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SUBJECT CONTENT Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–39

The Weimar Republic, 1918–29 21 Women and the family
   1 The legacy of the First World War 22 Nazi youth organisations
2 Strengths and weaknesses of the 23 Nazi education
Weimar Constitution 24 Policies to reduce unemployment
3 Why the Republic was unpopular 25 The standard of living
4 Challenges from left and right 26 Racial beliefs and policies
5 The challenges of 1923 27 Jewish persecution 1
6 Reasons for recovery, 1923–29 28 Jewish persecution 2
7 Stresemann’s success at home and abroad
8 Changes for workers and women
29 Exam overview
9 Cultural changes, 1924–29
30 Sources and interpretations
Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33 31 Question 1: Making inferences
10 Hitler and the early growth of the party 32 Question 2: Explaining causes
11 The Munich Putsch and its aftermath 33 Question 3(a): Evaluating usefulness
12 Growth in support, 1929–32 34 Question 3(b): Identifying and
13 Political developments in 1932 explaining differences
35 Question 3(c): Suggesting reasons for
Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933–39 different views
14 The Reichstag Fire and the Enabling 36 Question 3(d): Evaluating interpretations
Act, 1933 37 Sources/Interpretations Booklet
15 Hitler becomes Führer
16 A police state 38 PRACTICE
17 Policies towards the churches
18 Propaganda and censorship
19 Church opposition
20 Youth opposition
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Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1918–29

The legacy of the First World War

The First World War ended in 1918 and left Germany scarred and crumbling, having been defeated
by the combined force of Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the USA. Friedrich Ebert, leader of the
Social Democratic Party, became the first German president and declared Germany a republic.

What was the impact of the First The abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II
World War on Germany? (the Emperor)
• Two million German troops died and over
four million were wounded (11 million in Timeline 9 November 1918
The Kaiser visited army headquarters
total fought in the war).
in Spa.
• Government debts increased from
Ministers tried to persuade the Kaiser
50 billion marks to 150 billion marks. to abdicate.
• More than 750 000 Germans died The Kaiser refused.
because of food shortages. Army officers refused to support
The devastating effects of the war left many the Kaiser.
people with no option other than to revolt The Kaiser had no option but
by striking and rioting. to abdicate.
10 November 1918
The Kaiser fled
to Holland.

Revolution and the declaration of the republic

Once the Kaiser had abdicated, the German Republic was declared on 9 November 1918.
Philipp Scheidemann, of the
On 10 November, Friedrich Social Democratic Party (SDP),
Ebert suspended the old the largest party in the German
Reichstag and formed government (Reichstag),
the Council of People’s declared the new Republic to
Representatives as a the crowds. He was fearful that
temporary measure. armed rioters were preparing
to declare a communist
government in Berlin, and, keen
The Berlin streets were crowded. to prevent this, he promoted a
Some people were armed, hoping peaceful transition.
to take over parts of the city.

The revolutionary perio

continued until August
the crowds from a
Scheidemann talking to 18. when the Weimar Repu
Berlin, 9 November 19 blic
window of a house in was finally established.

The armistice – the peace agreement between

Germany and the Allies War leaders
outside the railway
• It was signed on 11 November. carriage where
• It was the first major decision of Ebert’s new Republic. the armistice
was signed on
• The terms of the peace, the Treaty of Versailles, 11 November 1918.
became a very big burden for the country.

Now try this

Why did the end of the First World War lead to economic and political problems for Germany?

1918–29 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Strengths and weaknesses of the

Weimar Constitution
Democratic government was established in the drawing up of a new constitution. This was done on
31 July 1919 in the town of Weimar, rather than in Berlin where there was still unrest.
The Weimar Constitution
Head of State The Government
President Chancellor Cabinet
• Head of the Weimar Republic. • Head of the government • The main decision-making
• Elected by the people every in the Weimar Republic. body of the government.
seven years. • Chose all government
• Had some important political ministers.
powers. For example, the
president chose the chancellor.
• Could suspend the constitution The Parliament
and pass laws by decree. • Made up of two houses: the Reichstag and the Reichsrat.
• Normally, all laws had to pass through both houses.
• Proportional representation.
Reichstag Reichsrat
• The more powerful of the • Also elected every four years.
two houses. • However, it represented the regions
• Controlled taxation. of Germany.
• Directly elected by the people • Each region sent a certain number of
at least once every four years. representatives depending on its size.

• Consisted of all men and women of 21 years old and over.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution

Strengths Weaknesses
• Proportional representation made • Proportional representation
sure small parties had a fair share led to coalition governments
of seats. that were unstable, or found
• Women able to vote as well it difficult to have strong
as men. policies and often fell apart.
• Lack of strong government led
• Voting age reduced from 25 to 21.
to weakness in a crisis that
• No one group or person could ended up with the president
have too much power. passing laws without the prior
• There was an election for consent of the Reichstag.
president every seven years. Article 48 of the constitution
• Central government was more enabled the president to
powerful than before, but local do this. A poster encouraging
government still retained power in • It was not the choice of women to vote
the people so was not for the SDP and
the regions.
proclaiming equal
• The Reichsrat could regulate that popular. rights and obligations.
the power of the Reichstag by
delaying new laws.

Now try this

Describe the key strengths and the key weaknesses of the new constitution.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1918–29

Why the Republic was unpopular

The Treaty of Versailles damaged Germany’s economy making the Weimar Republic weak from
the start. People blamed the leaders of the new German republic for signing it. They were labelled
the ‘November Criminals’ because they surrendered in November 1918 and were seen as traitors
to their country.
The treaty and reparations
As the war guilt clause made Germany accept
the blame for the war, the Allies said they were
entitled to reparations (compensation).
£6600 million was to be paid in yearly
instalments to the Allies to repair damage in
their countries.

The treaty and military forces

Army limited to 100 000.
 Navy limited to six battleships, six
cruisers, 12 destroyers and 12 torpedo
Article 231 of the Tre
was guilty of starting
aty of Versailles said
that Germany boats (and no submarines).
the war. Ordinary Germ  All planes were destroyed and no air
hated this blame and an people
felt very resentful be
They believed they fou cause of it. force was allowed.
ght the war in self-defe
that other countries nce and  No military was allowed in the land
were to blame. These
demonstrating in Leipzi people are
g against the treaty. bordering France (the Rhineland).

The treaty and land losses

North Sea Memel was lost to
Northern Schleswig Sea
Lithuania in 1923.
Denmark Danzig
voted to become (free city)
part of Denmark. Schleswig Kiel East
The Hamburg West Prussia
Berlin Prussia
Holland Ruhr Polish corridor (Posen
Posen Poland
Eupen and Malmedy
Eupen and Hanover
Germany and West Prussia) was
Weimar lost to Poland.
were lost to Belgium. Belgium Rhineland Upper Silesia
Paris Saar Stuttgart Czechoslovakia
France Upper Silesia voted to
Alsace and Lorraine become part of Poland.
were lost to France. Areas Germany ceded to other countries N
Areas which left under plebiscite 0 200 Germany also lost
Germany lost 13% of
its European territory.
Demilitarised zone km 11 of its colonies.
International city

The ‘stab in the back’ theory

Many German people never believed their army had been defeated in the war. Those who criticised
the treaty said that the army had been betrayed by politicians – that they were ‘stabbed in the
back’ and forced to surrender when they could have won.

Now try this Remember, an

acrostic poem
Write an acrostic poem to sum up why the Treaty of Versailles was so unpopular is when the first
with the German people. Try using the word ‘Versailles’ as your base word. letters of each line
spell out a phrase.

1918–29 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Challenges from left and right

The new Weimar Republic government faced opposition from groups inside and outside the
Reichstag, and from both the left and right wings.

The Spartacists The Freikorps

Left-wing Right-wing
 Came from the Independent Socialist Party  Made up of ex-soldiers who had kept
Had backing from the Soviet Union their weapons
Led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht Had 250 000 men in March 1919
Based in Berlin Organised by regular army

Challenge from the left – the Challenge from the right – the
Spartacist Revolt Kapp Putsch
In January 1919, the Spartacists took over the In March 1920, Freikorps troops, fearing
government’s newspaper and telegraph bureau, unemployment, decided to march on Berlin.
and tried to organise a general strike in Berlin. Ebert asked the head of the army to resist
The Weimar government sent Freikorps units to the Freikorps but he refused. A nationalist
put down the revolt. politician, Dr Wolfgang Kapp, was put in charge
by the rebels and the Weimar government fled
Berlin seeking safety. In order to put down the
ng rebels, or Kapp Putsch as it became known, the
There was street fighti
se ver al da ys government organised the trade unions to go
in Berlin for
e the rev olt en de d
befor on strike. This they did and the national strike
and Spartacist lea de rs
caused such chaos that Kapp could not rule
were shot.
Germany and was forced to flee. The Weimar
ministers returned.

Political attacks on the Political assassinations

Weimar Republic • From 1919–1923 politicians in
the Weimar Republic were worried
Right-wing parties
in the Reichstag
about assassinations.
The Kapp
Putsch • In the early years of the republic, 376
parties in the
political assassinations took place.
Reichstag • Some right‑wing extremists used the
murders to weaken the new republic.
The Weimar
Right-wing • Conservative judges were sympathetic
bias in the to the conservative cause and gave
The Spartacist courts
Revolt them light punishments.

Left-wing and Political

right-wing political assassinations

Now try this

Describe the role of the Freikorps in the Kapp Putsch and the Spartacist Revolt.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1918–29

The challenges of 1923

In 1923 the German people faced a terrible economic crisis. There was hyperinflation that made
the German currency worthless.

Hyperinflation Why there was hyperinflation

When the price of goods increases it is called
inflation; when it increases spectacularly, it is 1914–18
The government printed more money to
called hyperinflation. pay for the First World War, but it didn’t
have more gold – it was bankrupt.
1 mark 100 marks

1919 1922 1918–22

The Weimar government printed more money
200 000 billion marks for post-war shortages and asked for longer
to pay the first reparations instalment.

January 1923
French troops invaded the Ruhr to take
reparations payments in goods and raw
materials. German workers went on strike.
80% of German coal, iron and steel
reserves were in the Ruhr and many of
its factories. The occupation was a
disaster for Germany’s economy.
Men pile useless
banknotes into
a press. The Weimar government printed more
money to pay strikers and make up for
loss of coal, steel and iron production.

November 1923
The German mark was worthless.

The effects of hyperinflation

Negative effects Positive effects
 Some people could not afford essentials like bread.  Farmers benefited, as they were paid
 Wages rose, but not as quickly as prices. more for food.
 Some businesses went bankrupt. (Those that  Some people and businesses could
made money took over the struggling ones.) pay off loans and mortgages.
 People with fixed or monthly incomes, such as  Fixed rents for rooms or shops
pensioners, suffered most. became very cheap.
 Savings became worthless. This affected the  Foreign visitors could buy more for
middle classes most. their money.
 People blamed the Weimar government, which
made it even more unpopular.

tion on Germany are

Now try this The effects of hyperinfla
ding various topics, so
important for understan
Make a list of all the ways in which Germany make sure you revise th
le-class people were
was affected by hyperinflation. • Remember that midd
Include the groups or types of person worst affected.
negative effects of
most affected. • Include positive and
hyperinflation in your lis
1918–29 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Reasons for recovery, 1923–29

From 1923–29 Germany managed to recover from the immediate crisis of 1923, but there were
still significant weaknesses in its economy. Gustav Stresemann, the new chancellor, played an
important role.
International loans after the First
Rentenmark World War
In November 1923, Stresemann set loans made under Dawes
up the Rentenbank and issued the new Plan and Young Plan
currency called the Rentenmark.
Supply of these notes was
USA Germany
tightly controlled. Their value was tied
to the price of gold so it had real value.
This encouraged more public confidence. war loans reparations
In August 1924 the Reichsbank was paid back payments made
given control of this new currency.
It was renamed the Reichsmark. Britain and France
Hyperinflation was over.
s and businesses,
mu ch st ro ng er ba sis for the recovery of job
The Reichsmark provide se s ex perienced in the hyperin
flation crisis.
ba ck th e los
but it could not bring
The Dawes Plan, 1924
In 1924, Charles Dawes, an American
banker, designed a plan so Germany could
pay its reparations.
• Instalments were temporarily reduced to
£50 million a year.
• US banks agreed to make loans to
German industry. The Allies felt more
Gustav Stresemann (fa
confident that they would get their r left) at the London
in 1924, where the Da conference
wes Plan was agreed.
reparations payments.

Young Plan, 1929 Improvements in the economy

In August 1929, a committee, set up by the The Weimar Republic’s economy
Allies and led by an American banker called improved because:
Owen Young, proposed a plan.  industrial output doubled by 1928 and finally
 The Young Plan reduced the total reparations passed pre-First World War levels
debt from £6.6 billion to £2 billion.  employment and trade increased.
 The payments could be made over a longer
time, up until 1988. However, there were still problems.
 Lower reparations meant lower taxes for  The extreme political parties were
German people. completely against Germany paying the
 There was a lot of opposition, especially reparations at all.
from the extreme political parties, like the  The economic recovery depended on
Nazis, who felt it was extending the burden American loans, so it remained fragile.
for future generations.

