Request For Correction of Precinct Assignment Brgy Rosario Pasig City 2 ND

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Intranuros, Manila
Election and Barangay Affairs Department
Oucinctr qnd, Ao&q etntu 6 Dirriliolt



Election Officer N
2"d Distict, po.sig Citg, NCR


Regional Election Director, NCR


Assistant Regional Election Diictor, NCR
SUBJECT Acknowledgement receipt of request for correction
precrnct assrgnments of three hundred twentv_two
voters and request for tralsfer of voting
center Jf Barals:rr.
Rosario, 2"d District, pasig City, NCR

DATE June 7 , 2024

This senes to acknowledge our receipt of your

requesting for the following: June 2, 2024 Memoraldum,

i ro correct t'rre precincts assignments of the three

hundred twentv-two
voters, presently assigned to the Fouadatiotr (322)
of Sa. ;;";il'E"
Multi-Purpose Hall (FSJWMpH), of Barangay Rosario,
City; and 2"a District, pasig

2. To transfer the voting center of the nine (9) established

Barangay Rosario, 2"d District, pasig precincts of
City, ." foUo_",
Established From (N amein the POp for the
Precincts To (Proposed Voting Center)
2023 BSKE
ir8+B Foundation of St. Joseph the SM East Ortigas (SMEOI
1185,4. Worker Multi-purpose HaU
1 1E5B (r.sJwMPH)
i 187A

Based on the pOp for the 2O23 BSKE, the

foliowing are the voting centers of
Rosario with its corresponding number of established
precincts assigned ro

F^stablished Total No. of

Name of Voting Centers Precincts Established
i I Rosario Elemen School RES 1050A- 1125Pi r02
l Eusebio High School (EHS) 1t26A- \\64A 42
1198A- 7221Pr 45
Lifehomes Multi-Pu ose Hall LMPH 1165A- 1174A t2
4 Flesihomes Multi- ose Ha.l1 FM 11754- 11808 7
5 Foundation of St. Joseph the Worker 1181A- 1188A 16
N{u1ti-Pu se Ha.lI FSJWMPH
6 Dona Damiana Basketball Court (DDBC) 1189A - 1197A 10

You stated in your abovementioned Memoraldum that:

1. FSJWMPH, one of the voting centers of Barangay Rosario is over crowded

during the recently concluded 2023 BSKE. It has a tota-1 of three thousald
seven hun&ed eighteen (3,718) voters divided into eight (8) ciustered

2. You pointed out that the situation is not preventabie due to the fact that the
voter registraLion has significantly increased the number of voters. There is
no viable public school or government facility where you can transfer such
voters. The closest public school is already housing a considerable number
of voters from different barangays, if not, it is somehow far from the present
voting center;

3. Coinciding with the Mall Voting Program (MVP) of the Commission for the
2025 NLE, you consider the possibility of transferring the alfected voters of
some subdivisions and communities within Barangay Rosano, except those
residing in Foundation of St. Joseph the Worker Inc. and SpS Subdivisions.
The following are the communities voting in FSJVIMpII:

. SPS Subdivision;
. Foundation of St. Joseph the Worker Inc. (FSfWI) Subdivision;
. Dofla Juliaaa Village (DJV);
. Ciudad Grande Executive Village (CGEV);
. Urban DECA Homes (UDH); and
o Bautista Ville (BV)
.1. In order to decongest FSJWMPH and considering the proximilv of the
abovementioned subdivisions, you choose which communities to be
trarsferred to SMEO. Thus, you identihed DJV, CGEV ald UDH
subdivisions which comprise the nine (9) established precincts above-

5. OnMay L7,2024, your Offrce conducted a Public Consultative Meeting with

the Home Owners Association (HOA) Officers ald Members of the concernecl
communities, which showed support ald amenability to the intended
transfer of voting center to SMEO;

