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Group 3
Alejano, Gabayeron, Nalangay

ANTOINE DESTUTT DE What is Ideology?

TRACY Idéologie according to Tracy is a new "science of ideas"
(born July 20, 1754, Bourbonnais, from a literal term idea-logy (Heywood, 2012).
France—died March 9, 1836, Paris) Idéologie stressed the importance of human sensations
French philosopher, soldier, and in the formation of knowledge.
Tracy devised the term for a "science of ideas," basing
chief Idéologue.
such upon two things:
Coined the term "ideology" during
1.The sensations that people experience as they interact
the French Revolution.
with the material world; and
2.The ideas that form in their minds due to those
A political belief system; an action-oriented of political ideas;
the ideas of the ruling class;
the world view of a particular social class or social group;
ideas that state the individual within a social context and
generate a sense of collective belonging;
ideas that propagate false consciousness amongst the exploited
or oppressed;

Ideology becomes a political weapon to condemn or criticize

opposing arrays of ideas or belief system. Beliefs are people's
assessment of reality and what they hold to be true whereas,
Values are people's ideas about right and wrong. Therefore,
when beliefs and values are put together in a coherent system,
they form an ideology.
An ideology covers ideas pertaining many great matters, such as human beings place in
the universal domain, man's relationship to the Divine being, the highest goals of society
and government, the essential nature of people, and the best means of achieving the
highest social and political objectives.
The set of ideas has not only been known for a long time but has shaped the political
beliefs and actions of many people. Before Christ, democracy, oligarchy, and autocracy are
widely talked about, and that great movement has fought those ideologies for over 2,000
the set of ideas is held by a large number of people and plays a vital role in nations and
states political affairs.
The set of ideas commands a strong commitment from many of its adherents and
significantly influences political beliefs and actions.

It offers the account

Ideologies have their levels of the existing order,
• •
end in ism. usually in the form
of a 'world view'.
Ideologies provide an
explanation for problems It advances a model
• that confronts modern of the desired

societies by providing future, a vision of
futuristic vision. the good society.

Ideology is action- It explains how

• political change can
and should be

brought about- how
Ideologies mobilize a large
• to get from the two
number of people.
other features.

Ideology addresses a basic human

Ideologies answer
• psychological needs such as
Values The vision of safety, freedom, and community.
eternal questions and
• •
the ideal Polity. cut off competing
beliefs and values;
The conception of
• Ideology provides its believers Ideologies explain
the Human Nature
with a sense of understanding
how universe works
• history with clues about what •
and why it works that
The strategy of kinds of things they should pay
• way; and
Action. attention to or ignore.

Ideologies tell us how

• Political Tactics. • to behave; they help
• Ideology is essential. us predict the future.

• Ideology is powerful.
Derived from the Latin word "liber" which
means "free men" in short, men who were
neither serfs nor slaves.

The intellectual founders of liberalism were

John Locke and Adam Smith.

A view that sees more need for change and improvement in social relations
requiring governmental involvement (Schrems, 2011) and that society must be free, if
it is possible, free from government intervention (Moten and Islam, 2011).

It is a belief that man is generally good and that his ability to reason allows him to attain
economic, political, and social progress (Dooley, 2013).
is the belief that people are free and equal by God-given right and that this in turn requires that all people

Social give their consent to be governed.

The central theme of liberal ideology is a commitment to the individual and the desire to construct a
society in which men can satisfy their interests and achieve fulfillment (Heywood, 2012).

Contract As basis for liberal thoughts asserts that states may have been formed by deliberate and voluntary

Theory contract among people to form a society and organize a government for their common good. This theory
justifies the right of the people to revolt against a bad ruler.

According to this theory, kings derived their power from the people. While rulers have an obligation to
look after their people's welfare, the people have the obligation to support their rulers. When governance
is oppressive, it is the right of the people to overthrow such a government.
The power of reason gives human beings the capacity to take charge of their
own lives and fashion their own destinies. Human kind was emancipated
from the grip of the past and the weight of custom and tradition.

It is a moral standard of fairness and impartiality. it is as well denotes giving
what is due to each person.