Now try this

Write a paragraph to explain how the German economy was still vulnerable, despite improvements.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1918–29

Stresemann’s success at
home and abroad
Stresemann’s most important achievements were in economic and foreign policy. However, his main
aim was to stabilise the political situation in Germany.
Locarno Pact 1925
Stresemann’s success
This was an agreement between Germany,
Gustav Stresemann resigned the Britain, France, Italy and Belgium. In it:
chancellorship in November 1923, but
• Germany agreed to its new border with
stayed as foreign secretary until 1929.
France improving relations with the French
His work in foreign affairs:
• the Allies and Germany agreed to the
 strengthened the confidence of the
permanent demilitarisation of the Rhineland
German people in the Weimar Republic
• German membership of the League of Nations
 reduced the support for extremist
was up for discussion.
political parties like the Nazis and
the communists Why was it a success
increased support for moderate parties for Ger many?
• It improved relation
s with France with the
 reduced the economic hardships of the border agreement.
German people. • The Locarno Pact wa
s not imposed on
Germany, unlike the Tre
aty of Versailles.
mental in making • It increased the statu
Stresemann was instru s and popularity of
mber of three the Weimar Republic.
sure Germany was a me
pacts or agreements:
important international • It helped boost confi
dence in more
League of Nations and
The Locarno Pact, the moderate political parti
the Kellogg-Briand Pact

League of Nations Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928

This was a new international body that hoped to This was an agreement between 62 nations.
discuss world problems in order to avoid war. It committed countries to avoiding the use of
It was set up in 1920 but Germany was war to achieve foreign policy objectives.
initially excluded. In 1926, they were invited
to join and they became a member of Why was it a succes
the council. s for Ger many?
• It showed that Germ
any was once again a
s for Ger many?
Why was it a succes major power.
any’s views counted. • It showed that mode
• It showed that Germ could build Germany’s
rate political parties
dence held by most strength internationally
• It boosted the confi • It increased public co .
Germans in the Weimar Germany was being led
nfidence in how

It wasn’t all a success

’s position, his
There were still some areas of discontent in spite Think about Stresemann
of Stresemann’s work. achievements and their
 The hated terms of the Treaty of Versailles
were still in place.
 The League of Nations was, for some, a symbol Now try this
of the unpopular Treaty of Versailles.
 Some didn’t like the confirmation of the new Explain how Stresemann’s foreign policy helped
border with France. to stabilise Germany.
 There were still extremist parties around.

1918–29 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Changes for workers and women

The period 1924–29 saw some important improvements for workers and women in Germany, but
there were still underlying problems in German society.
Changes in living standards
Living standards improved after 1924, brought about by government funding and policies.
Unemployment insurance
Wages and work 3% of workers’ earnings were deducted
Working hours reduced. Standard to be put towards insurance that would give
them a basic amount of benefits if they
Wages rose. of living became unemployed or sick.
Working conditions improved.
Hyperinflation made employment insecure.
Well-off Germans resented seeing Housing
workers benefiting. 15% rent tax was introduced to fund building associations.
Between 1925 and 1929, 101 000 homes were built.
There was still a housing shortage but things had improved.

Women at work Women at leisure Women in politics

• Some of the gains in equality • Greater earning power led • Women earned the vote
brought about by the war to more independence for in 1918 and could stand
were lost. younger, single women. for elections.
• Most women gave up • Women were less interested • 90% turned out
work after they married. in marriage and family and at elections.
There was a drop in women more interested in having a
working from 75% in 1918 to • Article 109 of the
‘good time’. constitution stated that
36% in 1925.
• Few women secured high • The behaviour of ‘new women had equal rights
status jobs. women’ was not liked by with men and could
some men and women who enter professions on an
• There was an increase in
part-time work. felt traditional values were equal basis.
being eroded. • Marriage was an
• Some professions, like
teaching and medicine, equal partnership.
offered new opportunities
to women.
• Women were encouraged to
go to university.

Now try this

For each of the following groups in Germany between 1924 and 1929, give one example of progress
and one example of lack of progress: a) workers b) women.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1918–29

Cultural changes, 1924–29

A variety of factors led to a rise in cultural changes and experimentation in Germany between
1924 and 1929. The main driving force in art and cinema was the movement called Expressionism.
Art Cinema
Weimar artists painted everyday life Films became popular all over the world in the 1920s.
so that everyone could have access Expressionism flourished in film-making, particularly in
to their art. They wanted to make Weimar Germany due to fewer restrictions. Some German
art that commented on problems films were very new and exciting in how they challenged
in German society, or to make traditional cinema.
people think. Their style of work
was called Expressionism, which
was concerned with raw emotion,
the seedier side of everyday life
and confronting the disaster of
the First World War. Artists like
Otto Dix and George Grosz were
influential to the movement, as was
Paul Klee.

rked by dark
All these films were ma
dra ma tic ligh tin g and
gro tes qu e cha rac ter s.

A famous and very po

pular German
actress of the time wa
s Marlene Dietrich.
Klee, 1926. Here she is in the film
Cave Flowers by Paul Longs For, directed by
The Woman One
the Ba uha us school.
Klee taught at in 1929.
Curtis Bernhardt

New designers and architects challenged traditional ideas and practices in building and interiors.
The school attracted
The Bauhaus school
many talented artists
was set up in Weimar, in
and designers.
1919, by the architect
Walter Gropius.
Their ideas challenged
traditional styles that
Gropius wanted to bring had been popular
together all the disciplines before the war.
(art, architecture, design,
typography, sculpture, etc).
Their approaches looked
radical compared to what
The Bauhaus School in had come before.
Dessau designed
by Gropius, 1925–26.

Now try this

How did the new Weimar culture challenge traditional attitudes and values in Germany?

Hitler’s rise,
1919–33 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Hitler and the early growth

of the party
Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. He moved to Munich in 1913 and became obsessed with
all things German. He fought in the First World War and his experience confirmed his views that
Germany had a special destiny. He was shocked by Germany’s defeat and the outcome of the
Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler and the early DAP/NSDAP Hitler’s early political career

1 The German Workers’ Party (DAP) was set
Timeline up by Anton Drexler in February 1919, in
1919 Hitler joined Munich; Hitler joined in September 1919.
the DAP.
1920 Hitler was
2 The DAP set up permanent headquarters,
Hitler became second in command.
second in command 1920 In August the
of the DAP. DAP changed its 3 Hitler suggested a new name for the
name to the National party – the National Socialist German Workers’
Socialist German Party (NSDAP) or NAZI Party for short.
Workers’ Party.
1921 Hitler took over
4 In July 1921, Hitler became leader of the
control of the Nazi
Nazi Party.
Party from Drexler.
5 Hess, Goering, Streicher and Röhm were
selected as some of his party supporters.

The 25-point programme The Sturmabteilung (SA)

The Nazi programme, written by Hitler and The Sturmabteilung (or stormtroopers)
Drexler in 1920, included the following points. were a paramilitary force, made up of
• Increase pensions for the elderly. unemployed ex-soldiers. They were formed
in August 1921 by Hitler and put under the
• Nationalise industries.
command of Ernst Röhm. They wore brown
• Get rid of the Treaty of Versailles. uniforms and were nicknamed 'Brownshirts'.
• Everybody should have a job. They were used to disrupt opposition meetings
• Build up Germany’s armed forces. and to control crowds and any opposition to
• Only German races may be members of Hitler – often violently.
the nation. No Jew may be a citizen.
• Expand Germany across new territory to
feed the people and to settle surplus
population (known as Lebensraum).
• All citizens should have equal rights
and duties.
• Every hard‑working German to have the
chance of higher education.
• State must protect mothers and infants, The Sturmabteilung
stop children working; make laws for
compulsory sports.
d: the Weimar Now try this
The programme oppose
to the Treaty
politicians who agreed
y, which they Choose three Nazi policies from the 25-point
of Versailles; democrac programme and explain to whom they would
Jews, who they
thought was weak; and have appealed and why.
rman economy.
felt undermined the Ge

Hitler’s rise,
Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1919–33

The Munich Putsch

and its aftermath
Hitler attempted to overthrow the Weimar government in November 1923. This was known as the
Munich Putsch. After this date, and up to 1928, the Nazi Party struggled to get support.
Reasons for the Munich Putsch
Long term Medium term Short term
• ‘Stab in the back’ Hitler was influenced by • Hyperinflation
• Reparations Mussolini’s right-wing party • French troops entered
in Italy – the Fascists. Ruhr in 1923 and took over
• The loss of Germany's
Mussolini marched on Rome in German businesses.
1922, forcing the democratic
• Resentment of Weimar • Hitler thought that he
government to accept him
government, particularly by had support.
as leader.
the Bavarian government.

The events of the Putsch Consequences of the Putsch

In the short term, the Putsch was not good
Timeline 8 November 1923
for Hitler. He was in prison and the NSDAP
was banned, and the Putsch had failed
Hitler with 600 SA entered a
9 November 1923
miserably because of lack of support.
beer hall in Munich where
Hitler gathered with In the long term, however, the consequences
the Bavarian government
1000 SA and 2000 were meeting. were more positive for Hitler and the NSDAP.
volunteer supporters At gunpoint, Hitler forced • Hitler used his trial to publicise his views.
and marched on government leaders to • He used his time in prison to write Mein
Munich town centre to support him. Kampf (My Struggle). This book became a
declare himself Röhm took over local police
President of Germany.
bestseller when published – it outlined his
and army headquarters.
The group was met by political ideas and in particular his views
Ludendorff, behind Hitler’s
state police. back, let the government on Jews.
Someone opened fire leaders go. • The events of the Putsch made Hitler
and there was chaos. realise that the party needed to rethink
Ludendorff, Röhm and its tactics and be more organised in order
Streicher were arrested. 11 November 1923 to win support nationally, using violence
Hitler was found hiding at and force wasn't enough.
a friend’s house and was

Hitler was released fro

m prison after only
nine months. The ban on
SA storming Munich the NSDAP was lifted
town centre
by 1925.

Bamberg Conference 1926

Hitler organised this conference to address splits between the socialist and nationalist wings of
the Nazi movement. Hitler’s power as leader was secured and his vision of Nazism taken forward.

Now try this

Design two mind maps to sum up the reasons for and consequences of the Munich Putsch.

Hitler’s rise,
1919–33 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Growth in support, 1929–32

In this period, the Nazis reorganised to benefit from the Weimar Republic’s weaknesses and
economic problems. Hitler’s appeal as a leader also benefited them.
Wall Street Crash, USA, October 1929
US companies lost billions of dollars in value
overnight. Many banks and businesses were
ruined, and worldwide depression resulted.

US stopped lending money to Germany

and demanded all loans be repaid. Food distribution, Be
rlin 1931
Bank panic, Germany
German government
German businesses • Couldn’t borrow money from the US.
• Had to pay back loans. • Refused to print more money.
• Received no more investment from the US. • Increased taxes.
• Had to pay increased taxes to government. • Made cuts in unemployment benefit.
• Government workers had wages cut
and some lost their jobs.

German people
• Businesses reduced staff or closed.
• Millions of workers and farm labourers lost their jobs.
• Young people were badly affected by job losses.
• With no work, and benefits slashed, families suffered terrible poverty.

The Hitler appeal 3 He travelled

1 He was a around the country
giving speeches and
Hitler's propaganda
strong leader.
talking on the radio. Using propaganda techniques,
2 His image Hitler persuaded:
appeared on most 4 The party  usiness people that he could
publicity material. adopted modern
technology, e.g. solve the economic crisis
used aeroplanes. working-class people that he
could give them work and food
middle-class people that he
s of the ever-growing
The intimidation tactic could protect them from the
ers ) helped to increase
SA (stormtroop
communists, solve the economic
support for the Nazis.
crisis and return Germany to
How the depression benefited Hitler traditional values
Support for the Commun rural communities that he
Economic problems ist
Party grew during this could protect them from the
period but the Nazi Party communists, who might seize
Unemployment their land
grew faster. Support for
young people to join him by
the Communist Party wa
Dissatisfaction with weak Weimar s providing something exciting for
mainly from the working them to be part of
classes living in cities women that the Nazis were the
Increased membership of extreme who wanted a party tha best party to save the nation
left and right wing parties could protect their job and their families.
and wages.

