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8. Compute f(0), given that f{r) =2 and thatfr)+f"(r)]sin rdr =5.


9. * Without a t t e m p t i n g t o c v a l u a t e t h e integral, compute f'(r) if f is defined by t h e

formula f(r) =

J dt
10. * Let f ( r ) =
dt. Fidfrr.

11. i) t Show that af(sin ada = sinrda.

r sin a
ii) Use part (i) to deduce the formula
1+ cos *

12. A function g, defined for all positive real numbers, satisties the following two conditioms:
o(1) = 1 and g'(r2) = for all a> 0. Compute g(4).

13. t Let S(r) = Ji (1+#)-/24t if r 20. (Do not attempt to evaluate this integral.)

i) Show that f is strietly increasing on the nonnegative real axis.

ii) Let g denote the inverse of f. Show that thc second derivative of g is proportional
to [that is, g"(y) = cg*(y) for each y in the domain of g) and find the constant
of proportionality.

14. Without attewpting to evaluate tlhe following indefinite integrals, find the derivative
S) in each case if S(r) is equal to

i) t tdt
i)(1+ t)*at

Mahindra" | ÉcoLE CENTRALE
Ghobal Thnkers
Engged Lesder

Mathematics-1 (MA 1101)

Tutorial Sheet-2
Topics: Integration, Polar Coordinates and
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

*Problems to be worked out in tutorial

tAssignment Problems
1. f Compute the following integral, and draw the graph of f.

if 0 <e
S(ryr where
fla) = if c a < i
c is a fixed real number, 0 <c<1.

2. Compute the arca of the region S between the graphs of f and g over the interval [a,
specificd in cach case. Make a sketch of the two graphs and indicate S by shading.
i) * S(r) = |«|, 9(«) = * - 1,a = -1,b = 1

ii) t S(e) = |a| + |a -1|.9(a) = 0,a = -1,b =2

3. Sketch thc graph of f in polar coordinates and compute the arca of the radial set of
over the interval specified. Assume that each set is measurable. f

i) Circle tangent to x-axis: f(0) 4 sin &, 0 < 6<T =

ii) * Lazy cight: f(0) Vl cos9|1, 0g0<27 =

ii) t Four-leaved rose: f(0) = | sin 20].0 6 < 2T

4. Compute the volume of the solid

generated by revolving the ordinate set of the functiou
f over the interval indicated. Sketch each of the ordinate sets.

i) * f(r) =,-1< S 2.
i) f f{T) = sin t + cos r, 0 < r S T.

5. Compute the average A(f) for the given function f over the specified interval
i) f(r) =ri,0gr<4. ii) f f(r) sin
cos r, 0 < r< t/4.
6. i) If f(r)
* for 0 r <a, find a number c satisfying

0 <c<a such
is that f(c)
cqual to the average of f in [0, a.
ii) Solve (i) if f(r) *", where n is any positive

7.*The graphs of f(r) r2
and g(z) =
cr", where c > 0, intersect at the points (0,0)
(). Find c so
that the region which lies between these
graphs and over the
interval |0. J has area

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