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Fredrick Maloba


Mission refers to the overarching purpose of God’s work in the world. It encompasses
God’s plan to redeem and restore humanity through Jesus Christ.

In the Old Testament, God sent deliverers, prophets, and priests to Israel. However,
God’s ultimate mission extended beyond Israel—to bless all families on earth the biblical
prophets prophesied about a day when all nations will worship God.

In the New Testament, Jesus commissioned His disciples to go into the Mission now
includes all people, not just the community of believers. Believers are called to be salt
and light, serving humbly in their vocations

Mission involves sharing God’s love, justice, and redemption with the world through
both proclamation and practical service.

Evangelism specifically focuses on spreading the Christian belief in salvation. It involves
sharing the gospel message with others.

Evangelism is a vital part of mission. While mission encompasses a broader scope,

evangelism is one of its essential components.

Evangelism places the gospel wherever God’s people are authorized to take it—whether
within their community, state, or nation

In summary, mission encompasses God’s global purpose, while evangelism is the

intentional sharing of the gospel message to bring hope and transformation to all

1. Missio Dei:
Missio Dei is a Latin term that translates to “mission of God” or “sending of God.” It has
gained prominence in missiology and understanding the church’s mission since the
second half of the 20th century.
A German missiologist Karl Hartenstein first coined the term in 1934 to distinguish it
from missio ecclesiae, which refers to the mission of the church.
Missio Dei emphasizes that mission is not primarily an activity of the church but an
attribute of God. God is inherently a missionary God.
The church’s mission is part of God’s larger work in the world. It involves sharing God’s
love, justice, and redemption through both proclamation and practical service

Fredrick Maloba

2. Mission Christus:
Mission Christus refers to the mission of Christ. It encompasses Jesus’ purpose and work
during His earthly ministry.
Jesus understood His mission from a young age. His ministry was marked by
dependence on the Holy Spirit. His ultimate purpose was to live a perfect life, offer
Himself as a sacrifice for sin, and reconcile fallen humanity to God.
Jesus’ mission fulfilled God’s plan for salvation.
His death and resurrection accomplished redemption, making eternal life available to all
who believe in Him
3. Missio Ecclesiae:
Missio Ecclesiae refers to the mission of the church. It is a subset of the larger Missio Dei
—the church’s role within God’s broader mission.
The Spirit-empowered church continues Jesus’ mission.
The intention remains that all nations will be blessed, and the Gospel of the Kingdom
will be preached worldwide.
Just as Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit during His ministry, the church’s mission is
empowered by the Spirit.
What is exegesis?
Exegesis is “the process of careful analytical study of the Bible to produce useful
interpretations of those passages.(The word “exegesis” comes from the Greek term
(exegeomai), which means “to explain” or “to narrate” or “to show the way”)
The process of exegesis involves asking questions of the text that might unearth new
exegesis is about discovering what the biblical author meant. It’s concerned with
intentionality—what the author intended his original readers to understand.
Exegesis interprets a text by analyzing what the author intended to communicate.
for exegesis to be done several steps are followed so as to full exegete a biblical text.

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