helps meteorologists to predict the weather more accurately, to calculate the speed of
storms, and _____.
A. for the wind to blow determines
B. causes the wind blowing to determine
C. to determine what causes the wind to blow
D. determine the wind's blowing
733. He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, he _____ his word.
A. stood by B. stuck at C. went back on D. held onto
734. Jack: "Would you mind sending those flowers to Mrs. Brown?"
Linda: "______”
A. She wouldn't mind. B. No, I can handle it myself.
C. Not at all. I'll do it now. D. I would if I were you.
735. The young have a completely different set of _____ and expectations.
A. arts B. values C. wealth D. trade
736. ______ any further information, do not hesitate to contact me.
A. Should you need B. You should need C. Unless you need D. You will need
737. She didn't marry Peter because her parents ______.
A. wanted her B. were against

C. were against it D. haven't liked him
738. It was urgent that he ______ at once.
A. leave B. would leave C. left D. leaves.
739. Generally speaking, _______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effects.
A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken
740. I don't think it's my ______ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on. That's all.
A. error B. mistake C. fault D. duty
741. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise ______.
A. going on B. goes on C. to go on D. went on
742. He is determined to finish the job ______ long it takes.
A. whenever B. whatever C. no matter D. however
743. Not only _____ in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader.
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved
C. was Jack involved D. Jack was involved
744. Of all athletes, Alex is ______.
A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified
C. the more qualified D. the least qualified
745. When the electricity failed, he _____ a match to find the candle.
A. rubbed B. struck C. scratched D. started
746. When you go out, will you get me ______ of Newsweek?
A. a copy B. an edition C. a paper D. a publication
747. The doctor told Tom that too much ______ to the sun is bad for the skin.
A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion
748. _____ bicycle is among the most efficient machines invented by man.
A. An B. A C. The D. No article
749. _____ they get the letter tomorrow, you still won't get a reply before the weekend.
A. Even though B. While C. Even if D. However
750. Marie Curie was the first woman ______ two Nobel prizes.
A. who awarded B. to be awarded C. awarding D. that was awarding
751. The paintings ______ the cultural features of the coastal region, which attracts tourists to the village
of Nhon Ly in Quy Nhon city.
A. advocate B. reproduce C. imitate D. provoke
752. According to _______ of the contract, foreign tenants must give an eight-month notice if they the
intend to leave.

A. laws B. rules C. terms D. regulations
753. I think city dwellers can enjoy an exciting nightlife, _____?
A. don't I B. do I C. can't they D. can they
754. He should eat fewer sweets if he ______ to have a toothache.
A. didn't want B. hadn't wanted C. doesn't want D. hasn't wanted
755. I'm sure that this isn't a true story about his life. She ______ it up.
A. must have made B. should have made C. would have made D. can have made
756. I don't think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is ____.
A. as dry as rice B. as dry as a tile C. as dry as a bone D. as dry as wood
757. Very soon I found some other people to ______and we began to write songs.
A. keep up with B. team up with C. talk through with D. get along with
758. They _______ a big fortune when they were young, so they didn't have to work hard.
A. came into B. came up C. came across D. came round
759. The population of London is a lot smaller than that of Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is by far _____
tourist destination.
A. the most popular B. more popular
C. more and more popular D. most popular
760. ______, they slept soundly in the room because they were working hard on the farm the whole
A. Hot though was the night B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was air
761. Where's ______ the dress that your grandma gave you?
A. lovely long pink silk B. lovely pink long silk
C. pink long lovely silk D. long pink silk lovely
762. ______ when people didn't understand what he was trying to say that he discontinued his
A. So frustrated did he feel B. So frustrated he felt
C. Such frustrated did he feel D. He felt such frustrated
763. Mary and Peter are at the flower shop.
Mary: "Would you mind sending those flowers to Mr. Carlos?"
Peter: "______”
A. He wouldn't mind. B. No, I can handle it myself.
C. I would if I were you. D. Sure, I'll do it now.
764. Jenifer and Margret are talking about Margret's new dress.

