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Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100

Page: 1 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT

Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009


Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 2 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ 2

1 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 SCOPES .......................................................................................................................................... 4
3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... 5
4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SITE LEADER TEAM.................................................................. 7
4.1 President Director ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Site Director / Chief of Mining Officer (CMO) ................................................................................. 7
4.3 Emergency Management Team (EMT).............................................................................................. 7
4.4 Emergency Response Group (ERG) .................................................................................................. 9
4.5 Fire and Emergency Services (FES) .................................................................................................. 9
4.6 Dept. Security ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.7 Chief Medical Officer Buin Batu Clinic .......................................................................................... 10
4.8 SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS .................................................................................................. 10
4.9 Sr Manager / Manager of the Area Owner's Department ................................................................. 10
4.10 Supporting Department .................................................................................................................... 11
4.11 Superintendents and Supervisors ..................................................................................................... 11
4.12 Fire Warden ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.13 Emergency Communication Center ................................................................................................. 12
4.14 Mining Dispatcher ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.15 Employees ........................................................................................................................................ 12
4.16 Dependents ....................................................................................................................................... 12
4.17 Visitors ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5 PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 Emergency Management Procedures ............................................................................................... 13
5.2 Emergency Level.............................................................................................................................. 13
5.3 The flow of Emergency Management Procedures (EMP) ............................................................... 19
5.4 Incident Organization ....................................................................................................................... 20
5.5 Reporting Emergency Situation ....................................................................................................... 20
5.6 Medical Facilities ............................................................................................................................. 21
5.7 Emergency Evacuation Outside the Site .......................................................................................... 21
5.8 Important Information for Employees.............................................................................................. 22
5.9 Posters / Stickers of Emergency Response Plans and Information on Fire Warden Buildings on Site
5.10 Emergency Equipment and Supplies................................................................................................ 23
5.11 Emergency Recovery ....................................................................................................................... 23
6 REFERENCES AND ANNEX....................................................................................................... 25
6.1 Reference.......................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Annex ............................................................................................................................................... 26

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 3 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 1 – PTAMNT Project Details ......................................................................................................... 27

Annex 2 – Injuries and Disease .................................................................................................................. 28
Annex 3 – Evacuation ................................................................................................................................ 30
Annex 4 – Fire and Explosion .................................................................................................................... 32
Annex 5 – Altitude and Confined Space Rescue ....................................................................................... 34
Annex 6 – Vehicle Accidents ..................................................................................................................... 36
Annex 7 – Hydorkarbon Spills or Toxic and Hazardous Materials ........................................................... 38
Annex 8 – Electric Shock ........................................................................................................................... 41
Annex 9 – The Avalanche of Slope / Wall of Mine Well .......................................................................... 43
Annex 10 – Dam / Reservoir Pond is overflowing .................................................................................... 45
Annex 11 – Aircraft or Sea Craft Crash ..................................................................................................... 47
Annex 12 – Leakage of Tailing Pipes in the Land and Sea ....................................................................... 50
Annex 13 – Security Interference............................................................................................................... 55
Annex 14 – Natural Disasters (Typhoon, Thunderbolt, Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake, Tsunami) ......... 57
Annex 15 – List of Emergency Management Team (EMT) ...................................................................... 60
Annex 16 – List of Emergency Response Group (ERG) ........................................................................... 62
Annex 17 – Government Emergency Service Contact............................................................................... 63

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 4 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009


This Emergency Management Procedure contains, validates and implements the effective emergency
response in the event of an emergency while working at the PTAMNT mine site.
• Prevent injury or subsequent loss of life;
• Minimize property losses, damage to equipment and the environment;
• Describe the chain of command to ensure there is a prompt and coordinated approach in an
• Ensure that all necessary equipment, personnel and other resources are available for effective
emergency control;
• Ensure that all necessary equipment, personnel and other resources are available for effective
emergency control.


This procedure applies to all employees working at the Batu Hijau plant and surrounding projects which
are the responsibility of PTAMNT. This procedure complies with the Decree of the Minister of Energy
and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1827 K / 30 / MEM / 2018. Attachment III,
Part A - Guidelines for Mineral and Coal Processing and / or Purification Safety Implementation, Point
F - Scope of Emergency Management.

This Emergency Management Procedure contains provisions on planning, implementing and reporting
emergencies at the PTAMNT mine site including in the exploration area, outlining the obligations and
responsibilities of PTAMNT personnel, Business Partners, dependents and visitors.

This procedure describes the types of emergencies and key personnel who can be contacted in an
emergency that occurs in the PTAMNT Project.

This procedure applies to all types of emergency response plans in the effort to anticipate the potential
hazards faced by all personnel working at PTAMNT. This procedure covers the following emergencies:

No Emergency Condition Potential Events

1 Injuries and Disease • Industrial Accidents
• Vehicle Accidents
• Natural Disasters
• Health Problems

2 Evacuation • Health Problems

• Injury
• Evacuation from remote areas
• Evacuation from the site

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 5 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

3 Fire and Explosion • Storage and processing facilities that use flammable /
combustible fuels.
• Facilities close to potential fire areas with operational
implications for the company
• Forest

4 Altitude and Confined • The victim depends on the accident at high altitude
Space Rescue • The victim is trapped in an accident in a confined space

5 Vehicle Accidents • A single vehicle or bus accident

• Vehicle or bus crash accidents
6 Hydorkarbon spills or • Oil spills on land and / or at sea from work processes
Toxic and Hazardous • Spills and / or releases of liquid and / or toxic gases from work
Materials processes
• Accidents involving means of transportation

7 Electric Shock • Struck by lightning

• Short circuit
• Broken wires
• Insulator leak
8 Avalanches of mine well • Earthquake
slopes / walls • High intensity rain
• Drilling activities
• Blasting activities
9 Overflowing dam / • High intensity rain
reservoir • Faulty pump
• Damage to the dam wall
10 Air Crash / Ship Crash • Bad weather
• Damage to equipment on the airplane or ship
11 Leakage of land and sea • Pipe displacement due to earthquake
tailings pipes • Non-standard care
12 Security interference • Bomb Threats / Terror Attacks
• Riot
• Kidnapping / extortionPiracy
• Criminal
13 Natural disasters • Earthquake
• Tsunami
• Volcanic Eruptions
• Flood
• Typhoon / Hurricane


This procedure contains the following definitions and abbreviations:

Terms Definition and Abbreviation

Crisis An unstable situation on very important danger or problem.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 6 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Crisis Situation A crisis situation is any problem related to the continuity, reputation or
business liabilities that threatens PTAMNT's commercial position or
sustainability. Crises can be triggered by an event or problem which is turning
point - beyond normal business contingencies and emergencies.
MoEMR Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Disasters Disaster - an event that is or is imminent, which endangers or threatens the
safety of life, causes property loss or environmental damage, and whose
control is beyond the capacity of an organization because it requires the
coordination of a number of significant emergency management activities.
Emergency An unpredictable crisis condition that occurs suddenly (usually followed by
the appearance of danger) that requires immediate control action..
Emergency Response Actions taken by the Emergency Response Team at the location of the incident
and other places to detain, stop and remedy the incident in order to protect
employees and other parties affected by the incident, such as the environment,
property and other assets.
Evacuation An emergency when all personnel are asked to leave the affected area and
gather in a designated safe place.
FES Fire and Emergency Services
ECC Emergency Communication Centre
EMP Emergency Management Procedure
ERG Emergency Response Group yang terdiri dari FES, Klinik dan Sekuriti.
EMT Emergency Management Team
Incident Organization An organizational structure that identifies the various tasks and responsibilities
(IO) and functions performed to deal with an emergency.
Incident Commander Led by the Head of Chief of Mining Officer or Deputy Head of Mining Mining
(IC) Officer or Sr Manager or Area Manager who is overall responsible for
emergency operations and coordinating the resources needed to handle
Operational Command Superintendent / Specialist Fire & Emergency Services who leads and is
(OC) responsible at the emergency location in handling and controlling through the
implementation of operational strategies and tactics or Manager / Supt /
Specialist Dept. Areas specifically designated for handling specific
Support The Manager Area or superintendent area who is at the location and is
Command (SC) responsible for providing support for emergency handling operations,
including but not limited to providing technical advisers, heavy equipment, air
transportation, logistics, lighting etc.
Recovery The Manager Area or Superintendent Area who is at location and is
Command (RC) responsible for planning and implementing the recovery / recovery plan,
including emergency investigation activities, loss estimates, site cleaning,
recovery operations, and post-emergency recovery reports.
Fire Warden Staff who is responsible to help the process of evacuating personnel in the fire
emergency situation.
HSE / HSEQT Health Safety and Environment, Quality and Training

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 7 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

CMO Chief Mining Officer – person in charge or person who is responsible for the
implementation and compliance of laws and regulations in the field of OHS
and the Mining Environment (Good Mining Technical Principles)
MERP Medical Emergency Response Plan
Must The word "must" means obliged to be obeyed.
Personel PTAMNT employees, business partners, dependents of employees, visitors
and others who were on site when an emergency occurred.
Should The word "should" means advice, not obligatory.
Injury & Disease Injury or wound is damage to the structure or function of the body due to
physical or chemical force or pressure. While disease is a health problem that
is more caused by problems from the body.
Mining Operation Each area after passing the Shift Change security post at the Plant includes the
Area Primary Crusher workshop area, Air Merah Batching plant workshop.


4.1 President Director

• Provide the resources necessary to implement emergency management plan.
• Communicate with directors and other stakeholders as needed.

4.2 Site Director / Chief of Mining Officer (CMO)

• Acting as Incident Commander (IC), or designating VCMO, Sr. Manager or Manager Area at
the location of the incident who has the technical ability to coordinate and authority to mobilize
the resources needed in handling emergencies
• Acting as an EMT leader and activating EMT
• Communicate with MoEMR regarding the character and level of emergencies that occur as
• Comply with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 1827 / K / 30 / MEM
/ 2018 Guidelines for Implementing Good Mining Engineering Principles, page 148
concerning Handling of Emergencies.

4.3 Emergency Management Team (EMT)

In the event of a crisis that has the potential to impact PTAMNT's mine site, EMT will be activated
and direct all crisis management activities, minimizing the impact on the Company by considering
environmental, strategic, legal, financial aspects and public image related to the incident.

The EMT must act as a PUSKODALOPS (Operations Control Command Center) which is
equipped at a minimum, among others:
• Meeting rooms equipped with communication facilities, telephone, radio, satellite telephone)
• The map of working area (including exploration area map), and

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 8 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

The EMT must:

• Oversee and support emergency response efforts undertaken by ERG;
• Organize and direct the ERG in preparing an emergency operation plan in order to ensure that
company operations can resume normal operations as quickly as possible.
• Make decisions regarding the use of external resources - if necessary.
• Report and communicate with the President Director and the Indonesian government.
• Maintain public and stakeholder confidence in our ability to deal effectively with emergencies.
• Documenting all records of meetings and follow-ups that have been carried out.