Now try this Remember that, until

the economic problem
Complete a table listing the reasons for the rise of the Nazis in one after 1929, the Na zis
column and the problems of the Weimar Republic in the other. had very little success
in elections.
Hitler’s rise,
Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1919–33

Political developments in 1932

The actions of four key people resulted in Hitler becoming Chancellor. You will need to know who
these people were and the sequence of political events.
The four key players
Paul von Hindenburg – hero of the
First World War and President of
the Weimar Republic.
Heinrich Brüning – the Chancellor.
General Franz von Papen – the
politician and friend of Hindenburg.
Kurt von Schleicher – the
army general. Paul von Heinrich Kurt von General Franz
Hindenburg Brüning Schleicher von Papen
Hitler's road to power

Timeline April 1932

May 1932 Hindenburg stands for re-election as President.
Election with Hindenburg being re-elected as President. No one party has 50% of the vote.
Hitler increases his share of the vote. Chancellor Brüning bans the SA.
Chancellor Brüning's plan to buy up land from
landowners and use it to house the unemployed is
opposed by Hindenburg. Brüning resigns.
Brüning is replaced by von Papen – he is put forward by
von Schleicher.
Von Schleicher had been planning a coalition between
right-wing supporters and the Nazis.
Hitler agrees to the coalition if the ban on the SA July 1932
is removed. Further elections take place – there is widespread
The coalition takes power. fighting between the communists and the Nazis.
The Nazi share of the vote increases from 18% in 1930
to 38%.
November 1932 Hitler demands that he be made Chancellor –
Further election. Hindenburg refuses.
Von Schleicher warns Hindenburg that if
von Papen stays as Chancellor there will be civil war.
Von Papen goes.

December 1932
January 1933 Von Schleicher becomes Chancellor.
Von Schleicher does not have the support of the public
or the Nazis.
He persuades Hindenburg that he could be the head of
a military dictatorship.
Hindenburg refuses.
Von Papen persuades Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as
Chancellor to avoid von Schleicher’s military dictatorship.
He also suggests that he should become Vice-Chancellor
so that he can keep a check on Hitler.
Hitler becomes Chancellor.

Now try this

Causes that are more
1 Write down the reasons why Hitler was able to become Chancellor. important often have an
2 Number them in order of importance, from least to most important. effect on other causes

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

The Reichstag Fire and the

Enabling Act, 1933
Now the Nazis and Hitler were in power, they used every opportunity, legal and illegal, to remove
any opposition and secure a dictatorship.
The Reichstag Fire
1 A lone Dutch communist was executed
for starting the fire but Hitler seized the
opportunity to accuse the Communist Party
of a conspiracy against the government.
Four thousand communists were arrested.
2 It gave Hitler an excuse to issue a Decree
for the Protection of the People and the
State, giving him powers to imprison political
opponents and ban opposition newspapers.
3 He persuaded Hindenburg to call an election
in March 1933 to secure more Nazi seats.
4 The Nazi Party managed to secure two-thirds 27 February 1933.
The Reichstag Fire of
was arrested and killed
of the seats by using the emergency powers Marinus van der Lubbe
some people believed
to prevent the communists from taking up for starting the fire –
the fire deliberately.
their 81 seats. the Nazis had started
5 Hitler was now able to change the constitution.

The Enabling Act, 1933

Hitler proposed the Enabling Act in order to
destroy the power of the Reichstag and give
himself total power to make laws. It stated that: Hitler expected resistan
ce to the
the Reich Cabinet could pass new laws act and so used the SA
to intimidate
the opposition. The vo
te was won by
the laws could overrule the constitution the Nazis 444 to 94.
Hitler would propose the laws.
Result: Germany would no longer be a democracy.

The effect the Enabling Act had on trade unions and political parties
The Enabling Act allowed Hitler to
get rid of opposition to the Nazis.

Local Government: this Trade unions: these were Other political parties: in May
was closed down on replaced with the German 1933, the SDP and Communist
31 March 1933 and Labour Front. Many union Party offices and funds were
reorganised with Nazi officials were arrested on taken by the Nazis. In July 1933,
majorities. It was completely 2 May 1933. other political parties
abolished in January 1934. were banned.

Now try this

Summarise the events of the Reichstag Fire and what followed.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Hitler becomes Führer

Hitler continued to assert his authority and power. Key events occurred in 1934 which led to
Hitler declaring himself Führer.
Röhm, Hitler and the SA
Röhm did not like Hitler’s policies.

The leaders of the Schutzstaffel Why Röhm and Many of the SA were bitter because
(SS) wanted to reduce the they felt undervalued and angry
size of the SA in order to
the SA were a because many were still unemployed,
increase their own power. threat to Hitler but they were loyal to Röhm.

The SA was much bigger than the army and the

army feared Röhm wanted to replace them.
The ‘SS'
The SS was set up by
Hitler in 1925 to act
as his bodyguards. They
were a select group
run firstly by Schreck
and then by Himmler.
They appeared menacin
g in their black uniforms.

ler as he
SS troops guarding Hit
ee ch, Ma y 19 34.
makes a sp

The Night of the Long Knives

Death of Hindenburg
Hitler decided to rid himself of the threat
of Röhm and the SA. He did this by inviting President Hindenburg was the only person
Röhm and 100 SA leaders to a meeting in the senior to Hitler. In August 1934, he died.
town of Bad Wiessee on 30 June 1934. Within hours, a Law Concerning the Head of
It was a ruse – when the leaders arrived they State merged the offices of Chancellor and
were arrested by the SS, taken to Munich President to create a new office of Führer.
and shot.
After the arrests, von Papen’s staff were Führer means ‘leader’ an
arrested and his home surrounded. Von Papen d Hitler used propagand
to ensure that he looke a
was no longer able to watch what Hitler was d all powerful. The ‘Heil
Hitler!’ Nazi salute made
up to. Further killings occurred, including that people swear loyalty to
him personally, and he wa
of von Schleicher. s portrayed as having
superhuman, heroic qualit

t many people fully

It was thought that no Army oath of allegiance
le were being killed –
realised how many peop
the power of the SA The day Hindenburg died, Hitler announced
many were relieved that the army should swear an oath of allegiance
had been curtailed. to him, not to Germany.

Now try this

Write a paragraph to explain the steps Hitler took in 1934 to secure his power in Germany.

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

A police state
A police state is when a government uses the police to control everyone’s lives. The Nazis used
the SS, SD and the Gestapo to do this. Anyone the Nazis were suspicious of could disappear, at
any time. They could be killed or taken to concentration camps.
SS (Protection Squad)
Hitler set up his own security
• Set up by Heinrich Himmler in 1925.
forces as he realised not all • They were led by Himmler.
the existing German police • They wore black uniforms.
supported him. These forces • They controlled all Germany’s police and security forces.
were run by the Nazi Party, • They acted outside the law.
not by the government. • Members had to marry ‘racially pure’ wives.
• They ran the concentration camps.
Their main weapon was fear.

SD (Security Service) Gestapo (Secret State Police)

• Set up by Heinrich Himmler in 1931. • Set up by Hermann Goering in 1933.
• They were led by Reinhard Heydrich. • They were led by Reinhard Heydrich.
• They wore uniforms. • They wore plain clothes.
• Spied on all opponents of the Nazi Party, • They spied on people.
both at home and abroad. • Prosecuted people for speaking out against the Nazis.
• Sent people to concentration camps and used torture.

The legal system

Hitler controlled the legal system so that meant it was very difficult for anyone to oppose him.
He did this by controlling the judges.
• All judges had to belong to the National Socialist League for the Maintenance of the Law.
• All judges had to favour the Nazi Party in any decision.
He also did this by controlling the law courts.
• He abolished trial by jury – only judges were able to decide whether someone was innocent
or guilty.
• He set up a People’s Court to hear all treason cases. Trials were held in secret and judges
were hand-picked.

Concentration camps up to 1939

The first camp was built at Inmates were made up of:
Dachau in 1933 to house • political prisoners
the growing number of • undesirables, such
people being arrested. as prostitutes and
homosexuals, and
minority groups
like Jews.

Camps were built in isolated

areas so no one could see Inmates were treated
what was going on. very badly and forced
Many more were built. to do hard labour.
camp in 1933.
Dachau concentration

Now try this

Jot down three ways in which the SS was used to Any answer about how
the Nazis controlled
control the German people. Germany should featur
e the SS.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Policies towards the churches

The Nazis wanted total loyalty to Hitler and his beliefs. The churches were potentially a threat to
his power and therefore Hitler needed to control the churches’ influence.
Nazi vs Christian beliefs
Nazi beliefs Christian beliefs
Hitler as all-powerful leader. God as the ultimate authority.
Aryan racial superiority. Everyone equal in the eyes of God.
War, military discipline and violence important. Peace is what everyone should strive for.
Dominance of the strong over the weak. The strong should look after the weak.

The Catholic Church The Protestant churches

Hitler worried that the Catholic Church would Two Protestant churches were formed during
oppose him because Catholics: the 1930s.
• were loyal to the pope 1 The Reich Church:
• usually supported the Catholic Centre Party • was founded in 1933
• was made up of about 2000
• sent their children to Catholic schools and
Protestant churches
the Catholic youth organisation.
• supported the Nazis
The Concordat • was led by Ludwig Müller
• had some members that wore Nazi uniform
In July 1933, Hitler agreed with the pope in a and called themselves German Christians.
Concordat that Catholics were free to worship
and run their own schools in return for staying
out of politics. However, Hitler broke his
promise and:
• priests opposing the Nazis were harassed
and/or sent to concentration camps
• Catholic schools had to remove Christian
symbols and were later closed
• Catholic youth organisations were banned.
By 1937, the pope spoke out against Hitler in
his statement known as ‘With Burning Anxiety’,
which criticised Nazi policies. SA troops outside a
pro-Nazi church
service, July 1933.
solidate his
Hitler’s strategy was to try and con
influence and
power before openly attacking the 2 The Confessing Church:
y. His ultimate
power of the churches in German • was founded in 1934
with a Nazi-
goal was to replace the churches • was made up of about 6000
based religion. Protestant churches
• opposed the Nazis
• was led by Martin Niemöller
For more information on churche
s in the Nazi • was repressed by the Nazis.
period, see page 19.
möller see page 19.
For more on Martin Nie

Now try this

1 List three ways that the churches cooperated with the Nazis.
2 List three ways that the churches resisted the Nazis.

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Propaganda and censorship

Hitler wanted to use propaganda (information to spread ideas) and censorship (government
control over what people see, hear and read) to create a generation of people loyal to the Nazi
regime and its values.
Goebbels played a Methods of censorship
central role as Nazi
t  Public burning of books by Jewish writers
Minister of Enlightenmen
wa s or others who disagreed with Nazi views.
and Propaganda. He
Radio producers, playwrights, filmmakers
a master at spreading
and newspapers were told what to say.
Nazi ideas in a subtle as
Newspapers opposing the Nazis
well as an unsubtle way.
were closed.
He essentially controlled
Only radios that couldn’t receive foreign
Joseph Goebbels - newspapers, the radio,
stations were made.
Reich Minister of book publishing, film and
Propaganda 1933–19
45 the arts.
Methods of propaganda
Hitler featured in much propaganda, either with a photograph or his name or title.

Huge rallies and milita

ry parades were
held, projecting a po
wer and strength The cinema showed
that would either make propaganda films, but
Germans proud nm en t film s tha t had
of their country or fill
them with terror entertai
Posters showing depending on their vie subtle Nazi messa ge s.
Nazi beliefs were
displayed everywhere.

Hitler made radio

speeches which
were played through The Nazis
loudspeakers in encouraged artists
factories, cafés and playwrights
and on the streets. to produce work
Entertainment highlighting The Olympic games he
Nazi ideas. ld in Berlin in 1936
programmes was the ideal event to
‘Degenerate’ art, promote Nazi
contained Nazi ideologies such as Ary
such as modern an superiority.
ideas and beliefs. It was also an opportu
art and jazz music, nity to present
Nazi Germany in a good
was banned. light. It was well
organised and a grand

The Reich Chamber of Culture

Set up in 1933 and overseen by Goebbels, this monitored all aspects of culture and made
sure they were consistent with Nazi ideas. The Nazis wanted grand and classical architecture,
particularly the work of Albert Speer; artists to be members of a Reich Chamber of Visual
Arts; to listen to traditional German composers like Beethoven and Bach.

Now try this

Write down one method of propaganda that targeted each of the following groups in Germany:
workers, women and young people.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Church opposition
The extent of support for the Nazi regime differed between groups and individuals. Although Hitler
tried to suppress opposition from the churches, there were still Catholic priests and Protestant
ministers and pastors who preached against Nazi policies.
Pastor Martin Niemöller
How pastors and priests opposed
One of the main church opponents of Hitler was
Martin Niemöller, but he didn't always oppose the Nazis
the Nazis. • 6000 Protestant pastors joined
Pro-Nazi Niemöller’s Confessing Church as a
changing • Niemöller voted for them in the protest against Nazi policy, only 2000
attitude 1924 and 1933 elections as he remained in the German Christian Church.
to Hitler. felt the Weimar Republic needed a • About 800 pastors were arrested and
strong leader. sent to concentration camps.
• He didn’t oppose Nazi restrictions • 400 Catholic priests spoke out and were
on Jews. arrested and imprisoned in the Priests’
• He wanted to be let out of prison Block at Dachau concentration camp.
to fight on the side of the Nazis in
the Second World War.
Niemöller sermon
Against Nazis Niemöller preached this sermon to remind
• He didn’t like Nazi interference in church leaders of the importance of speaking
the Protestant Church. out against Nazi policies.
• He opposed the Nazi restrictions
on Jews becoming Christians. First they came for the Socialists,
and I did not speak out
• He set up the Confessing Church
in 1934. because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
Very against Nazis
and I did not speak out
• Niemöller was arrested many times because I was not a Trade Unionist.
for speaking out against the Nazis
Then they came for the Jews,
and Hitler between 1934 and 1937.
and I did not speak out
• He was sent to a concentration camp
because I was not a Jew.
in 1938 where he stayed until 1945.
Then they came for me
For more on the Confe and there was no one left to speak for me.
ssing Church,
see page 17.
Martin Niemöller

How much opposition was there?