Jenifer: "You really have a beautiful dress, Margret."
Margret: "Thank you, Jenifer. ______”
A. That's a nice compliment. B. My mother bought it yesterday.
C. Of course, it is very expensive. D. Yes, I like it very much.
765. The boy, along with his two classmates, _____ the wall of the newly-built house now.
A. are painting B. is painting C. has been painting D. have been painted
766. The factory where my uncle is working is said _____ by fire last week.
A. to be destroyed B. to destroy
C. to have been destroyed D. to have destroy
767. I think nobody is living in this house now, _____?
A. don't I B. are they C. is he D. do I
768. It is strongly recommended that the machine ______ every day.
A. checks B. check C. be checked D. checked
769. My teachers always object _____ foods and drinks into the classroom.
A. us to bring B. us bringing C. us bringing D. to our bring
770. One's fingerprints are _____ other person.
A. different from B. different from any
C. different from that of any D. different from those of any
771. As the two teams left the football ground, the 100,000 _____ gave them a standing ovation.
A. bystanders B. spectators C. viewers D. audiences
772. The person _____ for the team will be contacted by phone.
A. that choosing B. was chosen C. chosen D. to choose
773. The lecture was very boring; _____, Tom feel asleep.
A. consequently B. nevertheless C. however D. moreover
774. Though she could not be seen, Kelly was heard _____ for help.
A. to calling out B. calling out C. call out D. to be called out
775. _____ the new subject that almost no students passed the final term exam.
A. So was complex B. So complex was C. Complex was so D. Was so complex
776. Mr. Harrison asked me to tell you that he would like _____ by Friday at the latest.
A. the orders sent B. sending the orders C. that you sent D. send the orders
777. There should be no discrimination on ____ of sex, race or religion.
A. fields B. places C. grounds D. areas
778. Dave: "I don't think I will be able to go swimming tomorrow". Jack: "_____?”
A. Why do you B. How do you do C. Why come D. How come

779. You must leave at once, you ______ miss the train.
A. however B. yet C. otherwise D. still
780. They were soaked to the skin. They _____ their umbrellas.
A. will have taken B. must have taken C. can have taken D. should have taken
781. His composition is _____ mine.
A. as the same standard of B. of the same standard as
C. as the same standard as D. as the same standard to
782. I'd rather you _____ my computer while I'm out.
A. didn't use B. don't use C. haven't used D. hadn't used
783. There is much local respect for him, because he stuck to his principles _____.
A. over and above B. through thick and thin
C. behind the times D. over the top
784. Jim Carrey went from rags to _____. He was once living in a van, but eventually became one of the
highest-paid comedians in the world.
A. riches B. wealth C. luxury D. fortunes
785. She wanted to _____ her interest in microbiology.
A. pursue B. strive C. stalk D. persist
786. The driver was anxious _____ as there was a bomb threat.
A. that the train evacuate B. evacuating the train
C. that the train be evacuated D. to be evacuated the train
787. No, you can't hire a rock band. And as _______ a party at your grandmother's house - it's out of the
A. to hold B. to holding C. you hold D. for you hold
788. The criminal ______ the businessman by threatening to harm his family.
A. kidnapped B. shoplifted C. blackmailed D. robbed
789. He was regarded as the most ______ of contemporary writers of fiction.
A. dense B. daring C. extensive D. imaginary
790. He studied ______ ; hence he passed his test hands down.
A. relatively B. slovenly C. diligently D. lazily
791. He waited for 10 minutes in ______ claim before he saw his bag on the carousel.
A. customs B. conveyor C. luggage D. baggage
792. These magnificent surroundings invariably _____ my appetite for staying longer here. Perhaps, I'll
settle down here for good one day in the future.
A. arise B. urge C. provoke D. whet

793. She's really exhausted. It is clear that the pressure of long hours at work has bad effects _____ her
A. on B. in C. of D. at
794. If you _____ a habit of investing some of your spare income, you'll be pleasantly surprised how
much can build up.
A. make B. get C. break D. become
795. The reason for the sitter's smile in the Mona Lisa is still something of ______.
A. a paradox B. an enigma C. a deception D. an illusion
796. Bill's mother won't let him go out with his friends ______.
A. after he had finished his homework B. once he finished his homework
C. until he has finished his homework D. when he finished his homework
797. The volunteers involved in the sustainability project live in a small settlement designed as a ______
society where everyone is equal.
A. classic B. classy C. classical D. classless
798. The locks to the doors of the building are controlled ______.
A. mainly B. centrally C. solidly D. completely
799. Let's _______ the grammar one more time before the test.
A. go down with B. go over C. go off D. go back
800. Having never worked on a major newspaper before, he was all at _____ when he first started.
A. loss B. water C. coast D. sea
801. Medicine ______ in the pharmacy on the ground floor is cheap and good.
A. is brought B. bought C. is bringing D. bringing
802. A: "This computer program would be a great way to brush up on my Italian, wouldn't it ?"
B: "______ with your pronunciation."
A. It was because it can't help B. What it can't do is help
C. All it can't help is D. The thing that it can't help
803. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. to have been robbed
C. robbed D. having been robbed
804. Many young people in the West are expected to leave _____ could be life's most important decision -
marriage - almost entirely up to luck.
A. what B. that C. which D. who
805. They're unhappy about the extra hours they've been asked to work and they're making ______ about