The EMT consists of a maximum of the following personnel but not limited to:
1. EMT Leader
2. Secretary
• A person appointed by the EMT Leader assigned to document all activities and make
regular updates to the work team.
3. Safety and Emergency Response Coordinator
• Sr Manager HSE/Sr Manager Reliability and Training/Manager SHLP/ Superintendent
Fire and Emergency Services
4. Environmental Coordinator
• Sr Manager HSE/Manager Environmental Manager and / or appointed Supt
5. Security coordinator
• Manager Security and/or appointed Supt
6. Mining Engineering Coordinator
• Sr Manager Mining Alliance/Sr Manger Mine Technical Services/Sr Manager Mine
Maintenance/Operational Person in Charge (PJO) or Operational Vice Person in charge
(WPJO) of Mining
7. Exploration Coordinator
• Sr Exploration/Exploration Manager and or appointed Supt
8. Processing Coordinator
• Sr Manager Fixed Plant/Manager Process Maintenance/Manager Process
Operation/Manager Mobile Fleet Mangement
9. Power Plant Coordinator
• Sr Manager Power Business and/or appointed Manager/Supt
10. Townsite Services Coordinator
• Manager Facility and Services and/or appointed Supt
11. External Relations Coordinator
• Sr Manager Social Responsibilty/Sr Manager SR and Long Term Planning/Manager Gov
Rel, dan/atau Supt yang ditunjuk
12. HR Coordinator
• HR Manager and/or appointed Supt
13. IT and Communication Coordinator
• IT Manager and/or appointed Supt
14. Port Operation Coordination
• Port Operation Manager and/or appointed Supt
15. Multimedia and Publication Coordinator
• Sr Manager Coorp Communication and/or appointed Supt

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 9 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

16. Capital Procurement Service Coordinator

• Sr Manager Capital Procurement and Services and/or appointed Supt
17. Transportation Coordinator
• Transport Manager and/or appointed Supt
18. Financial Advisor
• Financial Manager and/or appointed Supt
19. Legal Consouler
• Sr Legal Councel/Legal Councel or their appointed representative.

4.4 Emergency Response Group (ERG)

• ERG is located at the PTAMNT site and exploration project area.
• The ERG team consists of FES, Medical Responders, and Dept. Security responsible for
responding to an incident that will occur or have an impact on PTAMNT operations.
• ERG is led by Superintendent or Specialist Fire and Emergency Services.

4.5 Fire and Emergency Services (FES)

In accordance with its area of expertise and human resources, FES has the main responsibility of
controlling emergencies to protect human, property and the environment from the 13 emergencies
identified above through the preparedness of resources for facilities and infrastructure as well as
preparing competent personnel through formal training, routine training and certification of
expertise. For that, at least FES needs to be equipped with the following competencies:

1. First Aider Level 3

2. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
3. Fire Fighting
4. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
5. Hazardous Material Incident Response
6. Motor Vehicle Accident
7. Vertical Rope Rescue
8. Confined Space Rescue
9. Under Water Rescue
10. Oil Spill Response

4.6 Dept. Security

Dept. Security according to their area of expertise and human resources, is responsible for carrying
out special tasks including:
• Securing the location of the incident, and coordinating with the ERG Operation Command
• Controlling crowds and traffic flow,
• Conducting evacuations and ensuring the safety of personnel from hazardous areas
• Protecting public and property safety.
• Setting up channels of communication to EMTs and liaise with police officials and local

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 10 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

4.7 Chief Medical Officer Buin Batu Clinic

In accordance with the field of expertise and human resources, Chief Medical Officer is
responsible for providing medical personnel who have the competence and certifications:
1. Pertolongan Pertama Gawat Darurat (PPGD) level 3
2. Trauma Emergencies
3. Cardiovascular Emergencies
4. Multiple Casuality Incident
5. Medical Escort
6. Basic Rescue

4.8 SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS

• Monitoring and assessing the hazard situation and establish steps that need to be taken for the
safety of FES personnel and those at the scene.
• Communicate with the Incident Commander to ensure all necessary equipment and resource
assistance is available.
• Communicate and provide direction to key personnel.
• Serves as technical advisor to the Incident Commander.
• Working with the Incident Commander to direct Asset Protection activities to secure the area
and implement condition control measures.
• In consultation with the KTT / WKTT / Sr. Department Manager, ensure the validity and
accuracy of implementing emergency management plans (including updating any
developments that occur to personnel and the process of implementing emergency response).

4.9 Sr Manager / Manager of the Area Owner's Department

• Act as Incident Commander to lead emergency response operations until the presence of the
Summit or WKTT and take over the Incident Commander.
• Placing the highest person in the work shift at the location of the incident, assisting the SHLP
Manager / Sr. Manager SHS for and arranging the steps that need to be taken for the safety of
personnel and all people who are at the scene.
• Provide all equipment assistance and resources needed for activities at the scene of the incident
as soon as possible
• Acting as technical advisor to the Incident Commander on behalf of the Area owner
• Actively communicate and provide assistance to the Incident Commander, Operation
Command, Support Section Command, and Recovery Section Command
• Cooperate with the Incident Commander to secure the area and implement condition control
measures, particularly of the workers in his Work team
• After emergency situation is finished, secure the location of the incident (install barricade /
Danger Tape, safety embankments or other types of physical barriers that can be immediately
placed on the location so that the location is truly safe), and report back to the Incident
Commander that the area has been secured.
• Manage emergency recovery at the location with the SHLP / HSEQT Department team, after
written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager to remove the barricade / Danger
Tape from the scene.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 11 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Support the process of investigating emergency events that are carried out, calculating
estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required for the investigation

4.10 Supporting Department

In accordance with the responsibility or special knowledge and expertise and human resources, is
responsible for restoring essential services such as electricity supply, water, road access, fuel, etc.
or supporting the functions of welfare, safety and health, transportation, communication,
engineering, etc. Ensure that emergency management activities related to prevention, preparedness,
emergency response and recovery for certain hazards are carried out accordingly. The department
is related with:
• Specialist / technical advice on affected services;
• Support the resources needed, and
• Restoration of services and environmental conditions.

4.11 Superintendents and Supervisors

• Ensure and maintain the safety of personnel during an emergency, evacuate if necessary and
stop all work that could potentially affect the emergency.
• Count the personnel in the assembled area and reports to the manager directly; convey the
mismatch of the number of existing personnel, including personnel who are missing and / or
who usually work elsewhere.
• Ensure all incident areas are safe / free from personnel: employees, business partners, delivery
personnel, temporary employees and visitors under their supervision.
• Gather information to determine the location of missing personnel.
• Deliver specific area information related to emergencies to Operation Command - FES.
• Ensure that electricity or other related energy sources have been isolated and fully assist FES
during emergency.
• Update the status information of all employees and employees who do not count to Operation
Command - FES as soon as possible.
• Confirm that the shutdown procedure is carried out in each area.
• Controlling employees in each assembly point until further notification is given to return to the
work site or continue with an out-of-site evacuation.

4.12 Fire Warden

• Fire Warden is responsible for helping coordinate evacuation drills and evacuation in an
emergency. Helping people who have difficulty evacuating and looking for or writing down
the names according to the list when gathering in the temporary assembly point.
• Personnel designated as Fire Warden must receive training as Fire Warden including using fire
• Fire Warden may be needed to help extinguish minor fires as long as it does not harm oneself
or others.
• Confirm or report findings if the Fire Extinguisher is not inspected every month or there are
no clear signs, including the position of the Fire Extinguisher that is not obstructed, and the
evacuation route.
• A number of Fire Warden must be placed according to location, risk and danger.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 12 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

4.13 Emergency Communication Center

• Receive an emergency call via Radio or Telephone.
• Forwarding emergency calls to FES, Buin Batu Clinic and security officers in the field.
• Especially for emergency events in the mine operation area, emergency calls will be forwarded
to the Mining Dispatcher
• Delivering emergency level updates to PTAMNT Management.
• (Level 2 and 3)
• Set radio communication priorities to support ERG during emergency response conditions.
• Record the chronology of ERG responses, and report to ERG leaders after emergency
operations are declared complete.
• Manage records of all incoming calls to the ECC and the actions taken in response to these
• Direct all requests for information to Security Manager
• Check and test the emergency call function of emergency telephone 49999 and radio channel
1 as well as recording tools for telephone calls and emergency radio at the beginning of each
shift and record them in the ECC communication test report book.
• Report damage to ECC communication function to IT Manager, Security Manager, SHLP
Manager, Sr. Manager SHS and Supt. Fire and Emergency Services for immediate repairs.

4.14 Mining Dispatcher

• Manage the movement of mining equipment with the aim of prioritizing ERG to reach the area
where the emergency occurs in the Mining Operation area
• Delivering information via radio communication CH20 or CH22 to ERG, regarding the optimal
route to go to the emergency location
• Direct all requests for information regarding emergency events to the ECC

4.15 Employees
• Immediately conduct emergency call.
• Provide initial assistance until a suitable emergency response team arrives but do not put
yourself or others in danger, especially during a fire, or any chemical or life-threatening
• Evacuate to a designated temporary assembly point and remain there until an alarm sounds or
is ordered to leave.
• Follow directions and ensure all personnel (including visitors) are recorded by your supervisor.
• Perform shutdown procedures (if necessary).
• Do not go to the scene to watch or offer assistance unless called upon to do so when responders
have an emergency.

4.16 Dependents
• Immediately conduct emergency call.
• Evacuate to a designated temporary assembly point and remain there until an alarm sounds or
is ordered to leave.
• Do not go to the location to watch or offer assistance unless called upon to do so when
responders have an emergency.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 13 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

4.17 Visitors
• Follow a safety orientation on site.
• Signed a list of visitors when entering and leaving the site each day.
• Prohibited from entering any area without the company supervisor;
• Follow the mentor's instructions while on site and stay with the mentor at all times.

5.1 Emergency Management Procedures
This procedure (EMP) specifies criteria for management and emergency response activities at
PTAMNT's mine sites and exploration areas. This procedure applies to all PTAMNT personnel,
Business Partners and visitors, which are adjusted to the conditions of PTAMNT facilities,
infrastructure and personnel.

The main function of this procedure is to give the highest priority to the safety of all personnel and
to ensure that the safety of personnel takes precedence over assets during an emergency. This
procedure is available as an electronic file on the Prospector, and a print stored in the following
• Emergency Communication Center (ECC);
• Fire and Emergency Services (FES); and
• Buin Batu Clinic (BBC).

Other areas / departments and business partners that prepare a specific Emergency Response Plan
(ERP) according to their respective work areas (MWM, Exploration, Mining, etc.) must make this
procedure a reference source of main information in preparing and implementing emergency plans
and procedures in their respective areas.

