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302 Phytochem. Anal. 16, 302–306 (2005) M. E. GARÍN-AGUILAR ET AL.

Published online 14 July 2005 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002.pca.821

High-performance Liquid Chromatography–Mass

Spectrometric Analysis of Alkaloids Extracted
from Seeds of Erythrina herbacea

M. E. Garín-Aguilar,1 G. Valencia del Toro,1,3 M. Soto-Hernández2* and G. Kite4

UNAM, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala. Av. de los Barrios s/n, Los Reyes Iztacala, Tlalnepantla Edo 54690, Mexico
Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Edo. de México, 56230, Mexico
UPIBI-IPN, Av. Acueducto s/n, Barrio La Laguna, Ticoman 07340, Mexico
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

A sensitive, reverse-phase HPLC-MS method for the analysis of the alkaloids of Erythrina has been developed.
The method is based on the use small amounts of crude extracts (20 mg) and is sufficiently sensitive to detect the
presence of the typical alkaloids, such as erysodine, erysovine, erythraline, erysopine and the hexoside of
erysopine, that are representative of the title species. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: HPLC-MS; Erythrina alkaloids; Erythrina herbacea.

consuming and the accuracy of identification at low con-

centrations of alkaloids is poor.
The development of a rapid and sensitive method for
Since the 1940s the genus Erythrina has received the analysis of Erythrina alkaloids would enable further
much research attention mainly owing to the widespread elucidation of the alkaloids present in Erythrina seeds,
presence of alkaloids that show curariform activity. The especially in those species previously reported to contain
systematic study of 50 Erythrina species showed that only trace amounts. For these reasons the coupling of
all of them contain alkaloids with paralysing activity, HPLC with mass spectrometry (MS) is of considerable
and the more pharmacologically potent components, interest for the analysis of alkaloids. The present paper
i.e. β-erythrodine and dihydro-β-erythroidine, have been describes a fast, accurate sensitive and selective proce-
studied in some detail (Garín Aguilar et al., 1999; García- dure for the HPLC-MS analysis of the alkaloids charac-
Mateos et al., 2000). The interest in these alkaloids is teristic of E. herbacea.
related to their structures as tertiary amines that show
high activity and few side effects (Craig, 1955).
The flowers and seeds of Erythrina herbacea
(Pemoche) are used by the Tenek ethnia in San Luis EXPERIMENTAL
Potosi, México, as a tranquilliser agent (Garín-Aguilar
et al., 2000) and the effect is attributed to the alkaloids Plant material. Seeds of Erythrina herbacea L.
present. Although Folkers and Koniuszy (1940) were (Fabaceae) were collected in San Pedro de las Anonas,
able to isolate erysodine and erysopine from the seeds San Luis Potosí, México (500 miles north of Mexico City)
of this species, little could be established about their in September 2002. The identification of the plant was
structures at that time. As these constituents are present carried out by Dr. Mario Souza Sánchez of the MEXU
only in minor quantities in the seeds, accurate, fast and herbarium (National University of Mexico) at which in-
reproducible analytical methods with high sensitivity are stitute a voucher specimen has been deposited (classifi-
required for their analysis. Although TLC is still em- cation number 599010).
ployed as a major tool in alkaloid analysis, alternative
HPLC methods have recently been developed; however, Isolation and extraction of alkaloids. Alkaloid fractions
HPLC with detection based solely upon UV absorption were obtained from the seeds of E. herbacea according
is not sufficiently selective. GC methods are also used to the method described by Games et al. (1974). Three
for the analysis of alkaloids, but the low volatility of main crude fractions were obtained: free alkaloids in
these compounds and their instability at high tempera- hexane, free alkaloids in methanol, and liberated alka-
tures has limited the application of this technique. The loids. Seeds were air-dried, milled separately and ex-
Erythrina alkaloids have been analysed by GC and tracted with hexane by Soxhlet extraction for 48 h.
by GC-MS (García-Mateos et al., 1999) but, although Alkaloids in the hexane fraction were washed with 1 m
these techniques provide interesting data, they are time- sulphuric acid (3 × 50 mL), and the aqueous acidic phase
adjusted to pH 8 with solid sodium bicarbonate. The al-
* Correspondence to: M. Soto-Hernández, Colegio de Postgraduados,
kaline solution was then extracted with dichloromethane
Montecillo, Edo. de México, 56230, Mexico. (3 × 100 mL) to give the free alkaloids in hexane frac-
Email: tion (0.22%). The defatted flour of each fraction was next

Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received

Phytochem. 20 302–306
Anal. 16: December 2003
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 10 September 2004
Accepted 22 September 2004

extracted in a Soxhlet for 48 h with methanol, the extract their molecular weights by reference to published data
evaporated under vacuum, and the residue taken up for previously reported alkaloids. Further confirmation
in 2% sulphuric acid. The acidic solution was extracted of the identity of a compound was through 1H-NMR
with dichloromethane to remove traces of fat, the recorded in CD3OD on a Bruker (Coventry, UK) model
aqueous phase was basified with sodium bicarbonate 300 spectrometer operating at 360 MHz.
to pH 8 and then extracted with dichloromethane
(3 × 100 mL) to give the free alkaloids in methanol
(1.13%). The solvent was evaporated and the residue
was dried in a desiccator and weighed. The remain- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ing aqueous phase was re-acidified to pH 2 with hydro-
chloric acid and heated in steam bath for 3 h to The conventional techniques of alkaloid isolation, involv-
hydrolyse the esterified alkaloids. The process of ing large-scale extraction, chromatography and crystalli-
neutralisation, basification to pH 8 and extraction sation, are time-consuming. In order to avoid this
with dichloromethane was repeated to yield the liberated process, HPLC-MS techniques have been developed that
alkaloid fraction. allow high speed, accuracy and the ability to work with
These three main fractions were screened firstly by mg quantities of crude extracts. In order to prepare such
TLC on silica gel layers (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany; extracts from the plant material, the procedure devel-
15–40 µm) with dichloromethane:ethanol (9:1) as eluent. oped by Games et al. (1974) was mainly followed. In this
The main alkaloids of the free alkaloid samples and those method, the ground seeds are extracted first with hexane
of the liberated alkaloid fraction were separated by col- to remove fats and then with methanol to extract the
umn chromatography over silica gel (0.063–0.200 mm alkaloids. It was observed that the hexane fraction
mesh) eluted with mixtures of dichloromethane and contained small amounts of alkaloids and it is therefore
methanol of increasing polarity. important not to discard this fraction without first deter-
mining the alkaloids present. The methanolic extract
GC analysis. Prior to analysis the crude alkaloid mixture yields the free alkaloid fraction, i.e. those alkaloids that
(1–2 mg) was derivatised to produce the trimethylsilyl are not esterified with sugars or organic acids. After
(TMS) derivatives by treatment for 30 min with N,O- acidic hydrolysis of the esters, the remaining liberated
bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (25 µL) in acetonitrile alkaloid fraction is obtained.
(25 µL) in a Teflon-lined screw-cap vial to prevent For extracts obtained from the seeds of E. herbacea,
evaporation. The mixed alkaloid derivatives were then screening of the three main fractions by TLC provided
analysed by GC on a Varian (Walnut Creek, CA, USA) clear evidence of the presence of alkaloids, mainly in the
model 2700 chromatograph equipped with a flame ioni- free alkaloid and in the liberated alkaloid fractions,
sation detector, a glass column (4 m × 2 mm i.d.) packed showing at least three distinct alkaloid components.
with 3% OV-17 on Gas Chrom Q-100-200 mesh (Pierce More specific analyses involving GC, HPLC-MS and 1H-
Chemical Co., Rockford, IL, USA). The injector and NMR were conducted on the basis of this information in
detector temperatures were maintained at 250 and order to determine the structure of the alkaloids present
280 °C, respectively, while the oven temperature was in the samples. In the GC analysis, standards of erysovine
programmed from 225 to 285 °C at a rate of 2 °C/min; (1), erysodine (2) and erysopine (6) were run followed
the flow-rate of the carrier gas (nitrogen) was maintained by samples of the alkaloid extracts; the sensitivity range
at 30 mL/min. of the GC allowed the presence of 1 and 2 to be detected
mainly in the free and liberated alkaloid fractions. In
HPLC-MS/MS analysis. The analytical system con- the free alkaloid fraction in hexane, compounds 1 and 2
sisted of a Waters (Milfard, Massachusetts, USA) were detected in smaller amounts, and only a trace of
chromatograph (model 600 E pumps and controller) erysotrine (3) was observed.
interfaced to a Thermo Finnigan (Winsford, Cheshire, The analysis of the alkaloids in crude samples by
UK) LCQ classic quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer HPLC-MS/MS showed interesting tendencies in their
via an atmospheric chemical ionisation (APCI) source. profile and a better sensitivity compared with GC. In
The alkaloids were separated on a Supelco (Bellefonte, the free alkaloid fraction in hexane, four compounds
PA, USA) Discovery C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm i.d.; (Fig. 1) were detected being, in order of increasing
5 µm) eluted at 1 mL/min with a linear gradient mobile retention time, erysovine (1), erysodine (2), erysotrine
phase programmed from three solvent reservoirs, A
(0.1% ammonium acetate, pH 7.4), B (methanol) and
C (acetonitrile), as follows: 0 min, 75:20:5 (A:B:C);
10 min, 50:45:5 (A:B:C); and 15 min, 50:45:5 (A:B:C).
The vaporiser of the APCI source was set to 450°C with
sheath and auxiliary nitrogen gas pressures of 80 and 20
psi, respectively, and the needle current was 5 µA; the
heated capillary temperature was 150°C. The MS was
programmed to survey ions with m/z in the range 150–
500 and to subject the most intense ion in the survey scan
to MS/MS analysis, followed by MS/MS/MS analysis of
the most intense product ion in the MS/MS scan. The
collision energy was 40% using an ion isolation width of
3 amu. The alkaloids were identified by comparison of
the various CID spectra and retention times with those
of isolated standards or were tentatively identified from

Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 16: 302–306 (2005)

Figure 1. HPLC-MS TIC chromatogram of the free alkaloids in hexane fraction from the seeds of Erythrina herbacea showing
the main components: peak 1, erysovine (Rt = 14.73 min; MS base peak = 300.19); peak 2, erysodine (Rt = 15.01 min; MS base
peak = 300.17); peak 3, erysotrine (Rt = 17.81 min; MS base peak = 314.13); and peak 4, erythraline (Rt = 20.55 min; MS base peak
= 298.23). (For extraction and analytical protocols see Experimental section.)

(3) and erythaline (4); the latter was the main alkaloid in The HPLC-MS method developed showed high
this fraction. The free alkaloid fraction in methanol sensitivity and allowed the detection of the presence
showed (Fig. 2) the presence of 1–4 and glucoerysopine of erysopine, erysodine, erysovine, erysotrine and
(5), with 1 and 2 the most abundant alkaloids in erythraline in seeds of E. herbacea. Glucoerysopine has
this fraction. In contrast, the liberated alkaloid frac- not been described before in this species, and this finding
tion (Fig. 3), obtained after acidic hydrolysis of the was not observed with GC. Clearly, there is potential
conjugated alkaloids, showed the presence of three for optimising the resolution of particular mixtures of
alkaloids, namely, 1, 2 and erysopine (6); the latter was Erythrina alkaloids by modifying the HPLC elution
the main alkaloid in this fraction. gradient, but the technique has proven to be a powerful
Since 1, 2 and 6 were the most abundant alkaloids analytical tool for analysing extracts obtained from very
detected mainly in the free alkaloid and liberated small amounts of plant tissue.
alkaloid fractions, they were analysed by 1H-NMR
following purification by column chromatography over
silica gel. Their 1H-NMR spectra were in full agreement Acknowledgements
with those reported in the literature (Soto-Hernández,
1989). Work supported by PACPA, PPPit 216803 and 247504 D64PA-UNAM.

Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 16: 302–306 (2005)

Figure 2. HPLC-MS TIC chromatogram of the free alkaloids in methanol fraction from the seeds of Erythrina herbacea show-
ing the main components: peak 1, erysovine (Rt = 15.20 min; MS base peak = 300.15); peak 2, erysodine (Rt = 15.68 min; MS
base peak = 300.15); peak 3, erysotrine (Rt = 18.13 min; MS base peak = 314.12); peak 4, erythraline (Rt = 20.71 min; MS base
peak = 298.14); and peak 5, glucoerysopine (Rt = 12.22 min; MS base peak = 462.20). (For extraction and analytical protocols
see Experimental section.)

Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 16: 302–306 (2005)

Figure 3. HPLC-MS TIC chromatogram of the liberated alkaloids from the seeds of Erythrina herbacea showing the main com-
ponents: peak 1, erysovine (Rt = 11.00 min; MS base peak = 300.14); peak 2, erysodine (Rt = 11.40 min; MS base peak = 300.12);
and peak 6, erysopine (Rt = 7.07 min; MS base peak = 286.13). (For extraction and analytical protocols see Experimental section.)


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Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 16: 302–306 (2005)

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