A. a song and dance B. an album and show
C. a record and ballet D. a track and tango
806. He's so ambitious that he'll do anything to _______ his career, even at the expense of others.
A. enlarge B. widen C. further D. expand
807. The announcement about job losses has ______ consequences for the firm.
A. hard-hitting B. far-reaching C. never-ending D. wide-ranging
808. This disagreement is likely to _____ relations between the two countries.
A. disaffect B. alienate C. sour D. estrange
809. She seems to be angry with the whole world. She's got a chip ______.
A. on her shoulder B. in her bonnet C. under her hat D. between the ears
810. _____ your effort and talent, we wonder if you can work full time for us.
A. In the event that B. Regardless of C. With respect to D. On behalf of
811. Why he killed himself seems a secret, _____?
A. didn't he B. doesn't he C. doesn't it D. didn't it?
812. Due to the nature of the earthquake, a much larger ______ of the population might be affected.
A. segment B. density C. division D. totality
813. Hoa: Do you ever wish you _____ to university?
Mai: Yes, but my parents couldn't afford it.
A. went B. would go C. were going D. had gone
814. What a coincidence this is! It's so strange that you _____ be staying in the same hotel as us.
A. should B. must C. may D. ought
815. He was working in a factory when I met him, ______ he had been in the army.
A. before which B. by when C. but then D. during which
816. ______ are the days when newspapers were full of misprints and spelling errors. These are now
virtually things of the past.
A. Gone B. Those C. Done D. They
817. To work efficiently, _______.
A. It is necessary to clean and check your watch regularly
B. you must have your watch cleaned and checked regularly
C. your watch must be cleaned and checked regularly.
D. you must clean and check your watch regularly
818. After ______, one naturally wants to put one's feet up and relax.
A. a day's hard working B. a hard-working day
C. a hard day's work D. the hard work of the day

819. We need someone who is a good engineer as well as an efficient manager. In my opinion, this
candidate is ______.
A. neither one nor other B. none at all
C. not one or other D. nelther one thing nor the other
820. He tried all the keys in turn but not _______ fitted.
A. every B. none C. each D. any
821. As the exam is coming, Vinh, ______ students, often burns the midnight oil.
A. as most B. like most C. like the most of the D. as the most of the
822. She took a course in telemarketing _______ improving her employment prospects.
A. with a view to B. with a regard to C. in respect of D. in consideration of
823. The hosts prepared a _______ meal with seven courses to celebrate our arrival.
A. generous B. profuse C. lavish D. spendthrift
824. Ian couldn't ring his teacher yesterday as his phone is on the ______.
A. blink B. wink C. go D. run
825. She has an unbelievable voice. Her singing is absolutely ______.
A. out of this life B. beyond this world C. out of this world D. beyond this life
826. Even with a large percentage of the world now working from home, it's vital that managers trust
their workforce to complete the job ______.
A. at hand B. in hand C. on hand D. out of hand
827. The dentist told me that when the effect of the anaesthetic ______, I might feel a little pain. But It
was more than a little.
A. dropped out B. went over C. wore off D. turned away
828. When I first met him, he ______ as a very indecisive person. He didn't seem to know what he
wanted at all.
A. went by B. put off C. passed down D. came across
829. _____ Vincent felt angry. The vandals had scratched his new car badly.
A. It isn’t to wonder B. It's not a wonder C. It isn't wonderful D. It's no wonder
830. _____, all the shops were shut.
A. It is a holiday B. It being a holiday C. Being a holiday D. As a holiday
830. An: I got sick yesterday.
Minh: ______
A. How do you do? B. How can? C. How's that? D. What a surprise!
831. Secretary: Here is your newspaper, Mr. Jones. Would you like anything else?
Mr. Jones: _____, thank you.