5.2 Emergency Level

P001 as the actual potential consequence which is regulated as follows:
• Low = Level 1 and 2, Risk Management Procedure
• Medium = Level 3, Risk Management Procedure
• High = Level 4 and 5, Risk Management Procedur


Minor incidents or accidents that need to be handled by employees on site and take the
necessary actions as follows:
▪ Injuries that require first aid; level of disturbance: reversible health impact: LIGHT (eg
slight irritation, noise disturbance)
▪ Injuries that require medical attention; work-related injuries: minor health effects but
need treatment (e.g. sickness from fear of heights, sunburns)
▪ A person who has suffered an injury that is not life threatening.
▪ Fire alarm sounds but no reports of smoke or fire.
▪ PTAMNT's light vehicle accident or incident which caused minor damage.
▪ PTAMNT personnel need to be medically evacuated from the site (can go up to level 2
or 3 depending on the severity of the disease).

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 14 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

▪ Accidents / incidents result in minor disturbances, do not interfere with company

▪ Environmental events that have no or only minor impact.
▪ The impact of events can be minimized only in certain areas or in areas affected by
▪ Cleaning actions can be carried out quickly by employees and / or site contractors.

In general, events above the consequence level are 1 or 2 based on the Risk Management


Moderate incidents or accidents that can be controlled by employees on site or outside
the site but do not endanger the society.
▪ A single injury results in a loss of working time: recoverable health effects: MEDIUM;
substances that come with a good warning label (e.g. sulfur dioxide, ammonia)
▪ Events that can cause in large number of victims.
▪ Smoke or fire that is reported and can be controlled quickly.
▪ PTAMNT's vehicle was involved in an accident or incident resulting in serious damage.
▪ PTAMNT personnel need to be medically evacuated from the site due to serious injury
or serious illness
▪ Accidents / incidents that can disrupt company operations.
▪ Environmental events with moderate impact.
▪ The impact of an event can be controlled within the IUPK area
▪ Cleaning actions can be carried out quickly by employees and / or site contractors.

In general, events above the consequence level are 3 based on the Risk Management


Serious incidents that may be beyond the ability to be handled by internal resources
which are exacerbated by additional problems that arise such as fire, explosion, toxic
materials and life-threatening hazards, property damage and the environment.
▪ Successive injuries result in lost work time; victims should be treated in ICU or similar
medical facility: irreversible impact on health: SERIOUS, CHRONIC AFTER
▪ Death, potential or life-threatening injury.
▪ Fires that cannot be controlled quickly and require additional assistance from the FES
unit and other resources.
▪ Heavy to severe environmental damage.
▪ The impact extends beyond the IUPK area.
▪ There is damage to local species and may require a very long recovery process.
▪ Cleaning efforts are carried out extensively using internal (site) and external resources.
▪ The impact on a regional scale.
▪ Any event that impacts a lot of infrastructure or equipment.
▪ Any event that affects the operational suspension.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 15 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

In general, events above the consequence level are 4 or 5 under the Risk Management

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 16 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Emergency Level Matrix


Minor incidents or accidents that Serious incidents beyond the
need to be handled by employees Moderate incidents or accidents ability to be handled by internal
on site and take the necessary that can be controlled by resources which are exacerbated by
actions employees on site or outside the additional problems that arise such
site but do not endanger the as fire, explosion, toxic materials
society. and hazards that threaten life
safety, property damage and the
Injuries requiring first aid A single injury results in a loss of Continuous injuries result in lost
working time: reversible health work time; victims should be
effects: MEDIUM; substances that treated in ICU or similar medical
come with a good warning label facility: irreversible impact on
(e.g. sulfur dioxide, ammonia) health: SERIOUS, CHRONIC
Injuries requiring medical attention Incidents that caused a large Death, potential or life-threatening
number of victims. injury.
A person who has suffered an Smoke or fire reported and can be Fires that cannot be controlled
injury that is not life-threatening controlled quickly. quickly and require additional
assistance from the FES unit and
other resources.
The fire alarm went off but there PTAMNT's vehicle was involved Heavy to severe environmental
are no reports of smoke or fire in an accident or an incident damage.
resulting in serious damage.
PTAMNT's minor vehicle accident PTAMNT personnel need to be The impact extends beyond the
or incident which caused minor medically evacuated from the site IUPK area.
damage due to serious injury or serious
Accidents / incidents resulting in Accidents / incidents that can There has been damage to local
minor disturbances, do not interfere disrupt company operations species and may require a very
with company operations long recovery process.
Environmental events that have no Environmental events with Cleaning efforts are carried out
or only minor impact moderate impact. extensively using internal (site) and
external resources.
The impact of the incident can be The impact of an incident can be The impact on a regional scale.
minimized only in certain areas or controlled within the IUPK area.
in areas affected by the operation.
Cleaning actions can be performed Cleaning actions can be performed Any event that impacts a lot of
promptly by site employees and / promptly by site employees and / infrastructure or equipment.
or contractors or contractors.
Any incident that results in a
temporary suspension of operations.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Alarm Status Classification - Fire and Emergency Response


Firefighting Post
1 closest FES Post 2 closest FEST Post 3 closest FEST Post

1 Rescue/1 Engine 2 EMS, 2 Engine, 2 Rescue 3 EMS, 3 Engine, 3 Rescue

MINIMUM NUMBER 6 Firefighter + 1 FES Surv

4 Firefighter + 1 FES Surv
OF RESPONDER 2 Firefighter + 2 FES Specialist + Supt
+ 2 FES Specialist



( 08113949130) ( 08113949130)





There are signs of smoke The flames were getting

and fire. bigger.
Fire and smoke alarms are There are fire victims who
active. Efforts are needed to
are still within the reach /
FIRE Response* control / limit the spread of
(Initial Report: ability of the firefighters to
Investigation Mode) help or extinguish the fire.
(Initial report: Fast (Initial report: Command
Attack Mode) Mode)
• There are 2 or more
• There is 1 victim whose victims whose safety is
safety is threatened. threatened.
respond to ambulance • There is 1 victim • Many casualties
MEDICAL OR according to the request of seriously injured. occurred. For example,
RESCUE RESPONSE* the paramedic at the FAP or • The victim is trapped in an employee transport
the doctor. a burning vehicle / bus accident, food
building, closed space, poisoning.
at a height / depth • Trapped in a vehicle,
(water) and drowns. collapsing buildings,

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• The location of the landslides, fires, in

incident requires rescue water level / depth and
technical expertise drowning
• The location of the
incident requires rescue
technical expertise
• Natural disasters
• Boats and ferries,
employee carriers are
officially reported 30
• Ships and ferries minutes late from the
without any apparent scheduled arrival (time
reason are 15 minutes indicated from the ship
late from the scheduled departing from the port of
arrival and no / departure). • Boats or ferries
disconnected radio • Aircraft (seaplane and carrying employees
communication helicopters), employee experience an
indicates that the ship is carriers are officially emergency, eg. the hull
in trouble / damage. reported 15 minutes late breaks, the ship
• Aircraft (seaplane and from the scheduled capsizes, abandons the
helicopters) without arrival (time indicated ship as it begins to sink,
any apparent reason are from the plane departing etc.
SEAPLANE / 10 minutes late from from the departure • Total emergency -
HELICOPTER / SHIP the scheduled arrival airport). seaplane or helicopter
Response* (time indicated when • If the ship reports or is emergency landing,
the aircraft departed found to be experiencing pilot / boat captain
from its last interference, maintain Mayday Mayday info
destination) and no / radio communication, or missing CONTACT
disconnected radio state the position of the
communication ship, immediately deploy
indicates that the personnel to carry out
aircraft is in trouble / search and rescue and
damage contact local authorities.
• If someone is seen who • It is known that a
has fallen into the sea. passenger fell into the sea
while docking.

• Oil spill more than 40

• Oil spills up to 40 liters liters
HAZARDOUS • Oil spilled into the • Hazardous material
Light oil spills, less than 1
INGREDIENTS channel / canal. spills
liter and can be handled.
Response* • Hard work is required to • There are victims
control / handled the spill. • Need special
equipment and area

* FES Supervisor, Specialist FES, Supt FES or Manager SHLP can set the alarm response that is higher than
the table, when getting more detailed information for emergency response, or arriving at the scene earlier than
the FES team

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

5.3 The flow of Emergency Management Procedures (EMP)






(ALARM 2 OR 3)



Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 20 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

5.4 Incident Organization

• The organization of incident management is modular according to the need to deal with
emergencies but should at least consist of the sections below.
• The presence or replacement of the incident commander must be declared via radio
communication channel 1 Emergency.


Management Team
Admin & Support

Operation Support Recovery

Command Command Command
ERG Dept. Area Dept. Area

5.5 Reporting Emergency Situation

• Radio Channel 1 (Digital)
• PTAMNT Operation Project Telephone: 49999
• Calls from outside PTAMNT site: +62 372 635318 Ekstensi 49999
• Mobile Phone: +628113949999

Pass the following information to the Operator:

• Convey: EMERGENCY ... EMERGENCY ... EMERGENCY ... followed by emergency
information (eg Fire / Accident)
• Location….
• Total of Victims …. And their condition ….
• State your name, ID Number and Phone Number

Do not hang up until instructed by the operator.

Give first aid when it is safe and adequately trained. Do not move the injured person unless the
victim is really in a dangerous condition such as fire
• DO NOT inform the local media about the incident.
• DO NOT contact the family or friends of people involved in the emergency. (The Management
is responsible for contacting them).

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• DO NOT DO NOT contact government agencies. (The Management is responsible for

contacting them.)

HANDPHONE: 08113949999
PERSONAL: (0372) 635318 / (0370) 636318 EXT. 49999

Mention your name / no. badge, emergency conditions
encountered, location, number of injured victims, telephone
number, and waiting for directions.

5.6 Medical Facilities

PTAMNT has medical facilities (including an ambulance) and personnel. Reporting of all
emergency medical services is still carried out through the ECC. All medical injuries including
those requiring first aid must be referred to any available medical facility. There are 5 locations of
medical facilities at the PTAMNT site, namely:
• The main clinic is located at the town's Townsite. The clinic is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
There are doctors and are able to perform minor surgery. This clinic is also equipped with x-
ray facilities.
• The second First Aid (P3K) post is located in an office building at MMA, open 24 hours 7 days
a week. Nurses and FES members work here. There is also an ambulance on standby.
• The third First Aid (P3K) post is located in the 130 Concentrator office area, open 24 hours 7
days a week. Nurses and FES members work here. There is also an ambulance on standby.
• The fourth First Aid (P3K) post is located in the Benete port area, open 24 hours 7 days a week.
Nurses and FES members work here. There is also an ambulance on standby.
• The fifth First Aid (P3K) post is in the Elang exploration camp, open 24 hours 7 days a week,
nurses are on duty at this post and regularly visit the drilling location. Support for evacuation
by helicopter to the main clinic or hospital which has the facility to perform major operations
is depending on the assessment of the chief doctor.

