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I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the blanket of air that surrounds the earth?
a. Atmosphere c. gases
b. Ozone layer d. radiation
2. This is the lowest part of the atmosphere.
a. troposphere c. mesosphere
b. stratosphere d. thermosphere
3. It is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.
a. troposphere c. mesosphere
b. stratosphere d. thermosphere
4. In this layer, the temperature begins to increase because it contains the highest concentration
of ozone.
a. troposphere c. mesosphere
b. stratosphere d. thermosphere
5. This layer is known as the upper atmosphere.
a. troposphere c. mesosphere
b. stratosphere d. thermosphere
6. What do you call the top of the troposphere?
a. tropopause c. mesopause
b. stratopause d. magnetosphere
7. It is the transition boundary which separates the mesosphere from the stratosphere.
a. tropopause c. mesopause
b. stratopause d. magnetosphere
8. This is the upper boundary of stratosphere.
a. tropopause c. mesopause
b. stratopause d. magnetosphere
9. It is the layer of gaseous ozone in the upper atmosphere that blocks radiation.
a. atmosphere c. gases
b. ozone layer d. radiation
10. It is a measure of how clean or polluted the air is.
a. air quality c. ozone quality
b. temperature quality d. water quality
11. How can you measure air quality?
a. through Water Quality Index
b. through Air Quality Index
c. through Temperature Quality Index
d. through Ozone Quality Index
12. What is in the air?
a. nitrogen and hydrogen
b. hydrogen and oxygen
c. nitrogen and oxygen
d. none of the above
13. Why does air quality change?
a. because air is always moving
b. because air is stagnant
c. because air is everywhere
d. a and b
14. Which of the following is NOT a cause of a bad air quality?
a. Humans Affect Air Quality
b. Winds Affect Air Quality
c. Temperature Affects Air Quality
d. Ozone Affects Air Quality
15. A cause of a bad air quality that have an impact on air because winds move air pollution
a. Humans Affect Air Quality
b. Winds Affect Air Quality
c. Temperature Affects Air Quality
d. Ozone Affects Air Quality
16. Which of the following is NOT an example of human-made air pollutants?
a. vehicle exhaust
b. smoke from coal power plants
c. toxic gases from industry
d. coastal area with an inland mountain
17. _______ in the evenings pushes air pollution out over the ocean.
a. Land breezes c. Air breezes
b. Sea breezes d. Wind breezes
18. It helps us block us from the Sun’s harmful radiation.
a. atmosphere c. gases
b. ozone layer d. radiation
19. Which of the following statement is TRUE about AQI?
a. the higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health
b. the higher the AQI value, the lesser the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern.
c. the higher the AQI value, the lesser the level of air pollution and the lesser the health concern.
d. the lesser the AQI value, the lesser the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern.
20. 101 to 150 AQI means __________
a. good c. unhealthy for sensitive groups
b. moderate d. hazardous
21. It is one of the most important health indicators in an ecosystem.
a. air quality c. ozone quality
b. temperature quality d. water quality
22. This can be affected by contamination from industry and transport, water treatment facilities
and residential areas.
a. urban stormwater c. acid sulfate soils
b. bushfires d. salinity
23. It is an indicator of water quality – and various forms of aquatic organisms depend upon
specific temperatures and water conditions.
a. water temperature c. pH scale
b. nitrates d. bioindicators
24. These are organisms used to monitor the health of an ecosystem.
a. water temperature c. pH scale
b. nitrates d. bioindicators
25. It provides the essential nutrients for all living organisms.
a. water temperature c. pH scale
b. nitrates d. bioindicators

II. Identify the following.

___________ 1. A liquid earth material, one of the substances that make up or come from Earth.
___________ 2. It is a polar molecule, meaning it has uneven distribution of electrons, resulting in
partial positive and negative charges within the molecule.
___________ 3. It has lower electronegativity than oxygen, carry a partial positive charge.
___________ 4. The unequal sharing of electrons in the water molecule leads to a dipole

___________ 5. The partial positive and negative charges in water molecules allow them to form
hydrogen bonds with neighboring water molecules.
___________ 6. A property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force.
___________ 7. It has the ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances, including salts, sugars,
acids, and gases.
___________ 8. This is an ionic compounds.
___________ 9. This is nonpolar compounds.
___________ 10. On freezing, liquid water became ________

III. Enumeration.
1. List down the (6) main indicators of water quality.

2. List down 4 issues affecting water quality.

3. Give the 5 major air pollutants.

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