Opposition to the Nazis by church leaders was
difficult because it was so dangerous to speak
out openly. However, attendance at Christian
churches remained high throughout the period, in
spite of the Nazis’ attempt to curtail the churches.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Now try this

Why couldn’t Hitler gain complete control of the churches?

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Youth opposition
Another group that opposed the Nazis was the young. Some young people set up secret groups
or refused to conform to what the Nazis wanted from them.

The Edelweiss Pirates

They sang ‘Smash the Hitler Youth in The Nazis were not threatened
twain, our song is freedom, love and life’. by their activities.
They were made up
mainly of boys who
By 1939 they had
copied an American
2000 members.
style of clothing
(checked shirts and
white socks).

They went on
hikes and camping
They were formed in
expeditions in the
the late 1930s,
countryside to
possibly as a
get away from
consequence of
Nazi restrictions.
Nazi policies enforcing
Hitler Youth membership.

The Alpine flower, the They taunted the

edelweiss, was used Hitler Youth.
Pirates in 1938.
as their symbol. A group of Edelweiss

They read and listened to banned

They were mainly based in
music and literature and wrote
working-class districts of
anti-Nazi graffiti.
large cities.
For more on the Hitler
Youth, see page 22.

The Swing Youth

Another group of young people similar to the Edelweiss Pirates was the Swing Youth. Like the Pirates,
they chose not to conform to Nazi ideas. They liked wearing American clothes. They listened to
American music and watched American films. They gathered to drink alcohol, smoke and dance.
They organised illegal dances attended by thousands. Unlike the Pirates they were largely made up
of children from wealthy families with the money to buy records and own record players.

How effective was youth opposition up to 1939?

It was limited to:
• writing anti-Nazi graffiti
• telling anti-Nazi jokes
• attacking the Hitler Youth
A 1930s
• listening to banned music portable
• wearing American-style clothing. gramophone on
which records
The motives of the youth opposition groups were cultural would have
rather than political and their numbers were limited. been played.

Now try this

List three ways that young people resisted the Nazis.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Women and the family

The Nazis had strong views about the role and position of women in society. Once they had
control in Germany, they introduced policies that affected women’s lives in lots of ways.
The Nazis' ideal woman
To have a natural To be a non-drinker/
appearance with non-smoker.
long hair tied back
and no make-up.

To wear traditional To marry and have children.


To believe in the
To be fair
Nazi ideas of Kinder,
haired and blue
Küche, Kirche (children,
eyed (Aryan).
kitchen, church).

To stay at home and not go

To be sturdily built
to work or to university.
(for child bearing).
The ‘ideal’ mother and her child
in Nazi Germany.

contrast to how See page 8 for more

Nazi mother is in strong
This image of the ideal Weimar Republic.
on women during the
me n live d th eir live s during the days of the Weimar Republic.
many wo

Nazi policy towards women How successful was it?

Women should not work, especially those During 1933–36 the number of employed
who were married. Many professional married women fell.
women lost their jobs and were replaced
by men.

Women should get married. The Marriage The number of marriages did increase,
Law of 1933 initiated the use of vouchers but it’s not clear if this was due to Nazi
(Marriage Loans) to newly married couples policy, or to other reasons such as a
if the woman agreed to stop working. stronger economy.

Women should have at least four children. The birth rate did increase, but this may have
(Couples were let off one-quarter of their been because the economy was improving
Marriage Loan repayments for each child rather than because of Nazi policies.
they had.) Few women had more than two children.

The German Women’s Enterprise gave The German Women’s Enterprise had six
women medals for having children, and ran million members, which suggests that many
classes and radio programmes on home- women welcomed Nazi policies.
based matters.

Now try this

Don’t forget to look back at
Write down three differences between women’s page 8 to answer this question.
roles in Weimar Germany and Nazi Germany.
1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Nazi youth organisations

There were four Nazi youth groups: Young German Folk (boys aged 10–14), Young Girls (girls
aged 10–14), Hitler Youth (boys aged 14–18), and League of German Maidens (girls aged 14–18).
Meetings and activities took place after school, at weekends and in the holidays.
Nazi aims for young people
To be proud Germans who supported
a strong, independent Germany.

How the Nazis

To be loyal supporters of
the Nazi Party and to believe wanted children Girls to be strong and
healthy in order to be
in Nazi policies – preparing to be brought up strong wives and fertile
children for their future
roles as adults. for the good of mothers.

The Nazi policies for the young diff Boys to be strong and healthy in order
y enc our aged the to work for the German economy and
between girls and boys. The fight in the German forces.
figure and
young to regard Hitler as a father
control of
they made sure that the Nazis had
children outside school.

Examples of youth group activities

Hiking and camping Girls
Learning about Hitler Cookery
Military drills
Learning about racial superiority Housework
Singing patriotic songs Needlework and craft
Military-style camps
Helping the fire Sport and competitions
Learning what to
brigade during Taking part in Nazi marches look for in a good
the war and rallies husband
Formed military Reporting people who made Learning about
brigades to defend anti-Nazi comments babies and
Berlin in 1945
Collecting for Winterhilfe childcare
(a charity)

Now try this

Why did Hitler force young people to join the Nazi youth groups?

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Nazi education
Another way the Nazis controlled children was through education. This was another method of
making German children loyal Nazis in preparation for their future roles in the Nazi state.
Nazi control of education
Schools Teachers Subjects Propaganda
• Children had to • It was compulsory • 15% of time was spent • All lessons began
attend state for teachers to be on PE to ensure a and ended with
school until Nazi Party members. healthy and strong the Hitler salute.
they were 14. • Those who didn’t population. • Nazi flags and
• There were separate teach Nazi ideas • Girls were taught posters decked
schools for girls were dismissed. domestic skills, classrooms.
and boys. • Teachers’ camps while boys were • From 1935 all
• Optional schools taught them how taught science textbooks had to
after age 14: to use Nazi ideas and military skills. be approved by
National Political in their teaching. • Both sexes were the Nazi Party.
Educational • Nearly all teachers taught the traditional • Traditional subjects
Institutes and joined the Nazi subjects: German, were rewritten to
Adolf Hitler Teachers’ League. History, Geography glorify Germany,
Schools. • Teachers were and Maths. e.g. an emphasis on
• All schools followed forced to attend • New subjects: Race German writers and
a set curriculum – courses to learn Studies and Nazi historical figures.
this was different about Nazi ideas. Eugenics were taught • Racial ideas and
for girls and boys. to both sexes. anti-Semitism were
embedded within
Race Studies involved learning how
to classify racial groups and about
the superiority of the Aryan race.
Eugenics is the science of using
controlled breeding to attempt to
produce the perfect human being.

The ultimate aim of the Nazi education policy

To prepare girls to
To turn boys into
be good wives and
strong soldiers
who would fight for

To teach Nazi beliefs

about race.
To create loyal Nazis.

To put across key

To glorify Germany
Nazi ideals.
and the Nazi Party.

Now try this

Nazi education
Explain why the Nazis made the education of Think about the aims of
of the lessons.
as well as the content
boys and girls different.

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Policies to reduce unemployment

Reducing the high levels of unemployment was important for Hitler. From 1933 he set out schemes
to achieve this.
Why Hitler wanted to get National Labour Service (RAD)
people working • From July 1935, it was compulsory for all
men aged 18–25 to serve for six months on
The unemployed: this scheme.
1 were dangerous politically - if they were • They worked on job creation schemes and
poor and hungry they might turn to other public works such as draining marshes.
other political parties for help. • Many hated the RAD: the pay was low, the
2 were believed by the Nazis to be a hours long and the work boring.
burden on society and a waste of
valuable resources.

Job creation schemes Rearmament

The Nazis reduced unemployment by putting Another way that the Nazis provided jobs was
money into large projects. These benefited the through building up their stockpile of arms, even
economy and also reduced unemployment. though the Treaty of Versailles had stipulated
7000 km of autobahns
limits on this. This provided many jobs.
(motorways) connecting
up the

Sports facilities, e.g.

stadia for the Berlin
Olympics, 1936.

Hitler making a start on

the first autobahn in 1933.

Invisible unemployment
Official government figures showed unemployment was falling but they did not include:
• Jews being • women being • unmarried • opponents of
forced out dismissed or men under the regime who Official figures showed
of jobs leaving their 25 doing were sent to that unemployment had
jobs National concentration dropped from 4.8 million
Labour camps.
in 1933 to 0.3 million
in 1939 – an amazing
achievement. But this did
not take into account
‘invisible unemployment’.

Now try this

Who benefited from the Nazi employment Think about ‘invisible unemployment
policies and who didn’t?

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

The standard of living

Nazi economic policies, in general, improved the standard of living of the German people, although
some sectors of society lost out.

Nazi workers’ organisations German Labour Front

The Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF)
Hitler realised that he must make sure that the
replaced trade unions. Workers
German workers were satisfied and avoid losing had to be members. It ran
their support. He set up different workers’ several schemes.
organisations that were meant to improve the
lives and conditions of German people.

Strength through Joy (KdF)

This aimed to increase productivity by
making workers happy. It provided
low-cost or free activities
(e.g. concerts, holidays) for
hard workers.

Beauty of Labour (SdA) The Volkswagen

trip to Italy
German workers on the first KdF This aimed to improve (people’s car)
rs on the ship.
in 1937, buying souveni conditions by reducing One of the KdF’s schemes
noise in workplaces, was to promote car
providing canteens and ownership. Hitler asked
even building swimming Porsche to design a family
pools. However, workers car and the VW Beetle
had to help construct was the result. Workers
these in their spare paid 5 marks a week
time, so it wasn’t towards buying a car but,
very popular. by 1939, no-one had paid
in enough so the money
Parade of KdF Volkswagen Beetles went towards rearmament.
in 1939,
a propaganda stunt.

Had the standard of living improved by 1939?

Better off Worse off
 More jobs with most men in work.  ‘Invisible unemployment’ meant many were
still unemployed.
 Average wages rose by 20% compared  The cost of food rose by an equivalent
to 1933. amount so this cancelled out the wage rise.
 KdF provided leisure activities and holidays  With the banning of trade unions, workers had
and SdA improved working conditions. few rights and worked longer hours: 43 hours
a week in 1933 up to 49 hours in 1939.

 Car ownership increased three-fold.  Only high earners could afford cars.
Low earners had to spend money on essentials.

Now try this

Decide whether you think the standard of living of the German people had improved by 1939, or not, then
write a paragraph backing up your decision.

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Racial beliefs and policies

Hitler was keen to increase the number of ‘pure’ Germans (Aryans) who were blond-haired, blue-
eyed, tall and athletic, and who would work hard, join the army or have children.

Nazi racial hierarchy How the race grew

‘Race farms’ were set up where Aryan men and women
met to have Aryan children. The SS were central to
Aryans the Nazi master race, as they only recruited Aryans
The ‘master and were only allowed to marry Aryan women.

Other white western Europeans

Seen as fellow humans but
lower than Aryans.

Eastern Europeans
Slavs – seen as

Black people and ‘gypsies’

Both seen as ‘sub-human’
and ‘work-shy’ (lazy).

Seen as lowest of ‘sub-human’ races
and blamed for Germany’s problems. An idealised Aryan family.

Untermenschen Other undesirables

Untermenschen meant ‘inferior people’ or The Nazis also believed other groups of
‘sub-humans’, and was the term used by society were undesirable and should be
Nazis to describe Slavs, ‘gypsies’, black treated differently.
people and Jews. • Homosexuals were sent to prison or
• In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws banned Aryans concentration camps and subjected to
from marrying ‘gypsies’, black people or Jews. medical experiments to correct their
• Mixed-race children were sterilised. ‘disorder’ after laws against homosexuality
were strengthened.
• After 1933, many ‘gypsies’ were arrested and
sent to concentration camps. From 1938, • Deaf, blind, epileptic, deformed and mentally
all ‘gypsies’ had to be registered and were disabled people were sterilised after a new
banned from travelling. In 1939, they were law, The Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily
told they would be deported. Diseased Offspring, was introduced in 1933.
• Slavs were reminded continually that • Mentally and physically disabled babies
they didn’t fit the Aryan ideal, but were were killed.
persecuted less than other groups. • Vagrants were seen as ‘work shy’ and put in
s and
concentration camps.
For more on the Nuremberg Law
Jew s, see pag es 27 and 28.
treatment of

Now try this

Describe how the Nazi policies on race became The treatment of ‘gypsies’ is a
harsher as the 1930s wore on. good example to use.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! 1933–39

Jewish persecution 1
The persecution of the Jewish community in Germany escalated throughout this period. It began
with an attack on Jewish businesses and the removal of Jewish people from their jobs.
Associated with Jealous of their success – Long-standing distrust of Jewish people –
communism (Karl many Jews were professionals a common belief across Europe.
Marx was Jewish). or owned businesses.