For all emergency evacuations to off-site medical service facilities, the doctor will provide referral
and coordinate as well as seek approval to use PTAMNT ambulance / aircraft or helicopters if

5.7 Emergency Evacuation Outside the Site

In the site area, several of helipads have been prepared to ensure that if any personnel who are
seriously injured can be immediately evacuated to the hospital if needed.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

There is a helipad for emergency evacuation that has been determined near office buildings such
as the 106 Concentrator office area, and certain areas at the Mine and Exploration Site (which must
be evaluated in advance by the Pilot and Aviation Safety Technical Team).

The main football field at Townsite is also used as an emergency evacuation helipad for Buin Batu

Any emergency that requires evacuation in the port area using the existing helipad.
Depending on the severity of the injury and the availability of flight transportation, either a
seaplane or a helicopter will be used for aerial evacuation.

5.8 Important Information for Employees

During OHS orientation and introduction to site conditions, employees will receive information
about emergency response plans at work, including:
• Effective emergency response;
• Emergency telephone numbers to call;
• Evacuate the work area / place;
• Assembly point;
• The location of P3L services and how to get medical care and assistance at work;
• The Availability of fire extinguishers and their location.

5.9 Posters / Stickers of Emergency Response Plans and Information on Fire Warden Buildings
on Site
On-site emergency response plan posters are installed in all office buildings and other areas to
provide information to employees on what to do and who to contact in an emergency. This poster
• Exit instructions;
• Assembly point;
• Location of light fire extinguishers (APAR);
• Emergency service telephone numbers;
• Fire Warden building and telephone number that can be contacted
• Instructions - what to do when you hear an evacuation alarm sound;
• Names of personnel competent in providing first aid - a separate list is provided by the fire

The workplace emergency response plan should be kept in a place that is easily accessible to all

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Name and Phone

Number of Fire Warden

5.10 Emergency Equipment and Supplies

PTAMNT has emergency equipment and supplies available depending on the level of emergency
identified in the Risk Assessment, the equipment must:
• Comply with applicable laws and regulations and risk assessment.
• Feasible to use;
• Available in sufficient quantities; and,
• The conditions should be checked, tested and maintained to ensure suitability and calibrated
as needed.

5.11 Emergency Recovery

Emergency recovery must begin as soon as the emergency response phase is completed, at least
including setting up the recovery team, emergency investigation, calculating estimated losses, site
cleaning, recovery activities, and post-emergency recovery reports.
The recovery plan is prepared by each department of PTAMNT which has an important function
and is prone to disruption in the company's business processes during emergency. For example, in
the event of natural disasters, fires, hazardous materials, sabotage, acts of terrorism, and
community riots that have an impact on the disruption of basic human needs and the continuity of

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 24 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

company operations such as infrastructure and other important facilities including guarantees for
the process of procuring goods and services.
These departments include:
1. Safety and Emergency Response
(Sr Manager HSE/Sr Manager Reliability and Training/Manager SHLP/ Superintendent Fire
and Emergency Services)
2. Environment
(Sr Manager HSE/Manager Lingkungan and / or appointed Supt)
3. Security
(Manager Security and / or appointed Supt)
4. Mining
(Sr Manager Mining Alliance/Sr Manager Mine Technical Services/Sr Manager Mine
Maintenance/ Operational Person in Charge (PJO) or Operational Vice Person in Charge
(WPJO) Mining)
5. Exploration
(Sr Manager Eksploration/Exploration Manager and / or appointed Supt)
6. Processing
(Sr Manager Fixed Plant/Manager Process Maintenance/Manager Process Operation)
7. Power Plant
(Sr Manager Power Business and/or appointed Manager/Supt)
8. Townsite Services
Manager Facility and Services and / or appointed Supt
9. External Relation
Sr Manager Social Responsibilty/Sr Manager SR and Long-Term Planning/Manager Gov Rel,
and / or appointed Supt
10. HR
HR Manager and / or appointed Supt
11. IT and Communication
IT Manager and / or appointed Supt
12. Port Operations
Manager Port Operation and / or appointed Supt
13. Multimedia and Publication
Sr Managre Coorp Communication and / or appointed Supt
14. SCM
Sr Manager Capital Procurement and Services and / or appointed Supt
15. Transportation
Manager Transport and / or appointed Supt
16. Financial Advisor
Manager Finansial and / or appointed Supt
17. Legal Advisor
Sr Legal Councel/Legal Councel or their appointed representative

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 25 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009


6.1 Reference.
• Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia No 1827
K / 30 / MEM / 2018
• Fire Extinguishing Structure (CDC-EMR-011-S101)
• Rescue of Victims in the Water (CDC-EMR-011-S105)
• Rescue Operating System (CDC-EMR-013-S114)
• Search and Rescue in Confined Spaces (CDC-EMR-045-S106)
• Hazardous Material Incident Response (CDC-EMR-030-S101)
• Decontamination in the Incident of Hazardous Materials (CDC-EMR-030-S102)
• Chemical Management Procedure (CDC-GMT-030-P100)
• Emergency Response Team Handbook, NFPA No ERT04
• Surface Blasting (CDC-SLP-042-P021)
• Environmental On-call Guideline (CDC-COM-010-G100)
• Emergency Response Plan MINE WATER MANAGEMENT (CDC-MWM-011-P100)
• Instruct Emergency Response Team on Spill Management Procedures (CDC-COM-016-S118)
• Spills Response Procedure at Sea (CDC-MAR-346-P101)
• Spills Handling and Reporting Procedure (CDC-ENV-346-P103)
• Permit to Manage Hazardous and Toxic Waste for PTAMNT Hazardous Waste Utilization
Activities. (Used Oil Power Plant)
• Permit for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management for Hazardous Waste Utilization
Activities by PTAMNT. (Used Oil for ANFO)
• Permit for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management for Hazardous Waste Utilization
Activities by PTAMNT. (Incinerator)
• CDC-ENV-346-P102 Waste Management Procedure
• CDC-ENV-346-P103 Spill response & reporting procedure
• CDC-ENV-346-G103 Hazardous Material Management
• CDC-FSM-011-P103 Emergency Response at Incinerator Area
• CDC-SCA-015-P032 PTAMNT Fuel Network Management Guideline
• Permit to release Surface Water in the Tongoloka Reclamation Area
• CDC-MWM-011-P101 Santong 3 Water Management Protocol
• CDC-MWM-011-P100 Emergency Response Procedur Mine Water Management
• CDC-MWM-000-P100 Operating Procedure Of
• Tongoloka Reclamation Diversion (TRD) Permit for the Release of Processed Water in the
Storm Water Pond Process (SW-SWP) to the Sejorong River by PTAMN
• Permit of Hazardous Waste Dumping into the sea by PTAMNT.
• CDC-MON-012-P109 Additional Monitoring Procedure when Offshore Tailing Pipe Leaking
• CDC-MAR-346-P101 Marine Spill Response Procedure
• Emergency Response Reporting Form

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

6.2 Annex
Annex 1 – PTAMNT Project Details
Annex 2 – Injuries and Disease
Annex 3 – Evacuation
Annex 4 – Fire and Explosion
Annex 5 – Altitude and Confined Space Rescue
Annex 6 – Vehicle Accidents
Annex 7 – Hydrocarbon Spills or Toxic and Hazardous Materials
Annex 8 – Electric Shock
Annex 9 – Mine Well Slope / Wall Avalanche
Annex 10 – Dam / Reservoir Overflows
Annex 11 – Aircraft or Shipwreck Crash
Annex 12 – Leakages of Inland and Marine Tailings Pipes
Annex 13 – Security Interference
Annex 14 – Natural Disasters (Storms, Lightning, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquake, Tsunami)
Annex 15 – List of Emergency Management Team (EMT)
Annex 16 – List of Emergency Response Group (ERG)
Annex 17 – Government Emergency Services Contact Numbers

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 27 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 1 – PTAMNT Project Details

Site: Batu Hijau

• Location: Sekongkang District, West Sumbawa Regency, Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara
• Located on Sumbawa Island, West Sumbawa Regency, Taliwang, West Nusa Tenggara Province
or about 1,530 KM (950 mi) east of the capital city of Indonesia (Jakarta). The Batu Hijau Mine
is located at Latitude 8 ° 57 '59.99 "S and Longitude 116 ° 51'59 E

Site: Lemurung
• Location: Lenangguar District, Sumbawa Regency, Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara
• Located approximately 54 KM (33 mi) east of the Batu Hijau mine, southern Sumbawa Besar,
West Nusa Tenggara Province. Lemurung Camp is at the coordinates Latitude 8 ° 48 '38.18 "S
and Longitude 117 ° 20'09. 10

Site: Elang
• Location: Lenangguar District, Sumbawa Regency, Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara
• • Located approximately 57 KM (35 mi) east of the Batu Hijau mine, southern Sumbawa Besar,
West Nusa Tenggara Province. The Elang Prospect is at the Latitude coordinates of 8 ° 57 '56.54
"S and Longitude 117 ° 23'2.35.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 2 – Injuries and Disease

A. Trigger
• Industrial accidents
• Single or multiple vehicle accidents (eg Bus)
• Natural disasters
• Health problems

B. Initial Action of First Aid / Informer / Worker at the scene

• Do not panic
• Immediately report to the ECC
• Assess the surrounding conditions whether there is a danger that could threaten the victim,
move the victim if there is a danger that threatens the victim's life but DO NOT HARM
• Do not move it if there is no danger.
• If the victim is involved in a vehicle accident, then make sure the vehicle has been secured
first. Turn off vehicle engines, isolate batteries, and prevent fuel spills if any but DO NOT
• If trained, provide assistance until FES and Paramedic assistance arrives and takes over
help. Provide assistance if needed.
• If the location of the incident is far from the nearest Health Post (FAP) then ask for
directions from the doctor via telephone number or radio emergency.
• Don't leave the victim.
• Report to Area Manager for providing support during emergency operation process.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• FES personnel, submit initial reports on arrival at the scene and alarm status.
• FES personnel, assess the surrounding conditions whether there is a danger that could
threaten the victim, remove the victim if there is a danger that threatens the victim's life,
• FES personnel, address the dangers that threaten before responding to the victim
• FES and Paramedic personnel, assess the condition of the victim and handle the main
problems that threaten the victim's life.
• FES personnel, raise the alarm status if the victim's condition worsens and / or requires the
presence of a doctor.
• Paramedics, continue the effort to handle Advance Life Support until it is successful where
the victim's condition has stabilized.
• Immediately evacuate the victim to Buin Batu Clinic.
• Paramedics, update information on the status of victims and the handling measures that
have been taken to Buin Batu Clinic.
• Doctor, declares the victim's status if the rescue efforts fail to save the victim's life..
• Security, secure the scene, cover and restrict access to the scene, and be prepared to assist
if requested.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is required.
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR and
Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching the
barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the scene of medical waste
• Clean respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before returning
to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene with the SHLP / HSEQT Department team, after
written approval to KTT/ WKTT or Sr. Department Manager to remove the barricade /
Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required for
the investigation process