It is forbearance. Willingness to accept views or action with which one is in
Natural Rights

(John Locke, 1632-1704) claims that man is a rational being, endowed with natural rights such
as life, liberty and property. Man entered into a covenant with the government. Rousseau
claims that the covenant is in two phases:1) the social phase where the inhabitants of a polity
decides to form a community of people; 2) the political phase where the people organize a

The government and the governed are bound by a symbiotic relationship where the
government has the right to formulate and implement laws for the general welfare of the
people. the people must support the government and abide by the law. When the
government has become arbitrary and oppressive however, the people have the right to
overthrow the government.
Posits that states are constantly interacting with
Egotistical individualism; each other and that they value cooperation as part
Have a belief in negative freedom; of their own interest. It further refers to the revival
the state is regarded as best as a of economic liberalism .
'necessary evil'; It is equated with a belief in market
and have a broadly positive view of fundamentalism-- the absolute faith in the
civil society (Heywood, 2012). market, reflecting the belief that the market
mechanism offers solutions to all economic and
social problems.
Natural Rights Liberalism
(John Sturt Mill., 1806-1873), justifies inequalities is such inequalities are necessitated by the common
weal and where there is freedom coupled with maturity. This ideology believes in the relativeness of
truth and in the freedom of expression.

Social Darwinist Liberalism

takes evolution" as one of the laws of nature. While it discourages aid to the unfits of society, it is optimistic
that in the far-off future, will achieve the ideal state.
Evolution is a political theory based on Darwin's theory' on natural selection, that is, the process whereby
individual variations or peculiarities that are of advantage in a certain environment tend to become
perpetuated in the race (survival of the fittest). Thus the belief that some people were horn to rule and others
were destined to serve others. Darwin believed that betterment is the outcome of slow and steady processes.

Modern Liberalism
assumes that there shall be transition of negative freedom (restraints from the state/morality) to positive
freedom (absence of restraint) when man achieves ascertain state of mind, the capacity to decide morally,
rationally, and intellectually.
Ideal Liberalism
(T.H. Green, 1836-1882) believes in the necessity of civil and social institutions to
attain perfection of oneself. T.H. Green neither believes in a dichotomy of state
against the individual nor the state as a necessary evil that expects the
achievement of freedom through expansion of state and expanded democracy.

Pragmatic Liberalism
(John Dewey, 1859-1952) views the truth and the world as ever-changing. Change
is claimed as the law of life. He finds society as a precondition and not a threat to
our freedom. Dewey claims that true progress is not a gift of the universe, rather, it
is an achievement that man must earn.
A theory that is anchored on the belief that all forms of government are wrong and
unnecessary If is characterized by the absence or utter disregard of government, lawless
confusion and disorder.

Anarchism is an ideology that stresses belief in the ability of men and women to establish
functioning communities without the need for the apparatus of state. It advocates the
destruction of the existing society by revolution for the birth of a new and better one.
Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) claim that the state is a
parasite and an enemy of the people. They encouraged the abolition of private property
and the exposition of fraud in the guise of religion. They glorify revolution as the only way
to effect change.
Classical Anarchy Anarchy-individualist

This is a kind of anarchy where
violence is a necessity to uproot This praises the role of trade One's protest may be in the
the old system to counter union, advocates general strikes form of radical pacifism,
resistance of the ruling class. It is and prefers civil disobedience. Its renouncing revolutionary
intensely critical of social and basis is the supreme value and violence against the state.
political roles of religion in importance of individual
deceiving the people. freedom. This freedom is deemed
as the superior moral right of
man against any law or policy of
the state. An individual bases his
civil disobedience on personal
and ethical consideration.
Radical pacifism
is an act of dying as acceptance of punishment for crime purportedly
committed. It is a type of non-violent protest to highlight injustice and
corruption to invite strong public reaction.
A theory of government and social order according An economic, social, and political system
to which property and the instruments of seeking government ownership of the means
production belong to the people and are held as a production and services directed by a process
common trust and the profits arising from all labor of scientific administration and universal assent
devoted to the general good. Any social theory that (Schrems, 2011).
calls for the abolition of private property and Communism is an extreme left-wing ideology
control by the community over economic affairs. according to the revolutionary socialist
teachings of Karl Marx, which is characterized
by collective ownership and a planned
The term "conservatism" derived from the term
conservation. It is a political philosophy that tends to
support the status quo and advocates change only in
moderation upholding the value of tradition and seeks to
preserve all that is good about the past (Dooley, 2013).