Reasons why Jews Reasons why most

were persecuted non-Jewish German
people let the
Used as Suspicious Blamed for Germany’s persecution happen
scapegoats of a different defeat in First World
for Germany’s religion. War and the Treaty
problems. of Versailles (especially
as some politicians The influence of Nazi The fear of the Gestapo and
involved were Jewish). anti-Semitic propaganda. SS if they did speak out.

Jewish businesses Professions and other aspects of life

Timeline 1933 The SA organised a

1933 Jewish actors and
one-day boycott of Jewish musicians were banned
shops. They painted a 1584 Rayleigh plans new
from performing. Jewish
yellow star on doors and colonisation of North America
civil servants were sacked.
discouraged people from and sends a team to explore
Jews were no longer
going inside. Virginia and report back to
1934 Some Jews were allowed to join the army.
banned colonisation Jews were banned from
from public
1585 English
places like parks
of Virginia and
begins; 107 men inheriting land. There was
swimming pools –
set out for Roanoke, other an SA one-day boycott of
Virginia painted park Jewish lawyers and doctors.
benches yellow
specifically for Jewish 1586 105 surviving
1935 The Nuremberg
colonists abandon colony,
An umbrella shop in people. laws, thatstruggling
after placed further
to feed
Berlin owned by a
Jewish family with restrictions
themselves on Jewish life,
and facing
anti-Semitic graffiti were declared.
hostile Indians (Native
on the window, 1933. 1936 Jews were
1937 Jewish businesses more on the
ForAmericans), backrgto
go mbe
banned or restricted s see page 28.
were taken over England
from working as vets,
by Aryans. 1938 Jews had to register accountants, teachers,
their property. Jewish 1587 New
dentists andEnglish
nurses. 1938 Jewish passports
shops were set on fire or colonists return to Virginia had to be stamped
vandalised (Kristallnacht). and set up a colony at with a ‘J’.
Roanoke ‘Israel’ or ‘Sarah’ had to
For more on Kristallnacht 1939 The Reich Office 1590 English sailors arrive at
se page 28. for Jewish Emigration be added to Jewish
Roanoke and discover that it
was set up with the names.
1939 Jews were barred has been abandoned and all
from owning purpose of expelling all of its colonists have
businesses. Jews from Germany. disappeared

Now try this

You could use details
Describe three different types of persecution experienced by the from page 28 as well.
Jewish community. You could describe economic persecution, social
persecution and open violence.

1933–39 Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Jewish persecution 2
Two events occurred during this time that had a major impact on the lives of Jewish communities
in Germany. These were the passing of the Nuremberg Laws and the terrifying events of Kristallnacht.
The Nuremberg Laws, 1935
A new set of laws was passed to make it easier to persecute Jews.

The Reich Law on Citizenship

• Only those of German blood can be citizens.
• Jews must become subjects not citizens.
• Jews cannot vote or work for the government.
• Jews must wear a yellow star-shaped patch sewn on clothes
for ease of identification.

The Reich Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour
• No Jew must marry a German citizen.
• No Jew is allowed to have sexual relations with
a German citizen.
Hitler at the Nuremberg Rally
where the Laws were declared.

Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass), 1938

7 November
A 17-year-old Polish Jew entered the German
embassy in Paris and shot a German.

8 November
Goebbels used the event to stir up resentment
against Jews by attacking homes and
synagogues in Hanover.

9 November
Goebbels and Hitler decided to increase the
violence to a nationwide attack.

Kristallnacht: 9–10 November

Groups of uniformed and non-uniformed gangs ran
amok amongst Jewish communities, destroying A Berlin shop destroyed during
Kristallnacht, 1938.
and burning homes, shops, businesses
and synagogues.

Consequences of Kristallnacht
About 100 Jews were killed Goebbels blamed the Jews for starting the
814 shops were destroyed trouble on Kristallnacht and ordered them to
171 homes were destroyed pay damages. Jews were fined 1 billion marks.
191 synagogues were destroyed

Now try this

Discuss how the Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht were a turning point in the treatment of Jews in
Nazi Germany.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! Skills

Exam overview
This page introduces you to the main features and requirements of the Paper 3 Option 31
exam paper.
About Paper 3 for
The Paper 3 exam lasts
• Paper 3 is for your modern depth study. mi nu te s).
1 hour 20 minutes (80
• Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39 is a modern depth total.
There are 52 marks in
study and is Option 31. t 25 minutes
You should spend abou
• It is divided up into two sections: Section A t 55 minutes
on Section A and abou
and Section B. You must answer all questions in
both sections. on Section B.
• You will receive two documents: a question paper, which
you write on, and a Sources/Interpretations Booklet, Links You can see examples
which you will need for section B. of all six questions on
pages 31–36 and in th
e practice
The questions questions on pages 38
The questions for Paper 3 will always follow
this pattern:
(analysing, evaluating
Section A: Question 1 Question 1 targets AO3
ke judgements).
Give two things you can infer from Source A and using sources to ma
s on this question, which
about…  (4 marks) Spend about five minute .
and analysing sources
focuses on inference
Complete the table. rm ‘infer ’.
Look out for the key te
Section A: Question 2
Question 2 targets bo
Explain why…  (12 marks) th AO1 (showing
knowledge and underst
anding of the topic)
Two prompts and your own information. and AO2 (explaining an
d analysing events
using historical concep
Section B: Question 3(a) ts such as causation,
consequence, change,
How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry continuity, similarity
and difference). Spend
into…?  (8 marks) about 18 minutes on
this question.
Use the sources and your knowledge of the
historical context. ts AO3. Spend about
Question 3(a) also targe
tion, which is
Section B: Question 3(b) 12 minutes on this ques
efulness of
Study Interpretations 1 and 2… about evaluating the us
What is the main difference between these views? contemporary sources
 (4 marks)
Questions 3(b) and 3(
Use details from both interpretations. c) target AO4
(analysing, evaluating an
d making judgements
about interpretations).
Section B: Question 3(c) Spend about five
minutes on each of thes
Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 e questions, which
(4 marks) are about suggesting
give different views about… and explaining why
the interpretations dif
You can use the sources provided to help
explain your answer.
gets AO4.
Section B: Question 3(d) Question 3(d) also tar
s on this question,
Spend about 30 minute
ing an interpretation.
How far do you agree with Interpretation 1/2
about…? (16 marks + 4 marks for SPaG and use of which is about evaluat
able for spelling,
specialist terminology) Up to 4 marks are avail
(SPaG) and use of
Use both interpretations and your knowledge punctuation, grammar
of the historical context. specialist terminology.

Skills Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Sources and interpretations

This exam asks you to analyse and evaluate both sources and interpretations, and you need
different skills for each.

Questions 1 and 3(a) Questions 3(b), (c) and (d)

Here you will be asked to look Here you will be asked to read interpretations
at sources. These sources could be of a particular enquiry or event from two
propaganda posters, accounts from different historians. Unlike analysing sources,
people at that time, photographs interpretations are written after the time period
or any written or visual source that is or event. They are often written by historians
from the period. As the sources or commentators who express their views
are generated from that time it is and opinions about historical people, events
helpful to think about the nature of and changes. As they are people’s views and
the source, the origin, who produced judgements based on evidence there can be
it, and the purpose for which it differences, and sometimes clear disagreements,
was produced. about what people think.

Content: what information can you Bias: a source is still useful even
get directly from the source and its if you think it is biased – it can
caption? It is important to spend time be good for assessing people’s
reading and studying sources before opinions of an event, for example.
you read the exam questions.
Language: in written sources, the
Nature: what type of source author’s language should give you
is it – a diary entry, newspaper clues about whether they are biased
article, cartoon? This will help or even unreliable. Using appropriate
you to assess reliability, examples by quoting directly from the
usefulness and purpose.
Hints and tips for source will help you gain better marks.
examining sources Language can also tell you about
Origins: the caption should the purpose of a source.
tell you who produced the
source and when. The origin
will help you assess its
reliability, usefulness Purpose: the reason a Selection: what has the author / artist chosen
and purpose. source was created could to include? What have they chosen to leave out?
be one of the questions by It’s important to consider both of these when
itself, but this will also help you are thinking about the reliability, usefulness
you to assess its reliability and purpose of a source.
and usefulness.

Hints and tips for analysing and evaluating interpretations

How complete? How objective? What is the chosen emphasis?
The interpretations can be Historians can hold different Sometimes, historians use
different because they are views because they come from the same sources but reach
concerned with finding out a particular school of thought. different views because they
about different aspects Therefore, their questions and place a different level of
of the enquiry and may answers are shaped by their importance on the
cover different ground. wider views of society and same evidence. They may
Sometimes, historians set how it works and has worked have access to the same
out to look at one aspect in the past. This can have material sources as each
specifically, whereas others an important impact on the other, but will draw different
may want to look at related judgements and opinions they conclusions about the
issues in a broader sense. hold about historical matters. significance of that evidence.

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! Skills

Question 1: Making inferences

Question 1 on your exam paper will ask you to ‘infer from source A…’. There are 4 marks available
for this question.

Source A: A poster used during the Berlin Making inferences from a source
Olympics in 1936.
Making inferences is working something
out that isn’t directly shown. First of all,
think about what is suggested or implied
by the source and then try to show how
the source helped you make that inference.
Include supporting details from the source
to back up what you say.

Worked examp
Links You can revise Nazi prop
Give two things you can infer from Source A aganda
on page 18.
about propaganda in Nazi Germany.
Complete the table below to explain your answer.
 (4 marks)

Sample answer

(i) What I can infer: intended audience

You must consider the
ich the source
That Hitler wanted to use the Olympic
and the purpose for wh
games to show the world how strong the ink about when it
was produced. Also, th
Nazi regime was. context is vital for
was produced as this
t just describing it.
Details in the source that tell me this: analysing the source, no
The predominance of the Swastika flag;
the strength and fitness of the athlete and
the signs of industry in the background.
(ii) What I can infer:
That the games have been organised by the
Nazi regime.
Sometimes, it is helpful
to think about
Details in the source that tell me this: what you can see and
then move on to
The Swastika flags behind the athlete and think about what it sugg
ests. You need to
on the athlete’s vest show that the athlete make sure that you do
supports the Nazi regime and is happy to n’t just describe the
source but go further
represent it. and show you can
make inferences.

Skills Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Question 2: Explaining causes

Question 2 on your exam paper will ask you to ‘Explain why...’. There are 12 marks available for
this question.

Worked examp Explaining key features and causes
Explaining why involves looking at the key
Explain why the Nazis wanted women to focus on features of something and thinking about
home and family life.  (12 marks) its causes. Key features are accurate and
You may use the following in your answer: relevant knowledge. Causes are what led to
a situation or change happening. To explain
• Marriage Loans
causes, you must show how a number of
• birth rate.
causes led to that event or change.
You must also use information of your own.

knowledge and not

Links You can revise the role
of You must use your own
llet points.
women on page 21. limit yourself to the bu

Sample answer
Here the student has
The Nazis wanted women to stay at home and look given a correct cause
after a large family so the population would grow. but only a vague answer,
and hasn’t developed
The Nazis believed that women and men had an explanation.
different roles in society. This meant that women
were expected to follow traditional ideas about
use and the beginning
the importance of caring for children. This is also a correct ca
ent needs to add more
an explanation: the stud er.
n to improve this answ
Improved answer detail to the explanatio

The Nazis wanted the population of Germany Make sure you identify
what reasons led to th
to grow so they tried to limit women to roles Nazis making women foc e
within the home and family. After the First World us on home and family.
War, Germany’s population had been falling and
Hitler was keen to expand Germany so it was zis
and explains why the Na
vital to make sure women had more children. This states the cause family.
men to the home and
They were given special medals to reward them wanted to restrict wo
for having large families, which included bronze,
silver and gold if you had over eight children. This student has used their knowle
dge of the period
There were also financial incentives for women, to support their answer with specific
such as Marriage Loans. The 1933 Law for the
Encouragement of Marriage lent couples money
when they married, if the wife left work. For each Marriage
The information about the
child they had, they were let off a quarter of an knowledge.
Law shows use of relev
this loan. These policies show how the Nazi es on page 21.
government encouraged women to focus on Revise these Nazi polici
their family and raising children.
Another important cause was Hitler’s ideas Using ‘Another important cause was
…’ to
about ‘racial purity’. He was determined to introduce a new point is a good way
of writing a
increase the number of Aryan children and clear answer.
reduce the number of non-Aryans and minority
groups in Germany. The Nazi policies on women tion about
gave encouragement to Aryan mothers, but You could also include some informa
ns prepared
other minority groups were stopped from having how the League of German Maide
children by being sterilised. young women for their future role

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! Skills

Question 3(a): Evaluating usefulness

Question 3(a) on your exam paper will ask you to judge ‘How useful are sources B and C…’.
There are 8 marks available for this question.

le Judging usefulness of sources

Worked examp To judge the usefulness of a source, you
need to think about the enquiry question
Study Sources B and C on page 37. and the criteria you will use to reach
How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry your decision. You will need to consider
into why people supported the Nazis? the provenance of each source – its
Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and nature, origin and purpose – and whether
your knowledge of the historical context. (8 marks) these make the source useful or not in
addressing the enquiry question.