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 3 – Evacuation

A. Trigger
• The fire alarm is active
• Fire incident
• Incidents of hazardous toxic material spills
• Natural disasters
• Health problems
• Injury
• Evacuation from remote areas
• Evacuation from the site
• Security interfence

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Fire Warden / Workers

• Do not panic
• Immediately report to the ECC
• As soon as the alarm rings, stop what you are doing and go immediately to the assembly
• Follow the instructions from the Fire Warden.
• WALK, DON'T RUN. In an emergency, move fast but don't run.
• If safe, turn off all machinery and equipment before heading to the assembly area
• Gather at the nearest assembly point and wait for further instructions.
• Do not leave the area unless instructed by the Fire Warden;
• Fire Warden must ensure that everyone has gathered at the designated assembly point.
• Do not re-enter areas that have been vacated or to the scene to watch or to retrieve things.
• Report to Area Manager for providing support during emergency operation process.
• Note: ALL evacuation alarms must be followed and treated as if they were an actual
emergency. The only exception is when personnel have been notified in advance of
testing the alarm or repairing the fire alarm panel.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics, Security

• FES personnel, submit initial reports on arrival at the scene and alarm status.
• If the evacuation is carried out because the Fire Alarm is active, FES personnel will go to
the FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) to confirm whether the alarm panel shows Fire
Alarm Indication or Trouble Indication and continue investigating the cause of the fire
alarm and reporting it to F&S maintenance to repair or reset the fire system alarm.
• If evacuation is carried out due to fire, accidental spill of hazardous toxic materials,
natural disasters or riots, then FES personnel must ask for information from the Fire
Warden, or the area owner regarding the room / scene, the materials involved, the trapped
or left behind as a consideration for raising alarm status.
• If necessary, carry out a hazard assessment to move the assembly point more safely.
• If the evacuation is at the request of the victim or a general practitioner from a health
facility around the mine area, the ECC must be notified of the movement of the
Ambulance and forward the information to the PTAMNT Management.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• If the evacuation is requested by a Paramedic who is in the FAP or a Doctor to Buin Batu
Clinic, the ECC must receive notification of the movement of the Ambulance and forward
the information to the PTAMNT Management.
• If the evacuation is at the request of a paramedic or doctor from a remote area to Buin
Batu Clinic, then the area Manager, Sr. Manager SHS, SHLP Manager, Transport
Manager, Security Manager and Supt.FES, must receive information to coordinate and
handle the evacuation.

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Communication with the Fire Warden and area owner when the building area has been
declared safe.
• Fire Warden can tell workers to return to work
• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching the
barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR and
Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to the KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required for
the investigation process.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 4 – Fire and Explosion

A. Trigger
• Electricity
• Chemical material
• Gas
• Fuel / Oil
• Vehicles
• Forest Fire Drought

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Fire Warden / Workers

• Do not panic
• Immediately activate the nearest fire alarm if the fire alarm does not work automatically.
• If a fire alarm is not available, notify site personnel of the fire emergency by voice / radio
communication / whistle / siren.
• Immediately report to the ECC.
• Evacuate occupants to the assembly area and follow evacuation procedures.
• Follow the instructions from the Fire Warden.
• Fight fires ONLY if trained and fire is in the safe limits and does not endanger yourself.
• Evacuate at least 200 meters if the fire is massive and there is a potential for an explosion.
• Report to Area Manager for providing support during emergency operation process.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• The first FES officer to arrive at the scene must conduct an initial assessment and report
stating the extent of the fire and the actions to be taken.
• Fire Warden / area owner / supervisor reports to FES personnel if any workers are missing,
the location of the fire and burned materials.
• If there is no hydrant facility at the fire site then the FES officer must request a water truck
assistance through the ECC.
• FES officers must conduct an assessment and sizeup to determine priorities for action based
on the RECEO principles
• FES will carry out search and rescue activities according to standard fire fighting
• If there are victims, treat the victim according to the procedure for handling the victim.
• Fire suppression operations to minimize asset damage are carried out through defensive or
offensive operations with the main consideration of firefighter safety.
• Determine a perimeter of a minimum area of 100 meters, in case of a potential for explosion
• Coordinate with the Incident Commander to develop a plan for outage and the required
• Paramedics, handling victims according to procedures for handling victims of injury or
health problems.
• Security, secure the scene, cover and provide limit access to the scene, and be prepared to
help if requested.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Consider the resource requirements needed to carry out a shutdown operation.
• Consider the amount of fuel burned against the needs of extinguishing media and existing
• Plan for ongoing operations
• Consider asking for outside help if the fire is beyond the capacity of existing resources.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching the
barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager to
remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, provide all technical documents and resources required for the
investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 5 – Altitude and Confined Space Rescue

A. Trigger
• The victim depends on the accident at high altitude
• The victim is trapped in an accident at the confined space

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Immediately report to the ECC
• Keep trying to communicate with the victim about the position and condition of the
• If unable to communicate with the victim, try to determine the position of the victim
based on recent communications.
• Report to Area Manager to provide support during rescue process.
• Limit access to personnel and vehicles from entering the hazard / incident location
• Insulate energy sources if necessary.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Declares alarm status 2 after receiving accident information at altitude.
• Carry out a size up for a situation assessment and formulate a rescue plan, including
assessing the surrounding conditions whether there are hazards that can threaten
rescuers and victims, such as electric currents, unstable scaffolding construction,
atmospheric hazards and others. Deal with the threat that endanger before responding
to the victim.
• Request information from fellow victims about the history of the incident to
determine the response to the victim.
• Access to the victim by means of string techniques and respiratory protection
equipment (if needed) and secure the victim from potential further injury and carry
out a conscious check of the victim.
• The FES commander on site can raise the alarm status if a doctor is present at the
scene of the incident.
• Evacuate the victim to the closest and easiest safe place with the rope technique
• Assessing the victim's condition and addressing the main problems that threaten the
victim's life, always suspect that the victim has compartment syndrome and spinal
cord injury.
• Paramedik, melanjutkan upaya penanganan dukungan hidup lanjut (Advance Life
Support) hingga berhasil dimana kondisi korban telah stabil.
• Segera evakuasi korban ke Klinik Buin Batu.
• Paramedics, update the information on the status of victims and the handling
measures that have been taken to Buin Batu Clinic.
• Doctor, declares the victim's status if the rescue efforts fail to save the victim's life.
• Security, secure the scene, cover and provide limit access to the scene, and be
prepared to help if requested.

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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR and
Dept. Transport for the evacuation of the victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene with the SHLP / HSEQT Department team,
after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager to remove the
barricade / Danger Tape from the scene
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 36 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 6 – Vehicle Accidents

A. Trigger
• A single vehicle or bus accident
• Vehicle or bus crash accidents

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Do not panic
• Immediately report to the ECC
• Assess the surrounding conditions whether there is a danger that could threaten the
victim, remove the victim if there is a danger that threatens the victim's life but DO
• Secure the area; turning off the engine of all vehicles involved in the accident; tire
support; extinguish fire if safe; disconnect battery cable, protect or prevent fuel
dispersal if applicable.
• Do not move if there is no danger
• Stay in touch with the victim to keep the victim's awareness.
• Perform first aid to victims who are outside the vehicle.

C. Actions by FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Declare alarm status 2 after receiving vehicle accident information
• Carry out a size up for a situation assessment and prepare a rescue plan, including
assessing the surrounding conditions whether there are dangers that can threaten
rescuers and victims, for example electric current, vehicle stability, fuel spills and
others. Deal with the threat that might endanger before responding to the victim.
• Request information from fellow victims about the history of the incident to
determine the response to the victim.
• Access to the victim, carry out awareness assessments and stabilization of the head
and spine, administer oxygen and ALS if necessary.
• The FES commander on site can raise the alarm status if a doctor is present at the
scene of the incident.
• Make access to remove the victim, including if the victim is wedged in.
• Assessing the victim's condition and addressing the main problems that threaten the
victim's life, always suspect that the victim has compartment syndrome and spinal
cord injury.
• Paramedics, continue the effort to handle Advance Life Support until it is successful
where the victim's condition has stabilized.
• Immediately evacuate the victim to the Buin Batu Clinic.
• Paramedics, update information on the status of victims and the handling measures
that have been taken to the Buin Batu Clinic.
• Doctor, declares the victim's status if the rescue efforts fail to save the victim's life.
• Security, secure the scene, cover and provide limit access to the scene, and be
prepared to help if requested.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR and
Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 7 – Hydorkarbon Spills or Toxic and Hazardous Materials

A. Trigger
• Oil spills on land and / or at sea from work processes
• Spills and / or releases of liquid and / or toxic gases from work processes
• Accidents involving means of transportation

Emergency Level:

• Low:
1 liter spill with impact area <30cm (stain diameter), need not be reported if there is no
potential for environmental damage.
• Medium:
Spills ≥ 1 to 40 liters, a Spill Incident Report must be prepared and completed before
the end of the shift then submitted to the Dept. Environment within 96 hours.
• High:
Spills and leaks ≥ 40, Spill Incident Report generated and completed within 2 hours.

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Immediately activate the nearest alarm for the evacuation process
• If an alarm is not available, notify site personnel of the fire emergency by voice / radio
communication / whistle / siren.
• Immediately report to the ECC, also inform if there are victims.
• In case of spill at sea, ECC forwards information to Berthing Master ext. 46230 or cell
phone number 49747/49748/49749.
• Evacuate occupants to the assembly area and follow evacuation procedures.
• Follow the instructions from the Fire Warden.
• Close access to the scene.
• If it occurs on a mine road or PAR, evacuate to an area that is higher and above the
wind minimum 30 meters from the scene.
• If there is a fire, put out the fire only if trained and the fire is within safe limits and does
not endanger yourself.
• Cover leakage reservoir if it is safe to do so.
• Limit the spread of fluids in a weir manner.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security, Port Operation

• Spills on the Land

➢ Declare alarm status 2 after being informed of an oil spill or toxic and
hazardous material.
➢ Set perimeter of red, yellow and green zones. (Coordinating with security to
close and limit road access.
➢ Carry out a size up for a situation assessment and prepare a rescue plan,
including assessing the surrounding conditions whether there are hazards that

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 39 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

can threaten rescuers and victims, such as electric current, vehicle stability,
fuel spills and others. Deal with looming hazards before responding.
➢ Request information from fellow victims about the incident history and
hazardous materials involved to determine treatment measures.
➢ The FES commander on site can raise the alarm status if additional personnel
and equipment resources are required.
➢ If there are victims, the priority of the operation to save the victim.
➢ Perform standard decontamination or emergency decontamination before
being handled by paramedics.
➢ Assess the condition of the victim and deal with the main problems that
threaten the victim's life and continue efforts to deal with advanced life
support (Advance Life Support) until it is successful where the victim's
condition has stabilized
➢ Immediately evacuate the victim to Buin Batu Clinic.
➢ Cover the source of the leak as you try to contain the spill.