A. Not at all B. Never mind C. That’s good D. That's it for today
832. ______ comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. That C. Then D. There
833. You ______ come out to the airport to meet me. I could have taken a bus.
A. needn't have B. needn't C. don't need to D. didn't need to
834. By the end of the first half of the twenty-first century women ______ against men in many sports.
A. compete B. are competing
C. are going to compete D. will be competing
835. More and more trees in this area are found _____ from the effect of pollution.
A. died B. to be dead C. to be dying D. having died
836. The food she has prepared for the party is not enough, for there are ______ more people showing up.
A. so B. too C. any D. many
837. Minh Thu changed her major from literature to English _____.
A. with the hope to be offered employment easier
B. hoping more easily she gets a job
C. with the hope for being able to find better job
D. hoping to find a job more easily
838. _____, the film began.
A. All of us have taken the seats B. All of us having taken the seats
C. We all having seated D. We all have been seated
839. They still haven't made a decision ______ the new color scheme.
A. on reflection of B. with a view to
C. with regard to D. by contrast with
840. 'The 20-year policy would be a good investment', _____ said the insurance agent, you wanted to cash
it within the first ten years.'
A. even though B. in case C. lest D. even if
841. I often wish I could afford to work less, _____ people, I suspect.
A. like do most B. as do most
C. the same most. D. as much the same most
841. How much ______ do Jerry's opinions carry with the committee?
A. importance B. value C. weight D. worth
842. Many small businesses have _____ victim to the recent economic recession.
A. become B. been C. blamed D. fallen
843. Road conditions are difficult because of the ______ rain.

A. driving B. jumping C. riding D. running
844. Kathy ______ comes up with a solution when everyone else is at a loss.
A. absolutely B. invariably C. persistently D. universally
845. She ______ till the early hours listening to music.
A. caught me up B. picked me up C. kept me up D. took me up
846. Making mistakes is all _____ of growing up.
A. flesh and blood B. odds and ends C. part and parcel D. top and bottom
847. They live miles away, _____.
A. split down the middle. B. from a distance
C. nearly nowhere D. in the middle of nowhere
848. Many students _____ night after night to prepare for their coming exams.
A. burn the midnight oil B. turn the tables on
C. rack their minds D. fight tooth and nail
849. Mary: “Could I go out with my friends tonight, Mommy?”
Mother: “______.”
A. Yes, you go B. Yes, you can C. Yes, you will D. Yes, let's
850. Mai: “How was the film you saw last night?”
Hoa: “_______.”
A. I've seen better B. No, I didn't C. I think of it much D. I like them all
851. One of the key techniques of magicians in performance is to ______ curiosity from the audience.
A. arise B. awake C. arouse D. aggravate
852. If only Helena _____ the last point in the presentation; it was a striking point.
A did not miss B. would not miss
C. would not have missed D. hadn't missed
853. _______ Mike's determination, the whole team refused to join the science project competition.
A. Not regarding B. Were it not C. Regardless of D. Should it not be
854. I have told you this ______ that the water heater should be turned off after use.
A. as quite often as not B. umpteen times C. irredeemable times D. very several times
855. It is my own recommendation that short-loan books ______ by weekend.
A. being returned B. should return C. be returned D. are returned
856. The more you read about the world, ______ to know more about yourself.
A. the better you have chances B. the better chances you have
C. chances are better D. better chances are
857. Jack: Why do you ask me about my brother?

Carlos: ______.
A. Just a reason B. Be curious C. I can't miss it D. Just idle curiosity
858. Are there any chances that Manschester City will be _____ with Manchester United?
A. tied B. drawn C. equaled D. balanced
859. Many _____ professional training abroad for the last three years.
A. candidates experienced B. a candidate has experienced
C. candidates had experienced D. a candidate have experienced
860. Peter: You fancy a field trip to a softdrink factory or a train excursion to an art village?
Paul: _______
A. No wonder for me. B. No way to pick them up.
C. Nothing much to choose. D. Not even one chance
861. The horror film ______, all of the children froze in fear and were completely silent.
A. being hideous B. was hideous C. so hideou D. hideous as it was
862. The coaches should do something for the team. ______ words don't help.
A. Simple B. Lone C. Only D. Mere
863 . The new clerk was blamed for ______ the troubles in the sales team and disrupting the process.
A. stirring B. agitating C. disintergrating D. fermenting
864. ______ the answer did not receive good comments from the judges because it was not creative
A. Brief and accurate answer it was B. Brief though accurate
C. Though brief and accurate D. Though it is brief and accurate
865. At Hudson Bay to the North of Canada ______.
A .were located some British-owned factories B. located some British-owned factories
C. were some British-owned factories located D. were locating some British-owned factories
866. The film is ______ based on a true story, but most of it is fiction.
A. loosely B. casually C. faintly D. lightly
867. Tina. What a coincidence it is!
Keith: Yes, it's strange that we ______ the same pastel striped T-shirt.
A. should be wearing B. were wearing C. might be wearing D. ought to be wearing
868. My brother: I don't like the glowing colors in your painting.
Me: _______, I'd say.
A. Everyone to his own B. Each to his own
C. Each has his own D. Everyone has his own
869. Having taken a long nap after the journey, the children now are as fresh as ______.