Sample answer
sis and describes
This answer lacks analy
usefulness of
He was a member of the Nazi Party and was very rather than judges the
keen, ‘I committed myself, body, soul and spirit’.
the sources.
He knew what it felt like to be part of the
organisation and he shows how people could
have got swept away in the excitement. For more information, se
Links e
The poster is useful because it shows the Nazis pages 16, 18 and 22–2
wanted to get support from different groups,
like women. They used posters to try to get support
for the Nazis in the elections in the early 1930s.
This student has used
nce in
Improved answer about origins and audie
of this
judging the usefulness
The Nazi Party member is recollecting his feelings about source for the enquiry
joining and supporting the Nazi Party. He describes his
circumstances as unemployed, possibly in the early 1930s
when unemployment reached a new high in Germany. He is Key terms
quite defensive about his support for the party and says an Provenance - the origin of
outsider would ‘not understand’. His personal experience a source.
of the emotions tied up in his membership are useful to Nature - what type of source
understand the emotional appeal that the Nazis drew on to it is, such as a propaganda
build support, but could also be a limitation as he is clearly poster or a speech extract.
concerned about how people in hindsight might view him and Purpose - the reason a
his support for the Nazis when he was a young man. source was created.
The poster is useful for finding out about why different groups
supported the Nazis. It gives us insight into how the Nazis
Specific language is us
targeted different groups with specific messages. In this ed in
case, women are urged to consider their roles as wives and this answer, such as: ins
mothers in order to rally their support. However, the poster in judge, impact, convey,
isolation does not help us judge the impact of the poster on
the audience, just the messages that the Nazi Party wanted
to convey in order to gain support. The women who did This answer is a good an
vote Nazi were probably swayed by these ideas as the Nazis because it evaluates the
wanted to make women believe that their role in the home for this enquiry by cons
and family was valuable and they wanted them to accept a and
its nature and purpose
different gender role to men. out the
it highlights issues ab
impact on the audience.

Skills Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Question 3(b): Identifying and

explaining differences
Question 3(b) on your exam paper will ask you to identify ‘the main difference between the views’
in two interpretations. There are 4 marks available for this question.

le Spotting and explaining differences

Worked examp
in interpretations
Study Interpretations 1 and 2 on page 37. They give An interpretation is a historian’s account
different views about the German public’s support or explanation based on evidence.
for the Nazis. When analysing the differences between
What is the main difference between the views? interpretations, think about the points of
view the historians present. Look for the
Explain your answer, using details from
important or key differences, not just the
both interpretations. (4 marks)
surface details. For this question you need
to look for a fundamental difference that you
can spot.
ints from
Remember to include po
tant to refer directly
both sources. It’s impor For more information on
d include short
to the interpretation an Links
German public’s suppor
what you say.
quotations to support Nazis, see pages 12, 14
t for the

Sample answer
This answer focuses on a surface
These interpretations are different because point of difference rather than the
the first one says that the Gestapo heard underlying difference. A stronger
ntal difference.
everything, whereas the second historian says would pick out a more fundame
that some crimes were reported to the regular
police, not the actual Gestapo.
This student uses short quotations
support the analysis.

Improved answer
Delarue argues that the Gestapo achieved The focus of this answer is on the
‘comprehensive penetration’ of German society. point of difference, rather than mor
Therefore, the attitudes of the German public minor differences.
were fully controlled by the Gestapo. He claims
the use of ‘terror and horror’ was successful Here, a key difference is explained
in making sure that the public believed the and
supported with detailed points from
Gestapo was all-knowing and ‘overheard’ all
activities or even the smallest action. On the both interpretations.
other hand, Rees states that the Gestapo’s
work in controlling people’s attitudes was based
more on a public willingness to cooperate You must think about the specific lang
with them, rather than due to terror. He backs you can use in your answer, like: ‘arg
this up by saying that 80% of political crimes d’ and
‘claims’, ‘states’, ‘on the other han
investigated by the Gestapo were as a result you
of ‘ordinary citizens’, rather than Nazi Party ‘backs this up’. These phrases help
they help
members denouncing people and reporting their produce a better answer because
‘suspicions’ to the Gestapo. show you are analysing another per
judgement or opinion about someth

Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! Skills

Question 3(c): Suggesting reasons

for different views
Question 3(c) on your exam paper will ask you to explain why two interpretations give different views.
There are 4 marks available for this question.

Worked examp You can revise public su
pport for
, 14–16.
the Nazis on pages 12
Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 on
page 37 give different views about German public
support for the Nazis. ‘Suggest’ questions
You may use Sources B and C on page 37 to help In a question that asks you to suggest a
explain your answer. (4 marks)
reason, you need to offer and explain an
idea about why there are differences.
For example, interpretations might differ
You must give one reason why hist because they give different weight to
orians different sources, because they aren't
reach different conclusions about
historical questions. complete extracts, or because the authors
have a different emphasis or focus.
You need to show you understand that
historical interpretations are judgements
and opinions based on evidence and that, as
a result, different views can exist.

Sample answer
In this answer, the student explain
s the
One reason Interpretations 1 and 2 give different views in the interpretati
ons by
different views is that the historians have looking at the different focuses the
different focuses. have chosen.
In Interpretation 1, Delarue focuses on the
role of the Gestapo, discussing the widespread
atmosphere of terror the organisation
r and
created, rather than asking wider questions The explanation in this answer is clea
about the support the Nazis received from the refers to both interpretations.
German public.
In contrast, in Interpretation 2, Rees examines
how the German public gave their support to
the Nazi regime. Rees suggests that ordinary The student has used Source B to
German people may have cooperated willingly back up their
argument about why the interpretati
rather than because they felt intimidated. ons differ.
Source B supports the idea that
This idea is supported by Source B, which Germans
were attracted to the regime for
shows how long-term unemployment and the different
reasons and that it wasn’t all due
disillusionment this created were also possible to fear and
reasons for Nazi support.
the use of terror.

Skills Had a look Nearly there Nailed it!

Question 3(d):
Evaluating interpretations
Question 3(d) on your exam paper will ask you to evaluate an interpretation by explaining how
far you agree with it. There are 16 marks available for this question. An additional 4 marks are
available for good spelling, punctuation, grammar (SPaG) and use of historical terminology.

Worked examp Links For more information, se
e pages
16, 20, 23, 25, 27 an
d 28.
How far do you agree with Interpretation 2
on page 37 about German public support for How far do you agree?
the Nazis?
You must:
Explain your answer, using both interpretations
and your knowledge of the historical context. give detail from the interpretation
to show that you understand the
(16 marks plus 4 marks for SPaG and use of
author's view
specialist terminology)
provide detail from the historical
context that supports the author's view
Sample extract consider how the interpretation is
supported or challenged by the other
The view in the interpretation is that many interpretation and your own knowledge
Germans cooperated with the Gestapo and so reach a judgement, giving reasons, about
most Germans must have supported the Nazis. how far you agree with the view in the
I don't agree with this because they had to use interpretation named in the question.
concentration camps to get rid of opposition,
and terror and propaganda to control people. ding of
The public didn't support the Nazis fully because The student shows some understan
ds to
there was opposition like the Edelweiss Pirates, the view in Interpretation 2 but nee
clea rly.
so not everyone thought they should help them. identify the interpretation more

The student makes valid points but

Improved extract give enough supporting evidence,
and the
line of argument is not well chosen
Rees's view in Interpretation 2 is that the Gestapo because
were only effective because of information the Edelweiss Pirates were not typ
ical of
supplied to them by ordinary Germans, and I agree Germany as a whole.
with this. However, I don't agree that this showed
support for the Nazi regime. There could be many
tation can
reasons why people cooperated with the Gestapo. Highlighting key points in the interpre
nts that
Rees himself points out that the informants were help you focus on the precise argume
judg ement.
ordinary Germans, not Nazi Party members.
you need to evaluate to make your
The perception of the Gestapo as all-knowing and
all-seeing was part of the carefully constructed
The student evaluates different poi
image of the Nazi state, however cooperation with nts made
in Interpretation 2, putting the arg
the Gestapo could be evidence that Germans uments in
were fearful of not appearing to support the the wider context, and goes on to
regime and felt under pressure to ‘name names’. Interpretation 2 by bringing in Inte
rpretation 1.
Rees portrays the Gestapo as an organisation
dependent upon ordinary Germans, but
Interpretation 1 challenges this view to some Remember that for this question
extent by saying that the Gestapo had fully additional 4 marks are available for
penetrated German society. Delarue also refers use of
spelling, grammar, punctuation and
to intimidation, which could have made it seem historical
as though the German people supported the historical terminology. Use specific
rma nts,
Gestapo and, linked to this, the Nazi regime. vocabulary, such as Gestapo, info
perception, regime, intimidation.
Had a look Nearly there Nailed it! Skills

Sources/Interpretations Booklet
These sources and interpretations are referred to in the worked examples on pages 31–36.

Source B: From an interview with a member of the Nazi Party, 1936

…for five years I remained unemployed and I was broken both in body and spirit and I learned
how stupid were all my dreams in those hard days at university. I was not wanted by Germany…
then I was introduced to Hitler. You won’t understand and I cannot explain either because I don’t
know what happened, but life for me took on a tremendous new significance… I committed
myself, body, soul and spirit, to the movement.

Source C: A poster produced by the Nazi Party in 1932, in which they appeal to women to support
Hitler in the best interests of their family.

Interpretation 1: From The History of the Gestapo, by Jacques Delarue, published in 1964.

Never before, in no other land and at no time had an organisation attained such a comprehensive
penetration of society, possessed such power and reached such a degree of...terror and horror, as
well as...effectiveness. The Gestapo spotted or overheard every German’s slightest movement.

Interpretation 2: From The Nazis: A Warning from History, by Laurence Rees, published in 2001.

Like all modern policing systems, the Gestapo was only as good or bad as the cooperation it
received – and the files reveal that it received a high level of cooperation. Only around 10% of
political crimes committed... were actually discovered by the Gestapo; another 10% were passed
on to the Gestapo by the regular police or the Nazi Party. Around 80% was discovered by ordinary
citizens who turned the information over... Most of this unpaid cooperation came from people who
were not members of the Nazi Party – they were ‘ordinary’ citizens.

Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

tes for
Option 31: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918–1939 You have 1 hour 20 minu
so you
the whole of Paper 3,
refully to
SECTION A should use the time ca
Answer questions 1 and 2. answer all the questions
mi nutes
Source A: From a 1932 Nazi Party election flyer written to directly Remember to leave 5
rk when
appeal to those supporting the Communist Party at the election. or so to check your wo
you’ve finished writing.
We Nazis help each other.
He who has something to eat shares it with him who has nothing.
He who has a spare bed gives it to him who has none. That is
why we have become so strong. The election shows what we
can do. Everyone helps! Everyone sacrifices! The unemployed
give up their wedding rings. Everyone gives, even if it is but
a penny. Many small gifts become a large one.
You can revise
Hitler ’s election
tactics on page 13.
1 Give two things you can infer from Source A about Hitler’s
election tactics in Germany in the early 1930s.
Complete the table below to explain your answer.  (4 marks)
To ‘infer ’ is to make a
(i) What I can infer: based on evidence, in
case, the source you are
Guided ......................................................................................
The Nazis used flyers to build support in the in the exam.
1932 election
...................................................................................................... Spend about 5 minutes
fy two valid
Details in the source that tell me this: this answer. Identi
inferences from the sourc

An example of a suitable
...................................................................................................... might be that ‘The Nazis
specifically targeting ce
(ii) What I can infer: rtain
groups like the commun
ists who
...................................................................................................... they saw as a group of
...................................................................................................... they needed to win ov
er to
their ideas. I know this
from the
source because...’
Details in the source that tell me this:
...................................................................................................... orting
You need to give supp
...................................................................................................... details selected from
source to back up both
...................................................................................................... your inferences.

Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

You have 1 hour 20 minutes

2 Explain why the Nazis attempted the Munich Putsch in 1923. for the whole of Paper 3, so
You may use the following in your answer: spend about 18 minutes on
• invasion of the Ruhr (1923) this answer.
• Hitler’s leadership of the Nazi Party.
You must also use information of your own.  (12 marks)
‘Explain’ means you have to
give causes of the Munich
Guided There are a number of causes behind the Nazis'
Putsch, not just describe
attempt to seize power in 1923
...................................................................................................... what happened.

You need to include information
...................................................................................................... of your own that is not in the
...................................................................................................... bullet point hints.


You can revise the
...................................................................................................... Munich Putsch
...................................................................................................... on page 11.