• Spills in the Sea

➢ Dept. Environment ensures pollution levels are measured using Southeast
ships, tugboats and helicopters when necessary.
➢ Supt. Port Operation / Specialist analyzes the situation and takes steps
deemed necessary to prevent the spill from expanding using onboard spill
control equipment, including stopping supplies and locating the spill using
booms, pillows and other suitable containers.
➢ If there is a lot of spillage, immediately stop loading and unloading activities
and all port operational crews must assist in the process of stopping the spill.
➢ FES and Dept. Environmnet support Incident Commander and Operation

D. Operation Command (OC):

• Land: Supt/Specialist FES
• Sea: Supt/Specialist Port Operation

E. Follow-Up Action
• Consider the resource requirements needed to carry out emergency operations.
• Consider the amount of material spilled against the needs of dispersants, oil spill
skimmers, spill containers, estimated length of operation, available resources and
• Plan for ongoing operations
• Consider asking for external help if the fire is beyond the capacity of existing resources.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to the KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department
Manager to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 41 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 8 – Electric Shock

A. Trigger
• Thunderbolt
• Short circuit
• Broken wires
• Insulator leak

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Do not panic
• Immediately report to the ECC.
• If it is safe, turn off / disconnect the power supply by turning off or removing the lead
from the mains using insulated material;
• If you cannot turn off the power, DO NOT handle the victim who was shocked; HIGH
VOLTAGE ELECTRICITY - DO NOT attempt to help the victim before cutting off
the power.
• Ask immediately to cut power
• Set safe limits and set up barricades to protect others.

If the power cable is disconnected and hits the vehicle:

• The driver must remain seated in the vehicle, calm and not touch any part of the cabin;
• Drivers must remain in the vehicle until the power has been cut off unless there is a
risk that the car catches fire;
• Whenever possible, the driver tries to steer the vehicle away from the location of the
power lines;
• If you have to get out of the vehicle, the driver must get out of the way with your feet
together without holding the body of the vehicle up to approximately 15 meters as a
safe place from electric voltage.
• Set up barricades around vehicles to protect others;

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Declares the alarm status 2 after being informed of an electric shock accident.
• Make sure the power has been cut off.
• If the victim is at a height (tower), access the victim with a rope technique and secure
the victim from potential further injury and check the victim's awareness.
• The FES commander on site can raise the alarm status if a doctor is present at the
scene of the incident.
• Evacuate the victim to a safe place
• Assess the victim's condition and address the main problems that threaten the victim's
life, always suspect that the victim has had a heart attack and burns.
• Paramedics, continue the effort to handle Advance Life Support until it is successful
where the victim's condition has stabilized.
• Immediately evacuate the victim to Buin Batu Clinic.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 42 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Paramedics, update information on the status of victims and the handling measures
that have been taken to Buin Batu Clinic. Doctor, declares the victim's status if the
rescue efforts fail to save the victim's life.
• Security, secure the scene, cover and provide limit access to the scene, and be
prepared to help if requested.

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-Up Action
• Consider the resource requirements needed to carry out the rescue operation (cranes
or other equipment for easy access)
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR
and Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried
out, calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources
required for the investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 9 – The Avalanche of Slope / Wall of Mine Well

A. Trigger
• Land subsidence or landslides
• Collapsed
• Other geophysical events

B. Initial Action of Reporting Person / Worker at the Scene

• Immediately report to the ECC
• Maintin the communicate with the victim about their position and condition
• If you are unable to communicate with the victim, try to determine the position of the
• Limit access to personnel and vehicles from entering the hazard / incident location
• Report to Area Manager / Sr Manager to provide support during rescue process.
• Provide the equipment which might be needed at the scene, including being at the
scene in coordination with FES team and the Incident Commander, the list of
equipment is as follows, but is not limited to this list:
▪ Wall movement monitoring data by the Geotechnical team (if available)
▪ Dig and load tools (Excavator, Loader)
▪ Lifting Equipment (Boom Truck / Crane Truck, Frana Crane)
▪ Lifting Equipment (Webbing Sling / Chain Sling)
▪ Fastening Equipment (Nylon Strap, Coat Strap)
▪ Equipment Cut (Chainsaw, Rotary saw, Cutting Torch, Welding Machine)
▪ Energy Sources (Generators, Light Plants / Lights, Compressors)
• If trained as a first aider, perform first aid to the victim. Do not move the victim if
there is no danger to the life of the rescuer or victim.
• Do not lift a victim who has been wedged in unless there is an actual potential for loss
of life or is instructed by a qualified medical professional.
• Get help from other employees on site by communicating with the Incident
• If you believe that personnel are no longer trapped, put a safety tape on the area.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics, Security

• The first FES officer to arrive at the scene must carry out an initial assessment and
report to state the alarm status
• Order the evacuation of workers to safe areas, determine the boundaries of the
perimeter area for personnel limits and vehicles not entering the hazard area.
• Assess the movement of landslides and plan control measures
• Identify the location and awareness of the victim if possible
• Make access to the location of the victim, to remove rocks / soil using heavy equipment.
• Perform awareness assessments and head and spinal stabilization, oxygen and ALS
administration if necessary.
• Make access to move the victim, including if the victim is trapped in a vehicle /

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 44 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Assessing the victim's condition and addressing the main problems that threaten the
victim's life, always suspect that the victim has compartment syndrome and spinal cord
• Paramedics, continue the effort to handle Advance Life Support until it is successful
where the victim's condition has stabilized.
• Immediately evacuate the victim to Buin Batu Clinic.
• Paramedics, update information on the status of victims and the handling measures that
have been taken to the Buin Batu Clinic.
• Doctor, declares the victim's status if the rescue efforts fail to save the victim's life.
• Coordination with the Area Owner, and periodically report at the location of the
incident to the SHLP Manager / Sr Manager SHS (if it has arrived at the location)

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Consider the resource requirements needed to carry out the rescue operation (cranes
or other equipment for easy access)
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR
and Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to the Summit / WKTT or Sr. Department
Manager to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried
out, calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources
required for the investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 10 – Dam / Reservoir Pond is overflowing

A. Trigger
• High intensity rain
• Faulty pump
• Damage to the dam wall

Emergency Level:

• Low:
▪ The depth of the pond (7.5 - 8.5 m), based on the consideration of concentrator
conditions, does not rain in Santong (sunny weather), Katala at a level <8
▪ Pump flow to concentrator = 0 - 6000 m3 / hour
• Medium:
▪ Pond at depth (8.5 - 9.5m), sunny weather forecast, no rain (light rain in
Santong III), no overflow in the Nangka diversion channel, no overflow in Jalit
/ Cut 21 diversion channel, Katala is at a low level <8 meters.
▪ Pump flow to concentrator = 6000 - 9000 m3 / hour
▪ Pond depth (8.5 - 9.5m), cloudy weather forecast (maybe rainy), rain seen in
Santong, Katala area. There was no overflow in the Nangka / Jalit diversion
channel, Katala was at a high level (> 8.0 meters).
▪ Pump flow to concentrator = 9000 - 12,500 m3 / hour
• High:
▪ Pond depth at> 8.5 m or> 9.5 m, cloudy weather forecast (rain seen around the
island), rain seen in Santong, Katala, Tongoloka areas. Overflows occurred in
the Nangka diversion channel, overflows occurred at the Jali / Cut 21 diversion
channel, Katala at a high level (> 8.0 meters).
▪ Pump flow to concentrator> 12,500 m3 / hour

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Enable Emergency Alarm for Mining Water Pool:
▪ Santong pontoon: if the distance to the spillway height is 3m (or the water
level 103 m) at
▪ Katala Pontoon: distance to 3m spillway height (or water level 265.5 m).
▪ Tongoloka Pontoon: distance to the spillway height of 1.5m (or water level
123.7 m).
▪ Reservoirs / impoundment in Kanloka: distance to spillway height of 1m (or
water level 159 m).

• Enable Emergency Alarm for Rainwater Collecting Pools:

▪ The height of the water surface to the spillway height reaches 1m
• Immediately report to the ECC

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Support Dept. MWM and Dept. Environment in coping with overflowing water.
• Limit the access to personnel and vehicles from entering the hazard / incident location
• Be prepared for the possibility of the victims

D. Operation Command (OC): Manager/Supt. MWM

E. Follow-up Action
• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
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Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 11 – Aircraft or Sea Craft Crash

A. Trigger
• Bad weather
• Damage to the equipment on the aircraft or ship

Tingkat Kedaruratan:

• Low:
▪ Ships and ferries without any apparent reason are 15 minutes late from the
scheduled arrival and no / disconnected radio communication indicates that the
ship is in trouble / damage.
▪ Aircraft (seaplane and helicopters) without any apparent reason are 10 minutes
late from the scheduled arrival (time indicated when the aircraft departed from
its last destination) and no / disconnected radio communication indicates that
the aircraft is in trouble / damage
▪ If you see someone who has fallen into the sea.
• Medium:
▪ Ships and ferries, employee carriers are officially reported 30 minutes late from
the scheduled arrival (time is shown from the hour since the ship departed from
the port of departure).
▪ Aircraft (seaplane and helicopter), employee carriers are officially reported 15
minutes late from the scheduled arrival (time indicated from the plane
departing from the departure airport).
▪ It is known that there is a passenger fell into the sea
• High:
▪ Employee ships experiences an emergency, eg. the hull breaks, the ship
capsizes, the captain orders the ship to leave the ship as it begins to sink, etc.
▪ Seaplane and helicopters make emergency landing in water and on land.

B. Initial ATC / Supt. Transport, Manager / Supt. Operation Port

• If the ship reports or is found to be experiencing interference, personnel are
immediately deployed to carry out search and rescue and contact the local authorities.
• For alert level one, initiate a radio search of the ship / aircraft, determining the time of
departure, the cause of the delay, and whether assistance is required. Report this
emergency via line 1 VHF / UHF. Aircraft monitors 1 VHF and VHF 122.95.
• If you hear a call for help via radio (mayday, mayday, mayday), or the ship has been
late for a long time and communication cannot be made with the ship, immediately
carry out SAR.
• Copies of passenger manifest and itinerary are kept by the personnel of Dept.
• Report to the ECC
• Report and coordinate with the nearest Syahbandar, BASARNAS and / or ATC
(Sumbawa, Mataram, Bali)

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Conduct an urgent meeting in the SAR room to determine a search plan under the
coordination of the Harbormaster or BASARNAS.
• Coordinate with the Berting Master and Port Manager to support search vessels.
• For all emergencies on the water, the harbormaster is the final responsibility for the
safety and control of all ships within the port boundaries, so that if deemed necessary,
he can cancel decisions made by any ship captain or senior official of any facility at the
port, if according to In his view, the port's public safety is in jeopardy.
• Port Manager is the Operation Command for emergencies at sea and in the air. The
second person in charge is the port berthing master for emergencies at sea and the
Transport Manager for aviation services and ferry passengers.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Suppot the Incident Commander
• Coordination with Basarnas and Syahbandar for search operation plans.
• Copy the passenger manifest as search information
• Prepare the team to participate in surface searches by helicopter or speedboat
• Prepare a dive team if needed
• Prepare ground SAR teams if needed

D. Operations Sector Commander (OC): Manager / Supt. Operation Port

E. Follow-up Action
• Consider the resource requirements needed to perform the search operation.
• Consider the number of personnel required for the search operation, the estimated
length of operation, available resources and logistics.
• Plan for ongoing operations

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the incident commander or the person assigned to secure the scene
(attaching the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Search and Rescue Ships / Planes

• Plane crash
If an airplane is reported to have crashed while flying over the Alas Strait, all available fast boats
must perform search above the flight path coordinates taking into account the speed and direction
of local currents. Always contact the rescue team to monitor developments and pass information
and other needs to the FES Team. Helicopter monitoring on VHF 122.95 and VHF channel 1.