A. bread B. milk C. a breeze D. a daisy
870. The university sent me a letter ______ were congratulations for my successful application.
A. which the beginning B. the beginning at which
C. at the beginning of which D. of which at the beginning
871. If John hadn’t decided to stop working to look after her children, her medical practice _____ now.
A. would have thrived B. would have been thrived
C. would have been thriving D. would be thriving
872. It’s a pity that she had to pull out of the competition, especially since she _____ such excellent
A. is making B. made C. has been making D. had been making
873. _____ to the national park before, Anna was marveled at seeing the geyser.
A. Not having been B. Being not C. Not being D. Having not been
874. There exist numerous differences among cultures, _____ it is very difficult to integrate into a new
A. which the reason is B. which is why
C. which is when D. which is the reason for
875. So nervous about the exam was he that not a word _____ while the surrounding students were
talking loudly.
A. had he said B. he said C. did he say D. he did say
876. I know that he has tried hard; ______, his work is just not good enough.
A. be that as it is B. be that as it be C. be that as it may D. be that as it can
877. Researchers have shown that ______ new nerve cells appear in _____ brain throughout _____ life,
and so mental exercise can be beneficial in ensuring that _____brain functions efficiently.
A. O/the/O/the B. O/the/the/the C. the/a/the/the D. the/O/the/O
878. It is proposed that physical education, which is often considered as an optical subject, ______
compulsory in school curriculum.
A. be made B. would be made C. being made D. to be made
879. He got a bad mark for the final writing assignment. He _____ with his teacher before he made up his
mind on choosing the topic for it.
A. can have talked it over B. must have talked it over
C. should have talked it over D. would have talked it over
880. It is the environmentalists’ political and economic pressure that has _____.
A. made possible the decrease in illegal whaling
B. made it possible the decrease in illegal whaling

C. been made possibly the decrease in illegal whaling
D. been possibly made for the decrease in illegal whaling
881. We should make a clear _____ between “inquisitive” and “curious” for the purposes of our
A. separation B. division C. distinction D. discrimination
882. If you don’t stop smoking, you _____ the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
A. bear B. make C. stop D. run
883. The student’s language skills improved _____ and he passed the final exam with flying colors.
A. by leaps and bounds B. by and by C. by and large D. by heart
884. The teacher doled _____ the chocolates to his students for having done well in the examinations.
A. off B. on C. out D. at
885. The police asked him to ____ his presence at the scene of the crime.
A. care for B. ask for C. account for D. look for
886. One of _____ days, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
A. our B. those C. these D. the
887. Many more students tend to _____ in vocational schools than in senior secondary schools.
A. endow B. ensure C. enlist D. enroll
888. I have helped my wife with the cleaning, though _____ not for some time.
A. in contrast B. especially C. alternatively D. admittedly
889. _____ to the unaided eyes, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is invisible B. Even though it invisible
C. Despite invisible D. Although invisible
890. They are like 2 peas in a pod. It's amazing how their parents can _____ them apart.
A. tell B. mean C. distinguish D. see
891. The incoming administration _____ to clean up corruption in the city.
A. pledged B. contemplated C. suggested D. resumed
892. Those _______ boys often play tricks on their friends.
A. mischievous B. obedient C. honest D. well-behaved
893. The students had to _____ before they became successful physicists.
A. make a bundle B. work flexitime
C. burn the midnight oil D. burn the candles
894. In the future, teachers will be _____ rather than knowledge providers.
A. facilitators B. attendants C. candidates D. workers
895. He spoke a _____ of French that we found hard to understand.