...................................................................................................... Marks are awarded for

analysis and understan
...................................................................................................... ding
of causation and for yo
...................................................................................................... knowledge and underst
of the topic.

...................................................................................................... Useful phrases when an
...................................................................................................... causation questions inc
lte d
because, led to, resu
...................................................................................................... in, propagated, factors
...................................................................................................... that caused.



Keep your explanations
...................................................................................................... focused
on the question. Altho
ugh you
...................................................................................................... might remember lots of
about the Munich Putsc
...................................................................................................... h, you
need to focus on prov
...................................................................................................... reasons why the Nazis
attempted the Putsch,
...................................................................................................... not on
giving a description of
Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Use this page to continue your answer to question 2.




...................................................................................................... You need to show a good

knowledge of the key features
and characteristics of the
...................................................................................................... event and analyse causation.
You also need to show how
factors combined to bring
...................................................................................................... about an outcome – in this
case, how different factors
...................................................................................................... came to together, resulting in
...................................................................................................... the Putsch.





















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Use this page to continue your answer to question 2.






Ending with a conclusion will
...................................................................................................... help you to tie your analysis of
the different factors back to
...................................................................................................... the question.






















Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

You should spend abou

t 12
SECTION B minutes on this answer.
3 (a) Study Sources B and C on page 50.
How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into the
have to
ideas and tactics of the Nazi Party up to 1930? How useful means you
Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your judge what the sources
tion and
knowledge of the historical context.  (8 marks)
about the enquiry ques
what the limits or prob
ded ......................................................................................

Gui Both sources B and C are useful for finding out could be.
about Nazi ideas and tactics in the 1920s



You can revise
...................................................................................................... Hitler ’s ideas and
tactics on page 10.





...................................................................................................... You need to identify an
an d
comment on the pros
d make
...................................................................................................... cons of each source an
...................................................................................................... a judgement.



Make sure you include
...................................................................................................... knowledge of the cont
ext and
don’t just rely on infor
...................................................................................................... mation
given in the sources.






Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Use this page to continue your answer to question 3(a).

Guided ........................................................................................
However, there are some drawbacks with both

sources for this enquiry. These include

...................................................................................................... Remember, you need to evaluate
...................................................................................................... the usefulness of both sources.




























Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

3 (b) Study Interpretations 1 and 2 on page 51. They give

different views about Nazi tactics and support up to 1930.
You should spend abou
What is the main difference between these views? t
5 minutes on this answ
Explain your answer, using details from er.
both interpretations. (4 marks)

You can revise

Nazi support and
Guided Interpretations 1 and 2 both discuss Hitler’s
tactics on page 12.
tactics and support in the 1920s but offer different views.
You need to identify th
...................................................................................................... e key
difference, rather than
...................................................................................................... surface differences.

...................................................................................................... Make sure you refer to
the interpretations.

...................................................................................................... Remember, historians’

interpretations are their
...................................................................................................... views
and opinions about caus
...................................................................................................... events and significance.
...................................................................................................... Remember to focus on
underlying differenc e.

Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

3 (c) Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 on You should spend abou
an sw er.
page 51 give different views about the Nazi tactics and 5 minutes on this
support up to 1930.
You may use Sources B and C on page 50 to help explain You need to explain on
your answer. (4 marks) e reason
why the interpretation
s differ.

Guided Interpretations 1 and 2 offer different views
..................................................................................... You can revise how to
ge 30.
interpretations on pa
about Nazi tactics and support because

...................................................................................................... Focus on why the views

are different. Think abou
...................................................................................................... t
whether the historians
...................................................................................................... giving different weight
different sources, whet
...................................................................................................... her they
are using incomplete ex
...................................................................................................... or if they have a differ
emphasis or focus.

Make sure you refer to
...................................................................................................... back up
the interpretations to
...................................................................................................... your answer.
Remember, historians’
interpretations are their
and opinions about caus
events and significance.

Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Put your skills and knowledge into practice with the following question.

You should spend abou

Up to 4 marks of the total will be awarded for spelling,
30 minutes on this answ
punctuation, grammar and use of specialist terminology. er.
3 (d) How far do you agree with Interpretation 2 on page 51
about Hitler’s tactics and support up to 1930? analyse
You can revise how to
Explain your answer, using both interpretations and your ati on s on pa ge 30.
knowledge of the historical context. (20 marks)

Guided I with the views in interpretation 2 You need to provide a

...................................................................................... clear
line of argument. Say wh
...................................................................................................... you agree or disagree
in the
first sentence.






...................................................................................................... Say why you think the

interpretation is valid
...................................................................................................... or questionable.


Remember that 4 marks
...................................................................................................... are
for SPaG in this questio
...................................................................................................... Make sure you leave tim
to check your spelling
...................................................................................................... ,
punctuation and gramma


arly to
Make sure you refer cle
...................................................................................................... your own knowledge of
...................................................................................................... historical context.






Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Use this page to continue your answer to question 3(d).



Remember, historians’
...................................................................................................... interpretations offer th
...................................................................................................... views for you to challen



Make sure you refer to
...................................................................................................... both
the interpretations to
back up
...................................................................................................... your answer.



...................................................................................................... Include a number of re
for your opinion to build
...................................................................................................... argument throughout.















Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Use this page to continue your answer to question 3(d).






























Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Use this page to continue your answer to question 3(d).



Include a brief conclusion to
sum up your argument.


























Practice Had a go Nearly there Nailed it!

Sources/Interpretations Booklet 1
Sources/interpretations for use with the Section B questions on pages 42–49.

Source B: From the Twenty-Five Point Programme, originally produced by the DAP in February, 1920.

1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Greater Germany.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with
other nations.
3. We demand land and colonies to feed our people and settle our
surplus population.
4. Only those of German blood... are members of the nation. No Jew may be
a member of the nation.
7. We demand that the State’s primary duty must be to promote work and
the livelihood of its citizens.
9. All citizens shall have equal rights and equal duties.
17. We demand ... a law to take from the owners any land needed for the
common good of the people.
22. We demand... the creation of a people’s army.
25. We demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich.

Source C: A NSDAP campaign poster from 1924. It emphasises Nazi principles of family, work
and nationalism.

Had a go Nearly there Nailed it! Practice

Sources/Interpretations Booklet 2
Sources/interpretations for use with Section B questions on pages 42– 49.

Interpretation 1: From The Hitler Myth, by Ian Kershaw, published in History Today Volume 35
Issue 11, November 1985.

Before 1930, the… Führer cult around Hitler found an echo among at most
a few hundred thousand followers. But with the Nazi Party’s breakthrough in
the 1930 election (which brought it 18.3 per cent of the vote), the Führer cult
ceased to be merely the property of a fanatical fringe party. The potential was
there for its massive extension, as more and more Germans saw in Nazism
– symbolised by its leader – the only hope for a way out of gathering crisis.
Those now surging to join the Nazi Party were often already willing victims
of the ‘Hitler Myth’. Not untypical was the new party member who wrote
that after hearing Hitler speak for the first time, ‘there was only one thing for
me, either to win with Adolf Hitler or to die for him. The personality of the
Führer had me totally in its spell’. Even for the vast majority of the German
people who did not share such sentiments, there was the growing feeling –
encouraged by Hitler’s profile even in the non-Nazi press – that Hitler was not
just another politician, that he was a party leader extraordinary, a man towards
whom one could not remain neutral.

Interpretation 2: From The Coming of the Third Reich, by Richard J Evans, published in 2004.

Nazi propaganda… skilfully targeted specific groups in the German

electorate… providing topics for particular venues and picking the speaker
to fit the occasion. The… Party recognized the growing divisions of German
society into competing interest groups in the course of the Depression and
tailored their message to their particular constituency. The Nazis adapted...
a whole range of posters and leaflets designed to win over different parts of
the electorate.

Where an exemplar answer is given, this is not necessarily 4. Challenges from left and right
the only correct response. In most cases there is a range The Freikorps were sent by the Weimar government to
of responses that can gain full marks. put down the Spartacist Revolt in Berlin, in 1919.
This led to street fighting. In March 1920, the Freikorps
SUBJECT CONTENT marched on Berlin in protest, fearing that they would
become unemployed. The government asked the army
The Weimar Republic, 1918–29 to stop the Freikorps but the head of the army refused
1. The legacy of the First and the Weimar government fled from Berlin.
The Freikorps put a nationalist politician, Dr Kapp,
World War in charge. The government persuaded the trade
Economic problems: unions to go on strike. This caused chaos and made it
Fighting left two million troops dead and over four impossible for Kapp to run Germany, so he fled and
million wounded. Costs meant German government debts the Weimar government returned to Berlin.
increased from 50 billion marks to 150 billion marks.
Over 750 000 Germans died because of food shortages 5. The challenges of 1923
during the First World War. Germany started to fall
For example:
apart from within before the war was over.
• Pensions became worthless. Those affected included
Political problems: the elderly and war widows.
The Kaiser fled to Holland after the army and his • Savings became worthless. Those affected included
ministers withdrew their support. The Kaiser abdicated the middle-classes because they were more likely to
and Ebert became chancellor and a republic was declared have savings. However, people with mortgages and
on 9 November. There was a lot of unrest on the streets loans benefited, as they could now pay them off.
and the new leaders were keen to make sure the transition Businesses with loans also benefited, and some of
to the republic was peaceful. On 11 November the these businesses took over other businesses that
armistice was signed. It was the first big decision of Ebert’s were struggling.
new German government. Germany was forced to sign
• Fixed rents became cheaper. Those who benefited
this as the country was rapidly being destroyed and
included people who rented rooms or shops.
faced mass social and political unrest.
• Wages didn’t rise as quickly as inflation. This reduced
the value of workers' wages.
2. Strengths and weaknesses of the
• Higher price of food. This benefited farmers, because
Weimar Constitution
they were paid higher sums for their products.
For example:
• For example, the price of raw materials, parts rose.
I feel the main strength of the Weimar Constitution Some businesses went bankrupt. This affected
was that more people could vote: this now included workers and the people who owned the businesses.
everyone, men and women, over the age of 21.
The greatest weakness was Article 48, which allowed
the President to pass laws without the prior consent
6. Reasons for recovery, 1923–29
of the Reichstag. The crisis of 1923 was resolved in the short term but
Germany was now very reliant on American loans.
The problem with this was that, if in the future
3. Why the Republic was unpopular
America faced economic difficulties, Germany
For example: would experience the knock-on effect. Also, extreme
Very unfair treaty terms political parties were against paying any reparations,
Everyone in Germany criticised the terms which meant they were very hostile and wanted the
Revealed weaknesses in the support for the democratic system to fail.
Socialists who were forced to sign the terms
Alsace Lorraine returned to France along with other 7. Stresemann’s success at home
lost territories and abroad
Instalments of compensation paid to the Allies By making sure Germany was part of the Locarno
Little effort made to reconcile with Germany Pact, the League of Nations and the Kellogg-Briand
Let them accept the blame for starting the war Pact, Stresemann increased Germany’s position and
Easy to force them to accept war guilt confidence internationally, which helped to stabilise
Stabbed in the back the country.

8. Changes for workers NSDP banned
and women Hitler sent Lack of
For example, for workers: to prison Short term support
Progress – There was unemployment insurance for the
poor if they lost their jobs or were ill. Consequences of the Putsch
Lack of progress – Resentment of wealthier Germans
towards improvements for poorer members of society. Long term
For example, for women:
Progress – Greater independence for younger, single Hitler publicised Chance to
his views at the trial reorganise
women because of their greater earning power.
and in Mein Kampf
Lack of progress – Women's position in society
returned to the inequality of the pre-war years.
12. Growth in support, 1929–32
9. Cultural changes, 1924–29 Rise of Nazis Weimar problems
The Weimar culture challenged traditional values
in Germany through art, cinema and architecture. • The depression led to • Many Germans were
The main movement that affected these three areas mass unemployment, unhappy with the
was Expressionism, which was concerned with which allowed the Weimar Republic.
raw emotion. Artists explored the seedier side of Nazis to get their • The Weimar
everyday life, architects used radical new approaches, message across. government was weak
designing buildings that were very different to • Hitler promised to and had not solved the
traditional German styles, and films were dramatic and restore law and order. economic problems.
had grotesque characters, a style of film making that • Hitler was popular • The government
had not been seen before. and featured on their refused to print more
posters, and travelled money for fear of
Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33 the country to make creating an inflation
election speeches. crisis like that of 1923.
10. Hitler and the early growth • The Nazis had • The government cut
of the party support from wealthy unemployment benefit,
For example: businessmen, which which was unpopular.
1 Get rid of the Treaty of Versailles: this had wide appeal gave Hitler funding for
as it was hated by many as an unfair punishment. the costs of running
They particularly despised the war guilt clause and for election and
the associated payments for reparations. appealed to all sectors
2 Increase pensions for the elderly: this would have of society in one way
appealed to the elderly because it would give them or another.
security in retirement. • The uniformed SA
3 Build up Germany’s armed forces: popular with made the Nazis
those who wanted to make Germany a great seem strong.
nation and played on people’s sense of national • The SA disrupted
pride and patriotism. opposition from other
political parties.
11. The Munich Putsch and
its aftermath 13. Political developments in 1932
Loss of Germany’s 1 and 2 For example (from least to most important):
colonies Reparations Resentment
of Weimar 1 Hitler made promises that some Germans wanted
government to hear.
Stab in
the back Long term 2 Hitler was underestimated.
3 Hitler had significant support and secured
Reasons for Putsch more votes than other parties, despite not gaining
a majority.
4 Other politicians thought they could use Hitler as
Medium Short a figurehead to manipulate him and improve their
term term positions of power.
Ruhr 5 Powerful people in Germany, like Hindenburg,
for Hitler
Influence of were keen to stop the communists or a military
Mussolini dictatorship, so Hitler seemed to be an alternative
that would stop this happening.