• Fast Ships Damaged

If a mechanical failure hinders the operation of the fast boat so that the ship cannot go on its own
engine, find the information on the position of the ship, the speed and direction of the ship's drift,
the last status of the ship, and set off the tug to tow the fast boat.

• Sinking Ships
Verify the final position of the ship as per radio reports or visually. The fast boat at port (3) was
immediately launched to the final location according to reports to rescue passengers. A tug was
launched to assist in the rescue and towing of the ship.

• General Assistance Services

• Management will evaluate and dispatch ships deemed capable of helping deal with
• Apart from these emergency situations, any ship sailing for any recreational purpose, must
carry out the voyage under the conditions specified in the ship's operational instructions, and
comply with these conditions.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 12 – Leakage of Tailing Pipes in the Land and Sea

A. Background
This procedure applies to all relevant PT AMNT employees, in accordance with the procedures
and strategy described in section K of this annex.

PTAMNT tailings are the remainder of the copper ore processing through a flotation process
which separates the ore into concentrate and tailings. The flotation process (flotation) is a
physical separation process so that the chemical and physical properties of the minerals in the
tailings material and the concentrate remain the same as the chemical and physical properties
of the minerals in the rock from the feed ore from the processing plant. PTAMNT tailings are
classified as hazardous waste with the waste code B416.
The pipe system for draining tailings by gravity through the deaeration box, onshore tailings
pipe, choke station, and marine tailings pipe to the tailings dumping area at sea.

B. Purpose
This Emergency Management Procedure contains effective emergency response efforts in the
event of an emergency related to tailings management at the PTAMNT mining site.
• Prevent injury or subsequent loss of life;
• Minimize the property losses, damage to equipment and the environment;
• Describe the chain of command to ensure there is a prompt and coordinated approach
in an emergency;
• Ensure that all necessary equipment, personnel and other resources are available for
effective emergency control;
• Ensure all personnel know their responsibilities and are prepared to carry out these
procedures in the emergency.

C. Legal Basis
This procedure fulfills:
• Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia
Number P.74 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 10/2019 of 2019 concerning Emergency
Program for Management of Hazardous and Toxic Materials and / or Hazardous and Toxic
• Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 1827 K / 30 / MEM / 2018. Appendix III, Part A - Guidelines for Mineral and
Coal Processing and / or Purification Safety Implementation, Point F - Scope of Emergency

D. Definition
Definitions and Abbreviations can be found in Chapter 3.

E. The Process of Preparing the tailings Dumping Emergency Program

The parties involved in the preparation of this procedure are the Head of Mining Engineering,
the Emergency Management Team, the Process Department, the SHLP Department, the Social
Impact Department, and the External Relations Department. A review of this procedure is

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

carried out every two years or if there is a change in the technology design, method, process,
and production capacity.

F. Results of Emergency Risk Identification for Tailings Dumping Management

Emergency Potential Cause Level of Explanation
Description Risk
- Tailings pipe leakage that High Conduct an assessment of
can be caused by: aspects and impact risks every
Spillage from
the tailing ▪ Earthquake year to assess the suitability of
pipes ▪ Sabotage controls applied in the field at
▪ Pipe replacement each level of risk (low to
failure according to extreme).
the maintenance
▪ Inaccurate
monitoring of pipe
conditions and
thickness, both on
shore and offshore.
▪ Sea pipe flotation

G. Level of Emergency:
The level of emergency can be seen in Chapter 5.2.

The scale of the spill can be categorized as:

a. Small scale, if:
1. Area of contamination <9 m² (less than or equal to nine square meters);
2. Depth of contamination area <1.5 m (less than or equal to one and a half
b. Large scale:
If the land is contaminated with hazardous waste, meets the criteria other than those
referred to in letter a.

H. Organization
Organization for emergency response can be found in Chapter 5.4.

I. Coordination
Emergency handling coordination can be found in Chapter 5.3.

J. Facilities and Equipment

Emergency facilities and equipment can be foundChapters 5.6 and 5.10.

PTAMNT has an emergency complaint center called the Emergency Command Center at the
Townsite which is equipped with 24 hour information service rooms and officers.

The leak detection early warning tool that is owned in the operation of the tailings dump pipe
is a pressure gauge which is monitored in the Processing Plant Control Room 130.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

In general, the emergency equipment owned namely:

1. 4-unit Fire Truck Engine
2. 3-unit Mobile Rescue
3. 4-unit Emergency Medical Service (Ambulance)
4. 1 unit Patrol Boat
5. 1 unit Survey Boat
6. 1 unit Remotely Operated Vehicle/ROV
7. Environmental Marine monitoring equipment
8. Fire fighting apparatus
9. Breathing apparatus
10. Underwater Rescue apparatus
11. Motor Vehicle Accident apparatus
12. Rope Rescue Equipment
13. Hazardous Material & Spill Response
14. Medical Equipment
15. Communication apparatus
16. Personal Protective Equipment

Emergency evacuation routes can be carried out by the land, sea and air. Each building in the
processing plant area and SWIS has an evacuation route and place in each area. This includes
the location of the helipad if an emergency evacuation by air is required.

K. The procedures and strategy for tailings dumping emergency countermeasures and the
responsibilities of each authorized personnel are as follows:
1. The initial action by Reporter / Worker
• Immidiate assess the situation to determine all safety considerations such as timing,
size of leak, volume of spill, location (spool number), and whether the leak is inside or
outside the holding area (inland tailings pipe).
• Report to ECC at 49999 and Process Control Room operator (Radio CH # 26 or ext.
• Immidieate response (land tailings pipe leakage) - control leakage where possible
(close isolation valve, tighten bolts, insert wooden pegs into holes).
• Attempt to prevent onshore tailings pipe leakage out of the containment corridor (divert
flow, strengthen embankments).

2. The Action by ECC, Prosess Control Room, Dept. Environment

• ECC:
▪ ECC operator activate Emergency Call Records (CDC-SEC-008-F113) for
tailings pipe leaks. The first outgoing call is addressed to the Process Control
Room operator.
▪ Process Control Room Operators activate Process Emergency Outgoing Call
for tailings leakage.
▪ Outgoing calls made by ECC operators and Process Control Room operators
include notifications to the Process Operations Team and Manager,
Environmental Manager, and Security Manager.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

▪ The Process Operations Manager and Environmental Manager will inform the
KTT / Site Director if there is a tailings pipe leak.
▪ KTT will inform the Director of Operations and the President Director if there
is a tailings pipe leak.
▪ Incident Commander mobilizes Rapid Response Team in case of high level
emergency. Fast response movement becomes mandatory in the event of a
marine tailings pipeline leak.

• Operation Command (OC): Manager/Supt. Process

▪ Inform the Process Operations Manager / Sr. Process Manager if the Process
Plant needs to be shut down for repairs.
▪ Develop and implement emergency response plans to temporarily control leaks
(eg closing isolation valves, tightening bolts, inserting wooden pegs, clamps).
▪ Prevent tailings from leaving the storage corridor and / or entering waterways.
If there is a large leak in the SWIS bulkhead, direct the flow to the sediment
▪ Minimize the number of crowds of employees watching the incident with the
help of security personnel.
▪ Coordinate spool replacement for permanent repair, if applicable.
▪ Coordinate steps for cleanup, incident investigation, reporting and corrective

• Senior Manager Fixed Plant

▪ Give approval to shutdown / shutdown the Process Plant if necessary.
▪ Inform the Site Director.
▪ Review findings in the Incident Report and repair action

3. Follow-up Action
• All tailings pipe leaks with a high level of emergency must be reported to the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (MoEF), the Governor of NTB, the Office of Environment & Forestry of NTB
Province, the Regent of West Sumbawa Regency, and the Office West Sumbawa
Regency Environmental Service within 24 hours after the incident. Site Rapid
Response Team will be activated in the event of a high level emergency.
• The outside of the onshore tailings pipe is inspected at least every 6 hours (3 times per
work shift), while the offshore tailings pipe is usually inspected monthly using a
remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The inside of the onshore tailings pipe is manually
inspected every 6 months and the wall thickness of the offshore tailings pipe is also
inspected every 6 months using Smart PIG (Pipeline Integrity Gauging Tool). This pipe
also has a pressure detection system to monitor when a leak occurs, which is monitored
from the Process Control Room.

4. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or person assigned to secure the scene (attaching the
barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident

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Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

5. Recovery Plan
• Manage the emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Manager Department
to remove the barricade / danger tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the emergency events that are carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

L. Emergency Training and Rehearsals

PTAMNT has an Employee Training and Development Center which is supported by facilities
such as training rooms, training modules and equipment, as well as competent instructors who
are managed by the Training Department.
Emergency training and rehearsals are conducted once a year and are attended by FES and the
person in charge of tailings dumping management. Emergency rehearsal schedules and
scenarios prepared by the FES are approved by KTT / WKTT.

M. Countermeasures Function
The countermeasures function can be found in Chapter5.11.

N. References
CDC-GMT-332-Y001 Standard for Management of Hazardous and Toxic Materials
CDC-GMT-341-Y001 Standard for Tailings Management and Heap Leach Facilities
CDC-GMT-346-Y001 Waste Management Standard
CDC-POP-000-S302 Operation of the Tailing Line in Emergency Conditions
PTAMNT Tailings Dumping Permit

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Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 13 – Security Interference

A. Trigger
• Bomb Threats / Terror Attacks
• Riot
• Kidnapping / extortion
• Piracy
• Criminal

B. Initial Action of Reporters / Workers

• Keep calm;
• Follow the perpetrator's orders;
• Don't provoke the offender's anger;
• Observe as much as possible the characteristics of the perpetrator (height, weight, age,
dress, speech, etc.);
• Don't look directly;
• Don't approach the perpetrator;
• Contact the ECC and Supervisor if necessary;
• Supervisors go to the scene and assess the situation and provide assistance;
• Try to get to a safe distance and keep other people out of your way;
• If the situation becomes increasingly unsafe, try to move away from assembly points;
• If it's safe, keep avoiding other people;
• Assist FES and / or Security;
• Stay in the Assembly Point
• After the incident, record the details of your observations as soon as possible.