A. slang B. jargon C. dialect D. language
896. It’s silly of him to spend a lot of money buying ______.
A. a thick of wooden old table B. a thick old wooden table
C. an old wooden thick table D. a wooden thick old table
897. The scientists are encountering the difficulties of ______ of radioactive waste.
A. depleting B. preserving C. eliminating D. disposing
898. Let me try my _____ at cards. If I win, I promise to invite you to a restaurant.
A. fortune B. luck C. power D. chance
899. My decision to leave university after a year is the one I now ______ regret.
A. harshly B. keenly C. painfully D. heavily
900. _____ the time passes, ______ I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished
half of it.
A. The faster/ the nervous B. The more fast/ the nervous
C. The fast/ the more nervous D. The faster/ the more nervous
901. _____ all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file.
A. To have photocopied B. Having been photocopied
C. Being photocopied D. Having photocopied
902. I read the contract again and again ______ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
903. ______ to the town, they will have finished building a new bridge.
A. As soon as you were returning B. When you return
C. By the time you will return D. After you had returned
904. If you don’t have anything _____ to say, it’s better to say nothing.
A. construct B. construction C. constructive D. constructor
905. “If no one can soon _____ a good solution, we’re going to be in trouble.” the board chair warned.
A. come up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. check up on
906. Jack and Joe are discussing how to make salad for dinner.
Jack: “______.”
Joe: “How about putting some grapes in it, instead?”
A. We could fry some onions with it too. B. I’d rather just have some bread, thanks.
C. Let’s put some pieces of apple in the salad. D. Good idea! I’ll go ad make one.
907. I won’t buy that car because it’s has too much _____ on it.
A. wear and tear B. odds and ends C. ups and downs D. white lie

908. At the beginning of the second half, Liverpool scored their fifth goal, _____ Leeds gave up
A. until when B. at which point C. at that point D. at what point
909. Judging by the company he kept, Mark _____ have been a wealthy man.
A. must B. would C. ought D. need
910. I hope that we will get a better _____ of exchange at another bank.
A. rate B. value C. worth D. charge
911. He was twenty years older than her, but they seemed very happy despite the _____.
A. age group B. age gap C. age limit D. age range
912. Tom went to the dentist’s to have his decayed tooth _____ as he couldn’t stand the toothache.
A. extorted B. destroyed C. relieved D. extracted
913. There are many accidents here as the speed limit is ______ ignored.
A. broadly B. widely C. fully D. vastly
914. With no _____ for his own safety, the brave boy jumped into the river to save the girl from
A. mind B. idea C. worry D. thought
915. It comes as no surprise to learn that they _____ their promises.
A. destroyed B. spoiled C. took D. broke
916. The captain’s magnificent performance ____ an example to the rest of the team.
A. gave B. set C. made D. laid
917. The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into _____.
A. place B. light C. scene D. sight
918. The boy did a good _____ by helping the blind man cross the road.
A. show B. deed C. display D. mission
919. The mechanic expects _____ the brakes on the car before we pick it up.
A. fixing B. being fixed C. to have fixed D. to have been fixed
920. I’m afraid the Managing Director is away _____ until the end of the week.
A. on business B. in business C. out of business D. down to business
921. The children are playing and chasing each other _____ the watchful eye of their teacher.
A. with B. on C. within D. under
922. _____ for the President’s determined resistance, the agreement might well have been signed.
A. If it was not B. Had it not been
C. Were it not D. Should it not have been
923. Street vendors can _____ a fortune from humble tea stalls with dirt cheap nosh and simple drinks.

A. hold B. take C. make D. cost
924. We’d better leave early tomorrow _____ there’s a lot of traffic when we get to Doncaster.
A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. provided
925. The road to the mountain looked smooth at first _____ but it was scarred with many small potholes.
A. glance B. look C. glimpse D. watch
926. If children were taught to be more _____ towards their elders, these crimes wouldn’t happen so
A. respective B. respected C. respectable D. respectful
927. Susan seems _____ for the job. In fact, she is perfectly suited for working with disabled children.
A. tailor-made B. home-made C. ready-made D. self-made
928. In Britain, most shops close at 6 pm, ______ in other countries, they often open in the evening, too.
A. despite B. whereas C. moreover D. nevertheless
929. Isn't that Tim, the boy ______ father owns a huge yacht?
A. whose B. whom C. which D. that
930. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Thief!" and the man quickly ______ on a motorbike.
A. took in B. came forward C. handed in D. made off
931. I know you don't like saving money, but suppose you _____ your job. What then?
A. will lose B. are losing C. lost D. would lose
932. Everyone fell _____ when Jane told her joke.
A. off B. about C. over D. in
933. I wish ____ about work all the time. It's so boring!
A. you don't talk B. you not talk C. you wouldn't talk D. you hadn't talked
934. It's very kind of you to bring some cakes with you but you really ____ to.
A. needn't B. didn't need C. needn't have D. not need
935. Sally is so successful because she has completely confidence ____ herself.
A. in B. at C. of D. for that an
936. Although he didn't say so directly, the prime minister _____that an agreement between the two sides
was within reach.
A. told B. ordered C. suggested D. complained
937. We ______ today and I got into trouble because I hadn't done it.
A. had checked our homework B. had our homework checked
C. were checked our homework D. have checking our homework
938. Angry? I was absolutely _____ when our appointment was cancelled for the third time.
A. annoyed B. irritated C. cross D. livid