Nazi dictatorship, 1933–39 18. Propaganda and censorship
14. The Reichstag Fire and the Workers – Loudspeakers broadcast in factories and
Enabling Act, 1933 cafés repeated the Nazi messages.
On 27 February 1933, the Reichstag building was Women – Art that presented the traditional family and
set ablaze. The Nazis presented the fire as an attack on valued women as mothers was encouraged.
the political system. The Nazis blamed the communists Young people – Cinema showed propaganda films
for the arson attack claiming that they were seeking containing the Nazi message.
to undermine the Nazis and wanted to destroy the
heart of the German government. On hearing the news 19. Church opposition
Hitler instructed the SA to be vigilant in case of further Hitler’s ultimate aim was to gain complete control over
communist violence. the churches in Germany. However, there was some
Hitler said he would show the necessary strength and opposition to his ambition. Although the churches were
offer no mercy to those who were found guilty of these initially willing to accept Hitler as a political leader
acts that he said were treason against the people of Germany and even welcomed some of his ideas, as
of Germany. The Enabling Act was passed in March time went on some people were willing to oppose him.
1933 and gave Hitler the power to pass laws without Martin Niemöller is a good example of this change.
the approval of the Reichstag. Hitler argued it was a Niemöller, and others like him in the Confessing
necessary law to protect Germany in the light of the Church, were willing to allow Hitler political power, but
Reichstag Fire. Van der Lubbe, a communist, was objected when the Nazis tried to interfere in matters of
arrested and found guilty of the Reichstag attack. faith and their church practices. They wanted religious
He was executed in January 1934 for the crime. autonomy and when this was threatened they were
willing to stand up against Hitler’s government.
15. Hitler becomes Führer
Hitler took a series of steps to secure the dictatorship 20. Youth opposition
in 1934. On June 30, Hitler orchestrated the Night For example:
of the Long Knives, during which those who • Listening to banned music.
threatened to oppose the Nazi Party from within • Organising political resistance.
were murdered. Then, in August, after the death
• Attacking members of the Hitler Youth.
of Hindenburg, he passed a law to merge the roles
of Chancellor and President, and to create a new
position as Führer. Finally, he made the army swear Life in Nazi Germany, 1933_39
a personal oath of allegiance to him, rather than to 21. Women and the family
the country.
• In Weimar Germany women were allowed to have a
job; in Nazi Germany, women were expected to have
16. A police state large families instead of working.
For example: • In Weimar Germany, women were encouraged to
1 The SS controlled Germany's police and attend university; in Nazi Germany university places
security forces. were restricted.
2 The SS acted outside the law and arrested • In Weimar Germany women were free to go out and
potential opposition. enjoy themselves; during the Nazi period they were
expected to stay at home and not drink or smoke.
3 The SS ran the concentration camps.

17. Policies towards the churches 22. Nazi youth organisations

Hitler wanted to control what young people did at all
Ways that the churches cooperated:
times, in school and outside it. Youth organisations
• The Catholic Church signed the concordat. were a good way of doing this and gave him the
• The Reich Church supported the Nazis and its opportunity to train boys and girls in the skills he felt
members called themselves German Christians. were important, such as military skills for boys and
• Reich churches were well attended. domestic skills for girls. It was also a good way of
teaching young people Nazi policies and attitudes.
Ways that the churches resisted:
• In 1937, the pope issued ‘With burning anxiety’,
which criticised the Nazis.
23. Nazi education
The Nazis had different aims for boys and girls: they
• Some individuals spoke out and were punished.
wanted boys to be taught skills that would be useful in
• In 1934, some protestants broke away and set up the their future career as soldiers; girls were taught skills
Confessing Church to secure more independence that were useful for becoming mothers and looking
from Nazi control. after the home.

24. Policies to reduce unemployment 28. Jewish persecution 2
The Nazi employment policies benefited people who The treatment of Jews changed a lot over the first three
worked in armaments and construction. The policies years of Nazi rule. The boycott of shops and businesses
didn’t benefit those people the Nazis didn’t like, for was an attack on the living standards of Jews and was
example, the Jewish community, whose jobs the Nazis intended to isolate the Jewish community. By 1935, the
took away. The policies also didn’t help women, who Nuremberg Laws made it impossible for a Jew to be a
were expected to stay at home rather than work. German citizen. Also, the Marriage Law, in the name of
Also affected were men under 25: they had to do creating the 'master race', stopped Jews and Aryans having
National Labour Service, where pay was poor and relationships and children together. Kristallnacht also
hours were long. marked a change in the way the Nazis treated the Jews,
becoming openly violent and hostile.
25. The standard of living
Standard of living had improved:
Unemployment fell very significantly from 4.8 million 38. Practice
to 0.3 million by 1939. Nazi work organisations, such 1 The Nazis used flyers to build support in the 1932
as the SdA, improved working conditions for workers. election, from this I can infer that the Nazis deliberately
Strength through Joy organised leisure for workers. targeted certain groups that they believed might be
Standard of living had not improved: persuaded to vote for them.
Details in the source that tell me this are the fact it
Workers rights were reduced with the banning of
is a Nazi Party election flyer that sets out specific
trade unions and an increase in hours worked
reasons why communists should change their
per week. Unemployment numbers were manipulated
allegiance and vote Nazi instead. For example, it says,
by shifting people into public work schemes. Women who “We Nazis help each other. He who has something
were unemployed were not counted and neither were to eat shares it with him who has nothing.” Drawing
minorities, like the Jews. The economic upturn after attention to the socialist aspect of National Socialism
the severe depression is part of the economic cycle and was used to attract left-wing voters.
not something for which Nazi economics can take all
I can infer that, by 1932, the Nazis were seeking to
the credit.
use the election system to get power by being voted
into office, rather than only using violent means.
26. Racial beliefs and policies Details in the source that tell me this are that issuing
The Nazis described ‘gypsies’ as Untermenschen flyers was an opportunity to provide voters with clear
and ‘inferior’ to the Aryan ideal. After 1933, the ideas about what the Nazis stood for. The Nazis’
Nazis began to arrest ‘gypsies’ and place them in hope was that voters would turn out and support
concentration camps. After the Nuremberg Laws them at the ballot box.
were passed, ‘gypsies’ were no longer allowed to
marry Aryans. As the decade wore on, the treatment 39. Practice
of ‘gypsies’ became harsher and their freedoms limited.
2 There are a number of causes behind the Nazis’
In 1938, laws were passed to prevent any gypsy
attempt to seize power in 1923. These include
travelling and all ‘gypsies’ had to be registered.
Hitler’s personal ambitions and ideas about how to
Finally, in 1939, they were threatened with
get power. Also, the political and economic situation
deportation, which meant they were told they had to
at the time seemed like it might give them the
leave the country.
opportunity they were looking for.
The ideas of the Nazi Party were based on struggle
27. Jewish persecution 1 and fighting for power, so they accepted violent
Economic persecution – Jews were not allowed to uprising as an inevitable part of their rise to power.
inherit land. In 1933, the SA organised a boycott of Hitler believed that the strongest would survive
Jewish shops, and in 1937 Jewish businesses were taken over weaker people in society. Hitler believed
over by Aryans. Jews were blamed for Kristallnacht and that Germany’s problems were caused by weak
fined 1 billion marks. leadership, and that’s why he said Germany needed a
Social persecution – Jews were banned from public strong army and to end the Treaty of Versailles.
places such as parks and swimming pools. They were The Nazis only had about 300 members in 1923 but
forced to add ‘Israel’ or ‘Sarah’ to their names to make he still believed they could start a revolution that
them stand out. Jewish actors and musicians were not would lead to him gaining power in Germany.
allowed to perform. The specific problems in 1923 meant Hitler thought
Open violence – During Kristallnacht, Jewish shops, the time was right. Stresemann had called off the
homes, businesses and synagogues were set on fire or passive resistance campaign. Many people were
vandalised, and Jews were openly attacked and killed. angry and saw this as yet another example of

Germany being humiliated. Kahr, the head of the 45. Practice
government in Bavaria, was right-wing and they 3 (c) Interpretations 1 and 2 offer different views
wanted to see the end of the Weimar government. about Nazi tactics and support because they have
Hitler, therefore, believed that Kahr would support different focuses.
his Putsch.
Kershaw, in interpretation 1, focuses on Hitler's
Also, Hitler had built up a relationship with old personal appeal, even for those who were not
army leaders like Ludendorff. Hitler believed that natural Nazi supporters, and his ability to create
they could be called upon for support when the time a ‘Führer cult’.
came, and that the army would end their support for In contrast, Evans, in interpretation 2,
the government and turn to the Nazis instead. emphasises the impact of Nazi propaganda,
So, overall, Hitler’s philosophy, the belief that he tactics and election strategy, and how these led to
would gain support from powerful individuals and increased support. Source C, which depicts the
groups in Germany, and a political and economic Nazi principles of family, work and nationalism,
crisis, contributed to the Munich Putsch. helps to explain Evans' view, as it shows the
power of Nazi propaganda in trying to establish
support for its ideas.
42. Practice
3 (a) Both sources B and C are useful for finding 46. Practice
out about Nazi ideas and tactics in the 1920s.
3 (d) I agree with the views in interpretation 2 to
Source B is an extract from the Nazi Party
quite an extent. It is true that the Nazis were
Twenty-Five Point Programme. This is useful for
skilled at targeting a range of different groups
finding out about their ideas and tactics because
and adjusting their message accordingly.
it is a document produced by them at the time
For example, their slogans included ‘work and
stating their specific aims and vision for Germany.
bread’ to attract working-class votes. On the
Source C is also useful for this enquiry as it is a
other hand, they campaigned saying ‘smash
poster produced by the Nazis at that time.
Versailles’ to appeal to nationalist-minded
It presents Nazi ideas about German families and
voters who still resented the outcome of the
the values they wanted to promote. It is very useful
for showing Nazi tactics. Posters were an important First World War. In interpretation 2, Evans
aspect of how they campaigned to get support. argues that the Nazis adapted their message
during the course of the economic depression
However, there are some drawbacks with both in order to capitalise on the bad effects the crisis
sources for this enquiry. These include the fact was having on the German people.
that this is what the Nazis wanted to present to
the public and so it might be affected by how However, a limitation of the argument in
they wanted to portray their organisation. interpretation 2 is that it does not take account
At that time, the Weimar Republic had lots of of the personal attraction that Hitler managed
people who criticised them so the Nazis wanted to construct. As Kershaw argues in interpretation 1,
to appear strong and willing to pick up causes Hitler managed to create a personality cult.
that might get them support, like focusing on Kershaw claims that even those German voters
people’s basic needs for work and food. Source B who did not share Hitler’s ‘sentiments’ accepted
was produced by the Nazi Party and so we must that he was not like any ordinary politician.
consider how they wanted their organisation's Interpretation 2 on the other hand, does examine
aims to come across. Source C is also limited some of the ways in which the Nazi tactics
as its focus is limited to the role of women and gained support. Evans acknowledges that the
families and does not reveal much about Nazi Nazis were good at using divisions in Germany
ideas and tactics more generally. to get votes. He also points out the importance
of Hitler’s messages, and how these were adapted
for different audiences and interest groups, like
44. Practice the young or workers. He says their tactics and
3 (b) Interpretations 1 and 2 both discuss Hitler’s messages were ‘skilfully’ deployed.
tactics and support in the 1920s but offer
Therefore, I agree with interpretation 2 that the use
different views. Evans claims Nazi support
of different tactics was important to increase
resulted from its propaganda tactics. He argues
Nazi support. Hitler and Goebbels understood
that the Nazis were skilled at targeting different
interest groups with specific messages that that propaganda needed to be targeted at
appealed to them and that this led to their specific audiences and this was vital in their
support growing. On the other hand, Kershaw increased popularity at elections. However,
claims that 1930 marked a ‘breakthrough’, Kershaw’s arguments in interpretation 1 about the
because the ‘Hitler Myth’ meant that the power significance of the ‘Hitler Myth’ helps explain the
of Hitler’s cult of personality was expanded to dramatic increases in the Nazi share of the
the electorate more generally, rather than to just vote in the 1932 election as he was indeed
his ‘fanatical’ followers. presented as superhuman and the saviour of the
German people.






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