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Security Manager is an Incident Commander for security breach emergencies. The
Security Manager will work closely with the Police and security forces in responding
to any security emergency calls.
• FES and Paramedics are ready to help if there are victims.

D. Operation Command (OC): Manager/Supt. Sekuriti

E. Follow-up Action
• Handling of victims in the emergency room according to emergency procedures
• The doctor determines whether further treatment to the referred health facility is
• The Buin Batu Clinic Manager coordinates with the hospital. Reference, Dept. HR and
Dept. Transport for the evacuation of victims.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.

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Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident

• Cleaning the respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Plan
• Manage emergency recovery at the scene of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department Manager
to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried
out, calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources
required for the investigation process.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 14 – Natural Disasters (Typhoon, Thunderbolt, Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake, Tsunami)

A. Trigger
• Typhoon
• Thunderbolt
• Volcanic Eruption
• Eartquake
• Tsunami/Flood

B. Initial Action by Manager / Worker

• Typhoon
▪ All the managers are responsible for monitoring the weather in their respective
areas and issuing warnings to personnel in the field;
▪ After receiving advice / input from PTAMNT, the respective Department
Managers must inform all personnel regarding the imminent extreme weather
▪ Field workers must clean up the work area and secure all loose material that
might be carried away by storm winds;
▪ All loose objects in the vicinity of the work area must be secured or moved to
a safer location;
▪ All mobile cranes must be ordered to stop working immediately
▪ All personnel must find shelter;
▪ Vehicles are parked in protected areas;
▪ Stay away from window glass and stay inside;
▪ Listen to the radio every hour for the latest information;
▪ After receiving advice from PTAMNT that a severe storm has passed, the
Department Manager coordinates field inspections before allowing personnel
to return to work.

• Thunderbolt
▪ ECC is equipped with a "Thunderbolt" detector. This tool provides clues to the
activity and distance of lightning, although not always accurate, therefore the
direct observations of weather conditions will be more considered;
▪ The ECC monitors weather conditions in the operating area through direct
observation and uses existing thunderbolt detector to identify approaches and
presence of thunderbolt hazardous thunderstorm activity. When direct
observation sees these conditions which are confirmed by the results of the
thunderbolt detector, the ECC must immediately convey the conditions and
presence of the lightning activity according to the predetermined risk level;
▪ Contact your ECC and Supervisor if necessary;
▪ If trained in providing first aid, provide assistance to every victim. Do not move
the victim unless absolutely necessary. Touching a person struck by lightning
is harmless;
▪ Supervisors go to the scene and assess the situation and provide assistance;
▪ Help FES if rquested.

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Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

• Volcanic Eruption
▪ All the Managers are responsible for monitoring volcanic eruption conditions
in their respective areas and issuing warnings to personnel in the field;
▪ After receiving advice / input from PTAMNT, the Department Manager
informs all personnel in the field about the extreme conditions and levels of
▪ Conduct a rapid response assessment of occupational health and safety
▪ Preparing essential health services for displaced residents by sending mobile
units to remote areas.
▪ Replenishing essential medical supplies, in coordination with the Buin Batu
Clinic / HR.
▪ Distribute PPE to the affected residents as needed.

• Earthquake
▪ Duck, cover, and hold on to something to protect yourself from the earthquake.
▪ When the earthquake stops, get your crew members together and discuss
evacuation plans.
▪ Stay calm and wait for orders from the Emergency Coordinator, ECC, OHS or
security personnel.
▪ Follow tsunami procedures if you believe tsunami will occur.
▪ Stay away from permanent appliances, windows, cabinets, and electricity.
▪ Help people with disabilities find safe places.
▪ Evacuate according to the orders of the Emergency Coordinator and / or
designated officers.
▪ If trained as a first aider, give first aid to the victim. Don't pick up victims
unless absolutely necessary.
▪ Report to the ECC if you become aware of anyone trapped in the rubble of the
▪ Help FES if requested.

• Tsunami
▪ Duck, cover, and hold on to something to protect yourself from the earthquake.
▪ When the earthquake stops, get your crew members together and discuss
evacuation plans. A tsunami might occur in a few minutes.
▪ Take advantage of the ECC, Security and Police to get the latest information about
emergency conditions.
▪ Follow the instructions issued by the above authorities. The recommended
evacuation route may be different from the route you planned, or you may be
advised to climb higher place.
▪ If you hear an official tsunami warning or detect signs of a tsunami, immediately
secure yourself to higher ground. A tsunami warning is issued when the authorities
believe a tsunami threat exists, and there may not be much to escape.
▪ Bring your emergency kit. By bringing supplies, you will feel more comfortable
during the evacuation.

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Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

▪ Go to higher ground as far as possible. Watching a tsunami from the beach or on

a cliff is dangerous for you. If you can see the waves, you are too close to escape.
▪ Avoid falling power lines and stay away from buildings and bridges as heavy
objects can fall during aftershocks.
▪ Stay away from the earthquake location until the Incident Commander orders you
that conditions are safe again. A tsunami is a series of waves that can last for
hours. Don't assume that after one wave has passed, the danger is over. The next
wave may be bigger than the first.
▪ For further guidance on tsunami evacuation plans, see procedure CDC-GMT-011-

C. Actions by the FES Team, Paramedics and Security

• Helping to evacuate patients who are at the Buin Batu clinic
• Perform assistance for injured victims
• Organizing search for missing victims based on reports to the ECC
• Coordinate with F&S to establish an Evacuation Camp and Field Clinic in a safe area.

D. Operation Command (OC): Supt/Specialist FES

E. Follow-up Action
• Maintain the communication with the Incident Commander if the disaster area has been
declared safe.
• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.

F. Closing the Operation

• Coordinate with the area owner or the person assigned to secure the scene (attaching
the barricade / danger tape) if necessary.
• Collect all responding equipment from the location of the incident
• Clean respond equipment, wash and decontaminate equipment as needed before
returning to response unit
• Completing the respond report and reporting to the SHLP Manager / Sr. Manager SHS
according to the report format.

G. Recovery Mitigation
• Manage emergency recovery at the location of the incident with the SHLP / HSEQT
Department team, after written approval to the KTT / WKTT or Sr. Department
Manager to remove the barricade / Danger Tape from the scene.
• Support the process of investigating the occurrence of an emergency that is carried out,
calculating estimated losses, providing all technical documents and resources required
for the investigation process.

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Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 15 – List of Emergency Management Team (EMT)

Jabatan Nama No. Telepon No. Ponsel

PTAMNT President Director Rachmat Makkasau 44675 +62 811 39 49000

PTAMNT KTT (Site Director) Wudi Raharjo 48300 +62 811 39 49803
PTAMNT Senior Manager
Ilyas Yamin 47120 +62 811 39 49036
Power Business
PTAMNT Senior Manager SHS Raymond Boyska 47576 +62 811 39 49593

PTAMNT Manager Exploration Syamsul Kepli 48591 +62 811 39 41365

PTAMNT General Manager
Tony Simmonds 47543 +62 811 39 49008
Process and Fixed Plant
PTAMNT Sr. Manager Process
- - -
PTAMNT Manager Process
Ronald Pangaribuan 47634 +62 81139 49606
PTAMNT Manager Process
Singgih Subiyantoro 47740 +62 811 39 49684
PTAMNT Manager SHLP Galuh Yudha 47458 +62 81139 49245

PTAMNT Manager Security Ken Morita 48378 +62 81139 49956

PTAMNT Manager
Jorina Waworuntu 47471 +62 811 39 49740
PTAMNT Sr. Manager IT Toar Taulu 48016 +62 81139 49818

PTAMNT Manager SCM Anton Heryawan 35318 +62 811 39 41493

Head Of Policy & Permitting Priyo Pramono - +62 81139 49456

PTAMNT Sr. Manager F&S John Noldi Dajoh 48483 +62 811 39 49372

PTAMNT Manager Transport Asrul Munayadi 48283 +62 811 39 49614

Sr Manager Safety & Training Terry Nichols - +62 81139 41613

Sr Manager Alliance Project Wayne Perry - +62 811 11 43169

Manager Mine Technical
Hazqil Arafi - +62 81139 49824
Manager - Drill & Blast Michael Servos - +62 811 39 49909

Manager Mine Support Heri Gunawan - +62 81139 49977

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Author: Manager SHLP
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Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Sr.Manager - Mine Maintenance Jeffry Hasibuan - +62 811 39 49850

Alliance Project Manager Daryono Labula - +62 811 39 49800

Alliance HSEQ Superintendents Solomon W Siahaan - +62 811 39 41193

Alliance HSEQ Superintendents David Riko Pakpahan - +62 811 39 49180

Alliance HSEQ Superintendents Tri Budhy Setyojaya - +62 811 39 41301

Alliance MWM Manager Muklis Zainal 47014 +62 811 39 4102

Alliance Mining Manager Saipul Nilopo - +62 811 39 41295

Alliance Mining Manager Hendra Corpriadi - +62 811 39 41528

Alliance HR Manager Irfan Budiawan - +62 811 39 49811

Senior Engineer Dispatch Arif Rahman Ahmad - +62 811 39 41122

Senior Engineer Dispatch Thomas Billy - +62 811 39 41421

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Author: Manager SHLP
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Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 16 – List of Emergency Response Group (ERG)

Position Name Mobile Phone

Phone Number

PTAMNT Emergency Command +62 81139 49999

On Duty 24 H 49999
Centre (ECC) or Radio Ch #1
PTAMNT Fire and Emergency Services
Marcus Eriec 48509 +62 81139 41029
PTAMNT Fire and Emergency Services
Ida Bagus Oka 48068 +62 81139 49047

PTAMNT Fire and Emergency Services

Saniyo 48068 +62 81139 41310

PTAMNT Fire and Emergency Services

Bambang Kurniawan 48068 +62 8113941312

PTAMNT Fire and Emergency Services

On Duty 24 H 48068 +62 81139 49179

PTAMNT Senior Manager SHS Raymond Boyska 47576 +62 81139 49593

PTAMNT Manager SHLP Galuh Yudha Satria 47458 +62 81139 49245

PTAMNT Manager Security Ken Morita 48378 +62 811 39 49956

Site ISOS Medical Centre Duty Doctor 48215/16 +62 81139 49357

Buin Batu Clinic Emergency Room On Duty 24 H 48215 -

Doc No: CDC-GMT-011-P100
Page: 63 of 63 Version: 11.3 GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Approval Date: 4/18/2022
Review Cycle: 2 Years
Author: Manager SHLP
AuthorPosID: 50000973 Emergency Management Procedure_
Approval: Site Director
ApprovalPosID: 50000009

Annex 17 – Government Emergency Service Contact

Agencies Phone Number Mobile Phone Number


POLDA - NTB 0370 - 633152

POLRES - SUMBAWA 0370 - 21005


0370 - 633253
021- 29827793
0370 - 64667

RS UMUM PROVINSI NTB 0370 - 623876

RS TALIWANG - UGD 0372 - 81999


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