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The fifth generation of computer uses (A) transistor (B) artificial intelligence (C) integrated
circuit (D) microprocessor
2. Which of the following generation of computer uses large integrated circuit (A) fifth (B) Second
(C) fourth (D) first
3. The device below are example of analogue computer except (A) speedometer (B) thermometer
(C) rain (D) bicycle
4. Classification of computer according to types does not include one of the following (A) hybrid
computer (B) digital computer (C) analogue computer (D) supercomputer
5. What type of technology was used in the fourth generation of computer (A) integrated circuit
(B) transistor (C) vacuum tube (D) microprossor
6. Computer definition must include one of the following (A) electronic (B) electrician (C) electrical
7. Laptop is an example of ______ compuer(A) super (B) mainframe (C) mini
8. What was main component electronic component of used in the first generation (A) vacuum
tube (B) transistor (C) nano
9. The operating system enables the users to do the following except (A) code (B) test (C) bug (D)
maintain programm
10. _____ is a series of instructions that tells the computer hardware what to do (A) s0ftware (B)
hardware (C) translator
11. The following are categories of programmers except (A) system programmer (B) hardware
programmer (C) film programmer
12. This sign * means (A) multiplication (B) division (C) plus
13. Telephone is ______ device (A) telecommunication (B) monocommunication (C)
14. A G S M phone has the following service except (A) calls (B) text (C) bush
15. Telephone transmits and receives sounds (a) robot voice (B) human voice (C)data voice
16. The latter “M” GSM means ______ (a) menu (B) mobile (C) none
17. A device used in the ict world to solve human problems is called (a) instrument (B) gadget (c)
18. Data are raw fact (true) (false)
19. All are ICT except (A)computer (B)chainsaw (C)tv
20. Information are fact that has been processed (A) true (B) false
Instruction: answer only three question

1. WHAT is computer Ethic

2. List five way in which we can keep our computer safe
3. Explain four unethical measures of computer
4. What is computer software

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