6. You also conducted a verifrcation with the three (3) a_ffected communities to
be transferred to SMEO. However, you.rre surprised to discover that some
of the affected voters residing in the concerned communities are assigned in
nrong precincts. It is the result of the early 2OOO's unfinished Mapping
Project where field offices lumped together voters from different communities
in one { 1) precinct;
In this case, you cannot transfer t},e target voters to SMEO
correcting their precinct assjgnments first. o"therwise, without
inconvenience to the a-ffected iesidents. ftr"." i"
it will cause serious
ur"o_ e case of some voters
in BV and DJV Subdivisions who are voting i" piJWfrApfi
center should be in DDBC;
but th;
8 You have identifred a totar of ttrree hundred twenty-two
(322) voters whose
precinct numbers should be corrected as shown iri
the table below:
Affected Voters Proposed Precinct Proposed Voting Center
102 1189A- 1197A DDBC
t07 1183A, 1185A, SMEO
1 1868 and 1 1878
ii3 1181A- 1182C FSJWMPH
You have appended the following documents to support
your request:
i. f!9!os showing the overcrowded FSJWMpH during the conduct of the
2O23 BSKE;

2 Googie Map showing the distance between the affected

communities of
Barangay Rosario ald the proposed voting center, SMEIO;

3 Photos taken during the conduct of ocular inspection

of t,,e present ancl
proposed voting centers, F$rWMpH and SMEO,
'4. Attendance Log Sheet dated May 17, 2024 re: public
consultation on
Proposed Mall Voting in connection with the May 12,2025
J. List o[ Voters with wrong precincts and their corrected precinct
assignments arrd voting centers; and

5. Your Certifrcation dated June 2, 2024, stating t1lat you have

ocular inspection of the present and proposej vodng centers
arra fou.rJ
out that the present voting center, fSyWpUff, is overly co.rg."t.a
houses three thousand seven hundred eighteen (3,71g) ." ii
2023 BSKE while the proposed votinf centei, SUiO, is
spacious enough to accommodate tJ:e Jfected voters """.""-itt.,
ald equipped
necessary facilities for the conduct of electora.l activities. with
proximity, SMEIO is much closer to the alfected communities, ln' ierms or.
as shoum in
the table below:

Dona Juliala V to FSJWMPH 500 meters

Doia Juliana V to SMEO 850 meters
U T ban D CA Homes t o F CT w M PH 750 meters
U r b an Dec a H om e s t o S M E o 850 meters
Ciudad Grande Exec. V e to FSJWMPH 1.3 kms
Ciudad Grande Exec. V to SMEO 450 meters
Upon evaluation, we find.your request, together.\Mith
cornplete. Further, since you already idintifred
its supporting documents,
ihe iist of voters'rih.";;;;;;;" *"
to be corrected ald their
.propo"id precinct a""ig.r-.rr,", you are directed to
tickninistrativel5r transfer said. voters and thereafter subject the result thereof to
include them in the forthcoming July 15, ERB h.;;g.
After t,.e ERB hearing, -vour
^,11,:: T.r",
orecinct .ensure rhar a_ll .the aJlected voters will br in writing or their new
assisnment a
"-iia "";";;;;;;;::;T Hr:"*ed
''iir .. As fo.r the request for transfer of votilg center.
september q. zo2o M"-o.andum to comply with
,,t- r'oti,s cenler/cotrection/"12:s^. titled .po"rino ,JII-T_" -directed
;f ;;;.);;;:;:"::ff,;#,:,;r,;;iy,:""fJ,rjflffJ
For appropriate action.

( 6,P

co.nJi.d.e^tid.litg Notice: "Alt

authonzed-recipients of an| personal
','t:: u"r pctso'tat , J.o.matiot, data. D mfonnotion piaLesed rnfomtarrotr ,;t, .
.t.c,-,t bi rt rc , ."- rl,r",r^*'J, "o"r"i""a ii this
ini. i"Z,|i-t-i'iji.'.'i!-Tl1:personat
docune , inctuding oti)t documenls anached iercto th : ....
1,,,,, ,r .t". ni :1, ! 2 tp_A No. )o t 7J) !t,i?. "?^n.ttonu
iii';;;";;n;7;p"^nent rutes' and in co,fotTrLiu L)ith ttP Du: .
.t.itt.t.:it Ld,acg,.-onmissiorr. i^irt.^.rtirg'
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