939. ____ for the eventual arrival of the ferry, a fight would have broken out among the passengers.
A. Hadn’t it been B. If it had been C. Had it not been D. Unless it hadn’t been
940. I think soccer is the best _____ sport there is.
A. audience B. spectator C. congregation D. company
941. Roy had deliberately disobeyed her orders. She had no alternative _____ punish him.
A. apart time B. to C. but to D. than
942. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my ____!
A. nerves B. muscles C. brains D. blood
943. In a small village of Europe _____.
A. do a lot of beautifully decorated house lie
B. a lot of beautifully decorated house lie
C. lie lots of beautifully decorated houses
D. lots of beautifully decorated house do lie
944. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn’t buy ____.
A. one of them B. both of them C. neither of them D. either of them
945. There _____ to have been 60 crates of olives in the order, not 600!
A. mean B. means C. were meant D. was meant
946. I finally managed to ____ Simon to lend me his laptop.
A. persuade B. say C. make D. allow
947. Hundreds of people applied for the job. Of these, only twenty applicants were ____ for interview.
A. shortcut B. shortlisted C. short-staffed D. short-changed
948. I was passing their house, so I ____ Claire and Michael.
A. got on with B. came up with C. dropped in on D. ran into
949. If only he ____ with us, but his parents won’t let him.
A. comes B. could come C. had come D. could have come
950. Stop that tapping, will you? I’m trying to concentrate and it is driving me up the ____.
A. roof B. wall C. hill D. house
951. My sister and I may look alike, but in character we’re as different as _____.
A. bread and butter B. pepper and salt C. chalk and cheese D. black and white
952. He admitted taking a bride and he doesn’t think he’s ____ his chances of getting re-elected.
A. blown B. wiped C. thrown D. pulled
953. As soon as Dad ____, we can leave.
A. has the car start B. was starting the car
C. got started the car D. has got the car started

954. He loves cheese. He’s particularly ____ to Stilton.
A. interested B. partial C. attractive D. besotted
955. It is advisable that a career objective ____ by every applicant at the start of his/her resume.
A. is written B. be written C. must be written D. to be written
956. The flags of Italy and Mexico are ____ the same; the only difference is that Mexico’s flag has an
emblem in the center.
A. entirely B. identically C. basically D. colorfully
957. According to my ____, we should have enough money for the rest of the month.
A. measurements B. calculations C. suspicions D. expectations
958. Son: “I’m not hot. I’m absolutely roasting.” – Father: “____”
A. Your lucky thing! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. B. Let’s go and cool down in the sea.
C. You’ll get a lovely suntan. D. Maybe you’ve got a sun stroke.
959. Did you see John this morning? He looked like _____. He must have attended the party last night!
A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up
C. a dead duck D. a wet blanket
960. She is going _____ the Cambridge First Certificate because she wants to study abroad.
A. in for B. along with C. down with D. back on
961. No one cares about the starving people _____.
A. whose aid is intended for B. whom the aid is intended
C. that the aid is intended for D. for the aid is intended
962. We’ll have to ____ down the options before coming to a decision.
A. slow B. narrow C. bring D. wind
963. ____ the barrier at the side of the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below.
A. But for B. Apart from C. Except for D. Unless
964. The police are working ___ with the Football Association in an effort to stamp out soccer violence.
A. hand in glove B. hand over fist C. hand in hand D. on hands and knees
965. In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving ____ problem.
A. any other B. any other’s C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else
966. My new glasses cost me _____ the pair I bought last month.
A. more than three times B. three times as much as
C. more three times than D. as much three times as
967. Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest ____ their background.
A. irrespective of B. in consideration of C. under guarantee D. on account for
968. _____ are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.

