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PATRICK: What's the matter with him? PATRICK: (To REBECCA) What about you?

REBECCA: I don't know. REBECCA: Me?

PATRICK: Is he dead? PATRICK: Yes. You were here first.
REBECCA: No, he's alive, I think. REBECCA: Yes, but it's not my problem.
PATRICK: Are you going to help him? ‘Is he DAVID: And it's not my problem!
dead?' A WOMAN in blue comes in. She kneels down at
WOMAN: Oh, be quiet! once to help the man.
REBECCA: (To the others) Did you hear that? REBECCA: Hey, what are you doing?
She said, 'Be quiet!' WOMAN: I'm helping this man, of course!
WOMAN: Be quiet and help. DAVID: Are you a doctor?
REBECCA: She said it again! WOMAN: No, I'm not, but he needs help.
WOMAN: (To DAVID) Go and call an REBECCA: Do you know him?
ambulance. WOMAN: No, I don't.
DAVID: Me? REBECCA: Then he's not your problem.
WOMAN: Yes, you. And be quick. WOMAN: (To PATRICK) Feel his pulse.
WOMAN: Be quick! (DAVID goes away.) Now WOMAN: Go on! Feel his pulse.
you- (turning to REBECCA) go and get some PATRICK: (Kneeling down and taking the man's
water. pulse) Well, he's still alive. He's saying
REBECCA: Where from? something!
WOMAN: From that house over there. Don't look WOMAN: What is he saying?
at me like that. Go! PATRICK: He said, 'Pills,' I think.
REBECCA: I'm going. (REBECCA goes away.) WOMAN: (To PATRICK:) Pills? Look in his
REBECCA: Me? Why me? pocket.
PATRICK: You were here first. PATRICK: I can't do that!
REBECCA: Yes, I was, but….. WOMAN: Look in his pocket!
PATRICK looks in the man's coat pocket.
PATRICK: There's a bottle with something on it.
WOMAN: What does it say? Read it!
PATRICK: It says, 'For the heart. If you feel ill,
take one of these pills.'

(DAVID comes in)

DAVID: What's the matter with him?
PATRICK: We don't know.
REBECCA: His eyes are closed. Look!
DAVID: Perhaps he's asleep. REBECCA comes back with a glass of water.
REBECCA: Asleep? ln the street? REBECCA: I've got the water.
PATRICK: Wake him up then. WOMAN: Good. (To PATRICK) Give him one
DAVID: Why me? You do it. of the pills with some water.
PATRICK: helps the man to sit up. He gives him REBECCA: The famous TV chef!
a pill and some water. PATRICK: We can all feel very pleased, I think.
MAN: (Very quietly) Thank you, thank you! REBECCA: Oh yes, we are
PATRICK: How do you feel? DAVID: What about the WOMAN:?
MAN: A little better now. REBECCA: Which WOMAN:?
The WOMAN in blue goes away. The others do DAVID: The WOMAN who helped. Where is
not see this. DAVID comes running back. she?
DAVID: The ambulance is coming. PATRICK: Oh, her! I remember. She didn't
PATRICK: Good. help us.
DAVID: How is he? DAVID: 'Do this, do that,' she said. 'Be quick!'
REBECCA: He's feeling a little better. REBECCA: She said, 'Be quiet,' to me.
A doctor and a nurse come in. PATRICK stands PATRICK: That's right. I didn't like her. Did
up. you?
DOCTOR: (Kneeling down by the man) What's REBECCA: No, I didn't. Where is she now?
the matter? PATRICK: She walked away.
MAN: I was ill. It was my heart. That man gave DAVID: That's right - she just walked away. She
me one of my pills. I'm all right now. didn't want to help.
The doctor and the nurse help him to stand up. REBECCA: We did everything.
NURSE: What's your name? DAVID: Yeah. Everything.
MAN: Scott. Michael Scott. PATRICK: Today was an important day for us.
DOCTOR: Michael Scott, the famous TV chef? DAVID: It was. We helped someone famous.
MAN: Yes, that's right. REBECCA: Because of us he didn't die.
NURSE: Come with us, Mr Scott. We'd like to DAVID: We were there for him.
take you to hospital. PATRICK: It was the right thing to do.
MAN: But I feel better now. REBECCA: Yes, it was. Well done, everybody!
NURSE: Perhaps, but you must go to hospital. DAVID: (To REBECCA) And well done to you-
MAN: All right. (Turning to the others) Well, PATRICK: Well done to all of us!
thank you very much, everybody.
DAVID: That's all right.
REBECCA: We're happy to help.
PATRICK: Get well soon.
MAN: Thank you again. Goodbye!

The doctor and the nurse help Scott to walk away.

REBECCA: He's alive, and he's going to be OK.
PATRICK: He's alive because we were here.
DAVID: Michael Scott-

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