A point of view that emphasizes tradition and

established institutions and give greater attention to
social entities than to individuals having the
inclination to oppose any change in political
Thomas Hobbes Edmund Burke Niccolo Machiavelli
Argued that man's natural state Niccolo Machiavelli contended that
(1729-1797) was the first strong
was war. Governments, to get power and stay in power, a
exponent of conservatism ruler had to forget his ideals. He
particularly monarchy, was
learned that by nature, humans are
necessary to restrain man's
not good, kind, loyal or
bestial tendencies because life honest.Machiavelli believed that the
without government was a state should be all-powerful. He said
"state of nature." that every political act had only one
means of measure-success.
Divine Right
The driving force behind conservative
ideology holds that the state is of divine
creation and the ruler is ordained by God to
govern the people. Advocates of this theory
have made reference to the laws, which
Moses received at Mount Sinai.
The state is viewed as an organ, the product of a healthy society, a living organism whose parts are subordinate to
and contributory to the welfare of the whole;
From the word arete meaning excellence, this is the rule of the best where the members of a community place
confidence on a distinct group and doubt the capacity of the masses to rule;
A concept where the aristocratic group is to play parents and the masses as the children, under the protection and
tutelage of the former;
The practice of submitting oneself to authority and subordination to basic institutions This is ascribed to the role
assigned to leaders as part of the organic social whole and are presumed to be just and legitimate:
A precept where traditions and institutions are generally considered the best since they have been tested by time.
Social Pessimism
This concept claims that man shapes society and society is shaped by man. Society therefore, is the reflection of
man's nature and collective behavior in a particular polity. Corollary to this, it claims that social ills cannot be
blamed on the defects of a social system along but are imputed also on the nature, weakness and defects of man
A principle that views the complete separation of the church and the state as undesirable, since religion serves as
the basis of society.
According to Shrems(2011), socialism is an
economic and political doctrine advocating
governmental ownership and direction of
production and services but which retain
existing institutions as the means of
regulating them.

Socialism adheres to social equality which

is the main way to attain social stability and
cohesion (Heywood, 2011).
Distinctive ways of Feminism
understanding Socialism:
A word derived from the Latin word, fremina,
Socialism is seen as an economic meaning women or female that is concerned with
model the attainment of gender equality in the society.
Socialism as an instrument of the Feminism's basic idea is that women experience a
labor movement poor state in society as a consequence of the
Socialism as a political creed patriarchy, male domination of women, which
encompasses community, has historically characterized all social
cooperation equality, class politics relationships and it is a disadvantage that needs to
and collective ownership. be overthrown (Heywood, 2012).

Religious Fundamentalism is an unusual

An ideology focusing on the idea
political ideology. Fundamentalism is
that environment is endangered
taken from the Latin word, fundamental
and must be preserved through
meaning base. Associated with
inflexibility, dogmatism,
regulation and lifestyle changes
authoritarianism or worst violence. It is (Roskin et. al, 2012).
characterized by a rejection of the
distinction between politics and religion Environmentalism is concerned
(Heywood, 2011). with the natural environment and
particularly about reducing
Themes of Religious Fundamentalism: environmental degradation that is
• Religion as politics more of a policy orientation rather
• The fundamentalist impulse than an ideological stance
• Anti-modernism (Heywood, 2012)
• Militancy
Derived from an Italian word, fasces, which means a bundle of rods with an axe-blade
protruding that signified the authority of magistrates in Imperial Rome (Heywood,
Fascism is a movement that stands for outmoded, repressive social and political
conditions rejecting democracy, repudiates constitutionalism and stresses that all
values arise from the state against which the individual has no rights.
Fascism has a strong anti-rational, anti-liberal, anti- conservative, anti-capitalism,
anti-bourgeois, anti-communist and so on.


Militarism and Violence
Deism is often referred to as “the new theology” of the enlightened philosophers, which constructed the
theory of natural revelation as a substitute for the Christian notion of supernatural revelation. The deists
believed that God made the universe set it up to work by natural laws, and then left alone. The deists believed
that God stayed out of people's daily lives and praying was useless. Deism is 2movement or system of thought
advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality and denying the interference of the Creator with the laws
of the Universe. Rituals were viewed as unimportant, and religious differences were viewed as silly. They
deny the occurrence of miracles and mysteries and encourage man to see and feel the message of the
Supreme Being through nature.
Francois Arouet (Voltaire) accepted the teachings of deism. Because he attacked the wrong acts he saw in
organized religion, he was called an atheist, one who believes there is no God but he saw a need for religious
beliefs, he once said. “If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent one." Voltaire hated intolerance.
He directly entered into several cases of religious persecution to gain justice. He is thought to have said: "I do
not agree with a word you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Humanism began in 14h century Italy. The
humanist way of looking at life is marked by
interest in people. The beauties and chances of life
on earth are important. Humanists taught people to
Short Quiz
1.Type of ideology that taught human to live and beauties and chances of life on earth are important.


2.A french philosopher, soldier, and chief who coined the term "ideology" during the French Revolution.


3.A political weapon to condemn or criticize opposing arrays of ideas or belief system.


4.What role of ideology is to answer eternal questions and cut off competing beliefs and values; explain how universe
works and why it works that way; and tell us how to behave; they help us predict the future?


5.The belief that people are free and equal by God-given right and that this in turn requires that all people
give their consent to be governed.


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