A. Diamonds, which B. That diamonds C. Because diamonds D. Diamonds
969. They go to the seaside ____ they should be disturbed by the noise of the city.
A. in order that B. for C. so that D. lest
970. He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He ____ himself.
A. could have hurt B. must have hurt C. should have hurt D. will have hurt
971. Could you put me ____ for a few days until I find a place of my own.
A. down B. up C. over D. off
972. He relied on the principles of control and movement to make up for his lack of velocity, but it was
his _____ approach that won him the most praise.
A. tiger-hearted B. lion-hearted C. bear-hearted D. falcon-hearted
973. That magistrate _____ his disapproval of the young man’s behavior.
A. said B. told C. voiced D. spoke
974. I don’t feel like buying a _____ in a poke; we’d better check the content.
A. ox B. pig C. buffalo D. cattle
975. _____ smart he was, he couldn’t figure out how to solve the puzzle.
A. Although B. However C. Much as D. Despite
976. _____, she went back to her room.
A. There was no cause for alarm B. Without having cause for alarm
C. Being no cause for alarm D. There being no cause for alarm
977. – “Do you have a minute, Dr. Keith?” – “ ____”
A. Sorry, I haven’t got it here. B. Good, I hope so
C. Sure. What’s the problem? D. Well. I’m not sure when
978. The competition attracted a large ____ of carpenters from the whole country.
A. deal B. number C. lot D. amount
979. The company allows some customers to buy goods on ____ and pay for them later.
A. cash B. cheque C. card D. credit
980. She has made a great effort in order to graduate with ____ colours.
A. jumping B. walking C. flying D. red
981. Although we argued with him for a long time, he _____ his ground.
A. stood B. remained C. kept D. persisted
982. My father _____ when he found out that I’d damaged his car.
A. saw pink elephants B. hit the ceiling
C. brought the house down D. made my blood boil
983. You should _____ before buying the house because it is very expensive.

A. cost an arm and a leg B. take it for granted
C. pull your leg D. take it into account
984. They escaped from the smoke – filled house in the ____ of time.
A. nick B. moment C. course D. fullness
985. The university’s programs _____.
A. only come second after Harvard B. are second only to those of Harvard
C. are first except for Harvard’s D. are second place from that of Harvard
986. She _____ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at
A. apologetically B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly
987. At the deep bottom of Atlantic ____.
A. lied the Titanic B. did the Titanic lie C. lay the Titanic D. had the Titanic lain
988. The National Assembly delegates will cast their vote tomorrow to ____ the president.
A. specify B. elect C. appoint D. opt
989. _____ the machine not operating correctly, a message informing you of the error will appear.
A. On the event of B. On even that C. In the event of D. In event that
990. _____ to call the center administrator to proceed with the test date change process.
A. Why don’t you try B. You would rather C. Your best bet is D. Let’s give it a shot
991. The scientist will be rewarded with a posthumous honor in _____ for the persecution he suffered
while alive.
A. counterattack B. penance C. amendment D. recompense
992. Some low-wage manufacturing opponents are pirating the corporation’s technology, but the director
is not _____ disconcerted.
A. out and away B. in the slightest C. out and about D. at the latest
993. Richard broke Sandra’s vase in the office by chance.
- Richard: “I’m terribly sorry about the broken vase. How can I make this up to you?
- Sandra: “_____.”
A. I’m headed out to have some flowers B. You can say that again
C. It doesn’t matter, honestly D. I can’t think anymore
994. Henry and Maria are talking about school uniforms.
- Henry: “School uniforms take away students’ own characteristics.”
- Maria: “ _____. They help us look more united and we can show our own characteristics in various
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words B. I couldn’t agree less

C. Don’t say anything about it D. I couldn’t agree more
995. The fridge gets hot next to the cooker because the cooker gives _____ a lot of heat.
A. off B. up C. in D. away
996. The head teacher has asked me to take the new boy under my _____ and look after him.
A. wing B. arm C. hand D. leg
997. The leading cause of air pollution in the United States is motor vehicles ____ in the US by Henry
Ford in the early 20th century.
A. were first mass-produced B. first mass-produced
C. first mass-producing D. having mass-produced first
998. _____ the work was physically demanding, and at times we felt really exhausted, seeing the end
result was very satisfying.
A. Owing to B. Even though C. No matter D. Because
999. She has ____ an important distinction between mental and physical illnesses.
A. taken B. made C. worked D. drawn
1000. “Play Date” was not a very popular song when it was first recorded, but now it is starting to ____.
A. go on B. keep on C. stay on D. catch on

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